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 No.4513[Last 50 Posts]

What are you currently watching? We have a current video game thread but not one for anime. Doesn't need to be BL, just blog about what you're in the middle of.

Any random ships? Cute guys?

I'm watching Amagi Brilliant Park, weird show didn't realize it was Kyoani. Main boy is cute but we'll see if there is anybody to actually pair him with.


Finished Akuma-kun and finally got around to watching Overtake.
Akuma-kun was pretty fun, but I do feel like I'm missing out here and there since I don't know anything about Gegegeverse.
Overtake is better than I expected, I was worried that the mc would be a Haru rip but he's a very cute and polite boy. The other mc, Camera dude is very good too. His background story was pretty interesting.


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Didn't even realize there was a new Akuma-kun, never seen an iteration of it, new one looks dark and cool. Did it explicitly reference Kitaro or is it just set in the same universe?


There's a cameo featuring a character from that recent gegege prequel movie and maybe a few references, but on the whole it felt like it's own thing.


Watched The Boy and the Heron, it was pretty good, better than the Wind Rises imo.
It was a bit more artsy/abstract, but a lot of fun and very pretty. Worth watching for the stoic shota mc as well.


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I'm so excited that my local theater is going to have it subbed don't get it locally for another week though. Glad to here it's more abstract, I always prefer the fantastical works to their grounded real life films.


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The Frieren anime with some male friends and also been forcing the anime of the 4 brothers, they been liking it.


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I'm just watching seasonals right now
Frieren, Apothecary Diaries, My New Boss is Goofy, Spy x Family 2
Three of the anime air on Saturday mornings so it feels like a little Saturday morning cartoon treat for myself at the end of the week


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Among other stuff I've been keeping up with the new Uma season and sometimes I think about how Trainer-san is a pretty attractive guy for someone in a waifu show.


wtf Umamusume has an actual human for their triainer? I'm so used to similar character being depicted as faceless blobs it's weird have a defined man.

Stubble is cute, though undercuts don't do much for me.

I miss Saturday morning cartoons, such a nostalgic concept. My New Boss is Goofy looks moe as hell, adding that onto my massive to-watch pile.


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Started Cyberpunk Edgerunners. It's kind of underwhelming? I love most shows Trigger has done so I'm a bit disappointed. The show is very visually cluttered do the point where I'm struggling to pull the relevant info from the screen, an issue I've never had before in anything.


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I'm obsessed with this slut. How many old men does he please on a daily basis?


I'm out of the loop. Who's this?


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Ntayrt but Jinshi from Apothecary Diaries.


I know that feeling. This type of male design and personality pushes all of my buttons.


Slowly watching The Case Study of Vanitas
There's het kissing but there's also him blushing and following him like a puppy, hopefully the ending and all the emotional build up will work out nicely
ugh it reminds me of Noragami, such a chemistry wasted for a thirdwheel girl


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Finished this. Show got better but I still think it's weak by Trigger standards. Appreciated the ending being conclusive and not trying to make me play the game.
MC is prime hurt/comfort material but there is no one good to ship him with, feelsbad.

Jun Mochizuki's character designs are top notch, haven't seen that one yet but I hope it's good.


I'm glad that Frieren and Dungeon meshi have seemingly gone viral cause I find that they definitely deserve to be praised. I picked up a couple of female-targeted isekai and reincarnation anime as well that I've been enjoying like Gekai elise and Loop 7. As a minor sidenote there's one anime I'm watching this season that's about a princess captured by the demon army who is subjected to 'torture' that's really just goofy shit like the torturer tempting the princess with delicious food. It's funny and cute but I've noticed that none of the male characters are conventionally attractive. I wonder whether it's a conscious decision on the author's part or whether it's just personal tastes manifesting in character designs.


I dropped it when there was suddenly forced het including noncon between Vanitas and Jeanne.
Just a warning… I really wanted to like it but it felt so gross to me, and like I had been baited.
I wonder if the Manga is any better, since there's more of it so maybe they move past things… but it soured my view of the show so much and was uncomfortable to watch.
I feel like this came up previously around here though at there was at least one other anon who was totally unbothered, so ymmv.


