No.1020[Last 50 Posts]
Post content related to the general Persona franchise.
Megami Tenshi Thread here
>Fav installment? >Fav social links?>Fav villains?>Thoughts on the direction of the franchise>Where do you hope the sequels go? No.1024
>>1023Mukidashite: Bare (Your Teeth) is a good exploration of how Dojima and Adachi's relationship would evolve after he gets out of prison. Props to the author for trying to realistically address Inaba being hostile to Adachi and find it off-putting Dojima is taking in a criminal who hurt his family. The story goes on for a little too long but the first part is good imo.
Some of the shorts on badbadbathouse were great, I don't know if the Livejournal is still around though.
>>1022>Gay social link please alá Persona 2, or female MC that may or may not be optional.I hope every party member will be romancable in future games. I don't like games that lock those interactions behind gender options unless the character is written differently depending on the player character. FemMC in P3 is a good example of the game subtly shifting, but I still prefer the full set of options.
>>1022>Portable P5 Royale please.It'll be on tw Switch in about a month, close enough. I'll preorder a copy of this and Bayonetta 3 today after work. I'm phone posting so I have no pictures, but I'll post more later.
>>1020Ii can't believe I played P3P for the first time 10 years ago… I was super excited for P5 when it was announced in 2013 after I beat P4G, with the trailer with nothing but the chairs, and I still haven't fully played it. A friend of a friend bought the game for the PS4 so I could play at his place but he was really fucking annoying, would ignore me the whole time, would shit talk me for having game overs because of the RNG and blaming me, telling me he's some sort of expert gamer who knows everything while also telling me P5 was developed by the devs of Resonance of Fate, saving his progress over my own, etc. I stopped bothering and now P5R will be released on a bunch of platforms soon so I'll get it on the Switch. Anyway, I'm not too desperate for a new Persona game for now, I have the rest of Megaten to scratch that itch.
>Thoughts on the direction of the franchiseIt's more about story telling I guess but I really disliked how the writers pretend that Persona 1 and 2 don't exist. P3 can be seen as a direct sequel of the Snow Quest in a subtle way but after that there's nothing, it's a shame. And I dislike how in P4 and P5 (from what I've seen at least) the beginning for each game is super interesting, sets the mood just right, and then the middle of the game is fairly generic and it feels like nothing happens way too suddenly because the games want to introduce way too many playable characters, and then the story becomes focused again. I kind of wish the calendar system would go just to see how the next games will be. Catherine and its remaster had a very interesting story and since it was way shorter it didn't feel boring the same way in the middle, so that's why I suspect the calendar system to be behind this.
And lol I remember reading Happy Shitty Life and being reminded of Adachi everytime the MC would cry about being sent to a shithole for his "mistake".
Finally, I've been waiting for this. I wanted to make a persona thread before long ago but didn't want to seem too obnoxious about it.
>Fav installment? P2EP. From nusona, P3.
>Fav social links?Akinari, Dojima/Nanako, Yusuke, Goro's royal slink
>Fav villains?Nyarlathotep, Kandori, Adachi, Takuto (barely a villian, but still)
>Thoughts on the direction of the franchiseI was going to say something positive but after Atlus announced no news for the concert I think all my hopes are fucking dead. I think it was doing fine but most of the P5 related releases aside form Royal kind of sucked (Q2, Strikers) and I don't know what other sort of spinoff games could they do. Even if I like oldsona, I wouldn't want them to get the spinoff treatment.
>Where do you hope the sequels go?Royal was really damn good so I hope they actually tackle more psychological concepts and morally grey plotlines instead of straight up "bad people bad, good people good" like vanilla P5 was.
Also hoping for another human male villian like Adachi/Takuto because they're the kind of characters I tend to adore.
Unpopular opinion but just like this anon
>>1031 I wish they got rid of the calendar system. It's way too limiting in terms of storytelling. I would say rework slinks too in a way that character development isn't stuck in optional content, but that's too much.
Love Tatsuya and Katsuya, simple as.
It's funny that earlier this year I used to complain exactly here over how rare it was to find art of them nowadays despite being popular before. Now I found at least some friends and
befriended this exact artist I'm posting so all is good.
>>1037> I would say rework slinks too in a way that character development isn't stuck in optional content, but that's too much.I wouldn't mind them reworking links, there is a huge disconnect with the characters social-link development and how they actually act within the main plot sections. If your interactions actually mattered for story segments (like maybe a development check for relevant plot points) i wouldn't mind it being locked.
Also when they updated them in P5 the perks given kinda defeat the point of picking characters you want to create ties with and makes it about choosing the characters who most benefit your gameplay. I hope this feature is dropped whenever 6 comes out.
>>1039>>1037I found the social links in P4 repetitive compared to the main story. Like, you'd rescue a character who's threatened by their shadow, they get most of their character development there and then, join the list of payable characters and then their social links are about how they finally realize the cause of their personal issues and solve them. Which already happens in the main story. That's not the case for Yosuke since he's playable as soon as the game starts and for Teddie because his SL is automatic but still. In P3P it was also like that for some of the added SL. I did a NG+ run with the FEMC, completed Junpei's SL very early in the game because all the other ones available at that point were the same as my first run, he tells me he was jealous of me for being chosen as the leader but he got over it and will always be my bff, and THEN you get through the dungeon where he acts like a jealous, petty bitch. That disconnect was weird.
>Love Tatsuya and Katsuya, simple as.I really liked P2IS's story, it was fun, it really felt like I was playing the video game version of a 90s action shojo manga, I don't know how else to explain that. The battles were slow as fuck though so I played it little by little to not get too frustrated with that. I wish the new Persona devs could bring back everyone as a wild card and fusion spells because I liked the fusion spells in P2 and DDS1 and 2 a lot. And given that the new Persona devs are supposed to be a younger team with a bunch of women and they're the one who made Vincent bi in Catherine Fullbody, maybe there's hope for a future gay SL. I should probably give P2EP a try but apparently it ends on an even more depressing note than P2IS and the gameplay is largely the same. But Katsuya is cute.
>>1138>so close there was an english dub of the confessionIt's been 1000 years and I'm still kind of butthurt.
>>1138I consider it canon, I don't give a fuck. Atlus kept adding more and more hints and fanservice in new games and adaptations, they know what they're doing, and the new Persona team is apparently full of young women and they're the one who made Vincent bisexual in Catherine Fullbody.
>>1182Yes, it is gayer. It has more scenes, his social link is now manual. I am at Rank 5 and am now happily shipping him with MC, no spoilers but he will happily take MC to date spots and spam your phone with gay texts asking MC out, it's adorable.
