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Board for Yaoi and BL, share and discuss your fujoshi interests.

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Music from BL franchises, songs about boys loving boys, fan-made music etc.
Previous thread https://fujochan.org/bl/res/1725.html
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Shounen Meguru absolutely broke me! It's all I ever wanted with the level of tragedy and how gruesome it is, I hate how tiktok got to it though


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 No.3281[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A new bl game general after the last one was locked because of the missing thread pic. What's your favourite? Did you play one recently that you'd like to talk about? Is there a BL game localisation you're looking forward to?

last thread >>361
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I am saying that both is very stupid. Not buying a series someone is a legit fan of is really stupid, especially if it's doing badly. Being too stupid to click a torrent is also stupid, particularly if they prefer eye-cancer versions with watermark instead. Doing both at the same time is the stupidest.


Fair enough?


To be fair fujos are way harder to please I think. In a sense I mean. Fujos are attached to specific characters and dynamics, men pay for everything that has pantsus and big tits or sexualized lolis or femboys.
The companies can't tell before which series and male characters might be a hit and which won't. Like look at the hype around Orb for example. It's a 26-episodes long series about mostly super serious, adult men in 15th century's Poland having debates about planets. It absolutely doesn't sound like something that would be a hit anywhere, especially not among young women. And yet, it is.
They are now slowly starting to make merch. I hate it. But I sadly understand it. Fujo love is hard to predict. You cannot just shove a bunch of bishounen or guys with muscles into a series and call it a day like you do with female fanservice that otaku will eat up and buy 300 dollar figures of.

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Previous thread https://fujochan.org/bl/res/16.html

Where to find BL manga raws?
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Everyone please read this, it's amazing!! Bully and victim with suicide, stalking, psychological torture, and obsession!


Wow, nice find! Not done yet but this is the flavor of angst I love.


Thank you! Exactly my taste!

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 No.3433[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

let's bring this thread back, last thread was >>1060

Tasogare out of focus is getting an anime adaptation soon, i've only read the first volume but i remember it being cute, what current series are you fujos interested in?
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As in the meme? I've only seen fanfics of it, but maybe there's some indie doujins on Pixiv of it.


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>my dumbshit drunkpost getting replies

There're a few reasons. From what I gather (don't really engage with the western fanbase like that), it's a mix of finding Jonathan boring, simply not liking the part, or having skipped it entirely (though not necessarily true someone would insta-like the pair if they did read it). PB does have issues but for me imo the relationship between Dio and Jonathan is probably one of my favorite stories being told in JoJo, even with all the funkiness that comes with it being the oldest one. It's very enjoyable for what it is. Hell, Diojona is the only JoJo ship I really consume despite how much I like the series, though I still gotta read parts 7-9. I'm not too bummed in the end, it's not so horribly niche (thankfully!) and I can find a lotta nice KR/JP DJ stuff when I look.


Not really, more like the characters' personalities in general. Something like how a bitter, total loser shut-in and/or otaku is paired up with a handsome, popular man he's jealous of. Happy Shitty Life isn't really like that but the black haired guy is a massive loser and gets bullied by the blond guy for being retarded, jobless and for women finding him annoying and repulsive, I wonder if there's something with a somewhat similar premise? The closest thing I can think of isn't even BL at all, it's Fujoshi Rumi and the main girls sometimes fantasize that their male love interests are secretly into each other, that the plain loser guy is jealous of his handsome, popular friend because girls are all over him but then it turns out it was possessiveness and denial all along.

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I'll start with Hyacinthus.

He was so beautiful that three Gods fell in love with him at once: Zephyrus, the God of the West wind, Boreas, the God of the North wind, Apollo, the God of the sun, and some random human named Thamyris.

Anyway, Hya-kun had great taste and decided to roll with Apollo, clearly the most attractive seme. Apollo loved him so much he hung out with him on Earth. Presumably they screwed a lot. One day they were playing with a discus and Apollo threw it so hard he split the clouds, and when Hya-kun went to catch it, Jealous Zephyrus blew a wind to send it off course; it killed Hya-kun. Probably instantly.

Apollo wept. He had a flower bloom from Hya-kun's blood, the hyacinth. Later on, he resurrected him, but I think that ruins the story.

