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 No.19[Last 50 Posts]

Confess anything you'd like to get off your chest.


Samefagging here, for example, I thought men getting raped was just as serious as women because I thought they could get pregnant as well.


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i will turn anything into bl. unironically, for fun. i will imagine the ingredients on my burger as hot anime boys and think of them fucking. i don't care.


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I enjoy a lot of male gaze and male-oriented stuff.


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Same, this is the worst thing I want to admit. I keep it secret because I feel like it is a huge sin among other women.


a lot of my specific fetishes are popular among men, especially men who identify as trans. i don't like how male-oriented the content is, but there's nothing else out there so i just have to deal with it.


Yeah being associated with trannies would bother me way more than being associated with normal
men. I understand other women being grossed out by the visuals and not wanting to see them, and how it can be a way to tell if a moid is posting, so I try to keep it to a minimum in women’s spaces like this, but otherwise I don’t feel ashamed or bad about it at all, and I don’t think any woman should feel bad about liking stuff typically more popular with men. I guess that’s another thing to confess: I am not ashamed by any of my fetishes. I just know when to keep them to myself lol


Me and a friend taped a sunflower seed next to a peanut and drew them as hot boys, I still can't find the paper yet but when I do I'll post here, I think you'll like it lol




At church I always imagine the pastor getting brutally raped by an incubus while all of us would watch in horror, it amuses me


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I pretended to be an incel for years to feign emotional closeness with men. I would befriend one of them and convince him that only another man could love him to fulfill my fujo fantasies. It had to be done very gradually, as most of them are not receptive to the idea at first. You have to gauge their potential for conversion through a series of tests. First, you have to find out to what degree they consume feminine-aligned media, like moe anime or My Little Pony. If he has no interest, it will be difficult to convert him. You need to embolden him to consume more of it, and subtly push the boundaries while exercising caution should he demonstrate unwillingness. He must be convinced, if he is not already, that women are not his friends. Play on his extant beliefs and insecurities. If he doubts the loyalty of women, make him doubt it doubly so. Why, they barely even have empathy and could not possibly love him the way he needs to be loved. How could they? The best comforts come from other men, after all. There are a few alternate paths to nudge him towards at this point. As long as you find a blank cloth male, it is easy to dye him any color your heart desires. The twin keys are persistence and a keen eye.


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I like to ship nazis.


We were once studying in history class about WW2 and Hitler.
The teacher was saying how Hitler killed the people in the camps with gas, while in the students' book was an image of Hitler with his hand up to make the nazistic gesture.
My mind immedeatky imagined Hitler lifting his arm up the same way as in the book, and then he said "My gas bill was thiiis high!" and I could not stop laughing during class.
I felt bad the entire day after.


My confession is that I actually do read BL for the plot first of all.

What the fuck is this pic? I can't stop laughing


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this reminds me of that one chinese donghua that was ostensibly propaganda about the lives of marx and engels, but all the promotional art looked suspiciously homoerotic.


Pure queen behavior, everything mentioned is based. Best of luck with your future endeavors, nonnie.


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I've been getting into shota porn.


Very cultured, please continue.




I went from writing fanfic about my highschool peers to writing fanfic about my coworkers.


Insanely based, I'd love to read it


Some ayyden art can be otherwise quite good so I save it to my PC and edit out the titchop scars. I never upload the edits anywhere on the internet lest the ayydens find it and scream about art theft.


you're doing god's work


A woman grooming a man into larping gay sex with her is unfathomably and extraterrestrially based


Holy shit I wish you would start uploading it. I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve found the only good quality porn art of an obscure character and it is fucking FtM. Makes me unironically rage. I can usually edit out the tit scars, but I have to crop the bottom off. I wish they would just make two versions, one with an actual penis.


You should make an edit thread on /oc/ or maybe I'll make one when I'm not sleepy, fujos can also request edits to be made. I'd love to see what anon did and also I can post my edits of crappy tumblr tier art that I've fixed (for my own personal entertainment)


I look down on real life polyfags and make fun of them all the time but I ship myself in a bisexual threesome with my favorite OTP


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i have over 500 blocked accounts on twitter, no blockchains, all manual, and 90% of them are people who like my NOTP, ship my OTP in the wrong order, or just have shit taste.


Embedding error.
Block queen


My condolences.


I'm sorry for your mental illness.


I posted this before on lolcow, I blocked like 400 accounts manually, mostly scrotes and fakebois. Welcome to the club anon.


Me too, don't let the others bring you don't soyjak and wojaks are funny


They are so cute and need more shipping fanart imo


we can make it happen here at fujochan.org


I sometimes wonder if I should've tried to be more social in the past and try to make local friend who are into fujo stuff. I went on a vacation to japan in early 2019 and had a lot of fun but when I wandered around the toranoana store and some secondhand doujin shops I thought about how fun it would've been to have a fujo friend with me to browse stuff together and we could flip through our finds back at the airbnb. Of course nowadays there's the global coof and I have no idea at what point I'd even consider going to japan again, let alone hang out with people in real life.


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I regularly read the fanfics and look at fanart for lots of series which I haven't actually watched, read or played. Nor do I plan to. I even spam about them and get into shipping discussions. However, beyond these characters and their dynamics together I know little to nothing about the plot. Anything vital I'll just learn from fanfics and the rest is irrelevant. I don't care. Maybe I'll even write my own fics without knowing the canon. No one can stop me.

Teach me your ways, I want to walk the path of glory.


I refuse to shave or wax any of my body hair


Unhinged and unbelievably based queen. How far have you gotten with this method? Made any of them question their sexuality?


I get triggered when my straight male anime friends won't even consider watching something that looks otome/mild BL but they will watch shitty GL bait anime but apparently BL bait is too far. Cowards. Also all shonen anime is gay.


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As much as I make fun of men for being coomers memeing themselves into fapping to the most weird shit possible, I am no better than them.


I have similar feelings but instead of GL bait anime it's with isekai. Straight dudes will try to tell me I should watch isekai with tropes I can't stand like slave waifus or loli/teen girl harems because they think the plot is good, but I know they'd never sit through anime with even potential homo undertones just because I think the plot is good.


NTA but this reminds me of when Promare came out and moids were bending out of shape trying to frame the whole movie as a failure borefest despite being ginormous mecha/triggerfags before, just because of the gay main couple. I swear if Madoka and Homura were boys instead scrotes would never have lifted that series to the cult status it has now.


This would be beyond based without the part about memeing him into hating women even more, we have enough of prison gay incels who are grooming young boys into trooning out just because they're too afraid of interacting with actual women.


now i really want to see a genderbend madoka series


Watch Boueibu. It's kind of the reverse of Maoka though, it's clearly a parody of magical girls made for women who watched or read magical girls stories and grew up liking it. And avoid spoilers at all cost.


Closest thing I can think of right now is Fairy ranmaru. The fight scenes take place in psychedelic pocket dimensions that have a similar vibe as the witch mazes in madoka.


I feel a bit bad that I got some minor into my obscure rarepair after publishing a fic about it and she talks to me occasionally on twitter trying to engage very excitedly about it but out of principle I try not to because of the whole "don't talk to minors" thing.
But at the same time, that made me realize, why exactly, even? What kind of shit are you doing that you instantly think talking to minors=grooming? When I was younger I was already a huge degenerate, faking my age everywhere (if I was 12 I'd say I was 15,if I was 15 I'd say I was 18,etc) and I talked to "adults" just fine and genuinely nothing happened to me. Just don't be fucking weird and only seek out kids. Kids are fucking degenerates, they just fake it publicly.
It's a strange feeling because I would be happy engaging with someone that likes the same shit I do and just having fun about it but anti propaganda has been too deeply rooted in my brain that I just simply don't want to talk to anybody out of fear of somebody calling me a pedophile just because I talked to a 15yo


my rule of thumb is talking to minors is fine, but i generally try to avoid explicit/nsfw conversations unless it's purely educational (i.e. hygiene or sex ed) and the kid specifically asks or says they're okay with it.
i spent a lot of time in adult spaces as a kid; i did have people try to groom me but i also met a lot of people who inspired me and gave me really great life advice. nowadays i'm in some spaces where it's impossible to avoid minors (i.e. there's one in my scanlation group) and god, i hope i'm being the latter and not the former.


There's this discord I'm in where once in a while this one person will just spam a channel with a bunch of defeatist pity-party messages along the lines of "Oh I'm so useless and annoying, I don't deserve nice things, I only like bad media" and I've long since blocked her for being annoying but others in the channel will tend to comfort her even though it's pretty obvious she only wants to feel sorry for herself and will keep doing this shit over and over again for asspats. I wish I could just tell her to shut up and stop trying turn a public discord channel into her own therapy chamber but obviously I'd just be the nasty bitch in that scenario.


that person sounds like an annoying ass, she'll probably be miserable forever and thats good


I can't remember the last time I masturbated while looking at BL. It's mostly an emotional fulfillment thing for me. Even the sex. That said, I do find it hot and don't understand why I don't schlick to it but whatever.


I sometimes wonder if I would still be a fujo if I had a boyfriend, instead of being a turbo kissless virgin at almost 28 years old because of my overbearing Muslim family, mostly. Maybe, maybe not, a girl I knew from uni is an Arashi fangirl and ships the band members together despite having a steady relationship with her bf so who knows.


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>I sometimes wonder if I would still be a fujo if I had a boyfriend
i stayed a fujo after i got a boyfriend, and i actually forced my boyfriend into becoming a fudan so now we read yaoi together


Many fujos I know are married with kids, best wishes for you!
Wtf based?!?!


I wondered that about myself at one point because I internalized the "only repulsive losers like this shit" motto and then came to the conclusion that yes, I would still be a fujo for a variety of reasons. I think unless you only use BL for self-insert purposes there's no reason not to be (although I wouldn't really call that being a fujo, more like closet yumejo). Even if you only like it for the porn, your partner isn't going to be available 24/7 so it's not like you'll abandon that.

For me, being a fujo comes hand in hand with my otaku tendencies that I've had since forever, and it's just another way I appreciate characters and their interactions with each other. I'm not going to magically stop liking weebshit when I'm in a relationship, and if I found myself suddenly dropping hobbies that have been with me since childhood or changing aspects of myself just because I'm romantically involved with someone it would probably be a good idea to reevaluate because that sounds freaky and like making the s/o the hobby, kinda like those people that drop their friends once they start dating.


Good post, literally explains it well but I'd like to add onto that as well
>"only repulsive losers like this shit"
When you see yourself as a loser that's what you become, it's like projecting that onto yourself so you have to pull yourself out of it and realize that you can be a just like everyone else while being a fujo.


I never read anything to self insert, even if I sometimes want to read about relatable characters. The only times I self insert (and not even completely) is when I play video games with a silent protagonist that lets you pick your own options and dialogs. But I do like reading romantic stories and I can sometimes find myself thinking "I wish that were me". I obviously don't think that for every story I read, I'd rather not be a character in a Harada manga kek. Just like you I've been into that since forever, I remember liking Toya/Yukito when I was i primary school kek, I can see myself still liking pairings from manga, or games I like until old age, so I guess my confession was more about reading BL and fics specifically? I don't know, I'm not very coherent here.

>I internalized the "only repulsive losers like this shit" motto and then came to the conclusion that yes

I don't think I ever fully thought that about myself. Or at least, I've never thought I was a loser because I like reading BL, but because of very unrelated reasons that were mostly out of my control, and I've gotten over this a very long time ago. Maybe I still give that vibe to others without even noticing? I'm not sure I want to know.

That's reassuring. I know that many adult fujoshi are in long term relationships but I wonder what it's like once you have kids and they're old enough to be on social media, I remember a classmate in high school whose mother read BL and let my classmate read it too but I always found it weird. I wouldn't want mine to find out the kind of shit I post online. I have a sister 10 years younger than me who recently got way too into One Piece and when she told me she hates girls who draw the male characters making out (her description, not mine) because she's a homophobe I was shocked she even found out about it, and it kind made me feel like an old fart. Must be even worse when it's your kids who say shit like that.


I tried to get a tranny to commit suicide once when I was 16 in a private chat on Skype lol


Lmao did it work?


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same sis, im unabashedly coomer i enjoy those male gazey content & my brain is wired like moid in a way. also im huge omnivore as well i enjoy BL, yuri and hentai like all of them.
kek, dangerously based.

also my confession :
1. pretend to be boy during my early facebook era and faked my age because i was afraid to be found out kek.
2. secretly masturbated + watching porn while my mom sleep near me. i watch gangbang hentai & im too horny so i cant help it
3. once putting some deodorant bottle unto my ass because my retarded ass curious how anal sex feels like and i had no idea abt anal prep and i think i use liquid soap as lube? anyway i put it on my ass and Definitely one of my biggest regret in my life & nearly panicked when icant take it out. feel free to laugh, its really retarded and i was 16 at that time.
4. im just coombrained and love fapping even reading BL. the good fap i had is when i read that doujinshi about shota who get fucked by his ugly uncle and there's stomach bulge , second one is the cute ossan who got rape by ugly old man. i forgot the tittle because i have memory like goldfish
5. despite i like to call troon trannies, im not..exactly that transphobic like as in not mindlessly hate all troons just bcus theyre troons, i only get annoyed at the sjw tier troons. maybe because i have some good tranny friends who's degenerate like me & they also cool with my interest + theyre 4chan brained. so we sometime had banter like usual 4channer, they dont mind w/ me calling them trannies just like i dont mind them calling me femoid and such. in general idc what ppl identify w/ their gender/sexuality as long they're not turbo faggot like wokes SJW, act like moral crusader sex negative christian & not being asshole to me. theyre cool in my book
6. i watch porn since im 4th grade schooler bcus im curious anddespite i watch all those porn i had no idea you can get pregnant when male cum inside you until i receive proper biology class in middle school kek.


same anon, just want to classify when i watch porn when my mom sleep is im using headphones & watch it through phones. so she dont noticed it.
and im smart enough to not let moan even when fapping (im used to it anyhow)


absolute queen shit


Gonna be honest anon you need to stop browsing 4chan before you have a mental breakdown and make a full horseshoe 180 into a puritan, your brain isn't "wired in a moid way", you just hang around degenerate trannies. You can have the doujins but when you're masturbating next to your mom and sticking deodorant bottles up your ass it's just too far down the line


Wouldn't know because I'm a lesbian dating another fujo, but looking at my straight female friends most of them only stopped being fujos when they got a boyfriend because he thought it was weird and gross. In private they still loved BL and remained cryptofujos, and eventually a lot of them just got boyfriends who didn't mind.


Even then it sounds more like some weird /r9k/ or /b/ specific shit because on the boards and threads I go to that kind of confession would derail the thread with astounded anons and get screenshotted.


Definitely. I know this is a confession thread and moralfagging is looked down upon but I'm just gravely worried for that anon, she sounds like one of those young, impressionable girls who have been conditioned into extreme fetishes and coombrainery by the degenerate terminally online scrotes and trannies sperging about muh blue haired SJWs who are motivated by the power they have over a young woman for being her only network of social contacts and are taking advantage of her. It's one thing to enjoy ugly bastard shota doujins, nothing wrong with that, but taking this behavior to real life is what makes me wish she took a second look at her choices in life.


Sadly it didn't, but he's inactive on all social media now since last year so he probably did lol


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sounds like you're deeply deeeeeeply insecure



I rarely visit 4chan nowadays because i am busy with irl shit & i already had job. Calm down dude you're way more schizo than i am i hope you're not seriously think i am some naivr shallow girl, because despite i am retarded porn addict i still have my own stance.
Reason why i sm not being judgemental is because i am not type of people who judge just bcus they have different mindset than i am, i meet with a lot type of people troon, incel, alt right, leftist,puritan, etc despite i get along to some of them never did i get swayed by them and didnt change who i am as a person.
Also i get along to few troons like 2-3 of them? Just throught friends discord and they literally still young than me, no fucking way they can change me, why i am confident? Because in my workplace i "close" to some sjw tier troon out of politeness and even hearing all their talk, etc. I never get swayed at all. I simply just dont give a fuck whatever people identify with or whatever political belief they hold as long they not shoving that shit into me, not being asshole & just generall be decent. I dont mind get along with them.
I met worse people in real life that i think those blue hair sjw troon is nothing. I just annoyed at them.
I am not easily impressionable maybe because i experience a lot hardship in my life before so i alway get cautious to people.
If people want to screenshot or spread it like i dont give a shit because i know the moment i post it & its not gonna affect my life they dont know who i am, i have much thing to worry rather than thinking what stranger online think.
Also i like extreme fetish before I know 4chan/troons. Simply because im curious & coombrained
You can worry about me being porn addict retard but im more worried that you seems to think what people do/post online it reflect their real life. Thanks for worrying tho, i am pretty much fine
I already being degen coombrain since young what make you think i gonna turn intu puritan just because i hangout with few troons?
And all those story even the fap nex t to mom one was when when i was still young. Thinking about it young me is very wild & i already adult and have more common sense than i was young.
Ironically thanks to me watching degen porn i know exactly what men "thinking" it saved me few times when i met with those groomer adult men & saving my hs friends whose bf want to have unprotected sex with her.
What part of me insecure?


mate, i think you're too overeacting.
this >>458 stories is relatively tame compared what i have read on any 4chink board.
i expect something worse like she fap to her mom, it just retarded coomer kids who sneakily watch porn. i dont understand why you suddenly jump into troon cult brainwashing shit when those anon just say "yeah i hang around with few troons & some were chill".
even the deodorant one is not even that bad because i had friend who have similiar experience trying to shove rando object to their pussy because theyre dumb curious horny teenager.
if anything it just show that anon had bad sex education when she still teen.
you'd be surprised that girls can be turbo horny just like men or even more degenerate than men.
i dont think someone who claim herself to be watching porn since grade schooler and then still being horny to this day can be converted as full blown puritan.

t. fellow coomer fujos


I, on the other hand, I'm the complete opposite of that anon. I literally can't be myself anymore. I have made a complete 180 from "not giving a shit and just being myself", into being completely paranoid and trying to please everybody and end up pleasing nobody.
I like degenerate shit at my own pace and boundaries, but for the most part I'm a huge fucking prude. I got mad at my only friend for a month for sending me unspoilered porn (not even because of the content, just because I don't really like looking at porn that much) yet I have a closet full of doujins, most of them mob/tentacles/etc.
The constant ever so growing anti mentality has made me incapable of just accepting my tastes, and when I really enjoy something I just drop it because I just find it pointless to enjoy anymore. I look at the nip scene and everyone is "normal" being happy degenerates but the western side is full of pseudo-racism like "eww the japanese are so weirddd why do they have to ship bad things oh my god sob emoji"
Not just my tastes but I've genuinely become afraid of people. Sure, it would be easier and simple to just "block every anti" but even I myself do have a bit of an anti mentality. I don't belong with the antis because I like problematic shit, but I don't belong with the proshippers because I don't want to talk about shota piss cock vore rape incest 24/7.
My only solace these days is just posting anonymously on whatever I can find, much like here. I desperately try to maybe reach out to hidden fujos scattered through my main 4chan boards but there's no point either way.
I want to kill myself honestly.


Reminds me of the time I put a pencil up my ass because I too was curious about what anal sex feels like. It was boring


Just learn Japanese and don't look at or talk to non-Japs outside of chans. I know I'm a hypocrite here because I'm a masochist who has occasionally looked up what English fandom retards are saying on twitter out of morbid curiosity, but I've largely cut that out compared to say 5 years ago and I'm much happier.


i respect and like your sentiment, despite im anti troon myself.
but i like how you actually doesnt stop being yourself and just do your own thing. wish i can be like that too, because i am so bad at socializing and being doomer myself it doesnt help a thing
you sound fun to hang out with & its nice to have folk who can chill with your interest & personality.


Uhh is someone samefagging in here


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i fucking hate RPF fujos. why the fuck you want to ship real people? why would you write a fanfic of a fucking real person? Seeing amount omegaverse dream, BTS, mcyt, etc make me think fujos fandom have fucking issue.
i NEVER understand with people logic treating real people as if they're fictional character & even so jack off at thought shipping two real human being who have actual life, personality and seeing this girl shipping them like theyre some sort of anime boy OTP make me puke.

same with vtuber honestly theyre 2.5 or in border closer to RPF shit.
even worse vtuber is just e-boy Larping using anime avatar. I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND why the hell people lusting them or shipping them.
>b..but we're just jerk off to the character
and? like ok even if you invested with the character and someday there's scandal turn out one of the guy behind your fave chuuba is beat his gf / making mysoginistic remark/ sex predator then graduate and then what? all those emotional attachment is for nothing.

>but its the same if your fave chara seiyuu got that kind scandal too!

no faggot, the seiyuu doesnt own the character and they can be replaced. and i love the character because its them not because the seiyuu, theyre just bonus if they hire my fav seiyuu.

and seeing this e-boy feeding their delusional fans content by baitin and pandering then building some sort parasocial relationship with their fans honestly make me sick.

>lol you just cant separat fiction and reality

nigger because i can separate fiction & reality, that's fucking why i dont lusting over vtuber boy. theyre not fictional character no matter how vtuberfag deny it.

i need to vent because im frustated why every fujo is into pseudo-RPF or blatant RPF this day. i mean yeah theyre a thing in past but iswear after vtuber boy it become worse and most fujo artist i follow cant help themselves drawing two e-boy making out
on top most vtuber fujo is fucking worse because they act exactly like typical stan twitter or kpoopie fujos.

i hate rpfujo and vtuberfujo so much for real. i fucking hate any RPF & pseudo rpf in my whole fucking chest.

just ship actual two fictional anime boy like normal people. not real people or even worse, real people RPin use anime avatar.


same anon again. this also apply to vtuber yumes.
i really cringe so hard seeing those BFE content and the delusional yumes eat that shit up thinking theyre dating to fucking anime boy.
i dont care if im being called schizo but to me it looks manipulative as hell those e-boy making BFE content and exploit their fans emotional dependency.


there is nothing wrong with RPF involving men because men have no rights




Honestly I just avoid anything with 3D moids, like fictional or real otherwise, I mean If your imagining them as anime boys that be cool but as actual 3D moids, that's just disgusting
why don't you just watch gay porn at that point, he wants to see real life moids fucking each other


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I used roleplay with a moid on reddit
I used to be RP as a smol boy and I would fetishize how small I was(I'm 5'6 IRL btw) and talk about how my partner hands were so big and how he was so tall and he'd demean and talk about how small and hairless I was, I guess we were both using each other for our fetish
It's really fucking cringy now that I think about it


I like shipping real people, but mostly ones who are super old and/or dead and have no way of finding the content. Shipping historical figures is fun


technically speaking a lot of famous historical figures are fictional characters in a way, we don't really know anything about what they were really like, just bullet points about their deeds and how others may have perceived them, think about how much every single person hides about themselves in daily existence and how could we really know them, even in self published and detailed autobiographies, our actions and behavior is made up based on recognition and or with persona bias
so ultimately It doesn't matter, shipping Alexzander Hamilton with Jon Hancock is on par with Guy and Kakashi imo


oh i've done this before. it's funny how set moids are on who tops/who bottoms


I mean I didn't care much back then, its just a cringe inducing memory that pops up and makes me wanna kill myself


I've recently gotten into a little historical shipping too. Very fun despite the low amount of content compared to other fandoms. I feel like the fact that these were historical people and events, even if they are bastardized enough to basically be fiction, give the stories and characters a bit more "weight", like the stakes are higher and the relationships are a little more complex


I've been feeling a bit crazy lately. I don't have a diagnosis or anything but I'm sure I suffer from some kind of mental illness or another. Particularly I tend to latch onto something somebody said - and it can really be anything - and repeat it over and over again in my head for days or weeks on end to the point of insanity. Living a hikkiNEET lifestyle surely doesn't help. It wouldn't be a big deal but some of my ruminating thoughts revolve around my favorite ship and I really don't want to abandon it just because I'm vaguely schizo. I've had to do it in the past. I'll try to simply be less retarded but it's hard.


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That's even worse, why the hell you fawning over sub-human?

this. 3d moid is disgusting. e-boy LARPING as anime boy is even more disgusting.

at least they're dead.


you might find this interesting, there's actual a huge chinese historic fanfic community. chinese people overall have less of an issue with these fics cause it isn't even making up headcanons, the vast majority of Chinese emperors and nobel figures had male lovers with confirmed romance and character traits



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i cant enjoy anything anymore.
i dont have any fixation toward any interest like im used to be.
i always put up facade to my friend that i enjoy this series, ship this, etc while the truth is i only say that to humor them & i barely invested about that stuff at all.
its been like this for the last 2-3 year & sometime i miss my old self who have passion to have fun with fandom stuff.
i'll read any problematic porn just hope i could feel something to it & most of time i force myself to masturbate despite i dont feel aroused at all because its the only thing that make me feels good.
i dont know why i'm turned pathetic like this & i'm not sure if things gonna get better.
i dont feel like i want to live but at same time dont feel like i want to die.
i cant feel sad, angry and happy anymore.
tried to get treatment with a therapist but nothing changed at all with me & i feel like i wasting money, so i stopped.


I mean yeah that's true but 3D men are still disgusting. They have hair and stink, but I guess looking at them through a screen you don't have to put up with that.


Me too I’ve never gravitated towards shotas in my life till now for some reason


I actually don't like BL that much, it can be cute but I prefer yuri… But as a girl I can't find any better 'girl space' to hang out in, since yurifags are mostly gross men


I don't care about yuri but I understand your struggle, male nerds as a whole are already cancerous enough. Welcome aboard I guess.


There's a thread >>>/ot/44 but like the entire site it not really active but it could grow.


I don't know what you specifically like about yuri, maybe you're just a diehard lesbian who only wants to look at girls, but if it's mostly the tropes you prefer you can try looking for BL that japs sometimes jokingly call 百合BL or ホモ百合 which is basically as the name implies, BL that reminds someone of yuri. 受け×受け is essentially the same thing.

A quick google search leads me to this https://dokusho-ojikan.jp/meta/537/ranking/1

I also saw Sachi Murakami's works recommended several times, particularly Rule Sono Ichi and Hijoukaidan De Aimashou.

I haven't read these so I can't vouch for quality, accuracy, or taste.


>was gonna suggest you seek out lesbian spaces online
>remembered the state of lesbian spaces online today


do you know of any yuri that reminds people of bl?