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About to start To Aru Majutsu no Index, this franchise had been in my periphery for at least a decade and I can't wait to see what the hype is about.
That might of been me? I have a pretty high tolerance for dark themes and squick stuff. Definitely a ymmv and I can't complain about people being upset by it. Hope whatever you watch next is more to your liking.


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Thank you! Yeah, I might be overly sensitive bc part of why I like BL is to avoid such things (for women characters, anyway.) It's good to have multiple opinions available in a discussion.
I rewatched 2003 FMA recently, super annoying that it's not on streaming any more but I enjoyed it deeply despite worrying it hadn't aged well. There was more Ed beating than I remembered and Shambala was homoerotic as always, very enjoyable. I really like the slower, more emotion and brotherly-relationship focused pacing compared to Brotherhood.
Dunno what next, I'd be interested in hearing how index is bc I've always though Acclerator was cute. Report back!


I have nice memories about Accelerator being cutely beaten up, and all the funny niconico videos about it. I don't think I could be able to rewatch it with all the male fanservice and most probably an annoying MC damn ignorance is truly a bliss.


I watched it years ago so take my word with a grain of salt but the main fujo appeal was Accelerator and seeing him getting beaten up. There are a few Touma/Accelerator doujins floating around since shippers always find a way to ship, but otherwise don’t go in expecting fujobait. The Raildex series has always been for the yurifags.


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Ahhh I should rewatch Shamballa too. Such a comfy nostalgia trip.


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After enjoying watching JJK I'm considering watching Gintama. I checked and the last episode I watched long ago was episode 214 or episode 215. I started the anime in 2014 or 2015 when there were only 250 episodes or so but then I put that aside and more seasons came out, and I'm not using Crunchyroll anymore so I'm not sure where to watch the rest. I found the JJK on 9anime but it doesn't seem like all the Gintama seasons are in there.

I started the manga a few years ago online and the premise seemed promising but I really disliked Jeanne specifically and the het shit between her and Vanitas. It felt forced and rushed. I have no clue if I'll ever feel like picking it up again later, I usually don't mind straight canon pairings as long as I like both characters and there's some development so it might just be my personal tastes here.


Once in a while I've taken the time to catch up on Black butler from the beginning and when I brought it up in another thread some time ago, I believe it was in a thread about age gap ships, someone complained about anime original content. I don't actually know how much of the anime is anime original but these plot points near the end of this first black butler season are absolutely insane to the point where it feels like a shitpost.


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Wow, the first episode of season 2 is like a fever dream. I've heard of the term mesugaki before and if the boy equivalent is a thing Alois would be the embodiment of it. A shotacon designed this kid.


Season 2 got a lot of shit at the time for having nothing to do with the manga, but I honestly preferred the wild ride, especially knowing how long in the tooth the manga is now. I'm interested in what your take on it will be!


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Index nonna reporting back.

None of you guys told me there was a cute redhead in this show, pleasant surprise, hope he gets more screen time and isn't just a miniboss for the MC.

Magic system is super weird. They've set up a magic vs. science dichotomy, but the science side is psychics and espers? Maybe they'll get to it later, but I want more details on how the supernatural differ from the magicians. I know it's based on books so maybe there's some exposition at the beginning of those that makes it more clear. Either way though seems like it could be an interesting world.

Haven't gotten to Accelerator yet, but I've seen him in the OP and am eagerly awaiting his arrival so I can squeeze the yaoi out of this stone.


You're right, that was a wild ride. They sure got me with that twist where the maid was masochistically loyal the whole time instead of a captured victim of some sort. Also an interesting choice to go for such a bittersweet anime only ending when it would continue with the manga canon anyway afterwards. Still need to watch the OVAs before moving on but I'm looking forward to the rest of this series.


Watching a slightly obscure western cgi cartoon and the villain and his son look so fucking gay. I'm having fun with the wacky designs and the animation style, it looks better than disney and pixar shit nowadays despite being released in 2004.


You can't just say this and dance around the series title! What show nonna?


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Dragon booster. Hesitated about sharing because I was afraid someone would say it looks ugly, but this show was my childhood and I like the studio art.

