Unironically 2D only (usually men).
I already felt some strange attraction towards drawn characters when I was a young kid, but back then it came off as perverted to me so I never talked about it. The feeling got stronger when I hit puberty (with 15, late, but still) and got a new huge anime crush (yes, Frieza, don't laugh). At that time I also got my first fujo friend and she made me realize that loving a drawn character isn't as strange and crazy as I thought it was. It helped a lot.
Well now I am 30+ and STILL in love with wacky cartoon characters but I never felt any sexual attraction towards real people. In the future there will probably a term for this type of mental illness. It's probably just a low sexual drive combined with some high level delusion. It isn't just the look, it's about how fictional characters act VS how real people are and behave. I don't even mean that in a negative way, I would say that real people are just too "mundane" and hivemindy to be interesting.
I'm a lesbian. Yaoi gave me my first examples of same-sex relationship that weren't treated as jokes. Still to this day I prefer it over yuri. I find the drama/romance to be more relatable.
I'm probably bi but I have a sex drive so low and a repulsion for romance so high I probably fall on the asexual spectrum too.
Sexuality has always been confusing to me because of how jumbled mine is, and it pisses me off when people imply my experience and other less conventional ones (like lesbian fujos) aren't real. While I'm sure that in recent years a lot of people use flowery labels for woke points, I don't think this erases the fact that not everyone has the luck of having a clear-cut sexual orientation with few or no "but"s and "if"s