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I mean in my humble opinion everything improves with BL but there are some cases where it would have made more sense from a narrative point of view if it did end with two guys falling in love.
I'm gonna go with something obvious and say Dead Poets Society.
>Takes place at a boarding school which is a classic setting for BL
>They reference Walt Whitman several times. Whitman was gay
>The chemistry between Neil and Todd is insanely good
>The whole theme of the movie is to break free from the expectations forced upon you which can be read as a metaphor for being gay
>The ending can even be a nod to the bury your gays trope if you're reaching hard enough
First time I watch this movie I genuinely thought it was originally written as a romance between Neil and Todd but it was changed due to studio meddling/censoriship. I was really surprised when I found out that was not the case lol
Have anyone else had a similar experience with something else?
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Can I sell you both on Brideshead Revisited? The first half is dripping with homo, a relative even confirms that she supports 'that kind of relationship' as it's 'healthy as long as it doesn't continue for too long', it's as gay as you can get without explicitely saying 'they were homo' and the TV series just took 'they are homo' and ran with it.


For me it's M R James ghost stories. Adaptations will focus on the spooks and cut it short, but in the text you know the strongest force against an unknown evil is the camaraderie of a fellow man who cares. Men who fool around with women? They can be tried and sent miserably to their death.


I remember watching this and liking it. It's not a fujo show though.

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With a possible twitter exodus approaching, do you think we'll see a new rise of smaller communities coming forward? The return of tumblr, using dreamwidth/lj, someone creating their own fandom alternative, this site actually coming to life.
Not just smaller communities rising, but a possible change in fandom thought again now that the twitter extremists might go away?
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Yeah it bothers me too, but I also think the term AMV has been poisoned and is associated with being "cringe" so they don't use it which is a shame.


Fandom TikTok is nearly all puriteens so that flood is going to be extremely unpleasant.


I don't think imageboards will ever have the same audience as TikTok. If anything, the concept of an imageboard is antithetical to a social media platform specifically designed to accrue followers and show your face to the world. It doesn't provide the same dopamine hit if it's just a bunch of randos replying to your post with no 'likes.' I could see a massive immigration to YT, like what happened with Vine. Twitter will probably see an increase, too, but it's already polluted and I think there's probably already a massive overlap. I've never used TikTok because I hate social media, especially when it's focused on broadcasting yourself and trying to get random people to follow you, so maybe my assessment is wrong.

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Wanted to post this cute chart i found on the other IB. Feel free to post any fujo meme that lets you describe your preferences. Apologize if this isn't the right place, but i don't think this would quite fit another thread
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>son x father, praticularly when the father doesnt want it and the son is molesting him
I have the perfect story for you
>Father Figure by TogaQ Kichuku Neko
>A deep obsession with his estranged father leads Gabriel down a dangerous, twisting path.
genuinely the only father/son I found that I liked (not that theres that much anyway) basically exactly as you described it kek
heres a link where you can download it, it's a short story - https://annas-archive.org/md5/2587376cb0e96599dbfe195d3227abdf


Thank you, I'm not big into the Light Novel scene so I appreciate you sharing some rec I otherwise wouldn't have found. Downloading ASAP.


the emeto girlies are winning… god I love pukey boys so much

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Have any of you made a yaoi tropes tierlist before? They're pretty fun so I thought I'd share. You can make one here: https://tiermaker.com/create/yaoi-bl-tropes-196013

Feel free to link other ones.
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I like seeing men suffer.


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Recommendations… please…


The BL for "kidnapped" (Ayano Yamane's "Finder") has a lot of your high tier stuff from the first list if you haven't already read it.

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 No.1662[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Since this doesn't really fall under /bl/ let's have the thread here. A lot of male genderbents end up looking really cute! So post your favorites.
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What could have been. I still think they'd be pantsless those as guys but otherwise good art.


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What's the gay equivalent to the question 'tits or ass'?
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Face or body shape


aids or syphilis


Agree, seriously answering the question seme or uke is probably the closest equivalent or maybe a character type like bara or shota, muscular or skinny, nerd or jock.

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Post beautiful/fancy/impressive art featuring cute boys.
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Post your best caps of our fellow fujoshis from Fujochan.org
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we can stop all advancement of artificial intelligence; it’s already peaked with fujo sara.


Now that's a blast from the past, I forgot about our dear Fujo Sara. Just to let you know, I've replied to some posts using Sara just for fun. She had her own OCs, headcanons and everything.


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A theard for pics of hurt boys that are not extreme enough for >>/ex/. mental and physical suffering are both good.
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it goes hard
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This is so awesome and kawaii


i love this website


I got them from a hobby shop in my city, I saw some model kits sold at a bookstore chain stores near me, but the kits there are more expensive so I'll stick to the hobby shop. I've been looking at kits online too, Hobby Link Japan has a ton from different manifacturers, scales and military craft - aircraft, submarines, trains, boats, etc. You can look up any online stores you like, I rarely buy things online so I can't help much with this. TwT
I'm a beginner myself, I've read that for your first time building a model kit you can choose one that doesn't require glue, and the smaller scales are good for showing you the ropes. The Hawker in the picture is the type that you can assemble without glue, it was enjoyable, but you should be careful not to hurt the smaller parts - some of them are easy to deform. The Comanche required glue, so when you build something like it pay a lot of attention to put the parts right, I accidentally placed the wheels first and after the glue dried there was no way for me to remove them without breaking them, so the plates under them were harder to put on the right place and one of them tilted.
If you do choose to build something I (and the other nonnas too, I'm sure) would be happy to see it, no matter what vehicle it is.

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