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Thread for advice from fujo to fujos.

-dating advice
-friendship and family advice
-work advice
-advice against creepy men
-fandom advice

And more.


If a guy starts bringing up who pays for the date and how women should pay for dates and not just the men (especially if he has his own money) then just leave, if a guy is genuinely interested in you and likes you then this topic will never be opened up in the first place.


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Arguments (especially online ones) are dumb and you should steer clear of them as much as possible. If an argument is unavoidable then you should stay as calm and level-headed as you can. There's nothing lamer than seething over some dumbass motherfucker, not to mention the increased anger and stress levels are bad for your health.


i agree with this. and i also want to say that you should never argue on the internet unless you're aiming to have fun.


Professional troll here, I agree as well and here's some of the tactics I use so you gyns can ignore them as much as possible.
>poke fun at your most valid points
>poke fun at any rage or frustration you'd show
>the less you say the more I'd go "weak reply" or any other taunt to encourage you to embarrass yourself more
And remember, once you stop replying and they "win" it's all in their head and the only true winner here is you for jot replying and wasting your time and brain cells. But please do use my tips here on moids, they're stupid enough to not notice.


For the longest time I didn't know that myreadingmanga had a bookmark feature, you just need to create an account and then bookmark away as much as you like!


In all honesty this just makes you look incredibly pathetic for wasting your time arguing with internet randos even if it's done """ironically""". Actually even more so since you're not even trying to prove a point, a more entertaining way to troll would be to just bullshit people and watch their reactions.


>Professional troll
who do you work for, how much do they pay, how do i get this job?


Do not reply to retarded teen antis on twitter.
Do not show how you are affected by teen antis on twitter.
Do not react to them at all.
They only do it for attention and celebrate if you show them any type of acknowledgement.
"It's been going on for months" tough shit there have been creators putting up with shit for years and they still bounce back. They more you ignore these weirdos, the less of them there will be and they will move onto the next thing to get mad at.

Also gatekeeping your hobbies is good, actually. Gatekeep hard, it works. I've seen people legitimately say they've dropped fandoms and anime and whatever else they're into just because of people on the internet who they'll never meet in real life. I think it's pathetic to stop loving something you love just because of a stranger's actions but it's nice to know it can be used to your advantage.


>Also gatekeeping your hobbies is good, actually. Gatekeep hard, it works. I've seen people legitimately say they've dropped fandoms and anime and whatever else they're into just because of people on the internet who they'll never meet in real life. I think it's pathetic to stop loving something you love just because of a stranger's actions but it's nice to know it can be used to your advantage.

This is why I say tell people we need gatekeeping! I gatekeep all the time but I try to very subtly. Works like a charm


Based. People are too afraid of being mean these days so that's probably why it's not done more often. We need gatekeeping more than ever and I hope more people will see the benefits of keeping a hobby to it's niche audience. You can still get new fans of something, just drive out the people who are fake fans


I saw that in the furry fandom there was another con recently where people were being public nuisances by leaving filled diapers and vomit lying around in public and showing off excessive PDA. Pretty much another Rainfurrest, if you've seen that one internet historian video.

That made me think back to these posts about how there's benefits to gatekeeping, cause from what I've seen the furry fandom has had the opposite mindset for years where every socially inept dipshit is coddled and accepted even in public spaces where they can cause trouble for normal people.


There was a con where that happened that WASN'T Rainfurrest? Jeezas Crust I'm actually starting to feel sorry for furries but they also bought that upon themselves so not really kek. Also I hate furries for being hypocrites calling shotacon "pedophilia" while they jack it to dog dicks so they get what they deserve.

Always gatekeep, it is morally correct.


Yeah, there was an official post about it on the official con site.


Oh my god I feel bad for whoever had to type all those nice words, I would have let loose and cursed these furries out.


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>"stop fetishizing em el em!!!"
>"uhmmm can you not sexualize gay men plz :/// im uncomfrble :////////"
>"stop shipping gay ships!"
No. Literally just say no. It's that fucking easy. Stop explaining how it's empowering to Queer People™ UwU, stop tweeting a 20+ thread explaining how it helped you cope with trauma, stop bringing up therapists, stop blogposting about how it helped you find your sexuality. Just say no and keep doing whatever the fuck you want to do. The fuck is anyone supposed to do or say after you tell them "no"? Cry to their parents? Tell the police? Exactly.