>>1249>>1249Am just outside the Medjed chapter.
It's 10/10. Mainly it's portable (Which is kinda suck since impossible to add gay mods), which makes the long story easier to play through several times. It makes it easier to max out your character so you can see more stuff, if that makes sense. The new girl love interest is ok I guess, she doesn't stand out to me. Male social links can now accept gifts, finally. They also added a hot therapist social link for us fujos, he is nice and full-fills the 'dating a male teacher' ship for MC, kind of like a reverse Kawakami in being an endearing adult trying to keep his shit together.
There is a shout-out to the Little Prince who makes Mementos more fun, makes it feel more lore-filled and less 'empty' in a way that feels very connected to the urban feeling of the game, I think he's a big improvement.
Translator still has problems understanding how to use singular 'they' in English which is alarming since the translator does get it right sometimes, which makes an otherwise good translation sound phoned in.
We get a nice lovely bonus area where we can view stuff and it can be edited by dungeon theme and filled with whatever character models we want, very nice bonus content with extra character conversations, and also you can play cards with oshis.
>>1253>Male social links can now accept gifts, finally. They also added a hot therapist social link for us fujos, he is nice and full-fills the 'dating a male teacher' ship for MC, kind of like a reverse Kawakami in being an endearing adult trying to keep his shit together.Nice to hear that there is more stuff in the game besides just a FemMC coat of paint. P3's deluxe edition was great and had quality of life improvements, but I thought P4G was too Marie-focused. Good to hear this version seems to be more like the former.
Also when I get it I'm definitely messing around with that bonus area, that sounds dope as hell.
>>1254I'll also mention that the battles are easier because you can knock foes out differently, and this works on bosses, too. I see what you mean about P4, now that you mention it. It feels like both P4 and P3 had big 'main gimmics' in FemC and Marie, while this game's gimmick seems to be just 'More stuff to fill the adventure out'. New girl is a gymnast and has her own story, I'm sure she's interesting for people who like her. She personally reminds me a bit of Blossom from PowerPuff Girls.
>>1182To add to this: Summer rolled around and Akechi just invited me on an aquarium date.
>>1249I don't have a lot of free time so I'm still not done with the first dungeon. And then Bayonetta 3 got released too so I played the shit out of that game.
>>1253I'm playing with the Japanese voiced and French translation (for once) and I don't notice anything wrong. When I was halfway through the original game all in English I found the dialogs weird sometimes, and Ryuji sounded annoying as fuck and didn't swear, meanwhile now he acts like a normal personal and actually swears like a guy like him would, I like him a lot more just for that.
>>1260Thank you for letting me know this, I _never_ play the game in English if there's an alternative, and I see what you mean about Ruji never swearing in the English translation (Despite him really doing the equivalent in JP). I've found a few more 'hiccups' and while the English translation flows well, I have concluded that the person who translated is not a good enough English speaker to translate this professionally.
>>1182It just got even gayer. No more spoilers, I'll just log here if the game surpasses the homo of the current event, but trust me shit got real gay. Like, Kanji-adjacent gay.
>>1509Hate how close this was to being an option. There were ENGLISH voice lines.
>>1517Have any developers ever addressed why it was cut?
I'm bitter too, Youske screams closet case and I actually think it would be better for his character if he was crushing on MC.
>>1518It's never properly addressed by anyone from Atlus, but they added a shit ton of fanservice between these two in the anime, the spinoffs, P4G, etc. and it's been a while but in games where Yu is given a voice and a more specific personality he's just as obsessed with Yosuke. Shit like him saying in the fighting game that he doesn't want to buy Yosuke a porn magazine about nurses because then Yosuke would think about him when jerking off, the anime showing Yu crying in Yosuke's arms instead of the reverse like in the game because of Nanako's coma, the girls in the dancing game thinking they're dating, that kind of things. iirc the next Persona game(s) will be taken care of by a new team of new hires, Atlus hired a bunch of young women and the usual Persona team and the new hires worked together on Catherine Fullbody to train them, test some stuff and the result is that now Vincent
is bisexual and his new love interest is a young guy who's crossdressing and explicitly meant to me a guy and not trans like Erica so I suspect the new female devs to be fujoshi. Fingers crossed.
>>1699Yu looks so cute here, I could look at this for hours.
>>1700He's probably me favorite protag, especially with the anime personality. I like Minato design-wise best.
What's everyone's favorite MC be it personality or looks?
>>1713He's soo cute! Would love to see more Yosuke omorashi fanart.
>>1702>What's everyone's favorite MC be it personality or looks?Minato/Makoto. I liked how he was portrayed in the movies and the gekkoukan school uniform is my favorite one.
I beat SMT5 a few weeks ago and now I'm going back to P5R on the Switch. I like the characters a lot so far, but I can't see Ryuji/MC or Yusuke/MC being a thing. Ryuji is too much of a bro, even if I find him very cute. I'm in the middle of the second arc,and since I stopped playing the original after starting the 3rd arc, I'm looking forward to seeing Akechi again.
>>1751I liked Yusuke x Kurusu since Yusuke was my favorite party member and I invested all my time into him first, but by the end of the game my favorite pairing in the game was
Mishima x Kurusu I assume you ship him with Akechi then, or are you undecided right now?
>>1752I'm undecided so far. I saw a shit ton of spoiler on /v/ before the original game got released in Japan because of a leak and I was super curious, Akechi seems super interesting because I like rivalries.
>>1866Haven't played P5R so I can't comment on characters exclusive to it, but glad you're finding things to enjoy in it. Personally liked Makoto she reminded me of Mitsuru from P3 and was my favorite female party member.
Yusuke is great and I'd suggest giving at least a little of his social link a shot, though if his characterization in his dungeon didn't grip you I doubt you'll find more to love.
Futaba's dungeon is so cool, I love the vibe it has, I'm a suckered for Egyptian aesthics in general so it's one of my favorites in the game. I hope you like it
What do you think of non-party member social links right now? Who are you working on?
Well, we're finally back. Just dropping by to say I still haven't beaten P5R. I'm about to beat Sae's shadow, but for now I'm doing some social link stuff until the right date. My boss is absent for 3 weeks from now on, I will be able to work from home when I want without her knowing and there's almost nothing to do at the office for the rest of the month so I'll play a lot more and get more MC/Akechi scenes. I thought Futaba's dungeon and Haru's dungeon were boring but now the story is a lot more enjoyable. It feels like it's all coming together. I should be able to get the Royal exclusive content fairly easily as well.
