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 No.143[Last 50 Posts]

What have you been playing lately?
I've been extremely obsessed with Final fantasy 14 since about 2020, but whenever I can drag myself away from my computer I've also been enjoying Shin megami tensei V as of late. I'd always been interested in the series and I decided to just jump right in now that it's conveniently on switch and MC is my preferred type of boy.


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currently playing disco elysium, pathologic 2, and mystia's izakaya. they're all good games, but i'm favoring disco elysium hard due to the dialogue. maybe i'll post some a bit later.


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I'm also playing SMT5 right now. I preordered the game, played for like 10 or 15 hours, then I received my copy of The Great Ace Attorney and I was so obsessed with that game I put SMT5 aside. But I went back to it this weekend and I'm trying to get a better party by fusing demons and doing side quests for more exp before going back to the main plot.

So far SMT5 is fun but I liked SMT4's atmosphere a lot more. I guess it's the whole thing with Isabeau reading the Rose of Versailles and saying that France was a fictional country that had a really strong impact on me, that scene and the team's arrival in Tokyo were just amazing. I'm at that part where I need to rescue students in the desert after the school got all fucked up.


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I'm obsessed with Twisted Wonderland right now aaaaa I wanted to make a thread for it but dunno if enough people played it


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for mobage i currently obsessed with arknights. i love the aesthetic, artwork, the character design, lore and everything. Especially with the lore, i am theoryfag so this cater to my theorycrafting side greatly.
for console game i currently play BoTW enjoyed it so far, i love how much freedom i can do in the game. also planning to get 13 sentinel, PLA & SMTV


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used to be rlly into vidya, but the more time passed, the more I started disliking them, specially the "communities" behind them. I hate online games, rpgs, mobage, all of that. Can't rlly get into any new kind of game.
However, I love Red Dead Redemption, the second one a bit more than the first one. Been replaying it and it's still amazing. Gonna cry like a little bitch again.
Also, RDR2 John and his tiny waist are pure sex.


silverash's design is crack cocaine for me. i don't do gacha though so i can only admire him from afar


I can relate to that with Genshin impact because while some of the guys are my type I also vowed to never get into gachashit anymore. Some artists on my twitter dash draw and retweet the boys so that's good enough for me.


Who here watched the Nintendo Direct? What are your thoughts? I'm looking forward to Xenoblade 3 only because I played Xenoblade 1 and 2 on a whim last year and liked Xenoblade 2 a lot, but the rest didn't interest me at all. FE3H musou looks uninteresting, I'd rather have some kid of crossover like the first FE Warriors, especially because this one looks like it will focus on adding more shit to FE3H's story and FE3H's story was an incoherent pile of shit. I'll reconsider if they give me some Dedue/Dimitri fanservice though.


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i did. same i only looking forward to xenoblade 3, i love the MC he looks cute and i hope he get more art with machina dude. im looking forward with the story especially this tied with both 1 & 2 world i want to see what Takahashi's autism can do. (have feeling XB3 might be the closest thing we got for re-imagined episode 06 of perfect work) i wonder if we can get NuMalos/NuLogos

>like xenoblade 2

Patrician taste sis.

i fucking hate FE3H warrior announcement because I FUCKING HATE musoushit. not like i care about fe3h anymore anyway the more i think about fe3h story the more i gonna get mad about it
oh im also pleased with earthbound port.

also,fuck you square releasing so much remaster yet wont do anything with xenogears


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He and pic related better show up at some point.


I'm a JRPG person so I'm pretty interested in Live a live and the Chrono cross port, even if I've seen some mixed opinions on cross. Also the Xenoblade 3 announcement feels like a sign that I should stop stalling my playthrough of Xenoblade 1 definitive already. I already know the story cause of a let's play I watched back when it was still wii only, but I bought it on switch cause it's still worth it to play it myself.


i think he will, flesh eater have long lives.
i have a feeling the NotVandham dude might be him


With a backlog like mine I don't see myself playing any remastered game now, but Live A Live looked pretty interesting. As for Xenoblade, I didn't know anything before playing it and I really didn't find the story amazing, it's really fun more because of the gameplay and maps. And given what happens in Xenoblade 2 and the new chapter added in the HD version of Xenoblade 1, I'd say Xenoblade 3 seems to be addressing some very specific plot points from both games so if you're motivated enough to finish Xenoblade 1 you should also do the added chapter. Where did you stop playing? Did you get all the playable characters yet?

I hope not, I want Zeke to stay cute. If he shows up we'll also see Pandoria or whatever her name is in English, so I want him in just for that.


>Where did you stop playing? Did you get all the playable characters yet?

I'm still right outside the first dungeon. It's not that I wasn't enjoying the game, but when SMTV came out it just demanded my attention more. I'll keep going after finishing that game. I've also got a backlog problem of my own cause I have two more routes and DLC of Fire emblem 3 houses to play, Astral chain which is still unopened, and I'm planning on getting the new Rune factory when it comes out.


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I remembered just in time that I had a code lying around for 14 days of free xbox game pass, so I used it and put together a list of stuff that I'm interested in that I don't own on steam. Let's see how far I'll get in those 14 days.


You remind me that I should continue SMT5. I keep thinking about it and then thinking "whatever, I'll play it tomorrow I'm busy right now." I played it again a few days ago, completed some quests in Minato, and I should continue the main story in Shinagawa now but I'm lazy and I hate not being able to save whenever I want like in SMT4 and Apocalypse, it means I can't make small progress little by little like I would like to given my lack of free time. When I play games that don't allow you to save whenever you want I play for like 5 hours non stop without even noticing.

I loved FF10, I played it on the Vita. I thought I would like Katamari Damacy but I just thought it was ok. I found the controls annoying, maybe it's just because I played it on the Switch.


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is anyone playing elden ring?
also: souls games in general. i'm still picking through dark souls 1, but elden ring looks great – but i don't know if i actually even want to play it if there isn't a gwyndolin/lothric femboy character in it somewhere.


No but I'd like to, new games are always so expensive ;-;


I've never gotten into fromsoft games before but I'm thinking of picking up Sekiro at some point because of the japanese setting and the cute shota. Though, this won't be anytime soon because I already have a huge backlog.
>I hate not being able to save whenever I want like in SMT4 and Apocalypse, it means I can't make small progress little by little like I would like to given my lack of free time.
I don't really mind it personally cause of the return pillar. It also feels like they're pretty generous with save points to me.


that's what torrents are for >:)


OMG I love you nonna!!!!


I finally motivated myself to continue SMT5 since I' working from home today but I literally have nothing to do. I just beat the werewolf and will try to play even more this afternoon. I just checked a walkthrough very quickly to check how many sidequests there are and the main quest doesn't seem that long, because apparently I'm almost halfway through the game despite playing for 14h in total so far, it's weird.


Anyone here ever have games that you think you would like or would enjoy playing, but when you pick it up, you just realize it isn’t for you?

For me it would be Apex Legends. I used to play a lot of Overwatch when it first came out, and thought I would really like Apex. But I realized I’m just not that into Battle Royales or having to collect your weapons and tools. I might try to pick it up again someday. What about you Nonnas?


i love simulator and sandbox games (i.e. cities: skylines, planet zoo, starbound, etc.), but i don't actually have the patience to play most of them. i still buy them because sometimes i'll be in the mood and waste my entire night building random shit, but most of the time they just languish on my steam account unused.

there's also a lot of games i'd enjoy playing, but i don't have the mechanical skill to actually do so. can't practice either since it kills my hands. most competitive games fit in this category, but i also have issues with some platformers.


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When I bought my nintendo switch I got the special monster hunter rise edition cause I'd been curious about the franchise and the classic japan theming suits my tastes, but once I actually started playing the game I realised that the core gameplay is just repetitive grinding and literally nothing else. I had more fun just filling out the area maps by exploring all the different paths and such, and once I beat the signature monster and got a credits sequence I just dropped the game. I imagine it's more fun if you dick around with friends, but at least I still got a cool looking switch out of it.


I've been playing final fantasy X lately and I reached the desert area today. I'm having fun with it so far and don't see that changing anytime soon, though judging from the way some people talk about the optional content it sounds like I shouldn't bother trying to 100% it cause it will make me lose my sanity.


Yeah, I played it on the Vita, loved it, and when I tries to do some side quests and backtrack to get more items or aeons I found out about these fucked up bonus bosses that have like 100000000000000000000000000hp and that block your path with no warning. If you have to deal with these bosses just because you want to backtrack, just make sure you get Yojimbo, equip Yuna with a weapon that lets her attack first regardless of stats and hope you get a OHKO on these fuckers. It's mostly RNG but I did this often enough for it work and I managed to get the items and complete some of the quests I wanted. Whoever came up with this at Squaresoft was clearly on drugs.


samefagging to say that for a lot of side quests you'll need a guide because you'll get no or almost no indication that it exists and how to start it. It's typical for a lot of games released before the internet was so widespread to get guidebooks that were sold separately and that were the only way you'd learn about a sidequest or a secret boss or weapon you can unlock.


Funnily enough I'd just been hearing people complain about minigames like dodging lightning and chocobo racing. I hadn't even considered there'd be bullshit optional bosses as well.


That's normal, the bosses weren't in the original game, they were added to the European version of the game on the PS2 to compensate for its late release date (Europe very often had very late release dates for the very majority of Japanese games until recently), to a special reedition of FF10 only available in Japan, and then they were added to all the HD versions of FF10. The quests you're talking about are insane but not the same way and they were in the original game so more people could experience that crazy shit from the start.


I like how I'm at endgame right now and the first thing I did was backtrack to the first village to see if there was anything I missed, only to get nuked by a dark summon cause I forgot about that thing I was literally warned about. Smoothbrain in action.

So yeah I guess I'll grab a guide now but I'll probably end up skipping most of this endgame stuff if it's on the grindy side because I have an insane gaming backlog to begin with and lack the patience for that kind of stuff at this point.


The only things that are worth it are exploring the omega dungeon or whatever it's called because the enemies are a pain in the ass and you'll get more exp and money way faster than anywhere else, and getting all the optional aeons you could have missed earlier. If you're ready to follow my bullshit strategy and face the dark summons maybe you should try to get all of Jecht's spheres to get some additional cutscenes and backstory too.


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I'm a huge Megaten fan but haven't been able to get V yet because I don't own a Switch but hopefully that'll be resolved this year. I've been playing Dx2 when I'm bored and it's actually pretty decent for a mobile game.

