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 No.5692[Last 50 Posts]

For when you want to say something but it does not fit in any other particular thread


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It sucks that smoking has to be so terrible for you cigarette kisses are aesthetic as fuck.


Finally one thread on Fujochan has reached a bump limit! Hooray!
Old thread >>79


we really need to popularise tobacco-free cigarettes, the aesthetic is so sexy but the smell of most brands and the obvious health risks are such a turn-off, cigs really suit edgy characters though


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Speed-licking a lollypop's always an option. Plus I'm forgiving if it's fiction and not my neighbour's daily smoke breaks under our apartment window.


An artist I initially followed for a BL ship I enjoy has been subjecting one of the guys to breast growth lactation fetish art. I'm torn between wanting to unfollow and not unfollowing cause her older vanilla BL art is still good.


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Maybe add them to a custom private list and mute them? You can check in periodically if they drop more BL art and if they ever go private, you can still look at their old art.


Yeah I come here to chill out. Lolcow has been getting increasingly hostile over the past few years (and I've been there since it opened) and it's gotten exhausting to read with the autistic hyperfixation on trannies and fujos and the weird amount of actual misogyny. The fujo thread there has been unreadable for months now since it's been taken over by Rancefag and her discord buddies keeping it hostage by bullying out everyone who tries to discuss anything else but Slow Damage or Dramatical Murder. On Fujochan at least you have multiple threads to browse instead of being locked in by people who most likely aren't even fujos but just yumes into ryona, and I don't even mind the slow pace because it encourages people to write out thoughtful replies instead of shitposting.


Since lc won't be back today like initially planned and I don't have a lot of things to do at work until maybe next week I'll keep reading more books in my backlog. I read a lot more than usual this summer, and right now I'm in the middle of the 12 kingdoms. I finally read all the physical copies of BL manga I have so far and sold the ones I didn't like that much. Same for nonfiction books, some were very interesting but I sold them because I wanted more space on my shelves. Tomorrow I'll finally dust off the second hand copies of Angel Sanctuary I bought in 2020 but that I kept putting aside for other series instead of "working" at home. Or maybe I'll finally start Magic Knight Rayearth first. So maybe lc being down isn't too bad even if it's very annoying.

Mute her without unfollowing her if you hesitate that much. What if you want to check her old art at some point but by then she made her account private or she changes her id? That's why muting can be a solution.


Sometimes you just have to let go, nonnie. I've unfollowed artists who have moved from drawing BL to dickgirls/traps/oneeshota because once they start doing that chances are there isn't going back anymore and they'll only start deviating further away from what you initially followed them for.


>>5696 fellatio from ginpachi sensei must be crazy, imagine the dick starts to smoke from the tip


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>>5683 THISSS. normie/nonfujos immediately associate underage characters as shota (even if the character is someone like jotaro who is 17) and shotafags are quick to rope you as part of them even when a teen character has *very* different proportions to standard shota content. Its been such a breath of fresh air to discuss age gap content/darker fiction without a moralfag baiter breathing down your neck to start another derail for the nth time instead of actually talking about yaoi. terminally online imageboard lurkers just cant appreciate a board that actually discusses media in length and need their constant stream of discourse in order to keep attention. who cares if fc is considered "dead", the quality posts from actual fujo nonas here make the wait all the more worth it.


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Sorry to drag this out but this is practically bait.
>no anons addicted enough to get withdrawal symptoms when it goes down
>no real feeling of connection to motivate activity
>nothing much for newfags to integeate into
lol lmao. It might not mean anything to you, but users who've been here over a year, or even a few months, have experienced longing during downtime and expressed feeling excited and relieved when the site returned. It's been a pretty big part of fc's history, even randos on /a/ are aware of what happened.

Different sites serve different forms of discussion and fujochan has its verbose niche which people aren't finding elsewhere due to the shift in wider internet culture, that's why we care about having this outlet. Personally I love venting about trends in BL or fandom, or making concept proposals, and coming back the next day to see if anyone shared my sentiments or enjoyed my writing. People are helpful and put a lot of thought into their messages. It is what forums and LJ used to be but without the need to validate yourself through post counts or decorations.

The worst thing you can do re: integration is turn up complaining and being rude. If you are amicable and discuss a raised point then by the wonders of anonymity nobody needs to guess you arrived yesterday. Bossing people about and saying they have no personality only marks yourself as an outsider. It is especially daft when other users are telling you otherwise and you insist on knowing the topic you haven't researched.

Thirding the use of the mute function. You might lose track of them or forget them if you unfollow completely. It's far less aggravating if you can make a once weekly scroll through their media tab than having unwanted material pop up on your feed.

I really ought to go through and clear out some old books. Lately I'm more cautious about pirating a digital copy to see if I like a BL first, but I still have many manga that I'm never going to read again.

I do regret selling all my copies of Gravitation some years ago. The new translation will no doubt be miles better than the old Tokyopop one, but they're rare and a true relic of the 00s era. It won't be nearly as easy to compare versions.


Do you guys really hate the smell? I love the smell of a cigarette. Non-smoker here.

I like the smell of it on wood and on skin. Not so much in carpets though, that stinks.


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There's a very short list of cig smells I like but I've never determined the brand or type.
I found some nice pics when looking for Gintoki and the gacha fujosisters are eating good with Tokyo Debunker. Is there a smoking thread somewhere on the boards?


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I don't think we have a smoking boys thread but I'd be for one.

I actually like the smell and find it a bit nostalgic since my late father was a pipe smoker, but its such an expensive and terrible habit I can't stand the idea of people willingly throwing away money to get cancer.


I started a Smoking thread - https://fujochan.org/ot/res/5711.html
It did say flood detection when I try to post more images (and I was in a 5 minute cool-off period).


Don't wanna clog up the Stupid yaoi memes thread so I'm gonna post a reply to 4429 here:
It'd be pretty funny if this is in response to Jamjam cause I dislike that artist's works too. Aside from what you mentioned he also turns pretty much every female character into the same bland personality waifu with a copypaste big titty body and a different head on top.


I have a few meetings at work this morning and after that I can do whatever I want and nobody will know because I'm working from home. Do I start Angel Sanctuary or the first half of Magic Knight Rayearth? I have all the volumes for Angel Sanctuary but only 3 volumes of Magic Knight Rayearth for context and if I like that series enough I'll buy the other half.


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I like Rayearth more personally but if you were planning on binging all day, having all of Angel Sanctuary would be good if you get sucked into the work.


I doubt I can read all of Angel Sanctuary in one day, I assume I'll be contacted by coworkers from time to time to help them with small tasks so I have to check my laptop from time to time. I could read the whole thing in a few days though.


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Is it bad that my first thought was 'lewd yaoi' from reading this PSA comic.


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KEKKK RIGHT ON THE DOT im shooketh that you got the exact artist. sperge incoming it was so bad i literally spazzed out about it (privately). like the personal vendetta ran deep enough to change my preferences to have derplander take it up the ass ONLY (usually im lenient of riba) just to spite the retarded gposers and gooner artists like him that use him as a stand in for coomer slop. i wish i can convince myself its not that deep; to just block and move on with my day but the hate is so stifling its bordering alog territory.. i now understand the extreme rage of schizo yumes seeing their husbando with another person FUCK. i dont even necessarily dislike him in nonBL relationships, I just hate it when hes some stand-in pervert character instead of the kind hero image he has in the little screen time he has (and scrote behaviour/patterns in general. the entire genre of harem anime always a stand in mc character that has some personality to hold a plot but not too much so hes a perfect blank face for coomers to project on) and yes personal vendetta about derplander aside, his drawing of women are atrocious and he should be sent to hard labour for being a waste of artistic resources that couldve went to talented fangirls with creative mind and productivity to benefit the fandom. he should be mining the lithium mines that constructs the drawing tablets that the superior fangirl shall use to hone her passion. while fangirls draw macabre, touching comics about their wol lore, all scrotes do is shit up the art tags with the same hentai blow up doll dommy mommy yshtola slop again and again. theyre probably the same ingame sperges that shit up duty finder because they cant do their basic 1-2-3 rotation due to the coom sperge over, pic tax for tolerating my autism


I second reading Rayearth. It's a lot shorter than Angel Sanctuary so you can read it in less than a day, a few hours at most.


Oh no! That plot twist. Kind of a risqué PSA, though I don't get yaoi vibes from just that I can see this scenario as the set up for a dark series.


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>Kind of a risqué PSA
To be fair they don't show anything so it's no where near the level of the genuinely fucked up thirdie PSAs, it's pretty much on par with the infamous Sonic sez one.
Though I was wondering if Japan has ever done manga PSAs? Closest I can think of is the one about surviving earthquakes that was given out by the government but obviously that's not on the level of the drug/molestation PSAs that you see in a lot of other countries.


FKMT did a government psa about the dangers of synthetic marijuana


I totally understand because aside from my personal feelings there's also a fandom artist I know, who is on three of the same XIV adjacent discords that I am on too, who has grumbled quite a bit whenever someone would post Jamjam art in the art channels. I never complained much myself cause it's not like I can beat any coomer allegations with the amount of gay catboy porn I've consumed in all my time in the fandom and the art I've commissioned of my Viera bottoming for the guys I ship him with.


At least your coomer art has soul! Looking at jamjam's post it's the same punchline, same waifu shtick every single time, even in his supposed serious "comic series" he just can't help but sneak in vacuum sealed ass fold in a tense moment on the female characters.

Maybe I just have an extreme bias, but there's is a miles difference to female coomerism and male coomerism, e.g. even the most perverted fangirl has some understanding and grasp of a character, meanwhile male coomer artist just pastes x female character on the same sex doll body type and *maybe* insert a waifu trope like tomboy or goth girls as ""variation"". Coomer moids are simple minded things anyways so a trope change is a deep and entirely different character to their standards.


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I remember World Conquest Zvesda Plot had an antismoking episode where they made smoking illegal. I dropped the anime at that point tbh.


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nta but i totally agree, the average sexy anime moid drawn by a woman still has character and accurate proportions, there's usually a blend of that artist's specific style along with a portrayal of the character's personality, even in the most smutty bl there's still a dynamic between the two leads and clear characterisation even if unrealistic
anime women drawn by moids are usually stripped of all that and depicted in the usual cutesy/big tiddy art style and made to behave completely ooc if they're a canon character, like if you find a character attractive wouldn't you want their characterisation and behaviour to be faithful to the source? fujos will painstakingly write a 300k fic about their husbandos the same quality and accuracy as the original source mental and study proportions and expressions to lovingly make their anime man sex look delicious whilst smelly moids will bust their nut to a massive titty/wide hip version of fucking Makima as she gets railed by faceless men. Women can be pervs too but at least we're actually creative about it


>users who've been here over a year, or even a few months, have experienced longing during downtime and expressed feeling excited and relieved when the site returned
I can confirm this is my case, because everytime I want to post about specific topics it's when fc is down for several weeks, it's beyond frustrating.

>It is what forums and LJ used to be but without the need to validate yourself through post counts or decorations.