>>1887Glad you're still chugging along P5 nonna, personally loved Futaba dungeon due to the Egyptian theme but even though you didn't I'm glad youre at parts you enjoy now.
I see Ren/Akechi is still OTP for you, lol. Hope you get that gaming time in.
>>1891It's not really Futaba's dungeon itself that I disliked, it's more that the summer break that happened with it and the insane number of cutscenes that happened again and again. I'm having a headache, I played for like 10h in a row today in the middle of a heatwave with no aircon. Pray for me.
>>1887happy to hear you’re still playing, nonna!
i personally liked futaba’s palace, but some of the puzzles were grating. that whole chunk of the game definitely suffers from the usual persona issue of summer break filler that doesn’t really advance the plot much. and i 100% relate when it comes to haru’s arc. the space station stuff makes… not a ton of sense. the puzzles aren’t very fun (although i didn’t mind the airlock). and the boss fight is total bullshit, even in royal. sae’s boss fight is fun, though. and the plot stays on rails after that, so the pace picks up a ton.
have you gotten to akechi’s rank 8 yet? i can’t recall precisely where that happens, i just remember that it’s somewhere around the time of the sae stuff. and it’s like, the peak of mc/akechi.
>>1893Yes I reach his 8th rank. I should be close enough to starting the next dungeon, so now iirc I have to wait to reach the new ranks. I also reached Maruki's 10th rank so I should be able to access the Royal exclusive dungeon.
>>1894Update, I just beat Shido and I'm so glad I didn't miss on Akechi's confident because as far as I'm concerned the MC and Akechi are made for each other. Don't even argue with me. And now I'm doing everyone else's confident before I have access to the next dungeon. I hope I don't mess up and can have access to the Royal exclusive content after that.
Fun fact: I'm maxing out the main characters' confidents and while I often see English speakers complaining that everyone is obsessed with the MC and worshipping him, everytime it seems to happen in the French translation Ann, Ryuji, Yusuke, etc. use plural "you" so it doesn't seem like it at all. I guess English is way more vague since "you" is always the same word no matter if it's singular or plural but in these scenes it really just seems like the characters aren't just thanking the MC for his help and friendship but the entire group of friends. I also really like that they all have friends or goals outside of the group but it doesn't apply just to P5.
>>1914>aren't just thanking the MC for his help and friendship but the entire group of friends. I also really like that they all have friends or goals outside of the group but it doesn't apply just to P5.Interesting how small linguistic changes can totally change the tone. I agree with other English speakers that people seem obsessed with MC, but I think the same could be said about P4. I wonder how you're supposed to take the interactions in the original JP release?
Good luck with the Royal content!
>>1914a bit late, but congrats on beating shido! and you’re sooo right on the mc and akechi thing. i think i said this in some other thread before the backup fiasco, but it’s really like those two were made in a lab to be the most scientifically perfect fujobait ever. it’s insane and they’re insane and i love it.
anyway, if you have kasumi at rank 5 and maruki at rank 10, then i’m pretty sure that’s all you need to get the royal content, so i don’t think it can be messed up? don’t quote me on that, though.
and the fun fact about the french translation is pretty cool, and sounds like it flows really nicely. in english, “you” really tends to sound protag-centric most of the time to my ears, since (at least where i live) most people would address a group as “you all” or “you guys.” even then, though, i didn’t mind the mc ass-kissing all that much since it’s basically a staple of social sim elements in video games, kek. but the french translation still sounds really nice.
>>1921>i think i said this in some other thread before the backup fiasco, but it’s really like those two were made in a lab to be the most scientifically perfect fujobait ever. it’s insane and they’re insane and i love it.Yes that's exactly it. It's like some fujoshi at Atlus grew up reading Death Note, shipped Light/L, and convinced the other writers to do the same thing but way more deliberate. Especially since P4 and P5 blatantly reference Death Note. Nothing from Atlus surprises me given that they nearly gave us Yu/Yosuke and they made Vincent bisexual in Catherine Fullbody.
>but the french translation still sounds really nice.It is for the most part. There are a few typos here and there but the dialogues seem so natural. I already said Ryuji swears all the time in French instead of just saying "effing" and "crap" like in English. Well Akechi swears even more. I swear a lot and these two aren't any better than me kek so Akechi losing his shit during his boss fight felt pretty real instead of just feeling like the usual anime villain monologue.
>>1920>I wonder how you're supposed to take the interactions in the original JP release?I can't even tell you because I have the Japanese voice acting in my run and the characters have voiced lines in their 10th ranks but I don't remember very well.
>>1922>>1921Dang reading these posts makes me want to pick up P5R and replay it once again. Back when I was in my P5 hype phase when the game came out I was breathing every MC/Akechi content that came out and when P5R came out and they added all those Akechi confidant scenes I got even more obsessed. They were so perfect, I loved the cat and mouse thing they had going on and holy shit Akechi losing his shit and then showing his real personality as the sassy bitch in the extra part added in Royal was amazing. I wish more fujobait like that existed to be honest, they were calculated to perfection and I love it. They definitely had a fujo in the writing team pulling some important strings.
I just beat the "final" boss, saved Shibuya and I can confirm that I unlocked the arc that's exclusive to Royal. Fuck Atlus, they won't let me screenshot anything anymore now because they're deadly scared of spoilers even though I'm playing on the Switch and the Switch version was released later than anywhere else. Thank fucking god Maruki and Kasumi aren't as obnoxious and out of place as Marie in P4G, I'm already interested in that new arc.
kek at Mona becoming a bishonen but still sounding like pikachu and sleeping with the MC>>1923I was obsessed too because of the leaks on /v/ a few days before the original game got released in Japan. The twists seemed insane to me, even more than learning that
Adachi is the killer in P4. Akechi is already bitchy at the very beginning of the new arc.
>I wish more fujobait like that existed to be honestAtlus is the best for fujobait that isn't half-assed. I will always recommend DDS1 and 2 because it's a really good game but there's so much going on with Serph and Heat. I've heard that Yamato is also pretty gay for the MC in Devil Survivor 2 but I haven't played it yet. Someday though.
>They definitely had a fujo in the writing team pulling some important strings.Allegedly they have a lot of female employees at Atlus and just a few years ago they hired many more of them. I remember people making fun of Hashino in an interview for P3 for saying he never had female friends when he was a teenager but they always omit the context: he let the female writers work on social links for the female characters for that reason, to make them as believable as possible.
