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New Monster thread, old one was locked because of the dead OP image. Post whatever strange boys you love, half animal? mythological? Paranormal? Eldritch? Terrifying? Anything else? All welcome!
Old thread >>972
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> invisible man is actually see-through so the MC can see his dick and his come inside him.
I see the vision.


Invisible-kun can probably surprise monsterfucker MC by sneaking up on him and just taking him anywhere. It'd be like a next level version of the "better not make noise or else they'll see you."

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A thread for fanfic discussion. Recommend stories, talk about tropes, and post your own work!

Old Thread: >>3
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I don't know about others but I've done that a few times when I was vaguely familiar with the characters from being into a franchise a very long time ago like Naruto and felt like reading some fics for nostalgia.
But that might be the only understandable reason cause otherwise I don't know what's appealing about reading fics when you don't even know who they are or where they're from.
Especially if it's a AU fic that still has nods to the original series in some shape or form, isn't that confusing for them?

PDFs for normal literature is free too but I suppose there's less barriers to read fanfic vs piracy if you just wanted a quick read.


People who read for series they haven't looked into are mostly reading PWP stuff where the canon is negligible so it's not as bad as it sounds. The more egregious thing is people writing for series they haven't watched/read. I've seen at least three authors note this in their fics and it irks me so badly I immediately close the tab. Even if it's a mindless oneshot I have no interest in a fic written by someone who hasn't watched or read a single episode/chapter of the series they're writing for.


Yeah I can't stand it, I get writing a story when you aren't done with a multi-season show, long game, or zombie franchise but watch the movie before you write something! I also will immediately exit the story if they disclose it, or if they mention that they just saw a streamer playing it.

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What is the best setting for a BL series and what do you want to see more of?

>Time Period

>Sci-fi, fantasy, contemporary
>Character Ages
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Is college age ok or are you just sick of school settings in general? I wouldn't mind seeing more things set at specialized universities like Med School.


Personally school settings in general because their tropes are overdone imo, but a bit older like you said, college or something like postgrad, and in a specific trade/course including med school, could be refreshing if the setting is worked into the plot. Actually I feel I'd enjoy a college story if at least one of the guys was an older student, and had a bit of a different mentality because of it, because it'd be fresh to see. That said, those are just my preferences and at the end of the day, any setting you want to read/write yourself will be the best one


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Yeah "overdone" is a good word for it, not bad but there is just so much of it both commercial and fandom that the market is too oversaturated. Still isn't going to stop me from reading Hogwarts AUs though lol.

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How do you feel about age gap popular ships?

Which do you like?
Do you openly ship it?
What it your favored age gap?
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Was deleted due to issues with hosting, we still have a shota thread on /flf/ just don't post nsfw.


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I really love age gaps and the bigger the gap the better but I think I stick out since I'm a die hard fan of younger seme, so the uke would be 55 or pushing 60 and the seme is 17. one of the best tropes for me is the seme would have a crush on his father's friend! Or fuck it, he can fuck the dad as well. Just sperging out


Same, I really like the father's friend x son trope and doubly so for old man uke. I equally like it when it's like an old college professor who has one of his student's come on to him.

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A thread dedicated to Fanzines, share projects that interest you, discuss purchases, vent, ect.

I'm making this thread though because I've just been notified a No. 06 zine was recently released for free. Free zines of course don't have the same quality a paid one would have but it's nice to see the No. 06 fandom is still alive.
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Was in a bunch of zines, never made a negative experience. I don't want to come off as arrogant, but 99% of the transwashing artists suck, and since tine admins are usually picking the decent artists you don't have these people part of your zine. I stay away from "representation" or OC zines of course or zines where the majority of mods/admin themselves are cringe.

I have more negative experience with certain users trying to sabotage zines because they can't participate as artist or mod. Wish there were more fanzines but most western fandoms are simply too fucking small these days.


Was it stressful to apply? I've seen a few zines that I've wanted to apply as a author on, but ultimately chickened out since I didn't think I was good enough.


No. Usually zines are announced months earlier so you should have enough time to finish the artwork or fic.
If it's well organized they have multiple check-ins to assure that everybody is progressing. Like 2-4 weeks after the start you should have an outline, 6 weeks later roughly 50% done and so on. So if you should apply but something in real life happens that makes you unable to draw/write for a while they will notice it in time and replace you. There are always people ready to contribute two pieces, that's usually asked at the start when someone applies.

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A thread for discussing BL manga/anime that have deeply effected you. Not necessarily something you would recommend to another person, but a BL that months or years after reading you still think about or return to.

Stories you relate to, world building or character development you can't stop analyzing, character designs you love, art styles that have influenced your own art, a book that triggered the start of a kink, or the best rendering of your kink you've every seen. Was a strong memory formed by reading it with a friend, or being one of your first? If for any reason a BL has left a large impact on you, go ahead and share!
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Various of things in my younger years eventually yaoi-pilled me, but I think fanon yaoi has impacted my taste in anime media the most, one of the first ones was picrel Kizami x Kurosaki from Corpse Party (an osananajimi kind, albeit one that doesn't end pretty). People created great yaoi of them on tumblr and ff.net that truly tickled the fujo in me, and inspired me to learn to draw anime boys better. Funnily enough, when I checked back, Morishige x Kizami is the most popular yaoi Corpse Party ship.

Hetalia yaoi doujinshi was I think the first lewd yaoi I stumbled upon, my reaction was very much akin to Kagami reading Gauron x Sousuke haha.

Ragna X Jin from BlazBlue is what truly incest-pilled me and I still read fanfiction of them from time to time (Their dynamic as well dubcon/noncon fanfictions probably impacted my tastes greatly). A great pair for if you wanna read about an insanely obsessive little brother. Brothers entwined in a fate that cannot help but keep binding them together. Pretty easy to see why even the games themselves joke about their very incestuous bond.

