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Are you doing no nut november?


I am. I think it'll make my smut writing more interesting.


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I masurbate so infrequently I doubt it'd make a difference. Good luck to everyone participating though.


No. That shit is cringe.


We’re not porn addicted moids so it doesn’t make a difference.


No, I'm not. Also semi-off topic, but does anyone else hate the word nut? I even like coom better than nut, kek.


I always make a point of masturbating several hours into November to spite those that are doing it.

I hated coom but now I find myself using it unironically.


I've orgasmed like twice in my life, lol.


Hijacking this thread for Masturbaters Anonymous, but how? What's stopping you from repeating what worked the first two times?


Once was when I zapped myself with a hitachi the first time, the other was with my current boyfriend years ago. Both times were just a deluge of piss or squirt or whatever the fuck and because of that I really have to be out of my mind to just let it rip and that rarely ever happens. I guess it's an anxiety thing.


girl, what? I'm sorry, when everybody else says "orgasm", they just mean like that jolt/tingle thing. Do you do that?


I honestly do not remember, lol.


Moids have convinced so many of us that an orgasm needs squirting fluids and that the pleasure you feel is secondary at best.


Depression has destroyed my sex drive so I'm doing an involuntary one. Nut on my behalf nonnies




I just got done with sober October, I probably should but I won't.


I never had a sex drive to begin with. At least none that was strong enough to make me learn how to masterbate.


Don't get me wrong, I think taking a break from porn, and kinds of 'coomer material even if it's bl has some benefits for your mind. However, abstaining from masturbating for a long time does not seem to have benefits. Of course I'm just a fellow retard online but I see no reason to give up masturbation itself.


I am so baffled by this statement. I know there are women who have phenomenally low sex drives, but holy shit how do you not just rub one out every now and then?

Idk I think it's just a fun endurance thing, personally. Doesn't have to have long lasting effects, it's just a neat little challenge for those of us who do regularly get off.


(Diff anon) If it's any consolation the original reason men started nnn was because it would intensify the orgasm afterwards, it wasn't about giving up porn, it was to enhance the usage of it as a result of abstinence. I knew of one guy who decided to do nnn because his death grip was so bad he was using gay porn to shock himself into arousal kek.


Definitely not planning on ever giving it up entirely, hell, Nov 1 12:00 am and I was already leaning back with nice cup of wine or two, but maybe a bit of moderation would probably do me good.


>not just rub one out every now and then?
I attempt it every so often but never climax. That first time with the hitachi was some plus ultra I'M GONNA DO IT NO MATTER WHAT shit. I am extremely jealous of how easy penises have it.

>his death grip was so bad he was using gay porn to shock himself into arousal
That's so sad. I think I'd rather be on my end of the spectrum than have to mindgame myself into arousal. I still get horny, thank god.


Yes (recovering porn addict).


It's not just penises though. I come in about five minutes with a good vibe and less than fifteen with my hand. I think you're just one of those cursed women, man. That's a bummer.


>I attempt it every so often but never climax.
>I am extremely jealous of how easy penises have it.
NAYRT but that is crazy to me b/c clits can be stimulated to go forever… like tmi (sorry) but i have managed to go 23 times in a row before i got too tired, and generally i can go twice a night and i don't consider myself that sensitive. maybe it's in the method? toys can actually be effective but bullets rubbed over the hood are sometimes more comfortable than a wand due to precision and power levels. positioning helps too b/c some women enjoy more pressure applied when on their front. hope you're able to figure out something that works for you, nonna! ((hugs))


Not only for November, I am trying to quit masturbation entirely. I always feel guilty afterwards. I don't watch irl porn anymore, but I like playing blvns and listen to drama cds and sometimes I can't help it. I don't want to give up bl even if I feel like I should.


for nonnies that watch/have watched irl porn, do you watch irl gay porn or are your fujo tendencies only limited to 2d?


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Haven't watched IRL stuff in years but I was never into real gay stuff. Its just unappealing and you know porn doesn't really have a plot or characters so I see nothing to latch onto.


The only reason I’d view gay porn is for art reference. Otherwise 3dpd moids are disgusting which is why most gay porn is not appealing too. The type of men irl gay moids prefer vs the types of men that usually appeal to fujos is like night and day.


23 times?? standing ovation, nonna. tmi warning but i only once managed 17 over the course of four hours and thought i was going to die.

2d only, unless it’s like, a clip of a handjob or something where you’re not even seeing the whole moid. i’m really picky and generally find moids in porn gross.