Just say no and then stare down on their newfound powerlessness, for they have come to the devastating realization that they cannot control you.


While you're right about these crazies not deserving the attention they're given and that they short circuit if you don't give them the power, it's too easy to say "lol just don't care!" when you're not the one being mobbed. These kids rarely attack complete randos and instead target people with a following (how else would they find you?) so you have more things at stake than just psychos @ing you for two days. They dig up your old tweets from 8 years ago of you dropping questionable takes, doxx you and look up your employer, harass everyone following you to unfollow, take your posts out of context and in worst cases someone you used to associate with jumps abroad for clout and starts leaking your DM logs to air out your dirty laundry. And it can happen to anyone over any innocuous mistake or supporting the wrong ship.

Even if people give you support support and fight the fight for you, the "Hey wasn't anon that racist KKK member who liked kiddy porn and groomed minors online?" rumor is a cat that's nearly impossible to put back in the bag once it's out. That's why people fight tooth and nail to at least clear their name somewhat since for a lot of people silence means compliance.


my go-to reply to these accusations, is the fact that 95% of actual gay men don't care about this discussion


Bold of you to assume I haven't been mobbed or seen people that got mobbed just like this. End the end, ignoring retards is still the best thing you can do. Once you do literally anything, even "clearing your name", you are still acknowledging those obsessed schizos and the people who might so much as glance at your twitlonger apology will still not forgive you because they're just as obsessed with drama. Giving dramawhores any kind of attention or bending the knee to them is shouting that they can control you and gives them incentive to do it again. Yeah if your life is threatened or you're doxxed obviously you should contact the authorities but showing off about it in a thread on twitter will not make them stop.

You can always bounce back from any type of drama. See the abbystea drama for example (tl;dr, said some transphobic shit i think, anti-fujo shit, probably homophobic shit too, but didn't see a decrease in patre0n support or twitter engagement. She moved on and still does the art she wants to do and even some popular notable fujo artists still follow her).


>You can always bounce back from any type of drama. See the abbystea drama
Feels like you can only bounce out of drama if you're a meaningful creator like an artist instead of just a regular person though.


Abbystea was defended by an army of pedoscrotes who love their based oneeshota coomer goddess, most fujo artists remain completely alone and become social pariahs once they're cancelled. I'm not saying that you should buckle under pressure and post grovelling twitlonger messages explaining your entire mental health and sexual history just because you drew anime boys kissing but it's still understandable why so many people resort to that in their desperation and feel like they're losing everything when everyone supports you in the DMs but never speaks out in public.


This, smaller creators without a horde of scrotes to back them up usually can't bounce back as easily. It's a cop out, but it honestly is easier to just put she/they or they/them pronouns in your intro if you don't have the energy/spite to fight back against the anti-fujo zoomers.


>pedoscrotes for liking oneeshota
I don't like oneeshota but if you think cartoons are "pedo" then you're on the wrong site. Go back to twitter or tumblr, bitch


Seethe. The "muh cartoons" defence doesn't work for creepy, misogynistic men that account for 99% of child sexual abuse cases. Scrotes don't have the ability to differentiate fiction and real life.


>Anime porn is comparable to real abuse excuse
Oh I've seen this one before. Just tell us how many gigs of cheese pizza you have on your hard drive now and save us the trouble, pedo


The fuck is going on here? I just want advice on how to grow a spine in the face of "ew, ur toxic" and not run away from fandoms.


Just block and ignore the retards, what other advice do you want to know?


Be based and keep posting regardless of what anyone thinks.


I agree with >>1090 and >>1091
So just do as you want and don't give them any attention, that's how most Chinese artists I know grow an even larger following regardless of the harassment they get from western accounts


Why is it that theres this political shift where everything has to strictly be politically correct even in spaces like yaoi? I do no understand why it is even happening in the first place.


I absolutely hate it! I don't think anyone wants to read a yaoi that preaches to you same as how western comics are doing recently.


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I still wonder why it even happened… like why??? what's the end goal


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I don't have a logical explanation for it other than I think that people want other to conform to their own "agenda" through the medium of storytelling, I've studied it briefly in college back in the day but I don't want to sound too irrational but other than that they just keep on being cringe the more they do it.


