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Confess anything you wanna get off your chest.
Old thread >>19
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I never understood the concept of cuteness and how people associate it with sexuality. What people call cute is just "nonthreatening" to me which isn't an attractive trait IMO and I associate it with small animals, stupidity underdeveloped personalities.
I assume that cuteness and attraction are two different things to normalfags but I am not sure since most of the time someone is posting their waifu or husbando it's a generic so-called cute kid so I assume it's connected. I can't feel it.

Strangely beauty is also largely incompatible with sexuality. Unlike cuteness I have a concept of that, but it's either that a character only becomes beautiful to me after I got obsessed with him or it's something distanced that was seen as beautiful before but then it's not sexual. Like how normal people like flowers and call them pretty but they wouldn't fuck flowers.

I am probably just autistic but because of shit like this I have hard time relating to most fans. I cannot find anybody attractive if I don't relate to them either. First there needs to be a connection otherwise it's again just some distanced shit I don't feel anything for.


You're not autistic you're demisexual.


I think people find cuteness or beauty appealing aesthetically and at the risk of sounding like a preachy moralfag, because of how disgustingly sexualized a lot of current pop culture is these people channel that enjoyment through sexuality since that is the perceived way to "appropriate" a character. Imo this is also the main reason non-pedo lolisho exist.

I'm the same way as you though, can't get into a character based purely on design and I need like the personality and character below that. A cute design is just that, cute, I can't ship based purely on that.


Interesting. I never thought about this. Demi is when you only experience the attraction (and to a degree the beauty and attractive cuteness) later, after getting into a character for the personality. Opposed to liking the look first. It makes sense. A lot of characters I love didn't seem good looking at first and neither applying to common beauty standards. And then I learned more about them and liked them and suddenly the designs were the best shit ever created (for me).
This is also a quite interesting remark, because it matches the theories nonnas had in another thread where we discussed why many modern female fans were obsessed with cowtit genderbending and content that's aimed at (male) coomers. It reminds me of the fans that call every character they vaguely like their waifu or husbando. It annoys me sometimes because it feels like a lot of sexualisation is forced, especially when it happens to cartoony creatures that look barely even human. And you rarely see someone liking a character for non-sexual reasons. This goes as far as men hating male characters on principle for the sole reason of not being able to get into them (besides traps maybe).

I feel like sympathy and the ability to relate plays barely a role anymore when they should be the main reasons for liking a character, regardless of whether it includes romantic interest or not.
You are most likely right about the pop culutural influence because even the men I know that are largely "offline" prefer old male characters they consider relatable or admirable instead of being obsessed with waifus or harem MCs, let alone lolis.


It is more common for autistic people to identify as asexual so this isn't unreasonable. Like >>8056 has posted I do think that some of it might be explained by inexperience and exposure.


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Yeah not really the same experience as that anon you linked, but I have Asperger's and in highschool I considered myself asexual and only into 2D, 10 years later and now I have a BF and consider myself straight. I'm not going to say being asexual or whatnot doesn't exist, but when you're a 17 year old teen who has never dated and spends most of your time online the label is easy to attach yourself to.

Really focusing on orientation and relationships are a bit of a trap, you either like something or you don't and I think that should be the end of it. A lot of people put way too much of their self-worth into relationship status, or in terms of anime/manga fandom their purity status with regards to their waifu/husbando but in the long run it must hurt their perception of self and who you are as an individual.


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Unrelated to what everyone else has been adding but I thought I'd mention that cuteness aggression seems to contribute to people applying sexual actions to cute things. I think cuteness aggression with fictional characters extends to general infatuation, when you feel a burst of emotion towards an intangible thing and you just want to squish and squeeze them and let all that energy out. However, aside from them not being real, in fantasy squeezing your fave until they break is destructive and unpleasant and doesn't go anywhere, so some people translate the sensation into "I want his ass pounded until he's in a state of delirium and can't form words". An orgasm analogy gives climax and release to the feeling, and a presumably nice time to the character.

