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 No.1141[View All]

>what is transwashing
Transwashing is when a character is forcefully made into trans, even if they're just gnc, homosexual, or crossdressing. When a character dresses or behaves in a way outside of the gender stereotype associated with their biological sex, oftentimes fandoms (and, even the creators themselves to appear "woke") start percieving them as trans. And, sometimes, even if those characters don't have "any sign of being trans", some people's headcannons becomes too out of control and fall into the gender ideology. This unfortunately happens to real people too.

Post those characters, discuss why they're transwashed, and vent if you want to.
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Groomcord needs to die. It's a cancer worse than the bottom of the barrel twitter and tumblr combined.

I miss the Durarara-clone chats. Anonymous fun, no strings attached.


thank you all for providing me excellent evidence for my essay on how tucutes have genuinely done nothing but bring harm to the LGBT acceptance movement ??


somebody clue me in on what a tucute is


To my understanding: a "transtrender" type of person who does not have dysphoria and uses labels that are not MTF/FTM. The very specific picture it paints is like a tumblr user who has like "xe/xim afab genderfluid demigirl" shit in their profile. To me it's kind of an outdated term, I don't see them in the wild much anymore.


Yeah, I haven't heard that term used since 2013 tumblr. Seems like it fell out of use along with 'truscum'. There used to be a divide between people who thought being trans meant having actual gender dysphoria and people who thought you're just trans if you say you are, and now the latter type of person is the norm and you can't question it. I don't know how it happened but that was when I stopped understanding what being trans/nb even meant and started taking anyone's claim of being trans on the internet with a huge grain of salt. Terms like 'nonbinary woman' especially mean absolutely fuck-all. What's the difference between a woman and a 'nonbinary woman' who is still being called she? As far as I can tell, nothing. The labels people invent for themselves change over the eras and will continue changing.


I don't remember if I mentioned this on fujochan before but this reminds me of that time I went to a convention a while back and I hit it off with someone who just seemed like a regular woman in every single way but after exchanging twitter handles I saw "He/him" pronouns and it was the funniest shit ever. The ones who cut off their tits and take testosterone are at least trying, but this is a whole new level of delusional.


They're actually still pretty common. Though the majority of them are fandom minors so as long as you're not in those spaces you won't come across them.


I was introduced to the xir/xem pronouns in the mid 00s as something furries used for hyper muscle hermaphrodite taur fetish OCs, so I've never been able to read it without thinking about giant blue dog dongs and areolas the size of trash can lids.

I once considered if I was nonbinary, long history of not being feminine and feeling alienated by others, but now I think about the freedom I had to dress in shitty dragon tshirts and khaki pants from the boys section and think "some girls are just whatever." "Nonbinary woman" is an attempt to express it that must be tempting when female terms and appearances are often used to belittle and demean people and remind us of bad times and horrible expectations, but it shouldn't be needed. I guess what I mean is I get it and I'm sympathetic but man, we've gone backwards a few steps if people need to declare which side (or not) of a binary they're on all the time. Tell people how to refer to you in writing and let your existence inform the rest.


The thing is though, I'm pretty sure not all 'nonbinary women' are GNC in terms of style, and cis women can be butch or GNC to, so I don't think the term has anything to do with presentation. And if it's about discomfort with female terms, why still call yourself a woman? I can't wrap my head around it.


Pretty sad that so many women see female terms as personally insulting to the point they want to distance themselves from them. I blame moids as usual.


>I once considered if I was nonbinary, long history of not being feminine and feeling alienated by others, but now I think about the freedom I had to dress in shitty dragon tshirts and khaki pants from the boys section and think "some girls are just whatever.
Did you have an active disinterest in dressing in a feminine way or did you consider masculine clothes and presentation to be more convenient? What's considered feminine takes far more effort to comply with and it is horrible to think that we may consider our gender wrong because we do not want to go through that effort.

It always comes back to this.


God I feel stupid, googling GNC for four pages before I figured out what that meant. Cis women being butch or nonconforming is what I meant as well but gave up trying to say that people treat it like only lesbians have that range. It's all over the place really. I can only conclude something about being a vanilla woman doesn't sit right with them so they reached for "not a WOMAN woman".

Child me would have pinned it on judgemental women given my experiences with other girls and female relatives were the worst. We see enough of women witch hunting each other online, it's all the same bullshit that makes people want to pick a safe side or label. Knowing that fear is why I'm easy going on some of these.

