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 No.37[Last 50 Posts]

Since it is the beginnings of this imageboard i suppose most people come from the /trash/ fujo threads but I'm sure as more people join we'll have interesting stories.


Someone mentioned it on crystal cafe.


Was linked on lolcow


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i'm from the old /trash/ threads
hope the moidspammer kills himself


It was posted on the fujoshi thread in /m/ as soon as it went live and I and other anons started posting there.


I happened to see a post mention it briefly on CC before it got deleted, which is funny because I use 4chan and LC more than CC. Very happy that I saw it though, it must have been fate.


absolutely based


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Found this place by someone mentioning it on lolcow and I come to like it here!


I was surprised when people posted it on LC and did not expect their reaction at all, although it did help manage things here better and fix some mistakes, afterwards they just started shredding each other apart! I have not witnessed such a thing before, only moids behave that way so I hope the sisters on LC be rid of them soon, inshallah.


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i found out about it after someone promoted it on choachan in /dst/ after it site first went up. i was also in the /trash/ threads as well as the fujo threads on lc


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>leave fujochan
>come back
>overboard full of new posts
i feel like this place is steadily but slowly speeding up, and that pleases me.
hope my fellow nonas that are too autistic for social media but too degen for lolcow/crystal.cafe/ccc can find a home here.


which imageboard is this?


What do you mean by too autistic for social media? I would expect anons to use social media mostly as a source for art, it's not like it's even a convenient format for discussions. I stopped using everything except twitter so I can have BL fanart of characters I love on my tl because Asian artists gave up on pixiv and blogs long ago.


>which imageboard is this?


>What do you mean by too autistic for social media?
people that can't make friends [concerning fujo stuff] or have enjoyable discussions on twitter or elsewhere.


Oh yeah, I stopped trying to befriend anyone on social media because I've seen enough crazy shit until now and most adults my age don't use it regularly enough to have interesting conversations anyway, so I never reply to anyone's tweet and I just like and rt pretty art. I guess I'm too autistic for social media too then.


linked on crystal.cafe


Someone in the Otome and BL general thread on /jp/ linked it and ever since I've been checking back once in a while.


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from my discord fujo friend who lurk at /trash/.
enjoyed it here, about fucking time fujo need their own containment board free from moid and tranny shitter.
i hope this board keep growing.


i browsed the fujo thread and the discord then i fucked off for a while due because autism. what happened to the thread? not worth continuing or did it get banned? how did the fujojo one avoid the same fate?


FC got posted both in the farm and CC. I don't trust LC users, but I know I can trust miners. I like it so far and I'm happy I found this place.


I’m here because lolcow had a stroke.


lmao same I just saw this chan was a thing and came to check it out


What happened?


there's some database issue going on where you can't post to /ot/ and /m/. think it's been going on for three or so days with no comment from admins or any signs of life.


No, it's been like that for 5 days I think. We're just posting on /g/ until it gets better but yeah, it's a mess.


Saw it mentioned on lolcow and I am mostly excited about having another chan for women


It should be fixed now, I went to their discord and gave them a tip from google-sama to fix the database, not sure if that's what fixed it desu but I suppose so since it got fixed a day after I went there. Kek.


Someone mentioned it in the current /twst/ thread on 4chan


From lolcow, someone mentioned this chan when the offtopic board went down. LC used to be my home for years but it's steadily been filling with camping kiwifarms migrants and they're ruining the whole site for me. I figured Fujochan was a good place to migrate to since I mostly frequented the /fujo/ thread on LC anyway.


That fix was offered to them by other anons days ago and nothing happened, I'm pretty sure they were dealing with a bigger problem than an easy fix.




I see, glad it's fixed regardless. It also lags less now, whenever I want to open an image the page used to get stuck but now it doesn't so I assume the issue was also related to that.


this but /nijien/


The fujo thread on lolcow is the most based thread but unfortunately was regularly invaded by moids and tradthots. I always thought we deserved better but didn't move to fujochan until the /m/ board crashed and now it still isn't up, all those fujo generals and nice memes and copypastas are gone now… I'm so sad because there was one anon who would post new BL manga and summaries that she read every few months and I got so many new recommendations from her.

Anon if you're here, please feel free to share your excellent summaries again.


She saved her list of recs on a google doc, but I don't have the link to it unfortunately. Once /m/ is restored I'll add the link to it to my favorites just in case.


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found this place from /vt/ on one of the NijiEN threads a bit ago, i didn't think this place was real and im glad i found it! Especially nice to see a shota board. I'd also like a place to post about Luxiem and other VTubers if that's okay


You can always start a new thread on >>>/yu/ for vtuber groups as it's the simping/husbando board, it can hold about 100 threads iirc and as soon as a thread dies and gets yeeted off the page I think it's gone forever since there's no archive here so save your screenshots.


the vtuber thread lives in >>>/yu/50 but it's a little hard to find because /yu/ doesn't show up on the front page or /all/, and we hit autosage limit so it's no longer the top thread there. but please, do come and scream.
despite the board name, talking about shipping and female vtubers is welcome as well.


