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>>6881 453 posts and 127 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. No.8783
>>8781>I usually prefer megane guys who look mature rather than super slimArgh men in glasses are my weakness.
>But at the end of the day, I think that’s just a loud minorityIt seems like since the ideal body thread literally has plenty of bodies that would be considered "roidpig" by these people. I honestly don't see it. It's not like these people are bald, fat or ugly. They're twunk or ottermode kek at best.
>>8776I haven't check on it in ages because it felt like it was devolving into constant infighting (let's face it, lc in general has just devolved into infighting), but I agree it's hit or miss often. Like I agree that Hollywood has been pushing the ugliest fucks imaginable as "teen" heartthrobs in recent years, but it starts to lose meaning when nonnas bring in abstract cartoon characters like Hazbin Hotel characters.
>>8787Does that actually happen? I mean, it might make sense given the tumblr sexyman epidemic but most of the newer threads are mainly taking about video games and tv/movies?
>>8788I haven’t been there for awhile but yeah it was brought up in reference to tumblr sexyman and the claims that vivziepop characters contributed to the ugly man psyop. It was a stupid argument and I’m pretty sure I and at least one other nonna said it was stupid.
>>8776>Somehow this makes them psy op'd? IPeople on lc end up gathering far more schizophrenia than the average sharty or 4chanschizo thinking that acting just as retarded as the 'moids' they hate will make them seem better.
They will hate everything for the sake of hating because they believe every aspect of their thoughts and lives are controlled by men even when the men don't give a flying fuck
i like pretty boys because that's just what i like. growing up on anime and kpop helped.
but besides that, the good thing about liking twink types, or just lithe men with vaguely effeminate features, is that men for some reason get extremely insecure and mad over it, way more than when you like bigger scrotes with very masculine faces and beards/fat and whatever. im not gonna "expand my horizons" firstly because i cant, and secondly because i dont want to appease to male insecurity
>>8791samefagging but while i get pleasure in making men feel bad and it just spurs my natural attraction towards my preferences more, i dont think women who like other kinds of guys are brainwashed, neither do i think that men control every aspect of women's lives.
however, i do think there are some women who are a little too lenient on scrotes, and pick-mes who will defend ugly men (and men in general) with their lives, even when they don't truly prefer a specific aesthetic just to seem "cool" are a sad reality, luckily more and more rare. not that every woman with quirky preferences is like that of course.
and, while men dont control women nearly to the same extent some lc women believe, lots of men *do wish* they could, and act accordingly.
>>8791>not gonna "expand my horizons" firstly because i cantI feel this in my soul. I can't get out of that twink to bearish hunk spectrum I made for myself no matter how much body pos slop gets shoved in my mouth.
I like to lurk on both the jp and eng side of a manga fandom I'm in. It's interesting to observe because I've noticed that the majority of fanartists in the jp side is mostly full of fujoshis and the english side is a mix of them and battle shounen fanboys. There are currently two heroines who have interacted with the main protag. Which the eng side took notice and start shipping, but aside from some declarations it's actually very hard to find fanart of the het ships on twitter and it's practically non existent in the jp side - even taking into account by lurking in pixiv and other websites.
Meanwhile, all the jp fujos only shipped the protag with his male relationships and keeps passing him around to the point it will make a harem mc blush by the sheer greed of it kek. Can't really blame them though the doujins that came out of it were really hot.
>Join the discord of a nsfw cute guy artist
>There's separate channels for NSFW art with dicks and pussies instead of shoving both in the same space
Thank the lord. I wish this was standard on every discord with a nsfw art section.
>>8798Isn't that just common sense? I'm in a few where all the porn tags are separate.
>>8799It's the first time I've encountered a server doing it like that, unfortunately.
>>8740This but I want them both covered in each other's piss
Any ships that are too intense for you even an edgy shipper?
for me:
>Gendo x Shinji (nuff said)
>Batjokes (What he did to Jason was just too far even for me…)
>>8805>Gendou/ShinjiI think one-sided Gendou/Shinji would be fucked up but good, like Shinji trying everything to seek approval but being incredibly self-destructive about it. I'd also just like more Gendou works in general though and would take anything.
>BatjokesI have tried so many iterations of it but have never found a satisfactory work that seemed to keep both of them in character. In some series like BTAS I do think there is an interesting dynamic that seems plausible for a long-term relationship but in like all fanworks Joker has a sudden "redemption" arc woth no build up or Batman is made way too black instead of morally grey. Batman/Riddler specifically Riddler's Reform or Arkhamverse is my preference since I do think Edward has the potential to redeem himself in most iterations and it can span a long period of time.