Yeah, I hated dresses and skirts and the colour pink, and found dolls creepy as hell. Combing a toy horse or cat was way nicer.

These days I still can't do dresses and skirts because my legs are bad and I have to keep warm with layers. It horrifies me to think there's workplaces I could never enter because their employee policy states women aren't allowed to wear pants and flats. Born to die, world is a fuck, etc.

I think I've derailed this shit, sorry.


>Yeah, I hated dresses and skirts and the colour pink, and found dolls creepy as hell. Combing a toy horse or cat was way nicer.
This is a very presumptive question, but are you a lesbian now? I ask this because I felt the same way as a child, only to grow up and find these traits I could never find myself comfortable with attractive on other women. Put me near a soft spoken woman in a floral dress now and I become a complete mess.


I was going to say no, because I'm 100% all over 2D men and most 2D girls are turn offs to me, but that last sentence is too relatable (though I most suffer when she has a mature/confident air). My crushes in school were almost an even split, but I think the ones on girls were more intense rather than something I could joke about with friends. Might be a result of not being able to talk about it.
Is it "opposites attract" at work or is it just that we're more receptive of traits in other people than ourselves?


it fell out of use because the "truscum" people are the only ones who use it, because otherwise nobody dares to question the beliefs of trenders without being ostracized.
aha, I wish. they're all over college campuses these days. and in high schools too from what I've heard.


I felt similarly, and I still do turn into a mess around some women. That said, I think it's more of a manifestation of mommy issues + desperation for female friendships than anything else.

I know I've run into problems where a lesbian thought I was into her, and I just wanted a friend.

I don't often talk about this, because people tend to reduce it to 'u gay' but I don't think that's it, I've had plenty of chances and I never really felt it.

I also really miss having GNC women in fiction to relate to… And I'm sick of my favs being transwashed.


>aha, I wish. they're all over college campuses these days. and in high schools too from what I've heard.
I can understand high school because the neopronoun kweers are the 2020s version of cringey drama/emo/band kids but college is insane. You should grow out of that shit by then. I'm not involved in GSA clubs or anything that would attract them so I've never met one at my campus, thank god.


>turn into a mess around some women
>desperation for female friendships than anything else
>lesbian thought I was into her, and I just wanted a friend
Relatable. My whole life as a tomboy/cis woman with "clocky" features has been giving off false positives on trans/gaydar.

I don't care too much about trans headcanons because the people with them are usually just churning out AU slop I wouldn't be interested in anyway. Never has there been a masterpiece fic I've had to close the tab to because I got slapped with pussy when I wasn't expecting it.


>My crushes in school were almost an even split, but I think the ones on girls were more intense rather than something I could joke about with friends. Might be a result of not being able to talk about it.
How do you feel about your crushes now? It took me some time to accept that I could both crush on girls and feel desire towards 2D boys without being wrong or someone that is confused.

>I know I've run into problems where a lesbian thought I was into her, and I just wanted a friend.
To some other nonna I was probably that lesbian.


Years later, gendies threatened to boycott the game (for a week lol) because they don't even use pronouns for him


>(for a week lol)
Setting a timeframe is so dumb to me. If they wanted to actually effect change they would've just boycotted until the devs fixed his pronouns in game (which I doubt would even happen because 15 year olds crying about trans Arashi aren't the ones whaling). Shows how serious they are about the whole thing kek


tifs stop drawing vulvas on ukes challenge [impossible]

my fucken OTP is full of this shit and too many people won’t even properly tag it. It’s not yaoi if it’s PIV you morons, even if you call it “cuntboy”

no real point to make here, just venting


I feel you. I scrolled down my feed yesterday and saw a retweet of two guys in lewd bunny suits and I was going to retweet it but then I scrolled down some more only to see they were both drawn with pussies and I rolled my eyes so hard. I'm so fucking tired of that garbage.


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Imagine being a kurapika fan in this day and age. My suffering is immeasurable. Granted, this was always doomed to happen for a character that many thought was a girl even way before the trans craze. The man is quite literally too beautiful for people to wrap their heads around. Nowadays at LEAST half of fanfics slap a pussy on him. Even good, unassuming fanart is not immune to the artists idiot comments about him apparently being trans. It is so inescapable that I almost want to avoid the western fandom and english tags entirely. (pics unrelated, for eye bleach)


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Shinji gets transwashed so much as a "strong and honest trans girl uwu", it makes me sad. Trannies projecting themselves in him because he's a depressed mentally ill boy and saying "transitioning could've fixed her" is very tone deaf to the entirety of Evangelion.