True. Nowadays if you want to talk about BL online you can mostly do it on social media but it's very different. There are plenty of fujoshi on twitter but also plenty of zoomer ironic weebs just posting memes about being based fujoshi but then posting about how actually reading or watching BL is "gross" why always that specific word I will never know and fetishizing men, the actual fujoshi are hiding to avoid them so good luck finding them, and then instagram is image and video based so good luck posting detailed texts there. Discord has the same people I mentioned so I never really tried to use it that much, it seems like if you don't already know people with similar tastes or hobbies as you you'll be unlikely to find a good server that fits what you're looking for. If you can understand Japanese and/or Korean twitter is still good but nowadays it has a bunch of technical issues and apartheid clyde is actively ruining the entire website on purpose so some Asian fujoshi have already created bluesky accounts as backup.

fc might be slow but it's exactly what I've wanted for a long time.


Yeah, the amount of content for men that's vapid as hell copypaste jobs far, far outweighs what exists for women. We might get sameface rainbow hair idol casts out the wazoo, but even those are focused on character types and never just "dick good". The artists making gacha game porn on the fujo side are near 100% players of the game they're drawing from and have something to say on it. The motivation comes from the source material.

That said I've seen my fair share of true delusionals over the years. Girls who feel weirdly normalfaggy and take characters to alter into whatever fantasy they want. But you see time and time again the biggest of those outliers get criticized and made into jokes by female fandoms, OOC horny or soppy romantic stuff gets policed by other women so it can never become too common. Reimagining a sweet, shy boy as a goth suicidal teen with a face full of piercings will never be widely accepted, it will always be pushed back into small friend circles where it eventually snuffs itself out from a lack of new content.

If we see a character with a perfect six pack and giant penis we the audience will stop and think, is that right? Would he? We don't guzzle down one size fits all body types unless the series was already like that, and the concept of what's a desirable body type is hardly universal. Artists who draw copypaste muscular slim guys in speedos tend to be gay men even though that type has long been a mainstream stereotype of a hot model/stripper. Female audiences crave variation and dynamics whether it be yume who want petit girl and gruff man, or fujo who want tall straight lace and unkempt dumbass. Even mob porn is going to have a different guy in the center each week to see the contrasting reactions.

I don't think it's that we're greedier and want more, it's the same level of greed manifesting in different ways (shitloads of samey porn VS porn of shitloads of types). I'll bet when it comes to tits and ass on women it's just that they're easier visual shortcuts to arousal than any features on a male character. They're easy modo. Neurons activate when boob. To achieve the same effect with a guy you HAVE to do something more or else it's just some guy with his shirt off on a hot day. The male body is so desexualized we have to try to mine it for enjoyment. We need behaviors, and voices, and contrasts. We need specifics. He's not some rando on a hot day with his shirt off, he's dripping with sweat down a smooth tummy, wiping his hair clung brow with his crumpled shirt and scouring his surroundings for somewhere to buy a drink, idly licking his dry lips as he thinks about how thirsty he is, and totally oblivious to the eyes drawn to his flushed skin. Now he's an object of desire and I can put a name to him. Hell yeah.


I dont have anything to add but your reply is very well thought out and written! I enjoy your very tactful breakdown as I tend to struggle with it esp. when it comes to moid behaviours since the alog just slips right out, but its nice to be able to see someone put it in cohesive words aside from pure rage.


Now that Lolcow has been gone for well over a week I've realized how much I don't miss it anymore. I hope it stays down for a while longer to get a proper reboot on its userbase, but I'm also not holding my breath expecting it to recover from the damage of being exposed to female incels (incels as in literally involuntary celibate) on Tiktok.


For me personally it improved my mental health when I stopped immersing myself in lolcow culture. I'd been spending way too much time obsessing over disgusting strangers instead of doing something that could enrich me.


That's true! I've been very productive and my mood has improved from not being subjected to stupid takes and stressful infighting all the time. Lolcow should go offline every other week to encourage the userbase to go outside for a while kek


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I agree with hoping it gets a reset on userbase with it being down it's been insufferable this summer, but I do miss checking on the fashion threads and the confession threads.
Yeah I refreshed lolcow so often, and being afraid of missing out on faster threads, with fujochan it's fine since I can just check at the end of the day or week and reply to old posts with no issues.


Is it worth having a "seasonal holidays" thread or having "halloween" and "christmas", etc. threads?


Probably seasonal, then you can post all kinds of holidays that are niche enough they can't get their own threads


>lolcow maybe will be back up during the weekend
It is how it is


lolcow culture should die.


You mean 4chan?


Lolcow dies, they all go to different sites


I hope the uptick in fujochan activity persists even after it's back up. Though I enjoy the insightful posts here, the lack of activity here was the thing that kept me from fully moving here. If this place gets just a bit more active and gets more users, then it would be perfect.


I dunno man, when crystal cafe got more users, it immediately became this gatekeeping shithole. I hope that fujochan stays quiet.


Can two fujos with two opposing ships and preferences truly be friends?
I have my static OTP, and I know another person who ships my NOTP hard. I hate her OTP, she hates mine.
But we somehow still became friends.
Deep down I still hate the ship even if I understand why she likes it, and I'm sure she understands mine as well, but there's that constant hidden animosity that stays which makes me wonder if it's really truly a friendship or not
Would you become friends with someone who hates your OTP?


Did you befriend that girl thanks to your common interest in whatever series or characters you're talking about? Or is it something that came up later and you already were friends? To answer your question I really don't know.


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I usually just mute their tags and ship names but if they start actively bashing the ship or characters to me personally, then the friendship has run its course. If I can hide away most of their rants, then it's fine. I used to have a friend who hated McDanno and I'd just tag it for her to block. I think she moved on to other fandoms and we drifted though. Wish I had cultivated deeper friendships over the years but I rarely even keep up with irl friends.


Thanks to lolcow being down I managed to finish reading several books, finished a JRPG and its DLC, and I'm trying to finish watching Gintama because several seasons got released after I stopped watching it. I feel productive.


I've never opened lolcow.


My initial thought was "man it's just shipping" but then I thought about the few ships that make me insane and I don't think I could be more than acquaintance level if I knew if it was a NOTP that interfered with my OTP. Sometimes shipping is as casual as flavors of pie, sometimes it's as insane as "if you ship X/Z instead of X/Y our brain chemistry is simply incompatible".


I did and regret it. IMO worse than /a/ or at least worse than the good threads of /a/, which are the only ones I visit.
Technically yeah. But my issue is that the same interest is usually the only thing that connects me with another fujo. Other traits might match as well, but our interactions seem solely fandom fueled.

I dislike it but I cannot help it. I made a genuine new and kinda deep friendship years ago because we shipped the same characters. We even built up a whole canon-based AU around it, wrote fics about and and created tons of art, explored their past and everything, it was fun as fuck and we had so much to talk about.
Now we are in radically different fandoms for years and don't talk anymore. I casually (like, once per month) try to stir up a convo but it never amounts to much. At best she ends up saying something about her fandom or posting her fanart of it but I cannot say and do anything but praising the drawing a bit since I know nothing about her series (formerly some obscure game, now Harry Potter which I was never interested in).
It's sad. But she's solely fandom focused I think and barely ever leaves her home since she only works from there, so I cannot even start a dialogue by complaining about people or politicians because she never interacts with the outside world and doesn't watch tv so she doesn't know what I am talking about same way I don't know anything about her fandoms.

This isn't the first time it happened. Same with another old fujo friend. Since our fandoms changed the convos die quickly and it's always me initiating them.


welp, i’ve finally hit the point where i’ve quit missing lolcow. since it went down, i’ve watched several movies i hadn’t previously taken the time to watch, downloaded a ton of japanese textbooks to work with, and i finally got around to watching evangelion for the first time (finished the show yesterday, going to watch end of evangelion tomorrow, annnd i’ll probably get around to the rebuilds sometime after that). but now i’m worried that when/if it goes back up, i’ll just go back to wasting all my free time there.


Maybe try to download an addon that restricts the time you can spend on the websites you usually go to for when lolcow will be online again? It stills requires self control but this could be a good start. I'm kind of the same right now, I've been focusing on some hobbies this week but at the same time not being able to use lolcow when there's almost nothing else to do because I'm working but there's no actual work to do yet is very frustrating. The timing is horrible for me.


>annnd i’ll probably get around to the rebuilds sometime after that
Please don't, they're fucking terrible.


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3.33 has some decent shippy stuff if you like Kawoshin, but yeah as a whole they are pretty awful especially the finale which I think flies in the face of the whole point of the show.

EOE is peak NGE I hope you liked it!


i’m very aware kek (i actually remember hearing about the rebuilds sucking way before i even planned on watching the og show), i’m watching them mostly for any additional kawoshin moments and also because i can’t help being a completionist. that aside, though, hearing all of the praise for eoe has me very excited!

that’s a solid idea. i might genuinely just have to install parental controls for myself. and it’s nice to hear that you’re in the same boat as me. i’m genuinely starting to lose hope that it’ll even return, at this point, but that could also just be my dramatic overthinking.


Lolcow had become fucking unbearable. I really only browsed the /m/ threads because the rest were just the same bullshit takes and bait over and over and over again. I appreciated it being female centric but let's be honest it was full of tiktok libfems, moids baiting and troons. I only thought of fujochan today and here I am, at least I can read non-retard level discussions on fujo stuff and more without scrolling past 10 infights, threads about fujos and yumes and tifs, and moid talk.


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Yeah I think the best way to watch rebuild is just to look up Kawoshin clips on youtube or something and that one gif of Shinji fucking losing it and swaying because it's funny, doujins for it are pretty good though.
>especially the finale which I think flies in the face of the whole point of the show.
God what the fuck was that, the show+EOE ending was pretty much explaining to an audience of likely depressed otaku that they're allowed to exist and they shouldn't constantly hate themselves while the rebuild ending was 'get a manic pixie dream girlfriend who falls out of the sky and get a job lol' only surprise is that they didn't pull an Abe and have Shinji and Mari with kids (though I guess you could argue that message was implied with Touji+Hikari and the cat)


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Yes, yes! Though the part that pissed me off the most was when Shinji and the others needed to "End Evangelion." In the context of that movie and its clearly literal and about ending the franchise, but for the entire series the Eva units have been used as a short hand for the pain of living. Hence Shinji "mustn't run away" from piloting them. Life fucking sucks but that's what makes us human and we need to live with the pain even if we don't want to. When Trice Upon a Time has them "End Evangelion" and then Shinji appears in the new world you might as well have written that he recedes into a dream or something. Your anti-escapism series has effectively become an escapism fantasy. Its so disappointing and removes all of Shinji's character development in one fell swoop.

I could, and have in the past, gone on at length about it. It might be my least favorite reboot/redux ever. I'm not sure how I would have concluded the Rebuilds, I don't think any are particularly good on their own and they're remaking something that's almost fully conclusive. I was team timeloop for a while but I think the only satisfying thing you could do with that is pull a ME!ME!ME! and make it about how hard it is to escape from cycles of depression.


