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 No.1141[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>what is transwashing
Transwashing is when a character is forcefully made into trans, even if they're just gnc, homosexual, or crossdressing. When a character dresses or behaves in a way outside of the gender stereotype associated with their biological sex, oftentimes fandoms (and, even the creators themselves to appear "woke") start percieving them as trans. And, sometimes, even if those characters don't have "any sign of being trans", some people's headcannons becomes too out of control and fall into the gender ideology. This unfortunately happens to real people too.

Post those characters, discuss why they're transwashed, and vent if you want to.
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I agree, I also like to see people get creative with nonhuman sex because it's nice to have variety. Even with regular human male x human male I want to see more non anal stuff, I always like to see some intercrural. I want to write docking for my current ship because it doesn't exist and I think it would be really hot for them.
The older I get as a fujo, the more I want to see less common sex acts because my fanfic suspension of disbelief at guys being able to have so much spontaneous anal is wearing thin. Always wish there was more frotting too, that's also good.


I really like dicks so any sexual act that has a dick as the focal point and not stuffed inside a hole is amazing.


Personally I like entertaining the idea of a guy with a big dick frotting from behind, so there's a bit of intercrural and ass slamming included. Have to pick a couple with a fair size difference though and frankly the logistics are silly porn territory.

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Are you doing no nut november?
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I don’t. In fact, ##I don’t even know how to do it honestly##. Doesn’t change what I’m horny a lot, though.


did it without it even trying. ended up realizing about halfway through november that i’d been too busy to do anything and from that point, i was committed. only came close to slipping up once during ovulation but other than that, easy. i’m almost embarrassed that i failed so quickly in previous years tbh. and i actually haven’t even broken my streak yet. it’s activating some weird, latent denial kink within me i swear.


I failed

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Not sure if this is the right board, but I'm willing to tl small pages or single images, if it's not walls of text or very messy handwritten stuff (lol). I could use the practice.
I'm not interested in typesetting or putting the text into the images though, so just raw text will have to suffice. Porn is a-ok, too.
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Thanks for the response!


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Do you still translate?

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Post your best caps of our fellow fujoshis from Fujochan.org
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Not the anon from the screencap but I thought this site was a sperg-safe zone, am surprised mods told someone to calm down


One of the rules is being mature, imo spergery is fine but the all caps screaming is a bit much.


You are welcome to sperge freely, but please do not ALOG or act overtly aggressive. If you would like to express frustration on a demographic please do not overdo it; This measure was enacted due to recent infights regarding himes vs fujos on different IBs, and if you wish to criticize topics surrounding it, direct conversation to the corresponding threads on /ffs/

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Feel free to discuss and rec any medium of horror.

Some questions to get started:
>What's your favorite horror (any medium)?
>Last horror you watched/read/listened to, and would you recommend it?
>How'd you get into horror?
>Any comments on the horror genre meta
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Artic horror? Interesting, so it the subtext explicitly stated in the book or did the author later say it was intentional?


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Minor spoilers The protagonist explicitly states that he has romantic feelings for the other character within the story itself, so the subtext becomes literal text. I'd spent the majority of the book under the impression I was being Fujobrained about it, since I'd gone into it thinking it was just a horror novel, so it was kind of surprising lol. I do not know if the author has elaborated further in any interviews, as I have not yet looked that deeply into it. It is, of course, a horror story, so I wouldn't anticipate things necessarily ending WELL for the characters, but the romantic feelings are acknowledged by the protagonist himself. It was just a pleasant surprise after spending so much of the book like, "god damn, this man is obsessed. In competent hands, this would be a romantic obsession because there's literally no heterosexual explanation for this."


I have an awkward relationship with horror. I love all sorts of scary stories and psychological horror but I can be rather squeamish with gore so I don't watch horror movies or play horror games for the most part. Actually as far as games go I can't really handle being chased and jumpscared in a game either. I can deal with drawn gore better but it all just depends.

