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Have any of you made a yaoi tropes tierlist before? They're pretty fun so I thought I'd share. You can make one here: https://tiermaker.com/create/yaoi-bl-tropes-196013

Feel free to link other ones.
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I like seeing men suffer.


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Recommendations… please…


The BL for "kidnapped" (Ayano Yamane's "Finder") has a lot of your high tier stuff from the first list if you haven't already read it.

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it goes hard
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This is so awesome and kawaii


i love this website


I got them from a hobby shop in my city, I saw some model kits sold at a bookstore chain stores near me, but the kits there are more expensive so I'll stick to the hobby shop. I've been looking at kits online too, Hobby Link Japan has a ton from different manifacturers, scales and military craft - aircraft, submarines, trains, boats, etc. You can look up any online stores you like, I rarely buy things online so I can't help much with this. TwT
I'm a beginner myself, I've read that for your first time building a model kit you can choose one that doesn't require glue, and the smaller scales are good for showing you the ropes. The Hawker in the picture is the type that you can assemble without glue, it was enjoyable, but you should be careful not to hurt the smaller parts - some of them are easy to deform. The Comanche required glue, so when you build something like it pay a lot of attention to put the parts right, I accidentally placed the wheels first and after the glue dried there was no way for me to remove them without breaking them, so the plates under them were harder to put on the right place and one of them tilted.
If you do choose to build something I (and the other nonnas too, I'm sure) would be happy to see it, no matter what vehicle it is.

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 No.19[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Confess anything you'd like to get off your chest.
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Yeah conspiracy theories are potentially dangerous I don't blame you. Don't confront her head-on about them, but give her a reason to not be online. Suggest things to do together, family board game nights, watching a movie, or other physical activities. The less time she's sinking time to reading stuff online the less it'll have a chance to take hold.


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Yes! I want to be best friends with them.

I personally don't hate gay men, but I don't see them as connected to what fujos like at all.

Cute pic nonna.

Don't know what that means and not sure I want to… Just enjoy your thing and don't mess up your life for a fetish.


Our new bump limit is 500 posts! Locking this thread and the others that have surpassed the new limit, please feel free to make a new one to continue the conversation.

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I guess Shoujo is a ways off from yaoi, but I thought it'd be fun to talk about anyway.

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I was on tumblr back then but will admit to being guilty of ignoring everything that wasn't fanart or fanfic. It's been fun to peek at the drama today though. Who are dubs even for these days?


I have family and friends who otherwise aren't anime fans who won't watch shows with me without a dub. There are so many series I've seen both dubbed and subbed and it gives you a big appreciation for one's that aren't total garbage even if they still don't beat the original.
Personally I think as an optional way to watch a series it doesn't hurt for it to exist, especially for shows and movies aimed at a younger or family audiences. Who knows maybe someone will get into anime through dubs and then work their way to subs, everyone needs and acess point and when they're as bad as this sounds like it is you can at least thankfully ignore it or laugh about it knowing the original still exists.


>Who are dubs even for these days?
There's a streamer I follow who claims that he had to watch the dub for Spy x family cause "The characters talk too fast." Probably an edge case but I'm never gonna forget that cause it's so baffling and hilarious to me. I also get the impression that some people would rather watch dubs cause they want to have anime on the side without paying too much attention to it.

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this is a shot in the dark but what's the etiquette regarding translating doujin on your own and uploading it? i'm thinking about taking raws from mrm and translating them in my free time. do i need to get permission from the raw provider? is there some sort of initiation ritual where i need to pay my respects to the senior scanlators in the scene or something? kek sorry if it's a retarded question. it's just that scanlation groups seem so clique-y and i don't want to step on anyone's toes. i'll keep my translations private if posting them without permission is looked down upon.


I think it couldn't hurt to ask the scanlation group for permission. That way if anyone ever tries to accuse you of stealing or some shit you'd at least have messages to prove otherwise.


If raws are free on the web no need for permission. Also I'd rec picking something easy and get a pr

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I'm out dancing and this is the off topic board and I figured this wouldn't be against the rules. If it is, of course I apologize and delete away.

Anyway I'm out at a place that plays disco mostly. And I'm sitting down because some creepy tranoid is hovering around the floor, keeps following me around. I go alone so I felt it might make me feel better to chat here while I rest my feet.

What are you girls up to?
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>Black Friday
Trying to get some winter walking shoes that won't soak through when I walk on grass or rinse mud off. But you know how shoe companies think everyone has feet the length and width of a school ruler? Well they can go fuck themselves because I've got feet like an adelie penguin and none of these fit. Either I get slipping sliding clown shoes or 24/7 pain even when I take the shoes off, and my toes are already mangled from childhood.

