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A thread on the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV!

>Favourite characters?

>Favourite expansion?
>How long have you been playing?/Which expansion did you start?
>Are you a Wol Shipper or Canon Shipper?
>Thoughts on latest patch releases and content?
>Everything else! (WoL Lore/Raiding progress/fanart.etc)
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Right?? I completely agree and (third time reuploading this post and the spoiler wrap is still not working, read further text at your own discretion) loathe alexandria and all the horrific modern/cyberpunk-esque aesthetics it brought along with it. Inb4 previous final fantasy games had future elements in it, yeah it did indeed but it was kept to a minimum and the outfits still had a classic "final fantasy-esque" look to them that still kept them timeless and classy. I wish Alexandria had similar aesthetics to living memory, a technology enhanced kingdom that still retained old architecture to reflect their culture of perpetuality and clinging to the past. Imagine ishgard but more colorful and with LED lights kek. I know this will never happen because they cant outright remove an area in a game, but my megacope is that once the alexandria shard gets restored, the area goes back to their original world and heritage found ends up becoming a massive crater that once held the region.
Another thing, I just wish they actually let the scions behind in endwalker and maybe have them show up as a cameos in future expansions/side content only. They served absolutely no purpose in dawntrail that couldn't have been done by a new NPC. I dont even care if people call the new NPCs "bootleg scions" I just want them to lay down orbiting the wol for everything and focus on their own goals.
Ive been mega delulu regarding xiv MSQ these days and my biggest cope is that they keep the plot generic so players can flesh out the world building themselves while the devs focus more on gameplay/mechanics. Extremely lazy sure, but it makes me content as a writer since I dont have to worry about minor cultural lore getting retconned or character personalities/reactions not aligning to the wol's personality/canon. Dawntrail dialogue being generic as fuck? Alphinaud pointing to a mountain and saying "this looks like heavensward"? No problem, I can envision the filler conversation inbetween that and have it pull references from fleshed out segments in the story like the downtime during the travel to the churning mists from my personal lore.

apologies for the unprompted text dump, i get really excited when the XIV threads get bumped up from time to time and I love to read other player's writing and thoughts about the lore


>Inb4 previous final fantasy games had future elements in it
I've argued so hard with people who just refuse to read what I have to say. I never played 13 or 15 so I can't say anything about that but I feel like all the older FF tech stuff has been stylized steampunk or mystical tech that fits in better with the fantasy elements and not just Cyberpunk 2077. You didn't see Celes end up in GPU city encountering a vending machine.
>I know this will never happen because they cant outright remove an area in a game, but my megacope is that once the alexandria shard gets restored, the area goes back to their original world and heritage found ends up becoming a massive crater that once held the region.
Yeah sadly I can't imagine they would either, especially after all that writing about coexistence. I've been hoping that at the very least they will let us remove that dome. One of the plot points they brought up is the levin sickness and it sounded like they could never permanently fix it unless these people no longer live inside of a plasma globe.
>Another thing, I just wish they actually let the scions behind in endwalker
Yeah same. Admittedly before DT launched I was part of the problem as a G'raha simp who wanted him to stick around cause he's my precious catboy but by now I also wish they had just retired the scions. Would've been an interesting parallel if we assembled new party members of each tural race just like Gulool jaja did on his journey.
>Ive been mega delulu regarding xiv MSQ these days and my biggest cope is that they keep the plot generic so players can flesh out the world building themselves while the devs focus more on gameplay/mechanics.
I've seen someone in the recent /a/ homo thread joke that since ishikawa's departure it shows we needed to have a fujo in charge of the writing and not waifufags but I guess we have no idea what mandates go on behind the scenes. Maybe I should just think of it more from a writing perspective too, that I didn't necessarily misunderstood Erenville but that the game simply left stuff blank that I wanted to see and I should imagine it myself. Oh btw to spoiler something you have to wrap the spoiler with ** on each side, not the way it works on 4Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


> I don't really want to bitch about dawntrail in other XIV communities I'm on anymore cause I'm sure most people are tired of hearing it but here I can just get it off my chest.
Oh i completely get that. Im mostly tired of people expressing disdain on the expansion except they dont actually have a critical reason for hating it and only dislike it because fetch quests, scrote streamer said it was boring, or vendetta against wuk's VA (not that I care my voices are on JP)
There are so many glaring flaws to easily pick from but people tend to stick to the lowest hanging branch and repeat it over and over it starts to get redundant. That aside, I love reading people's deep critique regarding the lore, and their interpretations on how they could've changed it to be better or less two dimensional.

And even if I have a lot of criticism regarding dawntrail and openly make fun of its shallowness sometimes, I still had a lot of fun going through the MSQ on my own pace and personally enjoyed that the wol had a backseat role while a new character sort of filled the slot as a primary character (though my character is a non-wol so its probably easier to think of it this way lol) though theres no fixing alexandria and I personally retconned it in my head to look more like 9/13/15 which had a more steampunk/medieval style as you said with futuristic elements incorporated in it.