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The last good place to discuss niche seasonal anime will die a slow death. I meant 4chan's /a/. Sad.

Do you know of any other fairly active chans where you discuss lesser know anime&manga titles?
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And yet since the change the only raid to happen since was instantly stopped after a few posts. Most people don't go through the effort of VPNs so it works as a preventative measure.


That place has been flooded with normalfags for years now. I don't know why anons still bother with it.


Some recurring generals were still good.

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what other interests and hobbies does fujochan have besides BL?
the more quirky the better!
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I would say playing moid-targeted vidya like formsoftware games and rockstar games would be one, but I always circle it back to BL even if the characters are ugly because nothing gives me a greater thrill than making moids seethe by having their "badass chad" character take dick up the ass and act like a cumslut teehee


I genuinely love sports like rollerskating and snowboarding. I'm not good enough to do tricks but it's very freeing just to cruise around. I've played around with the idea of an extreme sports themed bl about a group of friends trying to film a stunt video and growing more intimate with eachother in between filming. This is my third trying to post this mods pls I swear I'm not a bot


Absolutely, there's definitely a bl to lolita pipeline when it comes to Black butler, God Child, and Princess Princess. Though I feel like there is more of a connection with them and ouji/boystyle. At meets you can alway tell when someone's coord inspired by Ciel.

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Please post characters smoking.
Roses for cigarette kisses, atmospheric pieces and the play of light and shadow.
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it feels very casual when people do it irl too and there isn't the same artistic quality or tension you'd see in media.
but two cute guys doing it casually can be so hot too i think… as long as it's in anime i guess. it's just hard to nail


I think what makes smoking look cool is that the act of smoking is the main activity a character focuses on while smoking. So everything else, like the argument or physical fight they're involved in, is secondary to them which makes very aloof and badass.

Not even smoking myself (besides irregularly visiting a hookah bar maybe one night per month).


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For me the main appeal is the implication that the character has an oral fixation, which most smokers usually do. Especially if the character is shown to be constantly smoking that means they constantly need to have something between their lips, and if you follow that line of thinking to its logical conclusion, it leads to some excellent blowjob scenarios hehehe.
(Also not a smoker, I have asthma kek)

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 No.37[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Since it is the beginnings of this imageboard i suppose most people come from the /trash/ fujo threads but I'm sure as more people join we'll have interesting stories.
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Banned yes but iirc no one has responded to her with an actual response, it's disheartening trying to start a conversation only for a schizo to come out and start shit and the nonas only reply jive at the schizo poster instead of contributing to the original question.


It doesn't really matter. It's notoriously easy to ban evade there and that person will be back within 3 days even if they don't ban evade. And that's not the only schizoposter in that thread. There's only like three things left that you can talk about in there without someone jumping down your throat to insult you. It's a lost cause.


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 No.5692[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

For when you want to say something but it does not fit in any other particular thread
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I agree. Even if it's not political but fetishistic it visually comes down to the same thing and I hate it. It's like the difference between futa and ~transfem~. I will say that lately modern fandom has given me motivation again to draw more cause I want to get good enough to contribute stuff I actually enjoy to a fandom.


I see male writers as really good sandbox builders. Then the fujoshi who populate the sandbox mold the sand into pleasing shapes. Reading a work that pisses you off sometimes is the entry fee to the sandbox.

A lot of things penned by women don't give me fujo brainrot simply because women are far less likely to accidentally write an outstanding BL story with a character they plan to pair with somebody else (sasunaru). They tend to better understand what romantic dynamics are and if there is BL in female-made fandoms it's either by design (Wangxian) or the canon couples are so boring/underdeveloped people will instead boil characters down to their favorite tropes and go to town (enemies-to-lovers, Draco/Harry).

>given me motivation again to draw more cause I want to get good enough to contribute stuff I actually enjoy to a fandom


I suppose this thread is going to be locked in a few days since the 500 posts have been reached

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