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 No.5692[View All]

For when you want to say something but it does not fit in any other particular thread
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It would be so much worse if it were a vn, there wouldn't a single benefit to it being one. Vn fans have become delusional ever since they blew up on tiktok.


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I don't use tik-tok? Glad to hear there's new blood for the medium though.

My feeling is I hate logging in every day and I hate energy meters. If more of those mobile games offered me the chance to just buy it outright and read at my own leisure I'd enjoy them more. I'd take an anime as well, I just despise games that limit the amount of time you can interact with them by forcing you to stop, and also force you to come back everyday for login bonuses. I also personally just find the "gameplay" segments unengaging the rhythm segments are more fun than the battles imo but neither hold my interest and I'd rather just get back to the stories.

This isn't a unique issue with Twst, I feel this way about most gacha. It's just not a format I enjoy all that much when the emphasis is on characters.


Cool but remember people who actually like vns are a miniscule minority in the grand scheme of things. Twst was a silly idea made to cash in on the gijinka gacha trend and nothing more, if it was a vn it absolutely would've been worse and it most likely would've just been a very shitty otome. As a twst oldfag I'm telling you the main story is bad and that's a common consensus among players, so bad it caused several waves of jp players to quit over the years, if that was all there ever was to twst it never would've seen the success it did. It's the gacha format that offers a slew of advantages such as financial and fandom sustainability but most importantly for our discussion, it allows for more episodic storytelling in the form of events and vignettes that suit Yana better as a notoriously mediocre writer. Gachas having vn elements doesn't mean they will translate well to vns, they're their own thing. Don't like gachas? Good for you but it is a gacha, it was always meant to be a gacha. It's irritating to judge something for what it is and then have someone else add "yeah, I hate this and don't give a fuck about it but it would've been better if it was something I like"


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>It's irritating to judge something for what it is and then have someone else add "yeah, I hate this and don't give a fuck about it but it would've been better if it was something I like"

You're reading a lot of hostility into my posts for no reason especially when my very first post about it in this thread was saying I liked it. >>6311 "If your did this I think I'd like it more" is not the same thing as shitting on it or even saying I hate something. Make no mistake I like Disney and I like the characters. It's fun it's goofy, its just in a style that I struggle to keep up with.

I agree there are financed reasons and one of the unique advantages is adding more characters without needing a new release to introduce them. Plus I mentioned before in a different thread that episodic approaches to storytelling have its advantages For long term pay-offs and overall more screentime spent with characters. But at the end of the day I still wish it had a different release style and I don't think that it should be taken as an attack to voice a personal preference. Do I need to do a youtuber style monologue disclaiming that these are my personal opinions and shouldn't be mistake as facts?


There are times where you should keep your personal preferences and pitches for $20 vn versions of gachas with terrible stories to yourself and this is one of them. If you unnecessarily lay them all out anyways I'll take that as an invitation to share my thoughts on them.


Most gacha stories are trash. Why would anyone want them to be made into vns?


i mean this politely, but couldn’t this conversation go in /ffs/ or something


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>R07 announces Brother Ash
>A project spanning both manga and theater. In a city transformed by a government smoking ban, a man forms a group to restore smoking for workers, distributing illegal cigarettes. Fifteen years later, the group’s founders are hunted by health advocates

Did he intentionally ask the character designer to have them all look like 2000s semes or is that just the artist he got?


Is that so? To me they look like korean webcomic semes who romantically lock the uke in the basement.


A bit of both I suppose, the shoulders give me big 2000s vibes while the hairstyles are more Korean looking.


Who's the character designer?


No idea


You mean this isn't a BL or otome game? Kek
>hunted by health advocates
I'm on the health mafia's side on this one, actually.
Flashbacks to Gintama smoking ban episode


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Did some research and my hunch was right. The character designer is a BL mangaka.


Damn is Ryukishi doing fujobait?


Not sure if a good thing, in the Higurashi Gou/Sotsu threads I saw over at 4chan everyone seemed to be on suicide watch by the end.


I was in said threads and I can confirm that.
The anime was a fuckin mess.


Looking forward to seme/seme shipping and complicated dynamics till someone gives in and lets the other top.
The plot sounds funny. Also I don't smoke like smoking characters and it's interesting that someone does a series about this when everybody else outright refuses to even depict cigarettes these days.


It was terrible but tbf it was also mostly lolishit. With adult male characters, it'll be written differently.


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Same, irl I think smoking is super disgusting but in fiction it’s erotic as fuck.
I don’t really have super high hopes for ship stuff though since last time he kinda tempted it he added a bunch of schizo troon shit.
Issue is that it was just a shitty retread of the original higurashi (which you have to watch to understand gousotsu anyway) and half the anime was repeated scenes on top of that only to end with a retarded ass shounen DBZ fight.