/m/ has a dedicated fujoshi thread? Like /m/ - mecha? That /m/?


no it's the lolcow /m/edia board


Found it in a crystal.cafe thread. It was like back in january I think.


Found it while searching for something in a 4chan archive.


I discovered this place from Crystal Cafe. I'm a yumejoshi, not a fujoshi but they mentioned there's a board for that so I flocked here


A yumejoshi from 4chan's /h/ recommended this place to me after someone recommended the yumejoshi board after the drama on /y/ and /cm/ put me in enough of a funk that I considered stopping being a fujoshi.


then get the fuck out of here? this is a fujo board you dumbass go sperg about yumeshit somewhere else


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calm down, there's literally a yumejo board on this site


Lol ignore the other comments, I'm curious about the drama, I don't browse /y/ for obvious reasons but can you tell me more about that?


that shouldn't exist in the first place. you aren't welcome hete




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calm down, its not that deep


>two homo.gif threads deleted in a role
Damm look like we really have to be here. Thanks to the one who made it.


Imagine getting upset over yumejoshi here when there literally is a board for us. Couldn't be me lmao


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Shit why cant fujos and yumes get along? Literally both are women enjoying male characters, you think that shared commonality alone would foster some sense of unity but noooo we gotta infight smfh


Exactly. Honestly this is the first time I've seen this bullshit. Just stop, we all love bishies, just in different ways. Calm down, not all female otaku are the same


I only hate it when yumejoshi get uppity and try to distance themselves from the "nasty faghags". Seen a lot of that on 4chins.


Yeah there's definitely those kind of yumejoshi, but I do know many who don't mind at all. As a yumejoshi, I really don't mind fujos, and I used to be one so..


>get uppity and try to distance themselves from the "nasty faghags". Seen a lot of that on 4chins.
To be honest that always feels like another flavor of "not like the other girls" or pick-me shit kek. It's like they think men will suddenly think they're ok in otaku spaces just for not being a "yaoi fangirl", not realizing men have a tendency to do shit like misuse the word fujoshi as a blanket term for female otaku in general not out of misunderstanding, but because they just fucking hate women, period, and don't care what it really means. No amount of sperging about how you're not like those yucky fujos is going to change that.


yumeshits are invading fujo spaces, call our ships gross, use the feminism card to victimize themselves and i'm supposed to tolerate them because "we all love bishies"? listen i don't care if one or two yumeshits here don't mind fujos but 90% of yumeshits absolutely DESPISE us


also if you guys knew some stuff about japanesr weeb female fandoms… the reason why we don't get canon anime fujo ships is because companies are still throwing crumbs to retarded delusional yumeshits. the enemies of the fujos aren't otaku scrotes, it's the delusional yumeshits and hetshippers. this is why everything is "joseimuke" these days


why do you think victuuri never got 100% confirmed and had a censored kiss? you think it's because of the boogeyman homophobe scrotes? no, scrotes never gave a shit about yuri on ice. they did this to not alienate the yumeshits watching this series


Well yumejos are here to stay as long as theres a yumejoshi board lol. Have a problem with it, go to the admin and complain. Jesus christ lmao


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>both are women enjoying male characters
not exactly true because the way fujos and yume enjoy male character is different, this is like saying waifufag and yurifag is same just because they enjoy female character.
on surface level its true both fujo & yumes enjoy male character but you cant deny that theyre fundamentally different because one love to see male character being gay to each other and one is self insert who fantasizing male character being their husbando. Obviously clash and infighting bound to happen just like waifufag hate yurifag and vice versa.
fujo and yumejo being on throat to each other is nothing new and in fact it always happens 90% all the time, not because boogeyman scrotes manipulated us but because both have different mindset with how they enjoy things. hate it or not we're not exactly different to male otakus, ngl sometime seeing fujo shit on yume/vice versa isnt different like how yurifag shit on waifufag / vice versa.
its nice that some of fujos and yume here can be united but how many of fujos and yume who think similiar out there? abysmal. even in normal 4chan board there's a lot of infighting between yumes and fujo. its undeniable. hell its not even on 4chan, even on any social media & fandom space. both fujo & yume fucking hate each other.
i see this with my own eyes & experience, nothing changed at all.
both yume and fujo is very overprotective with their male character but with different reason, because like i said they're fundamentally different despite on surface they appear same.
i'm pretty much neutral with yumes or simply dont care with the infighting because not worth on my time, but not everyone is like me. The only thing you can do is just watch.


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But it still should be expected that yumejos will be here because theres a yumejoshi board, so fighting over it is useless here. like mentioned before, if the fujos really have a problem with it, go to the admin and cry about the yume board being here.


samefag, but I do think yumes should also not fight over yume vs fujo, since this is pretty much a board for BL. I think yumes coming here should be fine with existing with fujoshis. I do wonder if anyone plans on making a yume-centered imageboard now though.