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yea it might do me some good
my masturbation is a entire fucking ritual
takes too much time tbh
time that im gonna now use to learn how to draw
this time fr
one drawing a day
ill fucking do it
u think i wont???
ill show u!!!
its nov the 2nd
i already finished my 2nd drawing
its worse than the 1st
maybe i should actually look up how to do this
instead of just fucking around
any nonnas here are already experienced and can spare a girl some tips/links?
(picrel is not mine just a cute funny pic i had saved, just wanted to clarify that)


>cute funny pic
wait no i didnt mean it like that
well whatever you can see the pic ykwim

>23 times in a row
>17 over the course of four hours
what the fuck
are you gals doing it while high or what?
what are you even using?
is it drugs, or toys, or some exceptionally good porn?
fucking hell
best i could ever do was a dozen or so in a row over 6 hours and i was REALLY pushing bc i had fuckall to do all day and i hadnt done it in a while too


Not really related, but the most I've orgasmed was like four times in an hour, and maybe six times one day while I was still a teenager. And honestly I'm still chasing that high of the four in one hour. It was hard to describe what happened. Two were sort of hands free masturbation. I don't think my mind has ever been that ascended, kek.


>what the fuck, how are you gals doing it while high or what? what are you even using? is it drugs, or toys, or some exceptionally good porn? fucking hell
no substances. just my hands and a lot of determination, kek. spoilered for major tmi, but most of it is based on build-up. if i’ve edged for an hour or two before the first orgasm, i can have multiples at 10–15 minute intervals. i’m also not taking breaks or stopping at all between them, just focusing and trying to “ride the wave” as much as possible, if that makes any sense. but the 17 count mostly came from just pushing my own limits. i usually stop at about four.


>spoilered for major tmi
this is basically the tmi thread at this point lmao
i see, that makes more sense. thats how i did it too, except i edged for probably over 2 hours. i didnt take any breaks too, so ig we were playing under the same rules. you must be more sensitive than me to have gotten more in less time then, or just be better at it lol. and yea 4 is a more sane number, i usually only do 1, but when i wana daisy chain orgasms like that i go for 3-5. its 50/50 whether im feeling like just want a one-off or if i wanna keep going for a bit longer. its like two different activities for me, its either a quickie (which only takes a few minutes) or a whole sesh (which i got on for a couple of hours). that day i was just bored out of my mind so after the 5th i was like 'i wonder how much further i can go'. i only really stopped bc i started feeling like my brain was melting, idk it was a weird feeling, like i really wanted to go to sleep or something like that


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I forgot that dumb challenge existed and did it twice in day 1, funny because my norm is twice a week. Seems like the answer will be no.


>I know there are women who have phenomenally low sex drives, but holy shit how do you not just rub one out every now and then?
As this is now the thread for publicly shaming ourselves, I'm not that anon but I used to masturbate regularly without orgasms. I would just stop thinking that I had already came. It wasn't until I had a conversation with a friend that I realized I wasn't having orgasms as her description of them was entirely different from my own experience. The next time I masturbated I went at it with purpose and discovered that I was a retard who had been masturbating wrong all of her life. I was 27.


this is so crazy to me. I've been masturbating violently since the age of eight, I can't imagine not orgasming. I mean, as of now, it's only day 2 on my nofap and I'm already randy as hell.

Wild man. I hope you're enjoying knowing how to orgasm now.


>>4255 (prudish dubs)
>the thread for publicly shaming ourselves
idk what you mean
everybody does it
and its not like anyone here is doing creepy shit like inserting strange objects or flashing strangers for kicks and fingering herself in public or other gross behavior
even the ones going several times in a row arent really doing anything too insane
>I used to masturbate regularly without orgasms.
i do that sometimes
when im reading something thats kinda hot, but not that hot
so just warm
so i get a bit horny, but not so horny that i really wanna finish
its ok ig
>The next time I masturbated I went at it with purpose and discovered that I was a retard who had been masturbating wrong all of her life. I was 27.
its ok nonna, we all have our big baka moments
you arent the first here to admit to get confused about her own orgasms
would be p gucci if we coughed out an instruction manual during puberty, but alas we arent like boys who have a very clear signal of when an orgasm has occurred
we gotta live and learn


>I'm already randy as hell.
it gets easier once you figure out what to do with the time you arent wasting masturbating
speaking of that i have to think about today's drawing
i think ill draw mob
the artstyle seems easy enough to mimic
>I've been masturbating violently since the age of eight, I can't imagine not orgasming.
me since 12
yea its a hard habit to kick when you have been doing it most of your life
how did you get started btw? if you dont mind me asking
for me it was a trio of girls at school who were a few years older than me and taught me how to do it
idk if its bc i was always weird and autistic, always aloof to everything and everybody, that got them curious, but one day my dad forgot about me after class and i was waiting alone and 2 of them pushed 1 to talk to me and she awkwardly asked me if i knew was 'masturbating' means
and i said no and she tried to explain but it was confusing as hell bc she and the other girls couldnt stop giggling
and i fucking hate when ppl talk to me like that. i always feel that they are making fun of me somehow
the other 2 tried to come in to clarify and say something that barely made much sense
they told me to try it before going to bed
and i did
the first time i climaxed i was like 'oh wow. that was weird'
'wait, lemme try again'
i think i repeated like 3 times on my first time lol
huh, ig i have been chaining orgasms since day one, after all
i wonder if i would have ended up learning on my own if not for those 3
its just my luck that i got a crash course bc i can be p fucking stupid so good chances i wouldnt have known what an orgasm is either


this thread reminded me of this video
same energy
same vibe


already failed the first day. but i don’t think no nut november is a thing that should apply to people with a low libido like me who do it once a month