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do you still love him now? do you worship him?
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Inuyasha. Everyone I knew preferred Sesshomaru, but Inuyasha is a perfect mix of hot and cute. I still love him, just not obsessed with him like I was when I was younger.


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Strange Klug from Puyo Puyo. I pirated Puyo 20th around when it came out in 2011 and fell in love with him. I think this guy is the reason why I have a huge thing for evil pretty boys with glasses, and dark personas. He gave me a huge thing for selfcest too, now do I think about it, kek.

He still holds a special place in my heart, but I'm incredibly embarrassed to admit to others that he was my first husbando because of how the Puyo fans tend to be nowadays.


Nice! Klug is my fav character so naturally Strange Klug psedo-selfcest is one of the best pairings in the franchise. It's a shame the plots involving Klug and Sig's demons got dropped post PP7 it's arguably the most interesting SEGA era Puyo plot. I guess this is the trade off for having the newer entries officially translated into English.

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Any LoGHfags here?
What's your favourite ship?
What do you think of the DNT/Fujisaki designs?
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>Is there a way to find old Japanese fanart from before Pixiv was born?
Yes! I used to do this all the time in my fandom and just started again. One way is to google character name + series name or ship names in Japanese. A lot of fansites are hidden from search engines but not all of them. Alternatively, you can see if people link their personal sites from their pixiv, twitter, twpf, doujinshi, etc. You might have better luck looking at older fanart first.

Once you find one site, you should be in. Usually they link a bunch of other art/fic sites and also some webrings and directories. Most of these are monofandom but there are some more general ones. I have this extension so you can right click any link and have it search the internet archive: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/resurrect-pages/. There have been tons of Japanese hosts and a lot of them have been nuked over the years. Archive coverage is spotty and glitchy and you will suffer though.

I was able to find this and it should be a good start: https://web.archive.org/web/20131019151146/http://murai.tk/yomi.cgi?mode=kt&kt=01_01. It looks like the site breaks and starts redirecting in a loop around 2015.




This is very useful, thanks nona.

I've actually really gotten into exploring the old and small web lately.

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I want a place to post content from any series created by CLAMP. Code Gayass stuff also welcome
>Favorite series?
>Favorite pairing?
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>Favorite series?
I don't know, I like some series more than others but I don't have a favorite one. I like Tokyo Babylon and X a lot, my first manga from them were CCS and Clamp Detective School, I also started XXXholic when it started in my country, so a long time ago, but never finished it because I simply didn't think about reading scans online but didn't have enough time to go borrow the rest of the volumes in the library. I really wish Legal Drug and Drug & Drop was completed because it had potential but it's in hiatus hell right now. I also need to finish reading Magic Knight Rayearth someday, before the new anime starts. I think overall I like their more edgy series but I like that they have a lot of different stories. I remember reading Kobato but I don't remember anything about it besides the dog screaming at the MC all the time and I disliked Chobits so I never finished it.

>Favorite pairing?

The one you posted was one of my first gay OTP when I was a very young kid, then there's Seishiro/Subaru and Fuuma/Kamui. This one is a straight pairing but Shaoran/Sakura is getting on my nerves. I like it a lot in CCS since forever but knowing that Clamp is so obsessed with them they brought them back for Tsubasa and for a CCS sequel while neglecting other series on hiatus makes me boycott these two manga until we get a proper conclusion for X.

Anyway, I'm going to give XXXholic another try once I finish reading Golden Kamui, and then I'll start Clover. By the way, I need to confess but their recent art style isn't my cup of tea, I miss their art style from the 90s and early 2000s. Pic related.


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>Favorite series?
>Favorite pairing?
Fuuma x Kamui
Subaru x Seishirou


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Still waiting on them to break free of Cardfight Vanguard and work on new stuff.

>Favorite Series

I like them all really, but Tokyo Babylon has a special place in my heart being one of the series that got me into manga.
>Favorite Pairing

Did you ever read Reservoir Chronicles? I'd highly suggest checking out both xxxholic and it. I know you said you hate Shaoran/Sakura but it crosses over with xxxholic and also has the great pairing of Fai/Kurogane.

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Cute Martial Arts Boys!

>Best Boy?

>Best Ship?

>Does Ranma top or bottom?

>Does Ranma-chan's existence play into it somehow (as a plot device), or is it only male Ranma who matters?


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I used to read and love the manga back when anime was hard to access. I recall looking for some yaoi at the time, but found nothing. And when there was stuff, it didn't play into my topping preferences.

Thankfully, there seems to have been an explosion of stuff where Ranma ends up on the bottom, often under Ryoga. Based.

>Best Boy?

Ranma. I like how he's got more drive and slyness than the 'average romcom protagonist', Takahashi's boys always have some traits that make them seem more fun to play with, than just being a het love interest.

>Best Ship?