To me this is a stage removed from finding something sexy and wanting sexual content of it for the sake of sexual gratification. It's a sort of mental outburst. It can make people look absolutely nuts and depraved, but it stems from more than just cocklust. I think even asexuals I've spoken to in fandoms have gone through this, they like a character a lot and then they write the most ass slapping BDSM fic of them. It's expressing the crescendo of feeling in ways that just cuddling and sharing a sundae can't, and it's easier to write than fight choreography.

And then this post gives me whiplash. I love cute animal characters and I've had so many run ins when doodling them in fandoms and discovering everyone else present is there to fuck the animals. I can't fucking stand it with some series. I give some leeway when it's animal versions of a ship that I'm fine with fucking as humans, because many artists make cute jokes about the fact the dogs are prone to humping or had puppies, but there's still a limit. When people in a fandom assume any and all sfw depictions of a cute animal are inherently sexual or "moments before mob rape", I'm so fucking bewildered indignant about it. I even know when it's coming in a fandom and I'll still get funny with them for it because it doesn't make sense to me.

The worst part is I find it really cute when they draw the bumhole on small animals and make the tummy pinkish. It makes me think how warm and soft the little thing is. You know, the sensation of holding a warm living thing that wiggles and is so precious. But I've absolutely no capability to translate that to fucking it, and it seems everyone else takes those features as a calling card for zoophilia.


I can relate to the cuteness aggression lol, though it only applies to dudes I am into, not characters that are meant to be cute. But I guess it's related to autism or something. I just don't feel anything with kids, neither in real life nor shota/loli in fiction so I don't consider them cute even though they are mean to be.
Agree about zoophilia, it's just as alien to me as the general attraction to kids or anything that lacks sexual traits (related to human gender I mean). Sometimes I am baffled to what abstract shit anons on /co/ are allegedly fapping to. But then again they would probably say the same about me if I showed them some of the dudes I am reading porn of lol


The older I get the more I like shota, even though I already liked it before, I constantly think more about my fave's lives as kids (because most of the characters I have some 'undisclosed backstory period where most of their important things happened in childhood') maybe it's not necessarily shota thatI like but thinking "wow, that's so sad I wish he could've had a better childhood" and it ends up being more of a feeling of protection? I guess?
Maybe the anons that would say that shotaconnery was associated with motherly instincts were right although I don't feel the need to have children either. But I am drawn more to shota than I used to.
I'm not adverse to sexualization, and often still do it, but I'd rather think about them being happy rather than them in nsfw (which most shotafags in DD spaces don't think about). I also have started liking adult/shota less unless it's the shota topping yes/yes otherwise it becomes kind of uncomfortable even though it didn't use to before


>I also have started liking adult/shota less unless it's the shota topping yes/yes otherwise it becomes kind of uncomfortable even though it didn't use to before

Same, in high school I wouldn't have thought twice about it but now I just can't into those pairings unless the shota is pursuing. I don't mind the adult secretly pining and having a mental crisis about how fucked up he is but he cannot be the first one to act or else my squick meters go off. I think its just a matter of being more able to place yourself in the adults shoes and recognize just how messed up it'd be.


My top motivation to make fic/art for a ship I like is seeing someone who ships them the other way around getting death threats on twitter over the characters. I just really like this one guy being a greedy bottom though so it's hard thinking of him going in instead. Maybe if I did all SFW nobody would know, the AO3 tag wouldn't tell 'em. Ehehehe.


It's weird because I was going to make this confession a few days ago but chickened out. I had no interest in shota before but as I get older I find the topic alluring in a weird way. Not really sexually, but more like re-living a childhood that I didn't get to experience kind of way. Boyhood was always fascinating to me because boys got to be much more adventurous and boisterous than girls while I, as a tomboy, got scolded for exhibiting the same behavior.


Somewhat similar-ish experience. I've always liked shota, but when I was younger I was mostly into shota/shota and rarely adult/shota, unless it was in a pseudo appearance way (think: Honey-senpai and Mori). Overtime I started caring for shota/shota less and now I'm only interested in pairings with a shota if there's an age gap.


