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Haikyuu I guess.

Favorite volleyball boyfriend pairing?


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there was a little discussion of haikyuu in the sports manga general on /bl/, but it's nice having a dedicated general for volleyball boys.

>favorite volleyball boyfriend pairing?
i'm really soft for atsuhina - i love a warm, domestic ship between two people always striving to better themselves, and the fandom always delivers on that count. here are a few of my favorite 'fic, if anyone's looking for recommendations.
>https://archiveofourown.org/works/26784688 (canon-compliant)
>https://archiveofourown.org/works/31643063 (art/museum AU)
>https://archiveofourown.org/works/29099997 (shitpost)
haikyuu has such a wealth of interesting characters, both main and secondary, that i'm really spoiled for choice. hinata has a great dynamic with pretty much anyone that he meets. even niche ships like osaaka and hiruhoshi have really talented authors writing for them.


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>Favorite volleyball boyfriend pairing?
I'm a super basic bitch, KageHina (Or HinaKage, I wish JP fujos would let Hinata top, I like vers with these two), BokuAkaa, DaichiSuga, IwaOi. Kuroken is cute too, but not my jam. KuroTsuki is hot but I can't find myself shipping. 10/10 doujins tough.

Based Furudate for not following the path of other mangaka and avoiding any retarded het pairing post time skip. A lot of pairings feel very married.

AtsuHina is really fucking hot, but sadly I'm KageHina at heart. I do like the idea of Kagehina/Hinata/Atsumu love triangle though.

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