I wish I had the confidence to talk about things I like without feeling like I'm doing something wrong because I'm not sharing the same fandom thoughts everyone else seems to do so I'm on the same boat.



Nothing's quite as slimy and repulsive as a self-righteous preachy sex scene/comic.


bless your heart nonita


same. it shouldve just stayed about men clapping eachothers cheeks


Four months later and NTA but kill yourself you fucking piece of shit of a scrote. You jack off to fictional boys and then come to a fujo board to defend your degenerate mentally ill crap instead of going outside, earning money and having normal relationships, literally hang yourself you sorry excuse of human waste, there is NOTHING you are contributing to society. Men like you are the modern fucking plague and if all of you suddenly dropped dead one day we'd fucking have a toast.


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Extremely autistic question but how do people normally store porn on their phones or computers? I highly doubt that anyone is going to go trough my phone without consent but I would prefer if I could make a folder "hidden" or something so only I could access it. I'm not a conspiracist but I do have some slightly paranoid tendencies, like I'm scared that if I save pictures of 2d guys fucking on my phone every tech firm and world government is going to know that I have it and they are going to push a coomer algorithm on me or give that info to my colleagues or just in general leak it for everyone I know to see or spy on me while I masturbate. And I know these thoughts are absurd and lots of people in the world have porn on their phones or computers, most of it is even more extreme than the tame 2d stuff I'm into but it still bugs me. I just overthink everything and imagine the worst case scenario so I guess I just need someone to assure me nothing will happen.
There also is the problem that the default gallery app on my phone has this weird AI build into it where it can identify faces and emotions(extremely freaky stuff and I need to find a replacement app) so the AI is defiantly going to know I have porn on my phone. It's not even that I like extreme stuff I just like my privacy and would die of embarrassment if people found out that I liked 2d guys.
So my general question is how do I store yaoi and nsfw fanart on my computer or phone while making sure that no one sees it and dodging surveillance state as much as possible?


I just store it in a folder and my phone isn't locked so literally anyone could stumble upon it. Maybe i'm not the norm lol. But I do sort of relate to the whole "what if the governement thinks i own yaoi and thinks it's illegal or something" thoughts, especially when I browse yaoi on the internet. Remember that the governement have no need to spend their energy on some random person looking at 2D men buttsecks. At least I assume so, since there's far worse people out there on the internet.
For storing porn tho, you can switch to a different app if this might help you feel safer. There's ways to create "locked" folders so that only you can access them. And for the algorythms that might "push yaoi porn"' onto you, just know the worse I personally got (and i save lots of 2d men buttseks pics) was just some youtube add for webtoon which was for some yumejoshi type stuff. Hope that might alieviate the worry.


I straight up move it all to a folder with a blank thumbnail preview for the album, then hide it if people want to borrow my phone (I have too many normie albums anyway to the point they all get lost within each other and I could probably just hand it over without worrying), and all my bookmarks are incognito. My phone is locked at all times anyway for various reasons.


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You're definitely paranoid, the government has no time to waste on someone jacking off to 2D men, and big tech companies know your interests regardless of what you decide to save. If you use Chrome, they literally log every single click you make while in-browser. I have 15k+ images on my computer and don't get coomer or BL ads, but I use a lot of privacy-based programs and browsers so that might help.

One thing I would do though is put a sticker or piece of tape over your webcam, unless you need to be in conference calls there is literally no reason to have that uncovered. I've only known on person who has had that hacked, but again, literally no reason to give them that opportunity.


I have it all on display, there is nothing hidden. If they're going to browse through my shit then it's their problem if they stumble onto my collection of gay porn.


I don't hide it. I used to worry about what Google or whatever had about me but because there's an overwhelming amount of people out there who read/look at gay cartoon porn I don't really care anymore. It's like being worried Google knows my grocery list. Milk, eggs, yaoi–completely innocuous.

Based. I like to think of it as showing snoopers what it's like to have good taste.