Other vidya related franchises I'm into are Yokai Watch and Digimon. A lot of people think the recent Digimon games are kinda SMT-esque so if you're into that it wouldn't hurt to check them out. Cyber Sleuth Complete Edition is available on Switch and Steam and is basically two games in one.

Since I brought up Yokai Watch I'm gonna use it as an excuse to sperg and shill it here since it seems to have slipped under the radar outside of Japan and I think that's a shame (the mainstream hype has died down in Japan but it still has a pretty active fujo fanbase). It's a series with a rather whimsical and kind of (intentionally) bizarre feel that makes it stand out among the other monster collecting franchises. The games have a great sense of exploration and adventure, and I found myself spending hours wandering around catching bugs and fishing. The yokai themselves are lovable characters and not just pokemon-esque pets, and have entertaining interactions with each other, in fact it managed to get me obsessed with a pairing and I'm someone picky who can count the number of non-canon pairings they've been into in the last decade on one hand. Lots of cute male yokai too which I'm not gonna lie, is a bonus. My personal favourites are 2 (a lot of people start here) and 4++ (4++ isn't translated yet unfortunately). I especially liked being able to explore Japan in the 1950s in these.

The movies can also be enjoyed on their own and don't require having watched the anime to understand them. Oni-ou no Fukkatsu and Forever Friends tie into 4++ and it's recommended to watch them before playing it. These two movies along with 4 and Shadowside were marketed as being more serious/dark than the rest of the franchise kinda like GeGeGe no Kitaro.

I feel the need to warn about the localization though as it's pretty retarded and tried to remove references to Japan. In a game about yokai. This also backfires in the 3rd game because it's set in America with a culture shocked Japanese MC, and the localizers obviously had no idea how to handle that after trying to pass the previous games with the same MC as being set in totally-not-America. On a related note, if you're a beginner in Japanese and looking to practice, the JP versions are perfect for that imo. There's also undubs of the games if you prefer Japanese voice acting.


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I played YW2 and it was awesome! I was surprised how much I liked it since idc for pokemon. The storyline was fun and the locations, music, atmosphere were really cute. Doesn't feel too grindy either. Thinking of getting into the anime as well. As for pairings who do you ship from it?


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I've been really into Enma x Nurari for the past couple years, but also follow some artists that draw Enma x Kaira, Ogama x Tsuchigumo, the Orochis, etc.

4++ felt like a goldmine for the former because among other things, Nurari kept simping and giggling about Enma in their recruitment quests, called Enma handsome, wanted his arc to himself, and swore that king or not he'll devote the rest of his life to serving Enma. Overall it was really cute.

They also have a cute ongoing manga together

It's funny because I didn't expect to care for them at all at first but I guess I'm a huge sucker for shit like gap moe and whatnot.


is there any sister here play triangle strategy? redpill me please. im interested on buying it because im srpgfag but need some review to know what i should consider.

on other hand i am very interested with diofiel chronicles & i am glad squeenix make more srpg but my fucking god the 3d model looks UGLY and looks different than actual 2d sprite. taiki-sensei art literally got butchered.


There's a free demo if you're not sure you're going to like it. I never tried it though.


I made a SMT thread if anyone's interested >>>/bl/774


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Anyone here play ffxiv? If so, what's your main?
I've played since stormblood came out and my main is bard!


I'm a samurai main. I started in august 2020 and slowly got caught up but recently I've been taking a break cause I reached the point where I don't feel like getting into savage raids and the only other content I have left to do is grindy stuff like job leveling, Eureka and palace of the dead so I canceled my sub a while back and plan to start it again around the 30th so I can get my event crown and have a month left in the span of time when the next major patch comes out.


Ahh I've been levelling samurai a little bit but I'm prioritizing dragoon levelling rn. I'm one of those masochists who enjoys Eureka and I'm near level cap in there so that's exciting


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Been playing SMTV more lately and the addiction has really set in. Now that I'm later level I'm starting to see more cute guys cause I got Cu and Dominion and Okuninushi is coming up too. Since this is my first SMT game I don't really know how you're supposed to minmax but it seems logical to save the incenses and sutras for endgame demons cause you just fuse away the earlier ones, right? Though I'm also hoarding grimoires and I can probably afford to use some since I've got 50.


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Recently picked up again after switching DCs after Endwalker came out, and I'm too proud/broke to buy skips. I bounce between WAR and SCH as mains.

Male!WOLxMale NPC shippers are non-ironically braver than the marines, because it's tumblr girl yumejo self insert central as a fandom.


>Male!WOLxMale NPC shippers are non-ironically braver than the marines, because it's tumblr girl yumejo self insert central as a fandom.

I never noticed this myself, but I guess that's a direct result of me just following every Trailer WoL x G'raha tia shipper I can find.


It's been weeks since I put SMT5 aside because of work, I need to get back into it. I agree with you, I also save incenses for late game demons. In SMT4 and Apocalypse I didn't really think about it and gave grimoires and incenses to Flynn and Nanashi but you can't do that in SMT5.


Play Skies of Arcadia
Play Skies of Arcadia
Play Skies of Arcadia

(You) should play Skies of Arcadia


Area four in SMTV sure is peculiar. It's one huge open map where you can do the final objectives in any order. However, the first boss I found is level 72, I was level 61 and the previous main boss was level 58. I felt a bit cheap when I started farming overworld treasure spots more and got a bunch of gospels to level up from mitama encounters, but I guess I'm supposed to be powerleveling now cause there's no way I can take on a level 72 boss at this point.


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Lmao, Square enix really said "Fuck furries"


God that's a disturbing pic lmao. Also is it just me or do hrothgar players always turn out to be the worst people?


I don't have any personal experience with them but I have seen people mention that Hrothgar players will often act like sex pests.


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I beat the game and enjoyed it. As a complete newbie to the SMT series I have no idea how it holds up compared to older titles but I had a blast just exploring the world and figuring out strategies and teambuilding. I guess for people who are more interested in plot and character writing it'd be a letdown but that seems to be the whole reason why Persona is a separate series from this one. I got persona 4 in a steam sale and I'll check it out at some point but as far as I know the dating element is only a male mc dating girls so that aspect wouldn't appeal to me as much as it would to other people.

This game is pretty brutal sometimes, like if you get ambushed and half your team gets wrecked in one turn, but I feel like it's brutal in a fair way cause you do have the tools to make life easier for yourself. Especially in the lategame you have access to demon essences with elemental nullification so you can cover up weaknesses that would normally hinder your elemental-advantage demons.

So yeah somewhere along the line I will probably do a second playthrough to choose one of the alignments I didn't in this playthrough, but I put 82 hours into this game so I'm ready to move on to something else. I'm gonna start Pokemon legends arceus next.


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Is anyone going to try 13 Sentinels? I heard it has canon homo so I'm pretty excited!


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Currently playing 3 games:

Kingdom Hearts Final Mix: Trying to get myself into this franchise. I hate the combat right now, very wonky though I'm only on the Wonderland world so maybe I'll get used to it. This game seems to take itself rather seriously one second and then it cuts away to Goofy and Donald fucking around, jarring. Still I bought them all up through 3 so I intend to finish them all. I do like the idea of Final Fantasy x Disney and think locations like Traverse Town are very cool.

Metal Gear 4: Ehhhh… I've been trying to beat this for over a month and I just don't like it. None of the gameplay elements from 1 and 2 are here and the plot isn't as good as 3. It feels like a codex simulator. I've heard the story is good, especially if you like Otacon/Snake, but I'm struggling to find the motivation to turn it on. It's the last Metal Gear game I need to beat though so I will finish it eventually. I really think I need to put a weekend aside to just watch the whole thing.

Dohna Dohna: Very stylish Alicesoft game that I'm digging but won't be for everyone. Half of it is a Darkest-Dungeon lite style rpg the other half is… a brothel sim. It's a full on Eroge which is horribly tone-deaf, being way too cheerful for the horrible things they choose to depict, but dang if it isn't fun. I also like that compared to other eroge I've played the male characters have a personality outside of being rapists or fuck machines. They've even got a gay major-character who never shows any interest in the women but isn't side-lined. Still impossible to rec to anyone I know.


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Xenoblade Chronicles 3. I like it a lot but it commits the ultimate crime of "have 3 dudes, have 3 girls, have 3 blatant m/f pairings."

3 has very obvious things from Xenogears(/saga) stuffed into it, like you can hear Takahashi thinking "I'm never getting these IPs back but there are MY story elements and god damn it I am going to use them."


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Playing Dark Souls right now, about 20 hours in and don't think it's nearly as impossible as people say. I put off playing it since I was worried it'd be too hard but the game is pretty fair. Punishing for sure, it expects you to learn the fighting system and not smash the attack button, but I'm confident I'll be able to beat it. My only gripe right now is the game has a lot of stats and mechanics that it doesn't explain, like I'm still not sure what humanity and attunement do and I refuse to use walkthroughs for games.

Favorite area so far is the dark forest area.


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I played AI the Somnium Files recently, I took time but completed the story like two weeks ago. It was super fun, I'm glad I didn't see too many spoilers before playing it. The puzzles being nonsensical made sense because of the whole dream thing going on, but it got frustrating really fast because of the timies. I gave up at some point and decided to use a guide, and when checking guuides for the first time it turned out that the puzzle that made me do it was by far the hardest one of the game. So I guess my honor is safe?

Also… I still haven't beaten SMT5. I played it a lot last week and I reached Ginza and destroyed a few abscesses, now I have to go to different areas and destroy even more abscesses until I get to the next story boss. I'm always underleveled but somehow manage to beat bosses anyway, no idea how I do this. I also got a copy of Pokemon Arceus Legend because I had a shit ton of vouchers at a video game store but I just did the tutorial so far. I'll prioritize SMT5 though.

I've seen a lot of spoilers for Xenoblade 3 and I have a feeling I won't like the story nearly as much as XC2's story. Or even at all. But that's more because of my own personal tastes I think. As for gameplay, I'm not sure I'm going to like controling 6 party members at the same time, I'm not an old fart yet but sometimes I actually get headaches from playing too much video games and that wouldn't help my case. I decided to not buy the game just yet and to beat a few more games before maybe buying it. On top of that I'd like to do NG+ runs for both XC1 and 2 someday as well.


It's a shame Xeno is super hetero. Lanz is very cute. But there is almost nothing for fujo these games

>3 has very obvious things from Xenogears(/saga) stuffed into it, like you can hear Takahashi thinking "I'm never getting these IPs back but there are MY story elements and god damn it I am going to use them."
Yeah, it was super obvious in 2 where he recreated yet again the zohar stuff


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>It's a shame Xeno is super hetero.
Yeah at least back in The Day there was Bart/Billy. I don't mind it too much because most of them don't have what drives me to m/m ships in the first place (vibes between male characters that I interpret as more interesting than whatever canon has in store for them). Still dig the fanart though.