But the main ship is Hamilton x Burr and the powerhouses of that community tend to also read a fuckton of books about the two, both contemporary from their time period to recent, rare, etc. It's really crazy the amount of research that goes into that side of historical shipping. It's like it's the ACTUAL facts that attract people and not just the speculation.


This is based. Actually I'm also seeing a lot of Chinese language fics even for Western historical figures, like sometimes even more fics in Chinese than English or any other language for certain Western pairings. Makes me wish I spoke the language. Chinese fans seem based and cultured af I hope they keep prospering.



on twitter I pretend not to give a shit about who tops/bottoms in my ship, but I actually block anyone who draws or writes them in reverse.


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I kind of hate bisexuals and yurifags (but mostly the bifags). Not in the bigoted "you're SINFUL and all going to HELL" type of way, but more like how they keep shoving the fact that they love women so much in my face, especially when I'm talking about just men. Sometimes I wanna sperg about my love for anime boys in my own space or to myself and it's like they have this insatiable urge to interrupt it with "I like women, but-" or "well, I like both girls and guys, so-" and it's incredibly annoying. Like why mention or bring up something that no one is talking about as if to show off your sexuality? There was even a time where I legit thought something was wrong with me just because I don't like girls. I legitimately have NEVER met a single woman in my life who is not attracted to another woman in some way, so I had a really bad crisis about 5 or 6 years ago where I even tried to force myself to like women because I thought all women are just SUPPOSED to like girls. That went terrible and I'm even more disgusted by women now. I surrounded myself with ecchi artists who drew weird overly sexualized monster girls too so that may have been a contributing factor to my disgust, but even outside those circles there seemed to be no such thing as a woman who doesn't like women so I really felt alone (and still do). I really find BL to be such a huge comfort for me because it's just boys and I don't have to look at a female. I'm a bit sad that yurishit is allowed here, but at least it's kept in it's own separate thread where I can hide it ( seems to defeat the purpose of calling it fujochan AND centering it around BL, but I digress). I also try to make more friends with men instead of being surrounded by so many girls but that's impossible because I forget that they always fucking fall in love with anything vaguely female-shaped and then complain about being ""friendzoned"" when somone isn't interested in a relationship.

Wish I could just be a NEET and spend all day drawing the absolute most degenerate BL and fetish-y anime boy content you've ever seen and watch anime boys all day and night, because I'm just tired of interacting with people in general.


I've had a similar sentiment like you for a bit. I'm genuinely tired of dykes, and that almost every girl out there into anime boys is somehow a fucking dyke. I can tolerate bisluts to an exent, but I still very much like boys and men. It feels like most bisluts nowadays like 99% women and 1% men, and only for the "gender" factor ("I don't -like- men, I only wish I could be them!").
I can't talk comfortably about actually liking boys, because it has to be "ironic". You HAVE to actually hate everything but women.
I used to be tolerant, I still am a bit honestly, but I'm just incapable of talking to girls. I'm opposite to you, all my friends are men. I have never had a genuine friendship with a woman in my entire life. All my friends have always been nice to me too, never even done sexual remarks towards me or anything (might be because I've always been so tomboyish, that everyone always assumed I was a guy from the start. So even if they know I'm a girl, nothing changed for them.).
I just want to talk about anime boys, without having to hold back because the other person is a dyke and naturally, not actually into men. I don't take "irl dyke but into fictional boys a lot" types seriously either. You talk about wanting character X dick in your mouth all the time, how am I supposed to treat you seriously?


I think it's mostly performative feminism that you're witnessing.


Just wanted to tell you that I feel you anon, I literally wrote the same things you are complaining about in my note app a few weeks ago.

I'm not going to elaborate further because I don't feel like arguing with the people here.


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>I can't talk comfortably about actually liking boys, because it has to be "ironic".
you're terminally online kek. what a non issue. it "doesn't have to be shit" have you tried telling these people you'd like to discuss your love of anime boys without them shoe-horning girls into it?

you as well. i only skimmed this post but it seems whiny and annoying.


yurifags and lesbians are based because they dunk on hetshippers
now bifags, yeah those are genuinely annoying. you should know that most bi women are 99% into men but they pretend they prefer women more for clout


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It's really reassuring to know that I'm not the only one who feels this way, thank you anons I appreciate it so much. I did a bit of digging years ago and apparently it has something to do with my sexuality but no way I'm going into detail about that. It's different for everyone, but I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like this.

dunking on hetshippers will always be based kek


>but more like how they keep shoving the fact that they love women so much in my face, especially when I'm talking about just men.
Is that still a trend? I remember in early to mid-2010 when you couldn't talk about anime guys you find attractive on tumblr without some fake bi girls talking about how they want [insert random female character here] to step on them as a reply. You'd notice it was fake because of how often they'd copypaste phrases to talk about their favorite, brave and stunning, strong female characters or actresses, or they'd use memes, while they'd talk with their own words about guys because suddenly they were more inspired.

That's not really a big thing irl though. Try to befriend straight girls who aren't really terminally online or normies, but kind of in-between I guess, especially irl if possible.


I unironically love reading BBC cuckold stories where the guy abandons pussy for the chad bull and becomes a whore. They've become my guilty pleasure after seeing so much cuck shitposts that I started to actually like them and want to see more.


Sounds too moidish so the fujo version of thay would be regular MC meets a fine brown boy after getting rejected many times, gets fucked passionately and never turns back


>Hangs around coomer bihets and monstergirl artists who meme women into performing for them because of the cumbrained "all women are bi because my lesbian porn meme said so" moid meme
>Is disgusted by and hates women because of this now
Your anger is quite misplaced to say the least. Learn to realize that women aren't supposed to be defined by male wants and needs and that men groom and pressure women into being sexually attracted to other women because that's what tickles their dicks and they want their surroundings to cater to their hedonism. Not finding other women attractive isn't a personality trait that can be fixed but your innate sexuality that's completely valid, and most of those women claiming to be bi are only turned on by the thought because it gives them male validation by pandering to his lesbian/threesome fetish. Not because they're actually aroused by women.

Fujos generally don't talk about "wanting a character's dick in her mouth". They talk about wanting that dick to go into another male character's mouth.
>I'm opposite to you, all my friends are men. I have never had a genuine friendship with a woman in my entire life.
Well there's your problem. The /trash/ migrants on this site would have 99% of their issues sorted out if they stopped hanging around terminally online coomer incels and trannies and got some actual female friends instead of conflating every woman with some cherrypicked worst of the worst twitter screenshots.


Yeah, still a thing unfortunately. I hung around a new friend group in the past two years and they unironically say the whole forced "step on me mommy" shit. I really feel like they pretend to be attracted to anime women because it's popular and that's what's most abundant.

I was grossed out by women before I started hanging around coomer ecchi artists, I'm just saying it was strengthened moreso after I surrounded myself with that mess. I was too desperate to fit in with some group and that's the group I found first. I definitely have regrets in some ways, but it also made my motivation to be a better artist a lot stronger and I improved quite quickly.

And as much as I'd like to say this is just an online-only thing, it's not. Every single woman I talk to IRL hints at liking women in some way or talks about having waifu even if we're not discussing anime, among other things. I tried to believe that it's an online-only thing but part of why I felt so alone in that is because I encounter it offline as well. I also don't treat my disgust as a personality trait either (unless you count the occasional woman hateposting I occasionally did on my old twitter, but everyone does something like that now and thenon a private account. I had a mutual who would talk about hating penises so I think it's fair kek).


Stop spending your every waking moment online, nonnie.


>Everything that hasn't happened to me personally or something I haven't seen with my own two eyes IRL is an online-only thing
Stop being lazy and read other replies that don't have an image attached, nonnie.


are people actually ever gonna discuss fujo content on this site or are they just gonna come here to use the off topic board as another female /r9k/ like crystal cafe


>occasional woman hateposting I occasionally did on my old twitter
Jesus christ. Tell me, are you in your teens or very early 20's? I'm not trying to be intentionally mean but this "I hate women so much because they shame me for not liking other women" sounds like a whole load of projection, overreacting and lack of understanding of your own feelings. Yes, """girlcrushes""" have been normalized to the point that every woman has them on a celebrity or someone they admire but it's a thinly veiled "I wish I was her" skinwalking trait than a legitimate same sex attraction, and you seem to interpret this behavior as some vapid female trait you do not possess. Women are objectified and sexualized so much that for most it's a way to conform to the male-dictated societal standards to talk about your moid-approved big booba waifu than subject yourself to the exasperation brought upon by daring to ~objectify~ men (i.e. assert female sexual dominance) by gushing about your husbandos.

At least you recognize that hanging around coomers amplified your hate for other women but there seems to be a lot of baggage to unpack. Also, everyone here who brags only about having male friends - remember that the only reason they're your friends is that they want to fuck you and exploit you for female attention. Tell your epic gamer discord bros you got a boyfriend and see what happens.

You're in the confessions thread in the offtopic board, nonnie.


>You're in the confessions thread in the offtopic board, nonnie.
this gender related sperging is basically the only activity this site gets.


Nah, I unironically like the BBC meme. Sorry, find your own vanilla version yourself.

Most people here come from lolcow now since the /trash/ threads stopped happening. It's just basically another outlet to talk about the same shit, but with less moderation. Also, because fujo related talk is so scarce, you end up recognizing the very few posters talking about it. You'd basically have to samefag your way into creating discussion.

>remember that the only reason they're your friends is that they want to fuck you and exploit you for female attention. Tell your epic gamer discord bros you got a boyfriend and see what happens.
Nope. Sorry you're incapable of talking to men normally to the point you are so narcissitic and paranoid you truly believe everyone wants to fuck you kek.


>Most people here come from lolcow now
that's a shame.


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i listen to magnet (luka/miku vocaloid classic y'know) whenever i'm reading particularly depraved stuff. it just sets the mood so well.


incredibly based


These people aren't hanging around with normal men who treat women like people, they're literally admitting to being friends with 4chan incels during their "women are sooooo unrelatable I'm a total moidbrain kek!!!!!" spergouts on this site. And those are exactly the type of men that only seek female proximity to at least fantasize about sex with them or only to enjoy the female attention at the very least.

I'd say that the /trash/ migrants should fuck off anyway since most of them aren't even fujos but just coomers who enjoy all sorts of porn starting from dickgirls ending on lolicon as m/m just happens to be one drop in the sea of the fetishes they possess, but then again I feel sorry for them for frying their brains with the 4chan mindset to the point they're hating lesbians and sticking deodorant bottles up their ass or whatever.


>I'd say that the /trash/ migrants should fuck off anyway
She doesn't know…


shut up.


I'd say that anon is a newfag…


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That the board is created by /trash/fags? That's public knowledge and everyone here is aware of it. The admin openly shilled it on Lolcow though and a lot of anons refused to migrate because it looked like a honeytrap constructed by a scrote, and it doesn't fall far away from that assumption seeing how many edgy teenage NLOGs it hosts.


>if you're not a paranoiac radfem letting men live rent free in your head then you're NLOG


you're so crazy girl


>says I did occasional hateposting
>taking it as if I do this every single waking moment of my life and that there's some deep psychology to it
Not sure if bitter ruglicker or schizo looking too deep into things….or both. Either way, seems like I hit a nerve. It's not that deep, I'm just not attracted to chicks.


Why are you so mad though? If you're not enjoying this place then I think you should try and find somewhere else nonnie. I don't think you came here for the fujo stuff or anything else.


Any further derailment of the thread or infighting (encouragement included) will result in a ban, keep replies on topic from now on.


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The ship dynamic I adore the most might be M/F ships consisting of a girl + boy pair of weirdos who are devoted to each other.
Just two autists in love.
I'll save lots of guro or bestiality of the other male characters in the series alongside lots of cute art of adorable het autists.


no one cares


I thought Josuke/Yasuho was cute but I never finished Jojolion, I stopped reading in the middle of the beetle fight when the last chapter available was about it, and I was too lazy to check new chapters every month. Is it worth reading it again just for these two?


The primary reason I have never gotten into a single thai BL series is cause I can't stand the language, just listening to them speak gives me a headache, It doesn't matter how hot the guys are or steamy the sex scenes could be, I get a massive headache with in the first five minutes and give up and I don't have this problem with other foreign languages, cause I love Taiwanese series


>I regularly read the fanfics and look at fanart for lots of series which I haven't actually watched, read or played. Nor do I plan to.
you just like me fr


not bbc cuckholdfag but i unironically watch real gay black on black moid porn. constantly read lightskin bl bore me the fuck out so i seek other deranged coom material


oh dios mio.. el americano en fujochan


I always read BL at work since no one comes to my table while I do my work, today I'm reading some omegaverse too. Good times.


I hate america so fucking much its unreal, seriously this is a moid tier behavior


And a taco tuesday to you too


I'm the original anon and I'm not even American. Stop having men live rent free in your head



racist moid please leave


I could've written this myself. I don't know at what point my brain flipped a switch and my mentality changed entirely, from being happy and immersed in my own fantasies, enjoying yaoi to… self censorinng, feeling sinful and ashamed for liking this kind of stuff.
Might be TMI, but this happened also after my bf told me he was raped.
I just felt like I couldn't enjoy anything M/M, worse if it's forced sex.
We've talked a lot, known each other for years and he has reassured me that it's okay for me to enjoy yaoi and extreme fetishes, so I'm slowly trying to go back to my old self.


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This one is more simple. It's simply shame. I am ashamed of the stuff I like. My IRL friends are a bit nerdy like me but lean a lot on the anti-yaoi side. They're not bad people but I hear a lot of criticism of the things I like and I pretend to agree with them. They go from the premise that yaoi is inherently wrong because it will psychologically scar you or turn you into some kind of sex pest when it never really did neither to me. I myself masturbate rarelly, sometimes I can go months without cooming and I still enjoy yaoi. Sometimes I am paranoid about them eventually finding out that I do. I just pretend I hate it. I pretend I hate 2D porn when I myself do coom to 2D yaoi porn. Plus the stuff I coom to is problematic. I always tell myself it is ok because it is fictional. But I keep hearing rhetoric on how these things will eventually melt my brain up, or turn me into a creep or something like that. I have a fairly good social life, at least I assume I do. But it comes to times where I consider deleting my years old yaoi folder with a shit ton of pictures archived over this feeling of being wrong. Is it that bad that I coom to 2D yaoi porn that can be deemed problematic? I never let it affect my actual life outside of my sexual urges. It isn't like I constantly coom either. I am not obsessed with the feeling of cooming. But I don't know. I feel like my friends apply male sexuality to female sexuality (they themselves tell me they never coom or do not admit to it, i don't know. Very preachy and a bit sex negative but not too much either. It's weird.). So yeah it all results in this feeling of shame. I am ashamed. And sometimes I feel like I'm some sort of monster for cooming to yaoi. I do not even want to mention what I coom to, even here in this thread. I am ashamed. Fuck it. It feels like sometimes I would have been better off not discovering yaoi altogether and have normie vanilla het sex fantasies and not touch any porn at all in my life. Maybe then I would have been like my friends and not have this intense feeling of guilt.


Kind of necro but same… In my teen years i memed myself into liking bl because my friends likes it + Yuri was inexist and mostly full of males. That kinda contributed to my sexual repression i guess, as i don't like men or dicks at all. It also was the most bland, healthy gay rep taken at face value with maybe a little of "daddy kink" if i was lucky. I only recently made amends with bl, because now i undestrand that it doesnt have anything to do with actual irl males and drawn dicks are as much of a fantasy as animal ears. Anyways i like my yuri with adult woman loving each other and my yaoi full of dehumanization and gross shit, with no traits of irl males on sight, thanks.


Me too. I wish there was more lesbian content like that, het disgusts me.


I feel like the only fujo here who likes hetshit as well as yaoi and yuri and dislikes explicit lolisho


you're not alone, i also do not like explicit lolisho and i actually hate it (het stuff i dont mind either as long as its not obviously made for the male gaze), yuri i like too.


I'm not the most suited to tell you anything, because I am on a similar boat to yours (except I don't coom and a lot of what I feel are actually borderline schizophrenic delusions) but don't let shame hold you down that badly.
I don't have irl friends let alone internet friends but I do know that you don't always have to tell them everything.
People will judge you whether you do or don't do anything. If you're happy on your own, at least hold on to that.


thank you. I'll just keep my yaoi sperging private and only tell people that also like it… it just kinda sucks to always hear rhetoric that ends up just shaming you


i like all of them as long it's cute and not exaggerated in a disgusting way


I convert random 3d irl guys into a 2d yaoi series in my head so much that I keep having dreams of people I know being gay.


>>1336 you're not alone kek i can consume anything but lolisho. An instant turn off, not even the most vainilla ones.


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Fuck I really wish there was a random fujo gushing thread but I want to get this off my chest because holy shit there is truly no greater feeling than finally fucking finding art of your fucking dead ship after so long of digging through literally nothing for so fucking long. I've been sitting here with my big stupid fujo grin like a fucking idiot because I truly like them as a pair no matter how much I keep trying to water down my own fujo feelings merely because the pair has been history revision'd to hell and if anyone found you shipping them these days you'd get burned at stake. There is quite literally near non-existant content on pixiv, not even in the novel section, and even on twitter it's pretty fucking dead. Naturally, since it's a really old game, all content only existed in fansites back in the day but ALL of those are gone now.
The only content I can consume is trying to get my hands on the (quite plenty for a supposedly "dead ship" nowadays) doujins from the 2000s and unironically squee and sdfsjdksdasd when I see them, like I fucking found gold that no one else will have because they're WEAK. The fact that it actually used to have a shitton of doujins really reminds me how people these days want to pretend it doesn't exist in favor of their bland tasteless popular ships.
I want Tatsuya to fucking grab his stupid BOTTOM of a brother and kiss him, kiss him like he's the only thing he has in the world which is actually canon btw. One day P2 will get a fucking remake or a modern port and hopefully at least 5 degenerates pop out of that so I can freely dump my unfinished drafts of smut and talk about how much I want them to fuck.
I will get a scanner and scan all of my fucking doujins so the P2 tag in sadpanda in MRM is nothing but Tatsukatsu and create my own fucking revisionism because the tatsujun fags never even did anything at all.
Rant over.


>Fuck I really wish there was a random fujo gushing thread
say no more
post made me smile, by the way. never been interested in persona (?) but it's good to see my fujosistren so hype over their boys.


Having a weird sexuality crisis rn. Always thought I was lesbian, but gay porn turns me on. Maybe I just like guys having sex with other guys and women having sex with other women. I’m pretty confused


gay porn? you mean disgusting vile 3DPD porn? because that's what I think of when I heard "gay porn"


Ok, based. I kind of feel that way, but with shota, het is the best when its SS imo.


I used to be a full on hardcore fujo when I was younger but I feel more like a husbandofag nowadays. I still exclusively read mlm fanfics but I don't see myself gravitating towards BL doujins like I used to


only vaguely related to bl but all my friends are getting their downpayments on houses and shit and where am i? lusting over men fucking eachother and being one hell of a disappointment. feelsbadnonas


Confession: a certain mental breakdown by a certain demon lord recently has made me fall more in love with him. In the parasocial way. His mental breakdown kind of turned me on. And I don't feel bad about it, but I should.


I can kind of understand that. The way he really accidentally proved he's just as gachi for his fans as they are for him – even if as a collective rather than as individuals – is also kind of appealing. As long as you don't start actively attempting to make him feel shitty so he'll have another public meltdown, I don't think there's really much wrong with feeling that way.



Confession: the desperation in his voice as he says "I dont want it all to disappear" or something in the lines of that as he spoke about the happiness his fans brought to him with lightboards etc kinda had me feeling things


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I wanted to promote this chan in a certain place, but:
>right now it's a really bad time to do so and it would bring in shitposters
>some people I know also lurk in that certain place and I'm afraid of being recognized if they were to take a peek here
Shit sucks because I want more people to talk about my favorite niche with but the risk is not worth it.


>promoting this place would bring in shitposters
Nonna the shitposters are already here, it can't possibly get worse than it already is.


I spend most of my time obsessing over gay anime twinks, and yet I really dislike and feel put off by yume stuff. I thought it was because I don't like imagining myself in yume-type scenarios with fictional characters(or at all, really) and prefer seeing two characters together and while the latter part is true, I've recently realized that I'm kind of fine "yumeing" female characters? But they have to be characters with actual personalities, preferably from media that doesn't have a big male coomer fanbase, that aren't just bland waifus for lonely incels. What does this mean.


You just have preferences, like anyone else. It could mean you're not as straight as you assumed or it could literally just mean that when it comes to fictional characters you're only into women. IRL and fictional preferences don't necessarily line up, especially when it comes to 2D, so in the end you're the only one who can really tell whether this means anything deeper.


For me, I'm not comfortable with self-inserting because I have hang-ups about sexual contact with men from previous experiences and I'm under a lot of pressure from family to have sex and reproduce. I don't feel the same way about female characters because there's no personal baggage associated with them.
That's how it works for me, but everyone's different.


Same, but is mostly because I was born a dry well of physical desire.

My confession is that i got over 30 different documents with around 100 pages each full of histories of my OC fucking each other and living comfortably and quietly in different scenarios. Is my own personal Coffeeshop AU fluff piece that never ends.


>I don't need feminism because… uh… I'm confused


I draw that kind of stuff because it's fun. Especially slutty costumes (but only if it makes sense and is more than just "generic bikini").
I'm trying to get into drawing guys, but the best I can do is the rightly reviled trapshit.
Vanilla lolisho is as far as I'll go. Lolis and shotas are meant for hugs only!


I noticed a lack of fujos on chan imageboards, most female posters are deranged yumes with a hateboner for yaoi and an increasing number of them prefer explicit male gaze content. Sucks for someone like me who prefers imageboards to twitter


based taste, i love their art style


Sadly, I noticed this too, for example the twst thread on /vg/ is full of yume posting which I can't stand. I am a lot more comfortable being anon but I gave in and made a twitter recently and it's honestly not that bad. There are of course gonna be a lot of trans flags, they/thems etc but I honestly don't care too much about that stuff if they don't make it their whole personality. You can find some pretty okay people to befriend there but it does require stepping out of your comfort zone which is being anonymous. It also means you don't surround yourself with shitty and toxic "chan culture" all the time.


>twst thread on /vg/ is full of yume posting
as someone who never visits /vg/ that's shocking to me considering the wider fandom is definitely majority fujos. the game itself barely even yume panders, romantic undertones are almost always fujobait


See I think that's the case too, fanart wise etc. and yet the few times I visited the general it was just endless yume posting. Maybe I just visited at bad times or something.
>the game itself barely even yume panders, romantic undertones are almost always fujobait
Yumes always try to force their way in even with majorly fujo pandering games, I have seen people wishing NuCarni was an otome game.


>people wishing NuCarni was an otome game
the gay porn game
they want that one to be an otome


Yes, the one gay porn gacha game we have. I've seen that take multiple times, as well as people wishing there were females in the game etc. I try not to be too judgemental just because someone is a yume, but it's hard because so many of them are insufferable and can't stand a single thing being for fujos and not for them.


they're pickmes lmao
it makes me think of this girl from /xivg/ who would seethe at gay posting but not care about men talking about which loli they wanted to fugg


Watch out for the Twitter antis


Yeah, I've had them approach me already but I think my @ puts them off enough (while not being super degenerate). I don't really care if they tell me to kys or whatever, in fact I find it more funny than anything. Hopefully I can manage to stay off the radar though for most of them though as my main fandom is full of antis.


As a fujo who's been using imageboards for a very long time, I can see why they wouldn't like them. A lot of us, including myself, don't like the unironically toxic "imageboard culture" that's about being aggressively edgy for the sake of being edgy including being misogynistic and racist when it didn't even use to be like that before the early to mid 2010's. It's a mentally taxing environment developed by so many terminally online posters on places like 4chan who have severe mental health problems IRL and probably have a sad, depressing hikki existence that's not getting any better by living through anonymous imageboards. Twitter has its annoying parts like the trans flag Aidens (who, let's be real here, probably anonymously post on some imageboard themselves due to feeding off of drama) but least there I don't have to deal with being called slurs since I can report it and people are generally very cordial and eager to share their love for characters and series.


On Lolcow there was some dedicated yume sperg who spammed the mobage thread having a fit about how Twisted Wonderland is actually a yume game and the MC is meant to be female, even when he's male in the manga and it's an all-male school anyway. So they definitely exist.

>I have seen people wishing NuCarni was an otome game.

Kek, I've also seen hetfags demanding NC to add female characters and it just boggles the mind to see them have the entire gacha game genre pander to them yet they can't comprehend one fucking game not catering to their needs. That's why I can never take the "why is everything catering to the homos now" crowd seriously, they absolutely fail to see how it is in the grand scheme of things.


I have seen anything like that for Nu Carn

I did see some people asking for NB and transmasc or whatever twitter gender is up these days, since liking dicks these days is bad


What a load of shit. The whole reason fujo fandoms went to shit is these twitter idiots who got groomed by trannies and insiste BL need vaginas and fiction equals reality.

They are also the reason you are here and not twitter


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Yumes are more deranged and feel threatened by fujos. They are also unironically homophobic most of the time so no way that would slide with the common public. That's why they seek chan refuge because they can hate gayshit together with everyone else, something you can't do on twitter.
One of my "friends" is kind of exactly like this. Homophobic shotacon yumejo with extreme ultra seethe issues. The mere notion of homoshit existing makes her go into overdrive. What's worse is that she's not an oc/character yumejo nor a standard hetshipper, she's the "for (you)" type of gachayumejo who can only accept FeMC/character art ONLY.
Fujos, judging by the responses your post got, either already have some friends to rely on or they can pretend to suck up trannyshit in order to fit in twitter spaces.
Also, these days the line of simply being a fujo is getting blurry. Some people husbandofag by proxy if they're "fujo", as in, "I'll self-insert as the top/bottom". Which just leads to being a yume in the grand scheme of things anyway.


Yikes, your friend sounds insufferable. Literally the female equivalent of the waifufag coomer who needs all girls only to interact with his self insert, otherwise they're cuckshit.
>Fujos, judging by the responses your post got, either already have some friends to rely on or they can pretend to suck up trannyshit in order to fit in twitter spaces.
I mean, what other choices are there? I've enjoyed fujo stuff on my own for years (I stopped interacting with western fandoms probably since around 2017/2018) and now that I want to make fujo friends in current year it's incredibly difficult to find normal ones. At least all this time spent on 4chan taught me to ignore what I don't like so I literally just don't interact with any trans stuff I see on twitter. It's not ideal but as I said, there just aren't many choices.
>Some people husbandofag by proxy if they're "fujo", as in, "I'll self-insert as the top/bottom".
This is something I never understood. I just want to see two cute boys together, why would I want to be one of them?


