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 No.2817[View All]

I'm a bit curious as to what sexuality posters of fujochan have. Do you consider your sexuality as playing a role in you being a fujoshi? Do you think fujoshis are mostly straight women? I'll start by saying I'm bisexual.
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Yeah it's hard to find non-tranny-infested fandoms that have decent f/f ships. Only ones I can think of are media that is specifically targeted towards young girls (barbie, winx, etc.) even then there's always a chance it'll get the mlp treatment if it got really popular.


>I'm not a lesbian but I don't fap to fics or doujins I read even if I think they're hot, and it's probably the same for a lot of others.
I'm sorry if this is too personal of a question, but why not? If it is hot what is stopping you?


>Do you think anyone who has ever liked a M/M ship or BL is jerking off to it? For many that's not the reason they enjoy BL at all.
I'm not talking of people who like it. I like some F/F ships even if I'm straight. But there are "lesbians" who obsess over fictional men and ONLY men and give yuri zero love.
>Maybe because a lot of F/F ships and media are really bland and focus on SoL and high school romance instead of exploring different dynamics?
How is this different from BL? A lot of ships anyway are purely based fanon anyway rather than "canon" which is involves making what you want of it.
>. And before you bring up trannies in BL spaces, the percentage of them is overall lower than the average yuri fandom unless we're talking about specific series that attract a ftm fanbase for whatever reason like Trigun.

Yeah bullshit. Trannies in BL fandom are everywhere. Literally AO is filled with men with pussies. In comparison even yuri trannies don't typically put a cock in the art/fics. And if you mean the writers are troon who gives a shit? It's not like I have to look at them but the art/fics.


I guess I should really say 'not all fics or doujins', my brain is weird and the only stuff I (rarely) fap to is certain weird kinks and it doesn't matter if it's M/M, M/F, or F/F, but it can't involve any characters I actually give a shit about. Has to be OCs or fandoms I don't know. But usually I just enjoy nsfw fic and art and don't feel any need to wank over it. I have low sex drive I guess, used to think I was asexual.


Wish I was like this. I'm the ying to your yang because my brain is fucked in a way that every time I get invested in a show or new manga I end up masturbating to it.
>pick up a show because I like the premise or characters
>hyperfixate like a turboautist
>be daydreaming about it, thinking about AUs, speculating plot with others
>feel horny without explanation during any of the above
>this happens for months until I find my new obsession
Might delete this when the feeling of cringe overwhelms me.


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NTA and I'm honestly the same way nonna, kek.


It's good to know I'm not the only one. I've tried bringing this up with discreetly with friends but it's difficult to ask if they found the latest episode or chapter excited them in quite the same way.


Biiiiiiiiiiiisexual big surprise


What the fuck kind of bitter shit is this kek. I'm a lesbian fujo, I don't jerk off to BL, I can only get off to lesbian erotica or solo female, and I can only have sex with IRL women. I enjoy BL for other reasons than using it as a substitute for sex. Yeah the sex scenes are hot (they're made by women for other women after all) but it's the build up, dynamics and the setting that I find arousing, not the fact that they have male bodies. And I can assure you there are gay men who enjoy yuri, that's why all the tranny pedo femboy discords exist where they larp as girls and mommies. Go cry into a pillow in your bitchless bed nona, it's not our fault F/F has been irreparably tainted by scrotes and their voyeurism.


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"Bihet" sums it up


What is bihet and how is it different from bi?


"Bihet" is someone that calls themselves bisexual but usually dates in a way that is heterosexual. I.e., I hear it the most used to describe women that go on about how 'queer' they are and then they end up marrying a man and settling down in a few years. Not sure how the game is bihet because I've never played it. Maybe OP means all the guys act like straight guys?


