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 No.2264[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

apparently this was due to IRL Ms, Garrison being "doxxed" on lc and an alleged connection to kiwfarms
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So it came from the github, thanks. Her neocities mirror of the site is still up btw, which is why I was asking


keep up the good work, anon!

and thank you, dear.


thread locked, please do not discuss other imageboard related drama here.

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Let's commiserate together about the struggles of learning Japanese to read untranslated BL. Learners of all skill levels are welcome.
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Hey that's fucking awesome and a great achievement!! Keep it up Nonnie!


What anime cards are you using? I'm struggling with kanji so ridiculously hard that it's sabotaging my studying completely, I just can't seem to memorize them.


I'm using jpdb with its mpv mining plug in instead of anki out of convenience. Have you learnt radicals yet? Making a mnemonic out of a kanjis radicals + immediately learning a word that uses a kanji is typically how I go about it.

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There was a fujoshi meme I once saw about an irl chubbyish chick in a black hoodie in her messy room with text pointing out various things in her room. Does anyone have it?

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I kinda wish their movement wasn't so heavily intertwined with my BL spaces.
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NTA but back in the day people overshared just as much and acted dumb about things, it just wasn't that in your face as it is now due to everyone being forced in close proximity with each other. Back then Livejournal communities and forums mostly consisted of people who were on the same page due to their interests matching up but now you have to interact with all sorts of assholes you normally wouldn't pay any mind to.

What helped with me cleaning up my social media feed for example was a one-strike rule, if you tweet anything to do with identity politics I will unfollow. No matter if it's things that I even agree with, it gets tiring because when I want to discuss politics I do it on my own terms in places other than social media. An occasional post when it's topical is fine, but not constant soapboxing. Now I mostly get cool people, fandom talk and art on my feed.


That rule of yours makes sense. I deleted all of my social media to get away from it. If I restart I'll follow this method.


>What helped with me cleaning up my social media feed for example was a one-strike rule, if you tweet anything to do with identity politics I will unfollow. No matter if it's things that I even agree with, it gets tiring because when I want to discuss politics I do it on my own terms in places other than social media. An occasional post when it's topical is fine, but not constant soapboxing. Now I mostly get cool people, fandom talk and art on my feed.
After I returned to social media in yearly summer 2022 (I use only twitter & tumblr and nothing else), I've been doing exactly what you've said. None of the people I follow talk about politics, and we share art together and talk about fandom stuff. All of the people who like and share my things are people who don't engage in politics and it makes me so happy. I feel like I've returned to the early internet.
I have never talked about politics on the internet and if twitter recommends me something related to it I ignore it or press not interested in this tweet.

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Loser straight guy turning prison gay and losing their virginity to a guy is one of my fetishes.
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No it's ok. I'm >>3553 and I don't find the idea of crossdressing 2d moids offputting per say. I could understand the dynamic of a man pretending to be a woman for the sake of story telling (obviously i don't want trannyshit). But have you seen how moids interpret those dynamics in the first place? We could have a 2D trap character (I still don't like traps) have at least an interesting story going for him but you know very well what moids will do with him. It all reminds me of Astolfo, I heard he wasn't that bad of a character to begin with but after seeing how dirty moids treated him it just made me put off so awfully by this character. Each time I see astolfo all I can think of is all that disgusting moid art. It's like the straighest form of gay there is. I don't even know how to explain it myself.
And when you see these same moids trying to emulate that porn sick art IRL it just comes off as deeply and autistically porn rotten.


I get exactly where you're coming from, characters like Astolfo have been done incredibly dirty by a lot of pornsick men. He is a fun character, but a lot of people just treat him as a futa-like sex symbol. It is indeed a very straight form of "yaoi."

To make it worse a lot of people who draw these characters aren't even fans of the original work. You know how porn artists will draw characters like Morrigan even if they've never played Darkstalkers? That's the vibe I get with a lot of his "fans." It is too bad, I like the Fate series and he's fun in everything I've seen him in, but my immediate associations are that garbage and its tainted him for me too.


I hate when traps are drawn in this off-model/OOC coomer style. What is enjoyable about a character is almost never translated into NSFW drawn by male hands. Maria Holic is a fun show!


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[spoiler] test [/spoiler]
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testing testing, 1 2 3


ok i hope it works this time


Me too, finally got the formatting right lol

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All the best in 2023. May you get your ideal fujo friends to sperg with, your ships get great fanart and fanfic, your otp become cannon and all the stuff you want get a high-quality translation.
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Thanks for sharing this nonna, I can't believe it… Nura's face omg why is he so cute


Happy new year anons! 2022 was a rollercoaster for me, entirely in a negative way, I hope 2023 won't be as bad.


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I'M LATE BECAUSE OF VACATION but happy new year to you all nonas!!! I love you and I love this site!!

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Thoughts on delinquent manga or delinquents in general?
There was a thread about fujos and this genre on /a/ earlier today, so I got curious about what people think here.
So far I've only read picrel and it has to be one of my favourite manga ever.
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That's great! be sure to let me know what you think of it over here.
It's one of the funniest manga I've read, the charecters bounce off each other so well.


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Taking advantage of the current festivities to post to
my boys


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This is a thread where you can post men and boys in different uniforms.
Maid, bunny suit, serafuku, nurse, business attire, and anything else is fine.
/bl/, /wes/, or anything else.
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Now that I think about it the Santa costume definitely counts as a uniform.

Be careful scrolling, I initially started posting Christmas-themed pictures to hide something, but it's also just fun to be festive.

I hope all of fujochan has a great holiday wherever and however they're spending it.

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What if I hosted a kosmi room or something and posted the link here at certain times a week?

Would some of you be interested in watching BL or just regular old school anime? When you pop in you're anonymous and you don't have to create an account to watch. What do you guys think? Pic unrelated, I just like Inuyasha. Or, pic related, because we could totally watch the Inuyasha movies.
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Hey, would anyone be interested in watching that Daft Punk anime movie, Interstella 5555? We could do it Tuesday or Wednesday at any time really, if anyone wanted to.


I'd definitely join nonnie, I'm always around all night EST.


Alright, would you wanna do it Wednesday at 7PM EST?

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