As for actual yaoi anime, I remember watching SukiSyo on YouTube which bewildered kid me at the time, I don't remember much of it, but I should eventually watch it again.

In the end of it all I am mostly a fanon fujo, though I still indulge in canonically yaoi stuff from time to time.


>Ragna X Jin

Great taste for hatefucking.

I actually haven't played Corpse Party and from an outsiders perspective I assumed it had a very male fandom. Interesting gateway series.


Yeah Corpse Party in the end is still mostly anime girl fanservice in the end, quite a few yuri-bait and panty shots of the female characters. So while its fanon was my gateway yaoi I'd only recommend it if you can sideline those things for the anime guys.

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>Ask for suggestions by listing what you're looking for (tropes, plot, characters etc.) in a BL manga/anime/doujinshi/fanfic/game/etc.
>Recommend something you really like by telling a bit about what it's about and what are the themes featured in it so that others can pick it up

Previous: https://fujochan.org/bl/res/1217.html
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Okay, hard mode. Rec me a BL Japanese novel/light novel that is actually written like it's not literature for retards (like most LNs). It 1) has to be longer than 1 volume; 2) can't have an anime adaptation; 3) is not a (middle)highschool story; 4) Yukio Mishima doesn't count.


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If anyone wants a collection of dysfunctional somwtimes fucked up stories Stroboscope is pretty interesting but uneven.



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Going to rec Smoky Nectar a vampire themed yaoi with a childhood friend angle.

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Chinese BL novels and their adaptations!

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I'm re-reading 2ha through the official translation and this thing struck me: for some reason Chu Wan Ning was totally fine with showing underage Mo Ran non-con porn of himself and future Mo Ran - for what purpose? For Mo Ran to develop some strange fetishes?


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MDZS gets a Japanese stage play.


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1/24 is the ship day for my TGCF OTP. I don't know if there are many other shippers here, but here's some art to celebrate!

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A thread for discussing the hurt/comfort trope

>What are your favourite h/c scenarios?

>What type of characters do you love to see suffering the most?
>What relationship dynamic do you like best in h/c content?
>Any h/c scenes from media which you enjoyed?
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>the boss has to be comforted by the subordinate and feels ashamed to be taken care of by someone 'lesser' than him
I'm really into this, but worse, I like an OP monster having to let a human take care of him. Making something that feels superior be vulnerable for once and accept that there's some feelings in common or that are actually worse for him and he shouldn't carry that alone. Or even scaring the human with their always reliable OP partner being bedridden and at the mercy of a curse or injury, something they could never imagine before. Trying their best to patch them up and haul them around, repeating this mantra that he's the toughest guy ever, he'll be back on his feet in no time, nothing could kill him, right? ~~And then that unfaltering belief gives them the strength to recover because magic.~~

When it flips the other way around it's "how is this thing being so gentle with me right now?" You can have the non-human fuck up caring for the human in some way and scramble to try and fix things. Cultural misunderstandings are easy to bullshit, like the non-human thinks the human is avoiding them, acting cold, rejecting their company, shutting them out. The human just has a bad cold and isn't aware the non-human can't catch it.

There was post I saw recently, where a long-lifed creature was faced with the idea that if they slept like they normally would, their human partner might die in the years before they woke up again. He struggled to admit this troubled him, because he was proud and supposedly very powerful. A little human no longer being there could cause him pain that no healing spell would fix. Obviously the answer was to confess his anxiety so they could help him wake up every day and be together as much as possible before the inevitable.

I might be straying a bit, but the answers in this thread are super varied already. I think the catharsis for me is when a couple communicates. There were some webnovels I read where the MC is piling up burdens on himself and never fucking tells anyone what he's actually thinking and trying to achieve or feels about anyone, and when you're in the midst of this you really want that moment where he breaks down and admits it all to someone. Some novels you're lucky and it's a male deuteragonist, but others the guy barely gets to tell a girl half of what's hapPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I'm not good or experienced at fics, but I want to write h/c with a character who has amputated limbs and/or was raped. The fic will be sweet and go into his recovery. I'm going research and writing a rough draft but does anyone have any recs for that sort of story?


Great taste, especially the mutual h/c-two fucked up individuals helping eachother is so fun.
>OP monster and human
Yesss I love this dynamic, especially when the monster is dehumanised and their human partner is the first one to treat them like a person.

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I don't know if it would be weird to have a thread for a sole mangaka, but with how popular Harada is and how many fujosisters mention her as one of their favourites I think it would be nice to have a thread to discuss her series. Harada (はらだ) is a Japanese BL manga artist who first grew popular through her Gintama doujinshi and her circle called Paraiso, and later on became known for using a lot of dark humor mixed with dark themes in her works such as Color Recipe, Nii-chan, Yata & Momo, Happy Kuso Life, the Song of Yoru&Asa, One Room Angel and many more.

>How did you hear about Harada?

>What was your first manga you read from her?
>What's your favourite manga from her?
>Who's your favourite couple from her mangas?
>How about least favourite?
>What do you like best about her works? Do you think there's something to improve?
>What was your favourite character moment?
>Have you read any anthologies she took part in?
>Do you own any merch?
>Do you know any similar manga artists?
>Are you familiar with her older works?
>Are you going to watch the One Room Angel live action?
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she had a single uke gintoki doujin that was Takasugi x Gin + Hijikata x Gin called Hanbunko (Halfsies)
you can read it on mrm: https://myreadingmanga.info/paraiso-harada-gintama-dj-hanbunko-eng/


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School AU settings, huh.


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Harada sensei dropped this new year's illustration and she has them wearing the classic yaoi colours. Beyond based.

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