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>Fav ship
>Fav game
>How many did you play
>Fav song
>Fav remix of song
>Fav girl
>Who would be cute genderswapped
>Genderswap ideas
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pls forgive me for all this spam but i really like how this artist has made some of the male genderbends. It's so creative… even though the art can be a bit scrotey at time.


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i headcanon patchy as fujoshi


Yes, Flan?
What is yaoi?
Why do you ask?
Because the books under your bed-

/Tonight on 2Hou News/
It has been reported that Flandre Scarlet has passed away because of "Spontaneous Human Combustion".

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What are the current big fandoms for m/m? Both anime/jpn and western? I've fallen behind and feels like all the formerly big ones are dead now. What is everyone shipping?
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genshit impact is very popular atm and has gud ships but too much drama


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>And what was Chinatsu accused of drawing, by the way?
I'm talking about the in-game art used in FE3H. She designed almost all the main characters but she didn't do the bland as fuck portraits or the cutscenes like pic related, yet she's blamed for them being bland or ugly. But suddenly when she did the cover art for the game's OST people were in awe that she could draw well and said "wow she improved so much since the game uwu good for her" as if she didn't start her career before these brats were even conceived. Anyway, I think people don't realize how half-assed FE3H in terms of devs and how resources were allocated, maybe because Yusuke Kozaki drew the portraits in the actual games for Awakening and Fates for the characters so they assumed it'd be the same here. I think that was also the case for Echoes with Hidari but there are less characters in that game so that was way more doable.

>The most recent ad showing the MC's hair turning full red based on morality choices had my sides in orbit

Please tell me you're joking kek, that can't be real. My god this is ridiculous.


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What I've been doing for the past year or so is getting into newer shonnen jump series in case they catch on eventually, which is something I never did before. It's kinda like investing in stocks or something like that.
Not that I'm forcing myself to read them, I actually enjoy what I got into. What I'm currently following are Sakamoto Days and Akane Banashi.

Sakamoto is pretty fun and it seems that an anime adaptation is in the works. There is already a lot fanart and some fanfic, so the future is looking bright, tough I'm not really into any of the ships right now. I'm currently hoping hammer dude and the ojisan develop into something, since I like where the dynamic is heading.
The other characters definetly had their moments, and I get why people are shipping them, it's just not for me.

Akane on the other hand, has some great boys personality wise, third pic is one of my favourites, though due to how the plot has gone so far, there's been no shipping at all. The manga is focused on the mc, Akane, so the boys have barely interacted with eachother. So there is not much to go off.

Anyways, is really cool getting into something fresh again. Forgive me for rambling about this stuff, I just wanted to talk about this somewhere.
To make this on topic again, are there any new franchises you're investing your fujobux into?

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I am a student with some art skills who, thank to various bullshit, has hardly ever been able to hold down a job.

I'm getting there, and have recovered to the point of being able to study. I am lucky to have a family who cares about me, so I'd like to have my own source of income.

Since I can draw and have some fairly niche kinks, I figured I could start drawing porn.

Any tips about making a living drawing gay porn illustrations? Any stories about funny/scary clients?


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I feel like these are less tips and more general statements about making money with art. I hope more anons weigh in because I like discussing the comm meta.

Staying knowledgeable about FOTM media and the characters/ships therein is free eyes/traffic. Don't give a shit about Genshin? Suck it up! Invest in Kaeyacoin.

It might surprise you that m/m comms are also bought by cis men and are often more pornographic than what a fujo artist might expect (Tom of Finland versus two naked anime twinks kissing). Because fujos often eat "for free" or make their own food, it's actually kind of rare to get paid to draw something close to what I'd draw for fun. I guess what I'm trying to say here is show you can draw muscles at your own peril.

Upcycle warm-up sketches into cheap YCH ("your character here") comms.

Set your expectations low. Objective quality doesn't directly translate into living wages off of comms. It's all luck and how much of your soul you want to sell to cumbrains. Speaking of:

Consider learning anthro style on the side because furries are way more generous with their money than weebs, especially the gay ones. Animal dicks (knotting specifically) are also popular in "normal" (lmao) porn.

Combine FOTM knowledge with anime girl body types for even more free traffic.

