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I kinda wish their movement wasn't so heavily intertwined with my BL spaces.


I'm tired of preachy, condescending Western slacktivism nonsense in general. Mixing politics and fandom was a mistake. Thanks, tumblr.


I wonder why it couldn't have just stayed on tumblr. I never frequented that shithole anyway but they've fanned out in all other spaces…


holy shit, i am so tired of it

so so tired

I don't even dislike gay ppl, I just hate this pronouns bullshit and the fact that you aren't supposed to assume a person is a girl when a person is mostly likely a girl

It's become a special narcissist club for the person who is the best goodest, and if you complain you get shit.

This has made me go hardcore 'fuck certain goups' when I used to be more live and let live, but when I keep getting one-sided activism shoved in my face and being told I'm literally hitler for not agreeing, fandom feels a lot less fun.


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I'm pretty sure it's because of the tumblr porn ban which made a big portion of the users migrate to sites like Twitter. The politics migrated too. Add to it how gamergate and the 2016 election politicized the internet so hard and you can see how it fucked up all of the internet's political discourse. I honestly feel like political discussion was less insane prior to 2016/gamergate, even on tumblr. Back then the controversial thing was atheism (i wonder if some anons remember how the youtube skeptic anti-feminist movement of 2015-2017 first originated from the youtube-atheism movement).
In the end, it also feels like the only type of political discussion allowed on the internet are american politics because it seems to be the only thing that matters. American digital colonialism anyone? Haha I'm starting to sound like the preachy slacktivists now, am i? But it really does feel like american ideals and morals being pushed on the rest of the world. (+ I feel like the push for post-modernism has also encouraged that trend.)

(The body was too long. I will reply to myself)


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(Replying to myself)

I feel you anon. I deeply deeply feel you. I follow artists on tiktok (genshit shitpact community) but they always feel the need to open their mouth and be preachy about this or that issue. The comments under tiktok videos are total cancer too. The spark of early fandoms isn't here and although you can have people goofing around and acting silly there's this weird ~sanitized-everything~ deal going on because people are literally terrified of offending any potential uwu-identity. It's kinda funny when they post content where they try to offend the so called big bad people (usually adults that don't play along with their shit or *gasp* the evil proshippers) and it always falls flat and disconnected as it just feels like projecting from what they'd actually be offended at. (I'm thinking about the "shut the fuck up terf" edits, those are kinda…. lame lol. I've never seen a terf get genuinely angry at edits like that. Make a "shut the fuck up troon" edit and they flip their shit out more than once.)
I genuinely wonder why people stopped the whole "block and ignore" posture for content they don't like and why people feel the need to open their mouths over literally any stupid issue and partake in slacktivism for the sake of virtue signalling and reminding themselves that indeed they're a good person for making a happy go lucky tiktok about how it's so le epic to say trans rights or whatever. I understand that since the flow of information has become so fast compared to 10 years ago (in contrast…the internet was so much slower back then…) it means that you're more likely to be overwhelmed with information and content that you do not like. But even then it doesn't feel like an excuse to not partake in the block and ignore culture.

I like to assume it's just a very vocal minority. Or kids. Hope they grow out of it by the time they reach their 20's. For those that aren't then I guess they're doomed to eternal stress and keeping themselves from having genuine fun and goofing around because they need to check their good-person behavioral checklist to absorb all possible instances of guilt. One must not be bad after all. It would be the worst thing ever, wouldn't it be?

Sorry for the very ranty writing style but I really needed to say this.


Me too… Oh god and I feel lonely too. These crazy people seem to be multiplying. I remember back when it used to be just weird nerdy girls with too much time on their hands.

Are you from some country besides America? The way I heard it told, there are sides to the internet and all. But maybe other countries don't have as many people creating websites and apps or something? I really don't know. You'd think they would if they were tired of American saturation.


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I think you're right about American politics taking over the internet but I have internet friends from outside the US and they never want to talk about politics. Even if I actively ask them "hey what's going on in the UK/Australia/Singapore" they never want to discuss it. They would much rather sperg about US politics.

I would actually like to know more about political stuff outside the US but no one I know is willing to talk about it and they don't seem to care about what's going on in their own countries.

Big time but its just part of the way trannies are desperately trying to invade every single woman oriented space. It won't stop until the tranny stuff stops.


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The LGB is fine, but the TQIA+ is not. They are actively shitting up the internet.