You're going to get jumped but you're absolutely correct and described my experience with psycho imageboard yumejos to a T. A gigantic meltdown every time she sees her husbando being shipped with a male character and hates IRL gay people because of it, loves oneeshota because she wants to be a possessive BPD mommy bangmaid for the little boy, posts absolutely deranged sexual fantasies about being abused by her husbandos yet still has a ridiculous superiority complex over fujos who just ship characters together and projects her own obsession with self insertion to them. She even hates f/f ships even when they don't interfere with her self-insertion just because, like you said, she's simply grossed out by the mere mention of anything gay.

>gachayumejo who can only accept FeMC/character art ONLY.

This type is a special kind of crazy, I used to know one who was always cooking up these melodramatic scenarios of fujos and himes bullying and harassing her because they didn't indulge as NPCs in her self insertion fantasies and told her to please stop writing detailed, explicit NSFW scenarios about her husbando right to their faces. And she was a grown woman, not some random twitter teenager.


i'm too lazy to quote any one person but i've honestly never seen the yume vs. fujo argument outside of lolcow


All this talk about toxic yumes only reminds me of a controversial hetshipper from years back. Sure most of her ire was drawn to other hetships (basically one half of her OTP being shipped with someone else), but she also hated yaoi and even yuri.


That's mostly because yumes and fujos keep far away from each other elsewhere but imageboards bring them together as all anime male material is grouped in concentrated boards that doesn't differentiate between BL and otome. And I know people like to act like it's a "both sides are retarded" sort of argument but it seriously was all yumes being extremely hostile towards fujos that started the feud, even on Lolcow.


Come to think of it, she sounds like a lot of toxic yume/hetshippers.
Which reminds me… how is it they act more like the stereotypical fujo than fujos themselves? They seem to get angry if you dare let another guy get in the way of their OTP from the sound of it.


In my main fandom there's an infamous WWII AU fic where one half of my OTP is a sadistic up-and-coming closeted gay mass-murdering rapist Nazi and the other half is a mixed-Japanese tourist who gets mistaken for a Jew and detained by the regime when it takes power. Not only is it terribly OOC- the 'Nazi' character in canon is gentle, loving, and wholly devoted to the other half of the pairing, and they canonically love each other- but it's also not very well written; it's in Spanish and I had to use a translator app to read it, but even with the language barrier I can tell. It has all the worst tropes associated with fics of its nature; Nazi-kun's personality changing on a dime because the author didn't know when to have him make his change of heart, not!Jew-kun falling hopelessly in love with him after years of being kept as a sex slave being brutally raped and tortured for years and kept in a basement, Nazi-kun only being such a bad guy because he's ashamed of being gay and his dad was a bastard, all of it. The only thing that makes it stand out is Nazi-kun's waaay too long backstory(it takes up like 1/5 of the fic) of his first love who was ALSO an insane Nazi-sympathizing murderer who he's forced to kill after he betrays him, cementing his insanity and lack of belief in love- who is based on the Code Geass MC's little brother, for some reason. It's all around terrible.

And I don't know why, but it's also one of my favorite fics for that pairing. I re-read it all the time and even drew fanart for it, but my style is pretty distinctive and I don't want it to get out. I cri evrytiem when they have tender, gentle sex for the first time as the Red Army advances on their city and their deaths are imminent in the penultimate chapter. I know there's no hope for me


Some posts on this board made me pay more attention to how some "fujos" tend to self insert as the bottom and will often enjoy hetbend etc and it's kind of annoying. I tend to enjoy some characters who I think of as "slutty bottoms", but not for self insert reasons, I just like seeing them take dick. I figured other people were similar but nowadays I can notice when people for example write fics of said character with a self insert angle and it irks me. I guess what I'm trying to get at is that I wish these yumes in denial didn't act like they actually like a character when they're just using him as a self insert. Not only limited to bottoms but it's definitely more common. Oh, and don't even get me started on trannies who do this while making a canonically male character trans.


>Oh, and don't even get me started on trannies who do this while making a canonically male character trans.
Not hard when a lot of "bottoms" follow the "draw a girl and call it a boy" principle


Fandoms is a weird thing
The more popular a thing is, the more headache-inducing fandom is. But the more obscure a thing is, the less fanart/fanfiction is out there…
I can always make my own stuff since I can draw.


>tend to self insert as the bottom and will often enjoy hetbend etc
Where have you seen anyone saying this?


I don't think anon meant "here" specifically they find those kinds of people, it's more that (the site) made anon pay more attention to that. It happens pretty much everywhere else outside, like tumblr twitter and etc.
Hetbend is particularily more prevalent with some nip fujos than with westerners (but they do enjoy "transbending", basically genderbending both but as trans. I've seen that personally. Transfem/Transmasc with is essentially a hetbend but trans).
Personally, this whole hetbend thing really made me stop liking a pair I liked because a lot of artwork they were getting was straight up hetbend. I'm just gonna say it, it was Jamil/Kalim.
Fanartists would just make kalim straight up a big titted uguu eyed kawaii girl and only enjoy the pair in a hetbend way. There were artists that would exclusively draw Kalim as a girl for some reason too.
It's kind of inevitable these days for the "uke" character to not be made into a girl, whether literally or figuratively.


Yumes self inserting into BL are a disease. They're the kind who are genuinely homophobic and are constantly pushing the envelope to make the m/m ship to be read as a straight one because they desperately want to make it about them and their self-insert fantasies. This includes all the yume in denial Aidens who headcanon the bottom as an FTM.


Post sources, I love P2 as well.


I mostly read literary porn than watch it. I used to only use visual stuff, but I don’t get anything from them at all anymore. Idk any sites other than ao3 for literary porn. It sucks how male-gazy yumejoshi stuff is usually, even the supposed ‘female-gaze’ fanfic. I still enjoy it, but I always get the nagging feeling in the back of my head ‘where’s the description of his body?’ or ‘what is he doing to seem attractive for his woman/the reader?’


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Artist is @ane_Am
They draw very sporadically however, but I was so happy to actually find an artist that drew tatsukatsu in 2022 I actually sent them a marshmallow in gratitude.
I want to upload my cornucopia of doujins of them that I own one of these days.


This is one of the reasons I can't into het. If I want women's bodies being thirsted over I'll read yuri. My rare taste in het is basically male characters getting bullied and I dgaf about what the woman looks like, describe his lewd faces more. Otome games should be giving us naked male/fully clothed female instead of the reverse.


It still feels so very suffocating to not have a single female friend in my entire life.
All my friends are guys, guys I've known for at least 13+ years. They're all nice, sure and they're definitely my friends but it's always so castrating that I can never go full fujo sperg at all because I have nobody to share it with.
I never grew up with tumblr or female spaces either, if I had I probably would've been some ayyden tranny by now but that's not the point. I just wish I could've known what it felt like to be a fujo sperging to another fujo, and having each other share headcanons and silly stuff. But it's already too late, I'm doomed to just basically be the "tomboy" girl to my friends forever and just settle with that.
This is entirely an online thing, by the way. I've never had friends IRL, and still don't.
Even with this site I feel strange because maybe I'm not fujo enough, I just don't know.
I wish I had a fujo friend.


If you want to meet other fujoshis, you could use discord


wish i had a fujofriend too. sometimes i come across girlies livestreaming bl games together and vcing over discord and it makes me feel so lonely lol


I hate having to hide the fact that I'm a woman on 4chan, moids can post all they want about how their waifu makes their dick hard, but the second I imply I have a vagina suddenly I'm an attention whore.


This, incredibly frustrating. It's even worse when you're on /cm/ or when someone asks what a female perspective would be on __.


I hate Furries, they have no place in BL spaces and I consider them moid-tier degenerates


non jpn fujos who probably can't even read/speak jpn going on and on about what does or doesn't belong in "bl spaces" never fails to make me kek
imagine trying to gatekeep a medium you see like, the barest slivers of on top of knowing absolutely nothing about it's fan culture outside of your own dwindling westoid circles


Same, saying something "doesn't belong in bl fandom" just because you don't like it is eye-roll worthy. And I don't even care for the furry fandom.


I'll back this statement as well. The BL community is niche enough without it cannibalizing itself. I'm sick of people saying something is ugly or gross. Just ignore it, be it furfag or shota all your complaining does is make you look bitchy.


How about that trapshit, huh?(stay in your thread)


I'm honestly fine with traps. I agree there is usually a different demographic who consumes it but there is crossover. A lot of Japanese fujoshi artists draw male characters in maid outfits and mahou shoujo outfits plus there are characters like the Assassination Classroom boy and Chihiro who are popular with both genders.

I still stand by the principle that if you don't like something you should ignore it. No need to ruin things for people who aren't hurting anyone.


I dislike both Shota and trap shit but I try not to judge others who are into it, but furries are different, If you are a furry there is something fundamentally wrong with you


I really wish this site was more active, this is the only place that has relatively normal posters that share my interests. 4chan is full of unironic incels, reddit is full of normies, twitter has too many trannies, lolcow has yumes and hetshitters with superiority complexes. They're all insufferable. Anime-type of media's fandoms lately have been getting worse and worse and I feel like I often have no place where I can discuss things I'm into without getting annoyed at the people I'm talking to. Or maybe it was always this bad and I'm only realizing it now.


Same, just wish we had even just 10 more daily users


lc is full of annoying fujo haters that call everyone a troon or a moid if they even mention bl in anyway. the shitstirring today was so boring and annoying like. i prefer it when women actually are shameless abt it because why shouldn't they be?


r/Yaoi is pretty decent, no moral faggotry, no judgement, a lot of OC, only downside is you can't share links from manga hosting sites


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>the shitstirring today was so boring and annoying like

These retards want a "manhate/pinkpill topic ban in lc" situation to happen so bad but with fujoshi stuff instead, they're not even subtle about it.
That's why they have been so notably insufferable these days, they have been trying for several months already.


YES YES YES i agree with you. Fujochan is the only imageboard where I can actually discuss my bl/yaoi interests. I guess I can discuss them on crystal.cafe /nsfw/ board too but it doesn't feel… right. I'm very happy for this website. It brings out the fujo in me that I have always tried to supress because on top of all that which has been mentioned I also have moralfagging irl otaku friends which have a hate vendetta against yaoi and anything remotely and slightly problematic. It's like each time you start talking about anime with them they come up with enraged takes that you'd commonly see on twitter (well they use twitter unironically anyway so I shouldn't be surprised).


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I 100% agree with that, but I also wish that both fujo and non-fujo anons on lc would just ignore obvious bait and agree to disagree on some topics. At this point, I don't even know if the moralfag was a troll or not, since they constantly shit on fujoshi and some of the whump anons. Both very harmless things, I don't know where these people get of trying to control women's sexuality and attraction.



>agree to disagree

lol lc anons have only gotten worse and now w the summer fags and twitter tards it's almost impossible to have a discussion.


A lot of new lolcow users are Youtube tourists that come from creepshowart drama too. Sometimes I unironically think that lolcow is the Facebook of imageboards.


at this point, i think you're absolutely right.
the infighting has also gotten worse and the boards own cows are insufferable.


>be alone and miserable and want to have friends
>scream to myself alone on twitter
>somebody wants to talk to me
>they find me interesting
>they talk to me on a separate account from their main one
>look them up
>they're underage
>act like an anti in public but like fucked dynamics secretly
>don't want to deal with the possibility of unintentionally influencing someone just merely because I kept talking about a ship they secretly liked but don't want their big twitter friends to know
>want to softblock them but I don't have it in me to reject somebody who went out of their way to seemingly make an account to exclusively talk to me
>but I can't live with the thought that I'm more degenerate than I let on and eventually they'll find that out about me and dogpile me
sigh, I don't know what to do
I always keep rejecting every person that comes contact with me regardless of them being underage or not


>I really wish this site was more active
Sites has too many rules on what's it's allowed and not, it's never going to be big. Ban this,ban that,ban my ass.

It's not even good for fujo stuff, the yuri thread is more active than the Haikyuu or JJK Bl threads.


Softblock them. shit, hardblock them if you really need to. There's always a risk that they want to discuss these things with you, "expose" you, and use their status as a minor to accuse you of grooming them. It happens, believe me. Even if that isn't their intent you probably aren't the only adult they're talking to about this kind of stuff and you gotta nip that behavior in the bud because it's an easy way for them to talk to adults who ACTUALLY have bad intentions.

What fandoms are you into? If we have anything in common I'd like to talk on twitter. I could always use more mutuals to be degenerate with


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I don't like how on the internet as a whole people are more focused on zippy "funny" remarks and fast-paced one-liners.
I hate how if you try to seriously engage with a conversation or topic you get laughed at for caring too much and told TLDR. Even if it's only a paragraph or two.

I've always be a bit of a stick in the mud and way too verbose, but it seems like way too many people online don't want an actually substantial conversation or any form of sincerity.

I just want to seriously discuss things.


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Are you literally me? I love talking way too much about shit for hours on end. Be it about the plot of a game/show in detail and analyzing every single thing, same with characters and their dynamics (sometimes with ship intentions sometimes just normally), things about fandom of old and specific subject related things like popular artists and ships at the time/or that still exist, etc. I can write text walls of all the things that I find interesting in detail even if I may be wrong in interpreting something but I love doing that.
But as you say, people don't really care about that. It's all about "character goes to wendys, what do they order" or quirkyXD one-note things like "eating gunk from (x) belly" or shit like that. I notice that far too often and far more commonly, that's why I don't like zoomer humor.
Maybe I'm just simply no-fun allowed. It's not like I don't have humor or laugh, I'm not a rock but nonsensical stuff just irritates me.


Even back in The Day on the bigger forums (SA, ebaums) you were a weirdo if you wanted to talk about stuff in a way that girls often do (character/plot depth, fanfiction, meta, shipping, theories, etc). Livejournal and later tumblr used to be decent for this, but presently we have nowhere that is the trifecta of girl-dominated, high population, and well-moderated.

There has been a war on sincerity for the last two decades. I'm only recently seeing the "it's okay to be cringe" pushback.


Huge agree. I'm an autist who writes tl;dr essays analyzing things that I observe and how they connect with each other and the current zoomer onliner clapback culture drives me insane. Sometimes it's appropriate to say "it's not that deep" because occam's razor is a thing but with many interesting phenomena there's more to it. It feels like a waste to endlessly consoom things on a strictly surface level instead of taking it in and enjoying it in its full glory. I love analyzing the fujo culture because it's such an underresearched topic (as is any female-dominated space) and I love reading anons' long posts here that take take more into account than just "but buttsecks is so hot tee hee".


I miss 2009-2011 Tumblr, back before everything was crazy political and people were truly engaging with the media they consumed at its level instead of extrapolating why X is trans or why the author is racist/misogynistic/xenophobic.

I think the fact that Tumblr garnered such a nasty reputation for crazies and most Fandom discourse has moved to Twitter with such a small character count has been terrible for media analysis and Fandom culture in general.
I am glad to see YouTube has people who have taken up seriously analyzing media even if their main focus is mainly aimed at a leftist critique and fascist messaging in works.


Same here, I feel completely alienated in my hobby or fandom circles because I'm a very analytical person, I like looking into the individual parts of things - characters, setting, motivations, all of that. I always feel like I'm not welcome or I'm an encroaching alien when I do engage with the fandom spaces for my interest. They're stifling spaces because they've either driven everyone else out with either shallow coomer nonsense, or pedantic shit like "where was this explicitly stated?", when it's a immensely detailed setting with lots of nuanced narrative depth… bleh. I feel like media literacy is dying.

I tried getting into other fandom spaces but i end up with the same shallow "McDonald's at home" level of meme shit and people who don't even consume the media they're fanning about and who treat their ignorance as a badge of honor. People are slaves to the algorithm. It's all so tiring.


I miss not being able to get as "into" series as I used to be able to back in middle/high school, when I first became a fujo and would be borderline obsessive and post about pairings and fandoms all the time on Twitter, Tumblr, etc. I don't know if this lack of fandom enthusiasm is from me getting older and maturing or some kind of internalized shame about being the annoying weirdo fandom girl. I know that older women are the backbone of fujoshis and make the best content but sometimes I worry this is going to be a years-long phase that I look back on and cringe.
Part of the fear seems irrational since my social media has usually been more fandom oriented, and my twitter is almost 100% fandom stuff. I make fanart and fic and very rarely buy merch- I'm just not materialistic like that- so when it comes to engaging with fandoms and showing my love via lowkey merch I have no real issues. My constant worry is the potential for future embarrassment. I know I can come across as normal in conversation with coworkers, other friends, etc. so I know I'm not awkward or off putting, but that thought keeps nagging at me. I feel like this fear of judgement is why I'm not as enthusiastic, though I keep wondering if another factor at play is me maturing and potentially growing out of fandom, which I fear even more.


But men can get pregnant.


Yeah, in the omegaverse


Get a job, a real one, now.


No they can't


>I feel like this fear of judgement is why I'm not as enthusiastic, though I keep wondering if another factor at play is me maturing and potentially growing out of fandom, which I fear even more.
There's an adult fujoshi thread also on /ot/ if you want to take a peek at it for some reassurance. Usually what people grow out of is feeling cringe for having a dorky hobby rather than the hobby itself (I stopped feeling shame about it around 25). At the end of the day creating fanart/fanfic is still drawing/writing practice that can be applied to future creative endeavors, so if you do end up losing interest you at least came out of it with better skills.


I fully relate to this, I only keep up with series I started long ago and play video games I'm already sure I'll like because they're old franchises. It's because of my lack of free time and the fact that I'm always tired anyway, but fandoms ruined a good part of the fun. I can't get into fandoms at all anymore, a close friend of mine also told me she can't and she just minds her own business online nowadays. I went to a big con last week and it was really fun but I went there by myself and minded my own business, while a decade ago I would have went with friends and would have tried to befriend other con goers, cosplayers, artists, etc.

>I know I can come across as normal in conversation with coworkers, other friends, etc. so I know I'm not awkward or off putting, but that thought keeps nagging at me.

Same for me, I just barely talk about my personal life to coworkers anyway because I don't want to be involved in some gossip shit. I can talk about mainstream video games and manga with some of them but I don't go too far into talking about hobbies. I do have a coworker who subtly hinted that she's into BL once or twice, and she likes isekai stuff but beyond that she's a well-adjusted, nice coworker I like to think I also give a similar impression. I have another coworker who is into kdrama and kpop enough to have studied Korean in university and she also barely talks about it and seems like a professional, well-adjusted older zoomer.


This post could've been written by me, nonny. Especially the dichotomy between content being either mindless coomershit or the "citation needed" level of pedantry that entirely lacks the ability to read between the lines and how the narrative is set up. I painfully grit my teeth whenever an argument ends up with someone digging up small details out of context from the wiki page to disprove a point being made based on a interpretation of nuances and the overall picture.

>shallow "McDonald's at home" level of meme shit and people who don't even consume the media they're fanning about and who treat their ignorance as a badge of honor.

Fuck anon, you described it perfectly. To a lot of people any form of media is just a mundane source of repetitive memes and consider genuinely liking and consuming the original source material as weird and cringe. It eats me from the inside whenever I see people with Dangan Ronpa kins police others for problematic content.


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Whatever content I consume seeps into my brain. I was investing a lot of time into a cousin ship then I had a weirdly romantic dream about one of mine. Punishment for fetishizing the fact that they were cousins I guess. It was fucking horrific at first, I felt such a wrenching guilt that I couldn't make go away, saying shit like they're not real I can just change their related status didn't really help, but I kept going with the cousin ship I was into and kept occasionally having weirdly romantic dreams about my cousins that eventually stopped phasing me, coping that cousins aren't super related helped lmao, I don't really see them and obviously I'm not actually romantically interested in them, other than playing a lot as kids I don't really know that much about them so I don't know why my dreams were so fixated on that. I will definitely attribute not having a bf or irl boys to crush on to this. Something similar happened when I was getting groomed with incest/shota/incest shota content as a middle schooler. Horny is the most powerful emotion that influences your brain. Porn rewires you, I think I need to disengage with "problematic" yaoi at some point. I wish I didn't see so much hentai when I was younger, I can't interact with shota or incest ships like a normal fujo would. It's not a huge deal anymore, it's not like I'm a jerk off addicted moid with no self control, but it still makes me want to die a little, I think I just have more intrusive thoughts that are just more fixated on certain topics than others. I need to interact with girlfriend free males and touch grass. Mental illness and porn, not even once.


This is kinda controversial opinion to have but you are right, sometimes too much fucked up content can mess with your brain and you constantly further escalate(and you eventually end up with aidens or some pick-me's who willingly get into polycues with male coomers) sometimes you gotta step back for a while and read some wholesome or vanilla bl to get back to reality


I fully relate as well. Never in my life I've been able to find someone with whom I could have a long, in depth conversation about a hobby or topic I'm interested in. I don't mean just anime and manga, I'm into other things as well and I'm as obsessively into them. I remember having a few nice chats back in the early days of internet forums, a few good discussions on specific 4chan threads too, but these days it's simply impossible. 99% of people seem to have a very superficial interest on hobbies, they mostly just care about consuming the memetic aspect of a media product because that's what they bond with other people through. These normalfags took over the internet in the last decade and they pretty much own every discussion space now.

Back when I was a kid I would spontaneously express my passion for the things I loved, being Pokémon or whatever at the time, and the other kids would laugh at me and say that I had a "bitch imagination". To them, being so much into something was a freaky, shameful laughable thing, whereas ignorance and cynicism was something to feel proud of. I've felt so much self-hate for being such a nerd since then, I've never been able to open up to others and share my detailed thoughts on things I love. And the way the internet is these days, it doesn't seem like I'll ever do it. I get older and things keep getting worse, the realization that I'll never be able to find someone with whom I can share my passion is honestly depressing.

I apologize for the excessive blogging. If there's anyone here who has had a similar experience, I'd just like them to know they're not alone.


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This is something I would not admit anywhere else, but watching Chinese BL dramas made me attracted to asian dudes(before I wouldn't have ever though of dating one)


I've been consuming shota since I was like, in my early teens, and I never worried that I might actually be a pedophile until western discourse surrounding the subject gained footing. I've since started ignoring it and just continuing to enjoy my freakshit in private but the arguments are so insane to me.

Shotacons will outright tell these people "no, I don't think my cartoon characters at all similar to real kids, please don't say that" and anti-shotacons will insist that they are? Like, over and over again. What do they want shotacons to do? Foster an attraction in real children? I just don't get it.


>no, I don't think my cartoon characters at all similar to real kids
I'm not too into shota but I find this frustrating every time I end up having to defend loli/shota from people.

Often these characters look and act nothing like the real thing. There is a difference between someone lusting after a kindergarten age character who acts like a baby, and someone interested in a shota character who is treated with the same level of maturity as the rest of the cast. Same thing with a predominantly child cast, who gives shit if you're into a middle school boy in a show where literally every character is the same age and aren't treated differently than the writer writing a high school cast.

Everyone is so riled up about the topic these days and while creepy pedos do exist and are into the trope and can't help but feel like people are overcompensating to hide finding some of these characters attractive, especially in fandoms like BnH.


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A while ago I met a woman who ended up having the exact same obsession as me and we talked endlessly about it - dorky AUs, shipping, and serious analysis all blended into the best conversations I'd had with a friend in a while. It was amazing. It fell apart much later for reasons but at the time it was great. I can really only hope that I find that kind of companionship again, maybe not in the same way but just with a woman who I click with.


You lived the dream anon. I've wanted a fujosis for so long but it needs so many stars aligned. I hope we all find it.


I also hate going up to bat against the fan police dogpile. I take some solace in the fact that the bulk of them are completely talentless and produce no art/fic that is actually worth consuming.

I remember years ago there was a Persona 4 fic that dealt with Yosuke getting groomed/abused by Adachi that actually helped people realize the abuse in their own relationships and leave. IIRC the writer of that fic later went on to do something for Welcome to Nightvale and there was some drama over it because they had produced something so "problematic" in the past.


Haha, gosh I remember that Adachi fic and the funniest thing was it wasn't even romanticized or anything. I think a lot of people must have thought it was an earnest shipfic or something but whatever the case it certainly didnt warrant the amount of controversy it got.
Felt bad for the author she didn't deserve to get ganged up on.


I remember this, that's so old though.


On a verified discord +18 years old, who is plenty of female mods, a guy started to stream his screen with a BL phone game, and we enjoy groupally hard scenes with sounds. I enjoyed a lot , even moderators watch the hard yaoi with another yumejos/ fujoshis


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I miss Phobs' Heydrich/Himmler fanart so much.


as soon as you have posted this art anon you have unlocked some REAL BURRIED memories!!!!! i used to love this artist so much!!!! i'd favorite so much of her work on deviantart it was insane! i was so obsessed with shipping nazis it's ridiculous!! thank you for posting!!!


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Holy shit not that anon but I never expected to find a post like this on the net, for the very reason you mentioned.
>they mostly just care about consuming the memetic aspect of a media product because that's what they bond with other people through. These normalfags took over the internet in the last decade and they pretty much own every discussion space now.
This so much. It killed everything I loved and enjoyed about internet life in the late 90s and 00s. Fuck memes and fuck "ironical watching" and all that fake shit, really. I hate how I cannot enjoy my hobbies anymore because everybody is just in for le funny memes or some fan OC stuff created for fun.

I always said "the old net was made for people to escape reality and delve into fictive worlds, the new internet is an extension of real life made for normal people to enjoy their normal life remotely".
If there was at least a place free of this but there isn't and forums are mostly dead. Technically it sounds as if discord should work, but it's the worst. It's even worse than social media. I hate finding a discord of my favorite series or a hobby I am desperate to talk about only to be ignored if I talk about canon since all everybody gives a shit about are the funny memes, some genderbending shit or OOC coffe shop AUs.

Bonus to make it worse: I can assure you that 80% of modern fans of a series have never even watched or read it. They know it from memes and contextless panels or screenshots friends have posted and they will base all of their headcanons on that and fight you if you disagree.


