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Any nonas play OMORI here? I really like this game but it's too emotionally wrecking for me (as in, the moment i start to think too much about the game i instantly cry, yes im a pussy). I really think the game has cute and charming characters.
I personally ship SunnyXKel but I do not mind other ships. Does anyone else want to share their favorite ships and talk about OMORI?
I personally can't lewd the characters in OMORI because the game is far too emotionally sad for me LOL. Would be cool if nonas spoilered the lewd posts here but if you don't its no big deal.
Who's your favorite OMORI character?
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You're welcome!

Geez gendies always have to ruin something. I always saw him as a moody, brewing bishounen type. I don't know why that pings their radar.

He's such a fun character and has a great battle theme too.


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Oh, those pictures are amazing, thank you! 0//0 brooding Space ex-boyfriend is the best :D

Sadly, they're not without basis here, Omocat used another girl's OC, and the girl later claimed that he was meant to have been trans all along :( Shame, such a cute design and storyline.


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I always loved suntan. Kel has been so good and supportive to Sunny. Plus the size difference aspect is so cute.

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screw it i'm making a new one. Drop yer homo vikings and sperging if you have any.
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VS is one of those series I never expected to see any fanart of and then the anime aired and I got tons of it. It's also one of the very rare cases where I think that the anime is exactly as good as the manga or even slightly better. I still hope that they'll adapt the rest. Even as someone that wasn't a fan of the Baltic arc I noticed that I enjoyed it much more on the second read (without waiting times) and it would nice to have the full saga animated, especially with the manga nearing its end.


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the manga is ending in a few chapters apparently. Really curious how it'll play out, hopefully it doesn't shit itself like AOT or JJK.


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Yeah I am a bit worried because I feel like it needs more time. Like 15 chapters at least? But I will wait and see. It seems like he knows what he's doing.

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One piece has many cute boys
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Surprisingly my friends and I all like Zolu and hate Zosan and think its popularity makes no sense. The brothers in Fan Letter were also kind of shippable not gonna lie.


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You and your friends are absolutely correct. Zolu is the only correct ship for both characters and Zoro's undying loyalty to his captain and putting Luffy's wants and needs before his own is prime ship material.


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the combo of sleeveless turtleneck + gloves + a scary face and nice personality combo is really lewd on the older marine

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To celebrate the hiatus being over (for now).
>Best boy?
>Best ship?
>Favourite arc?
>Favourite nen ability?
>Is Togashi actually a shotacon? Will he ever finish his manga?


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>Best boy?
Killua! Or Kurapika.
>Best ship?
killugon, they're meant for each other and I don't think anyone can deny that. Close second: Kurokura and illukillu. I like the fucked up dynamic with both.
>Favourite arc?
Yorknew city, easily!
>Favourite nen ability?
I'll admit, I read the manga through TWICE and I still have no idea how the fuck nen really works.
>Is Togashi actually a shotacon? Will he ever finish his manga?
I don't think he's a shotacon, but he definitely has some sort of interest/fetish around unconventional gender expressions, especially boys crossdressing.
I hope he will finish his manga, but nothing in life is promised, especially considering the tragedy of miura's passing not long ago.

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Let's talk about swords.
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>Play in Japanese and download fansubs or have no swords at all.

Hmmm, never had to try to add fansubs to a game before. Guess there's a first time for everything if I can find them. Wading through all these subbing communities for the stage plays reminds me of fandom communities I used to pursue years ago.


Ah sorry, I meant subs for stage plays and the movies, that kind of content. There's a fanwiki for the game which has translations of most screens and dialogue lines (with audio files), and since the dialogue is voiced you can listen to it while playing to figure out which line is what.

And yeah, the fansubs for the stage productions are still mostly passed around via blogs and LJ/dreamwidth, outside of the fanwiki's discord server. I haven't really interacted with the latter but if you have an account you can join it, make a bland hello and help yourself to things. Personal use is all good so they won't chase you if you lurk. Can be helpful for new event gameplay instructions too because other people will have asked about them and tested things.

And yet they performed in France and filmed a documentary about Western TouRabu fans to air on Japanese television.


Haha I'd just assumed I was retarded yesterday and was too embarrassed to ask to be spoonfed where to look for it.

The fanwiki for this game seems very thorough and the fact that they've even got the audio clips for ease of following along is awesome so I can deal with the text being in Japanese.

Thanks for the clarification nonna!

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 No.924[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A thread made for discussing our favourite androits (I dunno what more to describe about it).
>Who are your favourite characters?
>Have you played the games? What game did you like the most?
>Do you have ships?
>What do you think about the current state of the franchize?
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>Favorite Devilman adaptation?

>Who tops? Or are they versatile?

>Most WTF moment?

>Thoughts on Devilman Crybaby?
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Thank you, I love posts like these which combine all the evidence into one post!


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Bless this show for playing into my bandages kink

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 No.147[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post pokemon characters that fall under the /m/ category! No twinks no cute boys! (obviously no male gaze shit, or at least keep it to a bare minimum if you really have a pic you'd like to share)
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Oh nice! I liked Guzma a lot too when SM was new, though I mainly shipped him with Nanu because of the Cop/Criminal dynamic they had. He definitely has uke energy and I can see the appeal in him getting absolutely fucked by "real" villains. Kind of an "in over your head" situation right?

Same thoughts on Cyrus really, I think I need to replay DPPt at some point because I just remember him being a killjoy and boring tbh. Galactic is on the lower end of the teams for me but I like the Galactic Grunt design and think they are super cute, same with Saturn!


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Are you familiar? What are some of your favourite tunes, or do you prefer the movies? Is Aizo the top, or Yujiro?


I discovered them when I was super into my vocaloid phase that eventually branched out to checking out non-vocaloid j-music, but i never got into enough to check out the characters. Don't know much on that front.


I watched the anime and have heard a couple of their songs, honestly I hate both Aizo and Yujiro kek.
Honestly most of the cast in the anime were huuuuge assholes, it was funny at the end where they were like ‘Our fan girls are cute!’ as opposed to them laughing their asses off at their insane stalker fans lining their wallets while they bang female idols.

I think as a franchise though it’s not fujobaity, it’s pretty firmly in the shoujo zone and I’ve only seen them do one gay song.


The lipxlip movie where they meet and become a pair is a little baity, but if you don't like either of the characters, you won't get much value out of it.

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>Fav chara
>Fav Ship
>Fav installment
Do post a lot of Keebo and Keebo ships, please
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>Fav chara
>Fav Ship
you know it………Hinata and Komaeda…..i'm a basic bitch


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