I hope some of the Evil Health Activists(tm) are hot so they can dom the chain smoker semes into pursuing a healthy lifestyle.


>Gacha shit, with a few exceptions like FGO, doesn't even pretend it's characters are people worth being invested in shipping.
Talk about glass houses. Look, as a fatefag I stopped playing that garbage because I got tired of wasting my time on that coom for moids game always wishing in vain they'd give me crumbs of fujo pandering. There was absolutely no fujoshit going on in that game besides Gilgamesh and Enkidu/Kingu in Babylon and the Japanese fandom considers Enkidu as a woman anyway which is why the ship is moderately unpopular within fatefujos.


I still play it and yet I agree. The only thing it has going for it is that the men are more varied than in most other series since you even have (ACTUAL) old guys, bearded beefcakes, samurai etc. whereas most series, especially most gacha, have nothing male at all or the same twinks with different hair styles.

But the story is and will always be ass and most of the good men get ignored forever outside of their introduction story. The only ones they keep bringing back are the meme guys ala Blackbeard, Tesla (cool look, but I am tired of his antics by now) and a few others. And 0 potential fujo content besides the Arjuna/Karna rivalry.
Most of all, as a history fan I am pissed whenever they introduce some cool king, samurai or uptight, traditional guy only to come up with the dumbest fucking excuse to turn him into a fucking loli again.

>Japanese fandom considers Enkidu as a woman anyway which is why the ship is moderately unpopular within fatefujos

It's so ironic and depressive that Gil/Enkidu seemed more popular BEFORE they gave Enkidu his official design and story. I remember so much active fujo discussion in Fate threads. Back when fujos still headcanoned Enkidu as a brown guy with horns (I honestly loved some of the fan designs). When they revealed the official design some were disappointed but still looking forward to his introduction. But then they made him an genderless character with the body of a woman (later even with a female voice) and that killed it. Especially if you read the actual Epic and see how Enkidu is described there (personalitywise I mean).


>Most of all, as a history fan I am pissed whenever they introduce some cool king, samurai or uptight, traditional guy only to come up with the dumbest fucking excuse to turn him into a fucking loli again.
I used to play FGO but quit cause I was tired of the grindy gameplay and once in a while I'll see someone post a new loli in a micro bikini or a titcow and I think to myself I don't regret quitting. To be honest I lost interest in Fate in general aside from Case files, which is pretty much made for me.


In light of the culture war going on, how is bl faring? Are people finding new reasons to love or hate it or has nothing changed?


I don't notice much of a change and not much hate actually. The advantage BL and men centered shows with shipping fuel have going for them is that the ones that hate it are super sensitive about it so they ignore these series from the start because "no waifus". The rest that sticks to it are women/fujos or seinen/shounen/adventure (whatever it is) fans that don't care about the shipping. It only proves to me yet again that the garbage fans are almost without exception otaku.
Regarding the fujo side, personally I never engaged much with fandoms, but feel like everything is chill now. I barely saw haters but now I don't see them in the first place.

Might be that it helps that I completely left tumblr behind and only browse and post on twitter which seems much more chill to me. It's the blog posters that usually cause drama.


I think Enkidu in Strange Fake is fine and most fate fujos who do ship Gilkidu are exclusive to that iteration, but FGO really shat the bed with the "well, he… I mean, THEY, is actually genderless because he's made of clay!" thing. Their stupid pride didn't allow Gilgamesh to commit to being same-sex attracted despite already being canonically flamboyant and vain as fuck, only interested in Saber as a property and his extra series version already being cozy with both female and male Hakunos. And it's not like Fate is completely hush-hush about gay characters since they quite explicitly made it clear in Case Files that El-Melloi is gay, it was a conscious decision to keep FGO appealing to coomer whales but sorta-kinda teasing fujos. Which backfired I guess because Japanese fujos would rather ship Gilgamesh with Ozymandias with whom he has no canon interaction in-game than Enkidu.

Also almost every attractive male character in the game has a girlfriend or a wife on-screen. I guess FGO is exceptional in the sense that the characters are given canon relationships instead of just sucking the self-insert's dick but none of them get gay with each other.


I've been seeing it too lately. Nowadays the worse you get is himejo and fujo slapfights but otherwise, things been good.


How morally questionable would it be if I "stole" someone's OC? It's a character an artist I used to follow hasn't used in years and it seems this artist wants to give up drawing. I think adoptables are a very dumb concept but, would it be less outrageous if I contacted this artist and told them I wanna buy their character or something? Or would it be better to just make a knockoff version?


Knockoff version IMO. There's no reason to entangle yourself with this artist. It's not impossible to make them Legally Distinct unless it's some sparkledog and you just HAVE to have ultramarine hair with zebra stripes that cycle through the rainbow or something so blatantly copying. A design can be divided into its appealing elements and remade.
>it seems this artist wants to give up drawing
That's so sad though. :c


Comping the artist would be the most correct thing to do if they still have an online presence. That being said if you adapt the design and don't just outright stealit I'm sure you'd get away with it.