Anyway blabbering aside my picks would be…
>Kira × JosukeNot enough canon interaction to be anything besides rape porn. Jotaro and Rohan both have potential for more interesting works with him.
>Harry/VoldemortWhile there ARE interesting thinks that can be done with this, especially during Chamber of Secrets I have found that most of the works are just Harry getting captured and beaten with no real plot. I feel like most of the elements explored in the dynamic could be captured with Harry/Draco or Harry/Snape and have a bit more substance.
>>8806>like Shinji trying everything to seek approval but being incredibly self-destructive about it.For a really fucked up fic I think it could be interesting, but thinking about them shipping wise just makes me depressed kek.
>Batman/Riddler specifically Riddler's Reform or Arkhamverse is my preference since I do think Edward has the potential to redeem himself in most iterations and it can span a long period of time. I'm a basic bitch who got into them shipwise when the movie came out kek. I'm mainly into brudick for ships with Bruce but they're pretty damn cute.
>Harry/VoldemortNever read the books and fully watched the movies, but I like some of fanart where he's Tom Riddle with Harry.
>>8807>I'm a basic bitch who got into them shipwise when the movie came out kek. I'm mainly into brudick for ships with Bruce but they're pretty damn cute. No need to be ashamed, I was payched when that movie came out since even though it's a different take on him the fanworks for the ship have quadrupled since then and it boosted other versions of the ship too.
>BrudickNice! I mainly ship Dick with the other Robins but I can appreciate a good Brudick story especially set early on when he's just moved into the manor.
>>8805I can't get into dadson of any kind even though I'm down for brother x brother whether it's adult brothers or something like toxic shota twincest.
>>8809Is it the age gap or do you just hate the inherent fsther/son power dynamic? I kike it but the moment the dad is on top that second thing squicks me.
>>8805Everything that is my favorite character being mischaracterized as a rapist abuser if the character isn't that way at all. Vague as fuck I know but it instantly irks me to see a crackship with them and not my OTP.
I'm also the same with asshole rapist oniichan/father, even though I like incest. But most of the incest I like is the younger topping for that reason. The young can be as aggresive as possible but never the old one.
Also adult/shota with the adult being written as a creepy pedo.
I've probably lost my edge over the years but as I keep getting older I'm more squeamish over that. I've never liked people pedofying characters though.
>>8811>But most of the incest I like is the younger topping for that reasonNot really a dadson person the vast majority of the time, but I've had friends into it who almost always prefer the son to top. It's interesting I'll say that.
>Also adult/shota with the adult being written as a creepy pedo.Hahaha I like this one, it's pretty funny.
>>8805I can't get into dadson or anything older than that (like grandfather shit). I'm fine with uncle/nephew so it's the parental aspect that I find icky I guess.
>>8810To some extent it's the age gap and power dynamic. I guess dadson feels too 'real' for me? I'm into true crime so I tend to associate that sort of dynamic with real life crimes and it makes me uncomfortable while general brother x brother and shota twincest feels more unrealistic. This is why age gap can be hit or miss for as well but I guess if the younger one initiates it becomes way less realistic.
>>8815Yes, it didn't bother me as much especially since the MC referred to his dad by his name too. Wouldn't really say my distaste for the dynamic follows a logical train of thought tbhdesu.
>>8816>Wouldn't really say my distaste for the dynamic follows a logical train of thought tbhdesuNah I get what you meant, I was just curious.
>>8818>in my circle there was a big overlap between anime and kpop fansNTA this was what my circle was like too, if you were into Maplestory in 2012 being into kpop and anime was basically a rite of passage.
>>8791Same, pretty much. I like bishie face but I also like (cut) muscles and it's always treated as an either or thing. Other masculine traits turn me off except for beards but they have to be trim and classy.
>>8805I couldn't believe it was a ship but Theon and that guy who cut his dick off. I'm a ryona-chan and I wouldn't wish an entire season of getting tortured and broken like that on any of my guys.
I used to want for things I liked to become popular, but after seeing so many of my favorite series get remakes, I kind of wish they hadn’t. The new fans that come in because of the remakes are often obnoxious, barely understand the show or its characters and only care for surface level stuff. I know having a niche or unpopular favorite can feel lonely, but that just makes it even more special when you find someone who truly appreciates it like you do.
