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It is gay if you love a big robot.
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A bit late, but happy birthday (14th) to the best boy!!


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Who knew this would be followed by a boydbuilder illustrations and chibi of the male cast merch (it's a online lottery)
Anyway, the wrestling match is the 23rd IDK how people feels about wrestling yaoi but if you want to watch a match between MAO and Yuki Ueno that's peak yaoi (and know better about the guys) I can suggest this


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The wrestling match was incredibly funny and considered everything the tamest thing that happened that day kek but they gave really good fanservice, loved seeing a huge part of the fandom going there and even getting hooked and wanting to go to the next event.
still nothing about the merch, but crossing finger to see something pop up (i hope for a mail order release).

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Thread for Metal Gear boys
>inb4 "but Raiden"
I know Raiden doesn't really fit here, but other characters do so keep all Metal Gear posts, even ones including Raiden ITT for convenience.
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Let's go! I hope it's like Twin Snakes where everything is cranked up to eleven, watching them handle the scene where Ocelot meows is going to be great.


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Mgs3 ocelot is the cu te est!
I am a bit worried though because it’s a “remake” instead of a “remaster”…. I hope they’ll keep oce as pathetic as he was in the original


To my knowledge the game is not being redubbed/re-voiced so hopefully everything is as it should be!

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It's time to duel! Yu-gi-oh thread a certified classic fujo series.

>Favorite series

>Favorite character
>Favorite pair
>Do you/Did you play the TCG?
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It's kind of fascinating how Yu-gi-oh! The anime seems to be less popular than the TCG now. The OG is a force to be reckoned with in terms of cultural relevance and a fujo classic, I know fans of GX and 5Ds even though I've never seen either, but I hardly see the newer seasons brough up at all. In a way it's a blessing that almost all fan content is for the series I actually like, on the other it makes me sad that it's a symbol that this franchise's day in the spotlight has been over for a while.


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A little off-topic, but it makes me wonder how current kids engage with anime compared to how millennials/gen Z did
Do kids outside of Japan watch children's anime at all? VRAINS and Sevens hardly get brought up, but even for how popular something like Yo-kai Watch was in Japan, it wasn't big enough in the West to even get the last game localized
A lot of fandoms in that sphere seem carried by nostalgia without any influx of new fans, which is unfortunate


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A lot of that probably has to do with the fact that kids today don't watch television anymore. I'm an elementary teacher and while new animated movies are usually popular I rarely hear any TV shows brought up. Youtube-bait horror games are the new Saturday morning cartoons and it's very sad.

>A lot of fandoms in that sphere seem carried by nostalgia without any influx of new fans, which is unfortunate

I think you're right. No one new is getting into Digimon in the current year its mainly carried by nostalgia. Yugioh, at least the first iteration, has a legitimately good plot though and doesn't feel like an advertisement but I can see why someone with no prior attachment wouldn't want to give it a try since as an outsider the whole sphere it's in looks cheap and childish.

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Gen Urobuchi's wuxia puppet show in collaboration with the Taiwanese puppet TV company Pili (but the language is Japanese). Up to its currently airing 4th season. T.M.Revolution has his own puppet. Consider watching Thunderbolt Fantasy.
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I don't want this series to end.
>Thunderbolt Fantasy :The final chapter, "Touriken Yuuki Final Chapter," will be released in theaters on February 21, 2025.


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I would just like to say that Azibelfa sexo


So, my ship is incest now.

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/jjk/ - Jujutsu Kaisen General
A thread for all of us JJK fans to be crazy and unhinged, discuss episodes/manga, ships and many more.

(Optional) to start:
>Favourite ship?
>Best boy?
>Do you prefer the anime or manga more? Both?
>Any fanfiction want to shill?
>Any headcanons you have?
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samefag because my first reply was too long and i had to split it into two.

slight disagreement on yuta, but i’m biased just because i think he’s cute, tbh. and i liked his tragic (albeit generic) backstory more than gojo’s “i was born the most special baby and i have always been the most special baby and the only truly bad thing to ever happen to me was losing my high school boyfriend” thing, but ymmv.

>he made a whole chapters all about the characters replying to these anons instead of mourning the dead or talking about what they plan to do next

i should have mentioned this along with my blue shadow style lore dump complaint because i also laughed at this. genuine “uhm, actually” vibes. like, why was it not just some sort of ending note?? and yet, i almost find it stupidly amusing for some reason.

so, still, i wouldn’t consider it to be anywhere near the dumpster fire to the extent that some people did. also i got gojo/geto out of the equation, which naturally makes everything worth it. i used to have more shame about the “well, at least there’s fan content” mindset, but in this case i really did kind of treat canon as the springboard to eventually get into all the art, fic, doujinshi, etc. almost like an investment, lmao.