>Literally both are women enjoying male characters
You want your husbando to love (you)r avatar, I want your husbando to get raped by faceless men and become a cockhungry slut.
We are not the same.


There's people who are both yumes and fujoshi


i dont deny that & i generally had no problem with yumejo board. as long both parties stay on each other lane.
yeah i know infighting is useless & as fujo myself i just bored with it but you just simply cant deny it & infighting bound to happen like i said above.


Maybe I’m old as fuck, but this fujo vs. yume shit is so foreign to me. From what I remember, we just all liked hot 2D boys. Most of my friends loved seeing and reading all sorts of het, gay, solo, and self-insert stuff involving our favorite male characters. I know I sure do. I love it all. Maybe I truly am a minority though.


Yeah, theres gonna be some salt from a few people. But as a yumejo, I'm just going to keep to /ot/ and /yu/. I used to be a fujo years ago so I do understand.
I'm not old but this is also foreign to me. I never had issues with himejoshi and fujoshi and yumejoshis (in my past when i was a fujo). We all just enjoyed different things, and we still talked about our favorite series. The shipping does get mentioned but we never fought over it, we were just having fun


it's just a few bitter women from /lolcow/ kek. i promise you the yumejo vs. fujo shit does NOT exist outside of that website.


>the yumejo vs. fujo shit does NOT exist outside of that website.
Yumefujo wars are a thing even in jp fandoms anon, don't be delusional. It just different approaches


yeah sure it doesn't exist at all, it's not like japanese fujos aren't constantly shat on by japanese yumes kek yumes are known to have a superiority complex, YOU just don't see it much because in western fandom yumes don't really exist. i guess fujos vs hetshippers wars never existed am i right? hetshippers constantly crying about their uwu self-inserts being treated badly by the big mean fujos and accusing them of misogyny (newsflash, internalized misogyny doesn't exist)


and since you mentioned himejoshi, you're gonna pretend now that f/f shippers and hetshippers don't always clash? the amount of delusion in this thread


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It's fueled by underage polilez fujos who think they're based and pinkpilled for having a superiority complex over straight staceys and egged on further by moids who want to stir discord between women. That said I don't like otome content myself due to being a lesbian and I've definitely seen my share of genuinely homophobic yumes who can't contain their hate for fujos but the infighting is absolutely the biggest waste of time there is and leads nowhere. There was a full on thread dedicated to it on LC and it ended up going in circles for days to the point it was obvious there was someone intentionally starting shit just to get everyone riled up again.

But I gotta say the thing that really pissed me off about LC yumes was them posting in graphic detail how they want their husbando to forcibly bend them over and impregnate them while they suck on his bara nipples but then getting offended over fujos posting boys kissing because it's "porn". That's the kind of hypocrisy that made me see unironic homophobia.

This is true though, himes and hetfags fight a lot and himes are even more aggressive about their ships but they don't get half the hate fujos do because men are into yuri as well.


at the end of the day, otaku moids are the real disgusting ones so please stop


himes are based for dunking on hetfags, glad that weird shotafag lilyglazed got bullied by them god bless


man, you really never interact with other site beside lolcow arent you? please go fucking interact on other fandom space beside your lolcow circlejerk.
especially on asian fandom, no i dont mean the western hogging on asian fandom but actually asian folk in fandom space.

>>515 >>510
it honestly even worse on chink fandom because chink yumes is so SPITEFUL and HATEFUL toward the fujos. the drama on weibo is fucking disheartening that chink yumes isnt hesitate throwing misogynistic fit toward fujos just because they fucking hate fujo taint their beloved husbando being degenerate gay. i remember a bunch chink yumes throwing tantrum because they seethe seeing one of popular homoship because their husbando is there that they go as far wanting to report on authority and hoping the fujo get in jail.
as other asian space beside CN & JP, in SEA space most of yumefujo war also happen constantly but it usually the yumes one who's very hostile, most of the SEA yumes is a bit like religious puritan and homophobe. they always think fujo is nasty woman and sinful woman for liking sinful homosexual content, and gosh i cant count how many times i see yumes there make incredibly sexist & misogynist remark toward fujos.

like im all for unity trust me i am not too fond on yumefujo wars its tiring, but denying it just to fit your own narrative aint it sis.
just admit yumes can be awful toward fujo and fujos can be asshole too toward yumes. basically just read this >>494 holy shit to get the picture why this infighting always happen.

not to be that guy but blaming it on boogeyman moid doesnt help and just dont makes sense, because moid dont give a shit about yumefujos. i feel all anon who keep spouting ''yumefujo war dont exist & it never happen constantly" mostly mingle on western fandom space where western yumefujo there just dont care w/ each other & like other anon said western yumes is minority. in asian fandom space however its like warzone.

women can be awful to each other just like how men can be awful/violent to other men (see, toxic masculinity. regardless how you feel with moid tho its true & im just giving example).