I don't think they're bad people, but when they shove politics into everything it gets annoying.
Honestly pronouns don't even bother me anymore (still, it would be better if they weren't present) because I came to the realization that a lot of people put them on their profiles for the trend.
I've joined a fandom place on Tumblr and almost everyone in the fandom circle has pronouns (without me and a few other users). No one there even talks about politics, there's no drama and they're all pretty chill and cool.
I know that a lot of fujoshis have had negative experience with the TQIA+, and I also had, but if you ignore and don't engage with them you should be fine… Well most of the time.
Some of them are so loud and try to force their "right" opinions on everyone, that sometimes you can't avoid them. Even if you keep your mouth shut they'll try to make you open, or if you don' t express an opinion they accuse you of secretly having an "wrong" opinion.


everyone has pronouns nona… it's part of the english language..


she probably meant they had their pronouns in their bios


Yeah I know everyone has pronouns, as you said it, it's part of the language, I just meant pronouns in their bios.
A lot of the people there are they/them.


>Are you from some country besides America?
Yes I'm from a European country.


Do you guys have your own websites and social media? Now I'm actually really curious why the world does choose to revolve around America. An anon above said that non-americans seem to prefer it that way. What do you think


It's not even the LGB part of the acronym causing issues, just the TQIA whateverthefuck that is. Most of which is comprised of unkempt straight maladjusts obsessed with controlling how people view them and others. Can't stand them, honestly.

I hate how so many fujos, myself included, have to put pronouns in bio to avoid harassment. Jesus just let me RT pics of my OTP being sweet and leave me the fuck alone.


Which pronouns? Like they/them or she/her?


We don't. We use the exact same big 4 websites that americans do.


It doesn't matter what pronouns or sexulity someone has in their bio, people get called Evil Fetishizing Straight Fujos as long as they're making the kind of art some anti doesn't like. Does anyone actually get harassed for not having them though? Never did it on mine and dgaf. I just want to know how listing pronouns made it to irl corporate spaces, it's absolutely batshit wild, even saw it on advertising


In two of my college classes so far we had to go around the room and state our pronouns. I've also dealt with people in business emails that put their pronouns with their signature. This shit is so embarrassing.


As horrible as it sounds, yes. And I am the L in the acronym. I want fandom without activism applied to it.

Mostly I hate how the terminally online queer movement has created a situation where we have to tolerate mtf catgirls and fakebois or else our actual rights to marriage, employment, etc. get the bullet.


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I agree that it's dumb, but I feel like you guys are getting irrationally angry and pronouns.

I'm more angry at antis who flood tags with hate than someone who's fishing for attention that can be ignored.

Literally the only time I've ever had anyone angry about it was misunderstanding a butch TiF and calling her ma'am when checking her out. Since then all I've done is avoid referring to her with pronoun and we've had pleasant small talk ever since.

Political fan-content should be separate from main-stream content. But there is a place for deep analysis, I just wish there was an easier way to filter for it on sites like Twitter with shit searches.


can't speak for everybody but for me, pronouns don't make me angry, I just immediately consider anyone that does use them to be retarded.


oops am tarded

these people hate women so much it's insane


she/they so if I ever get accused of being le ebil fujo I have an out kek
Most antis are teenagers and if you avoid them you're fine for the most part, which is what I do. I just want something to fall back on in case some nutcase wants to start shit, even if there are bigger targets for them to pick on


Dunno how you think she/they in your bio will help, not even being a 'Pure Mlm' helps because people already regularly go after trans men like the Boyfriends webcomic author. The only immunity to harassment is having a dick.


People went after the Boyfriends author because her artstyle and writing was so outrageously, stereotypically feminine that they thought she was a straight girl. Which she is of course, not that they'd ever admit it.

But you're right, only men are really free from the harassment. Dudes can be full blown predators and will get off scott free


Would the solution be to pretend to be an actual dude? I already pretend to be male ln the internet anyway tbh.


I've been considering this, for different reasons. I thought it'd be really hilarious to pretend to be a cis man in a chamber of they/thems and transmen just to see the blatant hypocrisy and misandry in full effect. The woke mob is as bad as the terfs in their men-hate.


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>using the term "cis man"
>implying misandry isn't based
you do not belong here


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NTA but misandry isn't based. I wish the sexes didn't have such a massive divide in terms of fandom (and everything tbh). Plenty of men are great fan-artists and create fan games, and while I like having female-only imageboards and spots which primarily cater to female interests (like yaoi), kill all men people are just as annoying as TOGTFO posters and Pick Mes.

Probably an unpopular opinion, but I just think that while sex is important to consider when interacting with people, it allows you to put their viewpoint into context, dismissing an entire group based on it is an immature way to approach people.


>dismissing an entire group based on it is an immature way to approach people.
Thank you.

You could learn from the above statement.


Thank you for this. I am very, very, very tired of seeing misandry go on in spaces dedicated to appreciating the male form.


Appreciating the male form has nothing to do with appreciating men, and it goes double for 2D men.


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>appreciating the male form
I personally just want to read about my 2D boys getting pummeled and humiliated. But you do you, nona.


here are your pickme awards pls dont cry !!