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>there wasn’t really a singular “oh shit” moment where it hit me at once that gojo had actually lost, more of a progressive “wait, what” sort of feeling
I get what you mean. In my case it was the reverse, if I didn't see leaks against my will before even starting the manga I would have been nervous the whole time and expecting anything to happen. The battle made perfect sense imo, the end made it look like Gojo was about to win for very logical reasons, with how everyone was explaining which techniques Gojo and Sukuna were using. The way his defeat was presented kind of ruined it though. It's funny how almost everyone agreed even way after that chapter that him dying ironically made him look stronger than Sukuna after all, since Sukuna kept spamming binding vows left and right after that. I can already imagine Gege whining that he made Gojo too strong again so he just skipped to the airport scene to make his job easier. I feel like I'm repeating myself but it's hard to explain, idk.

>slight disagreement on yuta, but i’m biased just because i think he’s cute, tbh

I actually like Yuta, but him using Gojo's corpse and having like 10 shot flashbacks where he keeps saying "don't worry I planned this complete bullshit move so now it's time for plan A, B, C, D, E, F, G etc." looked so stupid it kind of ruined him for me. After learning that JJK0 was meant to be longer and Yuta would have progressively evolved in that story all of this made sense, but it's insane how Kusakabe keeps explaining everything and coming up with ideas and all of a sudden it's Yuta who does this, but almost only in flashbacks. I would have liked it more if everyone was just coming up with their own bullshit on the spot out of sheer desperation, Yuta possessed Gojo's corpse would have been a lot more impactful that way and we wouldn't have had this ridiculous scene where Yuta says he's willing to be a monster to win like Maki didn't slaughter her own family in cold blood a few days earlier. Again, I can already imagine Gege drawing the last arc and being like "fuck I forgot to put Yuta's existential crisis in the manga earlier, I need to do it now" and Yuta cPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Still the same anon but I might as well talk about other things from the manga. I don't understand why Tsumiki isn't blood related to Megumi. There's no point to this, the story would have been the exact same or better if she were just his older sister and a Zenin who's not a sorcerer. Instead only Megumi ever interacts with her on screen and in flashbacks only, Toji never, ever talks or thinks about her, Gojo interacted with her offscreen and it's not even relevant, etc. Before she or rather, Yorozu woke up from her coma I was wondering if Megumi wasn't becoming schizophrenic and hallucinating having a sister that nobody heard about before to cope with his shitty life. Yuki was very underdeveloped too but I liked her overall. It's like Gege wanted to make her some cool, mysterious figure and forgot to give us more hints for it to work. Same thing with Tengen and her relationship with Kenjaku.

On the other hand what was funny was how Sukuna and Yuji's grandfather being twins seemed too obvious so everyone got tricked into thinking Sukuna's twin was reincarnated as either Yuji or Jin. Even Sukuna guessed it wrong. What fucks me up is that thanks to what we learned with Mai and Maki it's kind of implying that Yuji's grandfather was on of the strongest sorcerers until he died at the hospital, and his strength went to Sukuna's fingers as soon as he died which explains why Sukuna wakes up very soon after. But he clearly didn't give a single fuck, minded his own business, raised his kid and grandkid and spent too much money in pachinko parlors. It also makes me wonder what was up with Jin? Since he turned out to be a normal guy who says some really suspicious shit the one time he's on screen. It's like he knew something was going on the whole time,maybe he was also a sorcerer and that's why he married one. I wonder what Yuji's grandpa told Yuji about his parents because Yuji also didn't give a fuck until the very end.

Last point, but I consider Yuji/Megumi canon until stated otherwise. I still can't believe Megumi became the tsundere heroine/damsel in distress at the end, it wasn't even subtle with how Yuji told him he would be lonely without Megumi by his side while crying. When you think about it none of this bullshit would have happened if it weren't for Megumi stPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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calling all potterhead anons. sperging related to HP whether it be about the main cast, old gen, new gen, crossgen, or magic awakened are welcome

>favourite character

>favourite ship
>favourite book/movie
>anything else (house, fanart, thoughts on upcoming HBO tv series, etc.
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I wish Mads Mikkelsen were cast as Grindelwald from the beginning, he's exactly what I expected from the character based on what we already know in the HP books. Whoever decided to cast Johnny Depp deserves nothing. If JKR herself wanted him in that role I'd be very disappointed in her, regardless of Johnny Depp being an abusive degenerate because I heard about his role in the movie before he got sued by Amber Heard and already avoided them on purpose until the third one got released. I wonder when we'll get more movies, I heard there were supposed to be 5 of them but I assume it's complicated based on, well, Johnny Depp's scandal, Ezra Miller's own criminal record, several of the actresses not returning or barely having screen time in the latest movie because they were pregnant, etc. I want more old man yaoi. Unironically.