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Not really because I figure it'll either come to pass or it won't. We individually can't do anything about it so there's no sense in fretting over something you personally can't change. I'm not a Californian, so while it's an awful situation it didn't hit home for me and to my knowledge they've been in drought conditions for over a decade. The lower hemisphere and equatorial countries have much more rainfall than then.

My philosophy is always "It will sort itself out." If it doesn't I'm spiritually in the place where I want to be.


I feel the same way. I don't own a car and I try to live in a way that doesn't contribute to pollution but it's not like that will stop nestle from stealing water and techbros from being wasteful with electricity to power their godawful crypto coins and AI garbage. It's the same mindset I've adopted about elections. Apologies for putting my tinfoil hat on but personally I don't genuinely believe my vote matters cause in reality there's all sorts of money being thrown around in the background by large corporations and 'philantropist' billionaires who want to shape the world in their image. Normal people are just cattle to them. I cope with all of this by doing what I can for my own peace of mind and providing for myself and those I care about.


It's more just that I'm afraid of suffering. Even if the world doesn't seriously end for humans (I doubt it heavily) I think the world is bound to change into something more difficult to live in, and that it already is. It's already passing. But I'm really afraid of suffering from it.

I'm not in California either, but it hits home for me because basically everyone in the us gets so much produce from there. I can't imagine losing so much of my food. I'm a generally easily upset person, change really grinds away at me for a while, so the thought of such profound negative change feels like being dragged out the back of a car mentally.

I do trying to understand uhm, I think maybe this is similar enough to "it'll pass or it won't" is that even if it does pass, I'll die no matter what, so I won't have to deal with eternal suffering. It makes me feel better. No matter how much we're hurt, well, it'll end eventually. That's sweet I think. Humans aren't the center of the universe, us dying isn't the end of a movie.

Sorry if im lowkey schizo posting or something, I can't tell, but I want to talk to someone about it, I'm not trying to argue or anything silly

Yeah, I try my best too. I don't think it's tinfoiling to understand how much money influences politics. I think votes do matter, but really, mostly local ones. I see change happen all the time, but they're so small, and inbetween ahh…December was a pretty good month for me, I've just been living well and enjoying things, but these fear catch up to me. I'm glad you can enjoy your peace ♥


Fwiw, California is really spread out and huge. The fires are enormous, but LA county on its own is like 4000 miles.


No. And I don't care about kids to be honest so the future is rather irrelevant to me. That aside earthquake like the one that killed 60000 last year are way scarier than burning mansions of some rich celebrities I don't give a shit about.

Also, fires aren't caused by climate change or glass like in a cartoon, they are set by arsonists. They're merely accelerated by climate change due to the drought and retarded planning. Shit like the fires in the US wouldn't happen here because people don't build their houses out of fucking wood.
That aside tons of other countries face way more dire situation that are actually directly caused by climate change but nobody makes a big deal of it because they aren't Hollywood.

Btw it's not the people causing pollution it's the big corps, the war industry and the super rich. But again nobody talks about this. Instead they try to blame us and tell us to go back living in caves for the sake of "climate change".
Neither you nor me are causing it but they blame us. I refuse to eat less meat (sorry but I hate vegetables and sweets) or miss the chance of my one single flight to another country every two years because "flying is bad" or throw bombs on new years eve. All flights together are completely irrelevant compared to the shit corporations do on a daily basis. Also, wars. Wars pollute like hell. But they tell us that fireworks are evil. Yeah no fuck them I don't give a shit tbh.


I care about my young family, so it does hurt me that it may hurt them.

I know fires aren't caused by it, but it does exacerbate it when it does occur. I don't care about rich people, but like I said, basically the entire relies on them for produce and the hotter it gets, the higher the likelyhood of crop failure, which is bad for everyone because of out reliance on them. I wish they wouldn't build into the woods, it's horrible.

>That aside tons of other countries face way more dire situation that are actually directly caused by climate change but nobody makes a big deal of it because they aren't Hollywood.