>>8822>I couldn't believe it was a ship but Theon and that guy who cut his dick off.Completely forgot about that ship, I feel like it's mainly born out of character proximity ~~or people really into pet play~~. Ramsey is so cartoonishly evil compared to the rest of the cast it's bordering on comical, but ignoring that he has nobody else to ship with since all the other characters he meaningfully interacts with are women. I think it's telling that almost all fics that aren't just his dogs raping Theon are modern AUs. Though Theon is a awful human in his own right who sold out the Starks and even when they try to give him moments to shine later in never feels earned so I can't say I feel bad for him. Haha
>>8824>Ramsey is so cartoonishly evil compared to the rest of the cast it's bordering on comicalYeah but somewhat his evil nature felt realistic? like, a genuine psychopath with no sense of empathy, like those in horror movies, I’ve never found a character as disturbing as I found him.
>>8823That's the paradox. Want something to be popular, thing gets popular, brings in new wave of people who clearly don't know fandom etiquette, then get mad by the old guard for being "problematic", and drive them out. I'm not the biggest fan of gatekeeping but somedays I wished we grew a spine and told people to fuck off.
>>8825Yeah I get it. Often on the spectrum of villianess you have the well-written understandable villians who may or may not be misunderstood, and then you have the over the top terrible people with no positive qualities. Normally the latter type are Disney villian-esque campy. Ramsey is over the top without any of the charm on top of being shallowly written compared to Roose, Tywin, ect. It's just sadistic, not premier ship material. I do think if GoT later seasons were better written he could have worked as a better foil to John Snow instead of Theon though since they
had a bastard connection.
>>8823>that just makes it even more special when you find someone who truly appreciates it like you do.Reading this just made me more aware of my hundreds of fandoms where I never found anyone. I mean sure, for a few of those people were out there and I could have reached out to them on social media, but like your post is talking about, it's not enough to just both like the same series. You need similar attitudes to fandom and a similar interpretation of canon to connect with one another, otherwise it's as good as not having anyone. I do a lot of yelling into the void on image boards because I feel I have a better chance of fleeting connection than elsewhere. It's mostly pointless but it does save you misstepping around a fandom you don't gel with.
>>8831Man, sometimes I wished I had the spark to be part of fandom. Finding others with the same interest as you're own is the dream but it also comes with it's own issues the more niche you go. Combined with me just consuming content, I don't know where to go off tbh. It's weird because I've watched all these shows and movies but without that initial spark, I'm left awkward scrolling online looking at fanart and feeling nothing. Maybe I'm just depressed kek.
Which board would be the best for an "IRL Yaoi proportions" thread?
>>8847if it has 3D guys, it's for the RPS board.
>>8833Nta but I'm the same. I like stuff but it's all surface level for me, I can take it or leave it and I'm just here to see guys fuck in some capacity. I still think of getting involved in fandom just for the socializing though. I miss being younger when I could power through essays on some random superwholock plot details because I actually cared. I can't give a shit now.
>hatefollow an artist that draws my NOTP
>always have the suspicion they're a yume for the top character because they absolutely never say anything about the bottom at all other than being (tops) object of affection
>doesn't even refer to the characters with names sometimes, just "the seme" and "the uke"
>always draws the uke as girly as possible but whines and cries and shits itself when they see the seme genderbent
>constantly thirstpost for the seme
>yesterday they finally randomly tweeted "oh the struggles of being a (top) yumejoshi"
I fucking knew it
>>8866I hate these kinds of people and always feel an autistic amount of resentment at them. Being a fujo should be about being invested in two developed characters, not fantasizing about fucking either one of them while completely sidelining the other.
>>8860I see a lot of them insist he isn’t one because of this, but shota has always been a body type not a personality or age thing.
>>8867Same, this is a japanese artist so this is actually behavior that I've been noticing a little bit more from those who are VERY strict with their top/bottom preferences and who they push the most. If the bottom is pretty much neglected in all kinds of conversations I'm sure it's a yume. And if the bottom is the center of everything and exaggerated in importance, it's likely a self-inserter.
This would probably go better on the self-insert hate thread but I feel like this every time I see someone into my NOTP
>>8866These people irk me too, I was going to post in the vent thread about it. I don't understand why they don't just go full yume or at least do mob x character art if the other half of the ship is that negligible to them. It has to be a clout thing.
Have you ever been embarrassed to like a ship/fandom? When Undertale was really big I was too ashamed to admit to liking it even though it was mega popular and there was literally no reason to pretend to hate it. Now it's 4AM and I'm still in the mood for fontcest.