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Spring cleaning in action? Time to remake the bad yaoi anatomy thread!

Post all the best yaoi hands!
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These two are so close to being a cute couple, I'd love to see what this artist is up to now.


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post boys fighting each other and/or physically hurt, bloody, bandaged etc. better if that's implied as the the aftermath of fighting with another boy. playfighting is okay, as is actual hate or rivalry spurred violence. also please post pictures of boys tending to each other's wounds after fighting. no /ex/
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akishinji edition.


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there is something so romantic about men beating each other up. i think it's the intense emotions they feel for each other during the act that does it for me


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 No.2837[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Remaking this thread >>1479 since all the pics are gone. Please let's share the obscure ships you have! OP pic might not be super obscure according to some so definitely share your ship.
I'll start the thread with a question to help stirr conversation.

>What is it about your rarepair that you like so much, compared to the more mainstream ships in your fandom?
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What show?


I'm watching this for the first time (just finished season 3) and while I see the vision I just can't get invested in the show in a brainrot kind of way.
The Sopranos.


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Apart/Heisuke from Sakamoto Days is a super recent one for me, total brainworms. I'm a sucker for deeply disturbed dude/super sweet but pretty dumb guy and their interactions, though brief, were really fun imo. I hope the anime can instill the vision for some. Or better yet, remind the mangaka that Apart exists. C'mon Suzuki where is he?

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Post any BL fanart you like!

#1 https://fujochan.org/bl/res/480.html
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Who are these two?


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NTA but I'm pretty sure it's Sou and Shin from Kimigashine

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I thought I would make a thread on seme or uke roles since I didn't see one in the catelog
>Are you okay with riba or only fixed positions?
>Do you usually like the uke more or the seme?
>Do you like ships where the roles are obviously defined? Or pairings where they are more ambiguous?
>Are you a Snake, Slug, Frog, Snail, Geeko, or Turtle fujo?
But most importantly, I want this thread to be about discussing which character should be seme or uke in certain pairings. Picrel is a classic
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Thank you!


I think all pairings I was ever into were seme/uke by choice or switch. I love equal power levels and them having a similar amount of strong points and weaknesses so it's to be expected I guess.


maybe in the context of fandom but this isn't what these terms really mean.

dom/switch/sub is about your role.
top/seme and bottom/uke is about what you do - pitching or catching. if you do either, you're vers - versatile.

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Do you have any theories or hopes about how the story will progress?
Which boy is the cutest?
And more importantly, who do you ship?
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new cute art dropped! i wish we got luka too


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we got luka too!


This is legit the first time since SAO and Priest that I ended up enjoying a story from Korea. Is there hope again? I got into this for the setting and the show-don't-tell attitude of the videos not the gay stuff so the gay content was a surprise to me and a nice extra, same as the pretty artstyle.

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TV series & films.


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Viki becomes more unusable with each year with their tagging system and site look. It seems nobody can design websites for user-friendliness anymore.

The Untamed isn't even classified as BL there - perhaps they don't want to piss off China lol. Pathetic.


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I watched Love is a Poison and like it a lot, unfortunately I have very predictable taste and I ended up being super invested in the evil dad and his sleazy lawyer lackey. They gave huge vibes of having fucked at least once, specially with the reveal of where the lawyer knows the second lead from and the ending where he gets called his "dog".

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Let's bring this thread back!

Best incest ships?
Brothers or Father son?
Inseki: Is it ever good or is it always a cop-out?
Is twincest wincest?
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Tempted to play LiS 2 but feel like I will be emotionally crushed.


You will be.

I watched an LP since I don't particularly enjoy this genre of gaming, but I think it's severely overshadowed by the lesbians. Maybe it's because they're latino, maybe it's because they're two boys and not a brother/sister, but I see no one talk about LiS2 ever but still see mass posting about the OG.


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I miss the old type of trap where he was still ambiguous enough to be believable as a guy. Once you start drawing them with boobs/female hips, I can no longer believe that they're male. In older shows, characters like Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho were feminine enough that the Filipino dub accidentally made him female, but that wouldn't happen nowadays. Or Haku from Naruto would probably be seen as just a guy if the episode released now. As another example, I believed Ranmaru from Pokemon Conquest was a girl when I was a kid, but I don't think I'd make that mistake now. I think it comes from anime girls becoming more and more hyperfeminine, so it's harder to blur that line, so they just draw girls now instead of trying to be creative.


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Agreed, I used to think they were cool for their androgyny, when now they are usually just waifus with a "boy" punchline
I don't anticipate mainstream traps returning to tastefully androgynous boys, so I'm hoping on a breakthrough in traps that act extremely macho
Inosuke isn't really a trap, but he's along the lines of what I would like traps to be more like! The idea of someone looking exactly like an anime girl but being a gruff and tough macho man on the inside is hilarious and fits right into gap moe appeal


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Hello fellow fujos~
Since October is coming soon I've thought of making a Halloween thread for us, so that we can post anything that focuses on BL and Halloween. If you have spoopy BL recs please tell us about it! This isn't /ex/ though so let's keep things jolly!
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Aaah this is one of my favorite spooky classics, love the mc he's perfect


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Halloween never ends for me! Here's a rec for everyone. I've been so obsessed with the Mha Halloween au since we got the first promo art. It's just so cute, but of course Bakugou and Todoroki are my favorites.


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