Have any of you made a yaoi tropes tierlist before? They're pretty fun so I thought I'd share. You can make one here: free to link other ones.
More of a shonen ai fan, need a strong plot to carry a story. Surprised there is police but not detective. I love both, would put detective in S.
>>4454Fellow dark theme lover! I also love cynical boys who go through pain.
>>4460Interesting chart. Maybe you can explain what Pain Play is, don't recognize that term. Is it like consensual torture or a form of SM?
Most of these realistically fall I to depends on the writer since I think a good writer can make anything work, but some of those squicks are pretty extreme.
>>4461Big list, doesn't have all my pairings for each show but I appreciate the variety.
>>4462Honestly I don't know what pain play is either, but I just assumed it was some kind of SM stuff. Or maybe something more casual?
>>4461>non canon>Kawoshin???
>>4464Filled anyway
A lot of the ships I like weren’t on it even if they had other ships from the series (Ie: soushin for kimigashine and Hanako x Tsukasa)
>>4461I never realized how many rarepairs I like. Then again some of them aren't that rare and were just not included.
>>4465>Hanako x TsukasaLike this one. I initially thought it wasn't on there because it was incest, but thorki was included, so maybe because it's specifically shota incest
>>4461There were a lot of ships so I just stuck to the ones I liked/disliked.
>>4467Tsukkiyama and Drarry in the top tier? Based, nonna.
>>4461This one made me feel out of touch. Really surprised there was no N/Touya for Pogeyman.
>>4467>>4469Based Drarry sisters.
>>4507Nice neko placement :3
What was your gateway anime nonna? I feel like that's where most people get into shonen jump shipping. That or the fact that its a breeding ground for rivals to lovers lol.
Here's one I found with more of a mix of series, even live action and /wes/ shows. No.4512
>>4473based rei hater
>>4511based noiz hater
>>4511It's funny seeing the pool of options in these tier lists and weighing it against what I would and would not consider classic, as well as wondering about the age of the creator and where they were online at the time.
>>4515based sylvix disliker
I feel like the creator of this wussed out on the incest because they're fearful of getting shit for it.
>>4517SquidBob has much more classic shipping chemistry
It's a pretty silly ship that you can casually enjoy for fun but there's some surprisingly cute art
>>4555By gateway I just meant what was the series that got you into anime, its often a shonen series it seems. Haha, Naruto seems to be the popular choice here, surprised you you Naruto Sasuke that low though, never actually read it, but it's so popular I figured most fans preferred it.
>>4538Not a big SpongeBob fan since it's a bit after my time, but something about their interactions speak to me. Fantastic ship.
Maybe we could all create a tier list with our own ships and let others rate them? It’s just an idea I had
>>4570While this sounds fun, I am a super sensitive baby and would secretly seethe if someone put my OTP at the bottom tier. If someone else wants to put up their ships, I'll rate them and I'll try to be nice.
>>4571Haha I am also cut of this bitchmade cloth, combined with STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE.jpg if I see a NOTP up high. I think specific ship talk would suit the threads on /f/ (and I also wish /f/ was more active in this way).
>>4570This sounds fun and I have thick skin. Maybe after Christmas I'll see of I can figure out how to make one.
>>4572Same, I'd love if people more explicitly talked ships in /f/, some threads like the genshin one have a ton of discussion, just need some of that to trickle to more threads.
>>5095The BL for "kidnapped" (Ayano Yamane's "Finder") has a lot of your high tier stuff from the first list if you haven't already read it.
>>8966A little, I don't see why you have waterspouts so high, but the rest looks pretty normal darkfic lover.
>>4460Went with this one. And I'm only saying ew to bestiality because there's only a single author I've ever seen to do it in a way that wasn't for the fetish.
They made being turned into a dog and raped somehow really interesting.
I know I'm in the degen, blocked by everyone on twitter camp. But I have the reading capacity of an asexual. It's all fascinating
>>4511>Opratch>no Megop>no MegastarI dropped this one because I didn't know so many pairings, but it's kind of funny to have one Transformer ship and it isn't even close in numbers to JazzProwl or the G1 mainstays that even the official comic artists have tons of work for.
>>8986I like the humiliation aspect of boys peeing. I also like the thought of a guy pissing himself and his partner helping him clean up and giving him new clothes. I'm weird. I would probably bump up eating disorder as a trope looking back lol.
>>8998>>8997any recs?