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I'd probably appreciate Het-shit more if there was a female equivalent of an ugly bastard. Not like a "mommy dommy" crap with a faceless male-insert, but an older, fatter and uglier woman blackmailing a bishounen into eating her out and sleeping with her


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>I'm not sure how I would have concluded the Rebuilds, I don't think any are particularly good on their own and they're remaking something that's almost fully conclusive.
I don't think it was possible to conclude them in a satisfying way, because they never should've existed in the first place. I wish more series would just let a good thing die at its peak, instead of dragging it out past its natural lifespan. This has happened with many series I liked; I don't know why so many writers/directors/etc. have such a hard time just leaving their stories be.


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That isnt a Female ugly bastard. THIS is


I tried to think if I'd ever seen a female ugly bastard anywhere and the only thing that came to mind was that time I watched a video about disturbing manga and one of them was about a group of teenagers who ended up on an island inhabited by a savage tribe and the guys got harrassed by a tribal woman who was overweight and ugly.


What Video?


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I don't think I'd be interested but I thought about this too, how that's not really a thing anywhere. We live in a society



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The market for girls is usually either pretty shoujo/yume/magical girls stuff, with bl being the only exception.
Otome games for instance like pic related have beautiful girls or at worst average but still very beautiful looking girls.
Even many western young adult romance books like fifty shades or after have the same dynamics, while most het for men it's ugly bastad or generic otaku introvert, sometimes chad male character happens too but it's a pervert like Denji.




Always wondered why some women don't use their collective autism to get shit done? We could've had kino like katawa shoujo but instead we pozzed tif pandering shit where pronouns are mandatory and every one character is a fat vitiligo ministry show. It's not like vns are hard to make but we still have a long ways to go in terms of better female run media.


The ones who get shit done just focus on other things I assume. You have the ones who make a career thanks to their writing or art skills so they don't necessarily work on their own personal projects. I assume Omori fits what you just said but instead of a VN it's an RPG, I haven't played it but I doubt it has BL elements besides some subtext here and there and it took way more time than planned to get released because of some money mismanagement but it was so long ago I don't remember the details. In East Asia you have autistic things like fan events that are pretending their gay OTP is getting married so the room is decorated like it's for a wedding ceremony and there are cardboard cutouts of the characters in wedding costumes, I've recently seen this on twitter for Gojo/Geto in China and Korea. It feels like there's always a social element to fujoshi planning crazy things based on their OTP or based their own characters or stories.


Probably like the other nonna said. Any girl autistic enough to get shit done is probably already pretty successful doing other things. Women seem to stray more towards individualism imo.


I consider Katawa Shoujo an autism miracle. The thing about group autism and passion projects is that you are all some degree of autismo and sparks fly much easier the higher the number of people on your project there are. Fujo autism is especially potent because we can sometimes import petty dislike of a person over their shipping preferences. Like if I found out the project lead's OTP was filthy Z/X instead of glorious X/Y? I'm outta there unless a paycheck is involved. I think it's stupid I can get "the ick" this way, but shipping autism has never been a reasonable thing. Irreconcilable creative differences!


We did try doing a monsterboy VN project on /a/ once, but looking at the plans and designs I saved back then I'm glad it didn't get anywhere (my art style in particular was awful). King's Blade quest was much better written, probably thanks to being just one guy who knew what they wanted.

I think we've discussed tons of times the reasons why certain creative pursuits don't go very far. Fandom culture doesn't reward original content so much, running with your own ideas can be considered weird or cringe, and trends change too frequently to stay focused on the same project for a long period of time. Throw in the past few years of arguing about what you can and can't ship and I think western autists are kind of trapped toeing lines or keeping to themselves. Organizing under a shared interest is a whole new can of worms.

You've reminded me though that old JP fujo fandom used to make very short RPG Maker games and VNs to sell on discs at Comiket. Some of them barely take 10mins to play and do very little but have a full set of portrait sprites (the rest being freebie assets). It would be nice if people tried that more often, no pressure to make something long or ambitious.


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I might be alone here then BC even if I have a ship I really really like and a fellow fujo ships one of them in a paring I'm not so fond of, I really don't feel any vitriol at all especially if it also has cute fanart to enjoy ultimately if it means more fujo fanart and content in the world it's a net positive even if it's not my preferred relationship for that character
I think I may be alone in that since I've seen a lot of fujos express the entire opposite and look for reasons to call the opposing ship abusive/proship etc (look at Voltron for an obvious example)


It's less that I would feel vitriol and more that I would assume that if our takes on these characters and dynamics between them are that incongruous it would be a bad fit and I'd go use my free time for something else. There are exactly 2 ships on the planet I am this autismal over so even in the hypothetical it is unlikely. Just saying that there is sometimes completely unreal autism at play in fujo spaces (recent example: that one Childe shipper who got all the shipping at the Genshin doujin event removed because there was a booth with bottom Childe - https://x.com/tudou_mi/status/1811714884931059733).


Why the fuck did I get banned from CC? They gave me no reason, refused my appeal and the ban is indefinite. All I did was silly post on the LC bunker threads. I didn't write anything remotely controversial.


same anon, it also seems like all my VPN usage doesn't matter, no matter where I switch it to, I keep getting the message I'm banned.


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I always hated that people without add-ons (who are the vast majority) would casually see single "likes" of others on their timeline on Twitter and I thought this was finally gone when they made likes private, but apparently not? And it's just hiding the one liking it now?

This is funny as fuck, but honestly also annoying me. I draw SFW fanart and have a SFW follower base because of that, but I also enjoy NSFW. It annoys me that I can still not "like" it because I have to fear that some gay gang rape will slide into everybody's timeline now. Why the fuck did Twitter have this function in the first place? It's so intrusive. If I wanted to share something I would retweet it.


Same here, I can't even appeal it I guess I'm just banned for life now.


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Same. I don't fit into many fujo spaces because everybody is so obsessed with their OTP that they get angry if you post pretty art of another pairing. Even for the pairings I am autistically obsessed over I am saving art for that ships them with other characters, even if it's some I don't particularly like. In the end it means more cool fanart and maybe even some interesting interpretation of my fav, even if it's with another dude.

Pretty art = brain goes brrrr
Pretty art with a fav of mine = double brrrr

I am a simple woman.


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Oh hell. I guess the poor people who follow me for random reposts of photos and cute art are getting an eyeful of SD yaoi all day, err' day.


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The funniest part is that they cannot even block it since they don't know where it's coming from, lel
Now that they're hiding the names of the liker you can secretly spread yaoi shit among your followers and they can guess who it might be and unfollow everybody they know and love. It seems like it's not even saying why it's popping up (like saying "Someone you follow liked this"), so most are probably not even aware why it's on their feed to begin with and will blame twitter's algorithm (not sure how vanilla Twitter works, I only see the post of those I follow).


You may not like the ship in a deep way and mostly a casual enjoyer way and that's okay.
People who moral preach for an NOTP they hate are stupid though. I get being fixated to autistic levels to your ship (I can't relate to sympathizing with opposing pair shippers, I hate them by default) but I wouldn't resort to moral preaching. The most you can insult another fujo is just calling their other ship bland or non-canon kek


I remade a twitter account a few years ago and decided fuck it, I do whatever I want and I'm not sharing my @ with my irl friends anymore so I always liked and retweeted nsfw BL art in there. In the FYP you get recommended tweets but the "[user name] liked" mention has been removed from the tweets recommended so maybe your followers won't even know they're seeing NSFW art because of you.


Does anyone feel out of place because you don't like male ryona, typical seme and uke tropes, and would rather prefer bl with a intimate relationship? It doesn't have to be wholesome, sometimes drama adds a kick that feels good SoL stories lack. I don't enjoy some of the fucked shit I see so I stick to my mind for all my entertainment needs.


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I like those things, but I do wonder if yaoi as a genre has a certain type of dark and tragic comedy that is sort of unique as its own thing.


Who's this victim of male pattern baldness? I recognise the art style, it looks like it might be by that woman who wrote the only omegaverse manga I ever enjoyed



My mom follows me so it's funny to wonder what kind of stuff the unmitigated algo jumpscares her with. Cat, news, shitpost, cat, cat, cartoon man stuffed in every hole, cat… It's not actually that big of a deal, she's known I'm Like This for more than half of my life.


That's weird but also kind of cool that your mom respects your preferences. My mom caught me reading slash fic when I was a teenager and she threw a huge fit. I was grounded and lost access to the computer for months.


I can't stand ryona (I mean, normally the term refers to male on female violence) but I've never encountered it in BL I've read, or nothing gratuitous enough that I remember it. My experience is just people making posts in the middle of other conversations and using fanart to illustrate it. It's jarring because I want comfortable, cuddly, horny stuff around fictional dudes and these posters seem to have it in for them. It feels malicious. I can't even write proper villains in my original stories I'm so incapable of enjoying malicious intent, haha.


Welp, guess my followers will just have to learn to deal with drawn gay porn and the occasional Astolfo/Venti/etc cosplayer with his cock out.


All the talk about yume boards has me thinking, not about yumes but I do wish it was easier to talk about anime individually without having to deal with coomers, gendies and those who hate anime but pretend to like it. Something in the middle, like a seasonal anime/ongoing manga board where I'm not slammed with really shitty tits and retarded waifusperging/woman hating every other post but I'm also not slammed with trannies, cuntboys, and retarded woman hating and also not slammed with how all anime past 1990 sucks and is disgusting and the only thing people ever talk about it Eva and Full Metal Alchemist.


God I'd love to have a place to find new horror manga and anime recs without surfing through the slop of modern fandom. I've left every anime/manga discussion place except here. And I don't wanna bother fujonas with potential non-bl horror recs.


I'm sure general manga and anime threads would be allowed on /ot/.


OT should be fine for that! I'd like to hear your recs since I love horror!


I like it best when the ship love each other and the ryona is done by a vindictive third party. My OTP were enemies off-screen in the past but it's not elaborated on so sometimes I imagine the seme attacking the uke or vaguely being an asshole in that era. The route I usually go is there are some sketchy feelings between them but ultimately, they love and deeply understand each other. It's very believable for either of them to have gotten on some thug's bad side and then sets it off and the other has to save him. Fluff and mutual hatred are good too though. It depends a lot on the character. The same characters who are especially ryonable also work well in more standard angsty plots. And I'm kind of with you het ryona.

>I've left every anime/manga discussion place except here. And I don't wanna bother fujonas with potential non-bl horror recs.

Same. This seems to be the only place that "gets it". I always feel this way, too, when it comes to talking about things that are not particularly gay here but why not make some generals in /ot/? Maybe if they get too busy, you can spin them off elsewhere. Or make a thread crowdsourcing recs with its own google sheet/website. I also think it would be nice to make a cozy, more general fandom group on a quiet or less Western part of the internet but we'd probably have to vet people heavily.


Should it be a general horror thread?


i have a big manga collection so my mum has stumbled upon my epic licensed yaoi collection she simply chuckles and calls them "my funny gay cartoons books"


That would be nice! On a similar topic, Ive enjoyed Brutal Satsujin and although there was said to be BL implications (i have to reread and check since i havent caught them) im looking for similar genres where its slasher and theres no instances of women getting hurt for moid gaze.


