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We have an anime thread https://fujochan.org/ot/res/4513.html, so let's have a manga one too.
What are YOU currently reading? Discuss currently-running, completed, new and old manga of any genre.


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I've been reading Ajin and it's such a ride. The Polygon Pictures anime doesn't do it justice.


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Treat your veterans right lol. I was hoping for something more than monster of the week/crushing the rebels. Why can't mangaka be more adventurous and edgy?


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After randomly being reminded of its existence yesterday, I started Dr. Stone yesterday night. I'm 24 chapters deep and I like it well enough. The whole stonification thing is both horrifying and really fascinating as a calamity, and the effort of trying to help humanity start recovering/growing again is pretty interesting to boot. Senku's fun, and I do like how much he obviously values his idiot-pal Taiju. Don't really have any major complaints yet, though I do think it could stand to like, calm down with the big exaggerated faces for humor.


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I guess it's time I'll pick Dogsred up again because they started punching each other on ice and because I want to know who this handsome dude is.
I love Noda characters and his humor a lot, my only gripe with the series is that I am not a sports fan with the exception of boxing series, skating and figure skating for some reason. But the latter is Dogsred related anyway so maybe I should give it a go. I trust Noda to make the characters good enough to make it work even if the sport itself is boring (for me).


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I decided to give Versus a shot and it's honestly pretty fun. It's kinda hard to gauge how things'll go simply because there's a lot packed into it (and that could ultimately start to work against it at some point) but thus far I think it's doing a pretty good job at balancing all the merged worlds/natural enemies against each other and interacting, or at least the ones we've gotten to see in action currently. It also has an aggressive amount of dudes who're right up my alley but damn it isn't shy of killing characters off, so that's… fun…
Either way I'll definitely keep reading. Don't have any real complaints atm, besides maybe Panepane. I do not care for him in like, any capacity.

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