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Off-topic board; anything off-topic goes here.

Remember to follow the global rules.

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Post random daily thoughts that don't fit other threads.

Previous thread here >>7986
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Let me break this down.
Not only does >>9016 make some very good points, most of the Great Masters of Art were funded by the Vatican, and reffing church art creates bangers artwork.

But also, from what I could tell, this is a very earnest film, which does not strike me as incompatible with catholicism. Catholicism is a lot about suffering with the lot god has made fit to deal you, and through that suffering, you grow closer to him.

Everyone has weaknesses, through which the devil can take hold. The pope is a man, and even he is fallible. People are allowed to disagree with him, as long as they are acting in their best conscience.

I saw this movie last night. I did not watch it fifty times, so I might be wrong on some points. I am also not a practising catholic and am basing this on my own observations and conversations with a deeply catholic buddy, so any fujo with more catholic experience than I, is free to weigh in. I might be completely misinterpreting this, and I will appreciate any correction.

The cardinals are mainly depicted as flawed humans. They are mostly not acting from a place of hatred or evil. Father Latin Beard talks of war is not directed at a boogeyman, it comes up in connection with an actual terrorist bombing incident that affects him, and those around him.

Father Woody Allen’s Glasses is shown as initially not wanting the post, but he secretly, deep down, does actually want the post. He is weak in that sense.

Father African dude is shown as having done his bad shit years ago(I still think it was a dick move), and he is forgiven with the words “You are a good man, and I know you can be.” Father African dude responds with what seems to be an earnest request for prayer. This is very catholic, the idea that the clergyman above you should act as a loving father and forgive your sins. Love the sinner, hate the sin.
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Oh yeah this is another important aspect. I am a drawfag and art fan that looks on and collects a ton of fan works and many of the most beautiful ones are inspired by religious iconography IMO. Not because religion itself made things better but because most of the great artists of the past were paid by the church or chose those motifs deliberately.

>Catholicism is a lot about suffering with the lot god has made fit to deal you, and through that suffering, you grow closer to him.

The plot also feels quite relevant for our current time with the last pope sounding a lot like Francis. This isn't a lame attempt of being trendy and more of a story about hope and positive change inspired by recent developments in the Vatican IMO.
From what I have heard so far the movie was successful in Italy too.

But if you want a really simple answer: monks, cardinals and samurai are just made for yaoi and as we all know gay relationships among clergies aren't unthinkable.


>Am in game-related discord group
>It used to have a normal icon
>Changed to the new lgbt flag during pride month once
>Makes sense
>Then one day, it kept the pride flag and never changed back
>Now, it's suddenly just the trans flag
Absolute pottery. They have a trans shitposting channel as well so it was just a matter of time

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 No.4513[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What are you currently watching? We have a current video game thread but not one for anime. Doesn't need to be BL, just blog about what you're in the middle of.

Any random ships? Cute guys?

I'm watching Amagi Brilliant Park, weird show didn't realize it was Kyoani. Main boy is cute but we'll see if there is anybody to actually pair him with.
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Coming back to your question, Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou is more of a comedy and has too many girls to be true CBDCT. There are more pure examples of that, like Meganebu.


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I personally liked the Danganronpa anime.




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post any anime boys picture for reaction (or memes).
i need them for my collection.
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based louis poster


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Have any of you made a yaoi tropes tierlist before? They're pretty fun so I thought I'd share. You can make one here: https://tiermaker.com/create/yaoi-bl-tropes-196013

Feel free to link other ones.
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Yea I'm kind of vanilla tbh. I was looking for other list then stumbled upon a monster boy tierlist kek. Couldn't help myself?


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Can you link the monster boys please!


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 No.6421[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Confess anything you wanna get off your chest.
Old thread >>19
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Cringe but mpreg content makes me feel better as someone who wants to be a mom one day. Good mpreg fics explore the ups and downs of pregnancy in a way I've never seen in popular media. It also makes me feel less ashamed or embarrassed about wanting to be a mother. I hate how moms are always made fun of or shat on, like being a mom is the lamest thing possible and your journey in life ends. I wish mpreg never become a meme.


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The family angle is nice, and I like stories with adoption. The biggest hurdle is just the anatomy and exact mechanics which are often hard to explain away without getting gross/silly. I can see the appeal though nonna, and there is a reason it's a commonplace trope even if it's memed.


Oh god this is so real. I've given up on that as a potential path for me, but I love seeing it from an angle that isn't so steeped in how people normally think about women and what not. It's helped me to see it from a more neutral angle and let go of some of my fears about it. It's really amazing to me, the power of art. You really never know what will resonate with you.

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Let's have a thread dedicated to visual novel discussion! Japanese or not.

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Has anyone here played Laughter Land using textractor? Last time I tried I was having issues and wasn’t sure if it was user error or software issues. I just wanna know before I try again.


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Has anyone heard of this? It looks BL-adjacent, and I was thinking about giving it a try.

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Post beautiful/fancy/impressive art featuring cute boys.
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UUUUU AHHHHHHH yeeeeeeeeeeouch!


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *Tom and Jerry screaming audio*




Since I keep on finding songs I like and the general music thread https://fujochan.org/ot/res/86.html is too broad to contain me, I'll be posting them here.

Share Japanese music you like! I'm always looking for new songs and instrumental pieces.
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Reminds me of the Higurashi OP.



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