Anyways the father and son I was referring to. Their hair is naturally white because evil or something, they seem to have eyeshadow but could be another because evil. The son has a SNATCHED waist, while the father has that flamboyant outfit, heels, and weird claw things and long nails. He also talks and moves like a British fag. The son is just a rebellious American teenager. I kinda like his dynamic with the hero and the corny ~there's good in him~ shit, it's cute. Wanted to see some fan art on tumblr but got visually assaulted by TIF gay old men with tit chop scars fan art, furfags lusting after the dragons, and the cringy "ethically accurate" fan art that's just racial caricatures. There was some ok redesign fan art but it's not worth that much.


Interesting looks like How to Train your Dragon combined with Motorcity.

Can definitely see the appeal of the guy just from the art, he's got that scrawny gay villain energy. Who do you ship here father/son or is there another guy you didn't mea tion you ship one of them with?


I'm fully caught up now. Honestly I shouldn't have slept on this series for so long cause I'm totally into these aesthetics. Yana-sensei is based.


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I like the son with the hero of the story, picrel. Basic ass skinny white guy but he's adorable. The villain son has some sweet moments with the hero's alter ego, and he helps or saves him sometimes but gets all tsundere about it. He also saved the hero's kid brother once.

The hero rides a special 3000 years old dragon from an ancient war between humans and dragons, and he's the chosen one to ride it, but he challenged the villain boy to try and ride the dragon because he was confident the dragon would reject him. The dragon didn't, and it turned out the villain son has a good side to him and can be heroic if he wants to, he just chooses not to kek. The villain boy is also in a sort of rivalry with his villain dad, and secretly gained his own magic power and is being guided by an evil ancient spirit, I'm curious where would that go. Picrel is the hero and his alter ego. Bonus, some shipping fan art from tumblr.


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Nona are you going to watch the new season once it comes out? I've been waiting to see this arc animated for years it's like a dream come true!!
Also, definitely read the manga if you get the chance. The anime is pretty good imo but the manga is just something else entirely.


Of course! The whole reason I started and caught up with this series was due to hearing the news of a new arc being adapted so I took it as a push to finally go for it. Getting into manga is harder for me than getting into anime because manga scanlations can sometimes wildly vary in quality as multiple groups pick up and drop something, or sometimes it's hidden away in some livejournal group or licensed by a company that does questionable work and I'd rather not get physical manga either cause it takes up space. Though in this case I may consider looking into the manga if I end up wanting to see more.


Holy shit, you just unlocked some memories! I think Word and Moordryd might have been my first father/son ship, I'm a sucker for dudes that want to please their evil dad.


I didn't expect my post to interest anyone, so I'm glad it brought you memories back!


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Watching the first episode of the black butler school arc made me wonder if you can draw a direct line from this to Yana Toboso working on Twisted wonderland. The purple prefect guy in particular reminds me of the hades guy from twisted. In any case it amused me to see Ciel getting pushed around by the other boys and the OP and ED had very nice aesthetics.


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Nonnie the ED grabbed me by the throat and slammed me into a wall. It was so unbelievably romantic I still can't stop giggling about it. Absolute peak yaoi! It was well worth the wait for me.

>made me wonder if you can draw a direct line from this to Yana Toboso working on Twisted wonderland.

It does absolutely feel like the public school arc was a sort of warm-up for yana. It's also not unheard of for artists to recycle their ideas for their other works. Rightfully so imo, bishies at school is a tried and true trope that people eat up all the time.


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I didn't realise there was an art countdown going on on Yana Taboso's Twitter for the release of the first episode. I love the art she posted.
I think the episode looks gorgeous so far, and I'm so excited to see this arc play out on screen. I hope they take the time to indulge in the fan service and bl moments.
We deserve it


Yes, agreed. They also put so much love and effort into sebastian bowing at the end of the episode. Whoever made that happen must be down bad for him. I've seen some 4chan anons claim this arc is bad but I'm personally interested to see where it will go.


>fan service and bl moments
This particular arc has so, so much of that I'm practically beside myself with anticipation! God bless the yaoi queen yana toboso for preparing this feast for us.

>sebastian bowing at the end of the episode
I must've replayed that little animation where his hair slips out from behind his ear about 50 times. The animators for that scene definitely wanted to fuck sebastian kek.