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I'm not sure how I learned how to do it, I just always knew that touching myself felt good, and I liked to do it for long stretches of time, so I would reach orgasm and then be amazed, not really knowing what it was. There was a movie we had, my family, that had a ten second sex scene, and I'd masturbate to it all the time. Rewatching it, it wasn't even that hot. But to a kid it was gold.

Oh, also. She was my awakening. My first lady boner. I love her. She's everything I wish I could be, and what I wish I could have. of course, she's not real.

Also. nonna, lol, you type in such a specific way I'm starting to recognize you everywhere. Doesn't it bother you that people will know you're the no-space nonna? Then again, it's comfy running into you. Idk why, I guess it just makes me smile knowing you're around being your usual weird self.


>when im reading something thats kinda hot, but not that hot, so just warm, so i get a bit horny, but not so horny that i really wanna finish
i do this too. actually, i do this with most smut. even if it’s the hottest thing to grace the written medium, it’s still kinda fun to just… hang out in the horniness for a while. i don’t buy any of the nofap nonsense about denial giving you superpowers or anything, but i do feel like it’s fun to not “release” that energy immediately, y’know? but i also like edging, so maybe it’s an extension of that.

>how did you get started btw? if you dont mind me asking
ntayrt but i like oversharing, so i’ll tell my tale too. i was young enough that i don’t feel like giving (nor can i even really remember) the exact number, but i was on a roadtrip and had to pee really badly. and i think i was basically doing kegels to hold it in, and that was nonna’s first orgasm, kek. i’m pretty sure i thought i broke something forever because it scared the fuck out of me at first, before turning into “how do i get that to happen again as many times as possible.” it took until puberty for me to read about masturbation and put two and two together and start touching instead of just thigh-squeezing. and i actually think i’m lucky that i didn’t give myself the female version of death grip or anything before i discovered the “right” way.

i also think i got lucky by figuring out orgasms first and then having to work backwards from there. now it’s so strange and sad for me to hear women who make it into their 20s, 30s, etc without ever finishing.


well then
have fun winning for the rest of the month

>be amazed, not really knowing what it was
yea first time buzzing your brain feels like magic
>Rewatching it, it wasn't even that hot. But to a kid it was gold.
there is something unique and pure about having no taste lol
>She's everything I wish I could be, and what I wish I could have. of course, she's not real.
thats cute, nona
do you usually fall in love with virtual characters like that?
i dont think i have ever had gushy feelings for those except for a select few from visual novels
even then, never to the point of it lasting for several months and making wanna have physical objects representing them
>Doesn't it bother you that people will know you're the no-space nonna?
nah its ok
i like the vibe here
like we are all good friends
just look at this thread and everybody revealing their intimacy without having to be embarrassed about it
so nice and comfy
also there is this
>it's comfy running into you. Idk why, I guess it just makes me smile knowing you're around being your usual weird self.
teehee thank you nonna ♥
i wish i could return the compliment but im not sure who you are
the same one that was complimenting my goofy writing style the other day?
your kind words make me happy, im glad youre around too
>being your usual weird self.
larping as a regular human on a daily basis is too exhausting already
if im going online its to let loose

>it’s still kinda fun to just… hang out in the horniness for a while
yea its a nice state to be in
normally i just call it edging tho
what i was describing is more like petting myself with very little sexual intent, if that makes sense
but anyway
i think edging like that even better ESPECIALLY when it really is the hottest thing to grace the written medium
bc being horny enhances the experience, so masturbating all the way right away kinda ruins it
well, not really ruin it, but… yk
>i do feel like it’s fun to not “release” that energy immediately, y’know?
yea i get you
>i was basically doing kegels to hold it in, and that was nonna’s first orgasm
that actually works?
i dont think i have ever seen or heard of it working outside the realm of fiction
i even tried myself one time or another, but ig i just didnt have the patience lol
my fingers are just objectively better
>turning into “how do i get that to happen again as many times as possible.”
lmao relatable
>i actually think i’m lucky that i didn’t give myself the female version of death grip or anything before i discovered the “right” way.
just how viciously were those kegels?


