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With a possible twitter exodus approaching, do you think we'll see a new rise of smaller communities coming forward? The return of tumblr, using dreamwidth/lj, someone creating their own fandom alternative, this site actually coming to life.
Not just smaller communities rising, but a possible change in fandom thought again now that the twitter extremists might go away?


I've seen a lot of people posting about returning to Tumblr but haven't really seen that big of an increase of activity in my Tumblr circles personally. Unfortunately, if there's a real Twitter exodus all the annoying Twitter extremists will infest whatever new site people flock to.


The twitter exodus isn't happening. People are just talking shit because they're mad at muskrat but I doubt any of them will be leaving.


As much as I would hope a large chunk of the annoying people would leave, we all know that won't be the case seeing how stubborn they'll be. The best thing we can do is take advantage of the new moderation and features that will likely be implemented. I know most people hate him for whatever reasons they have but I think he'll do a decent job seeing that he's >that kind of weeb. I'll put a little faith in the memelord billionaire.


>With a possible twitter exodus approaching
lol no it's not


Unless Musk bans porn then they're going nowhere, it's like those who said they were going to Canada when Trump won. It's all talk and nos action, Twitterfags are too addicted to the platform to leave it, they will only leave if something big happens that changes the site forever.


There will never be another website alternative because they always go silent after they've stolen thousands of dollars from their failed kickstarters or indiegogo campaigns. I've given up on relying on "cool new free speech website that is by and for creators!!!1!" because they ALWAYS fail and are never active after a few months to a year (if they even get that far). Writscrib, Fanexus, pillowfort, and countless other sites that I've probably never heard of all promise the same thing but never deliver, so I'm just going to stick with twitter and hope elon mustard cracks down on the harassment and changes the rules to be more friendly towards artists. The only other hope would be if AO3 starts to allow visual art, but it would be taking away what makes AO3 special in my opinion.


>this site actually coming to life.
lol good luck with that. It will never happen


Don't be pessimistic :(


The site doesn't even talk about BL. It's all /soc/ shit about twitter and aidens


It really says a lot about the state of this place when the BL board and the general fandom boards are the deaddest of them all.
Personally, I'm more into fandom-based BL than OC stuff (bl manga) and the majority of things I like don't have threads. Even if I wanted to make them, I'm sure that for the most part I'd just end up having to samefag the whole thread. There's also not enough people here so it's easy to recognize posters due to the frequency they post about a certain topic


think of it this way, nona, if you don't post about what you want to see then no one will, a decent amount of /wes/ threads started like that. just post what you want to see even if it's (reasonably) samefagging and people will get interested anyways. activity starts with nonnies interacting, not from complaining about no interaction.


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That's because of where this site was advertised. I heard it started out from lolcow which is a dramafag site full of doxxing, so of course if you bring in people from there you're going to have doxxfags and dramafagging be popular here. A little bit of it is fine I suppose so we can gatekeep certain kinds of people from here but no one should be surprised if people here behave like they're from lolcow. Look at the VTuber thread on /yu/, the most popular thread there because it was advertised in the NijiEN thread during comfy fujo hours and it's how I got here. If you want more people here that actually post about BL and fandoms, you need to tell people who are into those things. And post those things yourself, of course. Don't be afraid to make a new thread.


I've seen this site shilled on /a/ and /y/, but most people weren't interested due to the men ban and the focus on twitter screenshots


Goes to show that those places are full of men then kek. They probably also saw the off topic threads about aydens and other drama so I see why that would deter people.


Yeah I think 4chan has a lot of dudes but also gay dudes.
But I think the focus on /soc/ shit just deters people, the whole point of chans (at least for me) is that everyone is anonymous so you can focus on what interest people.

But looking at the front page, 90% of the topic seem to be about /soc/ shit. I don't care about that, I want to discuss who would fuck Megumi better in JJk between Sukuna and Yuuji.


