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Post your anime or manga 3x3's


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Moe but sad face


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Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei is my all time favorite series.


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Nicesu right back at you.

I'll be interesting to see the fandom overlap in this thread.


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I’m more of a live action person, like I watched the live action versions of Erased, Death Note (the shitty Netflix version of all things), Alice in Borderland, and Parasyte first before watching the anime or reading the manga. I probably would’ve watched Another’s live action first as well if I hadn’t watched the anime when it started airing. Junji Ito’s Tombs include my favorite stories of Tombs, Slug Girl, and Floaters. I guess it’s obvious that my tastes lean towards thriller and horror, with the exception of Yowamushi Pedal and Princess Tutu (my all-time favorite anime).


Have you watched As the Gods Will or Haus? Both are pretty good live-action Japanese horror films. Does this mean most of your ships are live action, or is 2D still your preference?


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I want to watch Nozomu get raped so bad.


>Have you watched As the Gods Will or Haus?
I’ve been meaning to watch As the Gods Will but I’ve never heard of Haus. It looks interesting, I’ll give it a watch. I have watched King’s Game which I know is similar to As the Gods Will.
>Does this mean most of your ships are live action, or is 2D still your preference?
Most of my ships are definitely live action in general, especially when it comes to non-Japanese media. But with Japanese ones specifically, I’ll usually start shipping the live action versions before switching to the 2D versions (except with Alice in Borderland weirdly). And sometimes my ship preference changes when I get to the 2D versions. Like for example with Erased, I was firmly shipping Kenya x Satoru until I got to the anime and was suddenly much more interested in Yashiro x Satoru. In the live action version Yashiro was a lot less obvious and it kinda made him less interesting.


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Recommending Princess Arete to everyone. Probably one of my favorite films ever.

Out of everything here though, I think I love all with equal intensity.


Bizarre tastes nonna, Arete is on my to-watch list since it's supposed to be Ghibli-esque but you're the first person I've see to put it on s 3x3.


>Bizarre tastes nonna
Glad to hear this haha, I think of myself as an alien a little. I think I can understand why you would think that. I could explain pretty clearly why each one hits close to home for me, but I'm not sure if I could find a thread that connects them all myself

>Arete is on my to-watch list

Yes, go watch it! It is ghibli-esque but I honestly like it more than any ghibli movie I've seen. It's left a very deep impact on my heart

>you're the first person I've see to put it on s 3x3

I only found out about it because Studio 4c was streaming it on youtube. It's kind of insane that so few people know of it. I wish it was dubbed so more kids could see it


Ah shit, in hindsight, I totally should've put Ouran on here. I don't know what I would've replaced it with though. Maybe GTO


Hibari-kun mentioned. Nice.


I've got to spread the word


please elaborate on this


So based purely on this thread our favorite shows are: Neon Genesis Evangelion, Madoka, Princess Tutu, and Welcome to the NHK.


I love any art that deals with gender/being a girl

I was also kind of a shut-in myself for about 2 years around covid so I relate to the MC. I dream about second chances like the one MC gets. I workout now, but to go back in time and get a second chance with a loving family member who would help me is a nice fantasy. I really wish I was in MC's position haha.

It reminds me of my own puberty in a way more grounded media doesn't. I felt like I changed genders when I started going through it because of how much my body changed, and so seeing a boy turn into a girl feels really relatable.

Cute art style, and some crazy good sakuga???

I enjoy that light hearted energy. I love the opening. So energetic and breezy.

Oddly nostalgic?

I'm a shota-con and seeing how they draw the main girl(guys) body, even though it's loli, itches a deep scratch for me.

I like big boobs. Gyaru girl has fat boobs haha. And they're animated very well.

Even as an adult, I've still got a pretty big hang up on puberty, and being a girl, and a curvy, non-androgenous one at that. It's on here for some what similar reasons that Alien 9 is, if you've seen that(not that the shows are similar in anyway). It's the upbeat side of the coin of reflecting on female puberty for me.


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>woman pain x2
>neet fetish
Yeah that tracks


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One 3x3 is about anime that made my heart beat, the other is about what made my rotten heart beat
Onimai's animator is really really good, i follow him despite my distate for loli. I really get what you mean re:puberty and going from girl to woman
>Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei is my all time favorite series.
As you should


Rare Gosenzo-sama enjoyer, didn't expect to see that here.


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Meh it's impossible. GTO, Made in Abyss, Shiori Experience, RG Veda among others for manga, Gankutsuou, Tutu, Madoka etc. for anime definitely belong into my top of the tops, am bad at choosing only nine for each category. After 20 years of piracy there is a lot of great stuff that accumulated even if I only encountered a perfect anime just once per year.


>The manga taste
Damn that's Gar as fuck.


>Legend of Mother Sarah
Fantastic manga taste.

What series is below TTGL on your anime chart?


Samurai Flamenco


I am happy to find someone else that knows Legend of Mother Sarah! It's criminally underrated when you consider how well-known Akira is. The Akira movie is legit perfect and iconic IMO, but if we talk about manga I would rate Sarah even higher. It's a shame that nobody talks about it. They released it in the 90s in my country, before Sailor Moon and NGE jumpstarted the manga hype so manga fags didn't know it exists and comic fags didn't read it.
>What series is below TTGL on your anime chart?
The other nonna already said the name, but if you like fujo pandering anime you might give Flamenco a try. I don't really want to say why I like it because honestly it's crazy in a kind of unique way and you might either hate it at some point or be on board of the wild ride.


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I cannot resist doing a 3x3 if I see a thread, making a collage of favorites is so cathartic


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Ship 3x3 allowed as well I assume?

Not exactly favorite shows or series though some are the same, but some of the longstanding ships I keep coming back to.


Of course yes, anything in that ball park is good!

I'm not real deep in any of the things you've posted but you have interesting taste, I've never seen Gumshoe with Edgeworth


Is that Sasahara and Madarame? Interesting taste for sure lol.


Thanks! I was actually a bit shy to post this since I know my ships aren't that popular but I was hoping if I bit the bullet and did it first maybe someone else would post their ship charts. Lol. Would love to see others taste.

That is, insane that the second season spent so long setting set up Madarame with Hato when the first part had already found the peak pair.


NTA but I usually don't comment since I often don't agree with others' tastes but your ships are great. I actively ship Doujima/Adachi and your OP, Ace Attorney, Lupin and Pandora Hearts ships are cool and definitely shipworthy.

Was too lazy to make a chart for now but I might post mine the next days. Think we never had 3x3 ship chart posting before.


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What an interesting idea! I did a similar one, these are ships that I used to be obsessed with and I'll still catch thoughts about them, or read old fanfictions and look at old fanart. Not exactly faves either, but they have a way of sticking.


samefag. the thread is anime 3x3 i fucked up. Whatever lol.


It's okay to throw those in here too


Nah this falls under thread topic. Whats the live action one in the middle? I love Bruce/Dick and Subaru/Seishiro!


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It's the Talented Mr. Ripley, I love the book a lot especially but the 1999 movie adaptation is great. Tom is my favorite creepy, complicated homo. BruDick and SeiSub are soo good I'm glad you like them too!

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