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Post random daily thoughts that don't fit other threads.

Previous thread here >>7986


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Is infantilization a modern thing?

picrel is a joke but gets my point across.

The bottom in any pairing is often intentionally made weaker, more girly, stutters/soft spoken ect. I'm aware of seme-uke dynamics, omegaverse and shipping's long history of top big and aggressive, bottom subs. But it feels a lot more pronounced in recent years. With often no regard for their character in the slightest.

I remember finding now super old fanart from pixiv and even girly guys having muscle and general acknowledgement of their charisma from the source. But that's sort of just gone now. Whole personalities wiped in fan works just to make them cry constantly and whimper or cease to be functional characters without a big strong daddy


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That exaggeration has always been around especially in regards to the seme/uke angle where uke tend to get turned into crybabies.


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keking at that meme, it happens all the time in fanart


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What you have is classic yaoi. Where they built them from the ground up to be that way. I'm talking specifically cases like >>8879's where Viktor, a character who's very masculine but very beautiful has been turned into a teen girl who probably cries more than they think. The character in that art? That is not Viktor. That's a girl with cat ears and a tail. No trace of Viktor exists save for the cosplay they put on.

Early art from the series, to my memory, was actually very spot on, catching his jawline, even before his beauty rework with long hair. He was stronger, visibly.


It's not a modern thing, it's just a trope that changes and evolves with the times. I have heard of plenty of oldschool western slash guys being described as pretty and dainty in fanfic. It's probably just more common to see this stuff because of the popularity rise in omegaverse and ftmshit.


What'd they do to my boy…


It depends on the character and the franchise but like >>8878 it used to be MUCH worse. I think, if anything, that uke babyfication has been slightly toned down compared to early 2000s ships and artwork but you still have people still do crybaby ukes. It's an unfortunate foundation of yaoi, and it really truly depends on the material imo.
Characters that ever so much have something worth feminizing on will have those features exaggerated no matter what you do


I was going to say modern ones are worse because at least older ones just cried and weren't explicitly feminized, but then I remembered that I've been running across stripper and drag AUs since at least the late 2000s.


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What do you think of Ouji Fashion?


Very cute. I have a game-related OC x NPC ship that I want to give a child to (Not biological, I hate mpreg) so that I have my own young boy that I can dress up like Yana does with Ciel.


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It's really cute on anime characters and dolls but doesn't usually translate that well irl (Even Misako looked kinda awkward in it)


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So you think it's just too many layers? Lolita looks similarly awkward in real life. Such a shame.

Make him the cutest boy around!


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I'm a poorfag fujo and I wanted an Aoba figure for so long but I know I can never afford one so I printed a cut out of it, the bootleg next to him was 4$ and the dinosaur was from a kinder egg.


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sounds like you've just seen bad ouji.

Unlike lolita, the following isn't nearly as hardcore and there aren't as many variants. Most lolitas in the west don't look the part and don't try to change themselves to fit it. Having the right body type is step one. Step two is giving a fuck about make up and wigs. And the rest really depends on what level of giving a shit they have about it.

I don't want to sound like an elitist, but jfashion is just it's own crazy beast on level with cosplay and working as a princess at a Disney theme park. It can work irl if the person cares enough, but most times- they don't for various reasons


Honestly not that much different from a standee, nice poor hack!


Your post made me curious to check /cgl/ in years and holy shit, how is it so dead? It's all cosplay cosplay cosplay, there used to be at least 5 or so lolita threads before.
Not only is it all cosplay, it's all basically e-thot thirsting or thinly veiled soft porn threads.
I used to want to get into lolita back around 2018 or so, but it was expensive for me (and I literally can't wear it, I live in a desertic area) but at least I liked to see other's enthusiasm. Now there really is nothing.
Even cosplay has become lackluster too, just for the sake of getting money. Sad.


Yea a lot of western lolita enthusiast don't do it for me for those reasons listed.


>it's all basically e-thot thirsting or thinly veiled soft porn threads
I hate grifters so freaking much.


They took over /cgl/ and anons just let them.

Maybe femanons just thought they'd go away, or it was too much work while staying in their generals. I don't know. But there used to be more lolita than cosplay for a long time.

So much of cgl has moved on to discords or were outright scared off by how catty and doxxer some posters were. It's no fun posting when you could get thrown into the ita/bad cosplay thread over irl drama.


>So you think it's just too many layers? Lolita looks similarly awkward in real life. Such a shame.
NTA but there's a reason most anime oujis are shotas, the style heavily resembles Victorian children's clothing so it kind of looks awkward on adults by default. Usually only very androgynous/shooped Asian women manage to pull this style off, it's pretty telling that the few white dudes I have seen in ouji go for more of an 18th century historical inspired look because that was adult men's fashion.
Lolita has a lot more of a range from mature vintage looking styles to hyper kawaii sweet coords. I think it's a lot easier for more people to look cute in a poofy skirt than poofy shorts.


