>Who's the best boy?Scaramouche's not playable yet but once he's released I'm sacrificing my credit card for him.
>What are your favourite ships?For some reason I find Zhongli x Childe to be the most interesting couple. Especially because Mihoyo themselves keep shilling them kek
>Any wishes for the future male characters?I want a real shota character, moids have gotten multiple lolis by this point while the best we can get is the teenage boy model. I'm not even into shota or anything but it would just be cute. I'm also waiting for Heizou to be released.
>Who fucks Aether the most? Fatuis use him as a meat toilet
>>90Enjoy your well-earned Itto anon! And don't worry, Ayato is sure to get a rerun in the near future as have all the other recently released 5 star characters.
>Xiao has the most passionate rough sex with Aether until his health bar reaches 0, I admire thatExquisite taste tbh
>>89>Who's the best boy?I don't have one
>What are your favourite ships?anything gay, but xiao/aether are canon in my eyes
>Any wishes for the future male characters?less rat tails, better clothes, no more geo/anemo boys please give us cryo, pyro and electro for fucks sake
>Who fucks Aether the most?xiao
>>409I saw someone somewhere saying that this ship sucks and makes no sense because wah there's no interaction in the actual game, as if I care, I want to see these two men fuck. Plus my imagination is good enough where I can imagine them interacting, imagine being an imaginationlet. Based ship.
>>433Samefag but you've got taste anon hehe
>>433>>434If only we had these, my wallet will never be the same!
>>433>>434Holy fuck i wish mhy weren't cowards and actually gave the males outfits like these then I might be arsed to play the damn game. That male Ganyu is doing something to me.
>>477He'd have all sort of stench stuck on his skin and hair from hanging out with wolves so much
>>486Pure sex design, another win for twink lovers
>>486I'm absolutely loving this little shit and will lewd him as much as I can. Twink appreciators win again.
>>496>those pitsFucking gross. And the weird smell fetish anon needs to fuck off from this thread immediately.
>>486Femboyfags are trying to claim him just as they did with Gorou
>>498hey you're mean lemme enjoy that boy's armpits
>>537he probably cut his hair to prevent guys from hair fucking him
>>727T o T so tiny I love his cute supple thighs
Embedding error.
>>767this artist and the other intense uke venti artists the sole good thing to come of the genshin fandom
ventus especially like i swear to you she just gets it
>>768gnnn this art is SUBLIME
>>864i am so very tired of twitter discourse about sumeru. i want to tell every one of them that we get it, hoyoverse is racist, fuck off and play another game.
even worse yet is when they're claiming to seek representation but go on to harrass the non-white VAs for character design, something which is completely out of their control. and they do not give a shit about the people that are actually from the supposed areas that sumeru is based upon.
but all in all, sumeru is fun regardless of what twittards say. i like it. good game.
>>864Wish loli archon was brown because it would look so much better with her dress. I love white/brown/green. Brown in general is such an underrated color, I love that Aether, Zhongli, and Hu Tao rock it.
Genshin is the only gachashit that seems to respect the fujodollar and for that I haven't dropped it completely. At the end of the day I like having the context to enjoy all of the fanart/fic (although god the fanfic scene is so fucking bad, I spend more time looking for something worthwhile than I do actually reading).
>>869Chinese colorism goes back to the Han Dynasty. Seeing westerners flog themselves over it is really annoying.
>>864Tower of Fantasy is a scam, they steal assets and animations from other games (including Genshin), fake user reviews and put things they promised to be available behind a pay wall. Don't give them your money or time. That said, I'm really enjoying Sumeru and can't wait for more Alhaitham&Kaveh interaction, I'm already deep into shipping them despite the man only existing through bits and pieces at this time.
>>869They're harassing the voice actors for the skin color discourse now? These people need to get a fucking life, it's extremely exhausting to see the "why is Mihoyo afraid of black people?!?!?" comments under every single character that they reveal. I get it, you want black characters and I totally agree that it's silly that Sumeru barely has darker skinned NPCs, but let's be real all of the characters were pale skinned even in the beginning and promises of a diverse cast were never made. You kind of have nobody but yourself to blame for placing expectations that won't be met.
>>864>Genshin is the only gachashit that seems to respect the fujodollarGenshin seems to pander me to yume than anything, there is very little BL subtext in this game, especially compared to Yuri.
>>876True, not saying there aren't cute boys, but Genshin seems very focused on the female characters overall.
