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A board for meta-discussion of BL and fujoshi.

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 No.541[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Aydens are currently the biggest internal cancer in BL spaces, outsiders hate us that's a given but Aydens participate and "contribute" to our fandoms, with pussyboys, male characters with mastectomy scars and PIV sex between characters that are biological males and ruin it
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If social media didn’t talk about the character, no wonder they didn’t draw them. Half of the people involved in fandom haven’t seen the entirety of the show. This is also why fics and fan art tend to reference a lot of fandom memes, because that’s their only exposure to the original work.


I didn't hate Mel but I liked her mom so much more. Not in the Arcane fandom but I kek over how I don't see Ekko or Heimeidenger or the other characters, just fucking JAYVIK and Jynx and the yuri discourse around caitvi. Sky doesn't exist in fandom either aside from jayvik antis insisting she's Viktor's lover kek


One big reason out of the many as to why I can't get into transbending is not just because of the aesthetics or shit art but because even if I wanted to take it seriously in "earnest", it just feels so oddly sexist? despite trying to be "woke".
Like, what defines a character being "trans" exactly (when they're canonically not)?
What makes this male character more transmasc leaning than transfem? or viceversa? Why do all the pussyboys all so HAPPEN to always be the bottom, effeminate-looking guys, basically turned into girls-turned-man?
Also, despite so many ayydens being supposedly "dysphoric" over being women or being reminded of 'woman-only' things, they sure don't mind making impregnation jokes or making their designated trans character pregnant.
It has always bothered me, "this character is transfem" only because they either look too girly or 'behave' girly, but wouldn't it be more natural to simply think of them as men that just act out of the norm of 3DPD men? If a fictional man likes girly hobbies or looks effeminate and you call him a woman, isn't this reinforcing sexist stereotypes?
The same for "this character is transmasc" as if it can't be possible that a natural born male character doesn't somehow acts "like a man", they must have been born a woman or something and therefore if that character is weak is because they're essentially women. Isn't that odd?

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 No.13[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

as a counterpart to the hate thread. sperg about things you love.
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You need to find series with canon alternate universes and timelines. Imagine the boy falling into another dimension where he meets himself but hot.


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Actually related to the Mishima comments in the other thread I really love the clingy characters who border on being stalkers. The kind of characters who desperately dog MC from a distance and are first in line to start the fan club. It's just very cute, and funny if MC is oblivious to it.


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They were so cute
I’ll never not be bitter about hideyoshi hogging all the merch when yoshii kun was so much cuter

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 No.6984[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Life's not fair, especially for fujoshi. Post your frustrations and things that are on your mind, no matter how harsh it sounds, about advantages everyone else has that fujoshi don't get.

Previous Thread
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>I'm a little bit dreading the new Nube anime
Ugh. I'm a newer fan (picked up the manga because the reboot looked cool) and yeah, I'm not too hopeful for the threads. On the occasion I catch a thread related to it on /a/ it's just pics of Miki/Ritsuko/Kyoko and/or bitching. I'm hoping when it actually premieres things'll be better but I know in my heart-of-hearts it'll be full of, just like you said, spergs yowling about no pantyshots or how toned down it is. Totally sucks.


Meanwhile, I don't care if lolifags get mad, I'll just be annoyed if Nube/Tamamo suddenly takes off in western fandom. When I searched the ship a few years back after watching the anime for the first time, I think there was only like 1 result in Spanish or something. But we all know it's going to be transbends all the way down and I'm so exhausted. Monkey's paw curling in action. At least we'll probably get lots of new Japanese art.
And if they de-canonize Yukime/Nube due to age discourse then it's no problem for me as a fujo kek


The fanbase has expanded significantly since the reveal which has its own share of problems. A lot of new fans started making one of the guys into an unrecognizable uwu soft boi, for example.

Still, I can only imagine how great it is for the people who shipped them after playing the first game.

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 No.4907[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post shit in BL that you hate.

Previous >>2
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All the time. The ones that make me angriest are the ones that feel like a Riverdale-esque adaptation of comedic source material? I don't know if that description makes sense at all. The worst part is the number of comments praising it as though it's done something profound.


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I do this by making a bookmark that's just that. I keep it hidden, but it's a reminder to never click that bullshit again.

It's always the highest kudosed works too.