>Lanz is very cute.

He is so cute!

Xeno fandom also seems to skew overwhelmingly male in western spaces so I'm really happy to unleash some autism here. Feels so weird because Soraya Saga (director's wife with a long career in vidya herself) seems like a fujo, wish she had a bigger hand in Xenoblade like she did Xenogears/saga.

>I'm not sure I'm going to like controling 6 party members at the same time
You can get away with just playing 1, but it's nice to have the option to swap to whoever, especially when the AI is sometimes slow to revive. I only like 3 as much as I do because I have the entirety of the Xeno- series marinating in my head as I play. It's definitely a game you can shelf until you feel like you're ready to see the timeline beyond 1+2.


Same for me, I don't really mind it being hetero because it's not like I've really shipped any gay pairing beyond Malos/Jin. I thought Rex/Pyra and Zeke/Pandoria were cute so it's whatever.

>I only like 3 as much as I do because I have the entirety of the Xeno- series marinating in my head as I play.

I'm only familiar with other Xeno games thanks to the internet, I never played them, so I wouldn't be able to think about the small but important details made for older fans.


>Yeah at least back in The Day there was Bart/Billy. I don't mind it too much because most of them don't have what drives me to m/m ships in the first place (vibes between male characters that I interpret as more interesting than whatever canon has in store for them). Still dig the fanart though.
I get it. There is something about the writing that come off as genuinely broish and not very fujo? It's a weird vibe to capture. Even Fei&Bart never gave me fujo vibes.

Honest, Xeno doesn't even gaybait, so I respect the hustle. Something abut it makes it feel more sincere and enjoyable compared than Persona with the constant gaybait and waifushit. Takahashi also writes his female characters so they typically come off as than just eye candy for the hero (except maybe 2) as well having female protagonists.

This said, Zeke and Lanz is 3 are definitely very hot men, hehe.

>Xeno fandom also seems to skew overwhelmingly male in western spaces so I'm really happy to unleash some autism here. Feels so weird because Soraya Saga (director's wife with a long career in vidya herself) seems like a fujo, wish she had a bigger hand in Xenoblade like she did Xenogears/saga.

I knew Saga is a fujo, but she seems very subdued about it. I think Jr stuff in Saga have some fujo vibes but that's it.


>I knew Saga is a fujo
Is she? I found her tumblr years ago where she posted JJBA fanart and just thought she was a random Japanese artist who was good at English. I remember then following her on twitter and she did post that even if she draws Gyro and Johnny together a lot it's not as a couple, so I'm not sure. I found out who she really is way later when she posted a tweet about how some of her concept art for Xenoblade 2 was in the new artbook that just got released and that's how I actually got interested in the game.


She did Bart/Billy doujins or art back in the days


Wait, didn't she work on Xenogears? I need to see this myself, I can't imagine something like that would be allowed by video game studios and publishers nowadays, like how Kumiko Suekane made the main two guys in Ace Attorney gay for each other but only made a manga with characters based on them instead of actual doujinshi.


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She was a scenario writer. A lot of the backstory for characters that wasn't explicitly in-game but in Perfect Works was her doing. Roni and Rene (Bart and Margie's ancestors, the bros from the Lacan/Sophia era of the timeline) were references to her other scenario writing gig, Edgar Roni and Sabin Rene Figaro from FF6.

She was also one of the Blade guest designers in XC2. JJBA lookin' ass.


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Yes, I don't remember if I ever managed to get this blade, the gacha part of the game was working against me most of the time. By the way, I just found out on /v/ that Asada Nemui did a bunch of Malos art years ago and deleted her twitter account soon after, but I'm downloading everything right now. If everything is fine I'll post some stuff tomorrow, maybe not here but rather on /f/ if there's already a thread.


>(except maybe 2)
hey, XB2 has good female character writing uniornically. Mythra & Pyra has great characterization, nia too.
for me XB1 female character feels more like eye camdy tbh. XB2 girls despite they're fanservicey (which i'm fine with) they still have agency & i love how they're being written flawed.

also i just finished XB3 i really enjoyed it in gameplay purpose for story its great but idk why im DISAPPOINTED with how they handle the villain? Z & moebious have so much potential but…the way they handle it is just underwhelming.9/10 for me.

also man i cant be the only one who ship Noah and N right? god N is such sex, i want to see him get raped.


I definitely remember a pic of Billy and Bart kissing by her. Also she's one of the minds between Xenogears, but in 99 there was probably less supervision for these things since companies barely understood the internet and social media didn't exist.


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This reminds me of how Ayami Kojima (The main artist for Castlevania) drew Black Jack Doujinishi in the 90s while she was working on the games. It's gag-focused but does have gay 18+ content, I wish better scans existed.


>but in 99 there was probably less supervision for these things since companies barely understood the internet and social media didn't exist.
So annoying when jp artists nuke their accounts because they get a big boy job or their family finds it. I think it's a Chad move to ship stuff from the things you are paid to work on. I know some of the animators on Voltron (Netflix) drew shipping fanart and got some shit for it from antis.

I vaguely remember what pic you are talking about too. I hate that so much of the fanart/doujins that were floating around online in the 90s/00s are just lost to time. It's not like any of those ships are getting NEW stuff.

>also man i cant be the only one who ship Noah and N right? god N is such sex, i want to see him get raped.
Mans is putting the N in NTR.


>Ayami Kojima is a fujo
>Who drew a R18 Black Jack doujinshi
I thought this woman couldn't be more based but I was proven wrong.


I can understand if they're worried about their family finding their very inappropriate, nsfw art. As for their jobs, it might all depends on how strict their companies are or if they're getting harassed online maybe. I checked Soraya Saga's tumblr because I followed her until I deleted my account in 2016 and she removed almost all her posts, said she will stop posting, and said people have been harassing her because they thought a completely different JJBA fanartist was her.


kek im laughing so hard seeing N getting NTR'd. but his despair face is so hot….
I want Noah or Z rape him.
hope there's cultured fujo who draw it.


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Not anon you replied to, but I'm into NuraEn too! I got into YW this year and started pretty much blind with the third game because it had a yokai I liked in it, saw Nurari in the opening and was immediately stoked to see him even if I didn't know his name yet. Then I saw the Yokai Halloween episode in the anime and the ship hit me like a truck.

I vaguely know they have a really shippy movie, but I'm taking a long time to complete YW3 and my autism doesn't want too many spoilers on them until I've played the first 2 games. Also, damn it, I guess I'll have to play YW4 if the food is that good, shitty Japanese skills be damned. Why are they so cute?

>They also have a cute ongoing manga together

I heard about this but had no idea where to find it, thank you based anon for posting! Just the first chapter already has my sides in orbit, and the artist isn't even trying to hide how horny they are lol.

>Ogama x Tsuchigumo, the Orochis

These ships are cute as hell too.


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What mobile games do you guys play?
Onmyoji is pretty high quality and has some pretty gay story lines, particularly Asura/Taishakuten and Yorimitsu/Onikiri.


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I wonder if the next mainline Silent Hill game will be good
If it will, it'll probably still have a different feel to it than the earliest games judging by the leaks but who knows
Seems like it will maybe be about bullying?


Anyone play DS or 3DS games? I know it's basically a dead console but I wanna see anyway. I picked mine back up again after not doing anything with it for a few years, it's pretty fun.


Only DS game I still play semk-regularly is Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary, which as far as I'm aware is the best game in the franchise.

Some old favorites are the Ace Attorney series, Animal Crossing Wild World, Hotel Dusk, and Tetris DS.


I do! Rhythm Heaven, Diddy Kong Racing DS and Scribblenauts are some I play fairly often. Haven’t touched my 3DS in a minute, but I’ve been meaning to pick up New Leaf again, really wish I’d never deleted my town…


I replay Bravely Default+Bravely Second every so often. IMO gameplay-wise they are still the best "job" games SE has put out.


I recently finished replaying Last Window, I love this game. I never understood why is it so criminally overlooked, I find it to be much better than Hotel Dusk.


Anything I should get for the Winter Steam sale?


It's really jank and niche but I love Tokyo twilight ghost hunters and you can kiss dudes as a dude in it I guess
It (was? Is?) Like sub 2 dollars on sale
Really unique strategy game


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Anyone else here playing Cult of the Lamb? Very cute, and I'm down for any rougelike.

Started collecting fanart for it and I'm sad most people just turn MC into a busty sheep girl. Such is the fate of any popular character with an ambiguous gender.


>I'm down for any rougelike
oh nonny then you would love hades (it has some bl content too)


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I've already played Hades, and thought it was great! So many great characters, Hypnos was my favorite, shame you couldn't romance him.

You hyped for the sequel?


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not really, all the characters we got used to in the first part won’t be there plus the new protagonist is just weird to me, she’s Zagreus sister but we never heard of her in the first game? even the designs look somehow worse idk maybe it's just my bias and I’ll love it in the end.

ps. my favorite characters are also Hypnos and Thanatos lol


I'm the anon who's playing P5R and posting about it in the Persona thread. Since I'm close to beating the game I think I'll play Pokemon Legend Arceus next. I already started it, stopped a bit after the tutorial ended and left it at that because I wanted to beat P5R first. But what about the next game? I'm hesitating between several games in my backlog: I'll either play 13 Sentinels Aigis Rim or the AI Somnium Files sequel. Which one would you recommend first?


Pokemon is the shorest of those if you want a breather after P5, of them though I like Somnium files best of those. The murder mystery game play is fun and if you enjoy Ace Attorney or Danganronpa you'd probably enjoy it.


I already liked the first AI Somnium Files a lot when I played it last year, so I'm not too worried about disliking the sequel unless it's super different. Is Pokemon Legend Arceus that short? I tend to take my time with Pokemon games and try to complete the pokedex since gen 6. When I played Pokemon Shield it took me like 20 ou 25 hours to beat the game but more or less 90h to do everything in the DLC and complete the three pokedex.


I'm not sure how long it'd take to catch them all. I just did the main story. SWSH took me maybe 6 hours? I'd say about 20 hours for Arcues but you might want to double it, I will say it's probably my favorite game since RSE so regardless of how long it is you should totally play it!