NTA, I used to be very active with posting BL stuff and yelling into the void on /wes/ but I got busy with exams and work but luckily I should be free to throw some of my horrible takes on BL here and there once again


Replying again if you don't mind
>I want to discuss who would fuck Megumi better in JJk between Sukuna and Yuuji.
I made a jjk thread on /f/, I didn't notice we lacked one


Please keep yelling into the void on /wes/ with me, it’s lonely on there.


The Twitter exodus is not happening because non-English speaking people won't leave Twitter. There's a worldwide feel to Twitter that you can only find elsewhere in places like Facebook that alternatives just don't have. It's sad, IMO, but true.


Dude I hope so. All the troons and SJW that like to police shipping have been talking about how "unsafe" twitter is now, so hopefully they'll fuck off to reddit and stay there.


every morning I wake up to more wailing about Elon, but what are Japanese fujos actually saying? when do they think Twitter will actually become unusable for them?


The only time I ever see it on my TL is like one person RTing translations of Musk's tweets getting rid of disinfo and laughing at people thinking twitters dead. Some Japs seem to think twitters over just because they see foreigners having meltdowns over it but have zero clue about what's actually going on (a whole lot of nothing). It's amazing how woketards can create artificial chaos out of nothing in current year just because someone doesn't get on their hands and knees to suck tranny cock.


The general sentiment seems to be to stay on Twitter until it stops working. Most of the jp fujos I follow also dump to pixiv, so I would encourage anybody who doesn't already have one to make one and start following the artists there too.


Seems like most, well at the annoying ones at least, are considering tiktok and instagram.

I dislike both so if its the general art move, that'll be disheartening.


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Nta but would there be any interest in an isekai/narou-kei/wn thread? Its hard to find a place to sperg about stuff from a fujo pov.


I'm surprised they're not going back to tumblr


Ultimately they'll follow the artists and the artists are never going back to Tumblr as long as the porn ban is still active. It seems antithetical given how most annoying fans/antis are, but nothing about their tastes is particularly logical.


If they really are going to tiktok and instagram, then those apps are about to get even more toxic than they already were


From tumblr to twitter, from twitter to tiktok. Its like a snowball of retardation and mental illness getting bigger with each iteration.


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Did tumblr just lift their porn ban? I followed a link to a blog marked as mature just now and it gave me the option to view it.


Samefag, but yeah they did something. Tried accessing artists who I know were previously inaccessible on Tumblr like Slugbox and it now prompts me to select if I'm ok with the mature content.


It allows "artistic nudity" which not a safe umbrella.

Also how we feeling about the pixiv news today: https://www.pixiv.net/info.php?id=8788

It's giving me flashbacks to 2018 where I had to scramble to save everything I cared about at the time.


Good luck defining minor with all the 1000 year old vampire loli/shota type works.

Pixiv is really speedrunning their demise, aren't they?


I fucking hate moralfags so much.


nips are depressed on my TL.


I don't think this applies to the main site right? Just BOOTH, it also seems like it's very particularly worded in a way that doesn't imply loli or shota, but maybe that's just me being optimistic.
Regardless even if they ban that stuff another niche site will just pop up in it's place.


Yeah but I think people are seeing it for what it could be–a policy that snowballs onto the main site. Right now it just means artists who make money off of these types of comms have to move the transaction off site and be way more coy about it ex. "thanks for the meal" on paypal or similar.

Drawn porn, even the most degen shit you can imagine, is so much more ethical than any real porn that has ever been made. Makes me so butthurt to see it cracked down on like this.


pixiv refugees are always welcome here


>no incest
Kek how tf are they going to enforce that?


brb aggresivelly archiving my pixiv favorites


Please archive all your favorite works everybody, you never know when stuff such as this could happen.


This. Use gallery-dl if you’re good with command line


>giving me flashbacks to 2018 where I had to scramble to save everything I cared about at the time.
And now I am making new scramble around memories to flashback to during the next fandom platform crisis.

How are we doing today, girls?


nta but I had a bunch of bookmarks on pixiv that I had planned on saving but never got around doing so. I know that I should do it NOW but I still can get myself to go trough it all….


Do it for just a 5 or 10min shift. All of it at once is gonna be overwhelming


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Fujoshi refugees from Twitter are welcome here. If any of you know any, inform them of this place!


