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Not to be confused with The library thread. Post your collections, whether they are comprised of BL manga, doujins, figures, acrylic goods, itabags…anything goes!
Some topics to discuss about:
>what do you prefer to collect?
>what was the first BL manga you bought?
>how large is your collection?
>any doujinshi you'd like to collect (or already collect)?


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I got into doujin collecting in early 2020. At first, it was out of sheer desparation, I love Jigen Daisuke and there's hardly any doujinshis of him online, so I took the matter into my own hands. After a few purchases, I kinda lost control and now I'm addicted to buying doujins from toranoana (dcst's SenGen to be precise). I'd love to scan my collection, but I'm really scared of damaging them. They are easily the most expensive things I've ever collected and I don't even recommend it, unless you can read moon runes.
Here's my artbook/jp manga/doujin shelf!


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As far as BL manga goes, I bought my first one in 2012 (it was Junjou Romantica, my very first), but I really started collecting manga in 2019 with the french translation of Boku no Omawarisan. I mostly collect BL manga in french, since there's loads of translated works out there. Pretty lucky I have access to a few sellers that import them. That's not to say I don't own anything in english, but the size is less substantial, to say the least. I also love dust covers on my manga, I just think it's classy as all hell.


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I have a tiny box shelf so I don't have much room for everything in display and for anything nice to put as decoration so I'd like to eventually relocate
My actual BL manga collection is sad, it's only volume 1 of many things, I've read them all online so getting the rest of the volumes is just a slow process of when I actually wanna put the money in for it

I do have tons of doujins, my first was a komahina (dangonronpa) but the most ones I have is for Jojo, Durarara, and Matsu shit

I adore your Choromatsu and Kaiji merch


I'm not going to post my collection now because I put all my BL manga in some drawers until I can get more furniture for my books and video games. I have some BL manga in French and some in Japanese, and I'm seriously considering rebuying the ones I already have but in French just to see them without the censor bars and lightsaber dicks. I don't have any doujinshi though, but maybe I'll consider buying some when I go back to Japan, since MRM is blocked in France.


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thank you! I'd love to get my hands on some Kaiji doujins, but I haven't had much luck, plus DHL shipping is just hellish for my wallet. Nice collection though! I understand the pain of having only one volume of each series, but it's a really good start. You have quite a lot of doujins too, must have costed a fortune, but I feel like they're worth the pain. Also…
based taste

>MRM blocked in France
damn that must suck. And here I thought France was based with all the mangas they translate. Gotta say, the uncensoring has gotten pretty good in recent BL manga translations.


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Here's my tiny yaoi collection… Started with MADK when it was only available in jp on ebay..haha…And i bought the other mangos bc they were on sale hehe..

cute churro plush..sawa sawa


i keep wanting to buy more doujins, but i feel bad buying something i can't read. maybe i should finally get off my lazy ass and learn japanese.

>mrm blocked in france
is that some kind of anti-piracy measure? that's pretty stupid. shouldn't be too hard to get around it with a VPN, though. opera has a free one built into the browser; the drawback is your browsing data probably gets sold off to china or something, but if you're just using it to look at porn i'm sure no one cares.


Yes it's blocked in France since last year I think. iirc I've seen girls on twitter saying it's because of the shota doujins being more or less illegal so I find this understandable, and we get a lot of official great translations of popular BL manga so it's not the end of the world, but that means reading doujins is a pain in the ass now.


I started collecting doujinshi over a decade ago. I ended up with like 200 Gundam 00 doujins back in the day.

How do guys organize your doujinshi since they come in such a range of sizes? I'm never satisfied with how my shelf turns out.


I just throw them all on the same shelf, it looks messy as fuck so I put in plushies so it looks semi cute


I arrange mine by size and franchise! but that's just me, I love arranging my books in general from large to small


From where do you all buy your doujinshis from? I can't find any.


New franchises/Active ones: Toranoana, Booth, Melonbooks (rare, most fujo artists don't use melon).
Old franchises/Used doujin: Surugaya, Mandarake, Yahoo auctions, Lashinbang, Mercari (VERY rare)
Western fanzines are impossible to find I think, it's either you get it or you didn't.
Chinese artists sometimes sell stuff on Taobao/Tmall


>I ended up with like 200 Gundam 00 doujins back in the day
Anon, you have no idea how much I would love to see a collection like this, I didn't even know there were such a variety of 00 doujinshi. Did you just collect as much as you could of the series as a whole, or were you focusing in on particular characters and ships when shopping for them?


Wow, this is gonna be a really late reply.

00 was fucking huge in the JP fujosphere when it was airing. Even just looking at the in-stock 00 stuff on surugaya right now gives me approximately 2k joseimuke doujinshi and almost all of that is BL. I was mostly collecting Setsuna x Lockon with some other pairings occasionally thrown in (I shipped Lockon with pretty much everyone but that was my main).


can the nonas who collects doujinshis read Japanese? I sometimes consider buying them just because looking at the art is nice and the smut too even if I can't read the text but then I decide not to


can you show us some?


i have around 70 doujinshis, but i can't read japanese. i plan to learn jp but i'm just too lazy. i do buy them for the same reason why you're considering though! even if i can't read it, i still don't regret buying them at all.

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