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 No.1119[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

With a possible twitter exodus approaching, do you think we'll see a new rise of smaller communities coming forward? The return of tumblr, using dreamwidth/lj, someone creating their own fandom alternative, this site actually coming to life.
Not just smaller communities rising, but a possible change in fandom thought again now that the twitter extremists might go away?
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Guess I'll have to scroll a lot to see if I find anything not archived anywhere. If not I just saw Danbooru has some of her art so I'm glad it wasn't lost.


I think I just doomed myself. Does anybody know you to even log into twitter again after logging out? I wanted to change something, I generated a Back-Up code AND downloaded the Authenticator App to be double safe. Turns out neither works??
I guess nothing related to twitter functions anymore. The only viable two-way authentication would be the SMS but lol of course that's only for premium users. I have no idea why the back up code doesn't work considering that I just generated it and of course did I never use it before. All attempts to log in via the app also fail since the codes it is sending me are wrong? Why?

I wish there was the option to just say NO to Security and be free again. I don't any security. I just want a simple log-in/log-out function. I fucking hate everything


Unironically the only way we're ever going to have a safe space for artists is if the artists themselves make their own pixiv inspired art site. cohost while not having an exclusive focus on art is the closest thing we've had to that but even then it was ran by antis and died quickly.

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I want to play spoon 3 with other fujos here, so drop your FC's so we can all play together
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Very worth it! I’ve been playing Splatoon since the first game, and 3 is hands down the best one in the series.
Add me on Switch, fujos! SW-0079-4590-1522


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necro is anyone still into splatoon 3? I finally got it right after splatfest…

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 No.79[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

For when you want to say something but it does not fit in any other particular thread
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do you realize lc "culture" is just 4chan scrotes culture copypasted right? There is nothing unique, every single term or trend lc has had was just a slightly altered thing from 4chan.


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I lurk on that thread. Such beautiful art all around. And thank you for the link, I've not read that yet.


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Almost 900 posts? Time for a new thread. Bump limit will be reduced soon to help with site load times.

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Who here wants to run a virtual fujocon? Could we do it? Would we be able to pull it off without someone telling on us and getting us kicked off of Discord?

>Would you attend a fujocon?

>If yes, what panels / Activities would you like to partake in?

>If no, why not?

>What is your timezone? (Very optional)
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>Would you attend a fujocon?
Yeah! It sounds like fun, I always want more recommendations and content.
>If yes, what panels / Activities would you like to partake in?
A panel comparing different BL videogames would be fun and everyone could talk about what they all think would improve the games.
Maybe a panel about ship dynamics and how they change depending on the seme and uke, and at the end there could be a poll of favorite ship dynamics.
>If no, why not?
I would be busy tbh, but if there's a established date and a time that isn't too crazy I can join.
>What is your timezone? (Very optional)


>Would you attend a fujocon?
Hell yeah
>Would we be able to pull it off without someone telling on us and getting us kicked off of Discord?
Wait, why would we get kicked out of discord? Is yaoi against the terms of use or something?

Charlie was an annoying Mary sue character, honestly one of the worst written female characters in the show in my opinion. The best one is obviously Rowena, who most fans don't even know about because she was only introduced on the later seasons.


Damn im convicted cause I enjoyed both Rowena and Charlie, though i generally enjoyed the female characters in SN just by virtue of being a woman, even Becky, despite the negative backlash she got for being too meta and annoying. Though it's likely nostalgia speaking since I did watch the show in middleschool and I had the taste at the time to think BBC Sherlock was a good show kek.

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I decided to make a thread for it since some of us were talking about it in another thread. Just seems less messy like this.

Anyway, I'm attending Dicking Around with Dead Dove Themes right now. Any of you attend anything?
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Despite being the person who initially posted about it, I missed it because of the new WoW expansion. Whoops.
This is so fucking stupid. The people who are upset enough about the word to avoid it will have it muted and all you are doing is avoiding THEIR filters.


As the wishiest washiest person on earth I understand, but once you register you can show up for whatever you want. It's not really high commitment or anything, since they email you the link and information afterwards and its up to you where to go from there.


anybody go to the omegaverse panel?

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What's the gay equivalent to the question 'tits or ass'?
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aids or syphilis


Agree, seriously answering the question seme or uke is probably the closest equivalent or maybe a character type like bara or shota, muscular or skinny, nerd or jock.


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That question is already gay since we are women

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A theard for pics of hurt boys that are not extreme enough for >>/ex/. mental and physical suffering are both good.
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thoughts on fundamental paper education?
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This looks like those countryhumans/your boyfriend things that Russians love.


Seconding this, what is it?

Music video is fine, the art style actually reminds me more of Deepseaprisoner with a dash of Homestuck than Vivzie. I don't know how you can be invested in a four minute music video though if thats all it is. I need characters and interactions to get me hooked, give me two cute guys and show me why I should care!

Countryhumans was a real "I'm too old" moment for me, I spent a while trying to find the webcomic people were drawing art of and was SHOCKED to see it was literally a fandom of nothing. It's like if Hetalia had designs but no actual characters or personalities. Really weird, I guess to an extent stuff like Vocaloid falls into that but I don't know, Countryhumand was much more bizarre to me.


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This thread is for recommending and discussing youtubers and channels you enjoy. In my case the type of youtube content I enjoy is gaming, true crime/horror and pop culture/internet oddities/meme fandom analysis so I'll drop some channels here based on that.

Fandom/meme/internet oddities analysis:
Internet historian, Whang!, blameitonjorge, fredrik knudsen, Inside a mind, Izzzyzzz, Jenny nicholson, LEMMiNO, LSuperSonicQ, Nick robinson, Sarah Z, Super eyepatch wolf, Defunctland, Yesterworld entertainment.

Arlo, Matt mcmuscles, TheRunawayguys(And the individual youtubers that are affiliated with that channel. If you're looking for female content creators here, Lucahjin is my fave of this friend group but Masaeanela is cool too), Nerrel, Vinny vinesauce(The fullsauce), Noodle, Oddheader, Scott the woz, Stop skeletons from fighting, tech rules, Nintendo life, Good vibes gaming.

True crime/horror:
Fascinating horror, Reignbot, Tara A. Devlin, Wendigoon, Atrocity Guide, Thafnine, Shrouded hand, Barely sociable. I'm kinda on the fence with Nexpo and Nightmind cause they've been hit and miss lately but I enjoyed their older content.
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Almost makes me miss when we defended fujoism by saying "well it's like when guys watch lesbian porn they get to see two women, but we get to see two men".

Also that fake media player edit is shit, you can see the JPEG artifacts and the white pixels in the corners.


Nonna, for your mental health and sanity just avoid commentary youtubers and video essayists. Each time you click on one of these videos you are asking for it, and by it a mean cancer.
I don't care if I sound like some /pol/ scrote but I miss the days before identity politics invaded fandoms terribly.


You don't sound like a pol scrote at all. The culture war garbage has ruined every English-speaking fandom for me, and it's depressing. I've had to block or mute English fandom accounts left and right because I don't want to see the smallest, dumbest things people argue about. I really hate how both extremist leftists and groyper alt-righters are becoming increasingly obnoxious, using Japanese media as a tool for their political culture wars. It's so tiresome.


Is it just me or does this song sound a little gay?


Maybe? I think its just kind of gentle and not typically masculine. Though a lot of 60s and 70s muwoc os pretty unintentionally gay lmao.

Is this the gay music thread? I nominate most of The Smiths discography if thats the case!


I nominate this, always reminded me of the movie romeo x juliet

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