I abhor clicking on something that's just the right combination of what I like to read and it's highschool age female OCs painted sloppily over male canon. Picrel when it's blatant and in the first sentence.


God yes and it pisses me off how people keep associating purple prose with good prose and quality.
It pains me to see that it even happened to a friend of mine whom I considered one of the best writers I have ever read before. She was perfect and yet still slightly evolving somehow. Then she changed fandoms so I didn't read her stuff for a few years since I am not into Herry Potter but recently she talked about how much better the average fics there were so I read a few of her short ones and it was all that.
I dunno maybe the characters talk like that, I never read the books and only watched the first 20 minutes of the first movie but I doubt it. Even if they would they wouldn't THINK like this. Especially not in mundane situations.
Common problem of mine as well. Like I never watched/read/heard of riverdale either but I assume you mean pretentious and serious? Most series I love are dramatic but comedy-heavy so the most common issue I run into reading fics is that they're devoid of humor and the typical way of talking and shenanigans that the characters usually display in canon.

It's like reading about a brooding philosopher Kamina or an moody Reigen lol

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 No.6255[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post cringy anti-fujos takes to laugh at or even discuss.

Old thread >>4731
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more whining


Watch ANY moe anime, problem solved.


If these people cared they'd write their own F/F works. It's judt people who refuse to feed themselves.

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 No.79[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Old or new, post any stupid yaoi memes you got
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Sadly accurate.


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Self-inserting has always been a thing, however, more than ever has it not taken in an almost parasitic and viral infestation in general fandom and the BL scene.

Whether it's the need to make gay ships het by adding a vagina/transing, or blatantly stating they see non-insert ships as cucking, let's talk about self-inserting and how bad it's gotten.
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Other anon. And yeah Jetfire/SS is one of the ships I categorically ignore since I never see it being done without SS being full ooc. It's the most extreme case of uwufying. Like I don't condemn it or anything, it's just nothing that interest me. I want villains to keep their traits even if they're toned down in a love story.
btw we should discuss this in the TF thread, it's sad how dead it is and I feel like there is a lot to discuss lol


I specifically dislike authors self-inserts tbh, which also end up being people’s self-inserts because readers relate to what the author feels. This is very true when it comes to Japanese authors, like one big giveaway is when the main character has a super generic design while everyone else has unique, detailed ones. Of course the author doesn’t want their personal avatar to have a standout design because it’d be harder to relate to right? It's annoying because I’m here to read a story not to watch the author’s projection wacky adventures.


This is my main gripe with manga. Worst of all is that you can tell by the narrative by how the MC is treated by the plot and the side characters compared to everybody else. They're the only ones allowed to be savior and do the cool shit, everybody who is good loves them, everybody who is evil respects them because MC is just so fucking awesome (and I usually dislike them).

I either drop such series or stick to them because I am unlucky enough to love some of the side characters and have to bear with the endless shilling for as long as the series is running because the insecure author cannot share empathy or success with other characters, especially not other characters of the same gender as them.

It's the no. 1 reason for why most media and especially most manga are shit IMO.

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 No.3208[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread for meta-commentary on trends in the fujoshphere, including but not limited to:
>The recent dearth of fujo-friendly IPs and the overall decline of female-targeted series
>Observations and trends about fujo fan activities
>Differences in fan culture between Japanese fujos, Korean/Chinese fujos, Western fujos and the rest of the world
>Predictions or theories about the BL industry
This is not a thread for pro/anti discourse (>>2521) or complaining about the genderspecial infestation (>>541) - threads for those topics already exist.

I was looking at the stats for Comiket 103 and I couldn't help but notice a lack of fujo presence. Picrel is a list of the genre codes and the number of registered circles under them. The genre code is a category that each circle choose upon registration; they can be dedicated to a single franchise (eg 234 Touhou, 331 Kantai Collection, 335 Uma Musume, 222 VTubers) or encompass an entire category (eg 315 Romance, Social games for women which is where games like Ensemble Stars and Twisted Wonderland would fall). Some of them like 600 Reviews/Information or 611 Railways/Travel aren't related to manga/anime at all.

It's obvious that Blue Archive and VTubers swept this Comiket, with mainstays like Kantai Collection, Uma Musume, Idolmaster and Type-Moon ranking high. In other words, all franchises for men. On the other hand, the fujo mainstays like Tiger and Bunny and Touken Ranbu look puny in comparison. Yuri on Ice is a certified fujo classic but it lost its custom genre code last Comiket.

