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Is anyone familiar with 4chan homo threads? How do you feel about them?


They're dead and some anons there are using this site.


I've heard of them before but i have not been to a single one before. Whats the deal with them?


They were basically /a/ fundashi/fujo gathering. They were used to talk about fujo series and BL shipping

They died due to various factors (/pol/, infighting, lack of interest, other boards threads)


That's really sad, hope someone tries to revive them! BL anime and manga is a part of Otaku culture


As far as I can tell, they're basically permadead now cause mods will delete them on sight.


Sometimes they keep them up long enough, but they get shitposter by some /pol/shitters and oldfag anons don't bother


I miss them a lot. I remember when back in 2010 they were mostly about husbando dumping (I vividly remember that mostly because my mom back then was really aggressive with me and forced me to tell her wtf was I doing on the internet and had to describe the thread for her)
They were really fun but over the years they started to become too plagued with tumblrinas/twitter tourists and way too fucking many backseat mods. There was also the fact that some people didn't like talking about fujopandering shit ("only canon homo" autists).
I still miss them though, I never had a regular "fujo" phase like all normal fujos did I guess when it comes to using LJ/tumblr/dreamwidth or other fujo websites so the homo threads were all I had. 4chan-only anon here btw


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Nice to see some oldfag. I'm an original anon too, made some imagedump threads back in the days as well.
I'm not sure about the tumblr/twitter tourists, I always suspected all to of the anons were just becoming more bitter because 4chen was/is just becoming more hostile in general. Personally at one point I stopped bringing up series I liked in the threads because they were just going to get shitposted to death anyway.
>many backseat mods
Yeah, those were really bad. A lot of self hating fujo/fundashi that basically constantly put themselves down and argued against fujo stuff.I suspect a lot of it had to do with the fact a lot of series were forced to group together. So you don't like Free but you are forced to interact with Free fans. But I always feel like there were a lot of fujos in the threads that desperately wanted to be liked by the dudes on 4chan and saw their love for BL as bad. The constant putting themselves down was super annoying, but I only saw it on /a/ for some reason.
>("only canon homo" autists).
I'm pretty sure a lot of those were the same shitposters that tried to kill the threads and weren't really serious, since they only started to appear recently?
>I never had a regular "fujo" phase like all normal fujos did I guess when it comes to using LJ/tumblr/dreamwidth or other fujo websites so the homo threads were all I had. 4chan-only anon here btw
Interesting it was the same for me. I did hang around LJ back in the days a bit, but I was never big into it (mostly I used it to look for fics/doujins) but 4chan it were I learned to "love" BL, with stuff like Code Geass. Being anonymous felt good. Probably why I'm more chills interacting with dudes than some anons here and I'm slightly confused about all the terminology I see around. I checked this site out of curiosity and it's a bit too slow compared to /a/, but sadly decent BL spaces that aren't twitter oriented or infested with dudes from /pol/ are super rare these days.


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Not as oldfag as the previous two anons but I'm a little familiar with them and I miss them. In the 2010s /a/'s homothreads were something I would read and lurk when I noticed an active one, and more than a handful of times finding an active one would make me reverse search the stylish Mugen pic in whatever relevant archive, and skim the discussions of the threads I missed since my last homothread read. I found them fun but I think I was young/naive enough to think that only males posted there (regularly), REAL gay, bi, and fudan men, and that that was the inherent value of the homothreads. They seemed educational to me for that reason. Recommendations seemed a little more trustworthy. You can laugh.
I first read Harada's manga because of the homothreads. My memory's pretty bad but were the anons not some of the first to scanlate and hype up Harada's work? I was aware of one of them being nicknamed "crying Kansai boys".
Threads could be totally shit, tragically cut short, and not entertaining at all which I want to say happened more and more in the last at least two or so years but I could be misremembering. I feel like part of it is shit-stirrer homophobic /a/nons just couldn't leave the threads be.


> I checked this site out of curiosity and it's a bit too slow compared to /a/
Same but there really is no place else. I just use /a/ for the usual anime/manga discussion and post some fujo stuff here.


Hopefully more people come, my favorite thing is to discuss current running anime from a fujo perspective, but /a/ doesn't seem to care anymore and this chan BL board is a lil dead (fist topic in there is from 3 months ago)

Though that's also probably because the recent seasons have been weak as hell


Yes, I do know of that thread, sadly it doesn't look very activate. A lot of topics seem to be about /soc/ and twitter screenshots here which personally I don't care much.


I actually liked them but they are dead now thanks to one dedicated sperg and /a/ being kinda dead these days.
I still remember the edits I made for these threads I miss them. I wish I could discuss the series I love because I can't. I rarely like popular stuff, you cannot discuss shit on social media and discords are good on paper but pure horror in reality.


What are some decent ways of reviving these threads without the samey template OP? The content should be easily recognizable to homo anons but also subtle enough to not attract shitposters. Something similar to isekai threads but less obvious and less frequent.