Also, honestly plenty of gacha games in recent years have noticed the female market. FGO is still my standard for overt gay-content, but a lot of other games are at least including platonic male-male relationships.
>>876>>879There are plenty of concepts in the game meant for fujos either intentionally or not.
>Kaeya and Diluc are very obviously fujopandering, even the artist of the official manga ships them, I mean come on how can you actually forget about them>Xingqiu and Chongyun are obviously meant to be read as soulmates with their shared history, relationship dynamic, their colours being meant to be swaps of each other, their play style being meant to be used together, both holding amulets they made for each other, appearing in events together…>Ayato implied to be obsessed with Thoma and treating him as his doggy seeing how his dialogue lines always come back to this and bullying Thoma and Thoma himself being underlined as a dog person>All the foreshadowing for Alhaitham and Kaveh>Gorou being described as beautiful by Yae and being made to cross dress, Itto simps for his "female form" >Bennett and Razor in the Windblume festival event, their close friendship being referred to even when Razor is offscreen in the previous Dragonspine event>Venti being a petite pretty boy (with a sexy god outfit) who took the form of his dead best friend, not to forget Kazuha's dead boyfriendetc. Characters like Xiao and Childe are more Yume-pandering but frankly you can also make the main character a cute blonde male twink and turn it into a fujo galore instead.
>>881Oh!! as someone that ships Gorou and Itto (so much that they're in my team) I remember how Gorou was basically DESIGNED to be Itto's best support gameplay wise. Other than that Gorou is a very useless character. I guess you could use him with Noelle but his abilities only truly shine when used in a team with Itto. [spoiler]I actually met someone on Genshin that named themselves Itto. It made me rename my account to Gorou and now each time this person comes to my world we semi-RP Gorou x Itto interactions. It's kinda cute. That person keeps making their Itto say "Little Gorou" for my Gorou and help me with Boss fights and what not since their Itto is actually real banger strong. Must be a whale or a meta slave. Either way, cute interactions that fullfill my love for my Genshin Impact OTP. GOROU AND ITTO FOREVEEEER!!~[/spoiler]
>Gorou being described as beautiful by Yae and being made to cross dress, Itto simps for his "female form" My only gripe about this is to see that people (moids tbh) prefer Gorou's "female" form. The whole cross-dressin thing is also a BL trope so it annoys me to see straight dudes prefer Miss Hina over the actual cute Gorou boy.
>>916My man has two right feet wtf
>>918why'd you point that out nona
>>347A ship that I don't see get mentioned a lot is Ayaitto, I love their dynamic so much!
the feeling of the princely but sadistic character x the delinquent with a big heart is a classic!!
they're complete opposites but they bond over Genius Invokation TCG and onikabuto battles which is supper MOE
I hope they get more interaction cause I need more content with these two
>>981im an ittorou shipper but i do think they're very cute too!!
>>91>I want a real shota characterme too anon me too
There's like 5 lolis and 0 shotas. dafug
>>981My nonna I love this ship too for the reasons you mentioned kek, I hate how rare it is compared to Ittorou and Thomato.
>>9837 if you count Kusanali and Yaeyae. I doubt we'll ever get an actual shota but it's still unfair that male characters have only 2 models while female characters have 3.
>>997the amount of people seething over kaeluc are fuckin hilarious. Incest is wincest!
>>998The funniest thing about Kaeluc antis is that there wasn't even a rival ship compelling them to act this way. All this drama over literally nothing, not even a good old fashioned ship war.
>>998I'm more of a luckae person but I completely agree with you lol people are just jealous
I haven't played in such a LONG time now but I'm tempted to go back and play, are the new charcter additions worth it? What new yaoi do we have so far?
>>1013I swear every single brown boy in Genshin gets drawn in the most obnoxious tumblr way possible
>>1016>Mikangl thought it was len at first
>>1016I love Rainbow Mika so it was kind of disappointing clicking on the "Mika" trend the other day only to get slapped with a Genshin boy. His "bird" theme looks like it would be perfect for the "small" body male we don't have yet. Oh well.
>>1017Also this lmao
>>1014Inazuma was a very weak region overall, the characters were all very tropey and forgettable, the story was hurried and badly paced. Sumeru is a massive improvement over it and has Tighnari and Cyno right from the beginning and Alhaitham will be joined by Kaveh later. It took over half a year for Ayato to appear in Inazuma and Thomato isn't that interesting of a ship in my opinion since Thoma is such a boring otomefag husbando character. At least Itto was fun and Gorou was cute, but that was basically what Inazuma had to offer. Heizou was released too late to contribute to anything in the entire story.