Anyone leaving over Musk is a turbotard and can fuck right off tbh.


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twitter fujos, if you come by this place fucking LURK and INTEGRATE


Twitter has always been a shit platform, to be fair.
I fear that if Twitter fujos do migrate to here, they'll be the type to have no idea how imageboards even work. So yes, lurk before posting please!!!


No one is leaving "over Musk", anon, they're leaving over the clear signs that he will make the platform unusable soon enough.


How would they even find this site


They're reactionary retards. He's done nothing but fire a bunch of useless employees and piss off blue check mark faggots. I know the twitterati has conveniently left this part out of their screeching, but twitter hired a shitload of excess employees especially over the pandemic that were doing nothing of value. The site still works perfectly fine in case you were unable to tell.


And he decided to screen for those worth keeping by… asking them to print code and expecting them to pick up the slack caused by firings?


Word of mouth. Lots of people still lurk on the other chans and lolcow, they just don't post about it on a username and profile. That's how I heard about /here/.

But seconding the suggestion to LURK FIRST.


Pics came out. He fired all the trannies and now only Asians and Pajeets are left. The absolute state of white people.


Post the pics, anon


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You guys are getting upset over nothing.

Musk is an idiot who has contributed literally nothing to society. He does nothing but start useless projects, defending him just because he makes people upset is dumb.

At the same time this is FUJOchan, no anti leaving is going to choose this as their first stop, they'll go to more insular communities like Discord or Amino.

Yeah nothing meaningful on Twitter will change. At the same time it's a terrible platform in the first place, so if people leave it for whatever reason that's a win in my book.


I don't mind it if the only people leave twitterd are retarded politics obsessed normies, underaged idiots and trannies, whether they're AGP creeps, tryhard gays who won't stop talking about women with petty jealousy or MLM pooners. Maybe the whole website will be usable again. I don't want it to have technical issues though, that's the only thing that worries me, I've been using it mostly to post screenshots of video games I play and to look at art posted by European and Asian artists.


Ummmmm who are these boys on your pic?


I know it's kind of embarrassing, but they're Izuku and Bakugou from MHA


Looks more like Hinata and Komaeda from Danganronpa. What is it with Midoriya and Bakugo fanart sometimes where both of them look like completely unrelated characters? kek


Last I checked Hinata doesn't have freckles. But I can see how it'd be hard to tell with their faces obscured.

Aww nothing embarrassing about it, never finished BnHA it Deku is adorable.


The important thing isn’t where the users are going, but where the advertisers are going. They’re Twitter’s real customers, since the $8 checkmark is a drop in the bucket. Once the business users jump ship, it’s all ogre.

Or maybe he’ll just sell it to [Microsoft/Google/Softbank] at a loss.

But whatever happens, JP fujo Twitter isn’t going anywhere until they’re absolutely forced to, ie. when the site 404s.


Yeah I'm not leaving twitter until Asian artists stop using it and I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon. They use it like when American and European millenials used facebook, as in, a LOT, when it was the new big thing except it's way less messy and you're more anonymous on twitter.

>Or maybe he’ll just sell it to [Microsoft/Google/Softbank] at a loss.

I can see that happening, this whole thing reminds me of when Yahoo bought tumblr, ruined it, and then sold it at a huge loss to the company that owns Wordpress.


If twitters going to die, I wish it would just hurry up and die. I hate this Schrödinger’s cat status.

Or maybe Elmo can buy up Privatter, Poipiku, and Fusetter and integrate them into the main Twitter product. And give us gallery view like Pixiv. And let us follow hashtags like Insta. Please and thank you.


I think this was the thread I was doomposting in when other sites started showing signs of purging things.

Anyway, DeviantArt is now banning a lot of fetish/nsfw material so if anything you care/d about is posted there, better go save it!

Moving on, how are we feeling about Twitter these days (lol)? Personally I'm hoping Elon kills himself. The X rebrand finally got more artists I follow to lay some foundation at bluesky and/or misskey, but very few have really committed to a real jump (understandable, eyes are still #1 at Twitter). Misskey was extremely based for putting out an announcement around the time of the user influx that was like "this is a jp site with jp sensibilities, watch out westoids".