I don't think anon is saying the game is bihet, the thread is about your own sexuality. Probably added the pic as a meme/joke


Bihet = bisexual with heavy preference for the opposite sex


I know this is a debate that causes endless infighting but I'm a lesbian. I do find the BL sex scenes hot sometimes because of the dynamics–I prefer the actual dick part left out or blurred though. I like GL too, I just can't find much that suits my preferences very often. I started making my own GL fics and art to cater to my own tastes, but I still make BL stuff too. People like to sperg about how this means I'm actually bisexual, but I've never looked twice at a man irl, I find them entirely unappealing and uninteresting. I have known I only like other girls since I was ten years old and the only time I doubted myself was because I had a crush on a pre-T FTM when I was younger. I think most fujos are straight women because fujos are mostly women and most women are straight, but I'm sure there are many lesbian fujos who are similar to myself. You can complain about how we're not lesbians all day long, but what else do you call a woman who is only attracted to and only interested in being with other women in her day to day life?


I have been described as "aggressively bisexual" before. It's an accurate assessment, I think.


If me being heart fluttered by another woman jokingly hitting on me is anything to go by, i might be bisexual but too socially retarded to commit to a relationship


>Do you consider your sexuality as playing a role in you being a fujoshi?
No. My reason for liking BL is for reasons of unique plotlines and taboo relationships. I like GL too for the same reason but there's little content in comparison. No one seems willing to give it a try and I believe that it's because the majority of fujos (straight women) wouldn't be interested, so the content and fandoms just stay away from them. Some of them are really good, with the same themes and dynamics of BL, yet no real fandom content because men don't do it and straight women are the majority and decide where the content is.

>Do you think fujoshis are mostly straight women?

I think there are more than 50% hets but not more than 70%. The rest are lesbian or bi.

I'm a lesbian. I don't think I could ever be attracted to a man. I can think they are attractive but I am not attracted to them romantically or sexually.


I don't know if I should post this here or in the confession thread but these last three weeks I have been insanely horny. Everything I see or read is giving me lewd thoughts even outside of my usual interests. Nothing in my life that I can think of has changed that could be causing this. What gives?


Depends on how old you are and your mental state.


After hitting my 30s I started getting insane horny phases in my period cycle but it usually lasts 1-2 weeks at most. Same thing with the constant lewd thoughts, and overestimating how hot things are.


>how old
In my 20s
>mental state
Bad for a normal person but otherwise fine.

I've not noticed any changes in my cycle but it could be this.
>and overestimating how hot things are
I can't hold a conversation without turning it lewd and I am waiting to be called out on it.


I don't know if it's just the specific breed of Lolcow fujos or if it's more widespread but homophobic fujos piss me the fuck off, I'm not talking about those who are bothered by gay men's misogyny or mentally ill genderspecials but the ones who have a switch flipped off the moment they see lesbian fujos and start sperging about how you must be straight if you like BL and make a really bad attempt at hiding their disgust of IRL same sex relations. Like do you really think real life homophobia won't have consequences on you consuming same sex fiction? If gay people were more socially accepted people wouldn't see you as a warped sexual deviant for enjoying your BL doujin. Homophobia is heavily intertwined with misogyny too so you're not scoring any points in that department either.


I can buy lesbian BL fans since they're in it for different reasons just like straight BL fans are in it for their own. I'll be first to admit I like BL (in theory, in practice finding any suiting my taste is a bitch in a half) for the simple need to see two guys fuck, maybe some cute tender moments, and some angsty drama. That's about it for me. Straight women really do be hating lesbians out of schizo paranoia of them invading their precious lady holes, claiming their gay virginity or something lmao. I don't care if some lesbian thinks I'm cute. Makes my day more than anything.


It feels like many straight fujos have a no lesbians allowed policy and you're required to say you're not a lesbian to be allowed in. Very much a rehashed "ew you're creepy, don't sit with me" thing in my opinion. Even lesbians on LC will insist you're not allowed to call yourself a lesbian if you like BL.