None of those anons, but I'd also be in favor of a horror thread. Although it would be nice to have a place to discuss BL horror and ask for recs, as well.


NTA but I could make a horror thread on /bl/ if there's enough interest


I'm way too excited to eat my leftover Indian takeout, it's eggplant, spicy tofu and mild tofu. The spicy tofu isn't really spicy but god is it good.


That sounds absolutely delicious
Indian leftovers are amazing


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It bothers me that there's basically zero 7SEEDS fanart online. It's one of my all time favourite manga, and there's just nothing. Nothing!


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One of my posts got made into a banner but I ended up hating the manga it's about and haven't drawn since I dropped it


im so curious what the manga is, please do tell nona!


Kengan omega, which started off strong, shit the bed in a way that messed with the plot of its precursor manga, and is now partly ai-illustrated. It's irritating because it did have interesting characters, good fights, and good art at one point but both the writer and mangaka made dogshit choices at every turn. It hurts cause the mangaka was so good at drawing fat-assed middle aged men


what a shame, I looked it up and it reminds me of baki, another series i enjoyed for unconventional fujo art. im so sorry for what happened to it :(


I feel bad about what happened to baki too, it just sucked seeing these fighting manga fumble because I wanted them to stay good. There's other fighting manga but they're not the same


i finally watched end of evangelion last night. so fucking good and i can’t believe that it took lolcow being down to finally make me watch through the series, kek. i’m definitely going to let it sit in my brain for at least a few weeks/months before daring to watch the rebuilds (against everyone’s advice). but i am thinking about reading the manga in the meantime. is it any good and/or worth it if you’ve recently seen the anime?


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>is it any good and/or worth it if you’ve recently seen the anime?
The manga doesn't hold a candle to the show, but it's not actively insulting like Rebuild. It has a lot of different characterization and some good fujobait, so it's not just a rehash of the anime. The events and ending are also different. There's also a wild world of official spin-off manga like picrel that might be of interest. You may also want to look into the spin-off games, although I haven't gotten to play them myself, so I can't vouch for their quality.


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Campus Apocalypse is another one worth checking out if you mainly just want Kawoshin content.

Seconding that the manga is really good and not just a rehash.


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my hearts been ripped to pieces holy fuck, what an absolute rollercoaster


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I fully believe animators should be compensated for their labor and have hospitable working conditions, and I get that this isn't officially affiliated with the animation guild but holy fuck this is feels like such a bad idea why does the western bl scene have to be tied to so much political bullshit?


I don't think this is that political? I personally don't find AI a political topic, social maybe.

Personally I think it's a funny idea for a zine, but I normally don't buy zines that aren't based around properties I already like so I won't pick it up. Be aware most zines are non-profit and have their funds donated, always check the charity before you buy some. I've unfortunately had to pass ones that look very pretty due to charities chosen that I don't align with.


It has to be gendies overcompensating for all the lost tumblrtard years of shaming fujos for liking yaoi. It annoys the shit out of me and you can tell they are never actually passionate like we are. I swear they treat it like a meme, it makes it hard to find genuine fujos


Which is THE current fujoship of this era? That is popular both in jp and eng fandom. Is it Satosugu?
When I open toranoana, for the past few years it's been nothing but slam dunk or gegege no kitaro and my jp TL is full of nothing but this and several artists I liked also moved to them but I don't see anything from the eng fandom at all.
Eng is like a cluster of gacha pairs and satosugu, but isn't the most popular gojo pair in japan with Megumi?
I remember a decade ago it was a bit easier to point out which was the current fujoship, maybe because there wasn't a lot back then though. Like how Shizaya was the hot shit of 2010s, then Ereri in 2013s during the Shingeki craze, but afterwards I think I just didn't notice anything more.


Probably something Genshin related? As a whole shipping seems less homogenized, which is probably a good thing in terms of variety though you have less food on the table for what you're interested in.

The last BIG community I saw that wasn't gacha-based was those Minecraft youtuber ships, but I'm too old for those so I couldn't tell you what they're about. Plenty of live-action series seem popular too, like the most recent Good Omens adaptation, or Our Flag Means Death.

Anime wise I think most people are still into ships and series from years ago. Hunter x Hunter and BnHA's consistent fandom comes to mind.


>Is it Satosugu?
Even straight male shonentards see Gojo and Geto as an item and point and laugh at some scenes for being gay as fuck instead of spamming "reee fujoshi always ruin manga and don't understand male friendship they wouldn't get it" so it's eligible for the title. I wish I had a screeshot of that tweet from a shonentard talking about the HI arc and saying something like "the shippers were onto something, call it toxic masculinity but I'd never do all thag for my best friend" but you get the idea. I don't know much about Genshin Impact but with its popularity I assume it has a lot of fujoshi fans.

>Hunter x Hunter and BnHA's consistent fandom comes to mind.

Shonen Jump series with that amount of popularity tend to stay popular for decades so I'm not surprised, I'd be shocked if people didn't talk about them anymore. It's either that or they're almost forgotten. Even Bastard!! is still somewhat talked about these days and the recent anime brought new fans.


When I'm on twitter I've been curating my feed so that I'm locked up in my own little cave of gaming-related ships for the most part so I'm not actually that up to date with shounen stuff. However, I do get emails from Anime otaku carrying service that imply Hero academia and Jujutsu kaisen are still popular with fujoshi and since big shounen titles tend to thrive in the west too it wouldn't surprise me if that Jujutsu kaisen ship is popular in the west as well. I'm just not sure if Bakudeku would also be cause of 'morality' reasons.


Speaking of Attack on Titan, I barely hear about it nowadays, even though I always see people talking about other manga and anime that were equally popular when the first season started. I liked the first season, read the manga until I caught up with the latest chapter back then and got too lazy to continue so what happened? Was the ending that horrible? Usually with series that lose their popularity with time you can still see a few people saying good things about it later but here that's not the case.


From what I understand the show just kept getting worse. Only ever read the first few volumes, but everyone I know who stuck with it has nothing nice to say about the later parts.


i also vaguely recall there being some antisemitism/nazism scandal with the mangaka? but i don’t know if it had any substance or if it was just generic twitter drama.


NTAYRT but it was because he based some of the characters on controversial historical figures (Dot Pixis is based on Akiyama Yoshifuru for example) but most of it was just twitter discourse thinking that depicting a fascist government equals approving of fascism, even though it was made pretty clear that said government were depicted as the bad guys and Isayama (the manga author) is just an autistic military otaku. IMO the main problem SNK had was the story going all over the place and turning into an incoherent mess. Every time politics are introduced in a shounen manga's plot it just turns to shit immediately.


It feels strange to throw Genshin into the contending pool–the yaoi is very popular sure, but the characters themselves are rarely critical to the main story and exist in this kind of limbo where they get cameos but little-to-no character development. I personally don't think of it in the same way I would a book/comic/show/Actual Complete Game. Zhongli/Childe is still top dog and IIRC they have literally not interacted with each other in-game since they were introduced FOUR YEARS AGO.

old_man_yells_at_cloud.jpg moment, sorry.

I consider Bakudeku the zoomer Sasunaru and if the ridiculous idpol of modern shipping existed back then I'm certain Sasunaru shippers would also have been under fire to the degree that early Bakudeku shippers were.


It was fine as a few jokes, but this is like they're trying to be the boogeyman gay men whine about when they complain about fujoshi. Nobody is actually invested in these characters enough to not make gay caricatures and to be honest it'll make it harder for those oddly talented artists out there who actually do get really into weird obscure shit like mascots.

I had to google what Satosugu was. orz I'm in the Eng side of the Gegege fandom, it's not huge and many of the users are SEA who grew up with some form of Kitaro. There's not much drawing fanart, but a lot of buying doujins and visiting theaters in Japan. I think there's such an abundance of available art people have been drawing Akuma-kun fanart instead.

What we've discussed before about fandom being much broader and English speakers not having to congregate on the same few titles means that there's never going to be one unifying franchise or pair again. There'll be a few Big fandom that'll be almost mainstream in popularity, and then a few hundred little pockets overlapping one another but totally hidden from those further away. You know the series you really like and see a ton of JP and KR fanart of and assume is known, but when you mention it to someone else they have no clue. The creepiest part is when you find someone who does know and then they're also fans of a bunch of other stuff you liked but couldn't find people for, like what are the chances, how'd that happen.


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>be subscribed to a YouTube channel that talks about Discord stuff
>usually about updates and scams and whatever is going in the platform
>he has made a few videos about grooming servers where actual real minors get exploited
>makes bad zoomers jokes, like using irl criminals as an insult (like calling people Epstein or whatever)
>scam and update videos are becoming secondary to these videos where he looks at creepy NSFW servers
>new video today where he says "this is the worst thing I've seen"
>click it
>the worst thing he has seen is a Loud House NSFW incest loli game
>some people in the comments have told him to not mix fiction with reality
>he left a pinned comment saying "if you disagree feel free to unsubscribe!"
I don't understand how you can see actual real children be groomed and still say cringe drawings of a cartoon are worse than that. I don't like The Loud House, I hate that fandom in fact, and also I usually hate scrotes into loli. But please, can't I get just one YouTuber who doesn't mix fiction with reality? Just one please? Like why not instead focus on the fact that that server has bad moderation where kids can see NSFW?
I hate current anti debates so much, even when I don't look for them they pop up out of nowhere.


The exaggeration of horror/outrage in regards to drawn stuff is so exhausting. Really? The worst thing you've ever seen is nsfw loli when we live in an era of randomly getting gorebombed by images and video of the bodies of Palestinian children on Twitter?


There's a controversy in my main gaming fandom right now about a hardcore raider who cheated on his girlfriend and how in that same community misogyny in general was being spread around and excused by male hardcore raiders. In the replies of a female raider who said her piece there was a minor fandom celeb who said kind and encouraging words to her but then in the replies a bunch of people started bitching about loli diaper art he had commissioned a long time ago that he had already apologised for. Even though I think that art is gross I thought it was embarrassing to see people bring up that fake stuff when the guy was being supportive to a real woman who had suffered from real sexism.


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do picrel count


heh I just got that exact video in my recc, NTTS is alright but this is one of those instances where it's like yeah he's too brainwashed by normalfag mentality.
This seems to be increasingly more common nowadays, I think people are just so scared of the pedogroomer boogeyman that everything that has children in it is an automatic redflag even though nobody has ever cared about whatever happens to fictional kids. Remember when people used to sexualize pokegirls all the time? And Asuka?
It feels very 'bad thing bad' type of reductive thinking


I was not expecting someone to know what I was talking about lol, but yeah I guess he is normie brained and it annoys me that YouTubers in general are like this with the fiction vs reality debate.
Some recent examples is Saberspark saying having actual real life CSEM is as bad as drawing straight shota and Invader Zim porn, Keemstar doing a crusade against anyone who interacted with Shadman and people losing it cuz he drew loli rather than suggestive art of a real kid, and SomeOrdinaryGamer saying loli and shota is horrible but also saying he watches real cartel beheading videos. And kinda related but don't even get me started on Zoomers using real life criminals who hurt real children as a quirky "omg so gross" insult.
I'm so tired, it's fine to hate these stuff, but actual pedophilia is nothing but a punchline at this point.