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Thanks for the reassurance, nonnas<3 I feel more safe having yaoi porn saved on my phone now knowing that other people have it too.
>But I do sort of relate to the whole "what if the governement thinks i own yaoi and thinks it's illegal or something" thoughts
yea I do tend to overthink alot and think everything I do can get me in trouble even when I know what I'm doing is harmless, my thought process is similar as picrel.
> I use a lot of privacy-based programs and browsers
I use the duckduckgo app and burn my history pretty frequently. And I use a non-Google email that doesn't have my real name attached to KT for browsing Pixiv and Twitter.


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Just got hit by a 60 dollar hold fee for a sticker sheet I bought in September on Booth.

My fault entirely, I had just assumed it was lost in transit. But I'm still pretty upset at the site Buyee for reminding me exactly twice that I needed to select my shipping.

Anyone have any suggestions for better sites to buy merchandise by-fans for-fans?

Any time I've tried to buy from Japan its been awful. I wish there was a catalog of fan stores. Official merchandise is too soulless for me


I've used jpn-depot and it was fine. Failing that you could pick something off the proxy and forwarding services list on buyfags.moe


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it is my greatest dream to meet another fujo, swap nasty graphic m/m, and then eat her out
however I am a retarded almost 30 permavirgin
I tried looking at dating apps but they all require personal info before being able to see what's around you and I'm afraid my friends will see also
I don't want to talk to normies I don't want to go outside
How the fuck do people do it
I want a fujo wife so bad
want women how women
only 2d dick is good irl moids 3pd


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Relatable. We need to start a fujobian revolution


are you people literally me? i have irl fujo friends but they're both straight


Having a fujo gf is my dream but I'd kill for irl fujo friends too. Closest I've had to one was in 8th grade, but we haven't talked in years. How'd you manage to find your people, nonna?


met both of them in high school, knew the first one was into shipping since we started off talking about anime and vocaloid and just went further from there, knew the second one was also into shipping based on her fanart and what she told us
the actual group fujo discussion only ever really came to a full boil in 2021 when all 3 of us were arguing over if a character should top or bottom, but the real pillars of finding people are spending time and the willingness to just be cringe and genuine. Then it sort of snowballs from there, especially if you introduce your friend groups to each other


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I got desperate and made a tinder
I put my body pillows as the profile pic (they're fully clothed) and made my description "I want to kiss another fujoshi on the mouth"
I was banned right after
I'm going to die a virgin

The next time I go to a con I'm gonna make a better effort to speak to others!! It's hard but I gotta try!!! Irl fujo friends are the best


good luck anon, i wish you the best! here's to more fujo friends in the new year


Thank you!! I just gotta believe…
Let's all make lots of fujo friends in the new year and maybe also get laid
If anyone has any tips for finding other fujos on dating apps (is fujoshi a banned word?? Tinder why?) Lmk cuz I'm gonna try again…!


I've developed some anxiety over the years. I decided I'm going to get a roomate or even a bf/husband in the future, to help manage my anxiety easier.

But how the fuck do I handle my fujo actvities? I'm not really a coomer, at most I oogle at 2d men and move on. Do I really need to hide my power level for the rest of my life?
I see doujin artists getting married and continuing to make BL of their favorite characters.


If it's a roommate, ideally another fujo.
But regardless of who it is, you don't spend 100% of your time breathing down each other's necks. I wouldn't want to be around someone who forced me to give up my hobbies, and you can just do them in your private time. Every healthy relationship makes time to be alone.


Don't give up on your hobbies and don't give up on relationships if you want to be in one but I don't think another person is gonna help for anxiety long-term. It's unfortunately one of those things that only you can do for yourself.


Plenty of people don't care, especially straight men since their fetishes can be just as weird. My husband and almost all of my friends know I like BL. If they ever give me shit I make fun of the things they like. Good luck on the hunt though, nonna!


My bf of 4 years doesn't know I'm a fujo. Honestly I hope I never have to tell him.