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I have no issues with lesbian fujos even if I'll never understand the appeal for them. As long as we can share and discuss BL and ships its all good.
Only annoyance I have is occasionally I'll see people say that BL is "lesbian romance with two men" and that rubs me the wrong way.


I think people say that because BL romance is catered to women's sensibilities, but I agree it's pretty dumb and feels like a weird cope. Might as well say romance novels from the 90s with Fabio on the cover are a "lesbian romance" if all it takes is an unrealistic love story that irl men can't live up to. Plus when someone says that it's a 50/50 whether they're anti-fujo or pro-fujo kek.


I don't care if lesbians are fujoshi, it's none of my business and all that but I really dislike it when people pretend or even genuinely believe that there are more lesbian and bi women who are fujoshi than straight women. It's even laughable just based on statistics. I think that a lot of people misinterpreted interviews from mangaka like "there are more lesbian mangaka who are fujoshi and draw BL than you would think at first" so they think it means "there are more lesbian mangaka who draw BL and lesbian fujoshi than straight ones."

It shouldn't apply to anyone here, I keep seeing fakeboi saying this to justify that they're part of the LGBTQ+++ BL fans so they're definitely not fetishizing gay men.



A lot of the people who posted about SJW + trans stuff called themselves lesbians, even back in the Livejournal era. I've also seen what used to be 'feminist' or 'female-centred' erotica spaces go from 'for all kinds of women, with stuff for both gay or straight' to 'by lesbians for lesbians', while retaining the 'for women of all kinds' label.

I don't blame lesbian fujo for SJW + trans takeover of fujo spaces, and I think it sucks that lesbian fujosisters feel this way. But I can also see how it ended up this way.

That said, can we agree that trannies are the real enemy?


>A lot of the people who posted about SJW + trans stuff called themselves lesbians, even back in the Livejournal era.
I can bet you almost all of these "lesbians" are now married to men.


Most yaoi mcs don't even register as male so I get it.


It really depends on which BL manga you read so it's very subjective. If you read BL manga by Harada, Niyama, Akabeko, etc. and don't see the main characters as guys you have a problem. On the other hand that's one of the reasons why I couldn't get into whatever no étranger, the main characters looked like cutesy boys larping as grown men and not as actual guys. The artstyle looks really good, but not for a BL, I don't know if it's just me though given how popular the series is.


>Only annoyance I have is occasionally I'll see people say that BL is "lesbian romance with two men" and that rubs me the wrong way.
Why does it bother you so much? It's a story created by a woman for a female audience, there's bound to be some female-specific dynamics at play. Even if the author didn't mean to make it read like a lesbian romance with male characters, some people find it relatable. It doesn't mean you have to see it that way. It honestly feels like a lot of straight fujos are grossed out by the presence of lesbians and think them explaining why a m/m genre appeals to them so much in their own terms is "forcing their sexuality on them" or is threatening their heterosexuality or something.


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Yeah I think that's fair, I'm not going to lie explicit f/f works and really any het content with focus on female anatomy bothers me. So I guess comparing something I like to something I'm not a fan of does bother me. But I'm also not into BL for the porn and acknowledge there are many ways to like it that don't require jacking off or being straight. So I don't think it's disgust and really I welcome lesbian fujos since they contribute just as much to the fandom in terms of art and writing.
Personally I think it's a factor of being straight the masculinity appeals to me. I like older men, I like stubble and facial hair, I want to read stories with men being men, and while everyone from the shota, bishie, and rare female bara enjoyers should have content available for them under the broad label of "BL" for me personally I find the description of "lesbian romance with two men" to be a mischaracterization of what I enjoy about it. I guess its the blanket application if that makes sense? Some of it is, but not all.

As long as people are having fun and not preforming OOC character assassination in their fics I don't need to understand their sexuality in relation to the genre.