>4chan anons claim this arc is bad

4chan loves being contrarian. I remember seeing a poll on twitter some years ago asking which arc was the most popular among fans, and this arc ranked first.
I guess I can see why people might dislike it though because it is a bit different from the rest of the story tone-wise. But that's just a surface level observation imo. I think it makes perfect sense for this part of the story to seem 'lighter' because Ciel is infiltrating this normal school and pretending to have a normal life as a normal boy. Obviously they're not going to jump straight into the grimdark meat and potatoes of the story right away. That's just my two cents though kek


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I sure didn't expect this guy to show up in the Touken ranbu anime.


I started watching Grandmaster of demonic cultivation. I went into it almost entirely blind and I was surprised at how much Wei Wuxian appealed to me as an MC. He's such a cheeky little shit.


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Slowly crawling my way through Index still and I've come to conclude that it probably works better as a book. The characters spend so long expositing their world but I still feel lost when it comes to the specificities. How does leveling up actually work, is it literally video game logic? What is the actual difference between Espers and Mages? How exactly do the different sects of the church function, is like the real world? Are the Puritan, Angelican, and Roman Catholic church the same as our real world ones and therefore have the same real-world history?

I am convinced these all have answers, but I am at the point where I don't think the anime is going to give them to me.

At the Fallen Angel arch love the reaveal with Tsuchimikado, any time a seemingly small side character from early on is shown to be much more knowledgeable/powerful I love it. Stiyls my red-head needs more screen time! Oh and Accelerator is an insane bitch, I wonder if he's fucked off to a spin-off series or if he'll actually come back? I'd like it if he did, so far he qas the only compelling villain the show has had.


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I wonder if there's someone on the Wind breaker animation team getting a kick out of all these tummy shots.


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No context Black butler.


is this the makeup wearing canonical fag


No, that's a different blondie.


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I thought the german car x old man couple was actually cute, didnt expect canon bisexuality.


The context makes it so much worse kek
can't wait to see Harcourt piss himself a couple of episodes from now


I'm the type of person who's fine with both shoujo and BL but I had to drop Vampire dormitory cause in practice the "Girl disguised as a guy" premise ended up just making me wish it was BL instead. I hadn't thought I would feel this initially but funny how that works out.


oh I fully understand that, I tried to get into OHSHC and Hanakimi which I would have enjoyed a lot more without the aspect of the crossdressing female mc
Like off topic, but I do really like reverse trap/androgynous girl characters but when they're used to create the false visual of a homo couple or to make a character who's actually just a straight man (like one of the love interests in hanakimi and Kanji arguably) have a "b-but I'm not gay!!" moment it kinda pisses me off
I really like haruhi as a character but honestly i would have preferred if she was a guy to have a gay harem or even just have it as a homobait show with the subtext between the twins being unmolested by het
Kashima from Nozaki-kun is a good example of a reverse trap character done well since she isn't used to emulate a false image of a bl couple and her love interest isn't treated as a "closet gay character who's actually just totally straight and in love with a girl you guys!!"


Yeah, I get it. Back when I watched ouran myself I was a little tween and didn't even know what BL was and it wouldn't have mattered to me but if I were to watch it today I could see myself having the same reaction as with Vampire dormitory.


I am rewatching Ranma 1/2 after a long time, and I just want to say, I love Shampoo, I love her so much, and I love how much she makes Akane self-inserters seethe. Obviously Rumiko Takahashi was worried about creating another Lum, so she deliberately undermined Shampoo's character several times.
Anyhow even Ranma and Ryoga are more compatible than Ranma and Akane.


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Finished Index and can say with certainty that while Accelerator was cute and edgy Tsuchimikado is best boy and needed more screen time to be grabby with Touma.

The person I was watching the show with hated it, so we won't be continuing to Railgun, but I might watch it on my own.


Are you going to check out the light novels?


Maybe? I think they'd do a better job explaining the world than the anime did, but it's a little outside my price range and I don't enjoy reading novels digitally. Will probably try Railgun's anime next if I go on, though before that I'm going to take a break to watch something else. Not sure what that's going to be yet.


