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any twst sisters ?


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Also happy birthday to fatty Tako


i'm moving through the mobile game at a snail's pace but i do like the idea of epel/vil simply because the mommy (male) dynamic interests me.


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I love Epel/Vil too bad it's rare
Also for me Epel tops for every ship lol


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I’ve know about the game since launch but didn’t pick it up till the EN release. I’m definitely getting into it and am trying my hardest not to just go on YT and marathon all the fansubbed stories since I’m impatient orz

So far I’m really liking the Heartslaybul group, especially Cater (even with his cheesy English localization he is very cute)


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I think about these idiots on a daily basis. They're so stupid and cuuuuute!


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I love them! Who do you prefer topping? I prefer Deuce but it's so rare


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Kek what a coincidence anon I lean towards deuce topping too, but I really don't mind ace topping either. Both is good but I do wish there was more top deuce content.


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Reviving this thread because I need some place to spreg about this game that isn't twitter


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Started playing this and was surprised it isn't a dating sim. Guess I should have figured since it's Disney. Cute boys, we'll see how long it holds my interest.


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Any twst friends still around? They put bishie Frollo in the game lmao and to top it all off his seiyuu is hiroshi kamiya
I feel like yana sensei is getting a bit too powerful. She should be stopped before she does something really crazy like putting gilf scrooge mcduck in the game.


I wonder what Victor Hugo would think about this. I'm being serious here.


>bishie Frollo
rolling so hard i am reversing earth's orbit


Picking up the game again just for him


Frollo a cute! Also Kamiya? Doubly blessed character.


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He's Frolling in his grave.

I personally cannot wait for all the Frollo yaoi.


>to top it all off his seiyuu is hiroshi kamiya
My sides have officially gone into orbit. This is going to be fucking incredible.


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This is why we need Japan.
The first thing I tought when I heard about the game was "Where is Frollo?", glad he finally got to be in it. He had my favourite villain and favourite villain overall.
I think the Tarzan bad guy and Ratigan are the only 2d villains left, at least from what I remember.


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>I think the Tarzan bad guy and Ratigan are the only 2d villains left, at least from what I remember.
I'm an absolute fake-fan and only keep up with this game when new characters are released. Does the game have Captain Hook? I'd kill for a bishie version of him and haven't seen one yet.


>Captain Hook
Forgot about him. No he is not in there.


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Dang, too bad. I would have killed for a bishie pirate.


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The Savana dudes got pirate costumes for halloween, at least you got that.
Also, I posted that Frollo pic as a joke, but after browsing that artists gallery… Well, is not Ironic anymore


Damn anon, now you made me browse her gallery. Why does she draw him so fucking hot?


FKMT artist, has expirience with ojisans and atypical art styles. Check the twitter, it has a poipiku in there.


not ashamed to admit that I think that image is absolutely adorable


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Here's a question for those who like Twisted Wonderland: Are you into it as it's own thing or are you into it because of the Disney Movies it's based on?

I know for instance Kingdom Hearts surprisingly doesn't have the biggest crossover of fans with the actual movies. I was wondering if the same is true here.

Personally I love classic Disney movies, and I love the aesthetic of the game.


I started playing it just because I wanted to get into a popular gacha game. Twist seemed to be the most accesible one, and I liked classic disney, so I went for it.
I genuinely like the characters for who they are instead of what they're based on. The interactions and writting are really fun to me, So I don't regret my decision.


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>Are you into it as it's own thing or are you into it because of the Disney Movies it's based on?
None of these kek I play twst because I'm a fan of yana toboso's other works (read: black butler). Which is pretty sad now that I think about it considering black butler is on the back burner because yana is so busy with twisted wonderland… truth be told, I feel like I'm being cheated on everytime I open the game;;

Conversely, my sister is a huge Disney fucker and she adores twst and its take on the classic villains, so there's that.


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No, I'm not too big on Disney. Got nothing against it, just not my thing. I downloaded the app the moment I saw Ruggie, because he is extremely cute. He's still my best boy to this day, and Savanaclaw is my favorite dorm.

So, yeah, while I love almost all of the characters now that I've read the books, the scrappy little hyena boy is the sole reason I started playing. And I'm happy I did, because some of my closest friends are deep in TWST hell and talking to them about it is fun.


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Happy birthday to the Leech twins! I hope they have lots of steamy birthday sex~


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I love these eel boys so much. Happy Birthday!


>birthday sex
I have a very topical pixiv to share


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Based as hell. Thanks for the food nona!


