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Post your anime or manga 3x3's
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It's okay to throw those in here too


Nah this falls under thread topic. Whats the live action one in the middle? I love Bruce/Dick and Subaru/Seishiro!


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It's the Talented Mr. Ripley, I love the book a lot especially but the 1999 movie adaptation is great. Tom is my favorite creepy, complicated homo. BruDick and SeiSub are soo good I'm glad you like them too!

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How is there no thread for AI art?

Post AI generated husbandos, discuss AI art, etc.

Here's one popular generator to start:
Turns 3DPD into 2D husbandos.
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Yeah I would say Sebastian too, he is made for service. Plus Homer seems like someone who likes to be pampered and lay back while a man takes him.


These are excellent points but consider the fact that Homer is a married man with a wife, who presumably doesn't have much experience with taking dick in his ass. Wouldn't he be apprehensive towards bottoming, and wouldn't Sebastian offer to ride him instead to ease his worries? I'm just spitballing here but the fact that Sebastian is literally a servant who lives to please should be taken into consideration as well.



Kek, I love retarded crack pairings. So I made AI write a small fic about their first kiss:

Homer and Sebastian have spent the day working together, creating new donuts and helping out the townsfolk. They've grown closer, and their bond has deepened through shared experiences and mutual respect.
As they clean up the bakery, Homer pauses and looks at Sebastian with a mix of admiration and affection. "You know, Sebastian, I never thought I'd say this, but you're the best friend I've ever had. And not just because of the donuts."
Sebastian, touched by Homer's words, smiles warmly. "And I never thought I'd find someone who appreciates my cooking as much as you do, Homer. You've brought a lot of joy into my life."
Homer, feeling a surge of emotion, takes a step closer to Sebastian. "You know, Sebastian, I think I… I think I more than appreciate your cooking."
Sebastian's eyes widen slightly in surprise, but he doesn't pull away. Instead, he leans in closer, his voice soft. "And I think I more than appreciate your company, Homer."
With a mix of nervousness and excitement, Homer leans in and gently kisses Sebastian on the lips. It's a soft, tentative kiss, full of warmth and affection. Sebastian responds in kind, his eyes closing as he savors the moment. As they pull away, both Homer and Sebastian are left with a sense of wonder and happiness.
Homer grins, his cheeks flushed. "Wow, that was… that was something else."
Sebastian smiles back, his eyes shining with affection. "Yes, it was. Thank you, Homer."
Their first kiss is a moment of pure emotion and connection, highlighting the depth of their feelings for each other. Despite their differences, Homer and Sebastian have found a deep bond that transcends their backgrounds and personalities. This kiss marks the beginning of a new chapter in their relationship, filled with love, laughter, and endless adventures.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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please post any and all silly animal images you have saved, thank you
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Love them!


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Post characters that are totally fujos or could make good fujos ITT.
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I had completely forgotten about this game until now! It's such a good time capsule of what it was like to be on the internet during the early 2010's. Now I want to replay it…


Damn, it's been ages since I thought about it. I don't remember much about what happened in the game but I was introduced to it by a youtuber at the time.


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Kek, yeah, I even think about it randomly sometimes. I was introduced to it through Youtube like the other anon, though. Should play it one day just for funsies.

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 No.203[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread for advice from fujo to fujos.

-dating advice
-friendship and family advice
-work advice
-advice against creepy men
-fandom advice

And more.
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I have never felt that relationships replace what I get from 2D but I also don't feel any need to pick one or the other. The best advice I can give is to find someone whose autism is compatible with your own. You do have to be prepared to take a shot and be let down if you find somebody you would like to be involved with. Don't hyperfixate but don't let opportunities pass unexplored.

>Similar situation here, but I have lived with guys and the only people making it difficult were my family who all assumed we had to be fucking
I've had something like this happen. My mother wouldn't stop prying into this guy and our relationship status until I told her I had no interest in any romantic relationship with him but had fooled around with him on a night I was feeling bored. She never asked again after that.


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Relationship wisdom I've heard is that "every couple needs a boring one and an exciting one" and my big sister has told me that I need an exciting boyfriend because I'm reserved and whatever
I believe in the concept, but now I'm talking to a guy that seems even more plain than I am which is having me wonder what the limits are on the whole "opposites attract" idea
We get along very well, but whenever I try to flirt or be suggestive he doesn't know how to reply and has told me so; he's very sweet and sounds like he's attracted to me, but do I have to be the one to make all the advances?
I'm stuck wondering if I will have to be the "spontaneous" one between us, and if that is doomed to fail
I feel like I'm in a friend zone, but I'm not, but… the last guy I almost dated was more of the sporadic and blunt type and I had a much easier time talking to him even though things didn't work out
I just feel really mixed up! Have I fried my brain with relationship advice? I have no idea what I'm even looking for in a relationship when the opportunity actually arises


>but do I have to be the one to make all the advances?
>I'm stuck wondering if I will have to be the "spontaneous" one between us, and if that is doomed to fail
If being the initiator most/all of the time is something that will eat at you, you need to tell him to see if he can meet you halfway or not. I am a chill person in a relationship with a person an even chiller person and sometimes we have to ask questions that would seem really stupid to an outsider to penetrate the two placid walls between our hearts.