also speaking about himejo, modern himejo (especially the one on twitter) is fucking AWFUL and always clash with fujos just because they salty how fucking dare nasty fujo liking gay ship not their revered pure lesbian ship, they must be SEXIST & MISOGINIST. god its fucking dumb & even worse they sometime not different than dudebro if they see some fangirl want male chara in game except with woke/feminist shield and scream UWAAAH WHY DO U HATE WOMEN EW FUJO.
god no matter how long im in fandom the hatred toward fujos never change, it just come in different shape. be it yume, moid and himejo, its so tiring.


the sooner people realize yumejos are a direct threat to fujos (and not only fujos) the better
>yumejos having a meltdown because mahoyaku staff said the game is made for fujos
>yumejos having a meltdown because the twisted wonderland mc is a boy
>yumejos wanting to send fujos to jail
>yumejos are the reason why ao3 and multiple fujo websites are now banned in china
>yumejos throwing a fit everytime their kpop boy gets into a dating scandal


What is mahoyaku? Just curious. Also I just want there to be peace but this really sucks people act like this. Also… there are still games for yumes to enjoy lol there's plenty of media for them too. If media is targeted towards fujo, I stay away and find something else to enjoy. Yumes and fujos, it's not hard to just avoid certain things! But this isn't going anywhere and there will always be salt + it's the internet. Also as a yume, those Chinese yume should just not.. how can they sleep at night doing that to fujos? Smfh


Someday, just looked up Mahoyaku and I've seen that everywhere. Coly already has Stand my Heroes I believe.. so it's nice to have something for the other crowd


They would be based if the shit they did wasn't always pinned on fujos for some reason. I swear himes could kill a person and people would still be claiming fujos did it.

Anyway what did they bully lilyglazed over? She's in abbystea's circles so probably something deserved kek


honestly i try to be neutral with yumes but man my experience with yumes just leave bad taste on my mouth & esp i've seen them saying vilest thing that i think incel moid looks vanilla.
the worst one i see is when im on lofter and follow this artist & she's yume but i love her art then i see she post something how she hates fujo and hope fujo get rap*d by men so they can turn into normal and not liking degenerate gay shit. i have to ask my friends who's very fluent on chinese to make sure that i didnt read it wrong & he said its true but she using more harsh word.
and i once see SEA yumes said something how fujo will go to hell because they commit sin for liking homosexual and against god or smth. im not religious myself but it just disheartening why this girl go as far putting other girls down, and in SEA fangirl space its sometime common there's ex fujo there who convert into yum because repentance and they afraid of sin and like that. thats why i dont agree with other anon who said internalized misogynist dont exist because my experience with this yumes just..say otherwise.
i know not all yumes is like this, i tried to not be generalizing but man i just dont want get close with them.
and sorry if im sound autistic but it just piss me off whenever i keep seeing people downplay or denying that yumefujo war didnt exist , saying it must be moid propaganda and shit like that.
Hopefully, this board dont have any yumefujo war because i just want to have fun.


This is how I see it as well. I want the yume vs fujo infighting to stop because I fucking hate it so much and it's exhausting and there's a lot of overlap between the communities, but the truth is that more often than not it's yumes starting shit. Fujos know how to stick to their lane and only enjoy BL content while enjoying themselves but yumes leak over to fujo spaces and start throwing a fit over everything being gay and their pure heterosexual husbando being tarnished by this disgusting homo poison. Yumes complaining about nonsensical things like fujos demanding and pressuring yume artists to draw BL is pure projection.

I can't speak Chinese so I can't follow the drama on weibo but seeing how homophobic the whole country is I can only imagine how vitriolic the yumes there are, a lot of my friends into danmei have documented cases of yumes reporting fujos to authorities for illegal distribution/creation of homosexual fiction just to get rid of them.

As for himejos they tend to be absolutely unhinged, especially with their hatred against fujos. They're very few in numbers but so many of them are so scrotelike I always assume they're trannies because they're obsessed with either ultrahorny mommy milker fetishes or imagining lesbianism to be some pure schoolgirl fantasy. And despite all of this they still have a gargantuan superiority complex over fujos.


I just want to have fun too. I've personally not seen these wars but I don't doubt they happen. I follow this girl on Twitter and she talks about the JP Fandom for Enstars sometimes and the fujo vs yume thing and how awful it gets especially over Anzu. I just want to have fun here too as a yume. It really sucks hime, yumes, and fujos can be hostile towards one another. Also as a southeast Asian (but I live in NA), I'm very disappointed that some girls from my cultural background act this way..


you're not wrong, in my experience its mostly yumes who start shit for no reason. especially in joshimuke fandom always seee the yumes whining and bash fujo because they hate seeing their husbando being turned gay.

im not on danmei fandom but you're on point about the yumes reporting fujo case, in fact its always happen if in joshimuke or male chara oriented fandom. i remember i think in onmyoji fandom? its popular on china, but i happen to follow some onmyoji fanartist simply i love their art and i saw some artist post drama basically one of schizo yume harass this onmyoji fujo artist ( i think she have large following too) and the yumes there threaten to dox and spread her private information.
i also remember recently on arknight fandom one of china yume there angry at flamexec shipper and sending email to HG so they can get a rid of them and yada yada.
i dont active on weibo anymore because its toxic, im mainly on lofter now. I never met any people in fandom that can be unhinged and schizo like china yumes, theyre whole different breed.