So I guess I'll play these in that order:
>Pokemon Legend Arceus
>AI nirvana initiative or whatever the sequel is called
>13 Sentinels
>Bravely Default and its sequel if I'm not burned out on JRPGs (I bought the game years ago but never had the time to play it)
>Zelda Ocarina of Time and then Majora's Mask on the 3DS

I also started the HD remaster of SMT3 and stopped soon after the first boss fight against Thor but given that I played SMT5 and P5R one after the other I don't feel like continuing this one just yet. I'll keep it for later. I have a twitter account where I post about my progress because I can post screenshots there directly but I'll also post here from time to time to help revive fujochan a little, especially now that we can't post pictures anymore.


Ignoring Spiritomb which will take the longest even with a guide, and the Unowns, it can take a while to find all pokemon. It's easy to miss certain areas on the map, I still haven't found where the hell Turtwig spawns. Then there's pokemon which only spawn in space time distortions like Porygon or fossilmons, and if your game decides to stop spawning distortions for a long time like mine, then you can be fucked for a while.


I only play Splatoon


I've been playing phasmophobia lately with my mother. It's a pretty fun game, but it's also kind of repetitive once you learn all the ghosts tricks and types. If you haven't played it yourself, it's also hard to learn what to do if you don't play with other people who have played before. The game's kind of cryptic. But, if you like puzzle games (and horror), I advise it. Not BL related at all though KEK.


I'm probably the only person who still plays and enjoys New Horizons. I know the game's flawed and repetitive, but I guess I have a sort of emotional attachment to my villagers. They feel like the friends I lack in real life, and there were special yearly moments I only got to share with them. Playing for a few minutes a day helps me relax. Also curse you beetles, I still have three left to collect but summer's already over.


It's been a while since I played it, I think you're right. I have all the insects, what was difficult for me was trying to catch all the fish so I kind of gave up on that.


I started a new save recently and I'm stumped already, I genuinely don't know how to progress the game and unlock buildings. I just wanted to go play the DLC tbh, Happy Home Designer was my favorite game.


I bought Ghost of Tsushima on a whim and haven't touched it in months. It's one of the most gorgeous looking games I've ever played but long open world exploration games exhaust me pretty quick.


she baldurs on my gate til i 3


Kek. I've never played that game but know a lot of people are having fun with it. Have you played it, nonnie?


I'm playing it right now and according to a walkthrough I found I'm nearly halfway through the game right now. I only have like 9h of play time on my save file, I try to catch new pokemon little by little while going through the main story and I'll see how it goes once I've unlocked all the areas and pokemon you can ride. For now it's a fun game.


I've been playing Starfield. If you want a fresh new flavor of Bethesda slop in your trough it's good. I thought the models looked really ugly in screenshots but in-game I didn't really notice much. People are calling it a solid 7 but what I've played so far (~50 hours) has me leaning toward 6.5.

I'm mostly glad it's out because now any Bethesda news will be about TES6.


>I'm mostly glad it's out because now any Bethesda news will be about TES6.

Yes please, easily their best series and a great universe to play with. Been waiting for another real entry.


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I think I'm done with Pokemon Legends Arceus for now. I only have to complete the pokedex but I want to play other games. I started AI Somnium Files: Nirvana Initiative. No spoilers please, but I miss having Date as the main character, he was really funny and interesting. But I like Ryuki, he's cute and I'm very curious because of his memory loss disorder and how it'll impact the story and the case he's working on, so I'm playing it a lot. I got one ending already and I'm on my way to get a second ending.


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Been meaning to get into this series. Hope it's good nonna, how many endings are there do you know?


I don't remember how many endings there are in the first game but several of them happen kind of early and you need to get them all to get rhz true ending. I have no clue how it works in the second game and it seems that even just looking at the complete flowchart shows huge spoilers. So I'll tell you later. I'm on my way to the second ending in Nirvana Initiative.


>I think I'm done with Pokemon Legends Arceus for now. I only have to complete the pokedex but I want to play other games

That was my experience with it too. I got to a point where to complete the pokedex I had to wait around for a dimensional rift to spawn and then for the rng to give me the right pokemon and I just couldn't be bothered.


I have only seen the same 4 pokemon and some eeveelutions in these dimensional rifts and it pissed me off. If it weren't for that I would have tried to complete the pokedex though, exploring the region and catching pokemon in real time was fun.


I'm now halfway through AI Nirvana Initiative and it's so, so good. The beginning was a bit slow, just like in the first game, but now I'm obsessed and want to know wtf is going on. I also want to bully Ryuki. He's so cute. I understand why Tama sexually harasses him all the time now. I don't think I get what's going on between Date and Ryuki. It's either pure fujobait out of nowhere or I'm guessing it's a specific plot point from the previous game that's sort of happening again? God I need to play more than that but I have to work today.


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I finished AI Nirvana Initiative. Some of the big twists kind of ruined the whole story for me in hindsight because they felt very cheap but there were a lot of very good scenes and characters so I don't dislike the game. I'm still disappointed though. >>4502 Now I can confirm that I can absolutely recommend the first game because it's a masterpiece, whether you'll like the second game can depend on your opinion on specific things from the first game though. And even then the story in Nirvana Initiative is written in a way that makes it possible to play it and understand what's going on, the very beginning asks you a few questions to see if you're a newcomer. Depending on your answers they'll casually spoil the first game for you or completely hide spoilers. Now it's just a matter of whether we'll get another sequel someday.

Now that I don't care about spoilers anymore I can finally look for art of Date, Ryuki and Saito being inappropriate with each other whenever I want, thank god. Not that there's much of it, this series seems very niche, even more than Ace Attorney. Concerning the whole intimate/physical relationship between Date and Ryuki I don't think it's ever explained? It really seemed like a red herring concerning something that's a huge spoiler for the first game that Ryuki seemed like he could also do but because of how the story is told that can't be it at all… Unless? It looks like them having actually sex is way more possible than I what I was thinking about kek

I'll check what I should play next.


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I've been making my way through Tales of Vesperia lately, taking a break once in a while so I won't burn myself out cause that can happen with chunky JRPGs. I think I'm about ready to tackle the final dungeon now after finishing a whole bunch of sidequests and I gotta say the chemistry between Yuri and Flynn is absolutely delicious.


This was my obsession for years when I played the game in high school. There's some great doujinshi and fanart online. I wish I had some to share but I lost them on my old hard drive. Tales of Vesperia is definitely my favorite 'Tales of' game.


Speaking of Tales of games, I haven’t kept up with the series in recent years but I remember they were fujo bread and butter back in the day. Fujos have always been a pillar of the Tales franchise.

Tales of the Abyss was my jam. So many good pairings - Asch/Luke, Guy/Luke, Van/Luke, Dist/Jade, Sync/Ion, and so on.


From the stats on AO3 after Zesteria, looks like it's not as popular with fujos anymore. Makes sense considering the main character in the one after was a woman and the one after that has ugly male characters (imo)


For sure, the Tales series has definitely fallen from grace as a fujo mainstay since it peaked with Zestiria. Berseria is for the oneeshota lovers and Arise is het central.

Dang there was so many good ships and art back in the day. Symphonia pushed the main couple but you still had Kratos/Lloyd, Zelos/Lloyd and Mithos/Genis.


I took a trip to pixiv once I was relatively sure I wouldn't be spoiled on anything but I didn't find a lot that suited my tastes. Though maybe I just have to look for scanned doujins instead.
Zestiria is such a fascinating case to me. It's certainly on my list of stuff I want to play through and hearing it's explicitly fujo baiting helps but a friend of mine was aggressively telling me that it was a bad game and I'd especially hate it as someone who's a Tales veteran to an extent.


It's a shame because I liked zestiria mainly for the Sorey/Mikleo content. I think the gameplay and plot is not even as good as the older games. Though maybe it's just because I'm caught up in nostalgia.


Not a game I'm playing but I'll post about it here cause it's a videogame thought and this is a videogame thread: whenever I see people simp for Baldur's gate 3 characters I genuinely don't get it cause they all seem hideous to me. Thinking about it objectively, though, I've come to the conclusion that I'm just way too much of a weeb to be attracted to characters who are drawn/modeled in a realistic style.


>too much of a weeb to be attracted to characters who are drawn/modeled in a realistic style.
I am also this way. The fanart/fic of stuff that is either apes or outright IS 3DPD can still be good to me though (ex. Star Trek), but in its original form? Pass.


same, the 2d magnetism is too ingrained. i can understand how astarion was the west's attempt at a femgaze character for normie women but i'll pass on the geriatric twink.


Gale is the better Baldur boy tbh.

As long as the personality is good I can get past any design I think. I definitely don't have that "I NEED to play/watch this for him" response that I get with 2D guys, but once I'm actually engaging with the media it becomes more about the arch and character dynamics.

I've also been burned too many times with cute designs from anime with terrible personality. Makes me feel like I've wasted my time watching something.


I'm starting Bravely Default now. I'm at the beginning of the game and have three party members. Are there things I should know about the game to really enjoy it, like tips or side quests I should follow?


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IIRC there is nothing in the game that is truly "missable" (the sidequests are marked with blue ! on the map). I think the journal you get is really cool, for plot reasons and for its robust bestiary/inventory descriptions, so take a look at it from time to time if you like optional worldbuilding. It and its sequel are my favorite 3DS games, warts and all, so I hope you have fun!

As for tips, 4 black mages is pretty strong right off the bat because of black resonance. If you go to one of the little islands after you get the boat, there are stronger-than-you-should-be-fighting encounters that are weak to fire, so you can cheese a lot of xp/jp out of them and cruise through like the first quarter of the game. You can also turn off xp/jp gain if you want to stay underleveled for a challenge.


I started looking at the journal, it gets updated pretty often. I also have Bravely Second but I will obviously only play it once I'm done with Bravely Default. I thought Bravely Default 2 looked ugly so I most likely won't check this one out though, given how many games I want to play. I'm still in the prologue, Edea joined my team, I have to beat a new boss, some knight who kidnapped the king so I just unlocked the black mage job, I assume beating him will let me unlock a new job and after that I'll play little by little I think. Is it me or is getting money at the beginning a bit difficult? I haven't bought all the spells just yet because of this. Maybe I just suck at this game and use too many healing items that I have to buy again for later idk.

>the sidequests are marked with blue ! on the map

Thank god for that. I'll try to do as many of them as possible unless they're boring.


Oh yeah, I should go back to bravely default myself. I was really into it for a while years ago but then I got stuck on an optional boss fight where the enemies make you weak to fire and then use fire on you and I couldn't beat it but I was also too stubborn to skip over it. So in the end I took a break but then never went back to it.