I had a pretty funny interaction the other week where a guy lost his shit at me for referring to yumes VS fujos as a culture war. Whole thread boiled down to men being mad that women wanted to watch anime instead of suck their dicks, and the best insults they could muster were "they smell" - yeah, of the bath bombs I store in my wardrobe maybe.


In some ways it is. Yumes often eschew more conservative and oftentimes harbor less than liberal beliefs. Not to say they all are, but the amount of yumes secretly trojan horsing their tradthot takes is in the hundreds of not thousands of post each month.


Just make a knockoff, don't steal the OC outright. Stealing someone's design is shitty behavior and causes unnecessary drama, just make something inspired by it, like >>6356 said break down the elements you find appealing and do something based on those features. I would be fucking pissed if someone just snatched my OC I had in the backburner.


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Yeah, it's not entirely the same thing but this reminds me of how a Galo/Lio artist I follow quit drawing that pairing and instead made OCs inspired by them. It works.




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Roger roger, I'll be making a knockoff. This OC is a feminine pink sheep boy who is a smug asshole. I'm sure I can make a legally distinct version.


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It's kinography if you view it as a comedy anime, I love it smiley face :)


@yang_orz on twitter, あいざわヤン on pixiv.


On the one side I am happy whenever I get into a pairing and series again since it gives my life more meaning. But on the other side I sometimes get less capable of doing things since my mind is constantly busy thinking about my obsession.


I so want to make my own BL comic but it feels like it's so much to do. Right now I only make illustrations but making comics is so so much harder.


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So I ended up watching two Minecraft Youtube movies called "Parkour Civilization", it's very big on Twitter right now so I figured might as well. I really enjoyed it, I thought it was super fun. I enjoy watching Minecraft videos even if they're slop or brainrot tho so I'm bias, it was goofy but very well made. What surprised me however is that with the sudden rise of popularity, a lot of yaoi has popped up. I'm just 23 years old but sometimes I feel so disconnected to younger fujos, shipping Minecraft characters is crazy. I don't ship anything personally but I've enjoyed seeing the cute fanart from a cringey Minecraft series lol, Evbo and Seawatt seem to be the most popular ship cuz it's doomed yaoi.


I really want to sperg out about an unpopular series in the west but I would lose my anonymity across sites. That's how unpopular it is
>>5699 100% I wish there was more fujo positivity or neutrality. I'm sick of the random fujo hate and contast moralfagging on LC


I've felt this way about a few ships and series, I'm waiting for a group of online aquantiences to find my A03 account because there is one series I'm vocally into where I am the single m/m fics author.


I haven't finished the fic yet, but I'm the first one to start writing something on A03. I'm actually kind of scared to make it too weird or inject my fetishes into it lol


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Even if I personally dont understand it, I love how something as simplistic as minecraft rp series can generate so much creativity and amazing fanarts. minecraft brainrot videos are also a guilty pleasure of mine and while i wouldnt come up with any ship/content from the top of my head, its nice to be able to see the fanart generated from a block game.


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>play Mouthwashing and think the dynamic between the male mcs is interesting
>feel weird about it because one of them ends up /ex/ tier of mutilated and manhandled by the other guy
>go on twitter
>see cutesy drawing of him with 13k likes and comments saying he's hot
thank god it's not just me


>losing anonymity
Within the last year I privately reached out to the only other active fan of a ship I love and it's been a fun time. It sucks to be shy or scared or generally introverted but I can say with confidence we are all in the same boat waiting for somebody to send the first message. Treat yourself to the knowledge of how talking to them would really go!

Despite what I can only describe as the "zoomer brainrot" narration style I found the first one really compelling and watched it the whole way through and will hopefully carve out time for the sequel this weekend. Knowing that there's lovingly crafted Parkour Civ yaoi warms my heart.


I have the same issue with some characters of a semi-popular series but literally nobody else likes them, especially not my top favorite so I cannot talk openly about them because I would lose my anonymity. I cannot even post ART of him/the others because I am the only artists that draws them so at best I would anonymously shill my own stuff which feels cringe.


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I was browsing Nhentai and came across this beast. Initially I was amused by how close the art style was to the original only to find out it was by the same mangaka. There's something really novel about doing an official bl spinoff featuring the characters from your generic netorare hentai, the characters from the original didn't even have any subtext as fair as I could recall, not even the unintentional cocky playboy bullying the hapless mc that you see in a lot of content like this which always comes across a bit suspect. I'll admit there's something quirky about a bull and cuckold transitioning into lovers, their designs are very appealing together as well, I would have enjoyed it a lot more if the girls weren't involved in it.
>/ex/ tier of mutilated and manhandled by the other guy
Picked the fuck up.

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