
(i'm really enjoying the new emojis)
Any thoughts on Fontaine so far? I'm enjoying the region, it's very pretty. The blubberbeasts are my favorite
>>1885I'm loving it a lot! The Archon quest plot has been suspenseful and the region itself is really, really pretty. The underwater mechanics work surprisingly well (some of them seem to be a bit bugged) and I've been having the time of my life exploring everything. A lot of people are getting into Neuvilette and Wriothesley now but I'll have to see what Wrio is like as a character before I can settle with any ship dynamics.
>>1885>The blubberbeasts are my favoriteHalf of the enemies in Fontaine make me feel like a bully. I'm also really lukewarm on Neuvillette/Wriothesley which is upsetting because I think it's going to be the region's only m/m that actually gets a lot of content.
I also really hate hydro traveler. Having the dendro ult be so viable for application and then watching the hydro ult sail away into the horizon was genuinely upsetting.
>>1888I've seen some people ship Neuvillette with Childe which I find cute. I'm pretty excited to see how the ships will go down honestly, we never know. Plus even with boring ships I find that fujos are often creative enough to give them an interesting spin.

Though I don't think you're wrong with the idea that we might not have a lot of fujo content this update considering the amount of retarded backlash Lyney got from korean smelly incels cuz they found him too gay.

makes me think where were they 3 years ago
>>1890>retarded backlash Lyney got from korean smelly incels cuz they found him too gay.I've been hearing a lot about how Koreans now have a burgeoning incel population between this and the Project Moon drama. Back during launch I straight up thought Venti was a cute girl until they dropped the first "he", so it's annoying when very clearly new fans come in and make a stink.
>>1916This also makes me think of chinese scaramouche haters that killed a cat cuz they thought scara was taking away their time with nahida and cuz scara has a huge female fanbase
>>1917That better not be the story behind the blender video.
I hate though when people associate these things with fans of a character, especially not with violent crimes. More often than not it's an unhinged person who was just looking for an excuse to do something evil.
>>1918i think the blender story is unrelated, but personally i haven't checked the image of the dead cat (cuz the threads that talk about it do have the link to the image)
>>1890You forget we won't get fujos because of the yumes. They're so angry about not getting Alhaitham that I wouldn't be surprised if they're the reason we don't get any fujobait.
Lyney is already another traveler fanservice character. It's not even just the Koreans if you go on 4chan the Genshin general still has regular meltdowns about him. Lyney will get some homo stuff, but yumes are so crazy I'm sure they put Childe back to be extra pandering because of them, and they'll make sure none of the tall men really interact. It shouldn't stop people, but Genshin fandom is retarded and thinks ships should be canon to be shipped.
>>2005I think he's fightsexual who loves to earn an asskicking.
>>2275Even without the fujopandering I think Sumeru is a tough act to follow. It gave me a new and extremely fun element, my favorite archon, playable Scaramouche, a viable Traveler element, many cool set pieces in my favorite biome (desert), little forest guys, and even activated my yuri crackship almonds.
I've been dicking around in Fontaine but haven't even gotten to the meat of the Archon quest. It's funny that rumor goes well with the vibe I'm getting so far–much like Inazuma I think I'm going to end up not giving a shit about the Archon quest but really like the side stuff. I already did Ann and the one with that dickhead diver guy and thought they were cool. Melusines are super cute too.
I'm rolling for Furina just because "collect the archons" has been my base goal from launch, but I honestly haven't clicked with any of the Fontaine group so far. Of the near future based on leaks I'm only really looking forward to my girl Cloud Retainer (and maybe finally laying eyes on a leaked Varka design so we can finally twist the cap off of the Capitano/Varka porn).
>>2275I think they're afraid of fujo pandering now because of psycho yumes. Even Neuvillette getting this lore important straight ship makes it feel like they're trying to course correct for not feeding the yumes enough.
moids are all like "hurr durr Furina brat needs correction plap plap" but they're forgetting Scara is the OG of correction-needing brat from this game
>>1888>Half of the enemies in Fontaine make me feel like a bully. And I'm reporting in live from Natlan and killing these baby saurians makes me feel like Super Hitler.
Other than that I already like Natlan more than Fontaine. I did all of the story stuff the first 2 weeks instead of the several months Fontaine took me. I get the feeling this is going to be another fujo-lite region for me though, rip. IDK what is going on with the post-Sumeru men but they are just NOT hitting for me.
>>3045>And I'm reporting in live from Natlan and killing these baby saurians makes me feel like Super Hitler. KEK for real though, maybe it's a good thing that Natlan only has one confirmed 5-star male character because I feel horrible killing those poor little things.
Anyway, I've kind of lost hope for any fujo material coming out in Genshin in a long time. I'm still so hung up on Alhaitham and Kaveh that Neuvillette and Wriothesley just didn't do it for me, after I've tasted the fruit of homo roommates there's no going back anymore. Would anyone be interested in a Star Rail thread here by the way?
>>3093>I've kind of lost hope for any fujo material coming out in Genshin in a long timeI feel the same way. Outside of
Enjou being in Kinich's quest I haven't really felt much homo from the game since Sumeru, the homo country.
I'd be interested in a general Hoyo thread. IMO every individual game is too slow to have its own, including Genshin these days.
>>420whos this artist nona?
>>3147Hope im not too late, its @MoB_Hwan on twitter/X
>>3245NTA but I love her work so much, if anyone knows any artists with a similar vibe I'd love to know.