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 No.4513[View All]

What are you currently watching? We have a current video game thread but not one for anime. Doesn't need to be BL, just blog about what you're in the middle of.

Any random ships? Cute guys?

I'm watching Amagi Brilliant Park, weird show didn't realize it was Kyoani. Main boy is cute but we'll see if there is anybody to actually pair him with.
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So Red is bisexual for real? Anyway interesting episode. I guess I have shitto teesto because I like Aquarion and Momentary Lily the most this season, first is called boring, second is avoided for being a GoHands series but you can speculate about them the most and I really like the stylish chibi designs in Aquarion


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I was not prepared for this week's Hanako-kun episode to get this gay.


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Aquarion Evol was only good for shitposting and shipping wars - is that new entry really any better? Not that the original Aquarion was any better, but the dumb comedy and the lore which was custom-made for the 'dark/mysterious/reads Greek mythology and fantasy books about angels and demons' fangirl audience were worth it.

>Any 2021-2024 hidden gems?
Isekai Shikkaku if you enjoy Osamu Dazai's books (and his persona).

Revenger was also quite neat (and had a gay sex scene - sasuga Urobuchi!).

>Bravern, Elusive Samurai and SK8
These are must-watches.

>Sankaku Mado no Sotogawa wa Yoru
I'm still mad that it's classified as BL - it's definitely not. Any battle shounen is gayer, especially Naruto.

Kado had such tremendous seethe in /a/ threads - you should have been there! It's a shitshow of epic proportions.


This show has its own thread on /f/


>I'm still mad that it's classified as BL - it's definitely not. Any battle shounen is gayer, especially Naruto.
I've seen you say this before, out of curiosity what happens in the last two volumes that elicits this reaction? I only read up to vol 8. Did they somehow turn it father-son since Hiyakawa's sense of affection is fucked up to begin with?

I don't think it's really necessary to link 21 day old posts like this, fc is a small slow board and the Bravern thread has been on the front page in the time since that post was made.


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I'm watching Baki from the beginning, since the original 2001 series, it's stupid fun and I'm having a blast with it. Right now I'm in the middle of season 2 and after it I get to the Netflix seasons. I can understand people not getting into it cuz the art style is certainly very grotesque but I'm watching it to watch a retarded show about men punching each other very hard and so far it has delivered. I honestly find the protagonist Baki to be very pretty and cute lol but I don't see myself shipping him or anyone in this series (I thought that at first with FKMT stuff and now I'm a huge fujo for his series so who knows). Do Baki fujos even exist? If so I salute them.


Nice! I haven't seen all of it but what I have is really funny. It's one of those that looks really ugly/gross from the outside but in context it works.

>Do Baki fujos even exist?

I actually used to know someone who shipped that pic! Though she was only interested in it because Yujiro is a serial rapist. Don't see much shipping fanart even though it's a relatively big series so the designs probably scared most people off, personally while I like most of the cast it doesn't scratch any shipping itch for me.



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Cute psycho from Tasokare hotel.


Is this metaphorical cannibalism or figurative?


It seems like he genuinely wanted to chomp down.


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I've decided to watch Golden Kamuy next. Seems like a pretty good fanbase and I like the military designs


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GK is a really good series, hope you enjoy it anon. It has an overabundance of cracked artists too. There's a thread for it too if you wanna share your thoughts, >>>/f/64


Do you think Panty&stocking is actually good and funny? I know this stuff is subjective but I figured this community has pretty close tastes to mine. I guess an alternative question is: If I enjoy Vivziepop cartoons will I enjoy Panty&stocking?


I liked it back when it came out, but I was an immature high schooler with a higher tolerance for vulgarity. If you like/don't mind lowbrow toilet and sex humor I think the art style alone is worth watching it for and Imashi always delivers. Besides that all of the primary cast are enjoyable, Panty was my favorite.


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Anybody watching Zenshuu?
It's more of a yume show but it tackles a subject fujos should be able to relate to (the obsession over a piece of fiction and its male character, the urge to draw him and the escapism and happiness said hobby provides).
Oh I just started Baki as well. I always stumbled upon scenes from those series that were just really damn well made but I always put it off. The threesome rape of Trump and Musk from the spin-off is what finally made me pick this masterpiece up. Enjoying it a lot so far. Not shipping them either (not yet) but same as you I said the same thing about FKMT manga until I got obsessed with it lol


I remember watching a teaser and I thought it was about some auteur animator and nothing more. Just watched another trailer and it seems like something I'd like, appreciate the recommendation.
I like the scenes of her sitting in the theater witnessing her favorite character and rooting for him.


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Youkai gakkou has high quality guys.


I've only watched the anime. They totally brushed off the BL angle and made it appear like the two were just friends after all they had been through.


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Someone was just talking about Panty and Stocking on here and lo and behold two new characters just dropped for the Trigger sequel.


Literally MADE for incest


I'm curious what role they'll have in the story. We know they're angels so I assume antagonistic. Also from the PV it looks like they might get a slutty transformation sequence as well.


All right, I'm baited. I'll check out season 1 even though from what I've heard the plot continuity doesn't seem to matter that much.


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You won't find much BL, though Brief is cute, I'd still probably rec it if you're the person who said they liked Hazbin. Here's hoping for some shipbait in the next season.


If they don't get a slutty transformation sequence I'll fly away.