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Japan loves Sherlock Holmes so much. Can't believe they managed to find a way to put him into this anime that's mostly about japanese yokai.


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Can't say I blame them, who doesn't love a detective?

Cute looking show nonna! Is it youkai of the week episodic?


This picture reminds me of some screenshot I saw long ago from a Chinese (?) drama about a girl who's a Sherlock Holmes fan and in the screenshot she was in a room with a cardboard cutout of Sherlock from the BBC series and Sherlock from Ace Attorney, it looked surreal. If anyone knows where it's from please tell me.


>Cute looking show nonna! Is it youkai of the week episodic?
It's Tonari no Youkai-san. It's basically a slice of life anime about a world where humans and supernatural beings live together in a modern day setting. Same show as where >>5185 is from. I just found it funny because not too long ago I was stunned at how Meiji Gekken: 1874 managed to squeeze in a Sherlock Holmes reference as well even though it's a historical fiction anime set in japan.


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It's been nice having Demon Slayer back.


Just got back from the Haikyu movie. I sure was grinning like a maniac a lot. I was obsessed with these boys during my tumblr years and all those emotions came tumbling back. Good stuff.


Nice! Glad it was playing near you nonna! Was the theater packed?


Not at all. There were 18 other people, half the room was empty. Though it's also showing on Saturday and Sunday and it wouldn't surprise me if most people would prefer to go then as opposed to 7 PM on a thursday.


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Watching Jackie Chan's adventures and an episode gave me a dream of those 3 guys, named the enforcers, being a gay throuple, picrel. I kinda dig it tbh, thanks fujoshi brain.
On a separate note I had crazy yaoi dreams of ships I like all morning today and I'm grateful for that.


For some reason I remember being like, 5, and pretending I was orange sunglasses guy going undercover as a secret agent. I have no idea why.


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Samefag, found picrel, and I like this idea…
Valmont is such a cutie I want to see him assraped so bad. Even in his catboy form he's so cute. I also want Jackie and Captain Black yaoi.
That's adorable, anon! He has a cool design so it's understandable.


This week's Black butler episode was great. Sebastian really just imagined a whole scenario of his pet victorian orphan being stolen and freaked the fuck out.


He's such a pathetic loser kek! He's had one (1) bad run-in with another immortal pedophile and he's scarred for life.
Someone mentioned after this incident Ciel and Sebastian avoid eye contact for the remainder of the chapter in the manga. Big if true..


Yeah, I heard that as well. I've only recently gotten into kuro but I've gotten so attached to those two losers. Can't believe that not only this anime season is almost over but the manga is going on hiatus now too cause Yana wants to rest and prepare for the ending. Can't imagine what the people must be feeling who got into it as 13 year olds.


OMG nona I can't believe your reply is how I found out about the hiatus. I guess it's been a long time coming considering Yana's been going at it for 20 years with no rest. And no chapters at all is better than 10 pages a month for 5 years, so I understand. I still can't help but feel a sense of ennui though, like what am I supposed to look forward to every month now? I hope she rests up good and gives us a good finale.
Oh this makes me wonder anon, since you're anime-only, how do you predict this story will end? Personally, I'm hoping for Sebastian to take Ciel's soul as planned and then regret it. I don't want a happy ever after at all. It's the doomed yaoi enjoyer in me kek


>Oh this makes me wonder anon, since you're anime-only, how do you predict this story will end?
Honestly, I can easily see it ending in a depressing way like what you suggested or alternatively Ciel getting released from the contract due to Sebastian getting killed, assuming it's possible for a demon to get killed by a death scythe. If we're talking what I actually want, though, my extremely delusional fantasy is that Sebastian realises beforehand that he'd regret eating Ciel so instead he spins it as the contract meaning that he owns Ciel's soul and Seb turns him into a demon and keeps him as his eternal boywife. I can understand the appeal of angst but in this scenario I just want these two to be happy in the end.


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I'm already watching Wind Breaker but if I wasn't this would be a great endorsement.


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I've seen some cute Wind Breaker art but I don't actually know what it's about, this is very much a compelling post.


There's not much to it, honestly. It's about pretty hotblooded teen boys who beat each other up. I've been having a good time with it.