I mentioned all the countries below the US, I know others tend not to but I'm aware of it. That what I think when I hear the news is, "If it's this bad here, what is happening even closer to the equator??" It scares me how many people outside the US may be harmed by it

You can choose not to change anything, I don't think it's the average person but it does make me feel better, and alot of the industries that pollute, we consume from them, like cars for instance. I don't care about air planes because they account for such a small amount of travel a single person will take, mean while everyone everywhere drives cars everyday for tons of trips, which I think would be a more useful thing to phase out of wide use without reducing modernization because buses are more efficient even if they also use gad


We agree with each other. I hope you live well and that you don't live in a place to vulnerable it's effects


I mean yeah, but I for example lost half of my family due to cancer which is something that will most likely affect everybody you know at some point in time if heart attacks or strokes aren't killing them first.
So I fail to see why I should be scared of the one in a billion chance of getting drowned in a flood but not the very likely outcomes like cancer or other health issues. Chances are high that I would prefer to drown over dying slowly and painfully over the course of months.


Aren't they made out of wood because of the fear of a massive earthquake? Something about living in concrete and stone being a lot harder to avoid.
The cause is probably either some sort of arson or problem with the electricity, people pointed out that the fire started out at the base of a tower and its been caught on video, it is true that the reason it spread fast is because of dry conditions, but the ecosystem there was made to burn and there was a cluster fuck of "ah shit I forgot about that" by the gov.
People shitting on Californians is just tacky, LA isn't just all rich people and if anything, the class disparity sitting right next to each other back and forth is part of why LA is used in a lot of media.
There's rich people and poor people and the rich people get to come and go as they please while everyone else gets to jerk off about all the Californians dying.


The only legitimate case I’ve thought that it was us common people’s fault for climate change was the CFC aerosol sprays during the 70s-90s in the US. And I still tinfoil that the government was doing massive experiments with CFCs and chose to blame hairspray to cover their ass.


I don't know if this is more of a confession or something that rather belongs into the random thoughts thread but since I feel a bit shitty for it I post it here:

I am simply too much of an ass for discords IMO. Everytime I do, no matter the age of the group, I eventually regret it because I can't keep my mouth shut and be nice and lie when I don't like something and boy do I dislike a lot! kek
On the one hand I feel almost shitty for it, on the other hand I want to be allowed to say what I think? Who is at fault here? My IRL friends are different so I can honestly not deal with people that feel offended when I casually say that I don't like gacha and don't consider them real games after that very person tried to shill them to me.
It's the same with shitty tiktok videos they post. If you post something into a group, you have to expect answers. I am not even angry or anything but if I see something stupid I call it stupid, especially if the rest discusses it. I am so tired of forced positivity. If you can't get along with a person because they sometimes don't praise the popculture you like you have to grow up, sorry for sounding like an ass. I have no issue with people (including some of my frieands) calling metal songs or my favorite anime shit. Everybody likes different things, allow them to say so and stop forcing self-censorship.


I think we're just not in agreement of the likelyhood, so I don't think we can talk properly about this. And I don't think I agree on one bad thing meaning you can't be afraid of another bad things.

> but the ecosystem there was made to burn

Ah, literally, I wish we were more proactive about doing it in a managed way instead of waiting for some fuck up tower to explode and cause a huge mess…

I think the dividing things into who causes it is a bit unhelpful because while regular people were buying and using it, it was only companies that had the means to make stuff like that on-mass. I think there's too much infighting about the source of climate change, and not just identifying the largest sources that would lead to the largest benefits if we stopped them
> I still tinfoil that the government was doing massive experiments with CFCs and chose to blame hairspray to cover their ass
Yeah, wouldn't be surprised haha..


This is so fucked up. My country considers banning basically everything "for the sake of the environment" but nothing a normal person does has any sort of relevant effect, not even if all of us adapted to super environment friendly lifestyles.
It's a scam. 80% of the pollution is caused by the big corporations, factories and that shit. The rest are related to wars or billionaires. Luigi has probably done more for the environment than all of FC and 4chan could ever do in their lifetime.