What the fuck I always figured Shinji was the archetypal self insert for FTMs, troons saying he's now a trans girl egg is a new one kek.


Seeing all this awful art makes me glad that I've yet to see art of my husbando with top surgery scars/the implication of him being born as a girl. To see him without those disgusting self-harm adjacent scars in the small amount of western fanart I've encountered (I don't interact within western circles like I used to) is such a relief to me because none of my previous husbandos were safe from this autism sadly. I really thought he'd be an easy target. I don't even want to say who it is in case there are tifs lurking the threads. Apologies for the sperging but I just got reminded how much I hate western fans and I hope they keep their nasty gendie hands off my man. And our faves.


Trandom is split on whether he's a MtF or FtM. Shockingly and to my great relief, there's basically no Kaworu/FtM Shinji on aO3(there's more of the reverse, which is weird). It's inescapable in most fandoms, but Evangelion isn't MHA/JJK/whatever level popular in western fandom so maybe that's why
The show had legitimately progressive things to say about how gender roles prevent people from being their true selves and bonding properly(Asuka forcing herself to be a girly girl to attract Kaji when that's not her, Shinji being more comfortable being a passive homebody, Asuka and Shinji clashing when they expect the other to fulfill their gender's typical role). To turn around and say that Shinji is actually just a girl is missing the whole point. These people, I swear


>The show had legitimately progressive things to say about how gender roles prevent people from being their true selves and bonding properly
That reminds me, I'm genuinely worried that if Persona 4 ever gets a remake they're going to give Naoto the Bridget Guilty gear treatment. That would piss me off so much but in this current political climate you never know.


I doubt Atlus would do that because that would mean rewriting her whole arc and they're too lazy for that. And they doubled down with Fullbody.


/co/ content has it much worse than animanga, to be honest.


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Am I the only one who feels zippertits became a fetish? I could see it being done for representation and self inserting, but I feel nowadays TIFs and Twitter people have a genuine fetish for them.


The faux underbust corset look it creates is appealing, but that can also be done with tattoos. Maybe it will evolve into a scarification fetish.


It pretty much is, because people still do the scars even in advanced futuristic or magical settings. It's all about making their headcanon visible in fanart, similar to 'autism headcanons' where people draw a character stimming or give them that chew necklace or whatever. They've got to make their headcanon 100% clear and obvious to everyone in some way or they won't get any asspats.


My 'favourite' instance I've seen personally is in the final fantasy 14 fandom with Au Ra characters because canonically the race has exaggerated sexual dimorphism between males and females. The males are naturally tall and buff while the females are naturally small and skinny. Yet the TIF Au ra OCs I've seen are always built like the males in every single way except they have the huge tit removal scars and a vagina. I know this is because they just use mods on their male player model but in-universe it implies that somehow the character could change their body enough to grow twice their size but not enough to just get rid of the other female qualities in a world where body-altering magic is canon.


It's also funny when it goes the other way in low technology/historical settings, where you'll have trans 'headcanons' of super buff tall guys and tit surgery, when realistically if you want to make this character trans then they wouldn't have access to HRT, so would still have a female body type, and would be binding their chest (not to mention they wouldn't be sounding like the cis man who voice acted them). They rarely want to engage with the impact it would have on their upbringing due to gender roles either. It makes the 'any character can be trans!! my headcanon is totally valid!!' insisting extra empty.
At the end of the day it just comes down to projection fantasy and/or feminization fetish and it wouldn't even be as annoying if more people admitted it. This is why 'headcanon' is the worst possible term to use.


Getting into Sebaciel has been a mixed bag cause while the western twitter fandom has been a great source of Yana Toboso's official art and stuff like old drama CDs I've also noticed that half of them are Fakebois who are obsessed with Mpreg and giving Ciel a vagina. There's gotta be a thing going on like in the third pic of OP's post where these women see a sexually abused teen boy and project onto him.


These woman find a small shota with a vagina hot but they can't admit it.


I honestly don't get how these people just don't see Ciel as a little girl with short hair if they're doing that. It'd be one thing if it was magical assbabies mpreg but mpreg plus cuntboy is literally just reinventing women.