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 No.1365[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Fujoanons… No one is posting rn… What are u doing T~T are u busy with real life? so lonely here..
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>I mostly just lurk now on my lunch break at work
I don't do that on fujochan, but on lc. I'm too worried someone will see weird shit on my phone here and one of my coworkers is a fujo or at the very least know some BL manga and anime by name, I don't want to get in trouble or whatever.

>Hope you're recovering well from your surgery nonnie, get well soon!

Thanks a lot, I'm doing better everyday so I'd say I'm doing good so far.

I love Megaten as a whole, I'd say you can play SMT5 as your first game without any issue. The only thing you'd miss out are the very vague hints that it's a sequel of SMT3, which is not necessary at all to enjoy it. You can also start with SMT4 on the 3DS which was my first mainline game, or SMT3 if you don't mind random encounters. As for SMT4 Apocalypse, it's one of the best game in the series if not the best gameplay wise, but it's a direct sequel to SMT4 in terms of story so I absolutely recommend it but not for now. Then there are a bunch of spinoffs like Persona, Digital Devil Saga, Devil Survivor, etc.


>I don't do that on fujochan, but on lc.
honestly i'm too scared to lurk on lc in public as i think other people will recognize the site and start thinking of me badly


I assume it's not likely to be the case for me because it's all in English and I'm not in an English speaking country. I'm careful around my coworkers though. I even check cwc on my phone when commuting if I'm bored.

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Is it possible to like yaoi but hate irl gays? I'm too much of a misandrist to care about them, most of male homosexuals repulse me and make me irrationally angry i don't know why. But i'm fine with yaoi and any type of fictional male homosexuality. I wonder if any anons here feel a similar way.
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>Ikemen also is very same-faced
This is why I like when most characters in a series are average, ugly or unique looking, because it makes an ikemen who would be standard in a generic cast of hot stand out. Dragon Goes Househunting is a good example of that. It's also why I like ikemen/bara, ikemen/oyaji, ikemen/shota, or just ikemen/average. The hot character is upgraded by the contrast.


Including me
I'm glad I'm not alone


Redundant thread.

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doesn't really fit in with /yu/ or /bl/ because it can be both from what i've tried so i'm making it here.

anyone else using this site? it's quite relaxing and easy to get invested in tbh, especially if you're trying to get romantic with your husbando or roleplay as a bl couple.
attached are a few goofy moments in my interactions with them
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it's a fake email


lmao that is kinda cute


Oh god I'm MOONing

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Thread dedicated to all the cringe and bad/low effort content het shippers provide.
From the absolute train wreck in pic related to topics such as the Omegaverse lawsuit, all can be talked about here.
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I'm a zoomer myself and I'm just amazed. Do Tiktokers not know what gatekeeping is??


They know what it is and they think it's bad.


what are you talking about, zlib was pretty popular

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Do some fujos remember deviantart? I know some probably remember tumblr but I'm curious to see if there's some deviantart fujos here. Deviantart was so damn fun, at times it even felt more autistic than even tumblr
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OMG i remember shimejis too! i loved them so much!


Never heard of either but I used to download a ton of desktop buddies at some point


Holy fuck I also bricked my family's desktop with shimejis lmfao

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Discussion and nostalgia related to the topic of AMVs and culture surrounding the hobby.

Have you ever made a AMV?
Do you prefer serious and dramatic AMVs or more humorous ones?
Favorite editing styles and songs?
Post ship and character focused videos!
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Well, filesize is way more constraining than I thought it'd be. Yikes, oh well. Sorry this dump is just 90% mini Adachi vids.

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Does anyone here read m/m novels?

I've been curious about them for a while but haven't given a try yet. Seems like there's a lot of overlap between fanfic writers and published romance/erotica writers nowadays. What's your opinion? Any books you would recommend?
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I've read some western m/m and you have to dig to find quality non-YA content on kindle, plus the usual "you can't be a woman and ONLY read m/m" discourse exists on western booktok and goodreads.

I like Hailey Turner's Soulbound series (pic related) and Jon's Mysteries by AJ Sherwood.


It just isn't fair. Why can't us women enjoy m/m content? How am I hurting ANYONE through shipping fictional male characters together? Or by watching gay porn?


one unironic argument and sob story I've seen was essentially that inexperienced men are too retarded to tell fiction from reality and copy what they read in yaoi leading to uwu so twaumatic experiences when they finally date. can't believe people use this argument in earnest but yeah, it's a thing. and even if it were true, it'd be entirely on the gay man for being a fucking retard who needs a wrangler.

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