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This board is dedicated to fandom posting and anything of that sort, discuss your favorite fandoms and fandom related ships here.

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there was some discussion in the persona thread, but none since the game has come out iirc.

>general thoughts on the game itself?

>who are you shipping?
>any good fic recs? art?
>and, most importantly, why is louis so hot?

+ try to keep spoilery stuff spoilered.
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>It feels lacking most likely because the company really doesn't want fujos.
Really? Funny you say this because I was trying to revive this thread saying that despite Metaphor feeling like the most fujofriendly Atlus game as of date (even more than SMTV), the fandom is pretty dead, or very slow.
I agree on what you say on the 2 popular pairs currently but that's definitely not the case with other Persona ships.
Even within metaphor there are other ships worth thinking about, just that nobody wants to do it.

>even though it feels like they want you to ship him with the Prince


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Yes, the framing is still gay as fuck.


I know the Persona 4 heyday but I didn't like Yosuke's no homo bro character and I also hated Adachi for acting like an incel. Neither of those are archetypes I can stand.

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Making a new thread due to the confusion caused by the title in the other one!
Old thread >>147
Questions if you want to answer them:
>Favorite Pokemon boy(s)?
>Favorite game/region?
>Favorite male protagonist?
>First Pokemon ship?
>Current Pokemon ship(s)?
>Do you ship the Pokemon themselves?
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Mastersex has you covered, the sluttiest alt in the game is picrel and they can't make any of the girls too skimpy due to family friendly image.
Also the shop has booty shorts for the male MC in Legends Arceus. Not sure about other gens.


>He looks like he’s going to bed
>With MC-kun, clearly
God I wish you could have Urbain if you play as the boy MC but all signs are pointing to the rival being the opposite of your mc’s sex. Not that it’ll stop me from shipping them.
I keep trying to play mastersex but I get filtered hard by the mobile/gacha mechanic aspect of the game. Nice to know that Legends Arceus has that choice. One of these days I’ll play it.


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It's funny because I don't even think Nanu is bait, every gen prior had an old man for instance Blaine or Pryce he's just the first one that people actively shipped and now the hot old men designs are a staple.

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So many good boys… Who's your favorite fate boy? Do you play fgo?
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A thread for discussing the Gundam franchise.

Some topic starters
>First series?
>Favorite series/characters/pairings/mobile suits?
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About the young guy, Exabe, Xavier, whatever he's cute. Reading japanese he gives vibes of a fail boy rival, comparing him to Guel (another handsome guy with a mole on the face) or other similar characters that the public root for because they don't want him to die


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Haven't watched GQuuuuuuX since it's not airing here but I am looking forward to it. I rarely care about designs before I see the characters act but I already think that Challia is hot. And Char is hot anyway. And most others are fancy twinks and cool girls which is nice. I generally live the artstyle.

Hell I even like the chubby-face dude, whoever that is (Dren?). The designs make me feel like it's a series targeting fujos. The men are way too pretty and varied to be for self-inserters.
>His merch sold out before the MC in the pop-up shop
This slightly restores my faith in humanity.
>underling shipping
GOD I AM INTO THIS I even posted about this in another FC thread


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I hope some of you are lucky enough to live in the countries where the movie is in the theaters right now

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 No.2355[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Maybe another one year before we're reaching the finale. Are you still keeping up with the manga nonas?
Will the BakuDeku fans enjoy the whole cake, or cope with the het ending the same way Hori's been dropping more MinaKiri moments?
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Everyday I loathe google reverse search.


I used to also imagine kiri>kami>baku train because it was fun to see a twink like kaminari topping bakugou, but now he looks so confident he would make even kiri bothered while kirishima is the one sandwiched between them even if he's all buff (and bakugou would still be the bottom train kek)
It was sad how they always made kaminari too much like a weak whiny bottom so it's nice to see that Hori shares my same vision, maybe now that they are matured big boys I can read more juicy fics


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It is gay if you love a big robot.
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A bit late, but happy birthday (14th) to the best boy!!