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>optional boss fight where the enemies make you weak to fire
If that's the caster asterisk stack fight it was largely considered the most difficult fight in the game, even over the final boss lol.

Second gets a lot of hate, some deserved, some not, but because of its QoL improvements it's objectively the best of the 3 if you are looking at only gameplay (and imo has the best BL ship in it). Bravely Default II… I wanted to like this game so bad. Only play it if you are desperate for more "job" games. They change the game from round-based to turn-based, the ugliness of the models never becomes charming, all of the QoL from BS has been removed, and there are so many unanswered questions it makes you think "incomplete" instead of "sequel bait". BDII needs Cyberpunk levels of "hey we fixed the game" DLC to ever be more than a 4/10. There's some cool stuff in there, but it's not worth eating around all the mold.

Gold feels light for a while but you'll have stealing soon and that lets you pad your inventory better. Once you have more asterisks to level the slight grind to get them up to speed goes hand-in-hand with more gold.


Uh, yeah sounds like I shouldn't even bother with Bravely Default 2 then. I work like 40 hours a week, I'm always busy or tired so I don't feel like playing long video games I won't absolutely love just because it's from Square Enix and praised by video game "journalists" and youtubers. Bravely Default and Bravely Second seem long enough to keep me busy for a while anyway.

>Only play it if you are desperate for more "job" games.

I recently got a physical copy of FF Pixel Remaster for the Switch so I'd rather play that, and since FF3 and FF5 are all about jobs I think it should be enough. Especially because I heard this remaster is easier than the FF3 and FF4 DS remakes so I should be able to experiment a little. I could even replay FF10-2 because of how well the job system worked.


>If that's the caster asterisk stack fight it was largely considered the most difficult fight in the game, even over the final boss lol.
Oh all right, I feel less like an idiot then. Though I probably should've just looked at a guide after the first few failed attempts. At this point it's been so long that some of the plot details have gotten a bit vague. I suppose could always just pick up where I left off and eventually watch something like a plot analysis video on youtube if needed.


Literally the only thing I want is for the loose plot threads from Bravely Second to be resolved. (The stuff about the Brave Sword and stuff) BD2 is worthless if it can’t do that


I'm torn. For reasons that are obvious on fujochan, I didn't care for the ending of BS. We're also so far removed from the last "main" game (9 years in a few months) that I'm unconvinced a new entry would even be that satisfying, especially after BDII lmao. There's also so much new jp-only world/character lore scattered to the winds in EoS'd browser/mobileshit and untranslated novellas that I worry will get woven into the game to the detriment of all non-jp fans. BS had a bit of it already (Ringabel's deal, the Praying Brage reference) and it's just annoying none of that gets officially translated so you just gotta be vaguely aware that this is out-of-game lore and move on (it reminds me of oddities about Drakengard/Nier before they got popular enough to have a lot of the out-of-game lore translated by some means).

On the other hand my copium about a BS sequel is that they are waiting for newer hardware with Street Pass-like features so they can once again weave that mechanic into the game, so I'm hoping the new Switch is a device one would want to take out and about with them and closer to the 3DS in form.

Based 10-2 enjoyer. There is also Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light, to which Bravely is actually a spiritual sequel (certain NPC/monster designs from 4HoL are actually reused in BD). It's a sometimes frustrating sometimes interesting game where you can see the DNA of future Team Asano games first formed.


>There's also so much new jp-only world/character lore scattered to the winds in EoS'd browser/mobileshit and untranslated novellas

Just Square Enix things. Never trust them to handle any IP gracefully.


I'm trying to do a side quest to get new jobs, right after getting two jobs (thief and merchant) and beating a story related boss but an NPC won't let me go where I must go and I don't get why. This is already pissing me off. But that aside I'm close to reaching the second chapter of Bravely Default.


Some NPCs change location or leave during the day/night. IIRC you have to go at night.


I went there at night and the NPC is telling me to gtfo. I'm following a guide as a result and allegedly I'm doing things correctly. But I also noticed that guides say that bosses have, idk 5000HP or 6000HP but it's always higher in my case and yet I'm playing on normal mode.


If I ever get into kingdom hearts I'm just going to make peace with the fact that I'll never fully grasp the lore. It's nice that they have those big compilation versions now of the first two games with all the side games but it always sounded like there'd still be some obscure stuff from mobile games in the lore.


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Getting into Tekken recently. Lots of cute edgy boys.


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I'm so excited for FFXIV Dawntrail. While I expect my favourite boy is going to take a backseat I'm hoping that a certain chocolate rabbit will get a good arc.


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Continuing my Zeldathon and am on Majora's Mask. Tried to beat this one so many times as a kid and couldn't even make it past the first temple. As an adult I'm convinced I was just stupid because I beat Woodfall my second day playing.
Anyway regardless the atmosphere is top notch and I'm actually finding the three day cycle refreshing. Not sure yet if it's better than OoT, but I think I may prefer it to WW and TP, we'll see how those replays go. The side quests are always my favorite parts of Zelda games, so I was delighted to get the bombers notebook and see just how many slots there are and the emphasis of helping individuals as opposed to an epic grand evil really grounds the game.

3D Zelda might have peaked on the N64 lol.


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Wind waker will always have a special place in my heart cause it was my first 3D zelda but Majora's mask hits different compared to most of the other Zelda games. It's brimming with atmosphere and despite the threat being so fantastical the interpersonal relationship issues and fears the NPCs exhibit are very realistic.


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Star Ocean 2 Remake. Item creation system coddles my micromanager autistic brain.

oh also dias hot


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MM was the first game that really ignited my love for NPCs. To this day "NPC charm" is a metric I use to judge RPGs.
I've had this ready to go on my steam deck for about a week but am stuck forever on the Claude+Leon/Rena+Dias Ashton/Opera bosses (Bowman/Precis is not a boss we are a oyaji house here).


Yeah the recruitment system really doodoo, esp as someone who really likes Dias and Leon.

At least in R you can skip cutscenes and fast travel with New Game+. Just go with who you want first run, you can beat the game and postgame with any team comp as long as you do some Item Creation.

If you want fun yaoi teases get Ashton on Claude mode, or Dias and Noel on Rena mode.


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I ended up going with Rena and Ashton. Typing that post blasted me with memories of reading Dias/Ashton fanfic but 20 years later I can't exactly remember why it was even a ship. Then I got to thinking I only read it because I was out of a certain author's Bart/Billy (Xenogears) fanfic and decided to see what else she was cooking up (on her WEBSITE!!!), so now I shall personally investigate if it was a LONG reach or if it actually was kind of baity as well. I'll pick up Noel too.

I really love the remaster so far, gameplay has been jazzed up just enough that I don't think I'll burn out between 2 playthroughs. I didn't know the postgame change, that sounds great.


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Glad to hear you love it nonna, it's nice that people are enjoying SO2! The remake did great with making replays more comfortable with all the speed-up QOL.


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Still on a Tekken kick. Any of you guys into fighting games? It's prime for homoeroticism, half naked men beating the shit out of each other.
Personal favorites are Darkstalkers and Blazeblue,.


I see where you're coming from but I don't think fighting games are really for me. These days I have little patience to git gud and I get the impression that with fighting games gitting gud online is the main point. If I play a game like Hades or Hollow knight there is the writing, exploration and powerup progression among other things that acts like a carrot on a stick to help me git gud.


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I played GGX2 a lot in high school (Jam main) but was tragically that Hard Drive article about "guy(girl) too good at fighting games for friend group but too bad for local FGC" lol. I remember being into Sol/Ky, eventually dropping out of the fandom, then getting slapped with KY AND DIZZY FUCKED???????? 10 years later.

>These days I have little patience to git gud
I'm with her on this one. I have friends who have been trying to rope me back into fightan games for years but competitive gaming is a huge timesink, even casually. In high school I was putting off homework, in my 30s I'd be putting off living.

I was really cautious about it because IMO remakes are never great, but they've somehow managed to give it a facelift/QoL buff AND keep the "I am playing a ps1 jrpg mmm mmm comfy" vibe to it. Have some Dias/Ashton art old enough to vote.


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I'm into fighting games but only for the lore and gay shipping lol. I don't even try to play competitively, and playing exclusively with your friends is very fun.
Fighting games tend to have very cute character designs and beef cakes, i really enjoy street fighter, GG and lately i've been nosing into KOF a little more.


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Yeah I get it, personally I enjoy the mechanics of most fighting games but I am not good enough to play online. I usually just end up fighting family and friends. A strong solo story is a must and I enjoy arcade modes where you're rewarded with a cute little cutscene at the end.

>I remember being into Sol/Ky, eventually dropping out of the fandom, then getting slapped with KY AND DIZZY FUCKED???????? 10 years later.
Hahaha, that's tragic nonna, I agree. Personally was never invested in Ky/Dizzy, it did give us Sin who's fun to play though. Sol/Ky is a pretty based ship, nice taste.


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>if it was a LONG reach or if it actually was kind of baity as well.
I'm back and I have no idea what this lady was smoking. That's some late 90s yaoi for ya. Remake is a lot of fun, it goes by so much faster when you aren't inundated with random encounters!
Dias/Claude is pretty good. It's funny to me that Rena has so much NTR bait with his story bits but in the end Dias and Claude are more interested in each other's progress. Albel/Fayt from SO3 is an older OTP of mine and I can now recognize the Dias/Claude DNA in it.


I think I'll keep playing Bravely Default on easy mode, not having enough free time to play games and redo hard boss fights is frustrating and this one reminds me of the FF3 and 4 remakes on the DS in terms of difficulty setting.


I started playing Ghost trick. It's one of the most creative games I've experienced in recent memory as far as gameplay style and vibes go. As much as I'm an Ace attorney fan I feel like it'd be a good thing if Shu Takumi is more often allowed out of Ace attorney jail to work on something else.


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I'm so glad you're enjoying it! And I love that it got re-released so more people can play it. The puzzle elements are so refreshing and really take advantage of the ghostly nature of Sissel.


Yeah, when it was new it flew under my radar and then at a later point it was one of those older games that got inflated in value too much for me to bother getting a physical copy. The modern ports got announced just around the time I considered just pirating it.


I have a lot of distractions in my life so it took a while to finish Ghost trick, but I did it now and it was a fun romp. I stand by what I said before and think it'd be good if Shu takumi gets to do more non-ace attorney stuff. In any case, I think I'm gonna start Persona 4 next. People around me have really gotten into the Persona 3 remake lately but I already played portable not too long ago so I'm just moving on to 4.