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i don't like being spineless in the face of my own "friends"… i wish i could just cut them out of my life. they're the kind of people that would absolutely shun me if i ever said anything out of line. they know i'm a fujo but i'm 100% certain they think it's just me being "funny".
can't talk about any of my actual interests with them, so i just walk on eggshells all the time. it's uncomfortable for me, but it's also hard to let go. don't have many friends in the first place.

i really want more like-minded friends… can i not just clone myself and gush over super specific 2d men being raped together


This sounds like hell. Are they online or offline friends?


friends with ironic humor who think you're just half-joking about being a fujo, having to hide your weirder interests so they don't shun or gossip about you, the desire to just cut them out of your life, not even having many friends in the first place… anon holy mother of god we have the exact same struggles

i simply just left the group chat my aforementioned friends are in, and it's been a breath of fresh air. not cutting contact with them completely, but not talking to them nearly as much as i used to… it's a nice feeling. i'd suggest doing something similar to that if you're able to

i want to talk about super specific 2d boys being violently raped too, but i don't really have anybody for that. nobody but my diary, at least. sperging on this site is really nice to do, though. most nonnies here get it, y'know? so go crazy, i'll be cheering you on


embarrassed to say that it's online… i'm not much of a people person because i unironically hate everyone around me. humans suck. love my cat.

heheh, that's really comforting. i'll remain spineless for a while yet. i wanna focus on other things while i make a decision, but until then, i guess you're right, i do have fellow fujos here to sperg out with.


No embarrassment about online friends (nearly all of my friends live in my computer), just wanted to know because online friends are much easier to drop.

I feel like you should be yourself around them more and see what happens. Some of them might even be waiting for somebody else to first fly the freak flag. I say embarrassing shit that boarders on oversharing in mixed company all the time because I WANT to know how people react to it for filtering purposes.


How to Bitcoin?


Time machine.


I've been a fujo for years, but what's the best way to heavily participate in fandom? I'm obsessed with something nobody in the west knows or cares about.


Find out where the fandom hangs out, if it's japanese, it's probably twitter.


Fwiw, you can try to shill it here just to see if other people might be interested in it.


I would love to, but it's so specific it would be avatarfagging if you saw me elsewhere online


Is the internet really that small?
I'd figure any series with any sort of online presence has at least two western fans running around somewhere.


I'm into something like this. It's so funny when you meet other fandomish people but just can't get into the REAL specifics of what you like because it would essentially be doxxing yourself. Just seems too personal to put on a -chan!


That's exactly it. Fuck it, I'm making fanfics and fanart to help spread the word, even if I only interact with Japanese fans on Twitter


I'm afraid that I can't enjoy fandom like I used to because I've developed severe anxiety surrounding being online. It's legit become hard for me to sleep at night because I'm so paranoid. I really want to make friends with people that have similar interests, but I don't know how to get over my fears and struggle to talk to them. What do I do


What parts of it make you anxious? Personally would suggest mainly stucking to anonymous places like here if its the idea of being tied to an identy that will be used against you later.

Do you maibly participate via drawing or writing? Ao3 has a lot of cobtrol over locking your works to avoid harassment (turning off commments and such). Id look into the settings you use.


I'm afraid that someone's going to tie my personal identity to my online one. I try to keep them separate now but I was pretty lax about privacy in the past. I also posted a ton of stupid shit as a kid that I don't want to be dug up.
I draw mostly, but lately I've just wanted to make friends in the fandoms I'm in and have someone to talk about things with. I don't know any other fujos, so I can't talk about it with my friends (they find it weird and problematic). I could join social media to try and make friends but I always end up chickening out cause of my paranoia. You're probably right that just using anon sites is the best option. I get nervous about what I post even here but I need to get over that. AO3 is also a good suggestion I think. I don't write much but I've seen some people use it for fan art too.


>can't talk about it with my friends (they find it weird and problematic)
Dying to know what redeeming qualities they have to make up for "hand-wringing about gay cartoon porn". I do relate to the paranoia though and all of my friends know I'm a fujo. Fanart/fic is direct access to your lizard brain and it's kind of weird to have people who know you IRL poking around in there.


can't relate sis, when it comes to my good friends they all know i'm a fujo, i literally send my straight male irl friend akechi/akira and kawoshin fanart as well as some cgs from slow damage he usually just says "lol female birth control" and "you sad little woman with your chinese fag obsession" but i feel the same way about his forumla one or whatever


Is being a fujo really that shameful? How old are you nonna? If you aren't hurting anyone, why tf does it even matter? Do you really think men self-flagellate like this? Your only crime is being cringe. Look in Dreamwidth, AO3, LiveJournal, and Neocities.

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