I finally beat P5R! The game is way too long, I did NG+ runs with P3P and P4G right after beating them but I'll just not touch this one again until I'm far enough in my backlog. The next time I'll try to beat optional bosses and finish all the confidents. I have this opinion for the other games as well but the human antagonists were way better than the gods. At least here it felt a bit more personal than usual since the antagonists tricks us into thinking he's Igor and it works very well because of the whole VA replacement going on after the original Japanese voice actor for Igor died. I was so happy when I heard his voice again once the real Igor came back. Speaking of which, what's going to happen next? The whole plot is based on the spoilers I explained but if P6 ever gets released will Igor still be there? Will he just have reused lines and whoever the new attendent will be will have all the new lines? Or will they bring Philemon back to compensate? Will P6 be inspired by Death Note AGAIN? Will Atlus keep copypasting entire plots and characters from their favorite manga and books to write the story? Will there be a new murder mystery for the 3rd time? I'm not even sure it's in development just yet because of the remake of P3 coming soon and the previous Persona devs working on Metaphor or whatever it's called.
As for the BL side of things. I confirm yet again that I'm 100% sure there's a good amount of fujoshi working in Atlus and not even trying to hide it. The MC and Akechi are straight up treated like star-crossed lovers in the last arc. Between this and the Aogami/MC pairing in SMT5 which is obviously based on the whole Susanoo and Kushinada myth, you know, a married couple I feel spoiled. I wish I could post pics right now. I'll play Pokemon Legends Arceus from now on.
>>1931Atlus hasn't done jack dick with Akechi for three years since the game came out. Any goodwill I had when the game came out is pretty much gone now as Atlus is pretending he doesn't exist because it looks too gay and they care more about the dudebros who are triggered by Akechi than they care about actual fujos. It's nothing like they did with P2.
Both Joker/Akechi and Aogami/MC are two pairs that were done completely dirty bt their source materials either being rushed or not committing all the way.
>>1934They made Akechi more gay if anything in P5R. It's bait anyway, I doubt dudebros would even notice.
>>1934More proof that we Adachi fans can't stop winning.
I jest, I jest.
Akechi is more blatently fujobait in his own game as opposed to other antagonistical characters in the modern Persona games ramping up his role in Royal is definitely fujo fanaservice. Suprised he doesn't have more of a role in the P5 spin-offs maybe you're right that it's about not scaring male fans. Though the series has always been equally split in terms of fan service and fans know that.
Have you tried the newest Q spinoff for P5? It's not mindblowing by any means but it does have more Akechi.
>>1935>>1936He is more gay in Royal, but that makes Atlus refusing to touch it or put out his merch and keep him in DLC even worse. They had no problem acknowledging Golden, pimping out Adachi, making more material, but three whole years post Royal and Akechi fans still have to beg for DLC? It's fujo fanservice but it still pisses me off that they won't do more with him only because the dudebros hate him. Fujos need to be louder and more toxic. Them not acknowledging Royal or even following up on it looks worse the more time passes.
>>1937>but that makes Atlus refusing to touch it or put out his merch and keep him in DLC even worseIt's not because he's fujobait. It's because Atlus is extremely anal about spoilers. He's implied to have died in the original game, it's way more ambiguous in Royal and they added a lot of scenes and development with him, but these idiots at Atlus don't want people to see spoilers of a game that was released years ago and had a rerelease in 2019 and had an anime adaptation. The Switch version was released in late October 2022 and you can't take screenshots during the last arc that's exclusive to Royal because "muh spoilers", in SMT5 you can't take screenshots after you choose your alignment once and for all to prevent players from posting spoilers on social media, when Catherine got released years ago Atlus made announcements about how players should pretty please NOT spoil the mysteries such as
Catherine being a demon and they even do that in sequels and spinoffs, it's insane, but I don't remember if they also blocked screenshots in Catherine Fullbody, which I also have on the Switch. Once Metaphor and the P3 remake will be released I wouldn't be surprised if they did this as well.
Another reason why he's DLC is because Atlus knows a lot of their customers have been Japanese women since the very beginning and they will spend money on their husbandos and gay ships no matter what. They're greedy, but I find it understandable since they nearly went bankrupt before being bought by Sega and that's why there were so many P4 spinoffs for years.
I recently started playing P5 after not playing a Persona game for ages. I like it so far, Yusuke is very cute. I see a lot of really nice BL fanart for 5 especially, I'm looking forward to meeting the Akechi guy and I have horrible thoughts already about Maruki/MC lol.
My favorite Persona is the P2 duology and I revisit it every few years. Tatsukatsu anon, if you still lurk here, you're a real one
>>1939They always kept it ambgious to test the waters, he was never confirmed dead except from fans who wanted him gone. It's not spoilers, they just don't want to shill him because fujos are pathetic. If he was a girl waifufags would already have hounded Atlus and they would have brought him back.
>>1987I already really like the idea of Yusuke / MC so far, I'm sure I will eat very well for both! Thank you for your taste!
>>2083Are you the Nonna who was starting the game above?
How's that going?
Seeing someone describe Ryomina as the Kawoshin of Persona kinda blew my mind cause when I played Persona 3 I never actually made that connection myself, but thinking about it some more I can see it. I only started this series with that game back in May but I enjoyed myself enough that I'm already considering when I'll get to playing Persona 4.
>>2114It's way more obvious if you play in Japanese because Ryoji and the MC are voiced by Akira Ishida.
>>2082>>2084You nonnas are so, so sweet, thank you for the fanart and for asking! I play really slowly because I work a lot, right now I'm at the start of the third palace. I loved the whole backstory of Yusuke, I thought it was really interesting! I've been having so much fun!
>>2118i’m happy to hear that you’re having fun with it, nonna! have you done much of yusuke’s social link/confidant yet? i remember it being legitimately pretty funny, and having some solid ship fodder in it too. and as
>>2119 said, you’re not taking very long at all. i tend to binge-play games and it still took me ages to finish it.
>>2118Go check @shamoji_pe on twitter she posts a lot of Joker/Yusuke art on twitter.
>>2119Good to know that I'm not playing at a snail's pace, I felt like I was moving a little slow due to already having 40 hours sunk in and only being that far!
>>2121I would really like to but have not gotten to start his social link yet, I assume I can't talk to him at the train station to trigger it until later on for plot reasons, unless I have to do something special to activate it?
>>2123This artist's style is so nice, thank you for the recommendation!
>>2372Congrats on beating the game!
>Now off to get a steam deck so I can mod the F out of this and play as a girl to fuck Mishima.I didn't know there was a mod like that, I'm sad to see that Maruki isn't an option, but Mishima is cute too. He was my favourite character when I played p5 for the first time.