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Congrats on beating Ghost Trick, and I agree it's such a fun and quirky game, he should be allowed experiment with more stuff, though I'm glad an IP as niche-seeming as Ace Attorney can see so much success and spin-offs.

Persona 4 is actually my favorite Persona game easily and I enjoyed it significantly more than 3 and 5. The small town mystery is a big draw for me and it's the coziest Persona game imo. Hope you enjoy it!


The themes of Persona 3 really resonated with me but I've heard multiple people say they liked 4 better so I'm curious to see where that one will go. I'm a bit concerned at a comment I've seen that stated it can be easy to be locked into a bad ending but I have a habit of making separate saves for important-seeming questions to begin with so I assume I'll be ok.


The game will stop and tell you to save right now because of some important plot twist right before you can "choose" the ending you'll get so don't worry too much about it. P3 was about saving the world while P4 is a more personal story about a specific location so even if the games are similar at first they have very different vibes imo.


I'm playing Bravely Default so slowly that I'm only at the beginning of the third chapter and now I had to deal with a bunch of cutscenes back to back for like an hour. I wonder if the game is actually long or if I just take a lot of time because I don't skip them and let the voice actors finish their sentences. It's still a fun game but it's frustrating playing JRPGs with so little free free time.


I completed persona 4 and really enjoyed it. While I made pretty good social link progress I left enough undone that I will certainly return for a second playthrough at one point.


New game plus is worth doing imo and it goes much faster since stats carry over, you can pass a lot of checks you previously couldn't and as you said there are social links to be done.

What next Nonna?


Whenever I complete a long story heavy JRPG like this I like to follow it up with an action focused game such as a platformer, metroidvania or a roguelike. I'm going to try Shantae: Risky's revenge cause despite giving it an honest shot I just couldn't vibe with Shantae on the GBC but I'm still interested in the series. I've heard the later games play well and I dig the character and world designs I've seen.


MY 3DS ISN'T CHARGING ANYMORE! WTF, it worked just fine yesterday, I charged it while playing and I stopped charging it when the battery was fully charged. Now it's half charged, just like yesterday, I wanted to charge it to continue Bravely Default and it's not charging anymore, no matter where I do it in my flat. I'm charging my phone just fine right now so it's either the charger or the 3DS itself. Anons I'm scared, I want to replay so many games on it!


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I bet it's just the charger, I've gone through 2 myself. Praying for you BD anon!


It was just the charger but I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I wanted to take my 3DS with me with streetpass today but couldn't because I was worried about it. I'll play more today now that I'm home and will continue the 4th chapter, I'll continue playing on easy mode because I want to beat this game before my 3DS dies once and for all.


I enjoyed the game and decided to immediately continue on to Shantae and the pirate's curse. Even early on I can tell they thought of fun ways to put a spin on the formula. Seems like this is the most beloved entry in the series too so I'm looking forward to playing more of it.


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Super interesting


Is this the new Dragon's Dogma?


omfg the video game industry is healing


11/10 will buy and play.


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I've been no-lifing DD2. There's been some really senseless QoL downgrades (mostly regarding what you can do from the bank) from the first game, but overall I'm still having a great time. I wish more games would capitalize on "you can customize the MC *AND* a buddy for the MC". This time around I wasn't feeling too creative so I just made the approximation of a ship I like, it's cute having them fight together.


I'm done with the 4th chapter of Bravely Default. I know that the next ones are all about redoing the same boss fights but it seems like most of these fights aren't mandatory. I played on easy mode and picked the option to have half the amount of random encounters because I didn't have enough free time to grind for more exp and now I want to play on normal mode. So now boss fights are kicking my ass instead of being too easy because I'm underleveled but random encounters are still too easy. What do? Should I just rush through the last chapters or are there some side quests I could be missing if I do that, besides the vampire side quest?


Oh yeah currently playing it and having the same issue (last chapter). Four+ bosses all ganging up on you at once with their super abilities is just too much. I didn't even skip any boss battles since I liked the extra story content they unlocked. I play on "normal".
I guess I will grind a bit more and if that doesn't help I will switch to "easy" for this one fight. Should be the last one before the end boss.
> Should I just rush through the last chapters or are there some side quests I could be missing if I do that, besides the vampire side quest?
Yeah ignore the normal fights and yeah fighting bosses again unlocks more side quests, you should do them if you can. And go up to the mountains where the vampire castle is. There are stronger enemies there, or fight the ones in the castle to level up more quickly.

In case that you didn't do it yet, focus on leveling the Black Knight and Spiritmaster, IMO best classes by far since BK can spam high damage attacks on entire parties and Spiritmasters are the best buffers in the game. If nothing helps try looking up the fights on youtube. Most hard fights and bosses in games have some specific weaknesses you can exploit with the right set-up and strategy.

In the end it depends on how much fun you have with the game, but personally I recommend fighting the bosses again since they reveal a lot about the characters and their true motifs. They also make the reruns less boring since you are just fighting the four elementals otherwise. In case that you should have issues with the Dark elemental boss, throw an elixir on him, instant kill.


Stardew valley is digital crack once I get in the groove. I kinda figured as much cause over the years I've also gotten into the groove easily when playing harvest moon games or rune factory games so it's only natural that this game would work for me too. The only 'flaw' it has is that the artstyle isn't quite anime enough for my tastes and I considered modding the portraits at first but I'm kinda lazy with that type of stuff so over time I've just gotten used to them.


I'm still in the middle of chapter 5. It's frustrating how piss easy the game is on easy mode and how difficult it is on normal because how of little exp I got in total so far and how I'm locked out of a lot of streetpass/online features.
>And go up to the mountains where the vampire castle is.
I did that in the 4th chapter, followed a guide and got my ass kicked by the dragons. So I'll do that quest a bit later.

>In case that you didn't do it yet, focus on leveling the Black Knight and Spiritmaster

I legit don't know which character should use these classes yet, I'm considering giving Spiritmaster to Agnes because she's already my support character (white mage/summoner/performer), but for all other three party members I could consider giving them the black knight class. Maybe Tiz? I gave him the thief and ranger classes and they're very useful, but he doesn't use magic. Or maybe Ringabel, but I usually keep him as a black mage or a time mage with skills from both classes and I don't know if the black knight class would give him enough magic to still be good when using time magic. With Edea nowadays I rotate with pirate and sword mage so she can debuff enemies and hit their weaknesses.

>In case that you should have issues with the Dark elemental boss, throw an elixir on him, instant kill.

I'm dumb, it seems so obvious now kek.


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See I can't get into it and I think it's because I never got into Harvest Moon. The mining is fun since there are monsters, but my crops just die on me and I don't have the desire to actually maintain them.

Same on the art though, I'd seen art like pic related and was not prepared for the character portraits in the game.


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The gradual buildup of money leading to being able to buy upgrades to earn more money and buy more upgrades and so on gives me steady dopamine hits and goals, along with the dating element and town hall restoration questline also giving me something to work on over time. Admittedly, on the JP side over the years I have shifted from harvest moon to rune factory because rune factory appeals more to my tastes with the dungeon crawling and fantasy designs for the love interests such as pic related who I married in Rune factory 4. I think stardew is a great game in this genre but in the long run it's not gonna beat out rune factory 4 in my farming game hierarchy because it's harvest moon inspired.


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Still playing Bravely Default, I'm doing the 7th chapter, I like that the optional boss fights against the asterisk holders get more and more different in each chapters. If that weren't the case I would have skipped everything but instead I'm still doing the boss fights. I unlocked all the classes and I wanted to fill the bestiary but there are some entries about monsters from the very first chapters that I can't fill anymore so idk what to do about that but that's not the end of the world. The story is so, so good. I love it. It just keeps getting better and better so I'm really glad the only spoilers I saw were about Airy tricking everyone and the worlds being different and not just some fucked timeloop but even then I saw that out of context. It's insane how much of the story and characters you can miss when skipping the side quests. I wish the battle against Praline had this song instead of the regular boss music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQ3qCIka2rI


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Praline gets a unique boss theme in the next game! I'm glad you like BD. So many people get filtered by the last bit of the game when IMO there's enough fluff in all the sidequests to make it worth completing. There is actually an ending available to you now if you are doing the optional bosses. Keep praying to any crystal after Airy tells you that's enough.

IIRC the bestiary entries can be completed in an optional dungeon you can unlock later.


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Sadly the other games in the franchise aren't as good, but i've been obsessed with the trails in the sky trilogy for the past few months. I could go in great detail about why i love it so much but i'll keep it topical in that weissmann definitely molested joshua. Maybe it's just me that interpreted how he acted toward him as yaoi subtext, but i feel like there was def a fujo at falcom who shipped them and rightfully so.


> I could go in great detail about why i love it so much
Please tell. Is there any fics about them you liked?


I'm finally about to beat Bravely Default after several weeks of not having enough free time to play anything at all. I stopped trying to beat all the asterisk holders in the middle of the 6th chapter but I'll try in a NG+ run later. I think I got almost everyone's backstory now so it's fine, but some of the boss fights filtered me. I somehow managed to beat Airy in the last dungeon and something's telling me that the last boss will kick my ass way too many times. Wish me good luck! After that I'll play other Switch games I think.


Omg bravely default is an amazing game, second is good too but the switch bravely default game fails to capture the first two games charm imo the change of art style doesn't help much either


I don't plan on getting the one on the Switch, it looks ugly. I don't feel like playing Second right now, I have a copy but it took me months to play the first one already and I want to try other games as well. The last boss kicked my ass, it used its most powerful move several times in a row against me in the 4th phase, it annoys me so much already.


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Playing a lot of Kirby recently specifically Star Allies. People draw Marx so cute kind of like a male Flandre.


Finding out that SMT 5 is getting delisted from the eshop is even more of a confirmation that they just released a full price unfinished game. I sure as fuck learned my lession, though. I am never buying an atlus game on release ever again.


This time it's way more blatant than usual. I don't regret getting the original game because I had fun with it and I wouldn't have enough time to play it now anyway but I've seen some people who got the original game just a few weeks or days before SMT5 Vengeance got announced and I feel bad for them.


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I don't understand why they're removing it when you can still buy vanilla P4 and P5 in addition to the fancy remakes.

Leace it up so the people who already bought it can get their DLC and whatnot.


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I just beat Pokemon SV and its DLC. It was ok I guess. I'm not sure what to play next, and it's been a while since I used my PS5 so I have plenty of choice. I have a few Switch games left in my backlog, should I focus on these ones first or maybe try Resident Evil 2 Remake or FF7 Remake instead? I'm about to be really busy with my job very soon so maybe starting with the shortest game among all the ones I have would make more sense?


