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All the best in 2023. May you get your ideal fujo friends to sperg with, your ships get great fanart and fanfic, your otp become cannon and all the stuff you want get a high-quality translation.


Happy New Year!


Happy New Year Nonnys!! It's still 2022 in my timezone haha
I hope to draw my otps more this year, like I used to do years ago..


Happy New Year dudes!!


File: 1672550335888.jpg (191.64 KB, 810x913, FlW_N05aEAEEjZN.jpg)ImgOps Exif Google iqdbYandex

>OTP get official New Years pic
great start already.


Happy new year!


Happy new year!!! A good year of fujoposting and fujofriends for all of us!!! I hope this board can continue to grow and be comfy and strong!!!!


thanks nonna.

Have a good day today


Happy New Year!


Thanks for sharing this nonna, I can't believe it… Nura's face omg why is he so cute


Happy new year anons! 2022 was a rollercoaster for me, entirely in a negative way, I hope 2023 won't be as bad.


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I'M LATE BECAUSE OF VACATION but happy new year to you all nonas!!! I love you and I love this site!!

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