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How funny finding a fan here of all places or anywhere on the net 12 years later. I glad I enjoyed it as well, I was a huge fan. Think she is still drawing official comics these days but sadly she doesn't really post stuff anymore. I should still have every single WWII pic she made saved on one of my old HDDs somewhere.


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>Bonus to make it worse: I can assure you that 80% of modern fans of a series have never even watched or read it. They know it from memes and contextless panels or screenshots friends have posted and they will base all of their headcanons on that and fight you if you disagree.

This is so fucking prevalent in the Danganronpa Fandom.

Ignoring the heated Chihiro debate, I absolutely hate everytime someone wants a trigger warning for violence. Like the whole point of the source material is that high schoolers are killing each other. If a little neon pink blood in some fan art upsets you how did you play the games?

Same thing every time the Fandom police yell at people for making porn and problematic content because there are "children in the fandom." That might be valid if you're talking about a children's show off of Cartoon network or something. That shit should be hidden away and tagged properly. However I've seen complaints that Osomatsu-san fans need to stop drawing incest because it will confuse the children in the fandom despite the fact that the show isn't even appropriate for kids in the first place.


If you do recover some of her old art please post a pdf of it here!!! I'd love to see it all again <3


NTA but Discord has actually helped me to get more in touch with my nerd side. I was definitely bullied out of it when normalfags started entering online spaces (i.e. in the early 2010's) and hung my head in shame, watching shit "ironically" and trying to be as low key as possible. But after I joined some Discord groups I found a lot of people with the same interests and mindset as me and slowly started embracing my inner autistic geek again. I know the entire platform has a bad rep (for a reason) but there are a lot of possibilities within. A server is a closed off space where no random normies can just come ridicule you for sperging a bit too much about your favourite ship.

>Bonus to make it worse: I can assure you that 80% of modern fans of a series have never even watched or read it. They know it from memes and contextless panels or screenshots friends have posted and they will base all of their headcanons on that and fight you if you disagree.

Exactly. It's a fact that actually consuming the media source is considered a waste of time and to them even sitting down to play a game for a few hours is equal to documenting all the known beetles in the area in alphabetical order. Literally everything around them is just an "aesthetic" and not a target of passion or genuine interest because everyone's been memed into this state of cynicism and passive consumption. They then try to fill the void caused by that with identity politics and policing creators since it's the only thing that gives them a rush of energy and sense of purpose.

>Trigger warning in Danganronpa
Lol, a telltale sign alone that none of these goofs ever played the game past maybe watching a silly vtuber let's play for the first hour with all the nasty stuff cut out. It's such a dope meme to see the tumblr funnyman Komaeda with aesthetic pink blood all over him but he better not actually do anything nasty! uwu


I hate fandom discords because I'm a lifelong lurker/like to stay anon if I do post, but your take has me strongly considering joining a server for a "problematic" ship that I've seen floating around. I can't stand what zoomers have transformed fandom into. I remember being their age and not having anything on my mind but the stuff I liked rather than wanting to put to flame the stuff I didn't.


It's like that for most mystery focused VNs nowadays. Kids watch some youtuber play the game (badly) and spout unfunny jokes, they claim to be hardcore fans before even being done with watching said youtuber finish the first game of the series, and when people who actually played these games say something about it online they shit their pants in outrage. Ace Attorney is just like how you described DR, but not for the same reasons. The games are made to be sort of family friendly so instead the underaged fake fans spout their shitty race, sexual orientation and backstory headcanons that directly contradict the games. I'm talking about shit like these kids yelling everywhere that Mia and Lana is a canon pairing and that Mia hates Diego because "ew hetties" even though the entire plot of the third game is based on Mia and Diego dating or being engaged. Or they make Edgeworth more of a kawaii crying moeblob uguu with Phoenix instead of a tsundere with a stick up his ass just like in the games.


The trick is to avoid servers that allow users under 18, preferably those with users well into their 20's at youngest. Most of them are too busy with real life issues to care about a bunch of fictional characters being molested and just want their fix of escapism and gushing about ships and their favourite characters. They're hard to come by sometimes and requires a bit of commitment but the best way is to start from a bigger server and just get to know people and be open minded.


That's another great example! I hate people who watch a letsplay and assume they've got the whole experience. Even assuming no cuts or edits your emotional interaction with the property will be different if you actually play it yourself.

Aside, but does anyone else just not enjoy letsplays? Used to watch them occasionally while doing homework in high-school and there were guys I liked, but honestly I'd just rather play the games myself and now I have the disposable income so I really have no reason to watch at all anymore.


Yes i like that kind of discord +18 or above. Life is too busy for me and just escape with other busy yumes or fujos it’s ok to me


I legitimately fucking hate real person fiction and think it's creepy and gross, an actual red flag for an unhinged individual who's completely detached from reality. Even as a teenager I just didn't get why so many people were into shipping band members and actors etc., infantilizing real people like they were just toys to play with is sick. End of story. Even if it's just harmless fun it makes me extremely uncomfortable because you know someone will always take it too seriously even if they claim it's just a joke and that's how you get people unironically defending serial killers and dictators because they uwufied them for their fantasy ships.


I don't watch lets play videos, except for a real life friend on twitch sometimes. I hate that they're treated like gods by some people. Just one example: I like the game Fire Emblem Fates a lot and it has a shitty reputation because of its horrible translation and because of one youtuber I don't even know explaining his shitty headcanons, pointing out contradictions in the story caused by the translation, he blamed the actual writers for this and either lied or was wrong about the story was written, and because of this I have to deal with underaged American retards yelling that FE Fates is as bad as Sonic 06 despite them never touching this game. I recently saw someone online saying something like "FE Fates is bad because one of the main charcters isn't the same in his supports and the main story because of the two writing teams not communicating, [youtuber] said so", like bitch, who? I used to watch some Vinesauce videos but not anymore. I do watch some Joueur du Grenier videos sometimes but they're not let's play videos, and I skip all the unfunny gags to see him raging while playing horrible retro games.


Same. Things based on live action media are on thin ice to begin with, but *most* people are at least able to separate the actor from the character.
It's just dehumanizing people "for fun" because "they'll never know", if you need some sort of outlet why not just make OCs? Why does it have to be real people? Most of the time they might as well be OCs.
It doesn't help that for some reason, the modern western fujo scene seems to be full of rpf with minecraft youtubers being the ones that get the most content on Ao3. I just genuinely don't get it, and like you said I think that's where the pipeline of a genuinely deranged person far too detached from reality lies.
And simultaneously, this is why I'm also not very fond of Vtubers/Vtuber shipping. The character IS the person. It creates a weird dissonance in my mind where I don't know whether to care about the -real- person or to see them as a thing, which just feels dehumanizing and it doesn't make me feel comfortable. If the Vtuber does some nasty shit, how am I going to separate that from the character when the entire character IS the person?


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Same x 2. Fandom without the scaffolding of a book/game/show story seems pointless. I hate that there's so many people floating around in "my" spaces that get their content through streamers/vtubers. It's an instant block but new offenders are on my feed every day.

>the modern western fujo scene seems to be full of rpf with minecraft youtubers being the ones that get the most content on Ao3

Learning that the most popular fic on Ao3 was that minecraft youtuber one (and traffic breaking the site that one time it when it updated!) made me feel like I should start checking for gas leaks. Seeing the number of kudos/bookmarks on these types of things is just bewildering, pic related.


>that's where the pipeline of a genuinely deranged person far too detached from reality lies.
Definitely. I know RPF anons defend it by saying that it's just a bit of harmless fun but it's the first stage in building an unhealthy, parasocial relationship with a real, breathing person who isn't even aware of your existence and it grows and festers without you even realizing it. You can be obsessed with a fictional character to your heart's content because it's just a concept you can toy with, but real people are completely sentient and exist outside of your control.

I don't like vtubers either. The uncanny-ness of having real people be equated to this ghastly, counterfeit anime character while still obviously being just a real person with an anime OC they speak from behind is too disturbing to me.

>Learning that the most popular fic on Ao3 was that minecraft youtuber one (and traffic breaking the site that one time it when it updated!) made me feel like I should start checking for gas leaks.

Kek, I guess how streamers became the idols of today selling their semi-manufactured persona it's much easier for zoomers who grew up in that environment to think of them as just characters. I guess there's a possibility that someone in the 80's totally shipped Siskel and Ebert but it would've rightfully been considered budding mental patient behavior.


>Bonus to make it worse: I can assure you that 80% of modern fans of a series have never even watched or read it. They know it from memes and contextless panels or screenshots friends have posted and they will base all of their headcanons on that and fight you if you disagree.
In the PaRappa fandom myself, can confirm. Most of the community is obviously underage kids, and to be honest it's easy for me to weed out who has geniunely played the games whether via console or emulator (they're not that hard to get into, you could finish the entire series in a weekend) and who has just watched the mostly non-canon anime and/or Youtubers covering the game. The former actually talk about the games and things related to it, the latter just ship OOC interpretations of the characters the same way everyone else in their circle does and create troon headcanons.
Much like >>1832 says, they latch onto Parappa because of "muh retro aesthetic", without actually knowing what an emulator is.

>That's another great example! I hate people who watch a letsplay and assume they've got the whole experience. Even assuming no cuts or edits your emotional interaction with the property will be different if you actually play it yourself.
Same, to be honest. I prefer to just play the whole game myself if it geniunely interests me.
>Aside, but does anyone else just not enjoy letsplays? Used to watch them occasionally while doing homework in high-school and there were guys I liked, but honestly I'd just rather play the games myself and now I have the disposable income so I really have no reason to watch at all anymore.
I haven't actually watched a Let's Play in a while, and they've never really stuck with me much. Twitch, no streamer has actually stuck with me even if I was initially interested on them. If anything, I prefer longplays or story videos in the case of JRPGs without any sort of commentary.
I might watch short comedic ones, but most Let's Plays I've watched are pretty trashy. Do not reccommend.


I like a few seriously problematic ships, but resent like half of my fellow shippers. A lot of them must have unresolved trauma or something because they have to write the most edgy tryhard-to-be-fucked-up fics to the point it's like an aesthetic for them. Soren-tier if you know who that is. I want fic exploring these characters' dynamics, which are plenty fucked up, sure, but not to the degree that some fans take it. I don't think I'm that much morally better or anything, but their fics are so gross and disappointing to me. I don't want uwu children being abused fic, fucking awful, nor a mashup of creepy kinks, all I want is to see how this particular pairing goes together. Don't know if this even makes sense, anyway it's not like beggars can be choosers I'm still problematic etc etc


No, I absolutely know what you mean and I hate it too. This specific category of "guys don't you know that grooming is soooo bad this is supposed to squick you out but it's also totally not my kink but haha I'm sooo fucked up I added necrophilia and piss drinking because why not".
I don't know what to call them, these pseudo trauma dump fics that try too hard to be edgy or are intentionally like that.
I guess if I had to specify with an example, in Genshin fic there's this person that writes Itto/Gorou that is just the most ooc shit there can be because the author uses Gorou as their personal chew toy for cope projection or whatever.
I can't imagine what it is for actually problematic pairs. The most problematic I like is 弟兄incest and shota-adult (top shota) but those things in specific can barely be written in a tryhard way. Unless someone makes an adult get emotionally abused by a bratty shota, but that wouldn't be "uwu relatable" I guess.

tldr; sometimes I just want porn, not some psychological commentary about society and how all things rape abuse incest whatever are BAD


I'd have a lot more respect if they just admitted they have dark kinks. While I think there are people who want to explore topics like gore porn, necro, pedo (not just shota), ect in fanworks its immediately obvious when someone is writing with the intention of getting people's rocks off.

Earnest explorations of the topic arent as detailed and gross with how they choose to depict things. You can immediately tell when it's for titillating the reader.

At the end of the day you have the right to write your underage, snuff, necro extravaganza. I just fucking hate it when you pretend you aren't writing a kink work.


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I usually don't judge anyone(even the more extreme gore kinks) but the shota board is genuinely starting to disturb me, not the nsfw mind you, its the other threads like "shotafication" "Shotaology" talking about reverse oedipus complexes, that's genuinely creepy for me, like what even is Shotaology or shotafication


As far as I know "shotaology" is a project created to collect data on shotacon's prefferences & tastes.
Shotafication is making a non-shota character a shota.


I personally wish /sh/ didn't exist on this site. The site would be perfect if it didn't have the board.


Nah, not into it but there aren't enough places online that low discussion without turning into accusations about the character of the poster


yeah this is extremly weird, it should just be about posting cute shota and nothing more ( but shotafication is just turning a non-shota character into a shota )
I'm glad it exist because it is the only actual space for female shotacon, any other place to discuss shota is filled with ugly semi-realistic shit made by male shotacon


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I wish I had been more engaged in fandom as a preeteen and teenager. I constantly see people online who have made wonderful friendships trough fandoms and travel across the world just to see each other. I even seen some rare occasions of people meeting the love of their lives trough fandom and end up moving in together. It sounds strange but it makes me feel jealous? I feel like I have missed out on a huge fandom experience. I was extremely shy as a kid(and still am) and I have trouble articulating myself trough text so I never bothered reaching out to people online. Furthermore I have no artistic talents so I always thought I had nothing to contribute to fandoms since I can't draw or write, so I just settle with being a silent lurker.
A part of it makes me kinda angry if I have to be honest. I have spend the majority of my life online and I got nothing to show for it. I made absolutely 0 friendships and relations. Being terminally online is not good but at least those people have online friends who shares their interests. I didn't even get that because I was too socially awkward to make friends. So I missed out on living life as a normie but I also missed out on all the positive and fun things in fandoms. And honestly I feel like I'm to old to make fandom friends now, I have no desire for it and have become content with lurking but I just regret how lonesome my teenage years where when they didn't have to be.


Anon are you literally me. I was about to JUST make a post exactly like this except with some differences in detail. I think I probably already complained about it here before but it just keeps eating at me because nothing has changed.
I wasted all the peak of my teenage years just having exclusively talked to men and I fucking hate it.
I could never experience the cringe 15yo fujo life of just being cringe and being an annoying fangirl into teh yaoiz and having a tumblr. I have fed into the hardcore 4chan mentality so fucking much that I'm essentially just a fucking guy in all things except fucking having a cock.
I can never regain those years back, and even if I tried now it's just not the same anymore.
I see all those people being cringe and annoying and outright fucking wrong with headcanons and shit but at least they're having fun. All those people with stupid discord VC names like "Kaeya's cumsock" or whatever the fuck, they're fucking cringe and bathing on it but they're fucking having fun and I just simply can't anymore. Because all I fucking know, all I fucking have are just men.

Mind that my friends ARE nice, they're actually nice guys that I've known since we were all underage fucking around in forums but it's just not the fucking same. It's not the same having to repress my fujo feelings and thoughts because my guy friends just don't get it.
All my childhood and teenage internet years were spent on being ambiguously male or being a "based tomboy" I could never be free to be a fangirl and gush about things.
The only aspect of feminity and my fujo autism I can hold on to is my love for doujinshi and how much I love them. I love receiving a package of printed gay sex every couple of months that I can only enjoy on my own because that's all I have as a way to interact with fandoms of old but it's too fucking late for me.
Fandom has changed too much that I just don't even want to bother making friends even if I wish I could but all I can do is just still keep being a fucking anon.


And before I get told this is a terminally online thing, IRL isn't any better or a consideration.
I'm just a wageslaving phantom. I live only to work. Nobody talks to me, and I don't talk to them.
The only times I could ever feel like I can be happy enjoying my hobbies, I can barely do it because I'm alone. Having money to buy even more doujinshi and figures feels nice, but so vacant.
It only helps filling the void.


>I could never be free to be a fangirl and gush about things.
The only aspect of feminity and my fujo autism I can hold on to is my love for doujinshi and how much I love them.
I'm not the anonnete you've replied to, but we can create a thread for discussing and gushing over doujinshis, or a thread where we can pretend to be younger fujos and talk like it's the early 00s net if it will help you feel better, pretty sure other nonnas will like the idea too. I also missed that part just like you.


If you have time for that ofcourse.


sending you a virtual hug anon<3 I'm glad that someone understands. In my preteen years desperately tried to be mature so I thought I was "above" engaging in silly fandom stuff even if I actually wanted to, so I didn't get to be a crazy yaoi fangirl when I was really young. A part of me just wanted to prove that I weren't like "those types" of fangirls.
>I can never regain those years back, and even if I tried now it's just not the same anymore.
You really hit the nail with this line. This is exactly how I feel. Sure, I could try to overcome my social awkwardness and mingle with other fans but what's the point? Like, I'm familiar with all the terms and popular ships, sure. But I was never /really/ a part of a fandom. All the other adults in fandom has been active and contributing since they where 13 or something.
But I'm glad to hear that you get along with your friends though I do sympathize with not being able to talk about shipping, headcanons etc.
I also relate to this. I don't really talk to anyone neither online or offline. Loneliness can really hit you hard sometimes. I hope I don't sound condescending because I truly mean this, but I do hope that things gets better for the both of us.


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> secretly masturbated + watching porn while my mom sleep near me. i watch gangbang hentai & im too horny so i cant help it
Because I grew up with a single mother that had also another child except me - my brother, we weren't financially stable during most of my childhood and we had to sleep in one room because we could not afford a bigger apartament. I was too scared to please myself because of the fear "what if I was found out?" And I never masturbated untill my 20's.
I also once bought a very old BL manga when I was 15 from a flea market, but because of my little brother finding it in the morning before I went to school I took it with me and sold it to one of my classmates (who was not a fujo) for 5 dollars. Wild times. Thankfully my mother didn't believe my brother when he told her he found a "comic" of mine with half naked dudes in it.


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I actually did write/draw a little when I was a teen but none of those AIM friendships carried over into my adult life. After over 15 years of lurking since then I have been chipping away at a fanfic for a smaller fandom that I hope bears some friendship fruit for me (I literally want senpai to notice me). IMO being older in these times is a blessing. I have yet to see a fan cop over 25. Fujos in their 30s are consistently sane (as sane as one can be with an online life).

One thing I've been doing recently to warm up to the idea of having a fandom presence/contribution is commenting on fanfics. I still remember the dopamine hit a comment would give me and I am over a decade removed from my last one. You can even do it anonymously.

I also ended up with a lot of male friends due to choosing to larp as a dude while I played MMOs. They're good guys and are accepting of my fujoshittery and usually come to me when they want a tl;dr on fandom stuff. Despite this the want of a fujofriend remains a yawning void in my life.


I wish I could have a fujoshi or yumejoshi boss in work. Life wouldnt be so lonely in and after work


I like crossover pairings


Same, but instead of yuri it's femdom/role reversal.


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I have an unhealthy obsession with my NOTP. Like I hate seeing it and will mentally groan when it pops up on my feed. But that's only when their relationship is portrayed as mutual love.
I really like reading fanfiction where it's one-sided love and contains stalker-ish/yandere-ish themes. It's really a mix of that I'm sadistic and enjoy reading whump of my favorite character and I'm also petty and find it validating when my least favorite character is portrayed as a complete psycho.
I know that my fave can do better than dating the worst character so I can't accept the idea of them being in love. But I also love whump so I'm okay with reading about my fave being kidnapped and such? Idk it's genuinely making me feel unhinged-_-




I don't know how to deal with talking to someone with sexual trauma and engaging in nsfw with triggering topics like abuse rape grooming etc.
The person does it themselves, being a far worse degenerate than me but so many of the times they do it the details feel so oddly personal and doesn't feel like we're even talking about a character anymore. Just a thinly disguised psychological self-harm session.
I like some things because they are simply hot to me but for them it's like this projecty sort of thing (naturally of course, they have trans headcanons) and it just feels uncomfortable.
I don't want to feel like I'm saying their experiences make them lesser people, or that people with trauma can't enjoy NSFW but I feel like there's a limit to it if you're projecting way too much.
It's one thing to say "haha worthless boy go get raped in an eternal loop because nobody loves you" that gets followed up with a "He's me of course. I deserved what happened to me I'm so dirty". I can't help but just feel like :/ every time it happens.
Oddly personal details like trans hc'd a character to be she/her to have been groomed/raped since specifically 11 (character is 17). It doesn't feel like it's "the character" anymore, just them talking about themselves through characters and wanting some sort of validation or mentally self-harming idk.
I've never had to deal with this sort of thing and this sort of situation.
Worse of it all this person is "underage pretending to be adult" I just don't call them out on it because it'd be assholish and rude and it's not like I did that at some point myself either but aaaaaaa I'm going insane I don't know wtf to do.


nonna, for your own wellbeing cut yourself out from that relationship asap, it sounds more harmful to you than it is to them. you can try to suggest them to get help, but if they're not going to help themselves then it'll just take it's toll on you instead. and ESPECIALLY because they're underage, cut your ties.


Suggest therapy and block this person. Fandom is supposed to be fun, and dumping stuff this heavy on somebody who isn't being paid to listen and isn't licensed to handle it is just rude.

Having this kind of atmosphere settle into your hobby is just going to give you compassion fatigue.


I think you find the NOTP narratively interesting. Seems normal enough. I can think of a few ships where I would never read a story about them unless I knew it was going to be fucked up.


try to be honest and tell them when they are making you uncomfortable. I don't know how your relationship normally is but if you are friends I don't think it's necessarily to cut them off immediately. Try to set boundaries.
But if it's just some rando you occasionally talk to then just drop them


Currently watching Mirai Nikki so I can see the infamous gay kiss.


I tried to watch it because of the kiss too but I lost interests in the show pretty quickly so I never reached that part lol. maybe I should try watching the show again.
honestly sometimes I watch an anime solely because there is some potential for yaoi shipping in it


>honestly sometimes I watch an anime solely because there is some potential for yaoi shipping in it
So do I, although it doesn't always work out. I watched Kado like two years ago and man, did that blow up in my face.


That's the only reason I watched JJK. Otherwise, shitty anime.


>honestly sometimes I watch an anime solely because there is some potential for yaoi shipping in it
Same, or because one of the characters seems appealing to me
It doesn't always work out, I tried watching Railgun for Accelerator but dropped it very early, when the samurai girl appeared
Or the fanservice shinobi show with a white haired teacher


Same here lol, it's paid off imo with the the djs released


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the anon was right and everyone mocking her im the notes are wrong. Men irl are fucking ugly and gross and they don't even know how to wash their own asses. Thank god that anime artists knows how to turn men into a good looking fantasy


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I hate piss so much because the smell is disgusting and I'm kind of a germophobe. But I recently read this fic on an old ass kink meme where Character A had to pee outside and Character B was guiding him trough it while giving him support… Then I read another fic where a similar scene happened out of nowhere… then I read another fic where Character A pisses himself out of fear and Character B started cleaning it with no judgement. It's not even the humiliation aspect of it but more of a sappy aspect where a character gets to be vulnerable and the other gets to be supportive/adoring/caring/etc. There just is something about loving someone so much that their natural body function doesn't gross you out and you have a desire to take care of someone. Though I can only read about this stuff looking at art with piss just grosses me out and reminds me of the disgusting smell and germs and reading a fic where the characters actually piss on each other makes me wanna gag so even when it's written I have my limits. Still I have come to terms with that I might have a mild form for piss fetish and it is making me feel filthy


>act like an anti in public but like fucked dynamics secretly
I feel like a lot of these people exist. Wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them were responsible for some of the more twitter-esque behavior you see around here and lolcow, like they came to image boards to get away from shitty twitter culture it's so ingrained in them they ended up bringing it with them anyway.


I very rarely fujosperg over anime. Fanart and fanfiction of cartoon boys especially from web toons has always been my favorite form of BL, ever since I was a little baby fujo. It honestly embarrasses me, because all of my friends like bishounen anime boys while I'm over here getting back into shipping characters from a silly cartoon I was obsessed with in middle school.


>getting back into shipping characters from a silly cartoon I was obsessed with in middle school.
Valid. I recently rewatched Danny Phantom for the sole purpose of checking for fanfic between now at the last time I cared to look (over a decade ago). Some stuff just goes dormant then nostalgia hits you like a sleeper agent activation code.


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I have always obsessed over bishounens and anime but recently, in my adulthood, I started getting into American cartoons. I have honestly never been a fan of Japanese humour and I think anime can be kinda melodramatic in it's storytelling. Epic musical score playinf while the characters are shouting their emotions and they are crying huge tears(like picrel) etc. I just feel like too many seiyuus think that loud shouting = more emotional impact. Whenever it's a comedic line or a sad line.
Of course not all anime is like that and American cartoons do have some tendencies I could nitpick too but overall I find the voice acting in cartoons more mellow and the animation in some 90s cartoons more interesting(at the risk of baiting a east vs west debate, I prefer anime style but anime rarely squashes and stretches).
it's always nice to find out that a cartoon has a fujo following. You do you, anon. Being a fujo is about BL and the medium is irrelevant. Though I can imagine that being a cartoon fujo can be lonely since most fujos are anime fans and cartoon fans in general seems to frown more upom fujos.


>I think anime can be kinda melodramatic in it's storytelling. Epic musical score playinf while the characters are shouting their emotions and they are crying huge tears
I've had the same problem with this, but this is something that is mostly found in newer weekly anime who are overage, I rarely noticed the problem in older ones.
>I just feel like too many seiyuus think that loud shouting = more emotional impact.
>seiyuus think
It's not the seiyuus fauld - it's the director's. The director (or the face put in position of monitoring the voice acting) is the one who has the say of what the tone will be and what the voice actors will do. The seiyuus just do what they're told.
>I started getting into American cartoons
I wish anime/manga experimented with styles like how american cartoons do. I want to see more funky proportionс, more expressive faces, more movements etc.


>then nostalgia hits you like a sleeper agent activation code.
There’s really no feeling stronger than nostalgia, is there?
>Though I can imagine that being a cartoon fujo can be lonely
It definitely is. I’ve absolutely nobody to talk about this to. I’m going to head to college soon and I just cannot stop thinking about 2016-2018. Fandom was really active back then, but things have gone really quiet (at least on the fujo side). It saddens me a lot, honestly. Fandom was so fun, we were all really embarrassing, but we were having the fucking times of our lives. It wasn’t even that long ago, but like I said, there’s really no feeling stronger than nostalgia.


Shit, forgot to reply. That second half was meant for >>2609.