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Who knew this would be followed by a boydbuilder illustrations and chibi of the male cast merch (it's a online lottery)
Anyway, the wrestling match is the 23rd IDK how people feels about wrestling yaoi but if you want to watch a match between MAO and Yuki Ueno that's peak yaoi (and know better about the guys) I can suggest this


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The wrestling match was incredibly funny and considered everything the tamest thing that happened that day kek but they gave really good fanservice, loved seeing a huge part of the fandom going there and even getting hooked and wanting to go to the next event.
still nothing about the merch, but crossing finger to see something pop up (i hope for a mail order release).

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Thread for Metal Gear boys
>inb4 "but Raiden"
I know Raiden doesn't really fit here, but other characters do so keep all Metal Gear posts, even ones including Raiden ITT for convenience.
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Let's go! I hope it's like Twin Snakes where everything is cranked up to eleven, watching them handle the scene where Ocelot meows is going to be great.


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Mgs3 ocelot is the cu te est!
I am a bit worried though because it’s a “remake” instead of a “remaster”…. I hope they’ll keep oce as pathetic as he was in the original


To my knowledge the game is not being redubbed/re-voiced so hopefully everything is as it should be!

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 No.805[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How come there is no Vocaloid thread on fujochan?! We need to change that immediately!
I've been a Vocaloid fan since probably 2008 and I don't see myself turning my back on them any time soon. Share songs and fanart you like in this thread! Discuss your favorite ships! Who's the best boy?
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I'm glad I'm not the only one who got that vibe from the song, no shade or hate if any nonas here like the song or fujo Miku but to me it feels like it was written for tiktok zoomers who think fujoshi and yaoi are funny meme words. In general most post-mesmerizer viral vocaloid songs feel very souless and specially crafted to become trends, it's better to stick with small producers or ones that established themselves pre-pjsk fandom boom.


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NTA, But I agree. I don't really hate Sawtowne or new producers. Actually, I kind of like some new producers, but I don't like how a lot of new vocaloid or vocalsynth songs or whatever are just meant to be meme music, or stuff that's playing off of something else that already exists. I do think some smaller producers who focus on the actual music (VS focusing on art or video) make some good songs these days.


fuck he's so hot


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It's time to duel! Yu-gi-oh thread a certified classic fujo series.

>Favorite series

>Favorite character
>Favorite pair
>Do you/Did you play the TCG?
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It's kind of fascinating how Yu-gi-oh! The anime seems to be less popular than the TCG now. The OG is a force to be reckoned with in terms of cultural relevance and a fujo classic, I know fans of GX and 5Ds even though I've never seen either, but I hardly see the newer seasons brough up at all. In a way it's a blessing that almost all fan content is for the series I actually like, on the other it makes me sad that it's a symbol that this franchise's day in the spotlight has been over for a while.


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A little off-topic, but it makes me wonder how current kids engage with anime compared to how millennials/gen Z did
Do kids outside of Japan watch children's anime at all? VRAINS and Sevens hardly get brought up, but even for how popular something like Yo-kai Watch was in Japan, it wasn't big enough in the West to even get the last game localized
A lot of fandoms in that sphere seem carried by nostalgia without any influx of new fans, which is unfortunate


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A lot of that probably has to do with the fact that kids today don't watch television anymore. I'm an elementary teacher and while new animated movies are usually popular I rarely hear any TV shows brought up. Youtube-bait horror games are the new Saturday morning cartoons and it's very sad.

>A lot of fandoms in that sphere seem carried by nostalgia without any influx of new fans, which is unfortunate

I think you're right. No one new is getting into Digimon in the current year its mainly carried by nostalgia. Yugioh, at least the first iteration, has a legitimately good plot though and doesn't feel like an advertisement but I can see why someone with no prior attachment wouldn't want to give it a try since as an outsider the whole sphere it's in looks cheap and childish.

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