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 No.6881[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

For when you want to say something but it does not fit in any other particular thread
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it's not gay but and it's not even popular aside from one pretty talented artist only drawing fanart for it years ago, but the girl involved in is massively popular despite being side girl so main girl shippers are seething lol.
Strangely enough in a fujo magazine i got her poster and cherry magic poster too so I guess double win ahah


>The disinterest the west is displaying for NGWK/EluSam surprised me a bit.
Wouldn't surprise me if episode 1 filtered people with that blushing Tokiyuki scene. I remember an instance where I recommended the anime and someone replied "Is this that show that pedos like?"


Oh hey we're at bumplimit. New thread time I guess.

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I mean in my humble opinion everything improves with BL but there are some cases where it would have made more sense from a narrative point of view if it did end with two guys falling in love.
I'm gonna go with something obvious and say Dead Poets Society.
>Takes place at a boarding school which is a classic setting for BL
>They reference Walt Whitman several times. Whitman was gay
>The chemistry between Neil and Todd is insanely good
>The whole theme of the movie is to break free from the expectations forced upon you which can be read as a metaphor for being gay
>The ending can even be a nod to the bury your gays trope if you're reaching hard enough
First time I watch this movie I genuinely thought it was originally written as a romance between Neil and Todd but it was changed due to studio meddling/censoriship. I was really surprised when I found out that was not the case lol
Have anyone else had a similar experience with something else?
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Ajin is such a sausagefest that it should have been a BL/homobait title from the start. There are NO women of any relevance aside from Izumi - it's all revolving around homosocial bonds of men who prefer to socialise with other men, fight other men, be entertained by other men, conspire with other men, chase other men, save and be saved by other men and talk DEEP STUFF with other men.
I can't conceive a possibility of some male readers being upset at fujoshi calling the manga a feast of undiluted homosexuality when it has a higher male/female ratio than Legend of Galactic Heroes, features an MC being coveted by two dudes of his own age and an old man, and is a uniform fetishism galore. This shit ain't straight, dude.

Personally for me it's Kou x Kei, because of the contrast between them (smart - dumb, emotional - stoic) and because their interactions when they either kill each other or save each other or both at the same time are hot.


>Nitro plus
>Cute Samurai boys
>Homo end
Definitely going to read this!



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Wanted to post this cute chart i found on the other IB. Feel free to post any fujo meme that lets you describe your preferences. Apologize if this isn't the right place, but i don't think this would quite fit another thread
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I checked it off, I interpreted it as gc/rf because I mostly see "crypto" used in context of politics


My immediate thought was "investing in fujocoin"


crypto doesn't refer to politics, it just means hidden. it can be used in many contexts, they definitely intended it to be about fujo stuff


Share your recs!


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What kind of music do fujochan anons like? Feel free to embed youtube videos or upload charts of your favourites.
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We don't have to talk about the political point (idk unless you want to). What I do want to say is, I saw this on Twitter five seconds ago, and I immediately thought "damn these two caricatures should fuck".

Do you guys ever see historical figures or fictional men (or like pic related), and have a major lip bite moment?
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I would also love interspecies BL with prejudice as a theme. I don't like ugly bastards or intentionally hideous orcs or dwarfs, but I would love to see a bishie elf love a monster boy or something…


I've kept it to myself long enough but I really want a ship of one of those confederate flag hat wearing guys x a African American where the black one is the uke. Where when they first meet the confederate guy doesn't have his hat on and he meets with the black guy and they become buddies and the confederate guy is worried that ine day the black guy will find out that he's racist. I'm not American if anyone's wondering.


I used to find Jesus hot. I still do.

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post any anime boys picture for reaction (or memes).
i need them for my collection.
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 No.2817[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I'm a bit curious as to what sexuality posters of fujochan have. Do you consider your sexuality as playing a role in you being a fujoshi? Do you think fujoshis are mostly straight women? I'll start by saying I'm bisexual.
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Unironically 2D only (usually men).

I already felt some strange attraction towards drawn characters when I was a young kid, but back then it came off as perverted to me so I never talked about it. The feeling got stronger when I hit puberty (with 15, late, but still) and got a new huge anime crush (yes, Frieza, don't laugh). At that time I also got my first fujo friend and she made me realize that loving a drawn character isn't as strange and crazy as I thought it was. It helped a lot.

Well now I am 30+ and STILL in love with wacky cartoon characters but I never felt any sexual attraction towards real people. In the future there will probably a term for this type of mental illness. It's probably just a low sexual drive combined with some high level delusion. It isn't just the look, it's about how fictional characters act VS how real people are and behave. I don't even mean that in a negative way, I would say that real people are just too "mundane" and hivemindy to be interesting.


I'm a lesbian. Yaoi gave me my first examples of same-sex relationship that weren't treated as jokes. Still to this day I prefer it over yuri. I find the drama/romance to be more relatable.


I'm probably bi but I have a sex drive so low and a repulsion for romance so high I probably fall on the asexual spectrum too.
Sexuality has always been confusing to me because of how jumbled mine is, and it pisses me off when people imply my experience and other less conventional ones (like lesbian fujos) aren't real. While I'm sure that in recent years a lot of people use flowery labels for woke points, I don't think this erases the fact that not everyone has the luck of having a clear-cut sexual orientation with few or no "but"s and "if"s

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Men, what do they bring to the table?
In this thread, we pretend to be on a podcast dedicated to being an Alpha female. Think of all the alpha male podcasts but turn it into the woman version of that.
Poke fun at men, humble them and most importantly, keep it as satire as things here should not be taken seriously.
>misandry and irony are welcomed
>samefagging is allowed as this is a larp
>this whole thread is a joke so all posts thinking its real will be ignored
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I will make a moid harem.


That's awesome sister, just remember to get the most submissive moids.


Actually I prefer to break the strong “Alpha male” and turn him into a cutie submissive boy

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Mine is Borealopelta. I wish there were dinosaur BL.
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I've always imagined T-rex as a music teacher for some reason. I think he'll best fit the stereotype - scary guy with a gold heart.


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Honk honk.

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