And now we even have AI shit that needs whole nuclear power plants to run and like everybody is using that. So why should we use those goddamn paper straws that dissolve in your mouth, abstain from ever having fun by flying to another country or use those shitty environment friendly light bulbs that damage your eyes because they have the luminosity of a candle?

Imagine, even if you abstained from any sort unnecessary pollution for a whole year just a single AI user has probably nullified it in a few months. And there are millions of AI users. Hundreds of millions probably. It's all cursed and chances are high you will only hurt yourself by refusing to enjoy life the way you want without helping the environment at all.
Not saying that we should be wasteful on purpose. Don't let the water run when you aren't using it, don't throw trash onto the ground etc. But those are basics that every educated person should do anyway.


>Aren't they made out of wood because of the fear of a massive earthquake?
Yes. Japan does this too with their "paper" houses and it works nicely for them because they aren't a borderline desert like California. But honestly, there isn't any perfect building material for an area like California.


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I hope this isn't too OT and I don't want to start linking news that aren't gay related, but since you were talking about the climate change: I just stumbled across a daily mail report on that matter.
>What the global elite reveal to Davos sex workers: High-class escort spills the beans on what happens behind closed doors - and how wealthy 'know the world is doomed, so may as well go out with a bang'
You can google it. And yeah it's daily mail, but they mention the name and source so I assume it's trustworthy in this case.

Money quote:
>'The elephant in the room is climate change. Everyone knows it can't be prevented any more,' she said, adding that the 'super rich' could generally be split into two groups on the topic.

>'The one group thinks it only affects the poor, the "not-white race", while the others fear that it could get worse but there's no sense in trying to do anything about it so they just enjoy themselves,' she told MailOnline.

>[…]'Then there's the other group that thinks it might not be so easy, maybe it will also affect us due to unforeseeable chain reactions. 'But they say they can't do anything against the others so they live following the mantra "after us, the deluge".
Something for the tinfoilers too:
>She said: 'They say that in a democracy you have to sell it, to lie to people and tell them "we didn't know better and didn't think it would get this bad", not admitting that they know.
Anyway the problem are big corps and richfags as expected. Tbh it's not surprising. I principally vote even if it's just to hurt the shitty main parties, but I stopped blaming those that won't a long time ago and the politicians have long since realised that they can just ignore protests so that doesn't help either.

Anyway sorry for politics, I just thought that it complemented some of the posts in this thread rather well. Give me more gay period stories in manga.


That's what I assume most rich people and politicians know. There's no way you really can't know. It's painful to think about, to have that much power and do nothing.

>Give me more gay period stories in manga.

Hard agree


>And I still tinfoil that the government was doing massive experiments with CFCs and chose to blame hairspray to cover their ass.
Finding out about Operation LAC among other things has really opened my eyes. I don't trust a goddamn thing anymore. Though like I said, instead of going full doomer about it I've taken it as motivation to take care of myself and my family cause I know I shouldn't rely on anyone in charge. I've been exercising more and eating healthier, cutting out any sort of overly processed and sugary food. Ideally I won't eat anything unless I personally know what sort of ingredients go in it. I've been considering just not taking painkillers during my period either cause I don't trust big pharma either. I'm sure there's natural pain remedies I can try as well.


I love shotas so much, I want to eat them, especially when they're drawn with beautiful skinny legs with just the right amount of fat
I also get alot out of projecting on to them and making myself feel better when I'm sad.
Really prefer shota/shota these days, though I'm working on a yuri thats age gap instead. They both have their appeal. But 2 shota are better than 1…


>Finding out about Operation LAC among other things has really opened my eyes. I don't trust a goddamn thing anymore.
It's just sad because it's literally killing us and our civilization. Even the radical right and terrorists, as horrible as they are, I hope that nobody is surprised why they became big in the first place. It's the wrong reaction and an over-reaction, same with shizo conspiracy theories, but it doesn't help to discuss how to educate these people, they most likely already are. The root of all evil is the distrust in governments and the people in power (I mean corporations and billionaires) and it's sadly absolutely reasonable to distrust them. But nobody wants to give up their power so if you literally forced them to choose between losing their money and influence and blow everything up including themselves they would always pick the latter.