Anyway, post gay myths. They don't have to be Greek.
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>This is why I've left off of playing Hades, MC looks hot, but the Greek culture stuff seems very superficial.
It's actually a really good game and I'd rec it for it's own merits regardless of theme if you like rougelikes; it has canon homo too. It wouldn't say it's surface level the greek setting and theme are important, but it does feel modern. They've got the essence of each god and they aren't smoothed over per say, but the way of talking and tone of characters doesn't feel very ancient or godlike.

Great fanfiction and art in general too :p


What are some good non-Greek myths to check out?


Horus and Set (Egyptian) are pretty fruity.

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Men are neanderthals, how are you into gay anime porn and never encountered name order.


I've met a number of women who don't know either, but they always come from video game or western fandoms and have only consumed ships through AO3 where name order isn't used. The guys are funny though because they're so fixated on 1st person lewding the little boy they completely forget that a couple involves two people.


To be honest I didn't associate the title with a shipping order either. I know that of course but I don't care about shota so I never heard the term OniShota. Thought the oni was just referring the shota. Like a shota that is an evil oni. I assume it stems from oniisan though. Maybe.

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Let's bring this thread back!

Best incest ships?
Brothers or Father son?
Inseki: Is it ever good or is it always a cop-out?
Is twincest wincest?
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Itachi x Sasuke was my absolute first. I was really young and didn't really see them as siblings because of how apart they were at the beginning of Naruto. Elsaanna specifically probably cemented it as an actual need though. Elsanna back during Frozen's first premier was the best time to read fanfiction for how insanely good the stories were and most of all, the recognition that it was awful. Dabbled in a little bit of Elricest and it never hit the same. But lesbian sisters cemented my actual need to see siblings fuck. It bled into everything. Hunter x Hunter, MHA, 'sibling coded' pairings. Someone sees them as family makes it better ngl.


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It took a long time for me. When I was 12 I had a weird brief Naruto phase despite not having even watched it (I had friends into it) where I just read fic and doujins and I remember reading an ItaSasu (or was it the other way around?) doujin, but brocest remained a squick for me until fairly recently, I was always put off by typical brocon or siscon characters etc. Years later I read some SZS doujins of Nozomu and his hot doctor brother, but I was just devouring any SZS BL I could find.
The ship that popped my twincest cherry was Zero and Ichiru from Vampire Knight, which I watched in full for the first time with a friend as an adult kek. I think that was the first incest ship I properly 'shipped' while watching it. Funnily enough I also watched OHSHC around the same time but never got into Hikaru/Kaoru.
From there, the first incest ship I actually wrote fic for was from a super obscure anime. I sort-of shipped these guys from the start but then they got revealed as half-brothers and I just rolled with it.
The first brocest ship that made me go actually insane was picrel, Tsugikunicest. They're just a ball of tropes tailor-made to appeal to me and I would've shipped them whether or not they were related, which is pretty much how I feel about all incest ships I have ended up liking.
Now I am even deeper down the rabbit hole with another ship and it feels bad because now is the worst possible time ever to be an incest fujo. Stay strong nonnas.


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Add Dion to the mix since he is a stepbrother. Personally I love the Dion/Joshua pairing more. There was just something in their first scene together.

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Alright time to make a new one.

>Share Doujins you've read.

>Discuss doujin trends
>Franchise with the best doujinshi?
>Do you ever read doujins for series you're unfamiliar with?

First order of business. Why the fuck is MyReadingManga so hard to up to? I want to cross archive doujins to both sadpanda and MRM, but it's hit or miss and then they accept furry garbage instead.
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I read this one recently too and I really liked it. Ticks all the boxes for OsoChoro shipping for me. I'll read the other one too since I seemed to have missed it
Once you're mindbroken enough by watching Ososan the muppet faces won't phase you anymore…


Choro x any of them is great but I like him and Ichi best. Real shame that not a single doujin with them is translated.

If the characters are good I can get behind any design. Personally though I think Ososan has a cute artstyle.

Another OsoChoro I like


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omfg that was really cute. Ososan dj hits different and I will consume any pairing that appeals to me. might need to revive the muppet thread. which brother is most rapeable?

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Post pictures of BL merch or anime boy merch in this thread, discuss prices and buying of merch/fanmerch.

#1 https://fujochan.org/bl/res/27.html
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I'm buying the entire DMMD cast and no one but my wallet and God can stop me


One day when I settle back into my normal life and get some income, I will buy this Aoba statue.
Wait what's bottom right? Don't recognize it…is it a new game!?


Pretty sure that's just Slow Damage

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