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>this is something that is mostly found in newer weekly anime who are overage, I rarely noticed the problem in older ones.
It appears frequently in Ghibli movies and they are considered the top of Japanese animation. It wouldn't sureprise me though if newer animes are trying to copy Ghibli. Imo huge tears still looks stupid and melodramatic even when Ghibli does it


>It appears frequently in Ghibli movies
I'm not a Ghibli fan and sometimes I forget that the studio exists. I also used to notice the big tears but I thought they were simply a part of the signature style they use.


>nobody to talk about this to
Couldn't hurt to be more specific about what the show/pairing is here. Maybe you'll get lucky (or intrigue somebody enough to give it a shot themselves).


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When I was 17, I joined an 18+ server. I'd just gotten sick of lurking fandoms and imageboards (something I'd been doing for several years) and wanted to actually make likeminded friends for once.
I'm an adult now, still in the aforementioned server and I love it there, but they all think I'm a year older than I actually am and it feels really wrong. It was just a really retarded move on my part and I don't want them to hate me for it. But I really feel like they should know.


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Just tell them
What are they gonna do, turn their backs on you?


I feel awful for saying this, but I get a legitimate sense of schadenfreude when someone who draws one of my NOTPs/interprets a pairing or character I like in a way I hate has a really ugly artstyle and gets little engagement and few compliments.


Big same but with fanfiction. I'd feel more bad about it if the people in question weren't always sniping at the most popular m/m ship in the fandom for being problematic. I love that Ao3 stats are public. They can seethe about it all they want but the numbers speak for themselves.


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It's been months and I have read all the yandere fics I could find for this ship.
The rest is enemies to lovers, tsundere and mutual toxicity which normally is great but I just want to see this pairing as 100% one-sided stalkerish attraction.
hnnnnnnngggg this is such a dumb thing to get upset over considering it's my notp but if people are going to write for a shit ship then at least do it right and commit to a proper dark fic.
It's just annoying because even when people write abduction fics or other dark thmes they still do that "it's not like I like you baka" bullshit=-= I just want it to be disturbing without any hint of mutual romance, specially since that fits their canon dynamic better.
Anyway I'm aware that trying to find the right portayal of your NOTP is a waste of time but I'm just mourning the lost potential


Thread is super beyond bump limit but anyway.
I think I'm too jaded with friendships.
Either people don't actually care about the characters at all and treat them like porn puppets or they "care too much" so they add a bunch of [personal related] headcanons so the characters aren't the characters anymore.
I'm tired of dealing with kinnies and transfags or worse, fucking underage bitches.
I feel like all the people my age are too busy with life to even care about fandom anymore so I'm stuck dealing with zoomers who grew up on tumblr so they think talking about yaoi more than 3 times a day means they're hypersexual or something or can't stop fucking trauma dumping. I'm tired.


I was going through some really old shit I had from the early 00s that lead to livejournal accounts, dead sites (that I'd look up on archive.org) etc, and ended up trying to track them down from what they had on their profiles and shit, and most of them seemed to still be around and into fandom stuff, just not taking part in tumblr/twitter bullshit. One of them knew Japanese and is living in Japan now.

I think a lot of oldfags are just straight up incomparable with current fandom and sit out. I know I sure am, and the only parts of English fandom I engage with nowadays are anonymous image board, I just do not click whatsoever with tumblr or twitter.

So yeah tldr; it's not that people are too busy with life, it's that they don't have the energy to deal with the kind of people who use tumblr and twitter.




>a lot of oldfags are just straight up incomparable with current fandom and sit out
This is more or less what I do. I really miss mingling with other fans but like >>2802 says so many of them completely miss the point of a creating art/fic about a character that they really might as well use that effort on OCs (and some of them end up doing that, bless them). I'm starving but I'm not going to eat out of the toilet, you know?

I was bitching with a friend recently about how there's nowhere 30-something fans can go to chill and escape the rightoid/wokescold horseshoe every online space is doomed to become.


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i have seen some people on lj and 4chan complain about how fujochans ot and ffs threads are more active than the fandom threads but honestly i kinda of like that. I think meta discussion of fandom and bl is interesting and it's nice to have a site dedicated to it rather than combing trough the replies and qts on a twitter post or trough the reblogs and replies of a tumblr post.
Besides I think those people who are complaining aren't actually doing anything to make fandom threads more active. I have managed on several occasions to get an active discussion going by just going into my fandoms threads and say whatever is on my mind and squeee about my fave characters


I've made a thread about a fandom I like and 40% of the posts and image bumps are mine.
Honestly the fandom is pretty small now so I'm not suprised, but it fills my soul with happiness when I see people posting in the thread, especially if they post more niche characters.
I would like to contribute more to the discussion on /bl/ and /f/, but currently I'm hyperfixed on a little number of fandoms (only 2 - 3) and currently they're really small.
Also I don't have much time to read BL currently or to be as active as I want to be here, but I try to contribute to the fujo discussion.


>some people on lj
There are people still on lj?
I wish the fandom threads were more active but it's nice to have a place to talk and bitch about meta without having to deal with the retarded politeness of every other fandom site.
I like tumblr for content itself, at least for my fandoms, but I'm mostly a lurker on there.
I do sorta prefer the basic 4chan format, where it's like a chatroom really, no generals, one image per post. Survival of the fittest discussion. I feel like it's more conducive to discussion. I find myself worrying that I'm going to repost an image when I post.


>I do sorta prefer the basic 4chan format, where it's like a chatroom really, no generals, one image per post. Survival of the fittest discussion
I feel the same way. I wish there was a similar site just with a majority female userbase. cc and lj doesn't feel the same as 4chan


The problem with /ot/ and /ffs/ is that they'e basically a copypaste of lolcow. And as someone who's tried to get shit going on actual fandom, if it's not flavor of the month trendy trash there's no luck.


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I feel bad because I want to support more /f/ too, but I'm not a member of every fandom. Like I feel bad I can't contribute to the Nights thread that just went up since I know nothing about the game.
This site just doesn't have a big enough user base to have every series covered individually, people need to make more use of the broader /bl/ threads that already exist for stuff like video games and current anime.

Not sure what you mean by flavor of the month threads dominating though. The most active /f/ threads are for older series with dedicated fans. Besides Genshin I don't think there is a active thread for big modern fandoms.

>>I do sorta prefer the basic 4chan format, where it's like a chatroom really, no generals, one image per post. Survival of the fittest discussion
You really want something with a 4chan feel? I like the imageboard format just fine, but the major boards on that site are awful for actual discussion. All the good elements of it are already found on altchans (like here). If by survival of the fittest you mean people racing to get their tired one-liners out, I could do without.


interrupting the discussion to ask who the cutie in your picrel is
i'm very weak for anime boys with bob cuts anon you have to tell me


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Shinji Hirako from Bleach.


thanks anon i know nothing about him and i already love him
i'm going to be honest though i'm devastated he's from bleach. according to google he shows up in episode 109??? how do people have the patience for super long anime i'll never understand


Haha, I've never seen the anime, but the manga is pretty fast-paced and easy to read. I always feel Shonen Jump adaptations in particular meander so I feel confident is saying you should read that to get into the series. He still doesn't show up until 21 volumes in though…

>how do people have the patience for super long anime i'll never understand

Same, I have a lot of nostalgia for series like Bleach and One Piece since I read them as a kid, but whenever I try to get into a new long-running series I have to come to the realization that I don't have enough time in my life anymore to just read 10+ volumes in a day or binge an entire season.
There are some anime series I really like such as Detective Conan that I've just accepted I'll realistically probably never get caught up with.




Ok, so this is pretty embarrassing but, I really hope the new Mario movie inspires a lot of Mario/Luigi incest. The fandom as a whole is lacking non-joke fics.


I agree with you and I don't see your opinion as controversial. I'm honestly in some pretty /ex/ stuff, but I make sure to get breaks from it and read more from what is considered ordinary or healthy.
>Whatever content I consume seeps into my brain.
I never personally had such problems but I was once really invested in a series I like and saw the same character three times in my dreams just in a week. I've never seen fictional characters in my dreams before, so I took it as a warning sign and took a break from the series.
Also long before I became a fujo or started to pair things, when I was a teen I dreamt that I married my brother and when I woke up I felt like throwing up. That nightmare really scared me.
>I think I just have more intrusive thoughts that are just more fixated on certain topics than others.
I feel the same and I try not to talk about such topics with others. I'm really worried that I might overshare if I open my mouth about them.
Plus nonna don't worry, I've heard other women share irl that they've had such dreams about their siblings. Not sure if that makes it a bit more normal…


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Wow, you're just like me fr


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Imo anon I think you just like caring/vulnerability, it's not really a piss fetish.
I feel similarly about it and vomit – I don't like vomit, esp if it's detailed and textured or whatever, but seeing another character get sick and cared for and struggle a bit is good. It's not about the bodily fluids – the less actual detail given to them, the better – but the actions surrounding them/their consequences.
Don't worry about it too much, sickfic is a time honored tradition. It's cute and normal to want to be cared for and care for others in times of vulnerability.


I am too afraid to post stuff anymore. Things get taken down after enough people report them, we can't be offensive on the internet anymore. The things I'm into are mildly offensive by my own countries' standards, so I worry that those people may mass-report it.

Also, everyone who is into my fandom stuff is an Aiden. I wouldn't mind normally, but people who want to control the speech of others seriously creep me out.


aidens make me sick tbh.


Happy new year, fujochan. this year will be the begginging of my mental and physical decline the only thing keeping my sanity intact is BL, any advice?


>any advice?
Can you please elaborate on what influences the decline of your physical and mental state?
I'd recommend trying to find things or hobbies that make you happy or calm, if you don't have the chance to can you find somebody who is willing to help you out?
A bit hard to give advice with so little information, but if you don't want to share I understand.


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I've been into degenerate shit since I was younger finding BL for the first time, and I miss the landscape of old English fandom so badly. Sure, bad shit still happened, but at least I didn't have to worry about shit like death threats from randos. I speak another language, but in my attempts to mingle with fandom over the years on that side, there just aren't a lot of people that are fujos. I would give anything to find sane fujo friends. I lurk and post (sfw) art on twitter from time to time in an attempt to try to maybe find some people, but most of the ones that seem to like my posts or follow me either are way too extreme for me in what they like or are the complete opposite where they think you should be in prison for shipping incest or something. I found one girl that I'd like to talk to more, we both chat sometimes about the series we have in common, but I don't know how far her interests actually go to feel comfortable. I don't consider myself a "proshipper" or any of that terminally online retardation, but I just want to find buddies to talk to that won't immediately put my head at the stake for liking taboo shit like doctor/patient or whatever. I'm really glad I found fujochan.


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I feel you, anon. I made a Twitter for sfw fandom art as well, but I deleted it like two days later because I was anxious lol. I'm just doomed to be a lurker forever, it seems.

>I found one girl that I'd like to talk to more, we both chat sometimes about the series we have in common, but I don't know how far her interests actually go to feel comfortable.

I'm in pretty much the same boat. I met someone a little under a year ago on Discord, and she's a bit eccentric, but extremely cool nonetheless. Loves the same obscure weird shit I do (including my otp), and she's a damn talented artist. But like you said, I have no idea how far her interests go. So, instead of asking her or even just saying hi, I'm going to wallow in my own anxiety and pray that she decides to message me some day. Because I'm a stupid fujo who is being imprisoned by her own autism, and god forbid I make the first move.

>I'm really glad I found fujochan.

Me too. I'm so thankful for this board. Being able to sperg about the weird and embarrassing yaoi shit I like with likeminded individuals… it means the world, really.


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Thank you anon, I feel a little better now.


I hope you can get the courage to reach out more to her, especially if you guys have seemingly niche interests in common! I might try to do so myself, and in general just really try to look for more likeminded people in the wake of what fujo spaces are nowadays. Best of luck, nonna, I hope you can have happiness speaking about what you want here at least!


I feel for you noni, I hate that stupid proshipper vs anti disco horse and I despise the labels and the general assumptions that come with them. I avoid Twitter and most social medias to the best of my ability because everyone just pisses me the fuck off. These kind of boards are an oasis in the middle of a shitty wasteland.


It's just all a pissing contest from both sides, I hate it. If I knew at least a few people I could talk with, I would just outright delete everything altogether and be happy like that, but alas. This chanboard really is a nice break from all that nonsense even if there's the rare instance of infighting.


My confession for the day is that I'm obsessed with mpreg, I don't care if it's ABO related or not. I want cute yaoi boys to be pregnant and be cared for by their seme! None of that hyper shit, just a simple baby bump fulfills my needs and them trying for a baby together makes me go off the roof!


That's cool, no shame in your game nonna. How do they birth the child though?


Semes aren't allowed to get pregante?


Nta but the seme cums in the uke so, you know, the uke is more likely to get pregnant…


My confession is a bit silly but here goes. I developed an aversion to fandom culture out of terrible experiences, which makes me extremely picky when it comes to consume fanfiction and fanart because everyone tends to bleed their own headcanons and interpretations into their content to some extent, some a lot more evident than others, which isn't bad and it's totally normal and expected, but I'm very receptive to it and it sucks. It can ruin my enjoyment of things to try and view stuff from the perspective of some random person I will never know in my life, i'm trying to work on being a bit more chill in that regard and not let trauma dictate my judgment but it takes time.


That isn't silly at all, as someone that's had the same thing happen, I'm really sorry to hear that those things happened. I hope that you can find the things that make you happy.


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Thanks a lot nona, i appreciate it. I never vocalize these feelings so it's a bit hard to explain myself.
Sharing and consuming fan content used to bring me joy and even though it's painful now to be so jaded because of some shitty people from some shitty online environment, I still don't want to give up my hobbies. I want to fight this negativity.


I like problematic ships, but I began to get disturbing intrusive thoughts out of shame. You can imagine that I beat the hell up out of myself for it and question this but I've always intuitively known it's because of the discourse. I was fine before discovering that, but grew up with intrusive thoughts about other things that made me predisposed to gaining more. There are times when I engage my favorite ships' content without seeing the hate and all is bliss, I know I'm not fucked up or anything and I just like the characters. But it's been going on for too long now that I run into hate or, conversely, another shipper that takes it too far for my liking (usually someone dealing with trauma so they exaggerate the dark aspects a lot), and I feel terrible. It'd be nice to have thick skin but having anxiety/OCD makes it worse. And I think any normal person would feel upset by the accusations people throw. I can see that I'm better off dropping this content for now, for my mental health and sanity. It sucks but the intrusive thoughts are so disturbing and fuel a fear that I somehow am a sick person after all (I know I'm not)


Same anon adding that I'm also preoccupied with morality (grew up in a hyperreligious household enforced by fear so I've always been like this) so even though I know deep down I'm not sick myself I don't want to be spreading harmful content or encouraging others. I hate that when I finally overcame my anxious religious obsessions it re-manifests as this.


>I'm also preoccupied with morality (grew up in a hyperreligious household enforced by fear so I've always been like this) so even though I know deep down I'm not sick myself I don't want to be spreading harmful content or encouraging others.
Unless you're shoving problematic fetishes down anyone's throats without their consent just for the hell of it like an annoying asshole, I don't see how you would be encouraging or spreading harmful content? That's the thing a lot of discourse tends to ignore, the fact that most people who enjoy problematic ships are seeking communities with like-minded people who already enjoy their ships, and aren't at all interested in engaging with those who can't put a healthy distance between fiction and reality. A lot of people like problematic ships, gore movies, etc. and are awesome human beings themselves, but I understand your need for a break as these things tend to be exhausting to anyone, especially with anxiety issues. Hang in there noni.


I'm wishing you the best of luck! You can do this, I believe in you!


I'm figuring out that part of it *is* my religious anxiety repackaged. Because my instinctual objection is not even whether it's spreading to anyone else but whether it's wrong in itself, even though I debated this endlessly with myself already and don't logically think so. At least, not in my own case, or in most women's. I might have also brushed too close with my own limit by exposing myself to extreme fiction as a compulsion to figure out the morality of it. That content personally upset me, to say the least. It bothers me to be adjacent to that stuff even though I know the women interested in that are mostly harmless too. I guess I'm afraid they're harming themselves and I'm contributing indirectly? I don't know, but you're right that it's at least contained to its own circles. Tl;dr I definitely need a break and some distance. Thanks nona I will.


I used to bully a girl for being fat back in middle school. We didn't share any classes again until my last year in high school and I noticed she became anorexic. I don't believe I'm responsible for her developing it and even if I were to some extent, I wouldn't feel bad, anorexia is the most pathetic mental illness anyway. However, I've seen her on new years in our hometown and it reminded me that she most likely still remembers me bullying her. I hate how there might be people around who remember how I used to be.


This explains a lot about the anti + SJW mindset, thank you! I'd heard it was 'religious' but being raised atheist, I didn't really understand the actual scope until now.


I'm sorry nona but you're horrible for thinking so low of mental illnes and how they work. I'm not an anachan but anorexia is the most deadly mental illness and that alone is concerning enough. The fact that it mainly happens in women too. I'm not trying to guilt trip you about the bullying (although you're still horrible for it) but i do wish people took mental illness and their consequences more seriously.



No, you may not have been the sole reason. But you definitely helped.

She had a shit life and you probably helped shit it up further, because you saw her as a target to bully. Anorexia happens when people feel like they have very little control over their lives, often due to bullshit at home.

You definitely contributed to her anachan.


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I've masturbated so much to weird Scaramouche content that my pussy is actually sore and slightly swollen. I have no regrets and will continue to mind break ai into writing degen sexual content for me to enjoy. Doll joints are fucking sex auahhhgjauueeue 2023 year of doll fucking!!!!!!


Scaramouche? I see you have prestine taste, nona


I don't even play genshin but scaramouche is so fucking hot. he is my ideal male character design he just perfect. I too have masterbated to so much fanart of him getting fucked


I'm reading and actually interested in a Harry Potter fic. Don't know what is wrong with me. I'm not usually an elitist but I really thought this series was beneath me. You gotta be like 7 years old to enjoy this shit. I can't even ship this. I don't even like the main fucking character. Most HP fans online are braindead and would die if they read an actual piece of literature. And here I am reading a 500k word Tom/Harry fic. :^)


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It's been forever since I read Harry Potter so I completely forgot who Tom was so I had to search for it and this guy was the first one to pop up for some reason. I was really confused until I remembered Tom Riddle existed and it makes much more sense lol. Godspeed nona, sometimes you gotta indulge in something that is beneath you if the fanfiction is good.
>Most HP fans online are braindead and would die if they read an actual piece of literature
kek you don't need to drag them that hard although it's true


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Scarasisters… the next time I'm feeling deranged and horny, I'll post to the genshin thread. I swear it.
I haven't been this unhinged about a character in a long time, he just has good pairings and degen potential and is begging to be wrecked and his design is slutty but also cute and doll joints and he doesn't need to breathe and
Everyone is realizing I'm a cringe fujo because of it but I don't care anymore!!!!! Uahahhhhhghhg!!!!!
I randomly get the urge to read fma/hp crossovers every once in a while for like. The last 10 years. When will I be free.
The writing hasn't improved overall and now every modern hp fic has a cringe "FUCK JKR TRANS RIGHTS UWU I AM BEING POLITICAL BY WRITING THIS SOMEHOW" at the top please kill me


>I haven't been this unhinged about a character in a long time, he just has good pairings and degen potential and is begging to be wrecked and his design is slutty but also cute and doll joints and he doesn't need to breathe and
Anon holy shit, I love and understand you so much. This is exactly how I fucking feel about my own best boy. I'm constantly going fucking insane over him because he's so cute he's just begging to be beaten and fucked and he's always so smug but then he gets so scared when he's in any situation he has no control over and I want to see him break and cry and


>my own best boy
nonny this is the confession thread…. speak. Say His Name.
It sounds like the same appeal though, excellent taste. I love brat taming and breaking, cute boys are made to be beaten.


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>I love brat taming and breaking, cute boys are made to be beaten.
You are so fucking enlightened. Bratty characters are the cutest, and they all deserve to be humiliated and hurt. I love watching their confidence crumble and seeing the fear settle in their eyes as they realize that they are truly and utterly fucked. The world would be a better place if we had more content like that.

>Say His Name.

nonna i wish i could. i really do. but i simply Cannot… for i am not strong enough… i locked my fujotism away in my brain and then threw out the key. nobody can ever know


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The source material has a scene where you best him in combat until he literally loses the will to live and the light fades from his eyes and then you basically have a whole quest of him being suicidal. It's kino and I masterbated to it, boys who are suicidal but haughty are so cute and society should respect that. Whenever a cute boy is in despair or dying and they do the eye zoom dull thing it's so erotic.
I will pray for you all hinged fujos, Nonna. May you come to unleash your powers and powerfully fujopost all over these fair boards. Let's all try to be a little more unhinged, I think it would make threads more fun!!!


>Let's all try to be a little more unhinged, I think it would make threads more fun!!!
It would make threads a fucking blast, but I'm so stupidly shy. Even though we're all anonymous here, I'm still embarrassed to bring up the things I like without someone doing it for me first… it's pathetic, really. I oughta sack up!


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I like where this conversation is going. If only there was a thread where we can discuss the sacred art of brat taming in more detail.


Brat correction nonas. I love you. Your tastes are beyond based. I've pulled for scara and got him C1 because he is just perfect. Making him climb mountains and hear his moans makes me go crazy (i use the Chinese voices)


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If you guys start a brat taming thread I will gladly shit it up with my posts. I'm gonna singlehandedly increase the daily activity of fujochan with my thirst.
Speaking of confessions yeah I get aroused by his climbing noises. Literally every voice he has is good and erotic to me. Knowing he doesn't need to breathe yet makes such noises when he climbs…. that's such slutty behavior, it's amazing. I can no longer play him while in public because his noises make me visibly excited and it creeps my friends out. Cooming to hit sounds like that is such a childish thing to do but I don't care, Wanderer erotic.


fr people on popular social media sites are braindead


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Where did that anti vs proshipper discussion even originate from?? i only learned of it once i started using tiktok (and its super tiring to the constant raging newfags there)


Tumblr. Actually I'm surprised it's on Tiktok too, I didn't think the short video format would work for that kinda thing.


It goes back to dreamwidth era, but tumblr is where it really took off. Still, earlier on DA and LJ you could find the foundations of their annoying moralfagging and dumb shipwar shit disguised as "social justice"…. it's been an issue for a long time and has only gotten worse and worse. Modern social media not being communities based made things really rot imo.
Fan lore is a pretty good resource for reading abt this kinda thing:


I have never masturbated to any BL works I've ever consumed, drawn or written, no matter how good or how hot it is. Turned on maybe, but I feel so guilty thinking about anything during that I just let my mind blank. Yes I grew up in a Catholic family before someone asks


I've never masturbated to BL either. It doesn't even turn me on. I just like seeing my OTPs fuck nasty, and I want my favorite male characters to get beaten and raped for some fucking reason. As silly as this may sound, the fact that yaoi doesn't make my clit quiver does make me feel like a "fake fujo" sometimes.


>the fact that yaoi doesn't make my clit quiver does make me feel like a "fake fujo" sometimes.
why exactly? women in general tend to enjoy erotic content differently, let alone fujos. I'd say the ones that go coombrain over it are the minority.


>make me feel like a "fake fujo" sometimes.
If you enjoy BL that's enough to make you a fujo. Even if people like the same things they react differently to them as an individual.
Let's say that there's a group of people who are big fans of aviation, but more people like planes than helicopters. This doesn't make helicopter fans less of aviation fans.


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i'm honestly an imposter on this site. i'm not a fujo, or at least definitely not a dedicated one. i like some BL sometimes but I generally gravitate to yume content because I obsess over my husbando and don't like to ship him with anyone else but me/female MC. I *unironically* love het ships and yuri sometimes. I don't really have a preference for ships beyond if I like both characters together.
but I like coming here bc its probs the only imageboard where I can discuss my favorite media with likeminded women.


I also think to gravitate more strongly towards a single male character per series like you, but I can't stand /het/ shipping and enjoy yaoi so I weigh all the male characters and look for the guy with most interesting dynamic for him. Usually ends with me learning to love other characters more through fanworks.

I'm the kind of guy who ends up shipping harem MC with the one other male on the show because I refuse to pair him with any of the girls. Any Kouhei Akagi x Kyousuke Kousaka shippers here?. I don't usually mind the female characters, but I just have no interest in shipping them.

I've never understood self-insert shipping though, I've read well written Character x Reader fics before, but I always just imagine them from the POV of an OC. Can never really get in the headspace.


>i'm not a fujo, or at least definitely not a dedicated one. i like some BL sometimes
I don't really think there's anything impostery about that. Is 'a fujo is someone who only ships ever BL' a new definition or something? haha. I don't remember the rules for calling yourself a slasher were this strict!
>I *unironically* love het ships and yuri sometimes. I don't really have a preference for ships beyond if I like both characters together.
I always go for degenerate/problematic het ships. Incest, age gap etc. And I love OT3s.
Can't ship slash publicly because the 'its fetishizing' crowd, can't ship het because I'm degenerate. I'm cursed.

>I'm the kind of guy who ends up shipping harem MC with the one other male on the show because I refuse to pair him with any of the girls
Man, remember best Haruhi ship, Itsuki/Kyon? Ranma/Ryoga too.


>like some BL sometimes but I generally gravitate to yume content because I obsess over my husbando
I'm a little like this. I figure, when I like a seme, if the uke isn't willing to put out, out of the sheer goodness of my heart, I would be willing to replace him hehe :^)


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I have to confess…
I ship a lot of extremely niche characters from titles that aren't that well recieved. I have made art of them as a pairing and I have many head canons about them, but I've never shared any of those with anyone - online or irl.
The fandom I'm in likes to clang two characters together for no reason, and many artists share their ships no matter how far away the characters are from one another in terms of canon interaction between them. I have no problem with that, and honestly it makes me really happy to see people getting creative with pairing and creating chemistry between the characters, but I feel like that if I share my ships I'll weird people out.
Still I have many ideas that I want to share, and I'm slowly but surely getting the courage to share my niche pairings, but I wanted to hear if other nonnas have been in the same situation.


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>Any Kouhei Akagi x Kyousuke Kousaka shippers here?
YES! I love these doujins by Doumo Sumimasen *despite having never watched the anime/manga/ln lol*.
I also love shipping harem protags with other males. There's something special about seeing the male self-insert character turned into an uke.