yes they can be scrotelike and some were trannies but i see alot of them not tranny too. they're being groomed by misandrist radical feminist, basically will just hate/bash anything that have male on it including women who likes men.
they also always seethe whenever seeing gay ship is more popular & get more content than their lesbian ship kek. and they will act like lesbian is being oppressed & how misoginist fandom is over BL ship being popular. they also mostly puritan and i see them bash other himejo who made problematic yuri content as well. anyway the're fucking nuts and just dudebro 2.0 but lesbian ver.

oh yeah i know how awful enstar JP fandom is. my friend is on there too. the amount yumefujo war there is horrendeus.
same sis. we all want to have fun here & i am also feels bad with sane yumes out there who didnt bother fujo but suck infighting always happen.
As asian myself, asian women can be incredibly misogynistic to other women. i am also disappointed the girls here just mean to each other & they can be cruel to other women, moreso than moids. i learned the hard way.


Oh I forgot how asian women can get so I guess that explains the war zone of yumefujo then. I remember reading a thread on 4chan a long time ago about how insane Japanese wives get. I also believe they go nuts over their kids too like super overprotective


i think it was a stupid ship war between beiguang and beikazu fans. beiguang shippers made fun of her ship > she starts drawing more beikazu out of spite > beiguang shippers make fun of her again > both sides claim they tried to take their own lives because of this argument (this part was a bit wild lol?) but people only take lilyglazed's side cause she's disabled and "famous"
it's kinda obvious that she tried to mimic abbystea with the oneeshota pairing. also she and her followers didn't like that himejos were gossiping and saying bad things behind her back


Hearing about the Chinese fandom is extremely interesting because most of the content is hidden behind registration that requires a Chinese phone number or is blocked outside of China altogether like Lofter. I've always had the assumption that Chinese fujos have to remain as anonymous as they can be to avoid being reported to the authorities and that the husbandofag yumes are extremely dedicated but I never knew they got so out of hand. Thanks for documenting.


So if fujos can get arrested in China, what about danmei authors?


Anyone who ships BeiKazu deserves to be bullied tbh kek. All het ships in Genshin are terrible and anyone liking them has the worst taste and I'm not even one of those people who hate all m/f pairings on principle.

That said the deranged himes openly wishing death on her are exactly the reason why I can't deal with them, they're invisible to all critique because AGP troons will defend them and nobody will ever call them out for muh fetishization because lesbians never matter so they get to run around telling people to kill themselves with no consequences.


some follow up but there have been tensions between genshin hetshippers and himejos for quite some time, with both sides being spiteful towards each other. i don't want to make it seem like himejos are the only unhinged party (and honestly they're really just a loud minority) when it's true that many of them got sent weird threats and some people posted corrective rape fics in the their f/f tags


there were some rumours mxtx got arrested but she and other official sources denied it. apparently she just stopped updating? went into seclusion? she planned to release a 4th series after tgcf but as we can see, that never happened


Oh dear I hope she's okay. The Chinese government and their laws are crazy


i'm reading this
and it doesn't sound very good but apparently if she really was detained in 2019 she should be free by now


>JP Fandom for Enstars sometimes and the fujo vs yume thing and how awful it gets especially over Anzu
Enstars actually has a big yume following? With how much fujo pandering there is in the game compared to yume I thought they weren't really common. I rarely see yume fanart too.


to be fair i expected a yume following because the game does directly panders to yumes unlike twisted wonderland that makes me?? like why does that game even have a yume following considering that the mc i heavily implied to be male and it has zero pandering, besides maybe malleus being friendless


I always thought it had a big fujo following too. But I've not been involved with Enstars in years (since Basic and Music came out) so I'm not really sure. I'm just going by what the user I follow claims, She could very well be making stuff up too.
Yeah I'm not sure why some yumes like certain series. Someone earlier mentioned Yuri on Ice and the kiss scene is so obvious, idk why a yume would continue watching after that. Maybe in denial. And I'm saying this as a yume myself. Twisted Wonderland was always weird to me, I played a bit of it and they said that they are at an all boys school are absolutely not suspicious of the MC's gender so I believe the MC is in fact a male and is for fujos


>they said that they are at an all boys school are absolutely not suspicious of the MC's gender
kek this always reminds me of that schizo from lolcow who was writing numerous seething copeposts about how the MC of Twisted Wonderland is a woman and it's a game for yumes because pixiv has so much yume art under the tag and that when the anime comes out the main character will be female despite even the manga featuring a male MC.


i think enstars was initally made to appeal to yumes but it gained a bigger fujo following (and not just fujos, casuals and even men play it)
the mc is a male in the novel too. for those who don't play the game one of the characters literally can't speak to other women but he has no problems with the mc. they can't add a female mc in the anime without messing up their whole dynamic


Also from lc, a board without TIFs or males from /a/ is a miracle


Got tired of /y/'s bullshit so I decided to check if /fujo/ was still around on /trash/, quick look on the archives let me here.


