>>4495It took a long time for me. When I was 12 I had a weird brief Naruto phase despite not having even watched it (I had friends into it) where I just read fic and doujins and I remember reading an ItaSasu (or was it the other way around?) doujin, but brocest remained a squick for me until fairly recently, I was always put off by typical brocon or siscon characters etc. Years later I read some SZS doujins of Nozomu and his hot doctor brother, but I was just devouring any SZS BL I could find.
The ship that popped my twincest cherry was Zero and Ichiru from Vampire Knight, which I watched in full for the first time with a friend as an adult kek. I think that was the first incest ship I properly 'shipped' while watching it. Funnily enough I also watched OHSHC around the same time but never got into Hikaru/Kaoru.
From there, the first incest ship I actually wrote fic for was from a super obscure anime. I sort-of shipped these guys from the start but then they got revealed as half-brothers and I just rolled with it.
The first brocest ship that made me go actually insane was picrel, Tsugikunicest. They're just a ball of tropes tailor-made to appeal to me and I would've shipped them whether or not they were related, which is pretty much how I feel about all incest ships I have ended up liking.
Now I am even deeper down the rabbit hole with another ship and it feels bad because now is the worst possible time ever to be an incest fujo. Stay strong nonnas.