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Post about whatever pairing or game you like! I miss FE Fates right now, I want to replay it right now. I check pixiv for the first time in forever and I was hit with nostalgia when seeing old ryomarx art and doujinshi. But I'm playing two other games right now so I'll replay it after I'm done with them.


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Alright. I'll post the same Rath/Wil again. By the way, I hope your fic of them didn't get hit by formatting issues, anon.


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Hello fujosisters, your resident ikefag here to share some love.
Not a Ike/Soren girl, but I like the art of this one artist. It's ranges from very cute to beautiful.


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>By the way, I hope your fic of them didn't get hit by formatting issues, anon.
It did haha. I was actually underage when I posted it (don't tell anybody).

I've been chewing the fat about this one with you/others in the general text and fanfic thread. It's funny how much hold it had on the franchise/fandom until 3H dropped. In hindsight it feels like it had much less staying power compared to a lot of the other games. I see more people talk about the GBA games+Awakening than I do Fates, which is why I had so much to gush about when it was brought up haha. Fateslandia STILL doesn't have a canon name.


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>In hindsight it feels like it had much less staying power compared to a lot of the other games
I'm not surprised tbh. People who started with the GBA games will always be biased and feel nostalgic over them, Awakening was the first FE game for a lot of people me included, and Fates had to deal with it's horrible publicity from the fucked localization to youtubers spouting random bs about it as if they were facts, to people not wanting to buy each route separately because different versions of one video game usually have very few differences like with Pokemon games and everyone thought it would be the same here. It's a shame, it's such a good game imo. Everyone shits on the game just for the story as if it were a novel and not a video game. It's jarring seeing people saying "Fates sucks so bad because it has fanservice and a bad story but the gameplay is good" like bitch the gameplay is by far the most important element! But yeah barely anyone posts fanart or fanfics of Fates nowadays. I used to follow a bunch of girls on tumblr and twitter around 2015/2017 who were super into it and would post very good fanart, not always with gay pairings but often enough, and they were harassed so much over their husbandos being Xander, Ryoma, Leo or Takumi that they all suddenly became less active online like in general or they made private social media accounts to compensate. In the Japanese fandom it seems like some girls have dedicated husbandos and keep posting art, and other artists just post more art when there's a new alt on FEH. I miss U_kumakichi's art sometimes but she's busy drawing her own BL now.

Although, I do hear way less about Awakening now than back in 2015 when I got my own copy and played it. Maybe I should replay this one as well and finally marry Chrom.

>Fateslandia STILL doesn't have a canon name.

I don't think it needs one, just like how Europe and Asia are on the same landmass but are still considered distinct continents for historical and cultural reasons. I admit I'm a filthy casual so I don't get why it's so important to some people.


>I admit I'm a filthy casual so I don't get why it's so important to some people.
Calling games by their landmass is (or used to be?) common shorthand for FE games because sometimes there are multiple games in the same locale. We have Archanea, Jugdral, Elibe, Tellius… Fateslandia… Fódlan, and Elyos (mildly offended this turd got a name and Fates didn't).

>like bitch the gameplay is by far the most important element!

So true. Conquest filtered a lot of people.


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>Calling games by their landmass is (or used to be?) common shorthand for FE games
I avoid talking about the games online nowadays so I guess that's why it never bothered me for Fates. If people call it Fateslandia all the time online it has the same effect anyway. Someone should have come up with a name related to the silk road or something like that it would have been cooler.

>Conquest filtered a lot of people.

I don't get it because if the story is that bad you can still skip cutscenes if you want to just clear maps. Like at some point I was so fed up with the repetitive monastery phases in FE3H I just started skipping them at the end of my two runs instead of forcing myself to talk to everyone in there and collect lost items between each chapter.


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Fates nonny! Thank you for making the thread. I hope you don't mind me posting from my massive collection, this is the Ferdinand/Hubert nonny reporting. I'll post other pairings too though dw.
>Conquest filtered a lot of people.
Conquest was easy to me, but I'm an oldfag and am used to the punishment of older games ig. I recently played 4 and I felt like that game was a little hard, tbh. Not because the battles were hard or anything, but because if you don't have a guide you can totally get screwed over with having crappy kids, making the second half of the game unplayable. I really liked the map design even if the maps were a tad large. It really made me wish they still put any effort at all into the map layouts strategy-wise, I feel like level design has been an afterthought in so many of the newer FE games.

Did anyone here play Echoes? I really enjoyed it and honestly don't get the hate for it. The characters and writing weren't amazing, but I thought it was pretty solid for an FE game, it wasn't like Engage-levels of awful. Plus, I liked Celica. I thought she was pretty cute. I also liked destroying Berkut but I'm having trouble finding nice Berkut/Fernand art.