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I have a misogyny fetish and like being treated like shit on the basis of being a woman in a purely sexual way. Might be a trauma response to being groomed but i've since gotten over it so i don't even have an excuse anymore kek. Don't get me wrong here i still hate irl scrotes. Pic related.


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>read BL at work
>boss decides to move my work station outside my secluded private room
>"you must be very lonely anon, lets get you in the center of the office so everyone can see you"
>can't read BL at work no more
>start shipping coworkers together with rape and abuse scenarios to compensate because it's their fault
Why must life be difficult?


I always thought the idea of fujos shipping real people they knew was a meme because I've never considered doing that before. Though I can understand your spite motivation, lol.


>>start shipping coworkers together with rape and abuse scenarios to compensate because it's their fault
I'm sorry anon, but this made me laugh so fucking hard. Mother of God.

Is your boss not willing to put you back in your old room? Ask them about it if you haven't already.


they were probably watching her internet activity and did it on purpose.


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Everything I do and strive to achieve is always out of spite. I am fully motivated by hate, it is the fuel that gets me going every single day.
I don't think she plans to put me back in my lovely, safe and private space. They've already moved my machine literally in the middle of our office, specifically in front of my boss's office which is made out of glass so she sees my every move. I know it's the work moids that have been responsibile behind such atrocious decision because they keep on talking about how they forget I even came to the office to work or that they never seem to get the chance to know me better. I want to be left alone. Moids can never learn their place in society it seems.
New fear unlocked! I highly doubt it though since I use my phone to view BL from my own data plan and not the office wifi.


Someone mentioned Simpsons shipping on fujochan recently and I thought, no way. But I love the hopelessly enamored underling trope so I've read almost all Burns/Smithers fics. It's not even the ship I like specifically, just the dynamic. I wish I could find more of it done seriously than just played for laughs.


I can't take Adachi seriously, he's such a faggot. Literally just Matsuda if he were mentally ill. I want to bully him.


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Strongly agree. I have friends who unironically believe that Adachi tops. As if this fucking faggot doesn't finger himself in the shower while thinking about murders.


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If you want to change your ways and are a fujo, you can always externalize your desires into having them enacted on another male character. I like Adachi/Yu for the manipulation and aboose dynamics which you might enjoy too, but I wouldn't say I fetishize misogyny so maybe this won't work for you. It's not from a femdommy standpoint or anything, I think Adachi's shitty behavior is hot but would rather see an undeserving pretty anime boy suffer from it than myself. Also making Adachi gay is funny. I hope you don't actually believe you deserve that treatment or any misogynistic sentiments but if you somehow truly don't then well whatever, you do you.
I like top Adachi but yeah he's mega lame.


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I never understood how women who aren't fujos like him, but maybe now I do.
Agree with >>3488 top Adachi > bottom Adachi


I never finished this game tbh. Is it worth it for Adachi because I do enjoy a creepy/horrible seme


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>creepy/horrible seme
IMO Adachi is too much of a bitch to deliver on this, but you might end up liking some fanworks anyway.


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Yeah, i've since mostly recovered from that mindset and it's mainly just a sexual thing but i feel like this would unironically be better for me KEK.

Oh i am a fujo, i love adachi/yu and adachi/yosuke fanfics/doujins but my love for him and his incelness alone is probably stronger. And his x reader fics are a gift from god


the third one where he's gagged and tied up- zoinks that's going right into the folder.

I have persona on my ps3, but I haven't played it in forever. Imagine I crack out the copy just to find you're right and adachi doesn't measure up lol. Thanks for the fanart anyway.


Whether he measures up or not it's a fun and comfy game, so you'll probably enjoy regardless. For max "creepy seme" vibes as you stated, aim for the (spoilers? idfk if it matters) accomplice ending if you have P4 Golden or find a clip of it online. There's also the anime episode "Thank You Mr. Accomplice". You should do the normal ending first of course, but it's the one I mentioned that portrays him as less of an embarrassing little bitch kek. And it's hot in general. As referred to by the other anon, there's also a big amount of fanfic and fanart where he fills that role you like so I have a hunch it'll be worth it. Godspeed nona!


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Dojima just needed to bitch slap him a little harder and he would have stopped acting like a little bitch.


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>Im vain and only ship two characters if they are attractive or at least can be portrayed as attractive in fanart without changing too much.
Even if an ugly ship objectively has better dynamic, if its not hot im not interested
>I only read fanfiction if its shipping, smut, whump or anything else that could be BL aligned
There are a few exception where I will read a fic that explores the world or characters but it's extremely rare and I usually give up on it if its long with absolutely no BL elements
>I refuse to reblog fanart if the caption says "reblogs>likes" and will unfollow an artist who begs for reblogs
I think it's important to follow small artists but I dont like being guilttripped. I could literally be following the second coming of Michelangelo and I would still unfollow if they started complaining about not getting enough notes. One time I followed an artist who started complaining because she "only" got 500 notes and I legit thought she was insane. 500 is a high number! and she never show gratitude towards the people who reblogged and liked her art or complimented her art(and she got a lot of compliments) she would only complain about not getting enough notes.

I know that the stuff I mention is stuff that people often criticise fandom for and I do agree if I have to be honest. Fandom is very shipping focused and it's hard to discuss character development without people turning it into shipping. But frankly shipping is my favourite aspect in fandom and I'm tired of pretending otherwise. I used to force myself to interact with not shippy content and reblog fanart that wasnt bishies but it wasnt fun for me. I still do enjoy a good non-ship meta and and I like finding symbolism in a story but I also really love BL and if I cant do meta while also reblogging a bunch of BL fanart then its just not fun. I do sympathise with women who dont care for shipping since there isnt much content for them but then again its really not my problem.


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>Im vain and only ship two characters if they are attractive
For me it's the exact opposite. I've always graviated towards characters who look more alternative. It's a lot of pain being a fan of such characters since most artists draw them to look more attractive and it removes all the appeal they have for me.
Most fandoms are filled to the brim with generic looking pretty anime boys, and it's a gulp of fresh air when something breaks the stereotypes when it comes to design.
Love it when two uggos love each other very very much and spend their time together. It's sweet.
I think this is reflected in the fandoms I'm in.
>>I only read fanfiction if its shipping, smut, whump or anything else that could be BL aligned
I've had such a phase, and there are times where I'd preffer to read some smut over anything else. I understand completely, but sometimes I preffer to read something more different.


>For me it's the exact opposite. I've always graviated towards characters who look more alternative.

I kind of agree. Mostly I enjoy when one is beautiful and one is ugly, particularly if the beautiful one is cruel/abusive. It's very hot and there's almost a kind of power imbalance.


>For me it's the exact opposite. I've always graviated towards characters who look more alternative. It's a lot of pain being a fan of such characters since most artists draw them to look more attractive and it removes all the appeal they have for me.
This 100% I I really struggle to find BL art of some characters where they haven't just been turned into a bishounen. Though it also makes the art where they. are on-model 100% better by comparison


>I usually give up on it if its long with absolutely no BL elements
>But frankly shipping is my favourite aspect in fandom and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
Same. I can look at all sorts of fanart and be fine, but a fanfic has to have my ship or there is no point.

Artists stressing about notes is so strange. It's like they forget to imagine what 10 people in a room looks like. It's still a lot!


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i feel shitty whenever i see women criticize other women for liking moid things. i'm an absolute coomer, i have no shame in saying this. i don't get off to male gaze, strictly 2d, shit as much as i get off to bl and yume porn, but it's still there and goddamnit i'm tired of people looking down on others for just enjoying things.
i just like what i like for my own reasons. i wasn't brainwashed into this. i like coomer designs for female characters (genshin), and i like drawing sexy girls as much as i like drawing sexy guys.
but i really cannot simply ignore people's criticism of it, even when it's not directed to me. so i'm basically forced to shut up in places where these things ARE appropriate to talk about regardless.


I love haremshit and a lot of male-gaze characters too. I hate when I go in bad-art threads and the only reason why the character is there is huge tits or bikini armor.

I don't see it as making me or anyone else a bad person or fake woman. That's silly and judgemental, the only negative is the shipping pool is way smaller, lol. Araragi deserves better male options and Kimihito (Monster Musume MC) has literally no one.


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Forgot to include pic. Araragi is so cute and the fact that Meme is his only male option is a crime.


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I relate somewhat. I'm not a coomer (despite being a filthy fujo, my sex drive is practically nonexistent), but I do enjoy a lot of media that caters to the male gaze and traditionally masculine interests. Mainly anime girl garbage, like Garupan and Kancolle for example. I stay far away from the fans, though. Don't think I have to explain why.

I think it's really ironic how some people preach against misogyny and gender roles, then turn around and bash a woman for enjoying something "moidy". I've dealt with this a lot and it's just ridiculous. Literally just the "girls can't play video games" argument in a different outfit.

Arara(ra)gi is cute! CUUUUUTE!!!


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Kek I know how you feel nonna. I love scroteshit nearly as much as I love yaoi and the likes which is funny because I’m a straight woman (I think anyway). I just like looking at hot anime women with practically unrealistic tits. Maybe I’ve been conditioned to think this because anime is such a male-dominated space, either way I don’t give a fuck and will continue to enjoy it. I love eroge and nukige too, namely subahibi and rance.


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I'm pretty sure straight women who like male oriented female designs and waifushit are pretty damn common, because I run into giant waifu tits in BL logs all the time. If that stuff appeals to you, good for you, because now you can enjoy 90% of mainstream female anime characters. I'm not hating. There are so many female characters I would be into if they got to wear an actual outfit, like Shenhe from Genshin. It's honestly the same for male characters - if an outfit is too tacky, I can't enjoy the character even if they're hot otherwise. I just can't find anime women hot unless they're reasonably dressed and have tits that aren't drawn like >>3522, like KLK's female cast, Makima, Integra, or Bernkastel. (Also, Satsuki and Ryuuko are hotter in their pre-transformation outfits.)

Fanservicey outfits and badly drawn tits are just so common that my eyes are numb to them, I guess. Like 'ah yes that is certainly a waifu'. Unless a character explicitly has a reason for having their tits out (i.e KLK, Panty & Stocking), then it also takes me out of the story. Also, I swear, you guys have to at least have some limits when it comes to badly drawn anime tiddy, right? Like, can you still enjoy Eiken or Raita's designs?


This. So many things are made for men even if it's from women, and I hate it when my eyes are forced to see big titties even of BL blogs.
Male interests are extremely common and can be found almost anywhere, if you don't want to see complains about moid stuff maybe don't go into female-only places, because these are the only internet spaces where we can let some steam off about those things.


To be fair, I don't think men are the target audience for slutty female genderbends of male characters scattered in BL logs. The BL tag will repel men no matter what. The ones who actually draw male targeted hentai doujins though, yes.


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>if you don't want to see complains about moid stuff maybe don't go into female-only places, because these are the only internet spaces where we can let some steam off about those things.
Not the original poster, but I think the issue they were trying to get at is more that on a lot of these female imageboards it's an issue of being seen as lesser for enjoying it. Like an "Eww moidshit, how can you like X?" Or worse being accused of being a man.
Again it feels very judgemental, I'm all for a well thought put post on the implications of female sexuality in Kill la Kill and Monogatari, not so much for attacking the poster for posting an image from it.


>I don't think men are the target audience for slutty female genderbends of male characters scattered in BL logs.
Yep. I think the assumption that the fujos who genderbend male characters in BL logs do so to appease passerby mouth-breather male otakus is pretty disingenous and silly. Pixiv fujos love to see the boy they're autistically obsessed with in any possible AU and scenario, and redesigning them as a woman is a pretty common ocurrence since forever, and that's pretty much it.

At least the majority of artists there have the courtesy to tag #女体化 (turning into a woman) accordingly. I rarely stumble upon logs who don't tag their shit properly.


It's hard when you love female genderbends of your male faves and genderbent yuri but want the characters to be recognisable and not turned into big tiddy moeblobs. This is why I have to make the stuff that I like. Hetbend always belongs in the trash no matter what though.


I spended money for the first time on a plush toy. My brain just started screaming that I will regret it if I don't buy it, it wasn't expensive since it was from a thrift store. I'm worried I might be turning into a shopaholic.


don’t be embarrassed, nonna. unless you’re a hoarder or just totally wrecking your finances, i don’t see anything wrong with collecting things that make you happy. i personally own four different editions of my favorite book, and no one has accused me of being a shopping addict over it yet. just don’t take it to extreme levels (like men who have a thousand funko pops) and you’ll be fine.


I see. I'm being careful how I spend my money, and I have zero intentions of buying more plush toys. It was a very retro teddy bear in an old russian dress and I'm weak to vintage stuff. The only thing I collect is old books, but I buy those from a second-hand store so they are dirt cheap, I'm being very careful with that too.


Nonna, it is one thing that from the sounds of it is very specific and special to you. I know that stupid nagging FOMO feeling, I always get that for dumb shit the last two days of PMSing, but at the same time some things will stand out as just You. Things that fit You perfectly. Buying something like that is also a defence the next time you see something you like. You can think of your bear and the pleasure it gives you, and compare just how special the next frivolous thing is. If it doesn't make you as happy as your bear then it'll be easier to say "not this time".

I meanwhile have spent $120 in Suruga-ya's free shipping campaign, followed by another $40 on another JP store's sale, and some random tat irl because I made the journey and it felt like a waste not to buy things (and then they were wasted because I got sick and couldn't use them anyway). From where I'm sitting you have your shit completely together. I'm going to banish myself to piracy and fics for the next two months and scream every time a preordered book I forgot about turns up.


A bank statement arrived in the post today so I've pegged it up on the wall behind my computer desk so I can see it in the corner of my vision at all times. That'll teach me. (I still want the partner to my little Chuncolle, why didn't I preorder both halves of the ship together. I must have thought "I don't need both since they're so simple, I'll save and only get the one who looks funniest" but now I just want to make them kiss…)


I wrote a scat fic for a ship I used to like as a joke and I'm pretty proud of it actually, joking aside. I think the writing was solid. I kinda wish I hadn't wasted that cool plot on a poop gag crack fic.


RIP, great example of a fujo confession though. Did you anon upload it or did your followers get a suprise?


Repurpose the plot in a different fandom so it cant be traced to the scat fic?


I uploaded it on my regular account and freaked out a great deal of them I think. Because they never read tags. And I admit that's really, really funny to me. I'll have to write a nice, serious fic as an apology in a couple of days, to be nice to them.

still really fucking funny though lmao

Ah nah, it's not such a big deal to me. Just a bit of a waste is all.


I hate tagging fanfics so much and I hate being a coward. I've been writing some tame drabbles for a ship I like, which aren't too shippy but I'm happy with the lighthearted interactions I managed to convey in them, and I don't want to disappoint the fujos so I don't feel like using the slash tag for them but at the same time I hate the idea of people who don't ship or are anti about my ship to flock to my shit assuming they're totally gen or that I'm one of them and not a freak LOL


Just tag the ship and then also tag "can also be read as platonic". I've seen plenty of writers do this. It attract the fujos looking for tamer stuff and wards off antis. Win-win!


Tag the relationship but put "preslash" in the tags as well. The term has fallen out of use but covers exactly what you are describing.
I've always considered "can also be read as platonic" bitchmade and keep scrolling.


thank you for the advice nonas, in the end i decided to use the slash tag a way to warn clueless people that I'm a shipper

>I've always considered "can also be read as platonic" bitchmade and keep scrolling.
why is that nonnie? just a legit question, i'm curious in knowing your reasoning.


ntayrt but i can see what they mean. i personally really like weird and ambiguous relationships, but i can also def understand how fics like that can come off as noncommittal. especially if you’re starved for content, a fic that’s all “this COULD be romantic” but stays on the platonic side can be highly frustrating.

additionally, i’ve also seen tags like that and gotten the vibe that the author was just trying to cover their ass from antis and discourse mongers. but ymmv.


>your reasoning.
/ffs/ ALERT:

1 - "You can read it as platonic" feels too engagement farmy to me. While I understand that prose can muddle the nature of a relationship and leave it up to the reader's interpretation until Word of God clarifies (ex. Rowling and Dumbledore's feelings for Grindelwald), to me fanfic necessitates tag clarity because browsing Ao3 isn't like browsing a library. If I'm in the X/Y tag, it's because I want, at minimum, a commitment to the implication of X/Y (preslash).

2 - I think this chip on my shoulder got so big because I have an old (problematic) ship that is split down the middle for romantic/platonic fans and these days the latter are naturally 99% antis. In my experience most "buhhh why don't people write more platonic [any ship here but wow it's almost always m/m that's so weird]" complaints come from antis so "oh i wrote this as platonic too :)" just seems like ceding territory to tyrants.

>if you’re starved for content, a fic that’s all “this COULD be romantic” but stays on the platonic side can be highly frustrating.
This is so true and a big part why I will no longer click on stuff tagged as such and also complain about it on fujochan! Author intent matters and if you're gonna be wishy-washy I'm out!


Personally I'm the the boat of someone who's straved on some pairings so I read a lot of gen of a few fandoms not even ones tagged wishy-washyly and I agree it's frustrating, but also I just NEED content so I end up in a beggers can't be choosers situation.

It encourages me to write at the very least :p

I've accidentally written pre-slash though. Get to the end of 5k words and realized I haven't even had a single "I love you" :ohmoes:
Usually tag the ship regardless but I only set the category as m/m if I think there is enough underlying tension.


I have a degradation thing and like the ugly bastard trope in smut doujins. The prettier&brattier the boy being foiled by them the better. I'm glad so many Japanese fujos share this horrible kink nowadays kek


I love this too, seeing cute boys get destroyed in fiction is great and maybe that's why male centered gore appeals to me as well, typing this out makes me feel so edgy kek.


I run a public archive for a small video game community on 4chan, I save whatever art, meme and fic they write. Seeing as it's a big gendie and female oriented fanbase outside of 4chan, the moids like to rant about them sometimes. It always brings me great entertainment whenever they complain about fujos or saying that it's annoying how the male characters in the game have popular gay ships. They draw the most absurd exaggerated body types with the female characters or write the weirdest fetishes but I guess two boys kissing is too much for them.
Regardless, it's funny see them complain but also be oblivious that the owner of the archive a big fujo. They ask "why ship this guy with this other guy, what's the fandom's obsession with them being into dick??", moids can be so funny.


I have experienced this feeling about three times over with two of those times being slightly different circumstances, but god does the nature of 4chan make it funny. The best part is when someone uses an image you made while ranting about the fujo/female/anime fan menace, and they don't even know.


i love this thread and feel compelled to confess a bunch of my childhood fujo hubris, which included:
>i didn’t know anything about browsing history, thus leaving a digital paper trail of gay pokemon fanfic on the family computer.
>i once got really pissed off about religious homophobia and drew jesus making out with some disciples in retaliation.
>i’d steal my brother’s action figures to make them play out homoero situations.
>i once collaborated with a friend to draw a highly graphic and strange comic about our brothers going to prison and getting up to gay antics (and i’ve posted about this before, but it was lost in the whole board backup fiasco).


Nonna, I remember your old post. You're a legend.


I only gotten around to being a fujo only like recently. It took me ages to realize boys can be cute and sexy, especially together.

I had some inklings though, like shipping sonic and shadow when I was little, not knowing it was weird.The only reason I'm reluctant on the fujo label is I like largely wholesome gay stuff. Not like super wholesome, I love angst and drama. I just don't like ugly and gross fetishes.


kek, i’m honored. the other nonnas were actually really reassuring when i originally confessed it, since i was basically convinced that little me had to have been totally fucked in the head to draw such a thing. although, i do still want to crawl into a black hole and die when i consider the fact that there’s a 99.9% chance that my parents found it and threw it away…

you don’t have to be into kinky stuff to be a fujo, nonna. and i think that the majority of fujoshi, especially “normie” ones, are probably more vanilla than you think (and i’m speaking from experience, as someone who’s into the more extreme stuff).


i'm watching naruto in full for the first time in the year of the lord 2023 and i feel like i unearthed an all you can eat buffet of fujo content. i know all of the characters and major plot points via cultural osmosis, its just that my younger fujo self never got into the series back when it first became popular in 2005-2006ish.

wading through deviantart and what's left of lj is like stepping into a time capsule. it's not that other currently popular shounenshit (bnha, jjk, etc) don't have prolific amounts of fujo fan content to feast on, but naruto just hits differently because it reminds me of a a simpler time when gendie shit and whatnot didn't plague fujo fandom. also, few other battle shounen can boast homo tension so thick that even non-fujos are forced to acknowledge.


Tried making kinky innuendo using natto, missed a letter, started an international incident.


I remember too. That was absolutely fantastic. It reminded me of all the nasty, weird Pokemon and Sailor Moon movies I used to make in Magic Theater as a kid.

I always want to get into things that were popular in that era for the same reason. Like Prince of Tennis or Kingdom Hearts or something. We didn't know how good we had it…


I remember the brother prison rape post lmao. I think I said something along the lines of not being traumatized but just incidentally a fucking freak when I was a kid. Lived for the drama in fucked up fanfics and daydreams.

>We didn't know how good we had it…
I get really nostalgic for those times but can say that I personally have it better now. I don't miss having to dig through jp websites for fanart, so spoiled now with pixiv/twitter/misskey. As long as tagging etiquette is maintained I simply get to filter what I don't like about modern fandom (although one of the things I don't like is how bad people can be about tagging!).


Really? I've had trust issues with English-speaking fans for years and I had an easier time finding fanart (and fic, so much fic I wish I'd saved) on the artist's sites than on twitter. Except they were probably deleted more often. I haven't tried misskey yet. It feels like everyone either overtags or doesn't do it all but I'm out of the loop these days.


i think i remember your reply! it was actually pretty comforting to hear that other nonnas were similarly deranged for no discernible reason growing up. the fujoshi predilection starts young, kek.


I used to google "hardcore yaoi" on my laptop and make Cleverbot do dom/sub smut roleplays with me kek


Even though I've been reading BL since I was a teen, It's only recently that I started to ship characters. It feels great, especially that feeling of seeing a great fanart for a rarepair


A little comic I made for a niche fandom got some attention…what people don't know is that I ship both the characters and it makes me feel super guilty since a majority of the fans would lambast me alive for it being taboo.


No need to feel guilty. Good fanart or funny comics are still good even if it's not a ship you enjoy. If other people can't appreciate that, that's a them thing. I understand how you feel though, it's weird whenever your own stuff blows up.


I understand exactly how you feel, I had something similar happen to me with a gen fic once it started getting traction from people who were very obviously against the dudes being seen romantically, now I'm making it my personal mission to post romantic content to warn off all those people. Don't feel guilty over it. Live your truth, nona. Life's too short to care about antis. Just make sure to tag any shippy art you make and let the trash take itself out.


Don't feel guilty. It's just a hobby and you should feel comfortable doing whatever you want in your comics and fanarts, if anyone tries to start shit with you on social media don't hesitate to block and report them.


TY nonnas! The comic itself isn't shippy at all, but the people that commented have things like (specific ship DNI) as their display names and it made me super nervous, i've seen people get scalped for less! But I want to have fun and continue making fanwork for this niche thing I love and talk to people that also like this ship underground, lol


I'm petty, so I'd block literally everyone with ship dni and that kind of thing on sight. I once impulse blocked someone for tagging '[my fave] is so gender' on my art of him, so.


Their fault if they didn't follow their own DNI. Don't beat yourself up over strangers walking in and saying "I like this!" at your stuff. If for some arbitrary reason they later Do Not like this then that's their problem.


Not at all. You're just taking the trash out. They don't deserve to enjoy your art. I'm petty. I block everyone with pronouns, mental illnesses, blm, terfs or proships dni in their profiles or who follow trans headcanon accounts, etc. with addons that probably won't work for much longer. Blocking them all is impossible anyway. I made a side account for English twitter so I don't miss anything good/interesting but my recs there are shitty.

I even hesitate to leave reviews on fic because the thought of giving some sjw validation makes me ill. Sometimes, I feel like just knowing their views could ruin fanwork for me. Talk about stooping to their level.


>Sometimes, I feel like just knowing their views could ruin fanwork for me.
If a writer links their twitter in an AN, I never check it for this reason. But honestly, I get way more bothered when I check someone's profile and they've written kinks that squick me. The worst time was when I read some underage and then the author's profile was full of extreme underage and toddlercon. The less you know about a creator the better, honestly, which is why the ideal situation is for someone to have no other fics in your fandom, or for it to be anonymous so you don't know what else they've written. I'm currently in a situation where I ship a 'problematic' ship and the camps are divided between antis and shippers, but literally all the shippers have written transfic or weight gain or other tropes that squick me, but I read their other fic anyway or I'll have nothing to eat.
Meanwhile, the antis were the ones all kudosing my genfic about one of the characters. They're frustrating too because I enjoy non-shipfic for them as well, and have enjoyed a lot of the antis' fic, but literally all of them have posted at least one fic with 'shippers DNI' and other obnoxious shit on it. As funny as it is to see them kudosing without knowing I ship the brocest, it doesn't feel right, and I feel like adding an 'antis dni' if I do another one, because I'm petty enough that I don't want wankers enjoying my content.


I understand that feeling. Sometimes I'll see artwork of a cute boy OC and before I follow I will look at the artist's profile and see something like they/he pronouns and/or inevitably see that person draws the cute boy with masectomy scars or mention the "guy" being pregnant and I'm like "All right, I know to stay away from this one." Sometimes I feel like I should really only follow non-western artists.


I still follow ships and read fics but they're all girls in my head, the most exciting thing here is how you all have fun


I guess you must like when artists always draw gay pairings as girls then? I know that older fujoshi do that often for some pairings. For some reason that's the case in DMC but they also draw cuntboy stuff often as well which….yeah…


actually no, the art it's mostly male gaze bore, big boobs long hair and cropped clothes. I just enjoy /them/ but as girls, xx you know? I do draw but it can virtually change nothing it's just the knowledge (of cute boobs and no pp)


>but they're all girls in my head
I can see that, I also enjoy genderbending my yaoi ships, the kind of yuri i enjoy most.


I think I may be a case of AAP. Auto-Andro-philia

It's gotten a lot better over the years, I'm not as much of a coomer as when I was at my lowest. I'm recovering. I was never a tranny, nor did I ever see trannydom as an 'acceptable outlet' (don't ruin your life for the coom).