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>So you think it's just too many layers?
It's just the type of thing that only shotas can pull off.
>Lolita looks similarly awkward in real life.
I mean I wear lolita so I don't really agree there kek.
It can work but there's not a lot of adult women who look like middle school aged boys


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>it's pretty telling that the few white dudes I have seen in ouji go for more of an 18th century historical inspired look because that was adult men's fashion.
Guys regardless of race usually look pretty good in EGA


That's probably thanks to the full length pants, it's harder for men who aren't Asian twinks to pull off ouji-type pants unless they go for that more historically inspired styling.
(Is that second guy actually wearing EGA?)


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Oh wow…


>how is it so dead?
Men. Nobody cared enough about the board to give it mods who actually cared about board culture and surprise, surprise, women don't want to share a board with guys who only post about naked women.


>They took over /cgl/ and anons just let them.
And the jannies did nothing.


Does anybody else like Conclave? Feels like old man yaoi taking to a next level. I didn't even know it existed until it flooded twitter all of a sudden, now the fans have even made a fanzine that they sold like 10k times and a romance VN. Fandom seem to be pretty lively and I see a lot of Koreans being into it. Wonder if Japan will care now that it's being screened there too.
Anyway after finally watching the movie myself and tons of artworks I begin to understand why fans want to see Tedesco getting fucked.


I have heard of it a few times, might have to check it out since i like religious settings.


I find it very interesting when romance and horror intersect. I was reminded of that when I read a oneshot doujin that was about a guy who fell in love with a mermaid that didn't end very well for the guy. I should get to Total Eclipse of the Eternal Heart cause it's been on my radar for a while but I haven't gotten to it yet.


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I saw some vids of a moid cosplayer who kept doing gay jokes and had a sebasciel poster but then he turned out to be a straight guy
I’m so fucking confused


Straight dudes have been more ok with shota for ages, they're more heteroflexible than girls when it comes to traps and stuff. Shota & traps have a lot of overlap in maleworld.

That said, It's sweet to see a real fudan with an actual otp.


>Shota & traps have a lot of overlap in maleworld.
Even when it’s made by women though they’re usually more into stuff like shounen maid Kuuro kun, Black Butler is so girly that it’s crazy to think of a guy watching it (maybe it was his wife’s poster?)


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Remember that Black Butler is a shonen nonna, I actually have a normie male coworker that is a fan of it who mainly only likes shonen jump series. If the cosplayer has a shipping poster though it's neat to see a fudan in the wild.


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Wasn't sure where to post this cause the subject material is /ffs/ adjacent but it's not about BL so maybe here is better. I personally think the novel that people are talking about is disgusting but even then I find it downright dystopian how people are praising this real woman getting arrested over a fictional book which does not help a single real child. I'll eat my words if it turns out she was had a thing for real children but until then I feel this sets a bad precedent. https://x.com/bumblefairybee/status/1904164075375821304


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They have a ton of restrictions over there and refuse classification (effectively bans) of even mainstream anime series like No Game no Life and Hunter x Hunter honestly surprised anime fans even exist there.

Gross ageplay theming of her book aside it looks like she's being arrested for what sounds like 3D stuff (not fact checking) so I wouldn't defend her.


>Gross ageplay theming of her book aside it looks like she's being arrested for what sounds like 3D stuff (not fact checking) so I wouldn't defend her.

I would love sources about this because it seems like australia just treats written erotica the same as actual porn, so her charges would be for csam even though it's a fictional book.


>it seems like australia just treats written erotica the same as actual porn
Yeah even if she’s being charged for csam, it could literally be a lewd picture of an anime loli if this is Australia.


Weird how my fandoms always alternate between anime/manga and western stuff.
One anime fandom is followed by a western fandom which is followed by an anime fandom again. Within the course of years of course, I stick to fandoms for quite a long time but the back and forth switching is funny.

I guess it's because I technically prefer anime/manga styles and narratives but western series and video games are more likely to have the hot or intriguing characters. I don't like children and teens and neither waifus but those make up 90%+ of the (translated) manga casts nowadays so most series are just irrelevant to my interests because I can neither relate nor feel attraction.

Right now I am in a manga/anime fandom again so I am curious what the next western movie or game will be that makes me obsessed lol


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I’m fujoing OUT


Man, I used to LOVE spideypool years ago. Though unfortunately, there was a sharp decline for this ship after Marvel's Spiderman came out and I kind of left the fandom altogether. Now I gotta wonder how's their relationship going in the comics.


Man, I complained in supes thread that Spiderman was done dirty by the MCU movies. Spideypool is still cute though, best thing about superhero ships is you can always just pick and choose canon and there is probably a characterization that is officially supported.

Dick/Slade is also awesome nonna! Was your intro to it TT or something else?


>Was your intro to it TT or something else?
I'm a bit too young for TT, I just got into it through tumblr fanart.


Nonnas, is it retarded to ship your male oc with two guys that embody two dynamics (one's a jaded man with a lively guy and the other is a masculine no-nonsense twunk with a seductive homme fatale twink)?


OCs are for doing whatever you want with, also jaded x genki ships are great


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Nothing sounds fun this week, ugh.


I got into another retarded spat again. I really need to stop or I might get bonked.

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