Man, I kind of miss the decent days of /y/. It's all filled with disgusting overly hairy unwashed ass barashit and any character 17 years 364 days old gets you called a pedo. They have no standards for art either, as long as it has a dick on it somewhere they will fap to it. I don't understand being so coombrained that you just absolutely HAVE to fap to just anything. I'm so glad males aren't allowed here, imagine this site being filled with that garbage.


I've seen some horrid threads on /y/ where it's like, it HAS to be a joke there's no way people like this stuff lol, for example there was an unironic diaper bara thread, vile
But I wouldn't put it past moids to be into it


I'm pretty sure a good portion of the moids that post these aren't even into it, they just want the fujos gone from their board (ironic since the majority of yaoi is produced by fujos themselves). It's their loss if /y/ has turned to shit, they shouldn't complain.


Through the fujo thread on lolcow


Oh good lord I actually remember seeing that too and there were legit dudes that were contributing to it too. But that's not even the low quality I'm talking about. Having a weird fetish is one thing, I can even appreciate some of it if it's well drawn and love is put into it. I mean terrible anatomy, fucked up proportions, and shitty coloring that looks like it took no longer than 5 minutes. I've seen people post Sakimichan's backwards dick art on there too and still fap to it. Men have absolutely no standards for anything.


I remember at least a decade ago when /y/ and /cm/ actually had fujos in them and you could find them dropping doujins they've scanned and shit.


It's so annoying when in the middle of some threads in /y/ there is like 3 moids that start sperging about fujos out of nowhere.
Just shut up and fap.


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This, some people say /y/ was never good but I remember back when it was just people chilling posting the porn they like, now it's mostly retards arguing about anything.
I also had some retarded barafag complain about fujos in /vmg/ of all places and he pretty much derailed the thread, then him and another moid started flirting and even exchanging Discords on the next thread. Thankfully they haven't posted their cancer again after being called out, but tbh that interaction made me hate barafags.


I'm astonished by the amount of blogging type posts gays make on 4chan. /cm/ in particular is noticeably full of this where they'll just randomly waltz into any thread and somehow manage to insert themselves into the topic one way or another. Why do you even want to talk about yourself in an anime thread on 4chan holy shit.


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For a group that claim they're sexually attracted to men, they sure can't keep women out of their heads



I'm 100% sure most of them are larping FTMs because no XY gay man has fujos living rent free in their heads like that, it's always self-hating Aidens. They've been really into bara for the past few years because that's what """real""" gay men they skinwalk are into and they naturally have a ridiculous superiority complex over other fujos liking bishounens. It's telling when they periodically have freakouts about ~terfs~ in the threads too.

The other perpetrators of this are the misogynist prison gay/bisexual autistic male femboy larpers who have fried their brains with anime porn to the point they're always going on about how their bussy is so superior to a vagina and men don't know what they're missing out on when they're not fucking his pasty ass. All in all 4chan is absolutely riddled with coomer trannies so they plague pretty much every board there is.


>The other perpetrators of this are the misogynist prison gay/bisexual autistic male femboy larpers
Correct, these are the guys that love to blog and ask for discord tags. You can easily spot them in /cm/ making those "Tell us who you're feeling today!" threads where they cry about being too depressed to finish their homework while posting resized pictures of cute anime boys :3 that bear 4chan filenames. They also keep a general on /r9k/. Funny thing is, these guys aren't even gay, they simply hate women with passion because they are disgusting obese losers and modern internet has fucked up their brains to the point where they think larping as le cute femboy online is the only way they will ever be loved. They are a special kind of moid and they are insufferable.

Same with barafags, I can't stand them. I like some bara art once in a while, but these guys are exclusively into bara and they'll hate everything else that doesn't fit their ridiculous hyper inflated standards. You can tell they're not even into manga and anime, they just care about their disgusting porn. At this point the only males I can tolerate are the actual fudans because they care enough about their hobby as to not out themselves as male.


>They've [Aydens] been really into bara for the past few years because that's what """real""" gay men they skinwalk are into
Honestly it sort of makes sense. I know a bio gay dude that is strictly only into fujo-tier yaoi. I don't think I've seen him refer to himself as a fudan but that's personally how I see him.


>these guys aren't even gay, they simply hate women with passion
Exactly. The losers on 4chan are so deep in their hate and envy for women they've been memed into the trap cult to become kawaii femboys far superior to actual ugly biowomen due to their severe lack of self-awareness, completely oblivious to how even an IRL woman would pass as a cute anime boy better than their foot-looking, balding asses ever would. I especially can't stand it when they enter varying female-dominated fujo spaces and demand instant admiration for the great virtue of having a real dick as if anyone gave a shit about ugly 3DPD (and sadly you always have that one desperate pickme who becomes a doormat for him and his delusions). They definitely hover around this site too, you get glimpses of their shit takes here and there.