>fires aren't caused by […] glass like in a cartoon
Just thought I should say but a wildfire in my county was actually blamed on people littering bottles on dry grasslands. We also had a house fire at the start of January that was caused by a glass ball being left in a window. Many fires are arson, and second or third fires in a row usually are, but with the right conditions they can start from magnifiers and small sparks. Simple shit like glass vases or doing DIY in the wrong spot can start small fires. What's questionable is how it gets neglected long enough to become a major fire.

If I don't like something shared in a group I take a screencap and gossip about how shitty it is with a friend in DMs. It feels like way more effort to talk shit to people's faces, because then you have to clean up after. I hate confrontation like that. If someone does it to me my brain starts jumping through hoops trying to figure out what their end goal is by deliberately being rude. What do they hope to achieve by saying this.

I'm in some servers that are majority male though and those are always the ones where people openly shit on each other and make negative comments on whatever you like. The attitude is always "oh that's just Pickle he does that but he's alright."

I'm hoping that soon governments will crack down on AI as a threat to electricity supplies, then try a green message over it, and that'll domino effect other country's governments to think it's on trend to talk down on AI instead of acting like it's the new hip thing they have to do.

I've never had painkillers that work on period cramps, but I do have an electric heat pad that you plug in and control with buttons. It's the one thing that works, you just have to be careful not to fall asleep with it on full power and always keep a layer of clothing between you and the pad.

Anyway tonight's confession is that I made another cast of OCs for a story I'll never write based on a concept I've been wanting to use for over a year and always fuck up trying to do, and of course I made the MC chubby. I always do.


>I'm hoping that soon governments will crack down on AI as a threat to electricity supplies
No chance IMO. Because companies are already using AI to replace workers since it's cheaper. It usually doesn't work at all but CEOs never cared as long as they can save costs.
>I'm in some servers that are majority male though and those are always the ones where people openly shit on each other and make negative comments on whatever you like.
kek that's my experience as well. Male discords are usually cool as long as there aren't any trannies. I wish I knew more dudes that were attracted to masculine 2D characters like me. They usually like them, but not sexually.


When I was 15 I started writing a diary about ships I liked, shows I liked, just generic teenage sperging. I have been (sporadically, but still) writing in it for the last 20 years. This is the longest I've ever kept a diary and it is full of cringe of the teenage me.

I should probably write in in tonight, last entry is from 2019.


I've been sitting down and forcing myself to draw my otp for the past week (because their anniversary is coming up) and every single time, nothing of value comes out. I thought that maybe it's just the medium of visual art that's the problem, that I don't actually like doing character illustrations. So I thought I'd switch things up and write fanfiction instead but even that feels like pulling teeth. I think I might be burnt out on being an active member of fandom. I just want to enjoy things casually again. But I'm also physically incapable of being a passive consumer because every time I sit down to watch something I get the urge to create something for it and then the cycle of pain and suffering continues. I feel like I need to disappear from this plane of existence for a few days just to reset.


Sometimes on the first day of my period I get nauseous. Usually I can keep it in but this time I was outside and I ended up having to barf in a stranger's front yard. Better there in the dirt than on the street, I guess.


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When I see other people in my fandoms post their OCs I'm super critical. Eugh what is that thing. I tend to assume they're going to ship them with a canon character and look down on that, even though I've tried that myself with side characters a couple times.

The thing is when I do challenge myself to make a fandom OC and not just a bit part in a fic, I want to share it with people and get praise and interest. I know the best way to get that is to already interact positively with other people's creations, if the atmosphere is good then you get far more response. But it's worse because I have a habit of making OCs in pairs, so they can be shipped together. If I don't do that they feel like an outsider to established relations in the cast, but with a partner there's always someone to support them, to vouch for them in conversations and stuff. I don't think I'm good at integrating fully but I put tons into their history before meeting people.