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I love how Cloverworks keeps giving Sebastian little fangs.


Ok so this has been marinating in my brain for a while and after seeing a certain headcanon tweet chain I've been thinking I'd be totally fine with it if Sebaciel endgame were to be a toxic codependency situation where Ciel is forced to be the eternal boywife and Sebastian figures that it's fine cause he has all of eternity to either make amends or just wait until Ciel gets stockholmed into accepting it. I still doubt Yana is gonna go this direction, though. I'm just keeping this as my personal delusion.


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Finally watched Boy and the Heron so once again I've seen every Ghibli movie out there. I think I liked it more than most of Takahata's works but I would consider it very mid for Miyazaki. Though I'm sure I'd like it more on a second viewing, its very allegoric and the themes don't really become fully apparent until the end.

Someone a while back here was very hyped about it so I was expecting some shipping bait, sadly there was none, but to make up for it MC gets roughed up. Pic related.


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I posted it when Fujochan came back but I'm watching Hunter x Hunter, I'm really having a blast with it and I think I'll be making a thread on /f/ when I'm caught up with everything. However pic related happens? Killua and Gon have an official kiss??? It's played as a gag and it's in the after credits short so it's probably non canon, but it still left me so bewildered when I first saw it lol, it was so cute.


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Seasonal stuff. In this case Elusive Samurai. I can't believe that there is a WSJ series that I like. Last one must have been something that ended in the 90s.
I also watch Dead Demon, Losing Heroine and Sengoku Youko but they aren't male centered. Don't think like there is anything else worth watching.

Also, catching up with Bullbuster. Ignored it when it aired after a while but it's not bad. Not much old stuff to watch. I follow seasonal anime since 2003 so there isn't too much that is good that I skipped or many anime from the 90s and before I didn't watch yet. Recently watched Ruin Explorers, also nice. I dig classic fantasy anime, can't wait for the Rayearth remake/adaption.


I should watch Elusive Samurai, I have free time this week so maybe I'll even watch the first episodes today. I've seen some scenes out of context but no details about the plot aside from a short summary and it seems pretty good.


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Hope you enjoy it. A bunch of episodes have top tier animation and a great sense of aesthetics. The adaption honestly made the manga even better for adding a lot of nice details and even full scenes and experimenting with the art styles when it makes sense. Rewatched some of the episodes for the visuals alone.
It surely helps that the characters are either funny, cute or charismatic (or a mix of all three) and that there is a lot of blushing and male friendship content.


Yeah, I'm willing to look past some of the awkward CG moments cause clearly there's heart and soul being put into this. I picked this up without knowing anything about the source material and I found myself pleasantly surprised. Also this is my "I'm not a shotacon but…" show.


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Is anybody watching this TRUMP anime? One the one hand I expected it to be relevant since it has handsome dudes and probably a lot of fujo pandering. But on the other hand I am to blame for the lack of discussion myself, considering that I also started watching The Elusive Samurai and High Card instead and never bothered to check this one out.
Not even sure why, I guess I am just not particularly attracted to the designs and judging by the screenshots I've seen the characters feel so dead inside compared to the lively TES and HC men I am into. But maybe I am wrong, this is what I am wondering about.


I am, it's enjoyable but I don't consider it fujo, at least not from what's been out so far. All the male characters are fathers with kids and the story is more to do with them raising them than really having chemistry with each other.
It is fun if you want to see sexy vampire cops bumbling parenting though.


There's an anime I've been watching called Bye bye earth that I picked up for being a fantasy anime but as it went on I got shoujo vibes from it cause the female MC ends up bonding with three cute guys. It's been difficult to follow sometimes cause it throws worldbuilding terms at you without explaining much but it's still been entertaining. What happened in the most recent episode definitely gives me 'classic edgy shoujo development' vibes, though. The guy who seems to be MC's primary love interest, a brooding white haired catboy, gets plunged into despair cause of plot reasons and during his mental breakdown he attempts to rape MC and in the process hurts her with his cursed hands that corrode everything he touches. Another guy intervenes and he runs off.