Have shoe designers even seen real women's feet or can they not be trusted?


You should get some made specifically for your feet. You would benefit from one good, expensive purchase. Your feet are worth it.


Mass produced shoes are already a huge expense to me, that's why I'm trying to get them discounted. I usually end up using the same pair for a couple years, but I'm tempted next time I find a decent fit to buy a second pair of the exact same as backup. Never have in the past because the initial cost knocks me.

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I'm asking mainly because I'm not sure if I should post in [ex] or not. Mainly I just want to talk about noncon. (Apologies if this is the wrong board for this discussion, Mod-chan).

Anyway whether it is or it isn't, I blame Shounen Ai for tainting me in my youth. Specifically anime that would play on the SyFy channel would always have some villain or another with blatantly rapey undertones.
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I like it to coom to but I hate when it is used as a plot device for drama or a character's tragic backstory. As soon as there are real consequences to it I am immediately turned off.


Based TouOso poster.
I'd say my favourite noncon trope is when the abused grows up to be an abuser himself, perpetuating the cycle. Harada's "Nii-chan" comes to mind.


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Thanks Nonna, Tougou was made for darkfics lol. He'd also a great example of what you were talking about with cycle of abuse and victim's perpetrating it. I adore art that shows adult Oso fucked up from the incident and dealing with that trauma be it sexual or physical.

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Since the thread for this is on a board being deleted.

Post cute Picrew images.

Here are some for making couples, some are harder to turn BL than others.

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Made with links OP provided. One is a trouble maker that acts sweet and the other is sweet but looks like a trouble maker. Orphanage kids, they must not be separated.


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Oh this is cute! Kinda wanted to colorize mine, but my MSpaint skillz are lacking.

I did co-workers. Bottom boy stays late to help his inexperienced crush get the paperwork done.

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This is a silly thread. Here we are going to debate with our hearts who's better: McDonals or Burger King?
If you hate both, don't worry you're still welcome to the thread because it's not just about the food here! We also need to talk about their mascots and establish their dynamic…
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Burger King has consistently been the worst of the big burger chains for years now. McDonald's, however, has reached a price point where I don't want to pay that much for that middling quality. Taco Bell.

Ran Ran Ru has contributed far more to the 00s internet zeitgeist than Sneak King.


I was talking about as a character instead of as an icon. Ran Ran Ruu got me into Touhou lol.

Realistically speaking though what do we have for Ronald's personality. He has a dope clubhouse and can take you to different worlds. Do we consider M.U.G.E.N canon?If so he might be a God amongst men.


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>what do we have for Ronald's personality
He could just be a cutie patootie honest guy

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Text thread for /ot/

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Can you explain why you think so? I never watched it and wanted to at one point for the same reason but I don't want to get invested in a series that's not really that good. And I heard it's not even finished, it was cancelled or something like that.


>Great fanworks can be very convincing lol.
Yes it is!! another show I began watching because of the BL prospects is "The Devil Judge", it has some very nice homoero moments and the plot in fairly interesting, I would recommend it!

Sure thing! Well the premise is very interesting as it is based on the character Hannibal Lecter but in this universe he is a psychotherapist and his (in my fujo eyes) love prospect is a tiny whiny and autistic (literally) university professor turned criminal profiler named Will. The main plot is pretty much Will and Hannibal going around crime scenes helping the FBI catch these serial killers with very unusual modus operandis, while Hannibal withholds dark secrets and Will is almost literally going full schizophrenic.

My criticism falls on the phasing of the events, they get very muddy very fast, they're almost running and rushing to the next serial killer that we can't really digest everything that's going on because of all the sub-plots that are happening. Also some sub-plots from the beginning stay present at odd times throughout the main events and sub events, so it can get confusing. Also it is dialogue heavy and sometimes it can get cheesy in a tumblr ways lol. I wouldn't say is boring per se just sort of scatterbrained in a way I can't sit and enjoy the meat of it.

Personally I really liked this characterisation of Lecter and the way he behaves with Will; how he stares deeply into his eyes, how he playfully analyzes Will's stupid ass while he is being a cry baby, when he tells him dinner wouldn't be the same without him, he even sniffs him in one scene (I really liked that) but sadly these moments are so few and far in-between, specially as the series goes on.

If you wanna give it a try you could watch the first episode to give yourself an idea of the vibe and movement of the show. I'm almost at the end of the first season (13 episodes) right now and besides a kung fu styled fight between two serial killers and the few homoero moments nothing too excited has happened. The cinematography when Hannibal is cooking is gorgeous tho! and Will looks nice while he is suffering deeply from his slipping sanity and can only confine in Hannibal.


samefag, sorry for the grammar mistakes, it was 1 AM when I wrote this uuughhh

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