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NTA, but there's a saying among moids that one chick is hot but two is hotter. Straight women live under a similar motto on the grounds seeing other women threatens their fantasy. It chiefly ignores the long history of lesbian/bi shonen-ai authors who chose BL to better express grievances in the lgb sphere, escape the objectification of women, and delve into themes otherwise untapped in the wide scope of storytelling. Straight fujos can justify the sexulization part, but who isn't to say some lesbians (most of whom were slightly gnc) can't use BL to explore themselves? To better understand the inherent divergence from the norm, especially the norm that expects women of all stripes to put up with the cruelty of men, being a fujo is the most feminine aspect of a woman, no matter her age, appearance, or circumstances. Even the most regressive of women, like BL, which is crazy to know but not surprising.

As a straight woman, lesbians liking BL seemed weird at first, but once I sat down and discussed our interests together, it fell into place. in the end, aren't we sisters? Can't we all join together and talk about 2D men smooching? It's not the end of the world to speak with others outside your comfort clique.

Sorry for waxing poetic. I'm trying my best to understand new perspectives, and it never ceases to amaze me to find such a wide range of people in one spot. It goes to show that women aren't some monolith like moids claim. It's sort of beautiful.
I'll be honest, I was here for the smut before staying for the chemistry. I had a lingering desire to see two forces, one of opposing beliefs and standpoints, clash in various ways, one of them being sex. Almost every piece of M/F romance had the leads together for the obligation of it instead of accounting for deeper interpersonal histories. They're dating because they're OSAs; that's it. I'll admit again, I don't mind this, but I would love for writers to get off their asses and actually explore relationships. Don't waste time pairing off lost ends since you have to; do it because it makes sense.
>Personally I think it's a factor of being straight the masculinity appeals to me
I could stomach more yuri if the women were older and more muscular. Sick to death of the same old, under-21 girly girls falling in love with no bumpy hangouts,or curses, toxicity?! Some yuri authors are women and even gay, yet choose to weave the same slop every year while everyone else gets a nice zest of diversity and complexity orange peel. Where's the SSA woman's time in the sun, huh? Probably never, as the old farts on board hate women their age, since they wise up to their bullshit ages ago.


I'm a lesbian who used to be exclusively into lesbian media (not the school girl slop, I always had and will have a rock hard hate boner for it) before I dated a fujo and became one myself, I found the genre to be like a whole new world in exploring sexuality from a female lens. The fact that the characters are male in biology sets me free from the restraints of having to witness things like sexual assault or abuse happen to a female character and inherently be worried if it's portrayed in a romanticizing way (like plenty of otome is) or sexualized for the male gaze. I once saw someone saying that assuming a lesbian fujo must be straight because she likes BL is like saying she must be straight if she likes to use dick-shaped toys during sex and that kind of stuck with me. It's an apt way to describe how it is like, they might be male characters but they're not necessarily comparable to IRL men. Even I don't find the male characters desirable even when I think they're attractive, but I enjoy the sex scenes due to their intensity and dynamics, not because of their bodies. I love the community because it's unapologetically female and filled wind wonderful women regardless of sexuality creating an endless amount of content and long lasting friendships to have.


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That was genuinely such an interesting post to read. Thank you nona for sharing your thoughts. I'm a bi fujo and I really resonate with how you get to escape female sexualisation and especially the male gaze in BL. I myself can't stand the majority of het couples in media even though you'd expect that as a bisexual I'd rather see both genders fucking right?
I just think that it is within BL that I get to have the things I actually like the most, not because they're male (although I do like men) but because the portrayal and themes explored in BL spaces is what I like. It's a very weird thing I'm gonna say, it's probably "false" too; but something about BL characters feels most realistic to me. Obviously BL is not realistic, it's fantasy and things are exagerated for the sake of the plot (or the sex); but BL characters are the ones that so far feel like they are more likely to be their own person, which is why I get to obsess over some BL works (or the way characters are portrayed in shipping media).
There's something about really caring for characters in BL spaces that I don't see elsewhere.