Shortest one would be the better choice I think. Which would that be? Oh the two you listed FFVII is my favorite though I've only played the original.


The shortest is RE2 remake I think. But I've never played this kind of games before so I'll take my time getting used to the gameplay. As for FF7, I've never played the original, I know about it thanks to spinoffs like the movie, Dissidia, etc. I also have the remaster on the Switch so I'm not even sure I should start with the remake first.


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VII is one I played when I was a child so perhaps that colors my perspective but I remember thinking the story was very grand and epic, to young me it was like watching a movie. I wonder if it still feels as cinematic nowadays.

>I know about it thanks to spinoffs like the movie, Dissidia

I actually haven't interacted much with the rest of the FF series soneday I should play Dissidia. Last year I had grand plans of marathoning them but I didn't care for I so after I beat it I never moved on to II. Someday…


>As for FF7, I've never played the original, I know about it thanks to spinoffs like the movie, Dissidia, etc. I also have the remaster on the Switch so I'm not even sure I should start with the remake first.
I played FF7 via the playstation store on PSP and only witnessed the remake through a streamer. Despite it being called remake, FF7R actually has elements to it that won't make any sense unless you experienced the original so personally I would always tell people to play the original FF7 first.


Now you both make me want to play the FF7 remaster instead. Which would mean playing FF7 remake and rebirth later. I've watched Shoko Nakagawa streaming the remake in 2020 when I was trying to recover from covid at home but tried to not watch everything in case I could play it myself someday, the gameplay looks fun.

>Last year I had grand plans of marathoning them but I didn't care for I so after I beat it I never moved on to II. Someday…

tbh since all the main games aren't directly related to each other you should skip what you don't like. I played FF1 and 2 on the PSP, FF3 and 4 on the DS, FF10, FF10-2 and FF16 and liked all of them, but I'm not sure I'll like the other main games. I plan on trying some of them later but I don't know when yet.


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Very niche game but I really loved these two


What game?


El Shaddai:ascension of metatron, good gameplay with beautiful aesthetic


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I used to love playing Rpgmaker games, but I'm always scared to revisit old favorites like Ib, Witch's House, or Corpse Party because I was a stupid kid when I played them, and they're probably actually bad despite how I felt at the time. But!!! I'm really happy right now because I replayed Off, and I liked it just as much as I did back then. I don't know what about it captured me in the way it did, but it makes me want to explore some other games in the genre I never got around to playing.


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OFF has an excellent atmosphere glad it holds up! There are ones like Mad Father or Grey Garden I want to revisit but similarly don't think will be any good. OFF has a very specific style and tone so it's not surprising to me its still great.


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>Mad Father
This is one of those that I feel very confident would not hold up lol. I also played it a long time ago, and while the art and aesthetics were neat, I don't feel like it was particularly well-written, in retrospect.
>Grey Garden
I've actually never tried this one! Some of the character designs are really cute, though, so I may play it one day, even if you don't think it would be very good.


>What have you been playing lately?
Stardew valley. Elliot will be mine…..


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Stardew was fun, but much like Harvest Moon I just lost interest in managing the farm. Surprisingly good male cast though, wouldn't mind seeing them in something more narratively driven.

Gray Garden is very pretty but I just think their other games like Wandohara are better. If you link angel and demons you'll probably get a kick out of it, much better than Mad Father at least lol.


>corpse party
last time i replayed that one was fourish years ago, and it was pretty cliche and full of moidy coom shit. however, it somehow didn’t kill my nostalgia and i ashamedly still kind of like it in spite of its moidiness, kek. there was also a bit of a tumblr revival in shipping two of the insane guys for a while which was fun, even if they literally had no canon interaction aside from the shitty ova and one of the bonus scenarios.


Class of 09, what a poorly written piece of edgy trash. I want Jeffery to get absolutely raped by the bullies for liking Chinese Cartoons.

Anyone got any good BL VNs I can read instead? I've read all the Nitroplus ones and Naked Butlers.


>Class of 09, what a poorly written piece of edgy trash.
Agreed I can't believe how pretentious the creator was about it when it's such garbage. Stoner boy is cute though.

If you haven't read the ADELTA VNs then read those, I've also heard from my friend that lkyt is very good but not very focused on romance and very tragic (apparently the characters more screw as a coping mechanism).


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I liked him with Kurosaki more.


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>Class of 09, what a poorly written piece of edgy trash.
I didn't read it, but it's nice to see a negative opinion on it, for once. The way I've seen people praise it doesn't sit right with me because it kind of looked like a generic "see how crazy we are for parodying visual novels" type of game.
>Anyone got any good BL VNs I can read instead?
Highly seconding what >>5793 wrote; you can't go wrong with ADELTA's games (although I'd recommend Hashihime the most) or Lkyt. I'll also add Tokyo Onmyoji, although it's not as polished as the other two that anon recommended. It still has some really great characters and a fun urban fantasy vibe, if you're into that.


>I didn't read it, but it's nice to see a negative opinion on it, for once. The way I've seen people praise it doesn't sit right with me because it kind of looked like a generic "see how crazy we are for parodying visual novels" type of game.

It very much is, for some reason like half of the entire English VN market is these parody games that aren't even novel anymore. I thought 09 wasn't very charming, the MC was mean-spirited in a way that wasn't fun. It's very juvenile and full of teen angst, and whats worse is that despite having multiple endings there isn't even a "skip read text" function so getting them all is a chore despite how short the game is.

Thank you for the suggestions, I haven't read anything from this company yet. Hashihime has a very pretty art style so I think I'll try that one first. If I like it maybe I'll have a new company of games to keep me occupied this year.

Just to clarify Hashihime is a H game, so I shouldn't get the Switch release correct? Or is it just dark BL?


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>and whats worse is that despite having multiple endings there isn't even a "skip read text" function so getting them all is a chore despite how short the game is.
I absolutely HATE that. I played a different parody game in that vein, and it had the same thing. Plus, you had to replay this game FIVE TIMES to even get an ending. Absolute insanity for people who clearly don't understand the conventions of the medium to be making parodies of it. There's no way the devs could not know to include a skip read text function unless they straight-up haven't read many VNs.
>Just to clarify Hashihime is a H game, so I shouldn't get the Switch release correct?
You're right; it is an H-game, but the Switch version does contain some additional scenes that, if I recall, were originally text-only short stories on the dev's website, so there is some additional content to make up for the H-content being removed. Whichever version you choose, I hope you like it!


>for some reason like half of the entire English VN market is these parody games that aren't even novel anymore.
I hate that shit so much. It's like they played Hatoful boyfriend once as a tween or watched a youtuber play it and never reached the parts that have an genuine heartfelt story and instead just went "Lawl this is so funny, I'm gonna do this too."


I wanna check out Tokyo Onmyoji at some point, the character designs are pretty handsome.
>like half of the entire English VN market is these parody games that aren't even novel anymore
It's because they don't actually like visual novels, they just want to cash in on meme games for youtubers to play like ddlc and dream daddy (both trash).
Hatoful is the one VN I've seen to do it properly for a lot of reasons
>pre meme VN era
>creator clearly actually enjoyed otome games and just thought it would be funny to make one where they're birds
>otherwise aside from stuff like okosan and some silly stuff here and there the game is played pretty straight with love interests that you can actually grow to care about (I specifically remember a youtuber crying at the end of Nageki's route)
>True end genuinely ties the routes together extremely well


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>Hatoful is the one VN I've seen to do it properly for a lot of reasons

Full agree, Hatoful doesn't get enough praise for its legitimately interesting world-building and writing. Its funny as hell but there are also characters you want to get to know plus real stakes and serious moments which tie the story together. I've seen VNs like Pizza Game or Dialtown which try to do the same "Goofy Game, serious underbelly" and none have succeeded where Hatoful did.

Also Ryuuji/Shuu is the bird OTP and I will not accept any other options!


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>I wanna check out Tokyo Onmyoji at some point
If you ever do, please share your thoughts on here! I absolutely love the game, and it makes me so sad that it's still so underrated, even though it has an English translation.
You're absolutely correct. Hatoful Boyfriend is unironically good, and was made by someone who doesn't hate VNs. It's one of my absolute favorite VNs I've ever read, (and yes, I've read things that are more critically-acclaimed or whatever; it just grabbed me in a way very few things have). I hate that it gets lumped in with the low-effort genre of parody games it spawned. The absurd premise was just a front for the actual plot, which took effort and had some genuinely excellent foreshadowing and characterization. It never felt mean-spirited in the way that most parody-type games do, and the fact that the characters were birds ended up being a legitimate plot point. I don't have a lot to add to what these posts said, but it makes me so upset that people write Hatoful off as a meme game when it has a genuine heart to it that the games trying to emulate it will never possess.


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>and yes, I've read things that are more critically-acclaimed or whatever; it just grabbed me in a way very few things have
No issue with that nonna, hatoful is genuinely a really strongly written VN with an impressive amount of good routes (usually otome/BLge have like, 2-3 well written love interests while I think most of the ones in hatoful were well done)
>It never felt mean-spirited in the way that most parody-type games do
I honestly think that people who decide to do crappy parody games like class of 09 should read a couple of Japanese VNs before writing off the entire medium and pulling some obnoxious irony poisoned shit like in that shitty 'anti visual novels' video. I hate seeing my favorite medium of storytelling get written off as 'porn' or 'shitty dating games' when a lot of them have way more heart put into them compared to manga and anime (especially with indie VNs) which doesn't get written off nearly as much.
Even people who know of hatoful should actually fully complete the game instead of just playing one route and dropping it.
Otome and BLge get written off even moreso with guys ignoring plotge coming out like Ooe.


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those two were so cute, i remember ten years ago mass reblogging all the fanart of them lol, i revisited corpse party recently but clearly nostalgia had blinded me since the high octane moidery really does overshadow what would be a peak piece of horror, the way random pantyshots would take me out of otherwise compelling cgs lmao also the sequels are all utter shit
genuinely the way that so many western vns are just "haha aren't visual novels silly and goofy! anime is so freaking randum!" is such a piss-take, it's unfortunate how many western vn creators have so much disdain for the genre
i've wanted to pick up Hatoful for a while! i'm not really into otome though, i hear the big fat yandere bird is a homo which is interesting depending on how it's handled.


