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Who here wants to run a virtual fujocon? Could we do it? Would we be able to pull it off without someone telling on us and getting us kicked off of Discord?

>Would you attend a fujocon?

>If yes, what panels / Activities would you like to partake in?

>If no, why not?

>What is your timezone? (Very optional)


Possibly? I've never attended an online convention so I'm not sure what's involved. I think a whole convention would be hard to put together and I don't feel like I have the skills/any notable experience to help run one. I would check out an existing one though that someone else put together.


I think we could do it, if we had the rule 'This is not a space for talking about trans topics. There are many other places for talking about that. This is not one.'

>Would you attend a fujocon?


>If yes, what panels / Activities would you like to partake in?

CaH. Fujos doing nerdy presentations on, say, 'The influences of Marvel history on My Hero Academia' or 'Underrepresented ships that need more attention'. I'd also be fine allowing literary or film fujos along, as long as their content doesn't usurp the animu. Maybe a specific percentage could be allowed?

>What is your timezone? (Very optional)



Fujochan userbase is still small but I think it could be worth a try to do something small, like a meet up in some sort of virtual game like Ponytown or something. Could be just chatting about random stuff.

>Would you attend a fujocon?

Yes, it sounds like it could be fun regardless even if it's just 2 people.
>If yes, what panels / Activities would you like to partake in?
A panel about fujo history, panels about how fujos have influenced the anime and Manga industry, panels about art and the creative process of some artists. Stuff like that would be neat but I'm down for also silly panels.
>What is your timezone? (Very optional)


yeah why not? even if it's something small I could see it being fun


I'd attend a Fujocon, sure.

If I could do a panel, I'd want to discuss the innate Fujo ability to see love even in places it does not exist, like say, a parody panel on BL in Dead Space.

Eh, but I agree with other nonnas in that it might be easier to have a small thing where we just chat, there can't be more than like a dozen or so of us lmao.

>I think we could do it, if we had the rule 'This is not a space for talking about trans topics. There are many other places for talking about that. This is not one.'
They'd get us shut down for hate.


I would love a fujochan ponytown meet even if its like 2 of us there! It would be so cute to see a fujo-tan pony ♥


>Would you attend a fujocon?
He'll yeah!
>If yes, what panels / Activities would you like to partake in?
For the activities: Ranking notable semes and ukes, doing group yaoi/ao3 tags related tierlists, that one new BL anime watch party, yaoi AMV watch party! And maybe someone can stream some of the threads from here and do posts reading.
For panels: life as a fujoshi over 30, the social structure of yaoi fandoms, a deep dive into the world of BLVN, an essay on dick censorship in yaoi and censorship types, and idk maybe something about the anons of fujochan themselves
>If no, why not?
Either I'm at work or have to wake up early for work, I'm only off Friday and Saturday.
>What is your timezone? (Very optional)

>if we had the rule 'This is not a space for talking about trans topics. There are many other places for talking about that. This is not one.'
I say go for it if it's a fujochan only fujocon but if it's not then what >>5522 said would happen so be careful where you advertise for it.

Seconding! I've always wanted to play ponytown with fujoshis from here! It would be so much fun!


>Would you attend a fujocon?
>If yes, what panels / Activities would you like to partake in?
I would love to hear/watch history streams from previous generations fujononas about fujos' influence on media market, major discourses, some funny moments with creators and fans, just talk about their experience and observations
About activities, maybe streams in which every nona could add their favourite fujobaits (or just favourite scenes) that become the reason to shipping them, I barely watch or read anything so I can't fill tierlists, except fic tags lol.
>If no, why not?
I really would want to attend! My timezone is just unfortunately too far from American and Europe continents, most streams happening during deep night/early morning to me, I tried adjust for really dear to me events, it caused me ##diarrhea and vomiting## health issues.
>What is your timezone? (Very optional)


>I'd also be fine allowing literary or film fujos along, as long as their content doesn't usurp the animu.
Maybe non anime/manga can get its own day? I'm not gonna take away from a&m if it's your focus but (I think?) there's a lot of slash enjoyers across a loot of fandoms. It'd be cool to get all the energy under one roof so to speak.


Maybe! It's a good idea. I can see it happening for future cons, we just need to pull at least one off first.

>>VLAT fujo
I admire your chutzpah and envy your proximity to the Holy Land of Yamato. Would be fun if we could do some kind of 24-hour thing, but that would require dedication from a team of voulenteers. Know that, as someone locked out of most yank events, I feel for you and would love to make something you could attend, when it is in my power.

I'm not advertising it outside of fujocon, so rest easy :) It's mainly to cover our asses in case the admins rear their ugly heads, but we might as well just pull it off and announce the rules over here instead.


I would kill for a supernatural panel, especially with the ending being one of the talking points. that shit was hilarious when it went down


OT but what's the fandom consensus on the ending? I didn't really watch SN, but I tuned into the final just because of how talked up that ending was and…I left with more questions than answers.


>Would you attend a fujocon?

>If yes, what panels / Activities would you like to partake in?

Any but I love the Ponytown idea

>What is your timezone? (Very optional)



>Would you attend a fujocon?
>If yes, what panels / Activities would you like to partake in?
A panel on western fujo history would be nice. And I’d also love to partake in Ponytown with fellow fujonas.
>What is your timezone?


>>5589 pretty bad I assume; supernatural was a show that long overstayed it's welcome, even the diehard fans were waiting for it to finally end so they'd stop dragging it on with no interesting characters left to follow since they were killed off as shock value (its a running gag by the writers to do so, even if the death serves no purpose). I honestly gave up after the 13th season after sticking around despite the show leaving its 'supernatural' roots in favour of the angels vs demons plotline. as hilarious as the memes for confession scene was, I feel pity for all the fans who followed through Cas' story for all these years only for all of it to be flushed down the toilet (literally) just so they can do one last dig at the fangirls that supported the show the longest.. (I'll never fucking forgive the writers for what they did to Charlie)

Tl;Dr rest in piss supernatural, everyone believes it should've ended on the 5th season


I'm a bit confused here, is this thread about making a general fujocon or a fujochancon for the anons?


Fujochancon for anons, and whomever anonettes wanna invite. But a max cap of like 20 people to start out with.


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>Would you attend a fujocon?
Yeah! It sounds like fun, I always want more recommendations and content.
>If yes, what panels / Activities would you like to partake in?
A panel comparing different BL videogames would be fun and everyone could talk about what they all think would improve the games.
Maybe a panel about ship dynamics and how they change depending on the seme and uke, and at the end there could be a poll of favorite ship dynamics.
>If no, why not?
I would be busy tbh, but if there's a established date and a time that isn't too crazy I can join.
>What is your timezone? (Very optional)


>Would you attend a fujocon?
Hell yeah
>Would we be able to pull it off without someone telling on us and getting us kicked off of Discord?
Wait, why would we get kicked out of discord? Is yaoi against the terms of use or something?

Charlie was an annoying Mary sue character, honestly one of the worst written female characters in the show in my opinion. The best one is obviously Rowena, who most fans don't even know about because she was only introduced on the later seasons.


Damn im convicted cause I enjoyed both Rowena and Charlie, though i generally enjoyed the female characters in SN just by virtue of being a woman, even Becky, despite the negative backlash she got for being too meta and annoying. Though it's likely nostalgia speaking since I did watch the show in middleschool and I had the taste at the time to think BBC Sherlock was a good show kek.

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