Back when I was a teen right before the first anime we also had mpreg, but Ciel still had a penis that touched his bump and we were all pretty sure that wasn't a baby in there.

Yeah it's missing a great deal of the point. If it were a demon or shinigami you'd still have some wiggle room for excuses, but this is just rewriting it into not-so-identical twins and making yet another female victim. I'm not reading BL and hoyay for more girl rape victims.


Do you guys ever wonder why trans people insist on referring to themselves as trans? I was thinking about some ex friends. Now, when I was a wee lass, I never told anyone I was a girl. And this is the Internet. You can be anything you want to be. If somebody told you they were male or female, you'd never know.

Trans weebs, they always have to let you know. When they could easily just pretend they are anything so long as it isn't obviously made up xir shit. It's just so baffling. Like I have a new fandom friend and I have no idea what they are, it could go either way and I never bothered to ask. I just assume they're female because we talk about yaoi. Idk. Shower thoughts.


It's because the idea of being trans is more interesting than being the gender they wanna become. Aidens for example say they're men but usually draw pregnancy art or impregnation, it's complicated but they wanna seem like a third gender that looks masculine but has feminine biology. Biological men don't represent them because they don't wanna be that, they just wanna be their idea of what a man is and for that the trans label fits like a glove.
Also it can be because trans is a fetish for a lot of modern day trannies, zippertits at this point are a fetish.
I hope what I said made sense lol, it's late and I need to sleep.


For the first part, I used to be the same too that I'd never tell anyone what I was (but that was because back then you'd get a lot more flack over being a girl on the internet) and I'd roll with whatever people said.
I feel like this whole trans thing is done just as a way of decoration to feel unique, specially more so the people who give themselves unrealistic pronouns like it/doll/bun or whatever. Not only is it not a real fucking pronoun, they'll force you to call them fucking bun. And not only will they force you, they'll try to drag that on to reality as well.
Also, I genuinely feel like some people took the self-insertion too far and really convinced themselves they like yaoi because they wanted to be a man deep down and eventually stop talking about yaoi and start talking about their T-shots and being horny.


>I feel like this whole trans thing is done just as a way of decoration to feel unique, specially more so the people who give themselves unrealistic pronouns like it/doll/bun or whatever.
I agree. It's the same with those DiD/system people who demand specialised discord bots for their larp and make cringy social media posts like "Omg one of my alters put coffee powder in the bath water!" In the past these people would just be goth/scene/emo.


Even when they don't, you can always tell because the vast majority of cis men don't put 'he/him' in their bios. Unless it's one of those discords where they make you choose a pronouns role but it's usually optional in the ones I've been in.


This reminds me of how I am/was in fandoms where almost everybody else called themselves trans and each of them knew they were women and just played the he/them game, but then it turned out that I was the one user and artist most assumed to be a dude. I never corrected them, by the way. Not because I identified as dude but because I have a "0 private info" policy on places that aren't anonymous. No age other than clarifying I am an adult and no gender etc. So guess they still assume I am a dude, probably because I am rather silent and serious, not sure.

I mention it because how odd it is and it matches to the phenomenon you describe. You would assume that if a woman considered herself a dude she would just.. well, call herself a dude. Not "trans". Dude. And maybe not constantly post photos of herself wearing pink skirts and showing tits. I never really understood that mindset.
>>6159 has a good point here. It's more like "trans" was a third gender to them, not the opposite one. That would also explain why they are having an issue with people saying there are only two genders. Something that a trans-person shouldn't be mad about. The very concept of transsexuality demands that there are only two genders. You need an opposite gender to be "trans", technically.

Anyway these complexities are part of the reason for why I never talk about gender stuff outside of FC/4chan. It's hard to me to understand what they are even about and to know how to avoid sandtraps. I just want to draw and post about my favorite 2D men in peace.


>I just want to draw and post about my favorite 2D men in peace.
Amen. Unfortunately, personally I recently got a job where I am in direct contact with many trannies so I can never turn my brain off about it and just be like "whatever I guess."

I'd say leave them alone if they weren't such a blight on irl life and then my online life too.


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I can't believe they can't see the irony, Soda says that because he wants to actually perv at Sonia


no no they're right, all mtf trannies want to do is become 'lesbians' to hit on women they couldn't get as men so it's actually a perfectly fitting representation of trannies kek


Smh I dread what this gendie thinks of Chihiro and Korekiyo

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