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Tell us about your husbando


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I love my husband Narancia!!! He makes me feel things!
He's made me the happiest I've ever been, We relate to each other in a lot ways, literally we're made for each other


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My love ❤❤


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Raiden is mine


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i adore him


Went looking for this thread since nona asked what happened to the yume board. Feel like it ought to be in /ot/ really, but since it's been restored once more might as well use it.

I've been with my husbando for around 17 years now, though I've only actively participated in conversations about these things for the last decade. Not being able to share images rather suits me, since I'm very guarded about identifying him. I've had waifu communities turn out to be full of alt right nutcases; husbando servers who spend entire weekends screaming about the evils of fujoshi like one isn't sat right next to them (I suspect it was more like three, there's plenty of crossover when people have hobbies and interests instead of making a single thing their entire personality until they crash); some rando trying to "steal" him for a lark that didn't go anywhere; and of course my own crippling awareness that there are only two yume in the village and the other one is a fucking enigma of monolithic proportions. You know those people on FF.net who have been writing the same self insert fic that's entirely made of dialogue lines, five lines a chapter, for literally years and years? Adding progressively more characters from random shit and pairing them off with other characters so only she gets the anime protag while his entire friend group date the cast of CSI Miami or something? That's my only competition. The rest of his series's fanbase are fujo shippers and as a fujo who is always in fujo fandoms I find it so hard to find anything they do that doesn't grate on me. Like please stop trying to rewrite all the characters so the bad guy is now soft uwu misunderstood and the hero is actually a murderer who raped his family. I understand it's not as exciting to you to write slowburn these-dudes-need-therapy with the characters who aren't trying to kill each other and were even presented to us by the author in a wedding ceremony together, but coome on! Why are you beating the dead horse that is this series if you're only going to disregard everything that makes the villain complex and deeply fucked?

Fanbase rant to one side, I fell for the good boy. The guy who dindu nothing to nobody and needs a hug. He gets mischaracterized a lot, but it's been better since we got out of the DeviantART LOL I POKE DONUT WID A SPORK XDD era. Unfortunately now the Japanese fans only want to do "he's secretly dark and violent" AUs. I can't deny he can be violent, but he's a traumatized thing who lashes out when he's scared. There's not much calculated about it and far as it ever shows people only get hurt when he fails not when he acts. He's not the one who kills anyone but he'll pile up the grief like he did and smile a fake smile like it's all okay. It's insanely cute but I want someone to help him and his creator didn't quite get there.


Shit that went back to ranting. I guess in terms of yumeing I have a few pics people have made me and I've put myself up for but idk how I feel. Intensely flustered for one thing. Not really me though? I don't like myself as much as some people I've met in husbando circles. I still think it's funny to imagine him reacting to the shit I've read or said about him. I'd like to talk to him if I could. More than that I want more content for his series but as you might have guessed it's old and doesn't make money for anyone so there's slim chance of that. I haven't had the courage to commission art instead of art trades but I got plans and they're all recreations of scenes that don't have good scans, or were described but didn't get drawn or are only there for a short scene. I want to celebrate his canon if I can and be a stickler for it even if my brain has manufactured a billion AUs for him and his friends to go on new adventures.

This is gonna be way too long now. I knew it, now it's in two posts.


>17 years
Damn anon you are loyal! It's really sweet.
I'm curious though, how do you feel about other fujos shipping your husbando with another guy (provided they don't mischaracterize or woobify your husbando)? Does your inner fujo win or is your inner yumejo stronger?


I'm curious, who's your most obscure husbando? Mine in Minwu in FF2. I wish he were playable for longer in the game but it is what it is. I will always respect Nomura at least a little because he wanted to include him in the latest Dissidia game even though he couldn't.


*cracks knuckles*
I've got a few.

Hitler from Afterschool Charisma, the series is about characters who are clones of famous figures in an experiment to see if the positive traits of their originals will carry over to the clone. Hitler is super interesting because he feels miserable about his original and feels he needs to work doubly hard to make up for it, but at the same time there is a looming sense the entire series that it will catch up to him. There is a lot of angst and it's a kick the cutie situation.

Fuminori from Saya no Uta. Boy is cursed to see everything as grotesque blobs of meat as he grows more and more isolated over the course of the 4 hour game. I adore him and have been working off and on on a yaoi longfic since no one else will!

Hamegg from old Tezuka manga is a pretty out there choice but his is endearing in almost every series. He's got a dorky nervous energy that I love but can just as easily play a demented sadist. I usually ship him with Lamp, they bounce off of each other well.