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some hufel~ (or ferdibert) to start!


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from sudaaavx!


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for dieck/klein nonny Love_letter


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>I hope you don't mind me posting from my massive collection
This is what the thread is for tbh, go for it.

>Did anyone here play Echoes?

I did. I didn't like it though, not because it's bad but because it's just not for me. I think it felt very slow to me, between the fully voiced dialogues (I muted the voices after a while, they were in English with no option to switch to the original so not a big loss), the dungeons with almost all the encounters in them being the same one over and over again, and the RNG working against me all the time. I beat the game but I didn't do the remake exclusive content because I lost all my motivation and just didn't have a whole lot of free time back then. As for the story. I thought it was fine. Basic but not in a bad way, just straight to the point. I never understood the whole thing with how much the game hints at Alm's real identity and how it's treated as a huge surprised late in the game though. I wish it were more subtle.

>don't get the hate for it

I've seen nothing but praises for it online. But it was mostly on tumblr and twitter and it was always compared to either Awakening or Fates when being praised, so maybe opinions have changed with time? People kind of moved on from the 3DS games but if FEH releases a new Berkut alt or just Fernand in general maybe you could find some Berkut/Fernand art.


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I have a hard time sticking to Japanese immersion so I'm trying to play FE9 in moon now. I'm kind of a birdfag but these were the first seasonal pictures in my folder. It's just a coincidence.

Ike/Soren was my OTP for a couple years and I still see the appeal. It's a goldmine of feels but I got bored of it. I wish people would branch out more. There's just so much more to Tellius. I have a decent-sized folder of old Ike/Ranulf art, even a whole doujin if you're interested.

I'm still sorry about your fic. That happened to a longfic I meant to read ages ago on FFN. I can't believe AFFN has the same problem.

My friends always called everything by continent, at least on tumblr when it was big.

>Did anyone here play Echoes?
I would have played it but I always loved Celica and I'm still assmad about her lame redesign. I think they added dialogue for when a character dies next to one of their friends which every game should have, honestly.

Aaahhhhh!!!! Thank you so much! I'd never seen any art of them before at all!


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I just suddenly remembered a girl in uni. We had some classes in common during our two years of masters and after a test we talked in front of the classroom waiting for the others because she mentioned Touken Ranbu to someone and I wanted to know how she downloaded it and then we talked about FE Fates. We sperged so hard together but I never saw her after that because we mostly had different classes after that. When I told her I wished I could have played in Japanese because I married Kaze just because of Ono Daisuke she told me she had a Japanese 3DS with the Japanese game but she wanted to gay marry him, I was so jealous. It's been years but I hope she's doing ok. I wouldn't even be surprised if she were an anon here. Pic unrelated.


Been slowly making my way through the Black eagles route of Fire emblem three houses. I was totally ready to just focus on Yuri as my love interest in both branches because his character design and personality appeal to me but I ended up getting unexpectedly attached to Jeritza and his autism moe in the Crimson flower branch.


Does that mean you played through the DLC before starting this route? How is it? I did the route with the Blue Lions, then the one with the Eagles and never touched it again because of the chapters being almost always the same ones.


My first playthrough of the game was a vanilla Blue lions playthrough and I completed the DLC before my Golden deer playthrough. I thought it was enjoyable enough, making me use some characters and class combinations I wouldn't always have used. There's a few lore tidbits too. In order to prevent burnout I've pretty much been doing one route per year.


I didn't play on my own Switch at the time and I was unemployed so I rushef through the game when it got released, but I learned my lesson kek. Never again. I played several JRPGs on the Switch that have NG+ features so I think I'll replay them all at some point, including FE3H. If I do replay it I'll do a run with Claude's route, marry Seteth, and maybe try to play the DLC right before that so I can get the new characters and costumes this time.


Please post nonna, I like ike. I need more of him.


Since the 3DS won't be able to connect to the internet from April 2024 I dusted off my 3DS and I'm replaying Fates Birthright. Last time I played an FE game was 3H before the pandemic and I think I got too used to that game because holy shit, I'm just doing the intro of the game right now before the route split in Fates and I missed how the characters actually move, do things, interact with each other and how the camera moves instead of seeing characters just standing there in front of some JPEG background and occasionally frowning unless they're in a pre-rendered cutscene. I don't care what anyone says about the story in Fates, at least the presentation is better than average.


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Oh no! I'm so sorry I missed this. I'll upload it to mega or something too.


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Do nonnas have any FE crackships? Picrel is one of mine


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Thanks love. Appreciate it much. Are these your scanned doujins or are you getting them from somewhere (like e-hentai or sadpanda)?


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Sorry for the wait. Pretty sure I downloaded it from /rs/ in like 2008.


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