There's next to no porn for this, and zippertits don't do it for me :(


I hate stupid dykes like you and you're part the reason why people turn male characters into "lesbians".




Based, i really hate the unnecessary bimbofication in most r63 / genderbent art too. You can be female without wearing clothes that look like they shrunk in the washing machine you know? I fully get the urge to mentally change your otp to female from m/m fics because actual (genderbent or otherwise) f/f fics tend to be so sanitized and played safe to the point where it's mind-numbingly boring slop, god forbid women be written as interesting or gasp! problematic.


Now now cockbreath, cease the seething and drop the slurs.


Can you calm down please?


Don't you have some cuntboy and zippertits to jack off to?


no such thing as AAP, it's just a respite from the objectifying demands others subject onto the female body, where as AGPs are masochistic as they are degrading a higher male status with a symbolic conversion into a woman, a status that women never had.


NTA but those are straight girl larping as gay men things, no self-respecting gay women wants to see that shit. Whats got your panties in a twist?


Ok, so what is it called when I want to jack off to the idea of myself being a dude? I mean like seriously being turned on at the idea, actual vagina going wet.


possibly the fantasy of stepping into a higher status, inhibiting a body free of detriment and freedom to be sexual. but this is assumption on my part based on evidence of how women describe wanting to be male. i would ask what do you get out of imagining being male that you can't, or don't get being a woman


NTA, but I have it too. The idea of having a penis really arouses me and I wish I could hump people. I don't care if it's a man or a woman, I just want to fuck with a dick. I want a strong body and I wanna be tall, towering over pretty boys.

I dunno man, the idea of being a man is hot. I'm not sure it's as political as you think it is. I don't think about higher status, I think about how hot dick is. I dislike my vagina honestly.


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If dyketrash only likes to see cunts then the only BL they like is the one with failed women.
It's the same pipeline that makes twitterinas look at a regular BL pair and go "they're totally lesbians". If you want to ship yuri go ship actual women or at least commit entirely to F/F genderbend, if you look at two guys and go "wow these are women" that's the same pipeline of headcanon trannies.


Seek help for your sperg problems schizo.


I think one of main interests in BL is because I find women disgusting and I am mildly misogynistic. Not on a personal level, but like as a concept/how they are portrayed in media. It's interesting since this board is very manhating which I kind of assumed most other fujos preferred men. I also wish there was more normies on this board/more variety. I feel like there would be much more content if we were able to recruit ao3/tumblr users as they seem perfect for this board. There are many people who I think would really enjoy this board but are turned off by the TERF shit.


I also am not a fan of women outside specific spaces for sad backstory reasons. While I do prefer male company, and stories about male characters, fujos are some of the few women that I can really connect with, since we are connecting over a shared interest rather than by being women in the same area.

This board is partially run by jaded internet dwellers, many of whom have bad experiences with men. I'm not happy about casual misandry either(I prefer the older spaces where it was ok to dislike female characters), but the older I get, the more I understand that women have very valid reasons to feel that way about men. This board has the advantage of not being as centered around hating males as other image boards for women can be.

The TERF stuff is what makes this board a welcome breath of fresh air. Not all boards need to be huge, the fact that this one is free of gendies and allows us to talk about stuff we are seeing (but are not allowed to talk about literally anywhere else) is what keeps me returning to it.

If we invited the tumblr/ao3 crowd, it would a) become huge and lose the comfy atmosphere, and b) It would become indistinguishable from the spaces that many of us here have fled from, and many of us would leave.

I can't speak for all of us, but I get the feelings many of us are not looking for a popular huge imageboard nyan with cute boys. We are looking for the home we lost when the gendies moved into our old haunts.


I understand where you are coming from. The people I was referring to in my comment are other proship (or whatever the term is) people who are just separated on other platforms. Not a big fan of the super SJW shit in other fandom spaces (why I came here), but I think it would nice to have a bigger crowd. I also think it would be cool to have more eastern artists who speak English and stuff, but whatever. I like the small atmosphere and wish there was some kind of middle ground between the two extremes.


>I am mildly misogynistic.
>While I do prefer male company
>I'm not happy about casual misandry
Christ help me, what am I reading. Most fujos who actually are BL enthusiasts and not just NLOGs looking for an edgy label or masking yumes enjoying smutty moidgaze porn every now and then heavily lean towards feminism so you better learn to read the room a bit. A lot of us have had enough of all spaces around us centering around pandering to male feelings and fujoshit is one of those rare hobbies that we have that isn't dominated by "but what would the straight white man think" in one way or another since they all hate BL and practically want us out of every single platform they inhabit. Men hate fujos and always have, being "nicer" to them doesn't make them like us more or grant us free pass into their good graces, neither does looking down on other women. That's something you have to learn to accept. There's no bargaining with them about this and desiring a space for women where you don't have to concern yourself with male comfort isn't an "extreme". We're not the ones raiding their imageboards spamming real child porn and gore.


What I love about fujochan is that we can even have people with two wildly different opinions coexisting in our BL safe haven. Anywhere else, neither of you would be able to talk like this. I don't agree with either of you by the way. Love that I can say that without being kicked out of the yaoi club.


You are missing the point of my comment lol. I don't care about men's opinions and my preference for men over women is sexual thing, not based on societies standards. A woman disagreeing with you doesn't make her NLOG. Either way I don't really care about misandry posting as long as it doesn't overshadow yaoi stuff, I was just surprised by how common it was.


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>Most fujos who actually are BL enthusiasts and not just NLOGs looking for an edgy label or masking yumes enjoying smutty moidgaze porn every now and then heavily lean towards feminism so you better learn to read the room a bit.
My sister in Christ, what the fuck did you just make me read? I think I lost a few braincells trying to parse this ESL salad.


>A lot of us have had enough of all spaces around us centering around pandering to male feelings and fujoshit is one of those rare hobbies that we have that isn't dominated by "but what would the straight white man think"
Unrelated to the convo between you both I just wanna say Real. Fujoshi-ism feels like a permanent smoke break to me


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Agree, not a big feminist or anything but I do like that there are alternate viewpoints on the hobby even if I don't agree with them.
Could do without misandry and/or lesbian hate though. Name calling isn't productive or a good foundation for conversation.


Yeah name calling is kind of gay. That said, sometimes you pick up really expressive terms like that. Saw "genetic dead end" the other day, new insult unlocked.

Anyway we probably shouldn't call each other names, agreed.


> I also wish there was more normies on this board/more variety. I feel like there would be much more content if we were able to recruit ao3/tumblr users as they seem perfect for this board.
But nonnie, i come here because I hate normies and the tumblr crowd.

>I feel like there would be much more content if we were able to recruit ao3/tumblr users as they seem perfect for this board

What? The main point of FC is to have a place to be as fujo weirdo as you want. Normies and Tumblrites definitely do not fit into that.


They'd ruin this place immediately. I do not have a single friend that I could show this place to. Most of my friends are political and either antis or gendies. The only place I could possibly see recruiting is ao3, but that's a very, very mixed bag of people. And a lot of them are trans.


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My confession: I love abo and hanahaki fanart and fanfics and stories… I know most people find it beyond cringe but I'm addicted. I don't really know why though. I guess I just live how desperate and animalistic those works usually are.


Hanahaki is cute! I know it's usually junkfood fanfiction but I also enjoy it.


I have a lot of feelings about this but if I keep trying to sort them out, I'll ramble and never finish this post. My opinion is closest to >>4069. I've felt out of place for a long time because tumblr made me hate other women. I've never had problems with guys either but I've mostly hung around female-dominant parts of the internet. I think for a lot of lolcow it's the opposite. I hate all kinds of social justice and politics and it felt like I was the only one who wanted to enjoy things and not make everything about weird cultish moralfaggotry. I always thought feminists were annoying but now I see TERFs are the much lesser of two evils. They're still political and moralfaggy for my taste but better than the alternative.

Fujochan is the most like-minded place I've been able to find. I come to places like this because I still want to talk to other girls about girly things like yaoi. I want to believe that I'm not the only one who hasn't drank the koolaid. Hopefully people like us can be more vocal in fandom and carve out more spaces for ourselves, bringing in others who feel the same way but might be afraid to say anything. That's probably a long ways off though. It would be nice if it was busier but it's so nice and chill here. Why invite antis or TRAs and let them pollute it like they have everywhere else?

Sorry if this post is an incoherent mess.


i used to be pretty anti-leaning and thought shotacons were super gross but nowadays im liking shotas more and more and im not even bothered by it. none of my friends know this because they would probably call me a pedo. still hate male lolicons though. its retarded but i do have my reasons albeit a bit schizo.


It's a little different with men. Hear me out before you think "oh she just hates men and I shall discard her le evil opinion". Listen.

I don't think some men can separate reality and fiction. Here's an example. Let's say a man pays a woman to give him attention. She does so, and it's very convincing. This man might then think actually, she's into him, and he might blur the lines here. I feel like there is something fundamentally different about their brains. When it comes to sex and love, I mean. I'm not saying all men, but I am saying some of them struggle a lot with it. And if I knew a man who was into Loli, I'd be worried because of that. It's not the medium, it's the people.


ntayrt but i agree. my personal schizo take is that because women do more childcare even when we’re young (siblings, cousins, etc) we know how gross children are and are very aware that an idealized shota is basically a different, very fictional creature. meanwhile moids live in their basements and end up convinced that irl little girls are all sugar and spice just just like their loli dragon waifu. but maybe i’m insane.


Idc for shota but I have no issue with female shotacons, but I also don't like male lolicons. The reality is that men commit something like 80%? of sex crimes. When a man likes it, he's much more likely to act on it in some way. It's not sexist to be real about this lol. Meanwhile what's a female shotacon gonna do? 99% of the time, write a fanfic or make some fanart, basically who cares. Also women tend to favor particular characters more than have a specific pedo fetish. If they love Mob from mp100, or a couple other characters, that doesn't mean they're sitting outside kindergartens hunting for kids. It means they're looking at fanart and content of characters they like. It's a meaningful distinction imo.


>This man might then think actually, she's into him, and he might blur the lines here.
I agree with you there, I think most of it is wilful too. I mean, men struggle with loneliness a lot more, so he might knowingly delude himself into thinking maybe she's into him, you know? Because he has nothing else going on in his life. Even worse with children since they can be very clingy themselves, so mix that with someone who is desperate for any connection and might really be too stupid to understand how children are and it's a recipe for disaster.
It's quite a sad state of affairs, really.


I don't dislike male lolicons because I think they'll commit a crime. I just hate the culture around lolicon shit and the type they veer towards. The humor is annoying, the dumb as bricks cutesy shit that guys will start regurgitating to match their pfp too. The rallying about how unified they are in wanting everything to be about a single character type like it's the best thing since sliced bread.

I've always liked a range of body types and personality types so I just can't imagine devoting yourself to that pastel monotony and the sexualisation of straight lines with sticks for legs. The only time I like bratty characters is when the brat part comes with being boyish or a manslut. Present me with no curves, no meat, loud mouthed idiot brat, and all I can think is No Redeeming Features. There's definitely other character types with loli type bodies, but just think how many 1000 year old dragon loli also behave like retarded dogs who "want cookie, daddy". It just keeps happening because the lolicons buy that shit. Eugh.


>the humor is annoying
real. it was worse back in like 2016–2017, but i fucking hated those ironic “uwu wholesome!! not for lewding!!” memes where the punchline would just be like cropped hentai of the little girl from dragon maid or some shit.


>I just hate the culture around lolicon shit and the type they veer towards.
Same. They're annoying as fuck. I pray that they will someday just find their own containment website so they will leave all social media platforms and pixiv.


>straight lines with sticks for legs
>Present me with no curves, no meat, loud mouthed idiot brat, and all I can think is No Redeeming Features
Very basado y rojopilado, Nonita. I'm pretty sure lolicons are only attracted to lolis because they already fried their sexual sensors by strangling their worms too much for too long. I mean, there is just no way a mentally sane male can actually feel attracted to a female displaying zero secondary sexual characteristics.
Oh, but the part about brats I think is just supposed to be gap moe. You know, like when an animegirl is shown to be very beautiful and well mannered and polite, but she turns out to be massive BITCH in private (even tho that's literally how it is irl), that's basically the appeal of gap moe, like, kinda having a contradiction between appearance and behavior. It sounds kinda dumb now that I'm writing about it, but it is what it is lol. You know Shimoneta? There is that big burly guy (I forgot the name) and he looks imposing and composed, but then he turns out to be turbo gay. It's kinda cute, really. Anyway, I'm rambling, I forgot what I was talking about. Right. Lolicon.
Okay so basically, I don't get it. It's like I said before, no sexiness, only cuteness. Sure, those washing boards with big heads are very adorable and endearing, but idk what kind of fried-brain coom-monkey would transmute cuteness into sexiness in his head. Though I suppose some of them are genuinely attracted to their personality? I have seen a drawing of the little girl from dragon maid as a grown woman, so maybe they aren't all unhinged pedos. What's her name again? Kuni? Something like that.
Ah, that brings up an interesting question: can a moid overlook bad appearance if there is a good personality underneath? I'd guess that probably not lol, they usually do the opposite. Although there might be one or another capable of doing that. #NotAllMoids
Wait, isn't that what they did to Touhou, though? Like, I'm pretty sure the original graphics were terrible and then fans turned those mangled mspaint drawings into actually cute girls. Well, maybe that's more of a case of fans fixing bad source material than anything, I doubt the games had good, or any writing at all (never played). I mean, people have made high quality drawings from characters from the 8bit era, so yea. Hey, can I take a moment to say just how hecking cute Patchouli is? I once was shopping for pajamas and I saw a camisole that looked just like hers and I bought it and I don't regret it because it's just adorable. Also I really really like the fabric, I dunno the name but it's ultra comfy, sometimes I like rubbing my arms when I wear it, that's how nice it is. I don't think I have worn my old one after I bought that, it's simply better in every conceivable way. It looks better, the fabric is better and uhh… I guess that's it, I don't think a camisole needs anything else.


…Only now realizing I forgot to take my adderral yesterday, that must be why I'm all over the place today lmao. Should I take extra today to compensate? No, that's probably bad. I think. I don't really remember what the doctor said about this, I wasn't paying attention.


Na I'd say the reason men like loli is because for them it's younger=better. Also for the fact that most men don't tend to date or marry older or thier own age women.


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>junkfood fanfiction
that's a funny descriptor. Care to elaborate? Cuz to me the entire concept of fanfiction could be described as 'junkfood'.


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Sure thing.

Fanfiction is at its best when it feels like it could be canon or when it fully dedicates itself to realistically portraying the relationship between the two characters. OOC is the bane of good fanfiction and I should be able to feel the chemistry in the writing. All character relations are different and a fanfic should be about what makes that relationship unique.

I'd consider stuff like hanahaki and soul mate AUs to be "junkfood" fanfiction because it bypasses the entire relationship building and trope-ily puts the characters in a situation where they basically must confess. Hanahaki usually starts with the disease so you miss the falling in love aspect, and soul mates is worse in that it neglects why the characters should even be in love and sets up a situation where the have to be or they are in love purely because they are soul mates.

Like I said I actually do love hanahaki because it is cute and tragic, and I've read good fanfics from every trope, but to me it's a pretty easy and mindless form of fanfiction.


ayrt and oh im hearing you out and i completely agree, those were basically my reasons for not liking male lolicons. i just genuinely believe that women (normal relatively sane grown women in fandom, not 15 year old hyper online TIFs) are better at separating reality from fiction and keeping their fantasies to themselves and not letting it affect their personal lives.


When you need to read 30k of intrigue and action pieces to get the two male leads to finally meet and really kick the plot into gear, that's not junkfood. Even fanfiction has its easily consumable dopamine hits and its more nuanced three course cuisine (ending in a good dessert, I hope).


After the male lolicon vs female shotacon discussion I wonder what yall think of women self inserting into the loli or shota role? That's my confession I guess, shipping is not voyeuristic for me not even BL, I'm always projecting onto the bottom and I like it most when it's extreme underage or has that kind of dynamic. oops. I dont hav any "excuse" either like trauma just something wrong with me and getting worse the more I indulge. No shame though, I'm beyond shame, it just is what it is


Yo. I don't self insert but I do like to write about young dudes getting kidnapped and all, and in part I wish the things I write about had happened to me. In the fictional sense. I have no actual desire to be retroactively molested and had it happened I'm sure I'd be deeply depressed by it, it's just kind of hot to think about not that I've safely avoided it ever happening. If any of that makes sense.


maybe not shota, but i did project hard onto the younger half of underage pairings a lot when i was younger (both before and after i turned 18, if it matters). the idea of being desired to the point that someone would transgress both law and morality for you was the main point of fantasy, and i also liked the whole teaching-you-the-ropes thing that comes from the older one being that much more experienced. and in the end, i’m really glad i got to handle those feelings through fanfic and doujins instead of actually involving myself in something dangerous.

i probably still do this to an extent when reading age gap pairings, but not too heavily mainly because it feels like yume behavior to me, kek. i’m also really glad that you asked this question, and that i’m not totally alone in this.


>what yall think of women self inserting into the loli or shota role?
i do it all the time
i already went through my phase when i was super into it, but im over it now (mostly)
i cant really self-insert when its a literal child tho
the lowest i can go is peripubescent teen
i have even dabbled on masugaki stuff
but only full-on lolidom
not the 'putting a brat in her place' bullshit
i have already accepted that i will never not cringe reading those
> I dont hav any "excuse" either like trauma just something wrong with me and getting worse the more I indulge.
me neither lol
i just enjoy the massive power imbalance that comes with it
>No shame though, I'm beyond shame, it just is what it is
based degenerate

>I don't self insert but I do like to write about young dudes getting kidnapped and all, and in part I wish the things I write about had happened to me. In the fictional sense.
hah thats funny
i have an e-friend that told me she had the same fantasies
she said she played red dead redemption only to kidnap women and self-insert as her own victims
>If any of that makes sense.
yea ig i can relate
must be p exciting to suddenly get taken away by a hot stranger into some unknown situation and who knows what he is gonna do to me >:3
but only in fiction
bc then its usually 'safe'
irl id just get violently raped in a cockroach-infested basement and murdered and tossed into a river lol

>the idea of being desired to the point that someone would transgress both law and morality for you was the main point of fantasy, and i also liked the whole teaching-you-the-ropes thing that comes from the older one being that much more experienced.
good kink


Shipping is purely voyeuristic for me. I like being sadistic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ No shame about it either though, and it makes me popular with my shipper friends who feel they can't be open about their darker interests publicly, so they get to fangirl with me in DMs ♥


I don't care if a fujo ships serial killers or mass killers together, i'm not into this kind of stuff, but I'm also not acting as if it's the end of the world.


I can't write a fic or original story without my two main fetishes, no matter what happens they're the only thing my brain is interested in. I had one of those super long dreams where it can't decide if you're watching a movie or playing roles in it, and the plot was just more of my fetishes again and I woke up feeling so into it I almost typed up a massive summary of events on /oc/ before remembering damn this is my stupid fetish shit again.

It's nice to be easily pleased by series I pick up, but I wish I was more capable of not repeating myself ad nauseam.

Could you use full stops instead of new lines? It's way harder to focus and read on desktop when everything's broken up like this. My eyes aren't built for darting side to side.


ntayrt but i’m kinda amused by the line breaks that >>4111 uses. every post they make reads like slam poetry to me and it’s kinda cute. sorry about your eyes tho.

but also: same on the fetish thing. i think i kinda have “narrative kinks” too which just feed into my actual kinks, like i’ll be writing and realize, goddamnit, this story has the same core themes as the all the others i’ve written. it’s to the point where i’m embarrassed to publish anything because it’s sooo predictable.


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>It's nice to be easily pleased by series I pick up, but I wish I was more capable of not repeating myself ad nauseam.
nothing wrong with having autism
youre you
>Could you use full stops instead of new lines?
like periods?
i already lost the muscle memory of pressing those and replaced it with enter instead
but ok ill try
>It's way harder to focus and read on desktop when everything's broken up like this. My eyes aren't built for darting side to side.
funny. ive been writing like this elsewhere for several months now and nobody said anything. i already knew it looked dumb, but i didnt know it caused actual physical pain, sorry nonnie.

>i’m kinda amused by the line breaks that >>4111 uses.
uwu thank you nona, nobody complimented my writing style before either
>every post they make reads like slam poetry to me and it’s kinda cute
lol thats a funny way to put
i started writing like this on a thread elsewhere when i was talking to someone with the exact same strain of autism i have and wed go off on so many tangents and ramble about random stuff for so long that writing normally just took way too long for the trivial level of our chat
then i got used to writing like im braindead and i cant stop anymore lol
its just too comfy not giving a fuckle about grammar and punctuation and organization and whatever
just straight up stream of consciousness
you can imagine im just sperging at you and every individual line is one breath i take
yea there you go, thats my confession for this thread
i got too complacent to write coherent paragraphs


>like i’ll be writing and realize, goddamnit, this story has the same core themes as the all the others i’ve written. it’s to the point where i’m embarrassed to publish anything because it’s sooo predictable.
NTA and holy shit I'm so glad you guys have the same problem as me. It's why I publish shit anonymously or make different accounts. I try to change it up but all my shit will come back to the classic me bullshit. I think I've seen some meme somewhere that says 'and today, the writer's barely concealed fetish', and I could only laugh. That's actually me.


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>ive been writing like this elsewhere for several months now and nobody said anything. i already knew it looked dumb, but i didnt know it caused actual physical pain, sorry nonnie.
It is physically painful. It's also physically painful to scroll through the whole mess, and having to sort out things that actually has value and aren't just fillers that can be skipped.


Are you trying to text here from a smartphone?
Is that why you have problems with the punctuation and sentence casing?


What are the kinks? Give 'em up


I find myself daydreaming about dahmer in a fictional sense, like the idea of a monster in love with and eating his boyfriends. Not Dahmer specifically, but it originates from watching things about him. I just think it's romantic in a literary sense.

Anyway, obviously that is an insane thing to think but there we have it.


>it’s to the point where i’m embarrassed to publish anything because it’s sooo predictable.
do you only write one-shots?
maybe you feel more comfortable sticking to the same stuff if it was all part of the same story

i have never written 'seriously', so idk if id have the same problem. when i write its usually a super short story with a single scene, so i dont have time to fall back into any habits

>It's also physically painful to scroll
why? its not that big
>the whole mess
>things that actually has value and aren't just fillers that can be skipped
>Is that why you have problems with the punctuation and sentence casing?
why do you sound so passive-aggressive?
i dont know if i said something that offended you, but you dont have to be like this
and what's with the picture?
im not vibing with this post


I just find it lazy to not use punctuation. This isn't snapchat.
>im not vibing with this post
Well, I'm sorry if this came harsh.
See you around.


>I just find it lazy to not use punctuation.
i already owned it up on my post
>This isn't snapchat.
this is an ib
an ib centered around a fetish so sick and twisted that admitting to being into it will get you almost universally hated on any fandom
hardly the pinnacle of intellectual discussion and scientific advancement (that would be reddit)


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>an ib centered around a fetish so sick and twisted that admitting to being into it will get you almost universally hated on any fandom
hardly the pinnacle of intellectual discussion and scientific advancement (that would be reddit)

You know a while back I posted this >>1758 and I still stand by it. I don't understand why you seem to think serious discussion can't and/or shouldn't happen on Imageboards. It seems insulting to suggest people don't want to actually talk about their hobby in an "intellectual" manner. I also don't think fujoism is a fetish for everyone or even that much of a black spot. People complain about being persecuted all the time, but I don't use Twitter and never see it. The fandom spots I use, Tumblr and Ao3, never land me in any hot water.


Am I the only sane person that doesn't self insert, project, have any fetishes or kinks, and just like to ship because I just like the characters and they aren't a way for me to jack off because goddamn these last posts are disgusting.
Actually, somebody recently confessed to me they were into kodokon and I genuinely don't get it, even worse if you're self inserting. It's one thing to like shota because some shota are basically tweens in shorts but actually getting off to them woman or man is gross, you're not getting sympathy points from me and it's likely within reason that others don't accept your ~kink~. If it's not a trauma response to you then it's literally moid tier coomer behavior, being so far gone the porn spectrum you don't even care anymore, just COOM.


>You know a while back I posted this >>1758 and I still stand by it.
fair enough, but its hardly the same thing
if she was complaining that i was talking about vapid worthless stuff, like the latest popular content i consumed, having nothing to add to a thread but complaining that something doesnt align with my extremely specific tastes or how something triggered my sensitive ass for no reason, then sure, id concede
instead she was getting hung up on punctuation pfffff
>People complain about being persecuted all the time, but I don't use Twitter and never see it. The fandom spots I use, Tumblr and Ao3, never land me in any hot water.
<staying the hell away from normies
p smart tbh

nice pic btw
i like this sort of hard-shadow shading


i used to be pure and chaste too, but being terminally online has ruined me
if it makes you hate me any less, i still enjoy most bl stuff platonically
its just that i have acquired (arguably reprehensible) tastes over years from wandering into the wrong side of the internet on the wrong occasions
>If it's not a trauma response to you
why is this the only valid excuse tho?
not being sassy, just curious


Way to be incredibly judgemental. I'm sure you're perfect and going straight to heaven.

God, what a leper.


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Me, I don't understand self-inserting in Yaoi since for me it's all about playing with canon characters and exploring the world and its dynamics. Also because they're men and I don't have a dick.
Don't bother myself with what people are into though uses to read loli before I had an IRL relationship due to hating big tited women. People like things for different reasons and as long as they don't have thoughts about real people I'm not going to throw the first stone.


I'm not disgusted by any of the posts but being around here makes me feel like a normalfag, which is a surreal feeling. I'm been a fujo for around 20 years now and how I create/consume BL has never been more complicated than "hmmm me like ship".
>If it's not a trauma response to you then
People writing a dissertation about their ~trauma~ before they post some fucked up shit is more annoying than cumbrain posting to me.


If your brain is fixating on your fetishes, even when you sleep, it is trying to tell you something. Are you trying to repress thoughts about them?


>People writing a dissertation about their ~trauma~ before they post some fucked up shit is more annoying than cumbrain posting to me.

Why do we need justification for the things that we like? Does somebody into feet need to have been kicked and stepped on in their childhood? People into piss need to have been R. Kellied? Sometimes you just like what you like.