>>1016I love him so fucking much, I will c6 him from the first banner he appears on
>>1030the only correct way to consume thoma is to make him get fucked by all the boys
>>1017him and Gorou are like if Len was kinda ugly
>>1055He's got similarly goofy hair u_u I do think he looks more like Sora than Len now that you mention it, though
I started playing Genshin less than a year ago and I just haven't had much time to play so I'm still slogging trough the Inazuma storyline I really like Scaramouche's design but I have only seen one cutscene with him so far>__>. Can't wait til I have catched up with the Archeon quest so i can start hanging out with the Genshin fandom
>>1078>so i can start hanging out with the Genshin fandomStart bracing yourself because these bitches crazy.
Also there was a bit of Scaramouche in the limited events Unreconciled Stars (first canonical appearance) and Labyrinth Warriors (not physically present but involves what becomes of him post-Inazuma), both of which you can find on YouTube.
I hope they at least add in-game summaries (perhaps in animated form like the battle pass story) for the limited events because there's a lot of lore just gone forever to a new player unless they care (or even know) to dig.
>>1079I honestly don't feel too left behind and confused by the story so far. Most of the time I think I can figure it out by context. Though the Inazuma quest is kinda weird. I feel like there is alot unsaid in the story and I don't know if it's because I haven't played some limited events or if everything will fall into place at the end.
I will definitely check Scaramouche's events out though
>>1076cool cosplay! i like it
>>1079>>1080To be fair you don't have to know the lore inside and out, just the basic gist of it. The main story is generally pretty straightforward but it gets derailed with a lot of confusing terminology and side quests, you just have to kinda go with it. You'll know when the things you're supposed to be paying attention to come when there's a pre-rendered cutscene at least.
>>1272I don't play Genshin but both of these characters are really cute!
>>1109I'm so hoping for an event where Gorou and Tighnari meet and Tighnari gives him tail care tips. That would be the cutest thing ever.
>>1290SAME!! i'd kill for that
>>1282>>1272he's so cute. the cutscene at the end of his boss fight drove me nuts, watching the light completely drain from his eyes… he's so perfect for brat correction.
I've been saving for him since the stars event and I'm so ready to finally have him in my sweaty mitts.
>>1339The only brat in the history of ever that I didn't immediately hate. Watching him eat shit made me feel bad. If I miss the 50/50 and fall short of hitting pity again he'll be the first character I actually pay to get.
>>1340The fanart where Nahida is basically is new mom is very cute. 10000% platonic m/f is something I always want but rarely get.
>>1364>>1364good choice! itto is a hottie~ im curious what is the fetish you unlocked, nona?
>>1366lol nona you're a woman of taste, i applaud you <3
>>1364Itto's a great pick. IMO relative unpopularity compared to "the big four" (Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Zhongli) protects him from the worst fans.
>>1443Congrats! I won the coin toss but have enough to hit pity again. Kind of want to go for more Gorou cons and hopefully lose the next toss then bank the guarantee until the next new 5-star (Al?). Gameplay-wise I've never been too fond of anemo but I want to build him anyway.
I liked Wanderer's story and am happy it came with more lore dumps. I absolutely hate how there's no canon new name for him. It sounds autistic but this is probably gonna mess with ability to read fanfic about him (which sucks because Wanderer/Traveler is pretty good imo). Please think of the fujos, Hoyoverse. :c
>>1496Chinese yumejos in general do that on a regular basis in every fandom they exist in.
>>1496That's hysterical. One thing I really "like" about Genshin is that the waifuwhales essentially guarantee no lady is going to have great romantic chemistry with a dude outside of everybody's mild-to-severe crush on the Traveler. Being able to blindly play a game with the guarantee I'm not going to get slapped in the face with hetshit in the playable cast is an amazing feeling.
For whatever reason I never applied this train of thought to yumejos and homo stuff. Did they have this bad of a reaction when Childe and Yoimiya were hanging together in the woods last patch (dude if I were a Chilumifag I would STILL be seething) or is it specifically homophobia?
>panderingYou just know they have to set aside time in story creation to discuss what X and Y interacting with each other will mean for fujos/yumes/waifufags in relation to their bottom line. Would love to be a fly on that wall.
>>1499>They have gotten entire websites shut down for ruining their husbando delusions.Please spoonfeed us some stories about this.