>>2373>>2373Maruki actually grew on me. I usually don't like therapists due to only meeting shit ones irl, but his convictions grew on me, since he reminded me of the one nice mental health professional I know (A family friend). I've heard the saying 'Mental health people are in it to heal themselves by attempting to heal other people' and I think that reflects very well on Maruki.
At first I was like, 'eeeew old man' (no judgement, just not a fan of old man/young girl age gap myself) at your suggestion at dating him but then I realised, that would suit the theme of the game, seeing as the MC can go out with so many older women in a way that the game actively kinks on. Maruki has one of the few personalities which 'works' in my brain for age gap with female. He's innocent and teasable.
I seriously wish that was an option, where Maruki keeps getting flustered by the age difference and you can tease him by pointing it out, you can go on dates and he worries about being seen with a high school GF, as well as the whole 'dating your patient' taboo (I mean, male MC can date his teacher).
I also really adore Mishima and he's a cutie, I just wish he got beat up more. Bandages suit him.
>>2374I've also only had bad experiences with mental health professionals including school counselors and considering I was still in high school myself I didn't look forward to spending time with him ingame at first. His looks weren't my taste either, but his personality and ideals made me like him very much. He is a good person in my opinion and I generally agree with his convictions.
>Maruki keeps getting flustered by the age difference and you can tease him by pointing it out, you can go on dates and he worries about being seen with a high school GF, as well as the whole 'dating your patient' tabooI would love that. If p5r had a female MC I'm sure that would have been an option, since we can date Ken in p3p (I just noticed it's mostly younger guy/older woman in persona games for some reason).
As for Mishima, I wish he got beat up more too, maybe even raped a little, hehe…
>>2375>Raped a littleBy who, anon? The rest of the volleyball team? Some volleyball guy in denial about his sexuality, and taking his frustrations out on Mishima? Kamoshida?
>>2376I was thinking of Kamoshida, but your other suggestions are great as well! I can't think of a specific scenario sadly, I don't remember the game well enough.
>>2378Atlus did them so dirty I'll forever be pissed.
I very recently started playing Persona 4 and I'm basically in the story leadup to the second dungeon but it's fun to finally see all these characters in their original context. When I realised what dynamic the detective uncle and his subordinate had I thought to myself "Oh yeah, I bet these two have a whole bunch of doujins." I can vibe with Yosuke/MC as well cause I ended up finding Yosuke more likable way quicker than Junpei in 3, as far as MC's first dude friends go.
>>2578>I'm sure you already know about the cut social link content with him? I think some of it is remnants of that which I'm grateful for.Yeah I've heard about it vaguely. I haven't actually examined it in detail though. I probably should now that I'm gonna have context for the characters.
Honestly I don't even care if this makes me a basic bitch but lately a bunch of edgy gay shipping art for Persona 5 made its way to my twitter timeline and I'm actually quite into edgelord theming so now I find myself downloading P5R. I was going to play it eventually anyway but it hasn't been that long since I completed 4 so I didn't want to burn myself out. The artwork ended up giving me a push though.
>>2756That's an interesting coincidence, I'm also in that section of the game right now. Though I'm far enough in the palace that I can finish it in my next play session most likely. I was already down with MC and Akechi's yandere homo rivalry before, so my mind was blown when I found out the game was going to throw more fuel at me later on.
>>2757ahh i've been putting myself from playing it too much because I know i'll finish it all in one sitting, i really like Maruki's character too and Morgana is cute as a pretty boy (it makes his occasional perviness towards Ann a but more eyebrow raising though) usually it wouldn't matter if i overindulged in a persona game as if I miss the characters too much I could always just play one of the goofy spinoff games to see them again, but ngl i'm a bit turned off from persona 5 strikers and the other spinoff games as they won't have akechi in all his glory and i won't buy dlc for a spinoff game
aaaah when i got the showtime with akechi and joker as well… i can't believe atlas is literally pandering to me and my love for yandere homos
>>2756Are you playing dub or sub, anon? For p5?
I admit, I was happily surprised by Rin being male, and not wanting to be female like Erika. It made it feel a bit less worrying about his future with Vincent, since the game took it so seriously and made it clear he was male and had no qualms with that, outside of 'I want my love interest to look at me like he looks at cute girls'. It felt like it was easier to buy that Vincent was serious and would still love Rin even after twink death.
Also, I love Katherine's line about it, clearing the air in one fell swoop: 'Well, if it's a guy, then no wonder I had no chance'
homo gotta homo.
>>2759Ngl I was initially expecting some sort of line about Rin aiming to look cute for Vincent or have him see him as a girl and I was happy there was none of that. Katherine being an epic faghag who was shooketh but ultimately supportive. Ngl I'm definitely glad there was some soup searching after Vincent found out Rin was male, if he just went "well he's cute so who cares!" It would have definitely made it look like their relationship had an expiry date. The way Vincent's friends were all supportive was nice too, a big step up from Yousuke asking Kanji if he's going to assrape him in his sleep and the random flamboyant homos molesting Ryuji. (Though ngl I honestly like a bit of realistic homophobia, this is Japan after all)
It's just a shame that visually they don't really look like a gay couple, I feel like they could have achieved the same affect Rin has if they made him a femboy but I digress, any form of canonical homosexuality in an Atlas game is appreciated.
And I'm playing the dub for p5, I'm usually a sub purist but I quite like the dubs for Atlas games ehe
I personally can't use an english dub for a game set in japan. It's just my personal hangup but it feels off to me. As someone who watches a lot of anime I also like to see if I can recognise certain Seiyuu like how I immediately clocked Ryuji as Mamoru Miyano and Joker as Jun Fukuyama.
I love Persona, though I haven't played 5 yet. But hearing the praises for Royal maybe it's not too bad to start it now. Recently finally finished 4 since I am PC only for a long time and couldn't play it before. Nice to see that it has a thread here, I am a sucker for games and manga that thematize occultism.
>>1020>Fav installment?P2 for the story, P3 for the gameplay.
>Fav social links?Wish I could answer that, but played P3 ages ago so my memories of the SL content are too fuzzy to choose one. I enjoyed Ryoji, Akinari and Fuuka's SL a lot though.
For P3 it's probably Doujima, followed by Naoto and Kanji.
>Fav villains?Adachi and Nyarlathotep. Takaya Sakaki as secondary villain.
>Thoughts on the direction of the franchiseI think that all of the games are awesome and not replaceable. Think that P3 and P4 had some dragging moments as the others have said that made them feel more like a toothless dating game at times, but it doesn't kill my fun.