Newfags, please lurk more, we do not defend men on this land. Post more yaoi like the rest of us.


talking like the average male look like 2D boys


Yes. And not just the obvious troon bs, but the whole alphabet. It's impossible to be a straight "cis" woman in fandom spaces without seeing constant childish "lol straight ppl amirite?" crap. Meanwhile, we don't even think about you, we just want to be left alone. So much conversation around fandom and BL especially is about how something is sooooo gay and kweer like it's the most important thing, every single rainbow person I've come across online bases their entire personality around their sexuality and superiority complex toward "boring/basic/problematic" straight women. I envy japanese fandom. Straight "cis" women created BL and still produce majority of the content only to be shit on in what should be our own communities.


>spaces dedicated to appreciating the male form
Are you fucking lost? You mean the spaces dedicated to appreciating the m/m art/fic/manga/doujin made by and for women? Is that what you mean?

Anyway, all men are scrotes and don't belong in fandom/BL or any other female spaces.


you know this place is filled with actual women because you guys can't stop being whiny and bitchy for no reason for 10 minutes



it's funny how you're just as sensitive to jokes as any annoying nu-puriteen on twitter that you probably whine about. you should go back there, they'd probably care that someone is sexist online or whatever.


It's probably just a couple fags trying to weasel their way into being accepted here. But as /y/ and /cm/ have shown, doing that would make the site completely unusable.


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No I posted it because I think that it's annoying and uncritical way to view the world. If I had known it would create in-fighting I probably wouldn't have wrote it, but I stand by the points.

Fujochan should remain female only, there should be gender-specific imageboards, but dismissing an entire group of people is dumb. It isn't feminist and so many great works with very cute guys are originally written by men.

Both sexes have problems, and I find it just as annoying when a man decides a women is automatically a "poser" for playing video games or liking anime. One of the reasons I left other imageboards was rampant misgyony in the userbase.

I guess I also just find it upsetting that because I posted an opinion, one I stated was going to be unpopular, you have decided I must be a man in disguise. It's literally the same problem I was alluding to in the initial post where you assign a way of thinking to an entire group of people. It creates a very black-and-white way of viewing the world.


i don't think this is the site to be having that conversation. while i think the rent-free attitudes of some posters here is obnoxious, like some people seem to think everyone with taste in media they don't like is a scrote and are generally dumb and out of touch, this place does need to be gatekept. it's a give them an inch, they take a mile situation.


i believe in two things and two things only: rvtvrning to yaoi tradition (aka rampant misogyny against female characters) and only viewing male characters and men by extension as dumb barely sentient sexual objects.
shut up about your manhating or crying because you think someone is a pick me. who cares. this weird manhating is as baffling and annoying to me as any aidens nu-fandom. just be horny. fuck. annoying as shit.


When was this tradition? 15 years ago people were ignoring female characters existence (although that counts as mysogyny these days) and writing paragraphs musing about their favourite characters/OTPs and frankly making them way more deep than they really are (but there's nothing wrong with that). I don't remember braindead horniness being the norm.


Eons ago you'd get fics bashing female characters if they were canonically married to one member of the ship, but yeah I think people stating old yaoi fans were misogynistic are mainly outside parties looking in.
I don't remember it being prevalent at all.


>When was this tradition? 15 years ago people were ignoring female characters existence
I mean you can find a lot of ~think pieces~ about Misogyny in Fandom (one of the first infections of annoying political correctness policing in fandom). Character bashing fics, and you'd get some hater stamps on dA back in the day in the same sort of childish way you'd get anti-certain-ship stamps, in that it's harmless, and who cares.
It would mostly younger fans talking about how much they hate X female character for getting between their ship and by saying 'she's annoying, useless, evil etc'. It's kinda funny people relate it so much to yaoi fangirls when I remember it most vividly during the Harry Potter Het Ship Wars.
I just thought of it because seeing braindead 'oh you don't think manhating is a requisite for using a fujo site? you just want male approval pick me' replies just gave me flashbacks to getting 'something something internalized misogyny' lectures by PC fans on LJ and tumblr.
(I consider all fandom in its most ideal state to be braindead horniness. All this annoying intellectualizing acafan-bullshit is how fandom got to be so annoying.)


All this talk about pronouns and none of you actually said anything about the REAL issue of pronouns, assigning them to characters.
I'm tired of blatant men being called she/her or they/them just because people can't accept men actually being men.


This. I'm not a full on TERF who thinks no form of gender transition should ever be allowed, but expecting groups of people like Japanese Otokonoko and X-gender to match up with the English speaking world's boxes of what is trans, nonbinary, femboy etc is ridiculous.


This site is an echo chamber. Honestly, I gave up on it to have actual discussions about BL, sometimes I check but all you do is bitch about men and or what the latest 3D shit is about.
Who gives a shit, I want to talk about HQ ships and which JJK is hotter, not this 3d shit.