I haven't seen any homo threads on /a/ for the last two years, I miss them. Now /a/ is plaqued by constant generic isekai discussion, women hate threads. You can't even sperg about your favourite husbando anymore without people sending you agressive replies.


I think the sad reality is that there are too many eyes on any board a homo thread would fit. These days all it takes is one sperg to shit up a thread. Even /cm/ of all places has posters who are actively hostile to girls/fujos.

One of the saddest things I've ever experienced online was the bond between /a/non and fujo be torn apart by needlessly aggressive newfags and /pol/fags over the years. We were cut of the same cloth!


> Even /cm/ of all places has posters who are actively hostile to girls/fujos
i think its the girls fault that they don't stand up to themselves and never try to gatekeep, /cm/ is culturally a female board no matter how much some fags will cope about it


This only happens in faster threads. Anything too popular will be shitposted to death. Sasaki to Miyano last season had its small threads, sometimes you see anons talking about male characters/ships of random anime without any bad reply. There's clearly a few anons wanting to discuss their shows in peace.


Got any example? Most of cm I've seen just post pictures. honestly it's probably some andriand or twittertard, for what I've seen old gay anons tend to be chill with fujos.


I think I think I've seen twice this year, and that's it. Most of them die or get shitposted to death.

But I think a lot of anons gave up on homo threads, even the anons itself are always hostile and constantly finding an excuse to hate x or y series. Too bad, /a/ was the best place to talk about homo ship, a decent amount of opinions, no anti and not dead like fujochan.
> You can't even sperg about your favourite husbando anymore without people sending you agressive replies.
It's because /pol/ took over. I've seen a lot of them angry at fujos in JJK threads or the the Witch Hat Atelier release chapter thread.


Make topics for random BL manga. Sadly mods are homophobic and they'll ban "homo opt" threads I think, but not straight ones


Manga threads are nice and should be encouraged, but they're somewhat limited to the manga in the OP. Broader threads feel better to talk about other manga/anime and ship non-BL shows. Mods are definetely worse with homo threads but usually you only need to be careful about that substantial/meaninful OP rule. Biggest problem is avoiding shitpost while attracting the right anons.


You can try making generic BL threads, but I noticed they typically don't catch on. I think the last BL topic that caught on was the Hikaru one?

If you want to discuss random BL ships on other hand no luck


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It's been probably months since I saw one that hung on, and I've tried to post to them as normal about boys in seasonal shows or manga I've been reading, but there was pretty much no response. People were too busy fighting. The last one I did see was pretty good though, it just died before the shitting could start. I'm convinced everyone just fucked off to a different site/platform. Even on /cm/, the generals that migrated from other boards have become almost completely inactive, and when other Anons do post they suddenly talk about some problematic drama shit I've never heard of before, likely from discord. It's like their takes are exactly opposite to how the thread culture was only a year or two ago before it went mysteriously quiet.

I hate that. I miss talking to like-minded fujos. I'm trying to make posts here, but it looks as though the kind of content I fujo over isn't enjoyed by the userbase, so making a thread for it would be going against the grain. Hard to weigh up between lurk/adhere to culture and making what you want from a situation.


This imageboard is still very youg nona so there isn't any "culture" yet. Its still developping. Don't hesitate to make threads that reflect your tastes, even if you think most fujos on this site won't adhere to it. There's always gonna be someone that will like it and if anything it's also gonna be a way for other fujos to discover new content. Don't hesitate! As long as the post doesn't read like a moid's don't hold back. The more fujos post the better, even if we don't share all exactly the same tastes. Fujos aren't a monolith.


Yeah, me.
Yeah I miss them a lot, but then again they got so bad the last years so the old users probably left.
I feel like most oldfags have left /a/ in general. They sometimes come back to discuss one specific series when a chapter or episode drops but everything else will be a dead thread since they don't hang around there anymore.
>There was also the fact that some people didn't like talking about fujopandering shit ("only canon homo" autists).
That was the worst and probably the main reason for people giving up on the threads. Het fans talk about non-canon pairings non-stop but we cannot even post a shipping pic because the non-canon bullshit and to these people nothing is canon unless the characters have sex on screen.
It doesn't help that so many other places are dying too, even tumblr (as shitty as part of the fanbase was) was good for fanart, but it's dead too now and at least for the fandoms I am in only the worst types of people stayed.


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>I feel like most oldfags have left /a/ in general. They sometimes come back to discuss one specific series when a chapter or episode drops but everything else will be a dead thread since they don't hang around there anymore.
This is my experience yeah. /a/ is just not worth and fun anymore. Last time I followed a thread was Ousama Ranking, other than that, it's just not worth.

>That was the worst and probably the main reason for people giving up on the threads. Het fans talk about non-canon pairings non-stop but we cannot even post a shipping pic because the non-canon bullshit and to these people nothing is canon unless the characters have sex on screen.
Honestly I think that one user was a baiter. Their posting style was very distinctive and they keep quoting random people asking them "Why are you posting this? This is the homo thread". They are a very recent poster too. There were definitely 3-4 anons that hated homo and homosexuals and keep using that thread to dunk on fujos and gay shit.