>Where do you hope the sequels go?- See above. I blame the huge amount of social links we have + passage of time. Since you have so many to develop (some of them with deadlines) you use up most of the time for SLing and because every meeting costs you half of the day you might spend a whole month with nothing but SLs which can feel forced and repetitive. I think that part needs more variation and liberty.
- Agree that the SL developments should be implemented more into the main plot. A bit like in a visual novel. If you maxed the SL of [character], then you'll get some new options or the character should change their behavior during a plot point. More fun and more replay value.
- I also want an explicitly gay social link with love option already.
- Personally, I wish for a remake of the first two games. Fantastic stories and characters IMO, but I hated the gameplay to be honest, especially the battles. I think they would have huge potential with updated graphics, new gameplay and additional content for characters, story options and interactions.
- Also, most importantly of all: Release P6 already. And hopefully not wait another decade till 7. And PC please.
>>2770I feel similar with 1 and 2 I like the characters and story, but the gameplay doesn't appeal to me as much. I'm a bit peeved 3 got the flashy remake out of all of them because I think a remake in the style of P5 for P1 could have given more attention to the characters. Someday the Kei fan art will flow.
Though I'm not much for remakes in general and want the series to come out with P6 already. Even if they remake the first two I probably wouldn't buy them since I rarely revisit games I've beaten.
>>2772I love Nanjo so fucking much. My Persona husbando forever and ever. Modern persona fans, especially moids, are not ready for a character like him.
>>2772>I'm a bit peeved 3 got the flashy remake out of all of them because I think a remake in the style of P5 for P1 could have given more attention to the characters.Yeah, I get that. I'm not familiar with the first two personas but as someone whose first persona was 3 portable I thought it held up fine enough. Meanwhile I did consistently hear that the gameplay of persona 1 and 2 hasn't aged that well. I went from 3 to 4 to 5 recently and I'd like to try the first two games one day but I'll have to do that at a later date cause I only hit credits on 5R last night so I'm gonna be Persona'd out for a while.
ahh i want persona 2 to eventually get the flashy remake it deserves, so many cute boys, a gorgeous aesthetic and unambiguous homosexuality
>>2775If it ever gets remade, I forsee a golden age of Tatsuya x Jun doujin.
I didn't observe the Persona related developments in recent times (partly for being unable to play them before their steam releases) I thought P6 was already out for ages. P5 was released 8 years ago by now, do we know anything new about it that was revealed the last years?
Personally agree that I would love a remake of the first two games, maybe with additional or some alternative content to attract even the more casual fans that played them at some point. For me it was primarily the battles and Persona catching that was tedious. It made me drop the games and I needed years till I was motivated enough to play them again and finish them. The characters and stories are top and deserve more recognition IMO.
>>2777>do we know anything new about it that was revealed the last years?There's a reliable SEGA/Atlus leaker named Midori that leaked that P6's main color is green and that P1 and P2 remakes are in the works, amongst other things. You can find more info in the
GamingLeaksAndRumours reddit.
>>2778Just checked out some of the leaks. So far I'm inclined to believe the color leak and the multiplatform one. Not sure on the twin protagonist leak though. It kinda sounds like some weird P3 fanfiction, but maybe I'm wrong. It'd be cool to play as twins.
>>2779The twins leak wasn't Midori, it was some guy that is notorious for lying about FF7 leaks. So yeah, I wouldn't take that one seriously, it sounds like fanfiction like you said. I would only look at Midori leaks, so far she has a 100% correct track record. And I say so far because sometimes the attention gets to a leaker's head and it's only a matter of time before they start spouting bullshit kek
>>2778Damn that would be fantastic, thank you. I mean Persona is so big they would be stupid if they could afford making remakes but decided against it. Can't wait to see the first images for P6 and see the MC.
Though I am also looking forward to the other upcoming ATLUS games on steam since they look great IMO.
>>2778I hope the main color being green implies a rural setting. I would love to see an even smaller town than the one in p4. My dream persona game has a historical setting but I would be content with a nature themed one.
>>2788Nature theme would be nice, I feel like the two main things you can do with green are forests or cyber and of the two I defintley prefer nature.
>>2776Golden age of suoucest* ftfy
>>2801Meh, would mostly appeals to edgelords who like incest for the sake of incest.
I hope it never gets remade because of how annoying the fandom would get, and you just know they'd reuse that ugly persona 5 engine again. I think they'd be too lazy to try recreating all the mechanics it had in hd. There's also the problem of it being less marketable to normies and the edgy content like Hitler which I've always suspected was the real reason they haven't touched it again and likely never will.
>>2802>incest for the sake of incestKatsuya gets literally called "brother complex" in the story. If there's a ship that actually has actual incestual connotations for it existing in all of persona, it's them.
The fandom is already annoying, with puritans everywhere. Which is funny given it's literally the cults and hitler game but everyone pretends that it's not there.
Also, the real reason may likely be the rising sun designs in Apollo and Hyperion's outfits, which was also a problem with trying to localize P5R.
>>2803Preach it nonna, brocons are rare in fiction and it's nice to have canon ones.
I'm pretty neutral on suoucest (I ship Tatsuya with Mishina) but I see the canon basis for it and agree it isn't just incest for the sake of incest.
>>2803>the real reason may likely be the rising sun designs in Apollo and Hyperion's outfits,Korea needs to fucking get over it. Japan is never going to apologize
>with puritans everywhereNgl, I still seethe how retards completely forgive Jun for his crimes (uwu gay bean) and think Goro is the worst just because he killed Wakaba and Literal Who's irrelevant cunt father. And I like Jun btw
>>2776You do not want modern fandom near Jun.
>>2807Japanese fandom is still fine, isn't it?
There's some drama going down in the persona fandom. Apparently Midori, the leaker, is actually some other leaker originally known as Mystic. He's apparently got some lolcow status for being a girlfriend beater and attention whore. Also I keep seeing that his leaks were fake/old. But take that with a grain of salt.
>>2372>gay mod for p5rI'm like 4 months late, but it exists for Mishima, Ryuji, Yusuke, and third semester Akechi. Doesn't seem like there's any plans for adding Maruki, Iwai, or Shinya, but I'm glad it at least exists.
>>2851>that Akechi spoilerAh this makes me happy. I was never too sure on what actually happened because I feared the worst. Nice to know if I ever decide to play Royal, I won't feel like shit when I beat it.
>>2851>glad it was confirmed at the end that akechi is alive tooYou think so? I assumed it just meant "Joker will never forget about him."