I just feel like a hypocrite because it feels like everyone else I see is just throwing lolsorandum stuff together and isn't engaging with the task as seriously. My knee jerk reaction is to criticize their choices and ask why is this character a good match for the canon character. Why was he necessary. What purpose are you trying to serve by adding le epic gamer fudanshi with seventeen piercings and pink hair? Sell me the concept, tell me who they are instead of drawing them giggling and kissing all the time. I'm needlessly mean about it and I wish I could stop.


I thought about this subject a bit and you made me come to the conclusion that I don't think I'd actually care about anyone's OC unless the OC is fundamentally built into the source material's premise like an MMO or OC side characters in an Ace attorney case fic for example.


About same. I hate seeing OC posts because I just read it as self-shipping with an additional step.

Not only that, they all read the same.

Attractive Mary Sue who gets the villain to fall for them by being awesome/failures. Fucked up and ugly canker sore with body hair and scarring to 'fix' the universe into accepting people who look just like them.

This is a very mean way to think of OCs, but I have never seen an OC (outside of very few fandoms) that makes me really want more of them. MHA is the sort of manga where OCs genuinely improve the story because broken super powers don't really register as special when the main cast already has all the ultra powerful god killing skills in their pocket. But if more than 5 people cared about puppet kino and gave Duck a new ally I likely would not care.


God SAME. I fucking hate fandom-OCs. If you make OCs do it right and make them real OCs with an own story, not those godawful *sonas.
I hate how every fandom is flooded with that shit, it's everywhere. Like I sound like an asshole but it's literally a Trojan Horse way of forcing a shitty OC into an existing fandom by pretending it was related (it isn't).

What's worse is that fandom-OCs always fall into the same three horrible categories: 1.) it's a literally (you) character that looks EXACTLY like the artist including the bodytype and hairstyle and everybody knows but nobody says it. 2.) it's a self-insert mary sue which is usually done by yume. Will look like a Barbie doll and have names something like "Aurora", "Bella" or "Jane". 3.) shameless rip-offs of a canon character just badly drawn and with one detail changed in a sad attempt of making them look different.

I think it's done by people without creativity. Creative fans will either come up with enough lore related content to draw/write about or create their full own story with actual OCs.


I know it's a very cunt like thing to do, but I tend to assume my OCs are "different" and part of me is always sad knowing someone else out there thinks they're dogshit.

OCs as concepts seem inherently cursed unless you've got insane amounts of talent to make them look as good as official characters.

FFXIV, being a MMO, is full of them since the protagonist is literally you. And I hate how I can't find Warrior of Light x Canon without stepping on the tail of some catboy OC. I just think, wow, desperate much? Which I know is entirely unfair since from their POV MY WoL likely looks boring/tryhard.

I can't win.


I have this same problem with XIV. WoL ships are pretty good for nearly any given NPC but actually looking at the fanworks is a hurdle I can't clear.
When you follow somebody for fanart and they pivot into OC art (or even just a fandom you don't follow) you no longer have the complete context for the picture so there are no "laying eyes on blorbo" endorphins. I also think it's really rare for a good fan artist to also be a good writer, so even if there is context it's probably not that engaging.


>>8478 here, I should probably elaborate further that the reason I was thinking about this was that in between writing some stuff for an original story I started thinking about two fandom OCs I came up with one night last fall. I opened the discord server where I posted about them to copy the text into a document to save for reference, and the only posts in the channel since then were one off drawings of people's OCs with the usual excited responses. I had those mean thoughts about them, and then I felt foolish as I reached my stuff because there weren't drawings or set design characteristics. I had introduced these characters by writing 2700 words on the spot, directly into the window. Of course that's hard to persuade people to read, but I was giving the very basics of who these characters are and why they're like that, how they end up meeting the canon cast and the ways their personalities work off each other. I can't make a character without him having something, he has to fulfill a desire for me to bother and when I bother I worry about making it convincing within the existing framework.