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Floyd was the easy first pick for me when I started the game. I love sharp teeth so much, make any boy instantly cuter!


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>tfw managed to get both halloween Rook and Trey in the same roll

I came for the novelty of Disney making an official franchise about villain-inspired cute anime boys and stayed because the story and characters are pretty enjoyable


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I’ve been hoping and praying in the next year or so she’ll be able to lighten her load with twst and refocus on ending black butler, it’ll be so sad if it just fizzles out in the end in favor of twst, even though I love both so adamantly


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Rabbit ears!


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I hate to be that person but that hole Azul is putting his tentacles in is where a cephalopod's mouth/beak is located. He'd get his tentacle chomped off kek


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Which set of students is your favorite? Looks like Octavinelle is the most popular judging just bu thos thread.


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*By this

Phone typing is hard. Have my favorite set Pomefiore as a tax.


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savanaclaw 100%, 2nd place is octa. dia is dead last, I actively dislike their family dynamic and most all their relationships with eachother but I don't mind them with the other students as much. though in malleus's case I only like him when he's the butt of a joke or having gay sex with rollo.


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Poor Dia ohnoes

Personally like Lilia a lot, but the others do nothing for me.


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Recently picked up the game again and wow a lot has changed. I hadn't played since the second book was released in English because I feared for my wallet.
I remember enjoying Pomefiore when I first played the game (I loved Rook), but reading some of the vignettes I've unlocked got me stuck on Heartslabyul. Especially Cater and Riddle. Also really like Savanaclaw and it's book.


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Good luck catching up, I love the christmas decorations! It's a cozy f2p game, I managed to pull most event SSRs and so far I never had to pay for extra gems.


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How has it changed? I've been away for a long time but I keep thinking about going back, would like to know.
Also, when is that anime gonna get more news… I know people interested in twst that don't like gacha, the more mediums the better imo.
Rollo is cute, I was playing english version - is there a way for me to get his card? Is his event readable? If not, when…?


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Well the guest room is new, at least for me. Also there’s a special dorm card for Grimm now. Mind you it’s been almost 2 years since I played regularly


Rollo will be available next halloween, he came to jp this year with their masquerade rerun. The grim ssr was a 100th disney anniversary exclusive and they said it and the 100 year event furniture would never be available again sadly.

>when is that anime gonna get more news…

Don't hold your breath. The reason it was announced it in the first place was because it got leaked, no one working on Twst at the time was aware of it's existence. No progress has been made on it since and I wouldn't expect to hear any updates until well after the new Black Butler anime has come and gone.


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>Missed 100 year event
Aw well that's too bad. Well at least there's still a chance I'll get Rollo


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Anime when?


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I "scanned" these doujins using my phone. Quality isn't that great and some pages look a bit distorted but hey it's better than nothing right? I have a few more that I'll eventually upload, lmk if the link is working properly. https://mega.nz/folder/JysTAKKb#wKmat48DzfasiiKSA9IZ-w


Jamil/Kalim! ♥ La

Honestly wouldn't hsve been able to tell its a phone scan for most of these. Thanks nonna!


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godbless nona aaahhhhh


You're welcome nonnas.
I've added a few more and I have 13 more twst doujins that I'm planning on uploading.


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Nice! You should up them to a site like e-hentai or Hitomi to archive them there as well.

Appreciate the scans nonna!


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Oh god, I almost missed Rollo’s event. So glad I randomly had the urge to login and do some dailies. I’m so excited to get Rollo La


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good luck nona!! i just got him this morning, only 20 pulls thanks to my half ani freebies La now i just have to wait for my shitty old crow

the eel cards are so cute too, i can't wait until they come to en


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Update. Nonnies, it took 62 pulls, but I finally got Rollo. Ended up pulling both Riddle Dorm and Silver Dorm Uniform cards too.


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i love kalim. he is the light of my life, he is my sun, moon and stars. he is the ultimate best boy, he deserves everything good in life


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I love his relationship with Viper. The very light almost master-servant vibes are cute.


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I love Kalim, too! La He's one of my favorite characters. Especially after the Scarabia book. I initially brushed him off because his design wasn't my favorite, but he's really grown on me. I love how positive he is.
Kalim x Jamil is so good. I'm glad it's such a popular ship. Which one do you prefer tops? I know Jamil topping seems to be more popular, but I like the idea of Kalim topping and love bombing Jamil into submission.


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I also prefer Kalim topping! He's very overexcited and pushy about it imo. Jamil has massive uke energy honestly and I can't see him topping anyone.


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you both are so correct, thank you

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