>>1500>Please spoonfeed us some stories about this.Not that anon, but they're basically the reason ao3 got banned on China, for one.
>>1500>Did they have this bad of a reaction when Childe and Yoimiya were hanging together in the woods last patchYeah, they apparently had an enormous meltdown over that as well. Childe attracts the most insane yume crowd, hands down. They kind of ruined him as a character to me because now I'm just reminded of all the chilumifags and their uncontested lunacy. The only thing of value cn yumes did was cancel guizhong kek
>>1500One of the biggest ones was when the Archive Of Our Own (also known as AO3, a fanfic hosting site) was blocked in China because they got insanely jealous of the RPF fics written of a popular, attractive danmei actor Xiao Zhan, particularly one exploding all over the place in which he's portrayed as a crossdressing prostitute. The fic's premise and RPF in general are pretty terrible (and ~problematic~) but it was the abundance of gay fanfiction there that got the site blocked. Some CCP shills argue that the site was scheduled to be blocked anyway but it's highly unlikely seeing how reactionary the Chinese government is and how they've done this before. I wish I remembered more but a lot of Chinese drama is behind a language barrier and hard to dig up. They've also had a lot of drama in the twisted wonderland fandom apparently.
>>1501>>1502Thanks, knowing what to google led to a detailed fanlore article. Radical acts of autism mystify me.
>Childe attracts the most insane yume crowdI think he attracts the most insane crowd period. I can't absolve fujos of this even if their tastes are better. After I finished the Liyue arc+Childe's story quest I went to poke around Twitter/Ao3 and I felt like I played a completely different game (this was arguably the case, given how shoddy the English localization can be).
>>1535damn he looks like that annoying chick from Promised Neverland
>>1537Looks like Howl to me.
>>1538The real howl of genshin is kaveh imo.
I'm pissed we still know shit all about his kit and he won't be on al haitham's banner, should be fucking illegal to separate this clearly married couple. Blatant fujo oppression and wallet squeezing. If their kits don't synergize I'm gonna throw a shitfit.
>>1491I want to believe. Tighnari especially would be cute if his body forced him to get a little wild, you know he'd be desperately trying to maintain composure, but if things came too it he'd be blunt….
>>1605>>1606Reporting for duty.
What do you like the most about him? Who do you like him with?
Personally, the fact that he's a puppet is key because it means he can be fucked and broken up with zero regards for his safety. He doesn't even need to breathe, so you can do him literally anywhere and don't have to worry. His body will always heal so it's best to be rough because he probably longs to take damage anyway. I think it's cute how suicidal he is, yet he has this fragile smug exterior anyway.
For me it's Dottore because Dottore can serve all my fetishes, but at this point Kazuha seems like endgame so that's good too. Childe is a little less good for me but there's a lot of potential especially with his abyss form so I won't turn my nose up at it. I like the idea of them brutally using each other.
Also people should write more stuff of him getting fucked in the ports used for the God mech that would be really sexy. All I could think about during those cutscenes is "I bet Dottore stuck his dick in there", like for what purpose are those cables so girthy if not to indicate he can take cock??? Whore behavior frankly.
>>1643happy birthday cute Thoma!!!
Also have Zhongli inspecting Xiao's fangs!
>>1679i love gorou so fukin much it's unreal
>>1693Someone needs to stop him!
Genshinanons you need to play the Alhaitham story quest that came out with today's patch, Mihoyo is essentially just dangling him and Kaveh being lovers in front of our faces.
>>1712yeah it's basically canon!!

(i'm really enjoying the new emojis)
Any thoughts on Fontaine so far? I'm enjoying the region, it's very pretty. The blubberbeasts are my favorite
>>1885I'm loving it a lot! The Archon quest plot has been suspenseful and the region itself is really, really pretty. The underwater mechanics work surprisingly well (some of them seem to be a bit bugged) and I've been having the time of my life exploring everything. A lot of people are getting into Neuvilette and Wriothesley now but I'll have to see what Wrio is like as a character before I can settle with any ship dynamics.
>>1885>The blubberbeasts are my favoriteHalf of the enemies in Fontaine make me feel like a bully. I'm also really lukewarm on Neuvillette/Wriothesley which is upsetting because I think it's going to be the region's only m/m that actually gets a lot of content.
I also really hate hydro traveler. Having the dendro ult be so viable for application and then watching the hydro ult sail away into the horizon was genuinely upsetting.