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> I especially can't stand it when they enter varying female-dominated fujo spaces
It's very telling how I see these moids moan about women invading their spaces. (ie. "4chan is a male only space! no women allowed!" especially when there's no rule on the site that prohibits posts from women) I've seen this exact rhetoric be posted on various boards. Especially on /r9shit/ lol.
When you look at reality you know exactly who's invading who countless of times again (ie. countless amounts of raids on female dominated imageboards, posting CP, gore, attention whoring threads such as "im male and here is my retarded non needed opinion", or simply trannies going into female spaces, etc etc).
Male entitlement will never cease to amaze me.


>They definitely hover around this site too, you get glimpses of their shit takes here and there.
Which posts gave that away to you? I highly doubt there are any males here since this is a strictly hobby-related imageboard and there hasn't been any drama yet.
>countless amounts of raids on female dominated imageboards
I will never forgive the dedicated retards that constantly raid homothreads on /a/ and the shit mods that allow this. They killed those threads for sure.


It's just men projecting their own mental illness and degeneracy on real women, as always.


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>Which posts gave that away to you?
These kinds of moidbrained takes that have le evil woke feminist ass joo dubyas live rent free in their heads for one thing, imagine being unable to differentiate tranny shit from supporting female rights and having spaces for women because the sheer mention of feminism triggers you.


some people just want to enjoy fandom without dealing with political spergs on any spectrum. it's not that deep.


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>thinking that liking BL because of fantasy and not some deep meaningful empowering thing to write a 70+ tweet thread about is a "moidbrained take"
Not everyone likes to think thoroughly about the deep psychological and societal meanings of omegaverse, some of us literally just wanna see dicks on dicks. Go back.


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Came here from a screenshot posted in a bait thread on /vt/. Hopefully this place becomes more lively soon.


Welcome, hope to see more people posting about yaoi and fujo related things and less drama.


Literally somebody on 4chan mentioned it on /a/


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My friend shared the link on the discord server we're both in


Saw it recommended on crystal.cafe along with choachan


Oh no


Why do you think this place is so dead?


Nobody actually wants to discuss fujo stuff, not enough people, everyone likely has a discord where they circlejerk with people they know instead of having to talk with anons


It's still fairly new so not a lot know about it and also not sure where I saw it but some anons were talking about the no males rule and didn’t want to come if their precious moids aren't allowed and also just personal preference since most are comfortable with where they are already. It'll most likely get more lively soon in a few months so don't worry


The amount of complaining about fandom and shitting on other people's tastes turns me off. It feels like people aren't here aren't here to talk about fujo stuff, just here to metapost about fujo drama.


hide /ffs/ from appearing in /all/


Yeah, may as well rename this place /twitter vent/


Well in all honesty, where else are we supposed to complain about twitter?


Just hide the threads in /ffs/ then, it's an entire goddamn board you don't have to visit. I come here to vent about fujoshit because on any other imageboard people see the word fujo and go fucking insane with rage and on Twitter you can't complain about shit without being dogpiled.

>some anons were talking about the no males rule and didn’t want to come if their precious moids aren't allowed
why??? I can't wrap my mind around this reasoning, why would they want men to be allowed? Don't they have enough moid-infested places or something?


My guess it's gay men who complained. May be some femanons who don't care about RL and just want to discuss BL too though

>Just hide

And then what, you are left with 5 active threads lmao The BL board on a fujo board is basically a dead zone, everyone here just talks about Twitter shit and how much they hate "mods".


Then post more on /bl/, be the change you want to see


Yeah I'm going to carry a Convo alone by answering to 5 months old post as the front page is still filled with people complaining about moids or whatever lolcow shit you came up

Face it, the site is dead and it will keep being as long mods encourage twitter posting


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Answering months old posts is part of slow IB culture. You must be angry because you aren't used to a slower paced board. It's okay, i won't let your bitterness ruin my fun. Especially when you get angry over someone telling you to simply post the stuff you want to see on the board. You do not actually want fujochan to improve since you came to complain and not care for the advice you're given. You could've been nicer about receiving advice . You're not any better than the anons that do metafujoposting about twittershit. Anyway have fun.


My husbando <3


great taste!!


>You must be angry because you aren't used to a slower paced board.
"6 months old post" is not "slower" pace and you know it


someone mentioned it on /lolcow/ i think, felt like the stars lined up when i saw fujochan's content


Someone mentioned it on cc


I was lurking the desuarchives for the mungen threads because I listened to a KnB character song and got nostalgic.
The current state of /a/ is sad, how come the mungen threads are cataloged as generals when the dbz threads exist?
>no sakurafish threads
>no yaranaika goku threads
>no goodnight threads
Why are they hating fun in this decade?


>Why are they hating fun in this decade?
Deadly combo of gamergate/incels and electionfriends shifting the atmosphere of the site, especially on the fast boards like /a/ and /v/. Most anons we would actually get along with have either left for Twitter/Tumblr/slower chans like this one or just lurk their interest boards.


