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I'm asking mainly because I'm not sure if I should post in [ex] or not. Mainly I just want to talk about noncon. (Apologies if this is the wrong board for this discussion, Mod-chan).

Anyway whether it is or it isn't, I blame Shounen Ai for tainting me in my youth. Specifically anime that would play on the SyFy channel would always have some villain or another with blatantly rapey undertones.


Isn't noncon basically a staple BL trope? I'm not sure about recent stuff because I haven't been keeping up, but it was definitely a popular trope for old yaoi. I'm pretty sure the first chapter of Junjou Romantica involved that, most yaoi manga and doujinshi I read when I was young always had the seme forcing himself onto the uke. In general noncon just goes along well with D/S dynamics.


It was really common in old yaoi, but as an old fujo I don't know if current yaoi is sanitized or not because I just rewatch all my faves tbh. Based on the way fandoms are these days, it seems like noncon is unacceptable among some, if not most… But idk.

Wonder what fujochan thinks? Personally, I love it. If the top isn't rapey, what's the point?


I would say it's very common. It's like the quintessential "problematic" fetish that fujos who aren't puritans have. One of the most common warnings in AO3 for a reason. Sensibilities change over the years hence why a lot of the oldschool BL's were so rapey. I don't consume it that frequently but whenever I obsess over a new anime boy one of the first things I feel like doing is looking up mob fics.


I think the sanitizatiin is mainly a Western thing. Asian fujos don't really have any hang ups with noncon, Killing Stalking and Painter of the Night are kind of recent series and they were both popular. I guess most BL adaptions as of late have been fluffy (Given, Sasaki to Miyano) while we used to get stuff like Super Lovers but there was also that one rapey giant hentai in 2020 so lol. For the most part I haven't noticed any significant change w/ noncon and BL aside from typical Western moralfagging, I still see art from Japanese artists of yaoi boys gangbanged by mobs getting 10k likes.

>Personally, I love it. If the top isn't rapey, what's the point?

Same, but I want more diversity and see bottoms do the raping honestly.


>Same, but I want more diversity and see bottoms do the raping honestly.
Spicy. Particularly if it's an adult/youth relationship where the youth forces it. Ideally a student and his mentor, or two brothers.


You read my mind nonna, I love non-traditional BL stuff. The younger tops and bottom rapists drought is real.


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>Particularly if it's an adult/youth relationship where the youth forces it. Ideally a student and his mentor
Hot af. Cultured taste.


you’re all so astonishingly based. younger aggressor is the best shit, especially if the older one still somehow feels guilty and responsible for it, like they’ve somehow tempted the younger one into being attracted to them.


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Literally every yaoi I read as a kid included rape. To be honest I'm not sure if it's just what was localized or if it actually was more common. I agree I heavily associate it with "classic" yaoi.


It's more like dubcon is the staple of romance fiction for a couple of reasons. OP's pic ran in Hana to Yume for a target demographic of 12-17 year old girls, and the same sexual assault tropes are still happening in shoujo mags like HtY and Cheese! It's super easy to paint a villain as dangerous and bad if you use noncon as a threat, and it gives their presence tension as though anticipating violence, but without having to commit to killing off/removing a character. On the other side, a "pure" individual who doesn't take the lead being unwillingly dragged in by someone and then enjoying it is a common way to both ramp up excitement and free the character from making dirty decisions. Maybe she fancies a guy, but she'd never voice a desire to kiss him because that'd be weird, teehee. If the guy snatches her and steals a kiss then the responsibility is all his, and the pleasure all hers. Now remove the her and put a bumbling tired post-grad who hasn't had the time or energy to indulge himself in years. It's not what he was looking for, it wasn't what he wanted, but he experienced something he can't get out of his head, and the temptation has been sewn.


Yo what is this from? I love

Student needs to take advantage of that guilt tbh. "Take responsibility" is perhaps the most cliche thing ever but one of my favorites so whatever.