In comparison, the other picrel is a ranking of the most popular series from C89 which was winter 2015. The red bars are female-dominated genres, the blue are male and purple are unisex. From top to bottom: 1) KanColle 2) Touken Ranbu 3) Touhou 4) Idolmaster 5) Haikyuu 6) Kuroko no Basuke 7) Yowamushi Pedal 8) Love Live 9) Tiger and Bunny 10) Attack on Titan 11) Vocaloid 12) Fate series 13) Hetalia 14) Free 15) Blood Blockade Battlefront 16) Splatoon. This was the heyday of Touken Ranbu - it gave juggernauts like Touhou and IM#S a run for their money - and outside obligatory mainstays like KanColle and IdolmastPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>Barty Crouch x Evan Rosier
>Marlene McKinnon x Dorcas Meadowes
Why… They were nobodies. Was it a meme ship for some challenge or something?


"Marauder's fandom" is its own separate beast at this point. It is a headcanon playground/circlejerk.
Continually surprised at the staying power of Demon Slayer. I bounced off of it so it's hard for me to accept that it apparently has fujo appeal.


It's a goldmine if you like mentor/kouhai or brocest type of ships. There's also some good villain/hero and villain/villain material, but you have to enjoy a certain level of tragedy or fixit AUs.

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How do Japanese events work? Inspired due to quality content posted by nonas in the Refantazio thread.

>How do events work?

>What is your experience with Japanese doujinshi events?


>>What is your experience with Japanese doujinshi events?
I participated in an anthology event with a friend (not actual attendance, just the submitting manuscript part) and she told me that printing costs are pretty high overall and that sometimes people with very differing ships get placed very far from another which is pretty funny.
Small niches often don't get to have events and it sucks because whenever Akaboo holds one of those tweets that are "the most amount of likes will get considered for an event" usually big fanartists for big franchises like JJK are the ones that end up winning


We already have a similar thread. I won't repost everything Ii said there because that would be too long and it would take too much time because of the 5 minutes delay between posts so here's my experience from last year: https://fujochan.org/bl/res/3330.html#q3500

tldr; I went to an akaboo event at the end of June during my trip called June Bride Fes, I only bought satosugu doujinshi because other pairings I like are too niche and didn't have artists/doujinshi there or because I didn't like the doujinshi sold there. I also bought some doujinshi in Mandarake in Ikebukuro and Akihabara. The event didn't last for a very long time, you have to be as strategic as possible if you're interested in a lot of different artists, the venue is pretty big and there's some schizo every year according to Japanese twitter users who screams very loudly and look up skirts and dresses so be careful. I heard her from far away at some point but didn't see her so I was wondering if I was imagining things until I saw a bunch of women saying she needs to be banned once and for all. Take snacks, a bottle of water and a large and empty tote bag with you to avoid buying things right there. Download a map of the venue with information on circles and fandoms in advance to make sure you know where to go first. And don't cosplay, it's only allowed in specific circumstances (you usually have to pay a specific type of ticket if you're a visitor or you're only allowed to if you sell there) unlike western events where you can wear your cosplay from home to the venue and a lot of people wear their costumes in public transport or in their car.

>Refantazio thread

Please no spoilers here, I'd like to play the game later.

>Small niches often don't get to have events and it sucks because whenever Akaboo holds one of those tweets that are "the most amount of likes will get considered for an event" usually big fanartists for big franchises like JJK are the ones that end up winning
I have no idea how these votes work at all.


>I have no idea how these votes work at all.
There are different options.
One, is this type https://x.com/AKABOO_OFFICIAL/status/1895776106386538505
Akaboo will occasionally mention that if you tweet using #ひらいて赤ブー hashtag (sometimes #開いて赤ブー) they will decide what gets a ship event depending on the number of retweets/likes. Doesn't have to be a "ship" event necessarily, just as long as it looks like something people would want.
That's why you'll sometimes see artists tweet about something with series name and ship name censored (to avoid copyright issues I presume).
The second option, there was an explanation here >>3780
Which is basically gaining tickets by submitting doujinshi. A doujin artist that constantly puts up 5 books per event needs to print their books on an approved printing service that can grant akaboo tickets, sometimes people of the same circles can gather together to vote for the same series/pair if they all consistently release doujinshi themselves.

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