>DeviantArt is now banning a lot of fetish/nsfw material
Wait, for real? I use it practically everyday and haven't heard about that but maybe I'm just out of the loop.
I know I've seen kids post like, "no more R34 on dA!" memes but I just chalk that up to them being kids kek.

Twitter sucks and everything Elon does to it sucks. I'm quitting in terms of actual posting, might stay around just to lurk on a private. I like dA and Tumblr more for actually posting more…

Tumblr is doing pretty bad right now though, they keep doing a bunch of retarded changes Musk-style that its users hate. Like copying Twitter's layout. They just announced a premium service the other day, I think.


DA bans sexual fluids and penetrative sex, tasteful nudity is still allowed.


By any chance do you know what's their stance on clearly fetish material that doesnt go into sex or nudity?
>tfw anime men omo enjoyer


Did they just update the guidelines or something? I thought those were always banned.


based. I've been coming back here every week to see if imageposting has returned so I can post this dj https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/86011667


Is there a large fujo artist base on misskey? I looked around it a little but I didn't want to invest in learning how to navigate if it didn't have anything I'd want to browse. While there's still a huge jp fujo base on twitter, a lot of my favorites have gone on lock or simply stopped posting for several months, so idk if they're somewhere else like misskey or just under a different handle. Bluesky is nice but there isn't a real artist presence there yet since the userbase is so small atm.


Did you mean to say
>I'm hoping Elon kills X

Because I enjoy every minute of the shitshow. Twitter needs to die and all of its Fediverse offshoots as well. Pictures belong on Pixiv. Blogging belongs on blogs. Videospam belongs on video sites. Reaction images belong on image boards.


I explicitly need Elon to kill himself.
>Pictures belong on Pixiv. Blogging belongs on blogs. Videospam belongs on video sites. Reaction images belong on image boards.
Extremely based opinion.


>Pictures belong on Pixiv. Blogging belongs on blogs. Videospam belongs on video sites. Reaction images belong on image boards.
I don't disagree but I think twitter as it was isn't a bad platform. Blogging and microblogging are very different things imo. If anything I think tumblr was the website that tried to be all these things at once and utterly failed because it attracted a very autistic fanbase. Most of the artists I follow on twitter have pixiv accounts but I like being able to retweet their art sometimes so I can show it to my friends. Now the real issue is that most people use twitter the wrong way, especially since 2016 and the American presidential election. Instead of having most people posting short texts and a few pictures here and there for hun, to talk about hobbies, to vent, who follow celebrities to find out when they'll release a new album or movie or book, etc. it's all about stealing other people's posts and videos and pictures to make money and have more likes than others (like that one account giving grades to dogs in pictures that don't belong to them and making money from that), sperging about politics, business and writing huge threads about politics, the news, science, sociology, etc. that would be better off on wordpress or other actual blogging platforms, etc. As soon as the option to have a background picture on your account/profile was removed like nearly 10 years ago to make the UI as bland as possible I knew it was going to suck.


Hehe I write fics on twitter. For no one to read so it doesn't matter what kind of mess the prose is.


Bluesky is no longer invite only if you are interested in putting some eggs in a different basket. IMO it's still not that great for fandom, but it would be nice to just have Twitter die for real and it not even matter because everybody parachuted onto the closest Twitter clone.


I forgot about that one, I don't want to get rid of my twitter account and I doubt anyone I follow will move there so all I can hope for is that the worst people will move to bluesky so twitter will be a bit cleaner. Now the biggest issue imo is the blue checkmark accounts spamming stupid "memes" and normies falling foe bait over and over again. I managed to mute the right words and block the right accounts to avoid the worst parts of fandoms.


>Yeah I'm not leaving twitter until Asian artists stop using it and I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon.
I agree with this post from a year ago. Bluesky means nothing to me if all the artists for my most active fandom still post on twitter.