>no HQ thread
>last JJK thread post was 3 months ago
Put your money where your mouth is then, retard. You expect discussion to start out of a void? You clearly haven't even attempted to get something going yourself.


>Put your money where your mouth is then, retard. You expect discussion to start out of a void?
Lol delusional. A discussion can't be carried on by a single person. I tried to get threads going in the past but you all would rather talk about 3d men and trannies rather than fucking gay ship.
This place is basically dead, you get more discussions on /a/ at this point since at least people push the /soc/ shit away.


I wish it wasn't so intertwined too. For the majority of my teenage years I thought I was straight. I always felt out of place in fandom on this front. Because the majority of people teenagers interact with about fandom are teenagers too, stereotypes and assumptions go unchallenged. I only felt shame about my sexuality when it was something I couldn't change.
To be fair, I was in some of the most toxic spaces on Tumblr and Discord at the time. But it still stings just how demeaning some of the BNFs of fandom were about being straight (and still are). Their orbiters made fun of me for it and I was told to tolerate their jokes because, unlike them, society didn't mind my sexuality so I was their "token" and should never say it bothered me.
I don't know if I was just in the completely the wrong place or if its really this bad all around fandom. I've noticed places like Pinterest and Youtube are more accepting. This should be the case in more places. If there was some name for "advocate for making being straight in larger fandom on Twitter and Tumblr more accepted because fandom isn't inherently gay" I would describe myself as one despite being a lesbian.


Do you guys think trans people will ever die out in fandom?

I joined a discord recently and one of the major rules is no politics. But that's not true, because they talk about their transitions and what not… So what they mean is, 'no incorrect politics that the majority disagrees with'.


Probably not a popular opinion here, but I think why trans people are so reactionary online, including in fandom, is because they are the current designated "other" for conservative politicians to use as scapegoats instead of actually fixing problems.

So what should be reasonable statements, such as acknowledging biological sex and it's differences, are seen as "if you're not with us, you're with the conservatives!" black and white thinking.

I'm not a TERF who thinks no form of gender transition should ever be allowed but the mindset of "BL is a trans only genre, no cis women allowed" in English SocMed fandom space doesn't help anyone. Trans shouldn't lash out at fujoshi just because we're the easiest target for their fear and anger.


>because they talk about their transitions and what not
This is about as political as me talking about my period, but I understand what you are getting at. Communities that overshare about not-fandom related things are annoying and why I never join any discord because it ALWAYS turns into this.


Whether you're for or against them, transgenderism is inherently political unfortunately. I wouldn't care, but it's hypocritical to me that they can freely say they think transness is based and I cannot freely say I don't feel the same.



OT but I miss the self-unaware days when oversharing in online spaces was more along the lines of just…going on about personal mundane stuff. What you had for a meal, how long your commute was, some random music you found. etc


>personal mundane stuff. What you had for a meal, how long your commute was, some random music you found. etc
I wish my online interactions went like this, but these days it feels like everyone is inherently political. Not as in having developed a political identity, but as in conceiving the world in black and white, right and left, us and them. As soon as you suggest having a different opinion on a certain topic, you've stepped into the black and the connection with that other person is ruined. It's so exhausting.


NTA but back in the day people overshared just as much and acted dumb about things, it just wasn't that in your face as it is now due to everyone being forced in close proximity with each other. Back then Livejournal communities and forums mostly consisted of people who were on the same page due to their interests matching up but now you have to interact with all sorts of assholes you normally wouldn't pay any mind to.

What helped with me cleaning up my social media feed for example was a one-strike rule, if you tweet anything to do with identity politics I will unfollow. No matter if it's things that I even agree with, it gets tiring because when I want to discuss politics I do it on my own terms in places other than social media. An occasional post when it's topical is fine, but not constant soapboxing. Now I mostly get cool people, fandom talk and art on my feed.


That rule of yours makes sense. I deleted all of my social media to get away from it. If I restart I'll follow this method.


>What helped with me cleaning up my social media feed for example was a one-strike rule, if you tweet anything to do with identity politics I will unfollow. No matter if it's things that I even agree with, it gets tiring because when I want to discuss politics I do it on my own terms in places other than social media. An occasional post when it's topical is fine, but not constant soapboxing. Now I mostly get cool people, fandom talk and art on my feed.
After I returned to social media in yearly summer 2022 (I use only twitter & tumblr and nothing else), I've been doing exactly what you've said. None of the people I follow talk about politics, and we share art together and talk about fandom stuff. All of the people who like and share my things are people who don't engage in politics and it makes me so happy. I feel like I've returned to the early internet.
I have never talked about politics on the internet and if twitter recommends me something related to it I ignore it or press not interested in this tweet.

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