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File: 1657440334720.jpg (197.31 KB, 903x1000, Touhou.full.533086.jpg)ImgOps Exif Google iqdbYandex

 No.1662[Last 50 Posts]

Since this doesn't really fall under /bl/ let's have the thread here. A lot of male genderbents end up looking really cute! So post your favorites.


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damn I'd kill for a game like touhou but only with dudes


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I might be misremembering, but I could have sworn a fangame that swap all their genders actually exists.


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omg! they're all criminally cute!


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>asuka as a boy
I could fix him


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Gosh your post is really making think about how male Asuka would be awesome.

>Mysterious foreign European boy

>Boastful and proud
>Serious superiority complex issues to compensate for internal trauma.
>Constantly bullies fem-Shinji in front of his gang of fangirls, a la Gary Oak.
>Tries to present as bishie as possible
>Cue roses and sparkling eyes when introduced walking out for the first time
>Fem-Aida swoons for him the hardest, because not only is he hot but he's also the best pilot. Shiji doesn't see the appeal in a snobbish boy.
>Possibly physically abusive as the series goes on and his sync rate drops?
>Hits Shinji at least once to the point of scaring her.
>Loves MILFs and still hits on fem Kaji
>At one point corners and gropes Kaji.
>Ends up crying as she tries to nicely let him down.

Not sure how I'd do the hospital scene. I don't see how I'd get him in a state of undress where Shinji could have a moment of weakness. Maybe she accidentally brushes his cock under his underwear while shaking him?
EoE final scenes would have Shinji either bringing his hand to her stomach or scratching his neck with her nails.

Sorry for the sperging, but I think I need this doujin.


Male Asuka would've been so much more tolerable. The female Asuka came off as a variation of the break the cutie trope written by a male (like she was) which made her torment and suffering almost fetishized in the series, it was disturbing.

Come on anon we're on a fujo imageboard


This except shinji is still male.

Damnnn kawoshin and m!asushin shippers would actually make such a good shipwar I'm struggling to decide which side I'd be on.


Haha I was operating under the assumption that the entire cast was rule63ed like the image. Though tbh I think an essential component of what makes Shinji work well with Kaworu is that he has to grapple with bisexuality. In my ideal slash NGE Shinji would then have to deal with a fem Kaworu but then have a male Rei, Asuka. and Misato. I think the sexuality crisis is essential for setting up the events of EoE. Too many men in particular brush that off.

Also side note, but the fact that Anno has repeatedly spoken out against fans of the show sexualizing Rei and Asuka and complained about Otaku failing to see the show as anything other than fapbait makes me think that a lot of that was accidental of his part. Shinji is the more realistic portrayal of youth and one of my favorite fictional boys ever tbh. I think his psyche is perfectly explored and the focus is clearly on him and how the other characters compare and contradt with him, however I don't think there was any fetishy ill intent with Asuka or Rei, while they aren't as "realistic" I do think there was an earnest attempt to approach different issues. I don't think you can say "break the cutie" when the entire cast, save for maybe Kaji, Aida, and Hikari gets broken regardless of gender.

I'm the biggest fucking NGE fan though so I clearly have bias.


nonnie I love you for writing this! I'm the anon at >>2165 hehe so this is nice


The NGE art reminded me of old Fruits Basket art kek:
>Asuka as Kyo
>Shinji as Tohru
>Rei as Yuki


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Male Maya x Man Ritsuko would've been cute
They seem like they'd work well in different gender combinations


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Praying my post goes thru I already tried posting this like 5 times


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Yay it finally worked. I love male!Kanamori btw


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>male rainbow dash


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omg kemono friends boys, so zased
i love how arai-san looks here


Damn it, that genderbent Sakuya and Remilia has awakened something in me. The size difference doesn't help. (Also, male Mami cute.)

I like genderbends but I'm definitely noticing it bugs me when female characters who are originally cute/drawn moe become tall ikemen-face guys, like that one Mikuo. (The opposite when ikemen are genderbent into tiny moe girls bugs me too, though, Kokkuri-san did this canonically)


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>that genderbent Sakuya and Remilia has awakened something in me
It looks like it awakened Kuroshitsuji!


Isn't it kind of reverse Kuroshitsuji? Human butler and nonhuman shota. Kuroshitsuji's configuration is good too, but the reverse is also great.


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Male Letty is so cute.


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alot of these genderbend designs are so much cuter than the designs of characters who is originally male. why do artists always hold back when it comes to designing male characters(#><)


wait this is really good though…


omg male ariel is gorgeous


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Is that ichigo mashimaro in 3rd pic? God I'd love a series like that with male characters


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>Is that ichigo mashimaro in 3rd pic?
>God I'd love a series like that with male characters
A show with moe shotas being stupid together would really be fun


Why is there not? I am so sad that CBDCT shows are basically all bishies.