I know a moid (yes cringe) who's obsessed with yanderes for example. He always send me the blandest art/trope out there, which is just such a yawn. Always some perfect woman that somehow is obsessed over the loser you are and wants to give you uncontrolled love. It's such a bore, that even if I do try to self insert into the stuff he sends me it just doesn't work on me. It's boring, those women are just… not real. They're not belieable and I can't indulge. It got me curious to look into yanderes portrayed for women, and the characters (usually men) always feel more realistic than any yandere waifu made for moids I've ever seen. I assume that since women on average are more exposed to sexual assault they get to create characters that are more realistic in this genre but even without this explanation, I just found that characters (especially problematic characters) made by women to have much more quality to them. Obviously as a woman, stuff made for women by women will hit me the most. But it's always weird how in the end, moids tend to really lack character depth in the stuff they obsess over. Frankly I don't understand how they're not bored out of their interests like that. Weird tangent sorry lol.

I want to add that there's a real sense of sisterhood among fujos that I've rarely seen elsewhere which I think is a big factor for why many women end up in the BL space, despite their sexuality.
Image unrelated but thought it was cute enough to share.


This is a fujo imageboard, but it's difficult to find BL sharing my taste in men since my brain perceives them as women, which for many lesbians and bi women is fine. Great actually. You get all the benefits of being gay without any of the downsides. What's more win-win than that? Well, actually, good SSA media, but those are dime dozen these days (provided they aren't locked in a dick measuring contest).
>those women are just… not real
Men follow ideals, not realities. To them the real world does little in satisfying their need for supernormal highs hence higher rates of pornsickness. Women are able see the world for what is and conceptualize their ideas via stories, wive tales, and even innovations. Fantasizing about CEOs and hung pretty boys are common yes, but it ignores the vast net interest women share, some of which don't even overlap. We love a wider range while honing down to something specific whereas men expect every fotm be the same big booby bimbo with the personlity of iceberg lectuce. We consider men people with own convictions yet men see women as objects, vehicles for their degenerate fantasies rather an equal, a peer. Once a woman denies his ideal, a moid would either sulk at best or kill her at worst, because his pride dare get sullied by learning the truth. The sooner men realize reality the better we heal as a society. Not holding my breath, sadly.

Unrelated, but wish pic rel was real. all of them are adorable ^^.


I've not thought about it that way before. Usually I'd associate that kind of phrase with people using it to insult the writing of women's series and insist "women could never understand the inner workings of superior males!!" That shit annoys me to no end so I've ended up all defensive over people saying male characters don't qualify as male. I'm sure you guys have seen me go off about that four times by now.

>BL characters are the ones that so far feel like they are more likely to be their own person
I know exactly what you mean. I watch a lot of LN adaptations (isekai and other) seasonally, and I'm always mentally sorting them between "writing where the characters feel like characters" and "writing where the characters feel like stand ins to fulfill a role". The latter is fairly easy to find in harem series for guys, but I've also had that feeling while reading shoujo manga or watching adaptations of LN aimed at women. I'm horribly forgiving of bad/dull series where the characters have "some heart". I think BL manga often being short character driven stories with a heavy focus on interactions and dynamics means even the worst entries have some degree of heart.

Now I'll read your next paragraph and find out I'm being redundant here. I also want to say that I do catch myself reading deeper into male MCs than other viewers seem to, so I'm sure straight guys are also fine tuned to see more in female characters than is actually presented. Orientation bias must exist.


>There's something about really caring for characters in BL spaces that I don't see elsewhere.
This is very true. I am friends with some dudes into a few shows with a lot of girls and while they have merch and like the characters of their choice, they never seem to have "fandom" thoughts about her and I know their interest in the show would evaporate if you gave it the "Rule 63 the cast. Do you still watch this?" test, whereas most fujos would still care about the gender-flipped show.