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Same, I just don't get the appeal of rape and abuse for the sake of rape and abuse. If it's used as a springboard for rape-recovery or another character saving the poor beaten slave, I'm all for it, but personally mutual pining leading into a relationship is my cup of tea.

>heh I just got that exact video in my recc, NTTS is alright but this is one of those instances where it's like yeah he's too brainwashed by normalfag mentality.
Not familiar with the guy, but I'd say this is the exact opposite of normalfag mentality. A person on the street would find it gross and weird, but they find it weird because its cartoon porn not because its loli/shota. Terminally online people are the ones who make a big fuss.

Recent Shadman stuff annoys me equally because you have all these lolicons rushing to defend him but the man was a pedo and did create what I would consider to be child exploitation material. It's all so exhausting.


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TBF, Loud House coomers are creeps


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Bad show, bad fanbase who would have thought?

Can't even think of the last good Nick show honestly, maybe I'm too old but I don't think I like anything that channel produced post-2006 with Avatar. Though I heard Rise of the TMNT was good so maybe I'll check that out sometime.


I stopped following too, but last thing I remember was that the fandom at one point became a pile of fights between het ships (actually, /a/ called Eren x Historia shippers "plotfags", because apparently people agreed that the ship was for people that cared about the plot) so that's that.


everything i learnt about aot aside from the first season was against my will from my terminally online friends, ngl even during the first season I genuinely didn't give a fuck about any of the characters, the setting was interesting but if i don't care what happens to these hoes then it doesn't really matter to me, some of the fanart is hot but the actual characters are mostly pretty fugly, i never got the Levi hype also Reiner not really being gay was a massive let down


Ironically I dropped the manga not long after the Historia reveal but would still check in on /a/ every few months. The best thing out of that fandom was all of that decent-to-good quality AU fanfic that doubled as original gay fiction. Hell even all of the speculative canon compliant fics were better than the direction the story went. It also solidified my stance on "public flogging for people who tag side pairs", which I hold to this day.
Thanks for namedropping so I could actually watch the vid in question. The game is obviously for lolicons, but the guy really is overreacting, especially all the handwringing about the incest tag, like one of the most popular shows in Normieville wasn't Game of Thrones.
This sounds like WoW but I haven't heard a thing about it (filter game too strong I guess?), please post a name so I can snoop.


It's not really WoW related but it did start cause a FFXIV raider replied to a post about WoW raiding and then two of the women he harmed QRTed him. https://x.com/eorzean_info/status/1834387922730320272 And this post is the one from the female raider who also said her piece and the blue checkmark called kaiyoko is the loli diaper art guy. https://x.com/hellostal/status/1834233297268081136
I'm not sure what to think about the whole women in esports situation cause while I'm sure misogyny is a major deterrent I also can't help but wonder if maybe there's just something about male brains that make them more willing to nolife videogames compared to women. I already considered that when I noticed how speedrunning is male dominated too.


>the almost 900 QRTs on the cheater's post
Holy shit lmao, thanks for the reading. For all of the time I've also played XIV I never thought it would have the same "male nerd" problem WoW has. I guess because I think it's weird that men would want to play what is essentially a BL/otome game with PvE elements and dogshit netcode.

>something about male brains that make them more willing to nolife videogames compared to women

Progression raiding in particular requires 3+ hours without significant interruption for 2-3 days a week (more so if you are a world first contender like the post that started this all) and women are far less likely to be able to guarantee this. In general a woman's free time is not nearly as much hers as a man's is his because women are socialized to carry the burden of household/secretarial tasks outside of work hours.

IMO that's why so many gamer girls are either casual or singleplayer–they can pick it up and put it down to attend to whatever has been asked of them by their family/partner and the capricious needs of their children. The "best" raiding years of my life were when I was single and living in a depression nest with no obligation outside of "don't kill yourself". Top 200 baby!


>>makes bad zoomers jokes, like using irl criminals as an insult (like calling people Epstein or whatever)
Completely unrelated but shit is that what it is? I had a gang of kids keep harassing me with the age old "my friend says he fancies you, will you go out with him", and got fed up of saying "no" because they'd tried to physically trip me for saying it. So I just straight ignored them and carried on walking, to which they responded by shouting "Jeffrey Dahmer, you're Jeffrey Dahmer!" in front of tons of small children and their parents. I was shocked because what are these 12-year-olds knowing anything about Dahmer for, but also why would you ever say it around even smaller children who might ask questions? It just seemed super weird that they all trained themselves to do it suddenly.

I've had to mute a bunch of artists because of that shit. It feels so disrespectful to pass around death videos of victims in between your gay smut drawings and teehee kpop bois jokes.


>For all of the time I've also played XIV I never thought it would have the same "male nerd" problem WoW has.
I guess raiding will just attract these kinds of people regardless of what the rest of the game is like. There's these prominent male WF raiding streamers in the fandom too called Arthars and Xenosys vex who are defending the cheater and from what I can tell they've been around for a while. Some people think the XIV fandom got worse when Asmongold played it and brought his WoW fanbase over when WoW had a universally hated expansion. I've only played XIV since 2020 so Dawntrail is the first time I've seen an expansion drop that the fanbase is divided about but some of the tidal wave of hate towards a new prominent female character definitely feels very 'male nerd' to me. I don't even care much about her myself and switched to JP voices to avoid the troon voice actor but a certain crowd of people treat this character like she killed their dog.


What the fuck, what are the parents of those kids doing? Not only harassing you but also comparing you to a terrible person. But yeah, young people nowadays know a bunch of irl monsters but instead of knowing they're monsters they use their name as a punchline. It happens a lot with celebrities being exposed as groomers like Drake or Dr Disrespect. Not only is it a horrible insult to tell anyone that they're just like a real monster who hurt real people, it also waters down their name which makes the severity of their actions a joke. People back then used Pedobear for this but that was a dumb cartoon who didn't exist.


where i live i always get kids running up to me trying to film me in tiktoks or whatever, i just smack the phone out of their hand and keep walking so i don't give them the attention they're desperate for, parents need to sort themselves out and actually be an active presence in their lives


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Zoomies and twittards have such a fucked moral compass. I swear they alog @twinbuns on instagram for being a fujoshi so hard it's disgusting. They now compare her to smartschoolboy9 and Diddy for reading the most tame BLs ever: Junjou Romantica and YBC kek they're not even moralfagging over shotacon. Do they even realise how disrespectful they are to actual victims of these predators and the situations they were put in? I'm also so fucking over Epstein jokes. It's like pedophilia isn't taken seriously in the minds of these people, just a word they can slap on anyone they dislike.


Is this the new memed pedo? I swear Epstein/Diddy/etc. jokes are just Pedobear for zoomers except it's worse because they're real people with actual victims and not some cartoon bear.


nta but it's some creep old fat guy who wears makeup and pretends to be a boy on instagram, as far as i can tell. He has access to AI stuff and i don't even want to think about the things he does with that shit. Either way, I saw someone promoting their shitty music with a "fancam" of this guy so yeah, he became just another punchline instead of being shamed for being a fucking pedophile.
Calling people you don't like (even fictional characters) 'Epstein' on twitter became so common i thought i was the crazy one for thinking that people should never do that….some weirdo on twitter is not the same as a rapist pedophile who sex trafficked children for years


twinbuns they could never make me hate you


What >>6200 said but apparently the guy has now gone so viral that reddit sleuths trying to be the hero are fucking up the investigation and children are trying to find this guy IRL so if he did anything actually illegal I could see him just never getting caught for it cause the british police will decide it's not worth touching this shit.


why is these people humor just "oh current thing!™️ did you see me reference current thing?™️ Just how funny is that I know about current thing™️?"
Honestly might as well be bots


Someone is probably projecting.


They're kids old enough to congregate on their own at the park, I know when I was near the end of elementary we used to take off on bikes and make up shit in the woods to play all the time. I can't fault them being unattended like that, but I wish there were someone seeing them act like that who could say something. Or more like I wish I was strong enough to tell them off, but I think these days kids really don't listen to non-family. At least if it were one of the parents with another child there'd be some weight to their words and an immediate show of consequence (kid who hears the insult), but they just looked at me and left it.

Jesus, I'm glad I haven't encountered that. Cell phones were becoming a thing when I was in high school and I had enough of younger kids taking photos of me passed out with cramps in the nurse's office. I'd be scared to smack the phone in case they used it against me.

All I know is that somehow overnight my youtube recommended/related sidebar is full of these disgusting thumbnails of a guy in vampire facepaint doing retarded shit with his swollen tongue. I know it makes it easier to hate him but I'm trying to eat my dinner while watching some harmless gaming channel, I don't need that jumpscare when the video ends.


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Nonnies, let me know if I'm alone on this because I feel it's an unpopular opinion but I still wanna share it: I have Miku fatigue. I'm tired of seeing her everywhere on social media and sometimes irl. I like vocaloid songs that feature her, I enjoy listening to vocaloid in general. But Miku, just her, it feels like she's everywhere now and the people who post her only do it cuz she's popular and not because of the music, it feels soulless compared to drawings or memes you'd see back in the day. I have the word "Miku" muted in my social medias but even then she still appears. I don't wanna see more Miku, I wish vocaloid was niche.


Always remember it was that cybershoujo tranny who destroyed Miku, never forgot what trannies take from us.


I get it. I also love Miku, but seeing people bandwagon on something you enjoy for the "wrong" reason is irritating. Secondary fandom is a menace, /jp/ was right to use it pejoratively.


I've had Miku fatigue for like 10 years now. It's getting worse now that Miku is becoming more mainstream. I also wish vocaloid went back into being a niche thing, but that gacha game just really pushed it into the mainstream.


Yeah somehow it feels like nowadays most vocaloid fans aren't really fans of the music but fans of the trends


Do you guys remember 2Kawaii4Comfort?


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I one HUNDRED percent agree even as a huge vocaloid fan myself. Also, people always preach on and on that it is not necessary to gatekeep, but Miku's sudden rise in popularity (to where even normies know about her) is evidence as to why gatekeeping is important sometimes. For me personally, a "red flag" of a Miku lover is a Miku lover who doesn't know *any* other vocal synths (i.e., they don't know Len or Rin or Teto). And another red flag for me is when they can't list a single vocaloid producer, not even the big names like utsu-p or deco*27 or mitchie or inabakumori… Those are the vocaloid fans I straight up can't stand. The indie music scene is why I love vocaloid shit (even as cringe as the indie music scene can be, kekkk). I don't get the fans who lover her just for appearance.
Okay sperg rant over. I will still stick around the vocaloid community for my shota king Kagamine Len…


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Same. I enjoyed a lot of vocaloid music and thought the hologram concert was the best thing ever, but after 2010 my interest just keeled over. I think there was an influx of ironic weebs who posted Miku everywhere and I saw the music less so I didn't keep up with anything. It was easier to pick up new songs when music videos got fandom parodies all over NND, but at some point I stopped browsing/seeing them. Now I check a few MMD here and there and vocaloid songs don't come up too much.

