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General thread for Omega posting


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For example, I find it really cute when an omega is nesting


what's "nesting"


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Annasarting from anime planet says:
>Omegas "nest" by gathering clothes and other comforting objects to lay on or surround themselves with that smell like their mate or other loved ones. Nesting is an instinctual behavior of omegas, often when they are in heat, pregnant, or emotionally distressed.
To me the scent part is not always necessary since some omegas would live alone so the purpose is to get maximum comfort.


that's pretty cute
do you have any manga recs where nesting happens? the pic you posted looks cute.

i've already read bokura ga tsugai btw


Here is the link from where I get most of my nesting relating ABO, she even put comments where the nesting chapters are! I've read most of these so I recommend!

>i've already read bokura ga tsugai btw

I'll make sure to read it as soon as I wake up


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Omega Zhong Lee gave birth, pog!


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I'm a big fan of omegaverse but this tag made me laugh.


trans omegas are omegas


brb dying lmfaooo


that's an unusual big amount of hair for a newborn baby

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