Yeah I wasn't expecting any sort of BL. I indeed just wondered if it'd be my thing cause for instance you have jokes in Helluva boss like the dildos coming out of the walls which is kinda juvenile but I didn't mind.


I feel like Trigger is more aware of BL and fujos since the Galo/Lio hype. I wouldn't put it past them to obviously pander fujos or create actual gay characters anymore, we will see.
Tbh even incest wouldn't even be that surprising in PSG. I hope they will get a lot of fanart.


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I'm a huge PSG fan and I'm incredibly happy with these characters, wonder if they'll be The Rowdyruff Boys equivalent in this series. Their designs are cute and I hope they're evil, no matter what I can tell the ship art will be delicious.


I don't expect any pandering to fujos just because of cute boys. The anime is very heterosexual and it's more likely they'll be shipped with the women.


since when has a het anime stopped fujos or even fujo sales in merch?


Garterbelt was gay for laughs and the demon sisters had Yuribait, obviously that was for men but Id be surprised if they introduced cute angel brothers and didn't atleast fujo pander a little bit, even if it's just a small amount so that they don't make the male fanbase uncomfortable


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I really liked Corset's design when I was younger, I'll probably tune in for nostalgia's sake.


Armpit sluts are my least favorite kind of character design and I don't like the pink guy's mullet so I probably won't ship them seriously but I'm always happy for bait if we do get it. Hoping we might get some demon boys now.


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Started Sarazanmai, just finished Ep1. It's… pretty weird, but I don't think I can say in an especially enjoyable way, at least not yet. It's also pretty fast? Spastic? Just very hyper to me imo. Pretty interesting visually at least (albeit gross, to boot…), I'll keep watching since I've already downloaded the episodes in bulk, but yeah.


I am one of the anons that think that Ikuhara needs a co-director to rein him in. Let him do what he want and he goes all overboard until the show is more symbolism than story like Yurikuma.


I didn't really have goodwill for Sarazanmai because it's a "multimedia project", which I've seen too many times with cashgrab fujoshit made of gacha/manga/novel/youtube drama/a mediocre sparknotes anime/2.5D (pick 4)

No I won't read a novel for the cops' backstory, take out the stock footage instead.


It's great when a series gets spin-offs in other media AFTER the series like the Bravern and KlK short novels. But it usually sucks if it starts as multimedia project right away because it means they won't bother telling a proper story and force you to buy the DLCs to get it instead.

I boycott crossover comics for the same reason.
The only time I have ever seen a multimedia project working for me personally was for the first era of .hack. It helps that I was a massive fan of it after watching the anime, so I was eager to know more. Sarazanmai strikes me as way too weird and artsy to make anybody care about the characters. Like I love cop dynamics and I even like the cop designs quite much, but the anime never managed to make me care about anybody so I didn't bother digging up the novel.


My biggest pet peeves with multimedia properties is that the supplementary material is either shit like 2.5 stages that are stupidly expensive to attend to/buy or novels that never get translated. I no longer bother with anything that bids itself as a multimedia project.


>KH lore in an orchestra concert that only ever exists in Japan
>FF7 Compilation
>FF7R making you play gacha for important background
Being a Square Enix stan is true hell, Take me back to untranslated Ultimanias


>lore in an orchestra concert that only ever exists in Japan

Please tell me that there is at least a recording of this somewhere, wtf.


Yeah like I've said in another thread I have come to terms with the fact that I'll always be a casual Nier fan.


Someone come back and tell me if this anime wound up being straight.

I agree with this. I hated Penguindrum and Yuri Kuma because they were so messy and not in the good way. It's clear the only reason Utena was so good is because it wasn't only him. The cops in Sarazanmai weren't that interesting because if you need to have been following side material, it's not much. And I genuinely hated Kazuki in the show.


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Just finished the last EP. It became easier to watch around Ep4 but yeah, was never able to become fully interested in it and wasn't able to take anything seriously. Got a few smirks out of some gags, but otherwise my fav thing about it is the visuals. (The OP/ED are p alr too. Stand by me oneeeeegaiii.) In retrospect it didn't take me /that/ long to finish it but I had ample time to be done with it even earlier than now but had to keep working up the desire to continue on with eps. At least I didn't drop it outright though, I suppose? Tooi>Enta>Kazuki to rank the main trio.

Anyway, I'm gonna watch the Kaitou Queen OVA soon-ish and move on to Night Head 2041 afterward, prob.

I'll quote what >>8927 said basically verbatim, I like cop stuff and I like their designs but I'm just not invested enough to wanna do any further reading about them. Shame, but so it goes.


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Gag Manga Biyori
>series has a fujo following against all odds
>change one of the guys' voices to a female seiyuu after two seasons
We're so oppressed.


I always hear this series is basically "Cute Boys Doing Cute Things" aka the male equivalent of those moe shows. Would you say that's a fair assessment of is it more like and Ososan comedy series?


>Would you say that's a fair assessment of is it
Not at all, unless the CGDCT is Pop Team Epic and it's still different and more absurd and gross. Maybe you're confusing it with Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou.


>Maybe you're confusing it with Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou

I like how you knew exactly what I was mistaking it for. Whoops.

I don't think I've ever actually heard of Biyori then, looks bizarre.


Coming back to your question, Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou is more of a comedy and has too many girls to be true CBDCT. There are more pure examples of that, like Meganebu.


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I personally liked the Danganronpa anime.




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