I didn't know there was a gacha game, how long has that been a thing?

Why does this exist

I'm afraid I could name old songs or themes/stories of songs but not the producers. Hypocrite that I am, I felt a real embarrassment over the reaction to the Guardians of the Galaxy film. That was so unexpected, I don't know if I'm glad people barely made anything of it or not. The fact even vocaloid communities posted about it like "guys it's Miku!!!!! omg Miku in the theater!!!!!!" but most couldn't do the barest of research to name the song and its source. I wanted to see someone congratulate Chopin, haha.


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>gacha game
Yeah, it's Project SEKAI. Picrels. It came out a few years ago. Most of the characters seem to be girls, but I'm pretty sure there's people that ship the few guys the game has because I occasionally come across the Project SEKAI fandom tag on ao3 while searching for m/m.
>Guardians of the Galaxy
Oh wow, I didn't even know about that. And I watched the movie so many times too. Can't believe it never registered to me. Also same, I can't ever remember producers. Especially considering how much time has passed since I was actually into vocaloids and vocal synths. There are quite a few songs I do remember the names of, but there's a lot I've forgotten over the years.


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Sorry I should have specified it was the… third movie? I haven't seen it yet, but it came out fairly recently. They used a track from S2 of the anime Classicaloid, an NHK Educational channel kids comedy by a couple of the staff behind Osomatsu-san. Each Classicaloid had a different producer, and Chopin's used vocaloid vocals to fit with him being the one who adpts to using technology to avoid his social anxiety. I honestly remember him using Len more than Miku, but it's been a few years since my last rewatch.
I knew it. The song they used in Guardians of the Galaxy was the Puppy Carnival, which has a mess of lyrics naming dog breeds and I'm fairly sure a choir of vocaloids. In context it's a spell that turns everyone into dogs so they can understand the discomfort of an animal that can't communicate in human speech (however, Chopin is mistaken and Dvorak thinks he is being patronizing to make assumptions about him and his, uh, hipponess). I have no idea how it could possibly be used in Guardians without being particularly weird, and I'd accuse hollywood of using vocaloids for just that, but whoever picked it out had to have seen season 2 of Classicaloid of all shows! I wish I knew who and how it came to be.

>Project SEKAI

Oh shit so this where they're getting the characters for the Miku movie. That makes way more sense. I watched the teaser trailer for that and thought "why is anyone going to care about all these new people?" But their designs seemed pretty specific compared to the usual "normal world civilians" in anime movies, so it did strike me as unusual. Now I'm looking it up, a ton of articles named Project SEKAI in the title. I guess that's what I get for just opening the trailer and disregarding everything else.


I've heard the ginger boy and the split dye boy are really gay together, I really don't wanna fall down mobile game hell but cute apparently almost canon gays is a pretty tempting offer


>find new person who seems enthusiastic about my ship and looks okay
>read their strawpage/carrd
>mogai/radinclus/mspec/autistic/plural with alters and they/he pronouns

The amount of 'fujos' I've encountered that go by he/him or they/he is so insane even if they act like decent people on the surface I just get completely put off the moment I read they have 'alters', same with autists. Every actual autist or 'self-proclaimed autist' is such an insufferable ADHD beast that can't keep a conversation or interest afloat.


I keep feeling this when I encounter what seems like a fujo artist who draws great art and is into the same stuff I am but then I see it's a he/him girl. Even if these people are chill to interact on the surface, generally speaking, I just feel pity and imagine that they could jumpscare me with zippertits any time.


Same, sometimes I feel a bit mean because I avoid interacting with gendies even irl despite the fact that we can have a lot in common. I just know it's a ticking time bomb and becoming close to them will have a guaranteed expiration date.


I can tolerate some they/themmies if they rarely mention troon shit but the 47 DID alters he/they/bug/ghost TIFs are batshit insane. Their retarded politics aside, those people are consistent shit-stirrers and attract the most retarded discourse. I thought it was just a terminally online 14 year old thing but there are 20+ year olds like that.


Literally the second I see gendie shit they get blocked/muted. I only really use ao3 though so it's not often I actually come across an "about" page with that sort of stuff unless they write some retarded rant in the author's notes or in the tags. I hate that fujo communities tend to be filled with gendies.
I've come across gendies irl a few times and I'm always super guarded around them. I'm always scared I might say something misandrist and accidentally catch their ire.
>tolerate some they/themmies if they rarely mention troon shit
Same. Like I won't go out of my way to speak with any, but I don't actively feel gross talking to them like I do with tifs/tims.


I've lucked out with my fujo stuff because I rarely come across unhinged he/hims and he/theys who share my interests. Of course there's an abundance of them but they're usually quite young while I'm in my early 30's so our social circles just don't mingle. I feel like all the ones who used to be mlm fujoaidens when I was still in my 20's either grew out of it or stopped liking fujo stuff and shipping altogether. They went into that full on gay male larp completely separate from all the weebshit I'm into. So I guess just give it time.


I'm afraid I'm ancient so seeing someone has a strawpage or carrd is already a red flag for me. The only times it's not is if it's a general fandom one showing where to download and buy a series.


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The fandom drama of the day is so funny to me cause I doubt any of these people could logically explain to me how it's not fetishizing when a man wants to identify as a woman.


>I'm in my early 30's so our social circles just don't mingle
Same here. I guess my age and taste in 2D men prevents it. The guys I am into are too masculine or powerful and weird to be easy targets for trans headcanoning and the people my age are rarely into that either. I bet it's mostly an issue in series that are flooded with twinks like Genshin and the likes which I avoid by a mile for multiple reasons. Feels good.
Downside is that my men also never get much art or fics, but the ones they get are in-character and more or less on-model at least so there is that.


My taste in men has skewed older as I've aged as well. Though annoyingly enough now they've been classified as "old man yaoi" even though the characters are in their 30s which bothers me greatly. They aren't geriatric dammit!

Do you similarly have issues where the men you like arr mainly drawn by the bara crowd, or do you not mind that?


incredibly annoying how any discussion of this topic has to preface with "as a poc xyz, blah blah blah blah you, as a white qweer, are a peepee poopoo head" this entire thing just seems like a whole nothing burger to get mad about when theres a literal sexpest case and popular streamers siding with predatory moids happening at the same time


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Nona, the old man yaois are younger than I am, in my late 30s.


i thought i was in the clear cause i enjoyed yakuza characters who are yknow geriatric old men yet even troon hands were not safe from them, fuck this shitty baka life


No wonder the lolcow tourists were so anti-fujo the other week when they were here, they have a whole thread for proshippers and have that exact 'le fujoism is moid gooner behavior and if you like shota you're as bad as a moid pedo' mentality. I don't understand how these people live.

>The guys I am into are too masculine or powerful and weird to be easy targets for trans headcanoning
The most "trans male" headcanons I ever see are usually done for the most hairy, deep voiced, masculine guys ever that nobody in their right mind would ever think they're a woman at all (This happens a lot to Solid Snake nowadays). It almost feels like spite.


>le fujoism is moid gooner behavior
Rich coming from the board that has the majority of the husbando enthusiasts.
Those who actually devote their life and delusions to their 2D husbandos (they actually had threads dedicated to it like 3DPD) which sounds a whole lot similiar to the waifu male posters.
Even some of the ones claiming to be "fujos" are either yumes/husbandos/himes that just pretend to be fujos because they have one ship.
Coincidentally they are also the ones i believe who can't get into bl because of the missing female character slate, almost like their minds always defaults back to otome.


Don't forget that it's the board that made a whole fucking shitshow because a couple of anons posted a few pictures of shotas (non-sexual) and talked about fucking Black Butler and decided to straight up ban anything that vaguely resembles a shota but will do nothing when lolis, loli vtubers, moeslop and loli/rape vns for moids are discussed. The mods and average users must be a bunch of nlog who obsess over men and are brainrotted by porn for men.


The current day Lolcow posters are actual 17-year olds who found about the site on Tik tok, the oldest you'll find there is 21 tops. Of course they'll be up to their ears immersed in sperging about fujos.

I would've been so much happier if I wasn't made aware of Lolcow's yumes. I swear at least a portion of them has to be just scrotes masquerading as "yumes" to hate on fujos and goon to straight porn because otherwise I'll lose a piece of my soul thinking about how retarded husbandofags can get. And it's made worse by Rancefag (also confirmed to be just barely 18, I think she posted nudes as a minor to prove she's a woman and that's why she got them deleted?) who suddenly realized she's a fujo because she likes seeing her eroge protagonist husbando raped and is now samefagging and spamming every single thread on the site bragging about what a based fujo she is giving every schizo antifujo on the site more reason to spaz out. It's madness.


>Those who actually devote their life and delusions to their 2D husbandos
That reminds me of how I found out about the Yume twitter community because I saw a QRT where someone told a prominent yume twt account that character AI is bad. Maybe this sounds naive but I always thought yumes were just people who enjoyed otome games and dating sims. I didn't realise they literally shipped their IRL selves with fictional characters and that waifu/husbando wasn't just a cutesy term to refer to your fave. It was a fascinating rabbithole for me.


There are definitely yumejos that like otome games or games with FeMCs that are moderately normal, but the OC/Canon yumejos are a bizarre phenomenon sometimes I'm honestly impressed how they actually get people to get interested in what is pretty much just me x my husbando type of ""ship"".


Yumes are far from cutesy or fun to be around, they are straight up mentally ill. They will harass fujos and each other because their husbando that they didn't create and that everyone can use gets shipped with someone other than their ugly ass (I also laugh at them representing themselves as pretty stylish ladies or big boobie anime girls when they often look like dirty fat potatoes). When I see yumes I think of those hetshippers on twitter that were malding about two male genshin characters being shipped together and then coming up with the shittiest most nonsensical hetero ship out of spite (nobody cared). The don't realize that they're the same as those underage gendie girls blocking everyone and having literal meltdowns because someone else used their kinned character on tumblr, or moids lashing out when their waifus have a canon love interest that they don't approve of. They seriously need to get their heads out of their asses. I actually love when fujos make gay art of some yume husbando and it makes them seethe.


the thing is, I don't even care if they have a husbando they ship themselves with or are enthusiastic about, I care about the hypocrisy and misogyny they show when talking about fujos.
Male otakus might be cringe but at least don't do this, they don't get angry at ntr fans for instance because that genre is somehow more popular than another.


>they don't get angry at ntr fans
Tbf I've seen a lot of anti-ntr fans on f95zone and they do get angry about ntr often, but they also get banned for being retarded when they cry about ntr in a game that has ntr in the tags. I'm not sure if they have their own community like anti-fujo yumes though


Yeah I wouldn't care either if they didn't insist on invading fujo spaces and shitting on every other woman because of their husbando.


when they get angry about games that have gay in the tags it's even funnier


I'm getting into renpy after a year of depression and it's quite frankly fun to mess with. Still too retarded to make VNs out of it though.


>Still too retarded to make VNs out of it though.
Even my stupid codelet ass was able to use it, so I'm worried for you if you're having trouble, anon. What parts are you finding difficult? I can try to help you. If what you're struggling with is something very advanced and fancy I might not know how, though.
You'll probably get the hang of it after enough messing around and looking at the tutorials though, that's what I did.