Remember like in 2021 someone started to make multiple "It's time thread" with bait ops and stuff and they did it for like 6 months.


Somewhat recently, there was a legendary thread on /a/ that went all the way to bump limit and had way more fujos/yumes than trolls. It started with a pic of Sebastian and something along the lines of him being every girl's first orgasm. It was full of female posters reminiscing about Black Butler and turned into a general hot anime guy discussion. I would love to see another thread like that.


I miss them a lot and it still baffles me how some anons would take the bait and feed the shitposters every time. I always got the feeling that there might have been organized raids against homothreads, people trying to pit regulars against each others, constantly derailing the threads to make them as bannable as possible. And then there's >>2295, which was obviously some incel crusaders doing their best to kill homothreads for good.
I'm not sure if there's a place for homothreads in current day /a/. The board has changed so much in the last years, and you can tell lots of oldfags have quitted or become discouraged to post. Seasonal stuff doesn't get that much discussion unless it's some mainstream hit. Had Bisco aired ten years ago there would have been infinite homoposting.
I bet there's people trying to make stealth homothreads but I don't have the energy to lurk /a/ anymore, it's all so exhausting. I'm looking forward to some of the fall shows so I might become a regular poster again, provided other anons are interested in having active threads.


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Should I watch Black Butler? I'm not interested in reading the manga. Is it good? I really like the art and aesthetics.


In retrospective, the first season of the anime feels like a short, simplified version of the manga instead of an adaptation that fully diverges from the original. I'd recommend it because it's a full, complete story, I disliked the second season a lot though but maybe give it a try anyway. The third season is a faithful adaptation of an arc from the manga and from then everything else also adapts the manga. I'd like an adaptation of the college arc but whatever.

The manga is really good, but unfortunately once the big twists are revealed and we get even questions thrown at us Yana started working on that Disney villain mobage so each new chapter is way shorter than usual now. The story feels very slow because of this and the manga isn't over yet.


>I feel like most oldfags have left /a/ in general
Honestly, /a/ is incredibly boring nowadays. The only thing it has going for it is the 20 retards that constantly fall for its bait, and even that is only somewhat entertaining.


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What's wrong with season 2 exactly? What is too boring? Did it mess the main story up and had the characters act too ooc?


It introduced a new shota lord and a new butler/demon and I didn't give a shit about them. I thought Alois's backstory was portrayed in a rather tasteless way too, it was done better in the manga with different characters. It felt sort of, idk, unnecessary, I'm not sure how to describe otherwise. It's short but I couldn't even finish it, but again, you can give it a try since it's just 12 or 13 episodes long. The opening song is a masterpiece though.


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The second half of the first season and the entirety of S2 is all filler because there hadn't been many volumes of the manga published at the time they were made. And as far a filler goes, the stuff in Black Butler is really, really bad. Alois is pretty cute, but he is not worth torturing yourself with it, imo.

The manga is really excellent. The art is fantastic. I recommend it to people who aren't interested in fujo series because the story actually carries itself really well. It gets way darker than you would probably expect from the anime.


Yeah, as I said now that the manga is way longer it feels like Yana gave some indications of what she planned to the writers and directors and they used that for some of the fillers/second half of the first season, but it's definitely not as consistent and serious and creepy and the manga. The manga is way better for sure.


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Don't listen to them anon, season 2 is a clusterfuck but Alois makes it all worth it.


also there's a "twist" throw in, that is so absurd that it just ruins the entire established story


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Read the manga anon you will not regret it. Aside from being legendary shota bait it's also ikemen heaven. Oh and the art gets increasingly pretty as the story progresses.


/a/ in general is a shell of its former self. Even the weekly scanlator threads that have been around since time immemorial fall victim of autosage now, because god forbid the hands that feed you wanna ask each other their opinions on fonts or phrasing or whatever so we can give people a half decent product even though we do it for free. no, gotta make room for generic shounen/isekai general #243657478.


We know the real reason some generals are allowed and productive ones are not is because the normalfag mods post in them. The drawthreads barely hang onto existence because one of the guys requesting his waifu is a mod. The general rule doesn't even make sense for currently airing/serialised series because at least they have content to prevent becoming blogshit. I have no explanations for the state of isekai general though, have you seen that shit? Those fucks just spam out of context comments with images attached as though anyone even knows wtf they're talking about. Every now and then I'll see an OP that sounds interesting but it's isekai general so of course they don't name or discuss the series at all. It's like they proudly copypaste their reddit and MAL posts just to… show people? And if you try making a thread for a show like Ixion Saga they turn up going "hurrdurr is this the thread? Is it the thread?" and commence spamming their disjointed bullshit that isn't even a manga or anime yet.


>one of the guys requesting his waifu is a mod
Always wondered if this is really true? Which waifufag is it

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