Nta but right? A shota or oyaji slice-of-life series would be so refreshing


I don't think there's a lot of any kind of shota anime, cute SoL or not
And both in the East and West people seem to prefer to depict them in a more boyish or vulgar way for the comedic effect
I guess the appeal of cute little boys is not as universal as the appeal of cute little girls


I think most shota anime fans tend to go for older series, usually kids' programming from the 1960's-1970's.


Jap fujos into shota are really, really into Level 5 series for some reason. Shits ridiculously popular.


I want to so badly.
>depict them in a more boyish or vulgar way for the comedic effect
I hate that. I love boyishness and some shonen shotas are cute, but I hate when they are made into gross shin-chan goblins.


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I can confirm, most of the shotas i like are all from the 60s/70s/80s, it's as if they know how to actually make them appealing around that era and weren't trying too hard, also the stories gave the shotas/protagonists of that era lots of personality, i have yet to see a modern anime shota that catched my eyes outside of the shinkansen protagonist


>i have yet to see a modern anime shota that catched my eyes
Not even Hanako-kun?


he's ok i guess, then i remembered someone like selim/pride from FMA brotherhood is right up my alley for a modern-anime shota


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How am I only now just noticing that male Franziska? Love him!


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I'd kill for 26 episodes of r63 Azumanga


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Reposting from a different thread


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Look all I need is one more boy to ship Arargi with.


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I kinda ship him with Kyousuke from oreimo. just because they're two boys I think are cute

he cameos in Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei on a doujin cover where he's shipped with Nozomu kek


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Man, how did I miss this? Honestly let's ship all the Shaft protags together.


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Cirno and Nitori look like shota brats here. Nice.


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I like these designs so might as well dump the full designs


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Futo is CUTEO.


I'd actually consider playing touhou if the cast was all male instead.

This got me thinking that if we ever do get a game like touhou but with cute boys it'll probably just be a shitty gacha rhythm game.


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We must pray that somewhere out there, there exists a fujo who loves bullet hell games whose autism is strong enough that she can become the female ZUN.

There is Len'en Project, but it's dubious since the characters' gender is ambiguous. Otherwise there is Ketsui, which has an all-male cast who conveniently fly in teams of two - perhaps CAVE's attempt at fujobaiting?


I sort of am that anon…

I don't want to give myself away as an image-board user, but I'm learning to design bullet hell games for this reason and I have a prototype.


Godspeed, nona. I’d play your game if it comes to fruition.


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Dat bear is perfect. I've never been sold on genderbent kemofure before but this would do it.


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Wow, I would watch Frieren if she were a cute elf boy


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What could have been. I still think they'd be pantsless those as guys but otherwise good art.


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I can't believe these genderbends came out of a male gacha game.

Also, probably a stupid question but I'll ask to check anyway.
Does this thread accept male being genderbent to female?


Gyaru boys are my favorite.


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>Does this thread accept male being genderbent to female?
Very late but I think it should be fine as long as they aren't coomer-ish


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You could since this is /ot/ though I personally don't know why you'd girlifiy when you could yaoify.


Male Miu is making me wish he really was a guy. I mean he’d probably still be really insufferable, but at least he’s a cute guy I could ship with one of the other guys.


male Miu is adorable but i'd be worried about him just being another Souda, a sadomasochist pink girlyboy is nice though


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Honestly seeing these male miu fanarts almost makes me wanna get back into danganronpa. Almost. btw sage is in the dropdown menu, not the name one


Miu is probably my favorite V3 girl lol.

I honestly feel like Miu would be over the top either way but I actually don't mind pervy male characters as long as they are equal opportunity in their jokes. Male Miu would pair best with Shuichi imo and enjoy making him squirm, alternatively I cod see him being scheming partners in crime with Kokichi.


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Man someone should make a Skullboys mod, I'd play the fuck out of male Peacock


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aaah i really wanna see male!homumado now, i could see male!kyosaya being a really good bl ship too


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Still doesn't beat NSN


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The only way I'd play Skullgirls. Though the facial hair kinda ruins Mr Fortune


File: 1739146773764.png (742.95 KB, 2000x2000, r63_filia.png)ImgOps Google iqdbYandex

the short hair doesnt really make sense but i think genderbend filia is pretty cute
also every attempt of me trying to color anything failed so i just kinda gave up on it


Cute! Short hair is a fine adapation since it should be able to grow and stretch for combat purposes.

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