But I guess that's the point, what other people desire is a self insert or the thing they like but in the style of this game sprite or whatever. As an ideas guy my goals are different from people who want to jump in the "here's us but series!" gang. I do remember as a kid enjoying making OCs just to also have an OC to present when everyone else posted theirs, and that was why I started drafting these two OCs, but my autism didn't let me be simple. I wonder if I could draw maybe I'd go the other way like the artists some of you describe, who pump out very pretty art of OCs but never tell anyone about them.

> But if more than 5 people cared about puppet kino and gave Duck a new ally I likely would not care.
I can't read this and not see a challenge. A rogue who got duck'd in the past and forgotten about, assumed ruined, but has done something with himself in the time since and crawled out of his hole. Would he be horrified to see Duck's face again, or would he still be arrogant/foolish enough to boast to him that he's doing just fine now? Is he actually doing fine, or is that a bad lie? I would want to make them terribly pathetic, someone who is struggling to make ends meet with very mundane work that they're not good at, swallowing countless criticisms from their average Joe boss, and then when the main cast assumes they're useless he pulls out some terrible assassin or thief skill that he's remarkably good at but has no use as a law abiding citizen. Also I want him to have long, wavy purple, silver, or green hair that he lets fall over his face when he sobs, only to be reminded to tie it up while he's working and stop wasting time. This would be extra moe if he has someone who does look up to him and calls him aniki.

Shit it's happening again.


Personally I can get into WoL X canon content for the most part though lately I realised I lean more towards fancomics/art and I can't really get into fanfics. I guess I'm just more of a visual person and I'm down with it as long as the WoL is attractive to me. Pretty boys are the best but guys that have more muscle to them are fine as long as they don't have facial hair. Character creator-compliant bright hairstyles and facepaint are fine to me as well even if they do inch towards sparkledog territory but there's some people in the west who will go the IMVU modbeast direction and that's when I get turned the fuck off. Not that this appears much in fanart but sometimes people will use gpose to make content which can be a mixed bag. As a sidenote it feels like I'm fed and starving at the same time cause while there's plenty of G'raha ship content it doesn't seem like Erenville has caught on much with fujos so far. I know it's not surprising cause Erenville doesn't have the sheer amount of fujo/yume baiting content that spans multiple expansions. This is kinda delusional but part of what motivates me with art is that I'd like to become the Endymade of WoL X Erenville. Even if it's not a realistic goal, having something that drives you is going to help with productivity I imagine.


I want to see Riku from Kingdom Hearts raped but I also hardcore ship SoRiku


Honestly Riku's ass is owned by Ansem in most if not all art and I'm all for it but yeesh KH is surprisingly stale.

All these characters and personalities… and my only choice for all content is vanilla romantic soriku, dom sub Ansem x Riku, safw Akusai and hetshit written/drawn by the most insecure people online? There's the niche ships out there as well, but those are the main pairs.

I was always an outlier for ships and wanted to push for unorthodox pairings and dynamics including noncon but I was never fandom famous. Tried to be, at a time, but my reach was pathetic and my socmed skills below subpar.


I just started this series and am only on Re:Chain of Memories, so I haven't dived into fanworks yet, but don't people ship Axel/Roxas? That was a pair I always saw as an outsider.

I'm still kind of waiting for a KH pair to latch onto, been promised II will make me a SoRiku shipper.


Akuroku was the main pair in the 00's era fandom. Mostly because all we had was Days for years and years and years. But oops age gap so it isn't as big in the fandom. Axel was thought to be similar in age to Roxas at the time and internet in 2009 was not the one of today.


nayrt but I genuinely thought axel/roxas would be more popular? I remember seeing it everywhere when I was younger but not into KH. I don't know what the nu-KH fandom ships nowadays but for sure I remember them being so prominent.
Did it just fall off for the newgen? They are obviously an age gap ship even if you didn't know their ages but as if that should stop anyone

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