Personally I don't believe in opposites attract because "golden retriever bf" (roughly what I would consider my opposite) sounds really annoying. When there are popular "dog/cat" ships in my fandoms I always feel like the cat character is sincerely having an awful time, lol.

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 No.3986[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Anybody else like Fear and Hunger? The fandom seems to be occupied by troons and men. So that's a bummer.
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Sorry for the 3DP, but I love love LOVE Phantasmagoria: A Puzzle of Flesh, and it feels like no one's ever heard of this game. I ship Curtis and Trevor so hard it's ridiculous. I would go on about this game for hours, but no one would know what the hell I was talking about, kek.
Also sorry for the bad screenshot I found. This game was released in 1996 so it's not HD of course. TBH, I also kinda love it because it's so old. It fits the aesthetic.


It's an FMV game right? I know it by reputation as being fucked up but not actually anything about it.


Yes, it is an FMV game. It's similar to the game Harvester (and also Phantasmagoria 1, puzzle of flesh is the 2nd Phantasmagoria game, and 1 is not really related to 2. 2 is much better.)
It is a pretty fucked up game, and there's a lot of stuff in it that probably wouldn't fly in today's terms. It's one of those games that also doesn't really feel like any of the endings are really happy endings, but the story is still compelling to me. It's very sci-fi, so I really like it.

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 No.2501[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Things, beings and concepts turned human.
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>especially since I don't think the movie is that popular in general?
It has an Epcot ride so I think a lot of people know it through that.
I’m just a Disney otaku type (without the shipping aspect) so I thought the fanart was cute, so none personally haha! It is quite cute though.


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>I’m just a Disney otaku type (without the shipping aspect) so I thought the fanart was cute, so none personally haha! It is quite cute though.
That's understandable, I have a bad habit of shipping everything I get into but of course they're cute regardless of that angle. By "Disney Otaku" do you mean you’re into the movies or Tokyo Disneyland stuff like the Recruiters?


>do you mean you’re into the movies or Tokyo Disneyland stuff like the Recruiters?
I’m into the theme parks! I like a lot of the movies as well but I’m mainly into the theme parks (restaurants, hotels, rides, history, rare character meets, etc)

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Decided to make a more fujoshi oriented friend finder as an alternative to other imageboard threads!
(Maintain anonymity; Dont give key details about you like your real name or address.)

Guidelines to consider:
>How long will this contact remain active?
>What age range are you most comfortable with for new potential friendships?
>Favorite movies/shows/BL/Doujinshis/etc
>Hobbies and pastimes
>Squicks and landmines
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
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I'd love to be part of that! :)


I want to be friends with this anon that hangs around here from a long while ago, she was given the name horseanon because she likes centaurs and her art is so adorable! I want to be her friend so badly, fujo nonnies can you please help me with this? Horseanon where can I find you?


I would enjoy that as well!

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We have an anime thread https://fujochan.org/ot/res/4513.html, so let's have a manga one too.
What are YOU currently reading? Discuss currently-running, completed, new and old manga of any genre.
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After randomly being reminded of its existence yesterday, I started Dr. Stone yesterday night. I'm 24 chapters deep and I like it well enough. The whole stonification thing is both horrifying and really fascinating as a calamity, and the effort of trying to help humanity start recovering/growing again is pretty interesting to boot. Senku's fun, and I do like how much he obviously values his idiot-pal Taiju. Don't really have any major complaints yet, though I do think it could stand to like, calm down with the big exaggerated faces for humor.


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I guess it's time I'll pick Dogsred up again because they started punching each other on ice and because I want to know who this handsome dude is.
I love Noda characters and his humor a lot, my only gripe with the series is that I am not a sports fan with the exception of boxing series, skating and figure skating for some reason. But the latter is Dogsred related anyway so maybe I should give it a go. I trust Noda to make the characters good enough to make it work even if the sport itself is boring (for me).


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I decided to give Versus a shot and it's honestly pretty fun. It's kinda hard to gauge how things'll go simply because there's a lot packed into it (and that could ultimately start to work against it at some point) but thus far I think it's doing a pretty good job at balancing all the merged worlds/natural enemies against each other and interacting, or at least the ones we've gotten to see in action currently. It also has an aggressive amount of dudes who're right up my alley but damn it isn't shy of killing characters off, so that's… fun…
Either way I'll definitely keep reading. Don't have any real complaints atm, besides maybe Panepane. I do not care for him in like, any capacity.

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Have you been to Japan? Are you planning to go? Are you into Japanese arts&crafts or history? Do you need a place to dump all your photos? Discuss anything Japan-related in this thread!
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How do I find out about otaku + fujoshi events, do they exist outside of Tokyo/Kyoto?

I want to visit Osaka, but I also want to visit the countryside, and just live comfy JP vacation life while reading manga and getting rice balls from konbini for breakfast. Preferably in an ancient house, aircon optional (Unless we're in the hottest months), while also hiking and biking around the area.


Check the akaboo.jp website for upcoming events.
Besides Tokyo and Osaka there are also ones in Kobe and Fukuoka listed.


Thank you! Much appreciated, seems like I can actually just stay in Kobe as I wanted to.

On another note, how much are bicycle rentals typically? I want to do some cycling, but am wondering if it's cheaper to just buy a bike or bring mine over.

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