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General thread for Omega posting
7 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


trans omegas are omegas


brb dying lmfaooo


that's an unusual big amount of hair for a newborn baby


What do you think about the popular MrM tags? What would you add or take out to improve them? Any underrated tags that you like? Thoughts about other website's tags? Discuss and share your opinions.
8 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I pretty much only check the incest and crossdressing tags. Hate that so much incest is osomatsu and jojo (despite liking both series anyway - just sick of the oversaturation), and hate that most of the crossdressing tag looks like complete ass with chicks with dicks. Pain.


everyone here should seriously just start using exhentai/mangago, by the way. most of the stuff on mrm is hosted on either site (and the tagging systems are also objectively better)


Neither do I. It clogs up like every male-only porn tag.

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