Currently rewatching, and being way more into Kuno/Ranma than expected, the height gap and Kuno's cool, yet devoted personality is very cute against Ranma's comparative hot-headedness. That said, Ryoga/Ranma seems to be the longstanding OTP.

>Does Ranma top or bottom?

Bottom. He's got the sly devil personality, which is hottest when taking it, imo, although I can see why people would enjoy him topping Ryoga.

>Does Ranma-chan's existence play into it somehow (as a plot device), or is it only male Ranma who matters?

I like the idea of Kuno finding out that the pig-tailed girl is actually his romantic rival, still being in love with Ranma-chan, then starting to notice that male Ranma has the same cute traits as Ranma-chan, then growing protective over male Ranma and having a gay crisis over it.


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thank you for the ranma thread op
>best boy

>best ship

when it comes to ships really I like anything but the main romance, which is the case for most Takahashi works, i'd say ryoga and ranma would be right up my ally if it weren't for the fact that Ryoga is way too emotional, and I like ship combinations where one party is less emotional than the other, so Kuno and Ranma.

>Does Ranma top or bottom?


>>Does Ranma-chan's existence play into it somehow (as a plot device), or is it only male Ranma who matters?

Same as anon above, I think it would be also fun to joke with the idea that Kuno actually likes Ranma as a boy too, but he obviously dismisses the thought immediately because of his stubbornness


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Is anyone watching the remake? How does it compare?

Currently watching the old anime, and it's far more yaoi than it was remembered as. The low amount of fanfic hurts.

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Pretty fun mobile game I found. Here's the link to download if you're curious: https://nucarnival.com/en-US
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That guy who voices Date Kaname in the AI games. According to some BL drama CD I listened to long ago he's pretty good at voicing ukes. I'd rather play the NSFW game, I might as well go all out with that one.


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If anyone on here still plays NuCani, how do you do it? I don't have a lot of space on mobile, but is there a PC version? Is it even worth starting as a new player?


I play from time to time on my phone. There is no PC version but you can download an Android emulator like Nox or LDPlayer on your PC.

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Felt like making a Final fantasy thread.

I've been looking around lately to see what Final fantasy BL ships are most popular and I get the impression that Cloud x Sephiroth was the fujoshi awakening for a whole generation of girls back in the day, but Noctis x Prompto has done so for a younger generation. Though then again maybe the FF7 Remake is giving Cloud x Sephiroth another boost.
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Currently obsessed with this one incredibly talented artist who was originally known for only drawing art of an oldfag moid/petite waif girl ship suddenly get obsessed with ff4 golbez and commission copious amounts of fanart of him getting railed. first two pics are her original artwork, 3rd is a public commission piece


So since FF16 is on PC now I bought it a while back and last night I finished it. >>1907 is way more on point than I had ever expected cause god damn, Jill barely mattered outside of the one dungeon that dealt with her backstory. I can't think of a single final fantasy I played where the heroine isn't even allowed to fight the final boss. I was gonna say "No wonder the incest is so popular" but of course you can ship whatever you want regardless of plot relevance and my twitter feed is skewed by me following mostly fujoshi. I actually found myself understanding why Barnabas/Clive is a thing too cause that final encounter got pretty homoerotic.


Actually regarding the part I spoilered, I guess you could make an argument that FF7 falls under that but from what I remember even in death Aerith had some manner of agency against Sephiroth cause she used holy from inside the lifestream.

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any twst sisters ?
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It has a chubby MC which is off-putting to some people but he's really into cooking which makes sense for the story with Azul, I think he's a cute and really nice guy. I like him more than the Savannaclaw Yuu but not as much as the Heartslabyul Yuu. Other than that it's a pretty faithful adaptation of the game so if you like Azul or the Eel Boys I'd easily recommend it.

I'm curious if the anime will switch protags for each arc or settle on a single Yuu design for the series. Personally I hope they change them.


Any Seiyuu predictions? Or has a list been announced?


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A thread to discuss APH Hetalia, a series by Hidekaz Himaruya. Discuss all your favorite countries, and why they're secretly fucking each other.
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im really basic but i love usuk


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Do you think Hetalia will ever get a reboot/continuation or would that be too risky at the moment?

Nothing wrong with a basic ship, but I prefer America with Canada.


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long shot but does anyone have a folder of twitter & pixiv fanart by this artist? eji_gakuki

Everything except for the last 4 or 5 posts are gone on their socials.

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Tell us about your husbando
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I've been so obsessed with him for so long! There is literally no other character that's perfect for me. He's charming, powerful, sadistic, and loves cats.


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Haha sorry I never saw you response nonna. You should totally read Afterschool Charisma though. Even if you don't find ship/husbando fodder its just plan good.

Sebastian really is the perfect butler-type character. Man has style, and is easily the best part of BB.


I don't think there's a butler character in anime that's as iconic as Sebastian. Yana's a genius. He's cool, beautiful, cunning, he is the "butler/servant is a demon" trope but he's not flat despite us not even knowing his backstory.

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