>the high octane moidery really does overshadow what would be a peak piece of horror
Maybe it’s just because I’m thinking about it in compared to stuff like corpse party musume (among other ero horror), but I didn’t think it was thaaaat terrible? Yuka’s subplot was still obvious fetish bait but the parts with her and Kizami are some of the most iconic and entertaining so I’m fine dealing with it.
Also could just be nostalgia bias in my case kek.


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Speaking of ero horror, I've been meaning to play Abaddon princess of the decay for such a long time man


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I played some of it about a year ago one day I'll finish getting all the bl scenes. And my favorite ending was the ntr ending for Seijirou, picrel.


>I wish more series would just let a good thing die at its peak, instead of dragging it out past its natural lifespan
Saw this in another thread and it reminded me of the current pitiful state of Silent hill versus Forbidden siren which managed to die relatively gracefully and is still remembered fondly by longtime fans.


Ah I really wanna pick this up at some point! Just worried I'll have to sift through a bunch of het scenes


I played it for a while but tbh I got turned off by how it tried to give me flags with the pseudo-shota while Seijiro was away exploring or something like that. I just really didn't want to have sex with a Gon/Naruto type of guy.


Ngl it's definitely not as bad as every single other installment of the franchise but yeah the occasional pantyshots (the last cg of a character before her brutal death being a low angle shot of her underwear is really fetishy) at crucial moments and yuka in general is just fetish fuel the character and it really takes me out of the experience also I actually really liked Seiko as a character but the way she acts in all of the spinoffs (especially the ova) really ruin her for me


I don't think there's a way to play without seeing het or yuri, sadly. And I think you have to toggle bl to be viewable in the settings, because I think it's off by default. There is a sfw bl spin-off, but I haven't checked it out.
Kippei's cute, but I chose Seijirou first because he was just my type. And I didn't bring Kippei with me on my first run because I wanted the encyclopedia girl to read me all the lore. Kinda wish there was more Seijirou content, but being a game mainly meant for men, I see why Kippei got slightly more content.


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Same, I don't even mind shotas but he's 100% not the type I enjoy. I guess for the other member I'll try and go for the tsundere and just try to avoid sex with her when possible?


Good luck. Make sure to use a guide, unless you really want to go in blind. There's a pdf on f95zone that's pretty thorough. There's another guide out there with a map, but I think it was in Japanese and I'm not entirely sure where I found it. I tried looking for it just now, but no luck.


This looks really neat, thank you.


agree wholeheartedly about seiko. apologies for the mild yurifag sperg but i was young (way too young) when i played the og and was genuinely surprised by her storyline and her love for naomi, which i thought was portrayed in a pretty heartfelt way. but every other piece of media reduced her character to “lol isn’t it crazy that she’s GAY and a PERVERT” and it just became another moidy aspect of the series. like the other anon, though, i’m so nostalgic for the main game that i don’t think i could every truly resent it, kek. and the entire kizami and yuka segment is, in fact, iconic.


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Finally getting around to playing Kuro no Kiseki. After the misery of the Erebonia arc, Van makes me feel like we're so back. Definitely my favorite protagonist since Estelle, he's so charming.


Yeah I hated how Seiko got treated in stuff like Sachiko's birthday, she's a genuinely really likable character and it wasn't super common for lesbian characters feelings to not be played off as nothing but a joke.


I liked Kuro a lot! I wish the combat had a bit more bite to it but all the characters were pretty fun, and I enjoyed it a lot more than CS.


I might have to, I'm getting filtered at the very beginning of the game.


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>that shitty 'anti visual novels' video
I legitimately thought it was satire the first time I watched it because of how much basic information he got wrong lol. Like, I do not understand what compelled that man to make that video.
>I hate seeing my favorite medium of storytelling get written off as 'porn' or 'shitty dating games' when a lot of them have way more heart put into them compared to manga and anime (especially with indie VNs) which doesn't get written off nearly as much.
Me, too, nona. I don't think it's possible to successfully parody something without having knowledge of what you're parodying. It feels like the writers are too afraid of being sincere, and fall back on making 'ironic' stories. I actually love genre-shift type stories (like VNs that start out as slice-of-life and become something else by the time they end), and I hate that they're often associated with more DDLC-type VNs.
>i've wanted to pick up Hatoful for a while! i'm not really into otome though
Nta but if it makes the game any more appealing, the otome elements basically disappear in the game's last - and longest - route.
I've wanted to try this one, but I've also heard it's kind of difficult and I fear I may never finish it.


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>I've also heard it's kind of difficult
AYRT and while it's not the easiest game, it's not super difficult once you get through the first playthrough. The game itself is pretty fair. It gives you a lot of hints (especially if you bring Rikana) and tends to tell you if something is a bad idea like the doll scene. You also get Homura's unique item that heals a lot up to three times and no limit on saving. So it gives you a lot of chances to fix any fuck ups you made. And then after that first playthrough, you get to keep your levels and items you left in your box. And losing a party member doesn't automatically mean you fucked up. I was able to beat the game with only Homura once because Rikana died and Seijirou ran away like two minutes later. It wasn't my first playthrough though so Homura was a little overleveled.
>tried to give me flags with the pseudo-shota
I already replied to you before, but I forgot to mention that as long as you don't sleep with him when resting, you shouldn't get Kippei's ending. Same applies for all the characters. You need 80+ affection to get a relationship ending and there's like 6 bed rests which is 60 affection and there's dialogue that bumps the affection as well as healing. And even if you got a lot of affection with someone, you don't end with them unless you sleep in the last bed with them (the 7th and final bed, I believe).


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>that spoiler
ooh! colour me interested then, the bird boy designs are so cute
i heard there's apparently a threesome ending with the two boys? also Homura is such a hot protag, a part of me would want to hunt for the het content too but ngl when I play blvns i'm in the mindset of just wanting to see bl (i remember being irked that Hadaka Shitsuji had het scenes with Sayaka and each butler and I remember getting those scenes asap with each butler to get them out the way so I could still get 100 percent completion, thankful none of them are canon to the dark or light routes at least)


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>AYRT and while it's not the easiest game, it's not super difficult once you get through the first playthrough.
Thank you for the detailed reply! I really like Seijirou based on design and what I've seen of his personality in particular. Kind of a dumb question, but how many BL endings are there total? Also, what's the deal with the new vs old art styles, and is there an advantage of one over the other, aside from aesthetic preferences (ie are there more CGs in one or something)? I also like the idea of keeping progress when you die; it makes the game as a whole sound a lot less frustrating, so I'm a lot more encouraged to pick it up in the future!


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>threesome ending with the two boys?
Yes, there is. You need to get both the guy's endings and have their id cards which are given after you get their ending. The pdf guide that appears when you search for "Abaddon Princess of the Decay guide" explains it more. Just ctrl f "harem" to get to the page.
>how many BL endings are there total?
I think there's technically 6 (I say technically because some are epilogues and some are endings, can't remember which is which exactly though). The regular endings (which I think are actually epilogues) I think you get as long as you don't do the secret Yuki route. The true ending variants you only get if you do the true ending route,. The ntr endings where you cuck the third party member you chose. And then the Kippei x Seijirou ending. You can do the Kippei x Seijirou ending and cuck one of them to get one of the ntr endings for the guys. There's also a few extra bl cgs that aren't tied to endings and are missable. Like there's two bl rape tapes and both Kippei and Seijirou have a gay death rape cg Not as bad as it sounds. The rapist isn't like an ugly bastard or anything and there's no blood afaik.
>new vs old art styles
It's just a novelty of the game tbh. Picrel is the newer style, which I personally find it takes me out of the experience considering the rest of the game is 8-bit. It's a toggle in the settings and I think the 8-bit style is the default, but I could be wrong. There's no advantage other than older style has less space so there's usually a part that gets cropped sometimes (It's not much, just a few pixels).


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I checked out the game after recent discussion of it and im amused by the cover art having the male mc be drawn equally coomerfied as the women. look at dat back arch


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>Even people who know of hatoful should actually fully complete the game instead of just playing one route and dropping it.
I've tried convincing friends this so many times over the years. I'll get them to do 2-3 routes maybe but they still treat it as just funny haha and have no intent to reach BBL even though I keep telling them it's there. It's fun hearing their surprise when the game has more work put into it than they expect for "just a joke", but I want them to experience the true oh shit moments and come away as affected as I was.

And then play Holiday Star.


yess we need more equality like this lol, i remember reading the f95 page and seeing moids being shook by how equal opportunity this game is, bi rights i guess


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>I've tried convincing friends this so many times over the years.
NTA but same. It drives me nuts because I don't want to ruin it for them, but they're like, "haha yeah it's a funny bird game. I don't understand why you love it so much, though." I've had 2-3 friends finish it entirely, and they all agreed it was kino. The others just gave up and forever know it as the silly bird game. It's only, like, 8 hours long, and I want others to have the same experience that I did… When I initially played, I didn't know about the last route, so hitting it was SUCH an experience for me that I want to share with as many people as I can.
Also NTA but can you imagine what an upset there would be if regular galge started having BL routes?? It makes me wish more games were brave enough to do it kek.


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After hearing the news about the Tales of Graces remaster, I got in the mood to play it again. Honestly it's criminally underrated how great the dynamic between Richard and Asbel is, especially compared to the horrible dynamic of the het couple.
The story, what they go through, the whole journey makes them such an amazing pair. It’s incredible how just changing the gender of either Richard or Asbel would make people recognize this.
It's not even the first time I’ve seen this happen in a game I play, and it’s frustrating to think that if the genders were different, and both ships were het, my ship would overshadow the other in popularity and probably be canon.meh


Ooh I've heard good things about Graces, I have a friend who's really into the tales series (I've only played vesperia but I'm yet to finish it) and she'd always tell me how gay Richard is and how I need to pick up graces at some point since he and Asbel have such a homoerotic relationship… Since it's getting a switch release soon, I've heard Zestial is insanely homo too


There have been a few jrpg ships in my past (most popular example, Riku/Sora) where "r63 one of them–do you see The Vision?" opens the third eye of some anons. Some of them are just so genuinely dense that they don't register interesting dynamics/tension until it's funneled to them in the form of girl/boy.


>most popular example, Riku/Sora
spot on
>Some of them are just so genuinely dense that they don't register interesting dynamics/tension until it's funneled to them in the form of girl/boy.
On a related note I remember naruto's sasusaku and narusaku fans actually admitting that if sasunaru was straight, it would be the superior ship, story and chemistry wise.


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Yes Sorey/Mikleo is good, zestiria is nice with a great cast of characters too. Actually a lot tales games have at least one bl ship that's relatively popular with a bit of fanart and content.

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