Yuu Tobita from Gakuen Alice. Childhood crush here, but he's a cute sensitive boy with a magical power (called an Alice in this series) to create lifelike illusions. He is considered to have one of the most powerful abilities in the series, but is too passive and shy to actually use it. I remember being annoyed as a child he didn't show up more often in the series :<

Shirou Mariya from Cage of Eden. Series is about a class of students who are trapped on a deserted island full of prehistoric dinosaurs, I always describe it as Jurassic Park meets Lord of the Flies. Shirou is a supporting character who is the class prez style knowledgeable student who helps MC and the gang solve the mystery of the island. A total bro who pulls his weight the entire time and canonically the cutest character according to the female students he was another childhood favorite. Guess I've always liked glasses boys best.


The only one I know from that list is from Afterschool Charisma. I read the whole thing but can't remember anything that happens after we find out that Shiro is a clone and one of the older clones of the original Shiro is a terrorist or a serial killer.


Afterschool Charisma unfortunately does fizzle out near the end like most manga, but the highs are really good. The drama with Shiro was the real climax of the series and it struggles to keep going aftwards so I'm not surprised it's the last thing you remember.
Just glad to see someone else has read it, it's prime anime material but I doubt we'll ever get an adaptation.


>*cracks knuckles*
>I've got a few.
I'm sorry but I laughed. I do remember reading this manga years ago though and I do agree that they made him quite cute.


Thank you, to be frank I think I wouldn't have feelings that lasted this long if his series was well known and still updated. I think over time the rarity of seeing him heightened the special feeling I associate with him. I characterfag for new characters/ships and lose the spark after a year or two, but he's always remained important to me. So I'm not sure if it's true loyalty or some silly grail hunting motivation I've given myself. You know how you can keep checking auctions and secondhand sites for one unusual piece of merch for years but when a few of it turn up at once you hesitate and wonder whether you really needed it? It's harder to deflate like that if it's still the only one you've found.

My foremost priority is that the ship is kind to him. In his series there's a few villains who get pretty close to him and even do kinky shit in his vicinity, most of them die by the end of their arc, but the recurring final boss sort of guy is just the go-to ship of the last ten years or more. The Japanese fanbase will go months only ever speaking of my husbando in context of that ship. It's frustrating to me, and I've read western fics that did far more interesting things with it, that were more in line with how the villain treats people in canon (ie. he'd set up some kind of psychological torture, nestle himself in with some gullible side characters to manipulate into committing crimes, kill a few women in the bedroom, get spooked by husbando coming to punch his ass, ghost everyone and evade the law). The art and AUs they're making are really static feeling compared to those and rely on changing my husbando's personality/backstory to fit, but without mindbreaking him in the ways that happen in canon because that'd be too active and dangerous. I don't want him to suffer and be made to do evil things he doesn't want to do, but I also feel like this content isn't doing justice to what his series would pull! I want him to at least have agency and power instead of being used as some poor little uke!

As mentioned in previous posts there's some ships I don't mind. The author went and made arcs addressing why they wouldn't work out and had the characters describe each other as family, but if someone is treating him well and nobody gets hurt then it's more than my 3D ass could do! I'd like for his friends to be happy too, so if they could have romantic fluff that's not a bad deal. I don't feel strongly about shipping them though, my brain doesn't run wild with ideas and scenarios like I get with other ships, and I've always thought it was strange even before learning about waifu nonsense that I just couldn't generate interest in his ships. For that reason I do feel like I'm settling for yumejoing. A blank POV where he's happy removes all the doubts I have about other characters resolving their conflicts with him. It's him > everyone else in my head.


I literally started the series because I was intrigued after seeing young clone Hitler back then lol
I had a lot of fun with this series, actually surprised there are others that read it. I never thought about it but it WOULD be perfect anime material. The young versions of historical people alone would already attract like the majority of anime fans out of sheer curiosity and the memes and discussions would be gold.

But I feel like this is the series that would have gotten an adaption in the 00s but not now. Now there seem to be only two types of adaptions, super formulaic mainstream stuff like isekai, classroom/gamer romcoms and such or the absolute top sellers of manga. Probably because they can perfectly calculate the success, studios in the past were way more likely to experiment or adapt something odd and crazy.


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Wish my PC could handle this game but it'd absolutely melt. lol Maybe someday it'll come to a system I own.

Cute design, he looks very expressive in game too.


I don't give a shit about BG3 because it seems like it was written for millenial tumblrinas I guess I do fit the bill tho kek but it seems like this character is by far the most popular one among the love interests, even some guys online say they like him "even though he's gay". He looks a bit uncanny valley to me because of the pointy ear and fangs with his very realistic looks in the screenshots I saw so far but I get why he's popular from his looks. I like his hair.


bg3 is available on game streaming services (like geforce now), so you could experience astarion with a bad pc for a little extra cost.


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