Easiest and most surefire to see someone suffer/cry, plus you can work in all kinds of psychological themes too
i remember an old post on /y/ saying that it was hotter the
they were
You are a genius and a scholar


I love rape. I adore rape. I live for rape. When a BL has a rapist main character, it's an automatic 10/10, a 5-star story, and it's even better if they're a brutal, unrelenting, unapologetic rapist. A man that takes when he wants it. A strong seme who grips the uke until he's red and just laughs when he's told he's being too rough. Rape in yaoi is an honored, sanctified tradition. BL without rape is like an angel without its wings, a flower without soil, a mother without her child. Taking rape away from yaoi is a disgusting, perverted act. It's akin to taking away a chick from its nest. It's cultural to us fujoshi. Yaoi rape culture. It's real. It's valuable. And it should be protected. #IStandWithYaoiRape


beautiful speech nonnie i 100% agree


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>Yo what is this from? I love
Koisuru Bouken/The Tyrant Falls in Love

Uke is a gay-hating outspoken homophobe who's kohai has a crush on him. One night after he accidently drinks a date-rape drug uke gets raped by kohai and that kicks starts a love-hate relationship with still very homophobic uke. The manga has a lot of dark themes and doesn't handle them very delicately and has way too light a tone, but was a formative yaoi manga for me and I still love it.


Based unapologetic maniac, please be our glorious leader. I'd vote for you anyway.

You're right. Yaoi without rape isn't really yaoi anymore. Long live rapist seme archetypes. Can we please make this speech a banner or something?

Fucking A. I love when one of the homos is homophobic. I'm gonna read it right now.


>Can we please make this speech a banner or something?
i second this
should be immortalized right next to 'synthesized in a lab'

>I love when one of the homos is homophobic.

but idk which one i prefer
the seme or the uke
a homophobe getting pinned down and railed is p hot
there is a whole thing with domination and humiliation and degradation on that, which makes it p kinky
but on the hand… i also really like the idea of someone getting extreme sexual confusion like:
>i really really fucking HATE FAGGOTS WITH PASSION, but im also severely addicted to boy pussy and this one fruit always knows how to get me hot and bothered at the worst hours and wont let me go a single day without empting my balls on his colon. also the withdrawal from not having gay sex everyday drives me insane. I ABHOR TALKING TO FLAMING FAGGOTS, PLEASE MAKE IT STOP I JUST WANNA BE STRAIGHT
yea basically, that sort of hatefucking where he is totes not into men, but his dick wont listen, yk?


Nonna. What if they're both homophobes and bond over their homophobia together and end up falling in love? It could be perfectly unhealthy and fucked up, with lots of dry humping and simulated sex where they'd pretend they aren't doing anything, or at least, they're not like THOSE people………….


interesting idea, but i have a hard time picturing it in my head as having any sort of serious tone
it would defly be a comedy story where two gymbros keep coming up with more and more ludicrous excuses to be getting intimate
>no bro, its just a massage
>no bro, im just smelling you to make sure you washed properly
>hey nice cock, bro (no homo tho)
>its not a blowjob, its a brojob, blowjobs are between faggots who like sucking dick for the hell of it, im just helping you out bc you havent gotten any in a while
>its not gay to kiss your homie goodnight, right? girls do it all the time and its okay *gives his bro a big wet sloppy slobbering mankiss on the lips for 15 consecutive minutes* gn bro, i like how you dont make this weird
not to say its bad, it could actually be p entertaining


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So bow that we've established its common let's talk about why. What do you like about it?

For me it like it as a set up to hurt/comfort. Rape is good fodder for angst and dark works, but what I really enjoy rape recovery as a relationship forms while another character helps the victims get better.


I like it to coom to but I hate when it is used as a plot device for drama or a character's tragic backstory. As soon as there are real consequences to it I am immediately turned off.


Based TouOso poster.
I'd say my favourite noncon trope is when the abused grows up to be an abuser himself, perpetuating the cycle. Harada's "Nii-chan" comes to mind.


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Thanks Nonna, Tougou was made for darkfics lol. He'd also a great example of what you were talking about with cycle of abuse and victim's perpetrating it. I adore art that shows adult Oso fucked up from the incident and dealing with that trauma be it sexual or physical.

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