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I'm really trying to get into this new show I like, but it's frustrating because some of the characters are so poorly written. What bothers me even more is seeing some people in the fandom labeling such characters as 'misunderstood' and anyone who criticizes them as a hater or misogynistic in case it's a female character.
I genuinely think some ppl can become overly attached to characters making them basically their oc, making excuses for the writing flaws by creating headcanons or even inventing off-screen character development to justify their behavior. I don't get why not just create an original character instead? It would make more sense than bending over backward to justify weak writing.


I see a lot of fujos (including myself) saying the exact same thing. It's basically people bringing their own OCs into a foreign fandom by slapping labels/names of canon characters onto their OCs and pretending to make fan content.
There is a difference between headcanons that fill the gaps of canon or making a character slightly softer (or hornier) when he's alone with the guy you ship him with and blatantly rewriting characters. Especially since these types of posters usually make up a whole past for them that sounds nothing like canon. Like I knew one that headcanoned an alien dude from a space sci-fi to live on a farm near a town that is totally not exactly the town the fan herself came from. She even copypasted her own family story into it and made his grandma the catholic matriarch of the family and they also had a dog that the fan owned herself etc. Guy was basically an OC self-insert by that point.


Not gay, but besides the few popular series like Samurai and Oshi no Ko I'm watching Dead Demon Dedededestruction and I like it a lot. I miss more realistic depictions of coming of age, especially with girls. Ontan reminds me a LOT of my female gamer friend I had in my teens and both MCs are relatable and fun to watch IMO.
I miss series that touch this subject and also give you a full view of the chaotic modern environment they grow up in, including stupid political fights and beliefs, radicalization, pop-culture, sexual aspects and broken families. And it's girls being girls without being written as waifu bait. They just enjoy acting retarded for fun, hanging out with each other and playing FPS.

Regarding men/boys I admit that I also like some of the characters from Elusive Samurai. Sadly nothing else besides this anime that has mentionworthy guys. Couldn't get into the BL show and every other anime that is decent is centered around girls. I hope that Orb, the Shinsegumi anime and a few other autumn shows will provide something next season.


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Is Sk8: The Infinity worth watching? I saw someone describe it as Initial D with skateboards and I've been seeing an influx of fanworks recently.


Oh I definitely recommend it, it's a very entertaining watch and the initial D comparison is pretty accurate. It's gay as fuck as well and has numerous flaming homosexuals outside of the main pair too


If you're looking for shameless shipbait it's worth the watch, it's also getting a second season. Like anon above said there are other ships aside from the main couple too (I prefer the adult pairings over the main ones tbh). It reminds me of old fujobait series like Servamp/K/Free! where they give you an entire cast of gays. Utsumi always delivers.


I mostly found it mediocre at the time but maybe it was cause I had been fatigued with sports in general back then. I will say that I found the antagonist the best part of the show.


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Watched the first 4 episodes and I don't think there is a single character I dislike yet! Miya was the one who initially got my interested because I think his design is cute, but the leads have great chemistry so I think they might be my favorite.


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The protaga were adorable and I really liked the pink haired guy and the manwhore together but these two are my favorite. I'm a massive sucker for parings were one character patiently pines after the other who's in homolust with another
Hopefully in the second season Miya gets a boyfriend too


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They need to give Miya an onii-san to ship with.
These two are my favorites as well. My wish is for the OVA to be entirely about the older cast in high school. If that's the case I'm looking forward to it more than the second season lmao.


Nothing right now. Finished the three series I considered worthy and waiting for the next season but no idea what to watch then.
Chi interests me the most since it's historical shit, niche but well animated and I like the art style. Dandadan probably too since it seems to be a decent action story with occult stuff but other than that no idea. Probably the angler original since I almost always look into originals. Maybe Blue Miburo too but I don't like twink MC and it gives off similar vibes as Wind Breaker so I hope I am wrong.


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Checking the new season. Mecha Ude has potential IMO. Absolute newb studio and basically an indie anime, but decent to cool action regardless, it's an original, it has a Sawano OST and a lot of dudes that might be interesting. Hope it will be a decent action anime.


Second image boy has a cool design. I'm seeing this show was Kickstarted with a pilot? Good on them for making it big. It's cool to see small projects actually get off the ground and deliver.

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