I love how pretty the website design here is and I came from lolcor!


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My fujo friend on Discord mentioned it! And now, this is the only girlchan I use anymore as I can be my full insane fujo self without being judged or having to deal with fakebois.
I'm still nervous about posting about some of my interests, I am shy and easily embarrassed yeah even on anonymous imageboards, I blame the 'tism, but all of you nonnas seem so cool and down-to-earth, so I'm sure I'll open up some day.


nonnie… i feel the same… i cant even talk about yaoi anymore with friends who used to like it in the past because its “fetishizing mlm!1!1!1” which is dumb af… i just wish everyone stopped caring fr


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Good Fucking Lord, every time I see the words "fetishizing mlm" I want to bash my head into a wall.
Dealing with Twitterbrains is so annoying, especially if you're friends with them. I hope you can find some likeminded fujo friends sometime soon. Godspeed, anon! o7


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Glad to see you all here!! Please enjoy your stay on fujochan!!! it's really my favorite imageboard :D the other female only imageboards are alright but fujochan is literally the only one where the atmosphere is actually comfy


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I'm curious but how many girl oriented imageboards are there? I can think of 4 but I like to know if there are more. Out of all the imageboards I know (which isn't much) this is the one I prefer using but I want to know more


There are 4 i think.


whats the 4th one? i can only think of this one, lolcow, and cc


choachan. It's kpop oriented


lolcow lmao


I saw it mentioned once on /cm/'s shota thread and I haven't been on 4chan at all since lol
It always bugged me how it always felt like most of the shota threads were just men fighting or talking about how much they hate women.


They're basically gay pickmes. They think that if they parrot incel rhetoric then straight men will accept them, and if women stopped existing tomorrow then straight men would line up at their basement doors to fuck them instead of genociding them. I'd pity them if they didn't deserve their misery.


>old men self inserting as little boys


That's why I only visit /cm/ to check on only 1 particular thread about a series I like, simply to save images to my folder, otherwise I ignore the entire board.
I've seen some quite nasty stuff there, but atleast it's not on /pol/'s level, not like this makes things less not-okay.
Wish they would just shut up and post images of cute boys instead of writing entire manifestos.


ewwwww ew ew ew ew ew
Do women self-0insert on lolis as hard as moids with shotas?? I looked at the newest thread and there's a bunch of people talking about how they love shota because they want to be a kid again.

the manifestos are so tarded roflmao


I don't even think they're gay, I just feel like they've fried their brains with porn, jealousy (of the "easy mode" women apparently live) and general misogyny to the point they hate women so much they wouldn't even fuck them and would rather substitute them with little boys. Kind of like a genderbent version of a political lesbian.

On a related note a moid browsing /cm/ is a huge red flag to me these days because there's a 99.9% chance he's secretly desiring to larp as a shota femboy to feel desired and is just one amazon purchase away from fully trooning out.


>would rather substitute them with little boys
this is why despise the shota trap threads so fucking much


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>Kind of like a genderbent version of a political lesbian.


>general misogyny to the point they hate women so much they wouldn't even fuck them and would rather substitute them with little boys
I think alot of them subscribe to the ancient idea that women are just an inferior version of men like the ancient Greeks.
Ancient Greeks also fucked little boys. Gross


I'm playing minecraft in a cave looking for diamonds that's funny you're in the same cave looking for minors cause your sexual attraction to minors is major


no offense but wtf are you talking about


full offense, get the fuck out


even if you hadn't worded this like absolute shit it would still be really retarded


"miners" are what the users of crystal cafe are called nonna, because it sounds like they are mining for crystals, she didn't misspell "minors" rofl


kek get a load of this fucking tourist


Some moids made fun of it when I was lurking on 4C, and nonnas have mentioned it on LC, so I came to check it out. I don't often patronise anon boards, but I definitly prefer FC thus far. Also, off topic, but is there an FC thread for fanart?


Fanart for the site or fanart in general? /oc/ has a drawthread for all kinds of art as well as a Fujochan gijinka thread.


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If you just want to dump shipping art you can post in a thread for a series on /f/ we also have the "Art Gallery" thread on /ot/ or more cutesy broader threads on /flf/.


(Samefag as >>6348)
Yes, fanart that I made, that is. I checked /oc/ but had doubts whether that would fit a thread there. That although there is a draw thread but the description seems too specific.
Not sure if it would fit these either, I had some saucy propositions, lol. Kinda need some feedback bcz nsfw isn't my forté. Is a thread for general yaoi drawings by anons a thing here on FC?
Thank you both nonnas for your replies either way.


Nta I don't think there's an specific thread for yaoi-only / R18 drawings.
There's only the general draw thread mentioned above. Maybe check the drawings there and see if you think your work fits there. I saw some R18 drawings there, but nothing too explicit in my opinion.
If not, then maybe ask on /site/ if you can make a thread exclusive for more explicit works.


You don't even need to use /site/ just make a new thread for your art if none of the others fit in /oc/. General drawfag thread, a "learn to draw together," or whatever you need to make.

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