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Post so so bad, it's good or so bad, it's horrifying in Yaoi/BL
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that fist image holyshit, i'm on phone and when I enlarged and scrolled I jumpscared myself with the realistic sneakers what the hell is that garbage, i'm fascinated


the art is pretty good otherwise, but how did the artist not realize how goofy the paneling was? kek


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Junjou Romantica is a classic of bad anatomy

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Hi Fujochan.
In honour of Paul-Frank and the 1920's story where the shorter rich dude topped (sadly eaten by recent update), I have decided to try my hand at making a BL video game.

I have at my disposal:
-RPGmaker MZ and the chipset contained therein.
-A character maker that can do a decent amount of customisation.
-Ability to make Fantasy or Modern games (Also historical to some extent, think 1800's countryside).

What I need from you guys:

-Character Design
-What kind of game? Mystery game? Dungeon crawler?
-Setting ideas
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Worksafe? IDK. If nonas wanna put sex in it, go ahead. Nonas will have to do the writing though.

Boy x monsterboy? Coming out story? Sounds fun!

>What kind of monster do ppl want to see? Ghost? Reanimated cadaver? were-rabbit? Tanuki?


Reanimated cadaver!


OP here
Ok, let's go for frankenstein boyo!
This is easy for me to do too, since the chipset supports rural Frankenstein early 19th century Germany stuff.


a thread for older shit. what are you watching/reading?
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Even though I adore old school manga I actually never did manage to get trough Kaze to ki no Uta. The way it talks about sexual abuse is just too much for me to stomach. I remember thinking the art and the storytelling was beautiful, you can really feel the character's grief when you read it. I guess that's why I can't get read it without getting really sad and uncomfortable? I'm not saying that it's a bad thing just that it deals with subjects that is hard for me to talk about. But I was really young when I tried to read it so that may also have affected how I felt about it. Maybe I should try rereading it and come back to this thread


Interesting, I wanna read it now


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I watched the Kazeki movie today cause I've had a strong urge lately to watch old anime but with how incomplete it is I feel like I definitely should read the manga at some point. Can't believe Serge literally has an "I can fix him" complex.

 No.1293[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>How do you feel about muscular boys in bl?
>Do you prefer them as tops or bottoms?
>How much muscle is too much?
Since there is a lot of discussion about traps, we might as well discuss the opposite side.
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During the downtime I've embraced the muscular boys.
Never read it so depending on the quality I might try to into the series.


It's pretty good, got a surprising amount of heart in it, one arc in particular is borderline BL.
>During the downtime I've embraced the muscular boys
Out of curiosity, what got you to like them? some anime in particular?


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I met a guy on discord who was into bara and some of the art he shared in the server was appealing especially fan art of older 80s and 90s OVAs, not so much a fan of hyper sexual muscle dudes but the macho "manaime" protagonist look is cute. I'd always been a fan of older series so I guess it just took seeing cute art of more typically muscular men to realize their cute potential too.

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A thread for images and discussing BL with medical themes. Characters that are doctors, nurses, patients receiving treatment, medicine or drugs being a central part of the story, hospitals and infirmaries being featured, medical procedures etc. I've noticed these themes becoming more popular especially after Slow Damage that maybe there could be a thread for it.

>This is not an /ex/ thread and should not be treated as such, i.e. no guro or ryona (graphic violence or extreme abuse).

>Do you like medical themes in BL? If yes, what's the appeal?
>Do you find medical themes common in BL?
>What kind of BL has had such themes? Have you read any fics or seen any related art? Any darkfic themes you like?
>What about it do you like the most? Any particular thing you find appealing?
>Anything that crosses the line for you?
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The artist's name is inplick. I love her content.


Slow Damage is dogshit just like DMMD, don't waste your time


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Aww, why do you hate DMMD? Not all routes are equal but it's got that clear Nitroplus budget behind it.

>>Do you find medical themes common in BL?
I do not, lot's of nurse and doctor boy fanart like pic related but I don't actually see the topic come up much in BL works.


Does anybody have the other half of this doodle? I'm looking for it :(

Sorry if this is the wrong board.
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I know the board died… I wish it hadn't though.

wellp. good enough I guess.

Wish there were more fics with young erwin and older levi. I want to write one where erwin gets creeped on by the new personal bodyguard hired by his father.


why /sh/ deleted. i dont like shota, but i rather have shota specific board for shotafag containment



Boys love elements in videogames thread?
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I'm unfamiliar with FE, but I always love these types of male characters. Surrounded by fawning women, but they don't give a fuck or are actively gay and don't even realize the attention. Always super funny.


My boy! I really hope PoR/RD get remasters or remakes or at least ported to the switch because I am dying for more Tellius. It really is astounding how gay he is, even with the English localization toning it down and trying to create romantic tension between him and Elincia in PoR.
Engage is reviving the "is Ike gay" discussions in FE fandom and it is absolutely hilarious. They're really hammering it in, what with him still having no interest in women and only calling another man(who looks like Soren, hmmm) beautiful.


Post pictures of BL merch or anime boy merch in this thread, discuss prices and buying of merch/fanmerch.
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Thanks for the reply! I'll make sure to check the first two series out.


I'm not really into nendoroid but I just discovered this and I'm considering getting them


I haven't bought anything in years but I will definitely be getting them.


Nonas that like brat taming! My sweet sweet based nonas! Please post here! I want to read more!! I love you all. The conversation started with Holy Scara, as such he will be the thread pic. Of course we can discuss any other characters. Just keep it /bl/. Don't want het stuff.
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Askeladd/Thorfinn got me sweating lately, and there's a disappointing amount of content for them despite both being main characters from an anime currently airing its second season. I need young Thorfinn to get destroyed so badly nonas. I need it like I need air.




How did you become a fujoshi?

For me I used to only read shoujo and josei manga. I thought yaoi was weird and couldn't understand why other girls liked it so much. Then I read a BL doujin and it was a slippery slope from there. I don't read shoujo or josei anymore. All I read is BL.
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Consider it PTSD from previous events before this site was created, if you know then you know.
If that's the case then what I usually do since I do not go to school or college anymore is that I always have a BL related keychain hanging from my purse, usually has Aoba on it because he's the most recognizable in terms of being a yaoi boy. Being a big autismo this method have helped me weed out the no yaoi anime fans I come across in daily life and the fujos would approach me whenever they feel comfortable, for example when doing grocery shopping or if I'm out on business related meetings. I've met a fujo store manager because she noticed my keychain, I always keep it on tables and in places they can notice, I don't pull it out when I notice there's more moid than women since the fujo will probably be automatically uncomfortable that way. In conclusion just have something on your person that indicates you're a fujo and they'll eventually approach you, gotta have patience too because not everyone will be as courageous. Best of luck!


Honestly I have a hard time remembering what exactly it started with, but it was a mix of me stumbling upon fanfiction of pop-punk bands I listened to, along with South Park, my first anime Soul Eater and Kingdom Hearts. This all happened around 2009 and it was like a yaoi switch flipped in my brain.


Started off as trying to get my hands on any Naruto doujins I could read in english growing up, regardless if it was BL or het to then shipping picrel in full earnest
Surprisingly after moving on from Naruto I was more into yuri and didn't read any yaoi since then until about 3 or 4 years ago
Now once again I've been reading fics/doujins of KakuHida, despite never even keeping up with Naruto after their arc kek
>I was confused at first to see two guys being paired up with each other
Surprisingly I never felt that confusion, just "oh, these two look good together" when looking at yaoi
It always surprises me to hear others being confused when first discovering it (but maybe I'm the weird one here)

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