I've seen some jp artists beginning to move over to bluesky so it's possible that it might become a legitimate alternative to twitter. Though I hear bluesky has some restrictions regarding nsfw posts so I doubt twitter will die off for good.


BlueSky caps images at 2000x2000 so I still don't think it's a good replacement for Pix for artists.


I'm skeptical of the alt-Twitters like Mastodon and Bluesky… face it, we can't go back to the pre-2007 LiveJournal days.

The internet industrial complex is rotten to its core. The "smol web" (ugh) alternatives are full of the worst people from the other end of the spectrum.

Oh and the AI-pocalypse is coming. You thought Dead Internet Theory was right? You aint' seen nothing yet.

that being said, I still follow my favorite JP/KR/CN fandom people on twitter because it's where they post the good shit for now


I want to add one more thing: BNFs (Big Name Fans) always existed, but the bitching about impressions and engagement only got this bad when financial incentives (and algorithms) got involved. Can't just do fandom things for fun, gotta be a professional Content Creator!

…Actually, I've only seen that in western fandom, do fujos in east Asia also do this?


Bluesky has muting and tagging now. I'm seeing more Japanese artists post there, but not much of a fandom presence in the classical sense. I still mostly browse Twitter but Bluesky now has the building blocks for fandom space, so I'm hoping it will grow.

>Oh and the AI-pocalypse is coming.

Most of the online spaces I occupy are either very insulated from this or have the tools to make it so, so I'm not too worried (shame about Tumblr though). I will be impressed the day one tricks me into thinking I'm talking to an actual fujo. Shipping talk will be the new Turing test.

>I hear bluesky has some restrictions regarding nsfw posts
Dying to know where I could read more about this because I have seen so much 3dpd tits and cock in my Discover tab. If it's rules slanted against cartoon perverts I'm gonna be so mad.


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While not indicative of a landing pad for fandom just yet, 43% of posts on bsky are in Japanese. I get a lot of jp art in my feed now but it's largely of the "technically impressive but at the end of the day it's just some waifushit I don't care about" genre. All the gay art I see is western. Sad!


>Bluesky now has the building blocks for fandom space, so I'm hoping it will grow.
I hope it dies. All tranny-infested twatter clones deserve to die.


I simply lack the energy to post my shit on multiple sites. I don't get how other westerners do this, maybe being social media addicted helps. Just hearing about people "maintain" eight different accounts including instashit makes me feel sick.


Asian fujos are much less annoying about this because people that want to monetize usually go pro, the average western BNF wants clout but lacks the discipline to actually have it as a real job.


Some interesting preemptive censorship news–pixiv hiding misc NSFW from US/UK users: https://www.pixiv.net/info.php?id=10835

I had my region set to Japan already for some reason I don't even remember, but be sure to check on yours and change if applicable.


where were you when tiktok was kill (in the US)

(does it have a fujo presence? are we going to start seeing fujotok refugees?)


Honestly never used the site but I do know there was a fujo presence on it becuase they make micro AMV style videos.


I see vid thumbnails sometimes while googling and the hot takes are pretty terrible.
If people start unironically calling bl "mlm" I'll cry.


I find it funny that they call them edits, just like how kids call any not necessarily viral funny videos or pics "memes." The language is just so unspecific.


I'll take "edit" over "fancam" any day.


Yeah it bothers me too, but I also think the term AMV has been poisoned and is associated with being "cringe" so they don't use it which is a shame.


Fandom TikTok is nearly all puriteens so that flood is going to be extremely unpleasant.


I don't think imageboards will ever have the same audience as TikTok. If anything, the concept of an imageboard is antithetical to a social media platform specifically designed to accrue followers and show your face to the world. It doesn't provide the same dopamine hit if it's just a bunch of randos replying to your post with no 'likes.' I could see a massive immigration to YT, like what happened with Vine. Twitter will probably see an increase, too, but it's already polluted and I think there's probably already a massive overlap. I've never used TikTok because I hate social media, especially when it's focused on broadcasting yourself and trying to get random people to follow you, so maybe my assessment is wrong.

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