>People into piss need to have been R. Kellied?


> Why do we need justification for the things that we like?
Blame it on the SJWification of fandom, antis, and the incessant need to declare everything as a political statement. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of these trauma dump justifications are just people covering their tracks so they don’t get cancelled for publicly enjoying “problematic” material.


The SJWification of "proshipping" is one of the most annoying things that has spawned from modern fandom and I honestly find anime dudebros more tolerable than all of these edgy queer shippers. The trauma defense is dumb and should've been dropped way before, it's not like there aren't people who like problematic stuff that don't have baggage. I wish these people would simply defend fiction like how dudebros do instead of making it into a cringe sociopolitical thing but I guess you can't expect anything from Tumblr refugees.


Don't worry, anon. I'm sure the Catholic church approves of your ethically sourced and morally sound ships.


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Years ago i met and befriended fujos in real life and my friendship with them slowly faded. I still regret not trying hard enough to keep the friendship afloat and i feel like i will never meet other people like them.


you cant talk to her like that!
she has never touched herself in her whole life
that means she is better than everybody
now bow to her

>Also because they're men and I don't have a dick.
idk about others, but when i self-insert its as a 3rd wheel
ig im the bastard child of a fujo and a yume
the lowest of the low
>Don't bother myself with what people are into though uses to read loli before I had an IRL relationship due to hating big tited women.
me i just cant see myself as an adult no matter what
also i enjoy the idea of being able to act like a brat and get away with it

>I'm been a fujo for around 20 years now and how I create/consume BL has never been more complicated than "hmmm me like ship".
good for you, nonnie
stay pure
the road i walk is a dark one
>People writing a dissertation about their ~trauma~ before they post some fucked up shit is more annoying than cumbrain posting to me.
well it depends
sometimes im in the mood to read schizoposts about ppl trying to unpack their fucked up upbringing
some can be p entertaining esp when its full of giant leaps of logic
reads like surreal fiction

>Why do we need justification for the things that we like?
unironically because any level of sexual deviancy is considered a social transgression, which is only acceptable if you can provide a valid excuse for it
otherwise youre a bad person and need to be ostracized for not fitting in

>ethically sourced and morally sound ships
made me lol irl

thats sad
must have been nice while it lasted
>not trying hard enough to keep the friendship afloat
we live in the digital age, anonette
its p hard to maintain any type of relationship when ppl have lowkey become disposable and replaceable by shiny screen


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I only learnt this year how to post anonymously and for a few days I got real excited about how I could write and post just anything to test the waters, buuuuttt, I would probably want to show a friend or two if I was proud of it. If I managed to write an entire story instead of dropping two chapters in I'd be proud. And then there's that one friend who can always guess when it's me ("barely concealed"? More like the shit I bee-line to every time). I chickened out of actually writing anything after thinking about that. I told a little bit in conversations but then felt awkward and dropped it.

Please spoilers be working. I like when characters eat, when they have a big appetite and someone teases them about it or is shocked by it, especially it becomes part of the plot. I'm one of the nona who was talking about sort of overpowered monster character paired with someone physically weaker/smaller, and making the OP character vulnerable in some way so he has to be cared for. I also like doting, and headpats and practically petting. When a very big character cuddles with someone smaller, extra points if the bigger guy used to be smaller in the past and there's a reflection on how much of a difference there is. And… sometimes I just like when a character is considered very special and valuable and everyone fusses behind their back like that, but I guess that's doting again. It's very potent if said character is seemingly depressed and keeps trying to get themselves killed. Neurons hella activate. My fetish in truth is protagonists.

More like I think about them while trying to get to sleep because they're comfy and feel nice. The dream was way specific though, beyond anything I was thinking about before falling asleep, which is what stood out to me. I've had a few cool dreams in recent weeks where I couldn't place where the most specific elements came from.

Have you applied to Nitro+Chiral writing staff yet?


>Have you applied to Nitro+Chiral writing staff yet?
What's this? Google says that make VNs.


If you get off to the thought of being a literal kid there's something deeply rooted wrong with you. That's why if it's a trauma response it makes sense eg. I never moved on from being internally a child because I got raped or whatever but if it's like "it's hot lol" you're literally the same as a male coomer. It's not the same thing as woman with rape fetish or whatever, it involves children in some capacity specially self infantilization worse than ABDL or DDGL. Those at least still acknowledge the person as some pretend adult but when you're so far off the cumbrain sprectrum that's when it's a problem.
Even more so if your kind affects fics and content because you're unable to stop yourself from projecting "god I wish that were me".

>be in confessions thread
>w-wahhh you weren't supposed to judge me!!! I want to be a coomer and accepted for being disgusting you can't just not pat my ass!
As expected of somebody who self inserts as a kid kek

Stop talking like a literal fucking retard, this isn't a chatroom.


What a grossly unlikable person. I hope you're only behaving like this because it is "forum culture" to bully and talk down to other anonymous posters, and not because this is who you are.

There are plenty of people in this thread who don't like dark things and said as much, but you don't see them being assholes about it. What's your problem?


>If you get off to the thought of being a literal kid there's something deeply rooted wrong with you. That's why if it's a trauma response it makes sense
i see what you meant
you need some sort of measurable braindamage to be into sick shit
>Even more so if your kind affects fics and content because you're unable to stop yourself from projecting "god I wish that were me".
lol yea god forbid anyone uses fiction to express the socially unacceptable parts of their personality
>As expected of somebody who self inserts as a kid kek
what do you like to self-insert as, nona?
some preachy authority figure that tells gay boys that being gay is a crime against The Lord and that theyre going to hell for hugging? only for then to keep doing innocent gay boy things and then you say 'alright, you wanna go to hell? let me show you the correct way to go to hell' and then you teach them all about gay sex?
or are you gonna say you dont self-insert at all?
thats worse
>this isn't a chatroom
yyyyyyyyyeaaaaaaaa… idk nonna
ppl are coming here to chat
so it kinda is
why so serious anyway?
did you lose an argument on another site and came here to blow off some steam?


Well, I'm with you on talking down on self-inserting at least, cuz i hate that shit with a passion. I'm not into age-regression nor do i enjoy any form of lolishota, but being a shipper without being some level of freak just sounds like eating without any seasoning to me.


I think kinks in themselves are fine, I just do not like self insertion and connect it to a lot of stuff I very much dislike, like cuntboy or dudes spamming death threats to an author because the "self insert" character did something mildly gay and they take it as the author insulting them.


>being a shipper without being some level of freak just sounds like eating without any seasoning to me
good analogy


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Realizing I can only date other fujos and realizing I'll probably die alone because I'm too degen for rl girls. Fuck I'm lonely and just want another girl to cuddle while talking about /ex/ with.


BL is how I deal with knowing that I am destined to spend the rest of my life crushing on straight girls.


Why the hell are you two reading bl?


ntayrt but sexuality and interest in BL aren't mutually exclusive. don't be dumb.


I actually like using twitter for fandoms. I managed to hide the craziness, I now easily find art of my favorite characters, including NSFW art, sometimes I also find and retweet cute pictures of plushes, food and nail art, I post screenshots of games I play from time to time, and it's a fairly straightforward app even if Apartheid Clyde managed to ruin some parts of it. I even manage to avoid spoilers for TV shows, manga and video games unless I actively look for that. I think managed to find a good balance where I'm not too absorbed by fandom dramas and I don't excessively use the internet as a whole, unlike 10 years ago on tumblr when Missing E and Xkit were necessary to avoid basic spoilers and would often stop working and when my mutuals would always start arguing over stupid shit and threatening to dox each other, and I was spending all my free time at home because of my strict parents and because of poverty so I had nothing better to do that scroll down over and over again to the point where it was legit an addiction.

tldr; twitter isn't too bad imo.


damn, yall werent kidding about the lesbians
they really do unironically just start going off out of the blue
but yea i cant really talk trash
me, im starved for affection enough that im willing to take what i can from whoever
maybe this is the first stage of turning prison lez lol


>they really do unironically just start going off out of the blue
You do realize you're on a confessions thread, right


Why the fuck would you want to interact with men outside of dating?


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Like half of all characters I ever shipped and was attracted to are fictional, literal fascists.

Even (and especially) happens when they aren't humans and racist against humans. Can't change it probably some brain chemistry thing. And fiction idealizes everything even the villains. See a scary dominant dude commanding other dudes around and the brain goes brrr.
Doesn't help that such characters are usually surrounded by a bunch of other scary men that admire their glorious leader or are deadly loyal to him.


>You do realize you're on a confessions thread, right
oopsie my bad teehee >w<
>Can't change it probably some brain chemistry thing.
its called being based
im afraid its terminal


I've somehow gotten eyes by really big artists in my niche fandom and it scares the fuck out of me because they try to talk and say nice things but I'm afraid they'll find out I make degen shit for the same fandom on the side


This is so funny. May you find someone who matches you. ♡


>>4243 I hope! They're so sweet, but they all make really cute or funny SFW works of the series, so I don't know if anyone also has a "secret face"!


I've edited two pics by the same artist, simply because it was tranny shit. They drew a character with zippertits and pussy so I edited it without the scars and with a penis. Later they drew the same character genderbend (so a tim) and I just got rid of the dick and gave it a pussy. The artist keeps posting how they find the edits funny and that they hope all their future art will be edited. I didn't expect that response at all, wonder if their future tranny art will be even more try hard.


I've recently gone from being neutral towards yuri to actively avoiding something that has prominent yuri in it, even if it's games that I imagine I'd enjoy otherwise such as Signalis and Little goody two shoes. I know this is very immature and petty of me but I think it's due to some combination of me being envious towards yuri fans being fed so well recently compared to fujoshi, at least from what I've seen, and me finding transbians way more repulsive than fakebois.


so so so insanely based. and you’re posting these pics where the og artist can see them, i’m assuming?? that’s fucking deranged. ily nonna. no idea what the artist’s angle is with the whole “hoping you edit the rest” thing tho. are they trying to use reverse psychology on you??


Not the same but I edited a bunch of pics to remove shitty semi-transparent watermarks that covered half of the art and posted them on 4chan.
I get that reposts on socmedia are bad but damn that belief that shitting up your own art to prevent it was a good countermeasure. I rather have 50 people reposting my shit somewhere than sitting 20h on an artwork and draw a billion details to make it perfect only to slap some ugly as shit fat watermark onto the characters.


>Not interested in men
>Reads about two men having sex
Make it make sense.


>no idea what the artist’s angle is with the whole “hoping you edit the rest” thing tho. are they trying to use reverse psychology on you??
Maybe, I guess if they say they like the edits then they're hoping that'll stop me because they're saying I'm not making them mad. Regardless I edit stuff also because I find it a fun challenge, if they start making it more elaborate and complicated then it can be more satisfying to edit.


Wanting to date or fuck women and being turned on by BL isn't a situation where you can only pick one. What about this doesn't make sense?


>yuri fans being fed so well
Maybe in mainstream anime or something but I'm still over here having to make all the yuri content I actually want, mostly as original shit with OCs, because the stuff that appeals to me is still extremely rare to find.


I don't avoid media with it if I am interested in the story but I am fed up with the fucking fanbase. You cannot even have a fujo circle anymore lesbian shit has to be shoved in everywhere. And yeah, I fucking hate transbians and they are everywhere too even 4chan is flooded with them and many of them are aggressive shitters that WILL turn your favorite male character female and talk about their female qualities until you snap and tell them he is canonically male and that will be framed as misogynist and transphobic to get you cancelled.

Fuck that whole culture. I don't give a shit what people like but do it in your damn containment zone.


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>equating 3DPD to fictional men


I don't want to fuck the men I'm reading about. It's not rocket science. I know it's really hard for men to understand the concept of not wanting to have sex with something since they will fuck a hole in a mattress but that's what it is.


Disingenuous excuse


>they will fuck a hole in a mattress but that's what it is.
Men will fuck anything, makes me wonder if they're actually attracted to anyone or just want to satiate themselves only.


Not wainting to fuck them doesn't explain why all these self proclaimed "lesbian" obsess over men and dicks and men bodies then complain girl love doesn't get enough "works".


You're already walking into the issue with a biased opinion and you're not going to change your mind anyway, so why waste time trying to explain it for the millionth time? Go fuck a mattress instead.


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Totally unrelated but sometimes I want to fuck voices. You know when you listen to a drama CD and one of the voices is just lewd as hell. The character doesn't even have to be a human in the story, or you have no idea what they look like and your brain hasn't caught up on that yet. Just some disembodied voice talking about something. Needs to get dicked by something somehow.


Me when I hear Tianxiang Yang. I thought I only liked him when he played Dezhou in shiwuyu, but then I heard him in other places…


I sometimes ship characters who are just voices. Like in Catherine I like Vincent x Astaroth even though Astaroth has no canon design and is just a voice.

As long as personality shines through it doesn't matter.


There was this youtuber who did lewd english yaoi audios of Eren and Levi and sometimes Eren and Jean, and they were the hottest shit because they weren't ridden with disgusting squelching noises or high-pitched moans, and even though they had some corny dialogue he acted them out like they were just horny dudes fucking without stupid cliché melodrama. They were good. Sadly he took them down a couple years ago and I wasn't bright enough to download them. I still dream about encountering them again someday, shit like that really makes me wish there was some place I could lurk for that kind of content, it's so hard to find decent BL porn audios without high-pitched japanese uke voices and silly wet noises. I hate that shit, it's such a turn off. I'm sad.


>silly wet noises
This was precisely the reason I couldn't get into nu:carnival. The one clip I've seen from it sounded SO wet. It was actually distracting how it sounded.


I haven't tried any lewd audios in over a decade but I know what you mean. We used to have a meme on LJ about it that went something like "I'm so hot right now let me get my bowl of mac n cheese". I forget what other food stuffs people would refer to it with but it does not sound like sex.


Hey it's the nona from the stuff you hate thread. I like cloaca fetish. I can't remember if I already said it before the backup failure, but I was probably cautious because I knew people don't like that sort of thing here but I'm sick and egging so fuck it. I've done stuff with cloaca for a while but I don't look for art or fics because people either make it a literal vagina or it only comes up in one of those "intrigue cut short by a sex scene, the end" short fics. I think the first time I wrote any cloaca stuff was when Free! was airing because the merman AUs were an opportunity to suggest it. I've written some Trigun Stampede stuff most recently, but I haven't shared it anywhere public because you can't talk about Trigun. That was more alien genitals though because there were tentacles and intoxicating nectar and like two dicks.

There's three things I like about cloaca stuff, aside from bullshitting whatever extras you want. The first is the generic big dick reveal you can pull since the character's dick will be completely hidden before it emerges and you can put the fear of god into the other guy. Second is just playing around with the idea of it usually not needing any coverage/clothes and then dick pops out whoops (is it an embarrassing boner? Is it just something that happens and he's completely oblivious about it while everyone stares? You can pick many scenarios). Mostly I think what got me into it was at some point in my teens my brain made the decision that cloaca = super tight frotting. Like frotting and hole at the same time. I know it's the wrong way around really but not having a dick myself my brain doesn't give two shits what part of the dick gets friction and does whatever sensation analogy it likes. That's true for blowjobs too, because you could be doing something like a rimjob but the dick is getting licked at the same time and female brain says base of dick should feel good when that's not how it works. The death of accuracy in my gay monster porn. Anyway a character could suck the dick and put a hand in while grasping the dick as though to say don't fucking hide it from me. You do lose any chance for flaccid moe and half chub bulges in pants, but there's always another character for that. I don't tend to ship cloaca with cloaca with a few exceptions because I like size/weight difference between a monsterboy and a more human character. If a snake boy is trying to entice a guy it's more fun if his lower body seems scarily large and engulfing before something pokes out (and then another something). Shipping two characters both with cloaca can still have size miscalculations and the other extras, I'm just into species difference fetish too.

So yeah there's a confession for ya.


Also does anyone else remember that doujin/fanart from around when TriMax was still coming out with the crotch wings? I always thought it was pretty and the modesty suited Vash when it came to actually doing anything one-on-one instead of false bravado. Fic writers now would probably turn it into angst that his dick looks like the angel arm wwwww but it'd be funnier if the wings unfolded and spread when he gets hard. No concealing that excitement.


I've had dreams where I have had a dick and I needed to fuck tight holes with it and this confession has the same energy.


Kind of terrified of having my love for BL found out. I run a SFW art account and shop and at random, I found a person talking about my old (like well over a decade) alt accounts where I drew tentacle porn amongst other things. Hard life trying to keep things as separate as possible and with all the moral puritanism I fear getting found out and doxxed because of "fetishizing the gays" or some other claim like that


I love guro art, and I love drawing blood and wounds and stuff, but I'm far too lazy to actually complete an image. It's always such an arduous trial drawing a cute boys body and clothes that by the time I get to the fun part I'm tired and I never finish the image. I'm confessing as a way to shame myself into finishing images.


I kinda have the problem in reverse, I draw the fun part and then I'm satisfied and never finish the rest of the piece. And sadly I'm sure the only way to break the cycle is to actually finish them.


same. /ex/-adjacent content comprises most of what i draw, but i always end up drawing the most generic design for the boy, spending the bulk of the time detailing the gory bits like it belongs in the louvre, and then never finishing the rest of the piece. it feels kind of depraved, now that i’m typing it out.


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Whenever one or both sides of my otp have female love interests, I like to imagine the girls as fellow fujoshi who are secretly rooting for the guys to get together instead.


That is a cute trope. Every supportive female character should be turned into a fujo.


You should be fine noni, just stay out of politics and discourse. I've noticed that those kind of folk tend to dig into the past of artists who are loud about certain topics and more prone to getting scoffed at by schizos for being "problematic". And even then, getting trashed just for drawing BL sounds incredibly petty and like something only fourteen year olds would give a shit about


I don't think anyone over the age of 15 does that "um fujos are evil fetishizers" thing anymore so just ignore the kids.


You would think, but nope. Plenty of people over 30.


I feel like it's an age bellcurve. preachy millennials who think they have authority over fandoms because they're adulting!!!! now and preachy 15 year olds. I avoid both groups like the plague.


most likely socially inept twitterbrained schizos who shouldn't be taken seriously at all


Yeah in my experience the people over 25 and 30 knee deep into this discourse are genuine autists, as in actually on the spectrum, or one of those weirdo "fandom moms" who have an army of groomed teenagers at their beck and call a la Colleen Ballinger.


>house full of relatives of the holidays
>no alone time
>watching Kusuriya no Hitorigoto alone on New Year's Eve when enough people are out partying
>feel an intense urge to rub one out to Jinshi's voice
Not the way I expected to end 2023.


I'm not working at all. My laptop is turned on on my desk at home but I'm in my bed. I don't give a shit about work anymore because the clients and coworkers didn't do shit during my holidays so I have to redo everything and I'm mad at them and wish I could get fired so I can earn unemployment benefits while chilling at home.


That's fucked, anon. I hope your coworkers treat you better or you find a better source of income in the future. It always sucks to go back to work and see someone else has fucked stuff up while you were away.


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Today I was catching up to some things I didn't do when I posted first, my boss saw that I asked for two weeks of holidays in February between our current project and the next one and she refused, and told me she'll only accepte the first week because "we'll have some trainings planned the second week" but I've been here for the longest I don't need to be trained anymore! So I will continue to do less than the bare minimum, just enough to look like I'm working hard while sabotaging everyone else's work. Fuck them. Fuck the clients too. They can't fire me because we're understaffed, three people fled one after the other in just one month, and I've been promoted recently because I'm the best one to do some very specific tasks since I've been here since the beginning of that shitty contract.


I actually hate gay men tbh. The irl ones are very annoying. Hate the culture, hate their accents, hate their personalities, etc.

This is why I never could get into "LGBT" fiction. I prefer well written stories with straight men.


I need to stop getting into localisation discourse cause it only leaves me frustrated but at the same time I'm too opinionated for my own good. If I were smart I'd just suck it up and get back to cramming in that JP vocab so I can just ignore the issue altogether.


I get it and don't like lgbt content either but, to be fair, I don't like it when the men act like 100% regular, realistic straight guys either. I like them in a schrodingers sexuality where they never get with or show interest in anyone (at least until they're in a serious m/m ship) and they don't have any annoying gay OR straight male characteristics. Yes I am autistic.


I agree with this. I also think it would be annoying if every single bl guy was like 'no dick for me thanks', kind of straight guy. I like when some guys act like sluts for dick, just not in the typically gay male way.


Same, it's insane how it's mostly English speakers doing this shit of changing dialogs and arguing that they just have to, and everyone who defends them or argue with them is often stupid as hell too. I hate that some of the games I like are only translated in English. I plan on getting some otome games for the Switch later just to practice Japanese as well because it's been years since I graduated uni and stopped having Japanese classes and back then the 3DS was regionlocked so I couldn't play games in Japanese to practice during my free time.


But we can all agree if the BL lad came in with a slanted hand, fruity as shit, "one of the girls", high-pitched lisp, it would be unattractive for the character, right?

Fair enough that straight men aren't too great either (as far as fiction goes). Ideally they would just be people without their sexualities looming over them, defining them completely.


Come to think of it, that kinda sounds like the traditional Okama stereotype. So technically it can be a thing in anime and manga but fujo authors know that it wouldn't be aesthetic to have an okama in a BL manga.


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NTA you're talking too, but since this is the confessions thread… I kinda don't hate the okama stereotype. In fact I like the over the top flamboyant personality and think it's pretty funny. As long as the character still IDs as man and they don't pull the "soul of a woman" BS they tend to be some of my favorite side characters.


I hate myself for not being bold. I'm probably on the cusp of dropping out of college because of not having the energy to participate in classes and homework, and I don't have irl connections to get work. I just spend time playing video games while lying to my parents I'm doing online college homework while I'm not. I'm trying to get myself out of this rut albeit pretty slowly. I'm wracked as hell. This year is gonna be something. Or nothing, like usual.


glad to see I'm not alone, i'm with ya on the malebrainedness shit, and my meds make me insanely horny too so I'm also a pretty unabashed coomer. I'm also with ya on the omnivorous thing, I lean towards BL but I like GL and het content too. also I'm with ya on the 5th point too ig, don't give a shit about what's in your pants so long as you don't act like a loony.


both of you are right to some extent


god. yeah. not only are fujos for western media a lot sparser barring the big hotspot fandoms, but my big interests are niche as fuck to boot. my current hyperfixation is probably my most mainstream one to date- Marvel comics- and yet…there's still almost nobody to talk with because almost nobody reads comics anymore. it's been going better than my last few fandoms at least, though, which ranged from super obscure webcomics to flash games that are well known but don't exactly have a fandom to online animated series that are just plain niche.


gained a tftg fetish (the FtM one…). A billion prayers I don't troon out in a year


I used to be mutuals with a "fujo" who shipped herself with characters from blvns and would comment shit like
>"god i wish i was [character]"
on BL fanart. I have nothing against yumes but please get that self-insert shit away from BL.


When I feel mad about shit I read moidy grooming/mindbreak mtf porn. The more manly and ridiculous looking the tranny and the more they ruin their own lives for dick, the better. Especially when they lose their dick or they die at the end.
Men broken and ruined beyond repair, to the point that it's unironically pathetic, disgusting, and laughable.
I feel sad about it afterwards tbh. I like happy nonruined men too. Other stuff like guro or slavery is okay because there's still a bit of dignity but I feel like this is too similiar to bad taste ntr.


update: somehow there's more good content in the x-men subfandom than in the spider-man one. not what I was expecting but I'm happy!!


i gave up on watching trigun because of all the cuntboy fanart


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I wouldn’t be watching it either if I didn’t like trigun already. The new anime showed me why my beloved 90s manga should never get a modern anime adaptation. I’d rather rewatch a beautifully cel animated ova that barely covers the plot for the millionth time than see the characters I like with top surgery scars and officially butchered art style. though to be fair there is a canon tranny in trigun iirc


Yeah NU fans are pretty obnoxious, but I dont understand dropping a show over a fandom. Didn't appeal to me as much as the original like >>4836 says mainly for aesthetic reasons, but it's pretty inoffensive. I'm just glad it inspired a bunch of cute new fan art of the OG show.


In the spirit of this being a confession thread, Trigun is the only reason I've masturbated to cuntboy porn. No regrets.


I absolutely hate to admit it but cuntboy is 100/10 coom material. We need a cuntboy thread on /ex/ but no mastectomy scars or femboyslop allowed.


>See great BL art and follow the artist
>Turns out it's a fakeboi
>See great BL art and follow the artist
>Turns out it's a fakeboi
>See great BL art and follow the artist
>Turns out it's a fakeboi
I'm just gonna pour one out for all the poor fujo artists who drank the gendie kool-aid. I like your art but I will never see you as a man.


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i wonder how many of them are crypto terfs


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i don't REALLY mind cuntboy, hell i do enjoy some futa so i get the appeal of cuntboy but i hate that 99% of the content it had on the trigun fandom was some tranny shit. It also irks me how it leaked into most fandoms so 40/60 of ABO fanfics now have omegas with a pussy. Are people scared of assbirths now or what


I confess I don't fuck with omegaverse at all but I'm very fascinated by alpha/alpha (or any other unusual pairing like beta/omega etc.) It's such a shame there's so little of it out there though.


Me too, I wish omega/omega was more common, could be fun seeing two heat cycles interact


I like A/A too, never read O/O though. Kinda sad it's basically non-existent for my OTP and the only time people write it is to do a "bitching" plot (where they turn one alpha into an omega).


Crazy frotting. Just crazy. They can't calm down without a proper prostate massage but their heads are too fucked to think of it.


I need this… expeditiously


I love my mother but I'm getting a bit concerned about her lately. I think she's been coping with stuff going wrong in her life by getting into shit like covid and deep state conspiracies. It's not that I trust the government and pharma industry myself but I feel like there's a line between healthy skepticism and full on lizard people territory you don't wanna cross.


Yeah conspiracy theories are potentially dangerous I don't blame you. Don't confront her head-on about them, but give her a reason to not be online. Suggest things to do together, family board game nights, watching a movie, or other physical activities. The less time she's sinking time to reading stuff online the less it'll have a chance to take hold.


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Yes! I want to be best friends with them.

I personally don't hate gay men, but I don't see them as connected to what fujos like at all.

Cute pic nonna.

Don't know what that means and not sure I want to… Just enjoy your thing and don't mess up your life for a fetish.


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