>>2853i mean if it was just Joker never forgetting him i feel like something like that would be a bit more blatant, if he was an illusion there would be no need to show the two men escorting him (likely police at this point and not Shido's goons) i suppose it's technically classed as ambiguous
>>2853ah sorry i should have censored it, but yeah as long as you max his friendship and get the true ending you can see this scene
>>2853Im with the other nonna I interperted it as him living, but I suppose until Atlas makes a game with the P5 cast that isn't set in weird ambiguous times its up in the air.
>>2852>some dramaThis is pretty much why I don't believe anybody who claims to be a woman online unless they are also openly a fujoshi with a history of fujoing you can access at a glance. If a man plays the long con on this then he has earned womanhood as far as I'm concerned.
>>2861based, yousukecest and kanjicest is elite
>>2868It really is, ultimate bastard energy.
Also, I'm suprised Atlas hasn't made shadows in any capacity for 5 to my knowledge. The P3 cast got them, maybe if they every release an new Persona Arena game they'll add some unofficial ones.
>>1020Just finished P4 Golden (never played the vanilla game). Surprisingly the side character SLs were the ones I enjoyed the most again, save for Kanji's (and maybe Rise's) SL but I generally love Kanji.
Hard to choose, but the old widow (Death), Kanji, Ai, Doujima and Kou (Strength) certainly belong to my favorites. Ai was a surprise. I wasn't very interested first and postponed her SL till Death and Strength were the only other unfinished ones, but after bond lv. 4 it got genuinely interesting. It's also cool that it has two different routes besides the generic friendship/romance choice, unlike the others.
Generally a cool game, I especially love Yosuke, Kanji, Doujima and Adachi and I am into Yu's design and color scheme, more than the MC of P3 and 5 tbh, lol. Just wish the identity of the killer wasn't spoiled for me like 15 years ago, but guess it's impossible to forget the "bitches and whore" meme and the gay Adachi porn on my timeline and 4chan back then. Anyway, Adachi is made for molestation.
>>2874P4 is my favorite of them personally so I'm glad you liked it! It is a shame that its basically impossible to start the game without knowing he's the killer, I played it close to release and was already spoiled right away. It's poorly kept, and while I keep telling myself that its sper obvious I wish I had a chance to play it without knowing.
Oh well, knowing it is probably the reason I immediately shipped Adachi/Doujima before I even finished the game.
>>2875Same, kek. It's one of the most widely known spoilers related to Japanese media I think and on par with the "[name] (from F/SN) is the red man" spoiler that was also part of "Adachi is the killer" troll posts. I doubt I even have to censor it since everybody and their grandma knows, but just to be sure.
To me the identity seemed to be kind of obvious but it's hard to tell with the knowledge we already have. I tried to imagine what AU!me would think if I didn't know. My guess is that I would have considered Doujima and Adachi to be the prime suspects regardless, purely due to the process of elimination since the killer is obviously an adult man and there weren't any other relevant ones around. And killers are usually characters that are introduced early on, so not Namatame either, even though it would have made perfect sense after the parcel service reveal.
BUT the narrative makes it obvious that Doujima is innocent (even before Nanako's kidnapping) and Adachi seemed too dumb and funny to be it, so who knows. Maybe the original players suspected King Moron, which would be funny. Hell he even made some mean commentaries about the dead and he was angry and super strict, I can see players suspecting him to despise the students and the first victim enough to kill them.
>>2899im not sure *how* desperate you are for fics, but i am reminded of the fic where yosuke was peer pressured into getting fucked by a dog by some guys that was brought up by another nona in old threads. read at your own risk lmao No.2901
>>2900crying, nona.. i already had this bookmarked. thank you though
>>2900lmao I was the one who recced that
>>2899I am also the one who normally brings up Sympathy Crime as an early example of illiterate proto-antis trying to tear down an author's professional opportunities over fanfic. It's about Adachi dating/abusing Yosuke while the events of P4 play out: It's been over 10 years since I read it but I remember it being a fic I couldn't tear myself away from. I spent a few days straight one summer just reading it.
If you're up for digging yourself, P3 and 4 are both old enough that if you have read everything worth reading on Ao3 there could be stuff you'd like on or livejournal.
>>2904I just remembered there was also a Yu(Souji)/Yosuke VN:'m really surprised fan VNs aren't more popular. The obvious answer is that they are way more labor intensive than art and fic (so if you are going to do it at all you might as well make it an original work), but the numbers still seem low for how big fandom is now.
>>2950Danganronpa has a few both of the yaoi and non-yaoi variety but yeah I assume the workload is the primary issue. If you already have the sprites though from a video game or VN its probably much easier.
Thanks for the link nonna, will check it out when I get home!
>>1020I wish more people were more serious about this series instead of coomer tourists who never even played any of the games…
>>2954I feel like most people have played at least one game, but I agree there are a lot of newfags every game and a shocking amount who hqve only played P5.
>>2954I'm really surprised they haven't remade 1+2(+2). I know they had PSP releases but giving them the facelift P3 got would definitely bring in new eyes (for better or worse).
>>2955It's funny how every generation the fandom gets a new newfag flood. I remember people posting the same sentiments about P3 back in 2006, then P4 a few years later.
>>2954Serious in what regard? Not that I don't agree but as someone who's completely head drowned deep into Persona, I've seen all the good and the bad of the Persona fandom in the past few years and even the "serious" people are annoying as fuck. Pretentious gatekeeping faggots who either go "new bad, old good" or "new good, old bad", constant discourse of "we need to Adress The Bad Things in Persona" all the fucking time and nobody has fun.
Most western fanartists are pushing an agenda of sorts and the only seemingly 'comfy' spaces are just the shuada/shuake ones (because even the most 'normal ship' ones are full of underage teens or retarded antis, like the souyos or a few ryominafags) and oldsona spaces are all circlejerks of tweens or the same pretentious people mentioned above.
You have the weird hypocriticals that call people who ship 'the persona teens' pedos and the others who call others pedos too if they like older character x the MC.
It's been fucking tough as shit being an actual fujo into persona these days because of more and more stupid people thinking Persona is some deep social commentary and not some dumb weeb funny game so having shipping fun is barely allowed unless you're in the right places (very bare), best you have is just following japanese/chinese artists as usual and hope they don't disappear in like 6~ months after they realize Persona spaces are somehow completely dry.
>>2954Is this a thing? I ship Persona characters and love the games but besides saving fanart I am not in the fandom so I assumed it was normal that everybody played the games they like to talk about. On the other hand it's dumb to believe so, considering that my main fandom is hell since it's comic-based and 60% of the fandom have clearly never read it but have opinions about it regardless. I don't think I could ever do that, it's the experience that comes from playing and reading a story that makes me immerse and love it, not wikia articles.