>I just found that characters (especially problematic characters) made by women to have much more quality to them

While "more lived experience with creeps" is tragically the truth, another fact to consider is that women read more literature than men do. This directly translates into women generally being better at writing fundamentals and understanding what makes a work of fiction interesting, even if they are choosing to write tropey stuff.

>Some yuri authors are women and even gay, yet choose to weave the same slop every year
The slop is probably paying their bills, lol.


>The slop is probably paying their bills, lol.
Sad but true. Wish it weren’t, but until capitalism keels over, what most artist hope for is not starving to death.


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Straight woman with no desire to have sex, but do enjoy masturbating to fujo shit.
I'm also completely averse to (real) men's sexuality and their way of expressing It.
>do you consider your sexuality as playing a role in you being a fujoshi?
Don't really know tbh, I got absorved into It because yaoi had way more chemistry between pairings than your average straight female gaze romance.
>do you think fujoshis are mostly straight women?
Most of those whom I knew were straight, but this was a very long time ago, when I was way more active in fandoms, so maybe the demographics have changed a bit.


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i'm bi, my types are older men and women with bigs fucking tits. At the same time, i have no desire to have sex or to be in a relationship at all. I guess that counts as being aromantic and ace but that's gay and retarded so i don't consider myself neither of that


Completely absolutely straight.


I'm Bisexual I think. I IDed as straight throughout my teen years, pivoted to lesbian, IDed as lesbian for a few years, but I think I'm just Bisexual. I really don't know though, I don't relate to a lot of "Bisexual" stuff. I'm not a NEET but I act like one.
>Do you consider your sexuality as playing a role in you being a fujoshi?
I found about about gay shipping at a very early age, so I'm positive it affected me. It certainly set the bar high, should I ever date. But my attraction to women is never a factor, even in American media I'm never sexually attracted to female characters (whether animated or actors) either too old, too young or not my type.
>Do you think fujoshis are mostly straight women?
No idea. I think straight/lesbian is more common than bisexual itself though.


I considered myself a lesbian until a few years ago, and now I guess I would say I'm bisexual, but I don't have sex either way so it doesn't really matter. I mainly like BL because it generally feels more intimate (het regular romance is boring to me and 95% of yuri feels uncanny and generally geared towards men). Half the time I schlick to BL it's to the scenario or emotional context more than the physical sex, I like it even when I don't finding the characters attractive or desirable to me. I'm also just into some really fucked up stuff but still want the romance at the same time and only yaoi scratches the itch.


This is beyond cliche but my new professor has a voice that makes me horny. My routine is to go home after his lectures, open up my laptop and masturbate to whatever porn I find first which I consider passable.

What I feel uncomfortable trying to process is why I do not masturbate to the professor whose voice I want to fuck and instead need to find porn. Am I being too critical or should I be worried that this sounds like a type of porn addiction?


>What I feel uncomfortable trying to process is why I do not masturbate to the professor whose voice I want to fuck and instead need to find porn.
Eh. Maybe it's porn addiction, but even if it is it doesn't sound too severe. I think it would be hard just to masturbate to someone's voice alone, unless it was an explicitly sexual voice/sexual audio drama. I.e. I think it would be hard to masturbate to someone talking in a general lecture. Like, you might find him hot and are somewhat turned on by his voice, and there's nothing wrong with that, but I think for most people that would be not enough to get them 'all the way'? I know some people could do it, but I wouldn't say it's the average.


I'm absolutely unhinged and I secretly recorded driving lessons with my instructor because I found his voice so hot. It's been 5 years and I still have the recordings saved on my phone and I listen to them sometimes. Like you I don't really masturbate to the voice itself, partly because I'm ridden by the guilt of recording his voice without consent and partly because he's just normally speaking in those recordings. In your case, I don't think it's pure porn addiction, at least not in a total pornsick way. Like the anon above me said, it's not that easy to cum to someone's normal voice.


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I was wondering why my posts got deleted.

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