Made my first vn and then that was it. It's less the engine and the assets actually. Renpy as a whole is pretty easier (more so if you know the coding language behind it) but unless you're both an artist and writer–and a good one at that–You're gonna have a bad time. I really hate working with people, but if I'm ever going to me the vn of my dreams, I need help…


*but, dang it…


Yeah most actual yumes (as in self-shippers, not just people into otome or het shipping) are both very depressing and angering to interact with. They have a die-hard hateboner for fujos and act like the m/m ships featuring their husbando are personal attacks against them because they're genuinely in love with a fictional character that they didn't even create themselves or in worst scenarios, some vtuber that's played by a real person. It's not a cute and wholesome hobby for most of them but an actual mental illness that makes them hostile.


Ah, that's rough. Honestly, I've done multiple VN projects and though I can draw and write, I've only finished one because I was able to write the whole script from start to finish cleanly at the beginning. The rest have been dragging along because my scripts were more like rough first drafts and I keep running into endless plot untangling hell on one scene or element that keeps me stumbling over it forever.
But bad art has never stopped people from making VNs that end up with tons of charm anyway, and it's pretty easy to get free backgrounds and sounds.


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I’m in the clear for having one otome husbando and otherwise being full fujo right?


I'd love to help you anon. I have an ongoing vn project right now and I know that it's hard work even if it appears simple. I'd honestly like to make character art and cgs for some fujo project, I love coming up with love interest designs and going through the tropes.


I feel a bit awkward since I sometimes use husbando threads to brag/rant about male characters I like (as characters).


I just sperg about my faves in general animanga threads since husbando threads have a weird atmosphere to them, and my theories are almost always firmly tied to canon anyway so delusion central doesn't fit anyway. Sometimes I read husbando fags talk about characters I like and it's basically an unrecognizable fanon version. It's impossible to connect with them when what they like is just a bastardization of what I like. I dislike fujos overly into fanon for the same reason.


I would if I could but sometimes it just doesn't work out, unpopular series or controversial characters and the like.
I absolutely agree on the atmosphere stuff though, most of the time it's just talking about themselves rather than the male character. Really feels like the husbando is just a prop sometimes, I just try to ignore that aspect tbh. If only the internet wasn't so autistic about stuff like this.


>my theories are almost always firmly tied to canon anyway so delusion central doesn't fit
This is what drives me batty about modern fandom. The ratio of canon compliant/considerate to "might as well be original fiction" AU fan material is so skewed. In some fandoms it really does feel like everybody has played/read/watched a completely different work.


I wish there was a better fujo doujin alternative website from MRM and Exhentai/E-hentai because every day I keep opening MRM it's full of roided patreon barashit OR trapshit (not even the "looks slightly masculine" trapshit but just the typical 'might as well be futanari' trapshit) instead of actual fujo works nowadays.
Yes I'm butthurt that my uploads keep getting rejected despite taking hours of scanning and translating ancient doujin but it's not popular shonen no.58930 so it doesn't get uploaded.


Yeah MRM is a travesty, I don't even understand why they don't accept everything it literally can't hurt to have more stuff on the site.


The fact that they won't take translated doujin is insane actually, I hope exhentai at least appreciates them.


They reject translated doujins? Jesus christ, you'd think they wouldn't be afford to be picky and if they're willing to pirate stuff paywalled on patreon then why not translated doujins? If anything, they should treat them as priceless treasures.


It's weird that they don't accept doujin, they have the shittiest barashit and furry shit on there


Posted some art recently that I thought was good and got absolutely roasted. I feel so depressed about it now… I won't ever be anywhere close to decent, I should just give up.


Where were you posting it? Sounds like an issue with the location than the art since unless it's controversial most people don't go out of their way to be dicks to artists.

Imagine it this way nonna, you've got people making actual money off of MSPaint inflation porn commissions, there's an audience for everyone. Your art will never be the worst thing out there you've just gotta find your niche.


It was on an anon board (not 4chan), so being rude isn't unexpected. I wasn't expecting praise, I just wanted crit on what to improve. I didn't get much of that, just people trashing on it. You're not wrong but now I can't stop thinking that, if I post my stuff elsewhere people will think it's shit but just won't say anything.


I’m trying to decide wether or not to catch up on BSD again. I first got into it around 2018ish, watched the first two seasons of the anime, binge-read the manga (up until the point where Kunikida’s fake-out helicopter death happened, iirc), and had a lot of fun. It also helped that the fandom wasn’t as huge back then as it is now, and therefor it wasn’t as annoying. But now it seems to be populated solely by tween Dazai kinnies with discourse brainrot.

Regardless, though, I’m still nostalgic about it. I’ve been considering at least rewatching the parts of the anime that I remember fondly, but I’m worried that I won’t like it as much and my memories will be tainted forever, kek.


I was a BSD fan around 2017-2018 just like you. Then I lost interest, so I left. However, in around 2021-ish I got nostalgic and I decided to re-read it and joined the fandom again. Literally what happened. 80% of the fandom are tiktok kids with 0 critical thinking. That really drove me away from the fandom. It really wasn't like this in the beginning


It’s honestly nice to hear that you had basically the same experience as me. And yeah, the difference between the 2018 fandom and the current fandom is night and day. I wish someone who was there for the entire downfall could explain what the hell happened because I’m genuinely confused. Usually, when a fandom gets like this, it’s because of a new adaptation or something similar, but that’s obviously not the case here.

Also, even though the series was never super deep about its literature connections (at least not that I remember), I still feel like the old fandom cared about that element more and it led to more interesting discussion and fanworks. But as you said, the current fandom has no reading comprehension, so that’s been lost entirely.


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I've only watched this guy's content a handful of times but it's good to know at least one male anituber is enlightened.


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Rare good MB take?

Haven't heard of Kagurbachi but the designs look appealing and easy to ship. Not surprising at all that it's attracting a fujo audience.


Isn't the story behind the fujo audience of Kagurabachi that the male fans were scared the manga might get canceled, so they begged fujos to pick it up?


Your skill doesn't matter as much as what what you're depicting means to you, that's what gives art soul. Draw for your own enjoyment and not to impress autistic crabs memeing about le studies.


Yes, they were basically pimping out their faves in an effort to attract more women into the fandom and drive up sns engagement and manga sales. It's created a funny dynamic in the fandom where now that it's safe from the axe, the new fanboys that came in later complain about "fujos latching on" and older fanboys snap back and say fujos were there from the beginning and helped save the manga. But I still kinda get it because the shippers for the biggest ship so far are retarded teenagers as shonen tends to attract. But shippers are like that across the board, people just insist on turning it into a fujo-specific problem when that's never been the case.


I never trust the word of any "fujo" who claims they also play otome


What if you ship the guys in it




In my experience the otome-playing fujos turn out to indulge more in otome and other het content and only happen to have one or two gay ships.


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I disagree if only for the fact that most otome game fanart I see is yaoi. Granted I've only played two so I'm far from an expert.

I'd consider otome more yaoi adjacent than something like gachaslop at least in those games they're trying to give the characters some depth even if it's a pulpy romace novel with an anine coat of paint. Gacha shit, with a few exceptions like FGO, doesn't even pretend it's characters are people worth being invested in shipping.


I've been playing twisted wonderland every day since the day jp released and don't recommend it, boring ass non-game with shit fics


When I got into Black butler I was very tempted to give it a try cause a bunch of the JP artists I started following are into Twisted wonderland as well and I do have childhood nostalgia for disney. Then I reminded myself that the last time I gave gachaslop a try was with Nu carnival and I ended up quitting cause even gay porn couldn't make me enjoy it so I figured I wouldn't stick with Twisted either.


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I like Twst but it would be better if it wasn't a gacha but a VN instead. If you charged me 20 dollars upfront and reworked it a bit I think I'd enjoy it more. The characters are good and there are fun ships hiding in it, but the "gameplay" feels perfunctory and the gacha mechanics make it hard to get invested in.


Yana's mid is not worth getting into unless you have nostalgia for it


It would be so much worse if it were a vn, there wouldn't a single benefit to it being one. Vn fans have become delusional ever since they blew up on tiktok.


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I don't use tik-tok? Glad to hear there's new blood for the medium though.

My feeling is I hate logging in every day and I hate energy meters. If more of those mobile games offered me the chance to just buy it outright and read at my own leisure I'd enjoy them more. I'd take an anime as well, I just despise games that limit the amount of time you can interact with them by forcing you to stop, and also force you to come back everyday for login bonuses. I also personally just find the "gameplay" segments unengaging the rhythm segments are more fun than the battles imo but neither hold my interest and I'd rather just get back to the stories.

This isn't a unique issue with Twst, I feel this way about most gacha. It's just not a format I enjoy all that much when the emphasis is on characters.


Cool but remember people who actually like vns are a miniscule minority in the grand scheme of things. Twst was a silly idea made to cash in on the gijinka gacha trend and nothing more, if it was a vn it absolutely would've been worse and it most likely would've just been a very shitty otome. As a twst oldfag I'm telling you the main story is bad and that's a common consensus among players, so bad it caused several waves of jp players to quit over the years, if that was all there ever was to twst it never would've seen the success it did. It's the gacha format that offers a slew of advantages such as financial and fandom sustainability but most importantly for our discussion, it allows for more episodic storytelling in the form of events and vignettes that suit Yana better as a notoriously mediocre writer. Gachas having vn elements doesn't mean they will translate well to vns, they're their own thing. Don't like gachas? Good for you but it is a gacha, it was always meant to be a gacha. It's irritating to judge something for what it is and then have someone else add "yeah, I hate this and don't give a fuck about it but it would've been better if it was something I like"


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>It's irritating to judge something for what it is and then have someone else add "yeah, I hate this and don't give a fuck about it but it would've been better if it was something I like"

You're reading a lot of hostility into my posts for no reason especially when my very first post about it in this thread was saying I liked it. >>6311 "If your did this I think I'd like it more" is not the same thing as shitting on it or even saying I hate something. Make no mistake I like Disney and I like the characters. It's fun it's goofy, its just in a style that I struggle to keep up with.

I agree there are financed reasons and one of the unique advantages is adding more characters without needing a new release to introduce them. Plus I mentioned before in a different thread that episodic approaches to storytelling have its advantages For long term pay-offs and overall more screentime spent with characters. But at the end of the day I still wish it had a different release style and I don't think that it should be taken as an attack to voice a personal preference. Do I need to do a youtuber style monologue disclaiming that these are my personal opinions and shouldn't be mistake as facts?


There are times where you should keep your personal preferences and pitches for $20 vn versions of gachas with terrible stories to yourself and this is one of them. If you unnecessarily lay them all out anyways I'll take that as an invitation to share my thoughts on them.


Most gacha stories are trash. Why would anyone want them to be made into vns?


i mean this politely, but couldn’t this conversation go in /ffs/ or something


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>R07 announces Brother Ash
>A project spanning both manga and theater. In a city transformed by a government smoking ban, a man forms a group to restore smoking for workers, distributing illegal cigarettes. Fifteen years later, the group’s founders are hunted by health advocates

Did he intentionally ask the character designer to have them all look like 2000s semes or is that just the artist he got?