>call others pedos too if they like older character x the MCThis is (luckily) the only issue I noticed and I admit it reminded me of the issues western fandoms have. I love a lot of Persona characters so I save the cool fanart and Yu/Adachi for example has a lot of that. Of course have I seen some people calling it out. I assumed it was rare back then but again since I am not in the fandom I probably underestimate how common it is. Don't want to know about the discords. The pedo paranoia in the Jojo fandom was part of what made me stop participating in it. Every Jojo character looks like 35 and yet they will still call you out for shipping two of them because they're technically 17 kek.
>>2957Other nonna but thanks for the information. I still remember the P4 threads on /a/ and they were kinda fun despite the abundant meme and shitposting.
>>2954I rarely see any coomer tourists anymore, tbh. When shuake got popular, there were a handful of fans who liked the ship despite never having played either of the P5 games but were still attempting to write fic, draw art, and be loud af in the fandom. Thankfully, I'm not seeing that much anymore.
>>2957Heh, I wonder where you hang out if you're a P3 fan, because I see so much obnoxious discourse about Reload on Twitter. Honestly, western P3 BL fandom is bleak right now. So small and half of them are antis; and the ones posting NSFW are doing it behind alts so you won't even be privy to it unless you're in the In Group.
>>2966It sucks a lot because I remember the P3 LJ days with the kinkmemes, so back then the fujorot for P3 was at full force. I'd almost thought that for reload giving more fuel and pandering than ever before you'd see a little bit more fujos around but it's more of the same people not being that invested or just pointless discourse as usual.
The sekrit clubs are also the worst, but this is a general fandom issue sometimes that you need to be *In* with the people to do/say something.
It really is so strange to me that persona somehow fell off with fujos, not because of the waifu pandering, but because they became too focused on shame for some reason (at least in the west).
Funny you post akishinji because I was dreading in my mind how there'd be idiots who'd might legitimately start arguing it's "incestous" but I'd dismiss the thought for "nah, they wouldn't be THAT stupid would they?" and it's become more spread nowadays after reload kek I hate it here
>>2967I wasn't into P3 when the kink meme was active, but I've gone looking for fic there before and was actually shocked at how barren it seemed, particularly in comparison to the very popular P4 meme. Mostly a lot of femc stuff, since I guess P3P just came out.
Very curious where all the P3 fujos hung out in the heyday. I'm still wondering where the original fanworks are living. I scoured LJ comms as well. Thankfully, I managed to get my hands on some ~*vintage*~ doujinshi but it's not enough.
>"incestous" God, I remember one of the more prevelant akishinji writers getting an ask on retrospring from someone worried they were shipping incest because Akihiko and Shinjiro's personas are brothers LMAO. You can't make up this sort of foolishness…
>>2969They canonically aren't brothers but they can be if you put your heart into it.
They did grow up together in an orphanage and lived together there for quite some time so they are brothers in some sense, just not blood related or adopted.
>>2974Nonna that's brilliant. Tbh can I use that for a fic? What a great idea.
>>2975Sorry for late reply, of course!!! You don't need to ask, but I'm thankful you weren't shaming me for not playing games and even liked my first glance interpretation haha
Also wanted to add Shinjiro had extreme guilt and shame over that case, he doesn't resent his parents much, in opposite he somewhat relied on them, I always visualize his father reaching to him to tell him more and him crying, they know about Persona thing but not to full extent, in Dursleys vs Harry way. Rigid, stubborn, traditional household who believed their son was lost and there only devil incarnate in his skin and there the other son who needed to be protected from him. But probably I'm taking too far. I just love complex relationships and making things up for my own enjoyment. No.2977
>>2976ntayrt but this is such an amazing concept. i’d sell my kidney to see this written out in full.
>>3107Yeah the designs rock, villain has big Griffith energy and the protag looks like Minato's edgy brother.
Glad Atlus is doing a new IP even if its another in the vein of P5. The fantasy theming is lovely.
>>3107I've been only following this through random articles and viewing character designs and I did not know the sleeping beauty cutie is a guy.. now I'm feeling very enthusiastic about the homo potential. The Griffith/Akechi love child is cute too
>>3107No way I'm buying this game until I finish most games in my backlog and until Atlus released their usual deluxe edition, but I'll download the demo on the ps5 soon. How long is it? I saw very quickly in an ad that the progress from the demo can be transferred to the full game and the last game I remember that did this was Dragon Quest 11, with a demo that lasted for like 10 hours.
>>3108I really like the fantasy theming as well. I feel like there hasn't been that many fantasy rpgs that aren't exact copies of stuff that already exists in recent years or remakes/sequels, so this one is kinda a breath of fresh air.
>>3109Yeah a lot of the guys are really pretty. But to me it's not in the "draw a girl, call it a boy" way. I really like that there's so many pretty androgynous guys. Blue-haired picrel is also a guy.
>>3110Google says the demo is about 5 hours long, but apparently some people are playing it for as long as 60 hours. It's just the opening prologue.
>Tiny altchan
>Still fucking 90% Nusona
God, fuck OFF.
>>3112>why are people posting about the longer, modern, more accessible games which are on nearly every fucking platform instead of the 20+ year old games with questionable localization that you can’t play outside of emulation??!?!?!!nonna, i love p2 and wish that there were more pre-p3 fans with all my heart, but this is just embarrassing.
>>3114P1 did eventually get a better localization for one of the portable Playstation systems but it's still just not that fun. Great characters, but it's a slog to get going and imo doesn't do the best job explaining it's rpg mechanics. After you get like 10 hours in it does get better, but I think it would have benefited from the flashy remake compared to yet another P3 one.
Both P2s hold up fine and I don't get why they aren't more popular.
>>3114 said, accessibility. To play P2 in english, you play IS on the psp and then EP on ps1, which requires two different emulators and is an awkward jump back in game tech. Alternatively, you could play both on ps1 with the IS translation hack or recently, the psp translation hack of EP that came out a few years ago. It's a lot of hoops to jump through to play a game. I suppose you could always play EP first, but most people nowadays wouldn't like to play a game out of order unless that's how it was originally released.
>>3116I bought a PS1 copy for PS3 when they sold all the old SMT games on PSN. So there's that. I think PSN shut down on the PS3 two years ago however.
>>3858I blind played Eternal Punishment not knowing it was the second and got about 3 hours in before telling myself I'd finish but never did.
That said, what I did play was fun with an incredible OST and cool set up . A shame the PSP version of the OST is on Spotify and not the PS original because whatever the fuck they did to the instruments is actual horseshit