>>1888I've seen some people ship Neuvillette with Childe which I find cute. I'm pretty excited to see how the ships will go down honestly, we never know. Plus even with boring ships I find that fujos are often creative enough to give them an interesting spin.

Though I don't think you're wrong with the idea that we might not have a lot of fujo content this update considering the amount of retarded backlash Lyney got from korean smelly incels cuz they found him too gay.

makes me think where were they 3 years ago
>>1890>retarded backlash Lyney got from korean smelly incels cuz they found him too gay.I've been hearing a lot about how Koreans now have a burgeoning incel population between this and the Project Moon drama. Back during launch I straight up thought Venti was a cute girl until they dropped the first "he", so it's annoying when very clearly new fans come in and make a stink.
>>1916This also makes me think of chinese scaramouche haters that killed a cat cuz they thought scara was taking away their time with nahida and cuz scara has a huge female fanbase
>>1917That better not be the story behind the blender video.
I hate though when people associate these things with fans of a character, especially not with violent crimes. More often than not it's an unhinged person who was just looking for an excuse to do something evil.
>>1918i think the blender story is unrelated, but personally i haven't checked the image of the dead cat (cuz the threads that talk about it do have the link to the image)
>>1890You forget we won't get fujos because of the yumes. They're so angry about not getting Alhaitham that I wouldn't be surprised if they're the reason we don't get any fujobait.
Lyney is already another traveler fanservice character. It's not even just the Koreans if you go on 4chan the Genshin general still has regular meltdowns about him. Lyney will get some homo stuff, but yumes are so crazy I'm sure they put Childe back to be extra pandering because of them, and they'll make sure none of the tall men really interact. It shouldn't stop people, but Genshin fandom is retarded and thinks ships should be canon to be shipped.
>>2005I think he's fightsexual who loves to earn an asskicking.
>>2275Even without the fujopandering I think Sumeru is a tough act to follow. It gave me a new and extremely fun element, my favorite archon, playable Scaramouche, a viable Traveler element, many cool set pieces in my favorite biome (desert), little forest guys, and even activated my yuri crackship almonds.
I've been dicking around in Fontaine but haven't even gotten to the meat of the Archon quest. It's funny that rumor goes well with the vibe I'm getting so far–much like Inazuma I think I'm going to end up not giving a shit about the Archon quest but really like the side stuff. I already did Ann and the one with that dickhead diver guy and thought they were cool. Melusines are super cute too.
I'm rolling for Furina just because "collect the archons" has been my base goal from launch, but I honestly haven't clicked with any of the Fontaine group so far. Of the near future based on leaks I'm only really looking forward to my girl Cloud Retainer (and maybe finally laying eyes on a leaked Varka design so we can finally twist the cap off of the Capitano/Varka porn).
>>2275I think they're afraid of fujo pandering now because of psycho yumes. Even Neuvillette getting this lore important straight ship makes it feel like they're trying to course correct for not feeding the yumes enough.
moids are all like "hurr durr Furina brat needs correction plap plap" but they're forgetting Scara is the OG of correction-needing brat from this game
>>1888>Half of the enemies in Fontaine make me feel like a bully. And I'm reporting in live from Natlan and killing these baby saurians makes me feel like Super Hitler.
Other than that I already like Natlan more than Fontaine. I did all of the story stuff the first 2 weeks instead of the several months Fontaine took me. I get the feeling this is going to be another fujo-lite region for me though, rip. IDK what is going on with the post-Sumeru men but they are just NOT hitting for me.
>>3045>And I'm reporting in live from Natlan and killing these baby saurians makes me feel like Super Hitler. KEK for real though, maybe it's a good thing that Natlan only has one confirmed 5-star male character because I feel horrible killing those poor little things.
Anyway, I've kind of lost hope for any fujo material coming out in Genshin in a long time. I'm still so hung up on Alhaitham and Kaveh that Neuvillette and Wriothesley just didn't do it for me, after I've tasted the fruit of homo roommates there's no going back anymore. Would anyone be interested in a Star Rail thread here by the way?
>>3093>I've kind of lost hope for any fujo material coming out in Genshin in a long timeI feel the same way. Outside of
Enjou being in Kinich's quest I haven't really felt much homo from the game since Sumeru, the homo country.
I'd be interested in a general Hoyo thread. IMO every individual game is too slow to have its own, including Genshin these days.
>>420whos this artist nona?
>>3147Hope im not too late, its @MoB_Hwan on twitter/X
>>3245NTA but I love her work so much, if anyone knows any artists with a similar vibe I'd love to know.