Is that so? To me they look like korean webcomic semes who romantically lock the uke in the basement.


A bit of both I suppose, the shoulders give me big 2000s vibes while the hairstyles are more Korean looking.


Who's the character designer?


No idea


You mean this isn't a BL or otome game? Kek
>hunted by health advocates
I'm on the health mafia's side on this one, actually.
Flashbacks to Gintama smoking ban episode


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Did some research and my hunch was right. The character designer is a BL mangaka.


Damn is Ryukishi doing fujobait?


Not sure if a good thing, in the Higurashi Gou/Sotsu threads I saw over at 4chan everyone seemed to be on suicide watch by the end.


I was in said threads and I can confirm that.
The anime was a fuckin mess.


Looking forward to seme/seme shipping and complicated dynamics till someone gives in and lets the other top.
The plot sounds funny. Also I don't smoke like smoking characters and it's interesting that someone does a series about this when everybody else outright refuses to even depict cigarettes these days.


It was terrible but tbf it was also mostly lolishit. With adult male characters, it'll be written differently.


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Same, irl I think smoking is super disgusting but in fiction it’s erotic as fuck.
I don’t really have super high hopes for ship stuff though since last time he kinda tempted it he added a bunch of schizo troon shit.
Issue is that it was just a shitty retread of the original higurashi (which you have to watch to understand gousotsu anyway) and half the anime was repeated scenes on top of that only to end with a retarded ass shounen DBZ fight.


I hope some of the Evil Health Activists(tm) are hot so they can dom the chain smoker semes into pursuing a healthy lifestyle.


>Gacha shit, with a few exceptions like FGO, doesn't even pretend it's characters are people worth being invested in shipping.
Talk about glass houses. Look, as a fatefag I stopped playing that garbage because I got tired of wasting my time on that coom for moids game always wishing in vain they'd give me crumbs of fujo pandering. There was absolutely no fujoshit going on in that game besides Gilgamesh and Enkidu/Kingu in Babylon and the Japanese fandom considers Enkidu as a woman anyway which is why the ship is moderately unpopular within fatefujos.


I still play it and yet I agree. The only thing it has going for it is that the men are more varied than in most other series since you even have (ACTUAL) old guys, bearded beefcakes, samurai etc. whereas most series, especially most gacha, have nothing male at all or the same twinks with different hair styles.

But the story is and will always be ass and most of the good men get ignored forever outside of their introduction story. The only ones they keep bringing back are the meme guys ala Blackbeard, Tesla (cool look, but I am tired of his antics by now) and a few others. And 0 potential fujo content besides the Arjuna/Karna rivalry.
Most of all, as a history fan I am pissed whenever they introduce some cool king, samurai or uptight, traditional guy only to come up with the dumbest fucking excuse to turn him into a fucking loli again.

>Japanese fandom considers Enkidu as a woman anyway which is why the ship is moderately unpopular within fatefujos

It's so ironic and depressive that Gil/Enkidu seemed more popular BEFORE they gave Enkidu his official design and story. I remember so much active fujo discussion in Fate threads. Back when fujos still headcanoned Enkidu as a brown guy with horns (I honestly loved some of the fan designs). When they revealed the official design some were disappointed but still looking forward to his introduction. But then they made him an genderless character with the body of a woman (later even with a female voice) and that killed it. Especially if you read the actual Epic and see how Enkidu is described there (personalitywise I mean).


>Most of all, as a history fan I am pissed whenever they introduce some cool king, samurai or uptight, traditional guy only to come up with the dumbest fucking excuse to turn him into a fucking loli again.
I used to play FGO but quit cause I was tired of the grindy gameplay and once in a while I'll see someone post a new loli in a micro bikini or a titcow and I think to myself I don't regret quitting. To be honest I lost interest in Fate in general aside from Case files, which is pretty much made for me.


In light of the culture war going on, how is bl faring? Are people finding new reasons to love or hate it or has nothing changed?


I don't notice much of a change and not much hate actually. The advantage BL and men centered shows with shipping fuel have going for them is that the ones that hate it are super sensitive about it so they ignore these series from the start because "no waifus". The rest that sticks to it are women/fujos or seinen/shounen/adventure (whatever it is) fans that don't care about the shipping. It only proves to me yet again that the garbage fans are almost without exception otaku.
Regarding the fujo side, personally I never engaged much with fandoms, but feel like everything is chill now. I barely saw haters but now I don't see them in the first place.

Might be that it helps that I completely left tumblr behind and only browse and post on twitter which seems much more chill to me. It's the blog posters that usually cause drama.


I think Enkidu in Strange Fake is fine and most fate fujos who do ship Gilkidu are exclusive to that iteration, but FGO really shat the bed with the "well, he… I mean, THEY, is actually genderless because he's made of clay!" thing. Their stupid pride didn't allow Gilgamesh to commit to being same-sex attracted despite already being canonically flamboyant and vain as fuck, only interested in Saber as a property and his extra series version already being cozy with both female and male Hakunos. And it's not like Fate is completely hush-hush about gay characters since they quite explicitly made it clear in Case Files that El-Melloi is gay, it was a conscious decision to keep FGO appealing to coomer whales but sorta-kinda teasing fujos. Which backfired I guess because Japanese fujos would rather ship Gilgamesh with Ozymandias with whom he has no canon interaction in-game than Enkidu.

Also almost every attractive male character in the game has a girlfriend or a wife on-screen. I guess FGO is exceptional in the sense that the characters are given canon relationships instead of just sucking the self-insert's dick but none of them get gay with each other.


I've been seeing it too lately. Nowadays the worse you get is himejo and fujo slapfights but otherwise, things been good.


How morally questionable would it be if I "stole" someone's OC? It's a character an artist I used to follow hasn't used in years and it seems this artist wants to give up drawing. I think adoptables are a very dumb concept but, would it be less outrageous if I contacted this artist and told them I wanna buy their character or something? Or would it be better to just make a knockoff version?


Knockoff version IMO. There's no reason to entangle yourself with this artist. It's not impossible to make them Legally Distinct unless it's some sparkledog and you just HAVE to have ultramarine hair with zebra stripes that cycle through the rainbow or something so blatantly copying. A design can be divided into its appealing elements and remade.
>it seems this artist wants to give up drawing
That's so sad though. :c


Comping the artist would be the most correct thing to do if they still have an online presence. That being said if you adapt the design and don't just outright stealit I'm sure you'd get away with it.


I had a pretty funny interaction the other week where a guy lost his shit at me for referring to yumes VS fujos as a culture war. Whole thread boiled down to men being mad that women wanted to watch anime instead of suck their dicks, and the best insults they could muster were "they smell" - yeah, of the bath bombs I store in my wardrobe maybe.


In some ways it is. Yumes often eschew more conservative and oftentimes harbor less than liberal beliefs. Not to say they all are, but the amount of yumes secretly trojan horsing their tradthot takes is in the hundreds of not thousands of post each month.


Just make a knockoff, don't steal the OC outright. Stealing someone's design is shitty behavior and causes unnecessary drama, just make something inspired by it, like >>6356 said break down the elements you find appealing and do something based on those features. I would be fucking pissed if someone just snatched my OC I had in the backburner.


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Yeah, it's not entirely the same thing but this reminds me of how a Galo/Lio artist I follow quit drawing that pairing and instead made OCs inspired by them. It works.




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Roger roger, I'll be making a knockoff. This OC is a feminine pink sheep boy who is a smug asshole. I'm sure I can make a legally distinct version.


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It's kinography if you view it as a comedy anime, I love it smiley face :)


@yang_orz on twitter, あいざわヤン on pixiv.


On the one side I am happy whenever I get into a pairing and series again since it gives my life more meaning. But on the other side I sometimes get less capable of doing things since my mind is constantly busy thinking about my obsession.


I so want to make my own BL comic but it feels like it's so much to do. Right now I only make illustrations but making comics is so so much harder.


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So I ended up watching two Minecraft Youtube movies called "Parkour Civilization", it's very big on Twitter right now so I figured might as well. I really enjoyed it, I thought it was super fun. I enjoy watching Minecraft videos even if they're slop or brainrot tho so I'm bias, it was goofy but very well made. What surprised me however is that with the sudden rise of popularity, a lot of yaoi has popped up. I'm just 23 years old but sometimes I feel so disconnected to younger fujos, shipping Minecraft characters is crazy. I don't ship anything personally but I've enjoyed seeing the cute fanart from a cringey Minecraft series lol, Evbo and Seawatt seem to be the most popular ship cuz it's doomed yaoi.


I really want to sperg out about an unpopular series in the west but I would lose my anonymity across sites. That's how unpopular it is
>>5699 100% I wish there was more fujo positivity or neutrality. I'm sick of the random fujo hate and contast moralfagging on LC


I've felt this way about a few ships and series, I'm waiting for a group of online aquantiences to find my A03 account because there is one series I'm vocally into where I am the single m/m fics author.


I haven't finished the fic yet, but I'm the first one to start writing something on A03. I'm actually kind of scared to make it too weird or inject my fetishes into it lol


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Even if I personally dont understand it, I love how something as simplistic as minecraft rp series can generate so much creativity and amazing fanarts. minecraft brainrot videos are also a guilty pleasure of mine and while i wouldnt come up with any ship/content from the top of my head, its nice to be able to see the fanart generated from a block game.


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>play Mouthwashing and think the dynamic between the male mcs is interesting
>feel weird about it because one of them ends up /ex/ tier of mutilated and manhandled by the other guy
>go on twitter
>see cutesy drawing of him with 13k likes and comments saying he's hot
thank god it's not just me


>losing anonymity
Within the last year I privately reached out to the only other active fan of a ship I love and it's been a fun time. It sucks to be shy or scared or generally introverted but I can say with confidence we are all in the same boat waiting for somebody to send the first message. Treat yourself to the knowledge of how talking to them would really go!

Despite what I can only describe as the "zoomer brainrot" narration style I found the first one really compelling and watched it the whole way through and will hopefully carve out time for the sequel this weekend. Knowing that there's lovingly crafted Parkour Civ yaoi warms my heart.


I have the same issue with some characters of a semi-popular series but literally nobody else likes them, especially not my top favorite so I cannot talk openly about them because I would lose my anonymity. I cannot even post ART of him/the others because I am the only artists that draws them so at best I would anonymously shill my own stuff which feels cringe.


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I was browsing Nhentai and came across this beast. Initially I was amused by how close the art style was to the original only to find out it was by the same mangaka. There's something really novel about doing an official bl spinoff featuring the characters from your generic netorare hentai, the characters from the original didn't even have any subtext as fair as I could recall, not even the unintentional cocky playboy bullying the hapless mc that you see in a lot of content like this which always comes across a bit suspect. I'll admit there's something quirky about a bull and cuckold transitioning into lovers, their designs are very appealing together as well, I would have enjoyed it a lot more if the girls weren't involved in it.
>/ex/ tier of mutilated and manhandled by the other guy
Picked the fuck up.

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