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My sample may be skewed but it kind of looks like HPDM is more popular with Western fans now, it seemed more equal/leaned towards DMHP before. I have an inkling it's because of one artist though I'm not sure; her art has a lot of likes compared to others so I'm sure it swayed some people.

Do you have specific tastes or something of the sort? HP is the only series I can reliably go to if I want good long fic so my experience is the opposite.

Not a ribafag myself but I can link some if you're still interested.


I wonder if Hideo Kojima reads Grindelwald/reader fics and self inserts…

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The HSR thread got nuked… let's restore it! I'm pretty sure with the new patches and new characters fujononas have a lot of exciting things to say!
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Do any other anons still play this game? The new world is coming out soon, hopefully there'll be some good fujobait.


>roll Sunday
>Roll chad thundercock
>run out of jades

I'm not going to torture myself with those awful missions or that dumb deer. Oh well, once again, no Lightning because I refuse to touch Sevral.

A real shame, I genuinely enjoyed him as a guest character during the trailblaze mission where he joins. Lightning feels like a legitimate requirement for some encounters and Moze simply doesn't work being single target only.


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I wonder if they'll shape Phainon up to be like Firefly (in regards to MC shipping/self-inserting aspects, not just meta). Even with barely anything right now it's doing more for me than DanCae though I'm barely interested in HSR shipping in general honestly.

I don't have any Lightning DPSes either, I've been coping through the game with only my JL and FF kek, can still clear endgame content well though.

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Post cute gambling boys
>Favourite series?
>Favourite character?
>Best ship?
>Best gamble?
>Which character deserves a spin off manga?
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Thanks. I'll try the anime instead.


Totally worth it. The last episodes of season 2 were the most intense of any anime i've ever seen. Plus anime kaiji is qt


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Getting obsessed with big nosed men manga for the cuteness of a 70+ year old blood-draining tsundere villain was definitely not on my bingo card when I started Akagi in the late 00s but here we are.
I am glad that fkmt manga are popular enough to spawn spinoff series for the villains and that the fandoms for his big old hits are still alive, even 15 years later. Bless Fukumoto and his autism. That guy has a crazy talent for dramatic climaxes and infodumps that are actually interesting. Even the series that are solely about games never bore me for a second.

I admit I also find most of his characters very relatable, even though his series feel like they were written for middle aged men with midlife crises lmao

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Haikyuu I guess.

Favorite volleyball boyfriend pairing?
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I'm a Yamatsukkifag so maybe a bit unorthodox but I like Norio's doujin for fluffy stuff
plus MADAMAYO for nsfw, untranslated though

This author also has some nice Levyaku


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I’ve never watched an anime with so many smug boys, it’s ridiculous.

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This is so freakin' cute it inspired me to scrawl down some New Years' fic.

The postbox is filled with postcards.

Some few are from business associates, management, and distant relations. These lie in simple, but well-folded envelopes, waiting to be opened, nodded at, and filed away. They’re all pre-printed. Even without reading them, one can guess that they’re all adorned with horses.

There are horses on the other ones, too, albeit hand-drawn ones. The envelopes are hand-folded from tickets, newspapers, certificates, whatever humans have thrown out, or forgotten.

A small hand reaches out for them.

“Not now, Kitaro. We’ll look at them later, ok?” Gegero nods, gently wrapping the boy into a shirt. “We’re off to the shrine first.”

“Da.” Kitaro nods, sagely. Mizuki’s heart swells stupidly with pride, it isn’t even technically his child, but the quiet, observing tone in the boy’s voice has him impressed. Kitaro is growing into a quiet child, crying only under distress. Mizuki isn’t sure if it’s a youkai thing or not, but he appreciates it, all the same.

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A lot of fanworks seem to have Mizuki as raising Kitaro with Gegerou, while still having dark hair. Is there some fanon explenation for that?


I think people not drawing him with white hair it's not to spoiler stuff, or artworks before the release of the movie (dunno how old are the fanart you posted). But Japanese are pretty open about "delusions", how they call it, which is why teenage kitaro/mizuki exist

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