>WHAT, that actually works? i dont think i have ever seen or heard of it working outside the realm of fiction
it sounds crazy but i can still do it if i have enough concentration/am horny enough. but i don’t think it’d work if you’re used to clitoral orgasms only, though, since it basically feels like a weak version of a vaginal orgasm to me. i’d also usually do it while squeezing my thighs really tightly too, which is its own form of masturbation called syntribation iirc.

>wdym? just how viciously were those kegels?

it’s rare (i think) but i’ve heard of women who’ve gotten “stuck” with the kegel/thigh-squeezing method and had trouble orgasming the “normal” way. being used to only masturbating on your stomach can have similar effects, or so i’ve read.


Replace No Nut November with More Masturbation March.


Yeah I experience really bad pain if anything touches inside, so I have to stimulate on the outside only and it is really hard to get something going without a toy or being on your stomach. Once you've done it on your stomach it's difficult to figure out good movement in other positions.

I don't think it's as bad as for dudes though, because the pressure you can apply to a dick is way different. I still have to use my hands and push things.


>being used to only masturbating on your stomach can have similar effects, or so i’ve read.
I grew up masturbating by rubbing against something while on my stomach and for some time it was the only way I could orgasm. When I moved out from home and shared a room the only place I could rely on privacy was the shower. It took months for me to get used to the change.

If you haven't done so already, get a wand or bullet. It's hard to understate how life changing they can be.


Never masturbated or had any sex so I am rather doing no nut decades.


>a weak version of a vaginal orgasm
i was gonna give it a chance but ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh now idk
sounds like too much effort for too little reward
and yea like you said i already spoiled myself too much
maybe next month i could pull it off lol
cool, finally some motivation to get me to workout my legs not
>women who’ve gotten “stuck”
damn thats crazy

>I experience really bad pain
that sounds awful
i hope you can figure that out

>get a wand or bullet
i was always curious to experiment with sextoys but im too embarrassed to buy one lol

>Never masturbated or had any sex so I am rather doing no nut decades.
i hope youre 12 then


Girl, why


>sounds like too much effort for too little reward
even more oversharing, but vaginal orgasms are always stronger and more satisfying that clitoral for me, so even a weak one feels worth the effort. plus, i’m lazy and no touching means not having to get up to wash my hands. but i’m def in the minority of women here.

that’s sad, nonna. or… idk? are you asexual?


>i’m def in the minority of women here
yea ig youre just built differently
sounds like a comfy way to do it tbh
for those with the technique and patience, that is
maybe it could be even better for me too, but itd take time for me to learn to do it properly
and i have already refined my technique so much that i prolly wont bother learning a different way
i get the feeling that even if i got a sex toy id go back to doing it manually in no time bc thats just how im used to doing it
yk how it is with everything else, once ppl learn do it things a certain way, good chances they wont care about learning a 'better' way unless it completely BTFO the way they are used to by a wide margin


For me it happened a few times when I was doing a ton of push-ups. Tried the usual clitoral masterbation but that isn't for me and I don't really like it, the vaginal ones I accidentally got felt way better and comfier.
The downside is obvious though, it's a lot of work and I rarely have the energy. It only works when I do so many push-ups that I can barely get up anymore so it's not something I can do quickly with a bunch of push-ups. And I am lazy and rarely willing to go far enough to be weakened.

Not sure what's causing it I assume that once I am too weak to use my abdominal muscles properly I somehow strain other muscles and some of them cause that shit. The high IQ move would be to find out 1. which muscles exactly and 2. how to use them. If I can do it sometimes it should be possible to do it whenever I want once I understand how exactly to get "access" without doing some ages long workout before. Would make things easier.


Does anyone else catch themselves casually masturbate while idle? If I am not doing something engaging or if I am day dreaming sometimes I'll start lightly touching myself without being aware of it. At times I'll only notice when I start to feel myself near orgasm.


not the exact same thing, but i’ve woken up from touching myself in my sleep before. it was only a few times, but it’s definitely enough to make me feel nervous about falling asleep around other people, kek.


It sucks that vaginal feels good only when the stars align, I'm horny enough and the hormones are just right (usually just before period) and even then my hand gets tired of beating myself long enough to actually orgasm. Clit orgasm with a vibe is ok I guess.


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Started doing it for the meme but my pms made me horny and i failed it


Was about to cum to this hypmic fic where the younger bro dolled himself up and crossdressed to fuck his big bro who he was catfishing. Big bro talked about wanting to fuck the "girls" pussy so there was this peak of suspense when the big bro noticed there was a dick there… except he goes "you… were trans? Tehee that's fine by me" reeeeeeee disgoostang


gendershit is like the female equivalent of a boner-killer for me. (do we have a name for that?) so, my deepest condolences.


>(do we have a name for that?)
We should. We also need a name for when you power through it because you're so close only to have your day ruined by the immense shame you feel after.


how was it everyone?


Great but thats bc I didnt do it


same. i was doing never-ending nut november.


So easy I feel mad that I attempted it.

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